Empyrion - EP01 - Guide to Survive - Starting Out

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we are oh run ow [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and welcome to let's play Imperial this is learning to survive and this is 1.10 which is the newest update from empiron at present we're gonna go Street in with a standard fairly standard Survival game and we will be learning to survive here which will make it a guide will randomize the seed just for a bit of fun we'll call it LTS oh even better LTS there we go and I will just go through normally it will start you on medium settings which is as such I've changed this slightly for the let's play now all of this stays very much the same this is the gear you start with this is keeping stuff on your bar you can keep everything if you wish um or nothing which used to be the default but I like toolbar items player progression normal degradation speed this is how quickly your armor out and weapons degrade food consumption oxygen consumption that's all fairly obvious amount of water deposits yes Automotive depletion basically means doesn't Auto minor eat your deposit we'll leave that true for this medium on enemy difficulty I'm gonna up the difficulty of drones and the number of drone attacks just so we get to see a few more of those construction speed I will put on Fast and blueprint I will put on fast because it makes the left let's play Go a bit smoother and not so much weighting around blueprint spawn limit this means you have to build like a big pad to spawn your blueprint in on I don't recommend it normally I would turn blocks limits off for certain devices because this arbitrarily says for example you can only have six Gatling guns on a ship and then four lasers or whatever but to be honest if you've got the power if you've got the CPU why can't you have 28 you know rocket launchers uh massive volume checks this is basically things have weight and mass and volume TPU points this limit your ships um I enjoy this very much um unlock check blueprint Factory this means you have to unlock a technology before you can use a blueprint which uses it this is new if you're a new player I still like to have this on because it will teach you what things are but it's up to you so with that we're going to go straight in with a temperate start which will be what most people will start with each new system has there or each new planet has their own sort of quest line that goes a bit with them there's even a space start here but this is blueprint disabled no tutorial but we will do the basic start that everyone will probably start on so the game starts you off by crashing into the planet on an escape pod where it will then hopefully kick you straight into an opportunity to start the tutorial which is the Robinsons protocol and that should kick off like this emergency situation detected Robinson protocol uch001a initiated do you want to activate the tutorial help information system okay so this is the basic thing saying do I want to start the Robinsons protocol which is a tutorial we'll say yes for now I'm not sure I still seem to have debug mode enabled which was from my other tests so that was a little bit up in the corner I'll turn that off quickly um so first thing we'll pick up everything here and that will be recommended to us in the Robertson's protocol which has said press tab to open your inventory this has some guides on how to use the survival tool and some simple building but we'll get to those in this tutorial in due time they don't tell you that much anyway I would suggest putting your survival tool first here light wherever the hell you like um some bandages we'll put the food there which I can detector down here and we'll put the tent there now survival tool is fairly straightforward if you right click you will have a defensive mode a resource mode and a salvage mode um defensive mode fairly obvious you shoot things resource mode Mining and harvesting these rocks and Salvage mode is for salvaging blocks this will give you constituent parts and not whole blocks there is a different tool for that also you can go around and pick up everything plant protein is basically food these rocks here if we're in resource mode you can see I gathered carbon substrate that rock was apparently made of plastic and this rock is iron bearing these rocks you'll see don't have anything you'll also see that I flashed up with an Explorer token and new resource discovered every time you discover a new resource of some description visit a new world that's a of a different type to what you visited before or anything new like that you'll get an Explorer's token and these can be exchanged later for more interesting things in in a fraction or trading station at a what's called a galactic Information Network terminal but we will get to this stuff much later on so I recommend you start by running around the early start area and grab everything you can lay your hands off and don't spare anything else now what I would suggest early on is we will eat those and for some reason I've noticed my UI is glitched so I'm just gonna fix that because you'll see down the bottom here my UI is not correct and there we go UI fixed all I did was simply restart the game for that it's likely that because I was um mucking around in debug mode in a different save before I started recording this but it glitched the UI nothing major so with all of these you're picking up these protein plants under the tab menu here under you've got stats which is your player stats which will see you're about to hit Level three you have a survival Constructor and you can report some bugs if you need to which you won't get into now first things first we want to grab a bunch of nutrient bars which will make a bunch of those and we'll try and make a bunch of bandages too which will all require this these items you can see what it requires it says here under crafting plant fibers 3 and plant protein too these they weigh nothing and they do not degrade if you leave them in your um survival Constructor which I recommend you do but I've taken these out because I am going to munch on them as I run around and I'm going to munch on them because if I get my health back up towards the 500 end I will actually start to regenerate health sorry if I get my food back up to within the 500 I will start to regenerate health and that is very helpful because it saves some bandages but I'm going to grab those plant fibers and I'm gonna grab these rocks oh before I do that we'll quickly have a look as the quest is asking me to do there on the left I will go into the tech tree there you go congratulations you've unlocked experience points we're at level three now uh by killing enemies finding things everything gets you experienced in one way or another now first thing you want to con unlock always is the portable Constructor you have the O2 condenser but you don't need it on this planet because it's breathable atmosphere we might use one later to make some O2 for a ship but we're not there yet um the portable heat cooler we won't really need on this planet this is all good for cold planets or hot planets now next up on the level three the next things I recommend you unlock will be an assault rifle and a shotgun will want those and keep grabbing all the good things now in this area near where you crash you always find your own like Plateau here this Plateau is kind of a safe haven so there isn't going to be much nasty in the way of nasties here so it's probably wise if you want to be relatively safe early on you might want to put your tent and your stuff here because it will keep you relatively safe and you won't have to deal with too many nasty things I'm probably just gonna look down over the edge there and head towards that resource and as that will probably be useful I'm also going to grab a tree um trees you can take down with resource mode but it's also good for making fuel now we're away from needing fuel but the portable Constructor is quite slow to produce fuel so you can leave it producing in the meantime while it's not doing anything else later and it will save you time and mean you're prepared for when you do need fuel okay I'm just harvesting one last tree and as you'll see if you look at the mini map at the top there's red things all around which means there's things of interest out there to discover um I believe the things inside are points of interest and things outside are things like resources but don't quote me on that I'm not 100 on that one but just below it you'll also see that we're actually a bit warm because we're at 37 degrees C and that says we're a bit hot but if we come down here it's a bit cooler and that's not so bad and we're all happy so this would be a good place to plot down the tent which we shall do and instantly we mow the lawn while we're at it now we have unlocked a survival Constructor so we will get that going I'll also eat another energy bar and I'll take those energy bars out because we have space to do a whole bunch more we're gonna get that portable Constructor going and then we're going to look at one of the other Essentials you will want early on I'm going to let that finish building and then we'll talk about that okay so the portable Constructor is made I've put it on my bar all you then do is just place it down like you did with the tent and you can dump lots of stuff into it now we'll keep those in our inventory for the um survival Constructor everything else will Chuck in there now I'm just gonna get some of those basic memorables going I'm just doing it by a thousand so you click it once you'll get one you shift click it you get 10 you control click it you'll get a hundred and if you hold shift and control together you get a thousand so little tips there now first thing we'll want to build here will be a hover a hover bike construction kit because the hover bike is going to make our lives a lot easier so let's get those up there as well hoverboard construction kit done we'll Chuck around up there and we'll build the actual hoverbike this hover bike is way better than the original hover like it looks better it smells better and most importantly it can turn without requiring half a planet to do so which is fantastic it also has headlights at night which is excellent now as you can see we have spotted a resource here which came up we'll get off the hoverbike which is simply f it does give you the the tip um but normally you would have to use your detector and we've detected an obelisk over there in the distance and we'll look at that slightly later but we will need to mine out these resources now you don't have to mine these out straight away I'm going to early on um it's habit really for me but all you need to do is Get Your Gun have it on get your survival gun have it on resource mode now big tip they don't really seem to tell you about is the Drone the Drone you can fly around and use um basic tool type weapons with it and you can build with it and you can even Scout with it Now quickly just to satisfy the Robinsons protocol we'll also press F1 as it's demanding to and it says this allows you to view tutorials missions blah blah blah and this is basically your your mission world this is your solo missions these are the tutorials this is the encyclopedia you can ask about you can check about things and this is your Journal should you have a tutorial and you want to see what's gone before as well as clicking on these you can click the PDA log and it will actually show you the um a transcript of the messages as they sort of popped up this can be handy for catching up if you've forgotten what's going on which happens to me on occasion so this has asked us to hit the getting started tips which we will hit and activate it will activate a little video here telling us to pick up all the vices pick up plants find edible plants build weapons unlock stuff in the tech tree which we're all doing so we've got that we're happy and we are now going to mine so I'm in this mode I'm left clicking as I go down I go down to the surface here and I go down hopefully into what will be the or deposit this is not it this is Stone and this changing color here or Texture this is the or deposit there we go this is silicon and you can see I'm picking up silicon you can also see that the it says it's a small deposit approximately 90 left as I take more that will drop down and eventually my inventory will fill up there are several tips going on at the bottom which you can read things like beverages which keep you warm if you can't get actual resources you can use things like scrush Stone to actually grind resources but it's highly inefficient um can be used in a desperate case to make silicon copper or iron if you really need to I'll continue in mine as much of this out as I can and then we'll move on so I press F5 to put the Drone away as you'll see the marker has gone completely because I have mined the deposit out completely once you mine the deposit it is gone once it goes down to essentially zero percent so I'm I simply nip home I'm going to Chuck this in the Constructor and qes portable Constructor this crushed stone as you see you can make like copper ore or something out of crushed stone but it takes 15 crushed stone so you see it would take a lot to grind out all that crushed stone but we're gonna set a whole bunch of those silicon ingots going in the meantime we're also going to tell it to make us a shotgun and an assault rifle which we've unlocked now we have some copper which is fairly limited but we get 30 of the shotgun shells per set so we'll take oh I don't know and how many of those do we get 50. so I'm going to take three of these and then I'm going to take the rest of those and nitrocellulous is made from trees if you ever want to know any what anything is made of then you can go into like this menu this becomes much more extensive with larger Constructors but if you ever want to know for example carbon substrate can be made from one crushed stone cement one stone dust biofuel temp plant fibers nanotubes carbon substrate you see it tells you everything things are made from and nitrocellulous is made from plant fibers so it will convert the logs into plant fibers and make the make the bullets so we'll leave that going and in the meantime we will have a look at what else we've got around us let's see we've got another resource over there and another resource over there oh thank you Matt there's one resource here one here and one here what you can do in this mode if you want to check them out is you can simply like Waypoint like this and that can save you messing around with the detector a lot um a lot of people probably don't use waypoints as much as they should in this game because um it can save you messing around with a detector a lot we're gonna grab just a titanium bearing as well we'll grab a couple of those I've seen kicking around here because titanium will come in in useful later though that will be much later because it's a higher level or so if you want to know what deposits are actually available on the planet all you need to do is look into the actual thank you the actual planet map here and it will tell you what there is and how many so there is for iron for copper five silicon there used to be six obviously I got rid of one and two carbon in the meantime I'll just grab this titanium as well because I want enough to be able to make a few titanium plates thank you and we'll go over and check out what that deposit was but yeah there's actually quite a few titanium around here I will grab and many of these like this one here this is buds this will be useful you can make coffee with this which is um a stimulant and can help make you warm and we have the classic Imperial on quit and continue error which I thought they would have got rid of this by now you just have to click continue if it repeatedly pops up then you may have to quit and restart the game but only that's not happened to me too much but it does still happen this is another silicon deposit so I'm gonna give this a pass for now and you see that's disappeared but it has been replaced by a marker which tells me that's a silicon deposit so let's move on and see what some of the other deposits were okay and we'll go over here and this is a full-on copper deposit excellent copper always one of the most useful resources um so we will mine a bunch of this out too I will carry on and mine out it's all exactly the same process um I'll pick this up and get it back to the base okay I brought that copper back and we'll get that processing it'll also start some biofuel running because we have some bullets and we have some weapons here we're gonna just have a quick move around on the bar I happen to like my shotgun first and my assault rifle second the the survival tool does have a shooting mode but I haven't run into anything to demonstrate it on at the moment but um I'll be honest with you it's not great you can kite some low-level enemies and manage but um you know you want the better weapons when you as soon as you can get them I'm gonna check out what this resource is over here as well I mean we might actually run into a telluripod or something running around this sort of swampy area so this is another silicon we have so much silicon and let's check out what this deposit is normally there is one of everything so we've had a copper we've had plenty of silicon one of these should be Iron there you go that was a little pod right there and that is an iron deposit so it's warning me about Nightfall because Nightfall bad things come out and I will demonstrate right here which will be interesting because it will be awfully dark and I can't use them both at the same time look how rubbish this is even on a level one whereas if I use the shotgun which I'll have to reload which I probably could have done with remembering um it will be just dead so that is very important to remember the survival tool is okay but only for very basic enemies so I'll grab some iron which will also help us out a lot with us than having most of the basic resources and then I'll get us back to base and hopefully we will move in some daylight so one thing you'll see I've put a marker a persistent one actually for you for the survival tent just so I can find my way home I have basically loaded myself up with iron which I will jump in here and I will set to process no hurries there though and you'll also notice that on my food area bar which I'll highlight down here um I'm above 450 food so I get a buff which is called comfortable and during which time my health actually regenerates slightly so if I wanted to sleep tonight which if I was playing I probably wouldn't but just as a general cause if I if you want to sleep through the night to make sure you don't run into any of those nasties and just left click and the eight hours will pass now eight hours hasn't really got us all the way there at the moment we've still got another two to go I don't want to sleep another eight hours though in the meantime this has carried on but you can see that biofuel I swear they've slowed it down is really slow now I don't know why that isn't finishing they'll never seem to fix that bug with uh with the time not quite being right look anyway let's take the opportunity of a little bit coming towards light to go over I believe we spotted an obelisk over here we'll have a look over there because the Obelisk is going to trigger the sort of Quests for this planet or one of the sights is here so we'll trigger the quest it gives us something to follow here oh God it's dark it's dark um and it gives us something to sort of get our teeth into so there is a strong Whispering coming from the obelisk uh how mysterious and we will get out it's a shame I don't have a have um the proper suit I only have the basic torch you see it's not it's locked I'm not allowed in but there is a science camp just over here as the sun is rising thank you very much game we can investigate now if we speak to the terminal it will tell us about members of an expedition I am not going to go through all the quests things I've done in several other LPS if you want to see it please go and watch the earlier LPS I have been through and done all the quests and even read it all out but gives you an overview of all the main planets it gives you some planetary data about akure gives you some locations this you're interested in you can say mark on HUD mark on HUD mark on heard mark on HUD and Mark on HUD that is very helpful and will help you find these and get the quest going so you mark them on your HUD and then we close out in here will be a data pad that has some of the tales of Tash again not going to read it the 16 to collect they go across the multiple planets um enjoy the story is what I would say and we'll pick those up as well oh thievery did I just commit thievery uh oh did I commit Steve reason I didn't commit Siri no before you collect a fruit shop or loot an unintended loot box in an inhabited facility make sure the residents are okay with it yes I would get to that when we got there but um basically if it was underneath that s f it would say um the if I loot this I will become unfriendly with the faction in this case that is not the case this is just giving me a warning about the game mechanics and how this can go quite poorly for me so that is useful to know at least where is my bike I think it's over here somewhere the Obelisk looks quite good in good lighting now we have these other artifact sites to go to which will be good things and these we should probably collect some of as well these are herbal leaves these are medicine so that will be very worth having problem with having the bike you have to go back to it well I could pick it up the other thing I need to do is start looking at leveling up a bit more quickly for that we can start shooting random animals of course or bad things um we'll head over to one of these Depots and see what we've got we're heading back into night this way though um let's go over to the artifact site here and see if that is not too bad [Music] oh Okay so I'm not sure what that was but something shot me Commander I'm picking up some kind of communication signal maybe we should follow it before we get bogged down here or do something that might impede our progress apart from the annoying thing is I can't slow down the hover bike while I'm doing this set a marker good God that was awful um okay so use the survival tote Rex right so it's actually going to send us towards that wreck I'm assuming then did you set a marker um I don't know where it set a marker to but I'm assuming it's talking about the wreck I don't know or it might be the artifact site something I thought shot me I took some damage there by that or I hit a tree really hard so Rex Rex are basically just what they sound like you can take this apart for some iron with the Salvage tool but most usually you'll find things like this a multi-tool charge not particularly useful for us right now because we don't have a multi-tool but it may well be in the future if we can lay our hands on a multi-tool now over here we seem to have lost some lost the marker for the artifacts like let's get rid of that to lure a pod before he gives us a problem thank you sir and something else I'm probably gonna do in this area is as I am popping along towards this artifact site um and this looks to be something interesting so put the bike down here it's still a bit night here we will um grab one some natural sweetener does that still heal you it does so that has some health and food effects so we'll use that to top up our health and we'll we're still relatively happy food wise unfortunately I touched those that's annoying um what I want to do before I go in I just want to get some carbon substrate if we've got some around here and get another Constructor because it can be handy to have a Constructor just outside doing things also you can put down a second tent I believe and use it as a spawn point should things go horribly wrong a tent takes seven carbon substrate these days oh well that's unfortunate okay looks like we're going we're going it without carbon substrate then looks like we're going at just the the hard way okay that's a shame because I was hoping as well if I had the bits I could actually having just hit level five get myself the light armor which would make it easier to survive in such situations right let's grab a few of those as well because we might want some of those in terms of meds I think because this is quite dark I'm gonna wait until the sun comes up oh yes as I've been running around waiting for um the sun to come up I have managed to pick up some carbon substrate so I will be making that portable Constructor we also say I'm feeling invigorated this is this butterfly this butterfly is invigorating me and healing me it is very useful at times so there is that and there is actually a mosquito type bug somewhere that also stings the crap out of you and is less fun okay you'll also see because um I've been a fair distance away it's packed my uh bike up and it will actually remove it in a certain period of time if I'm not back so I'm gonna pick it up and I'll put the portable Constructor down and then I'll put it inside the portable Constructor and that will stop it from doing something crazy like despawning um I picked up quite a bit of stone as well just purely because I would like to try and make some iron because I should be able to now make the light armor which I can unlock in the tech tree as I've reached level five the game was also pointing out as I've reached level five I can make either an HV or an SV starter block now you have to ask yourself at this point what do you want to do you want to hover around in HV I tend to go SV early on and that's because my Approach with the game will be to build a warp capable SV and walk to Omicron which is where the game is going to send us slight spoilers there is another way to Omicron through a teleporter um but I don't like that and you could Rush that and pretty much get there right now if you pushed it and took the rights took the right things like coffee to keep you warm because you haven't got an Eva boost at the moment more the light armor made a very basic one you could get up there because it's up in space and you could teleport your way to Omicron but we're not gonna do that is that all it made really okay let's hope it let's hope we can make some more um they've changed the way it does that it does one one block of the one rock at a time by the scenes of it right so now we should make the light armor the rest of this we don't need we should be okay I just want to get the light armor before we go in Okay so we've constructed the light armor we put that in our inventory what we can do is we should be able to just drop it on right now we can't now take it we can take it off light armor you seem to be able to put on and take off he didn't used to quite be able to do it that way and you can put boost in it I think you can drop them in but you can't take them out without an armor Locker not sure but one thing this will do for us is that this means that this is now Superfluous because we have a light on our suit a much better light that will be useful and one of the reasons I wanted that is because if I'm going in here I am expecting that I might need some light and I might need a gun let's reload here and make sure we are ready and reloaded anything these barrels are fine okay somewhere to sleep ah T6 plasma nice that is used for making medicine so that is good to have the one thing you would really like to have here and this is why sometimes going early with a hover vessel is nice is because you would probably like to have right here somewhere to store a lot of the stuff you are going to pick up um but at the moment we don't have that that benefit so we're gonna just be doing what we can and trying to store it in this and we may even have to do I may even have to do a run to this off camera to pick up bits if there's lots of goodies in here right let's check out what's in here oh the other thing I recommend is pressing J because that turns onto a jet pack means you can jump nice and high U is your helmet should you want to take it on and off and these guys are dicks as you see he stunned me straight out because I wasn't paying attention um uh and you see them in the wild and they even seem like they're friendly to start off with but these guys are decks just remember that you see them they're decks oh look that's the new combat feature music kicking in where it gets it gives you all all the exciting music if uh if things get going ooh I got Dino Royale um it's a shame I haven't got a fridge and it's gonna spoil but um perish time 27 minutes kind of sucks um okay maintenance report not gonna read it it just says we've sealed the entrance and unfortunately the main power switch is down there so basically that tells me I've got to go down somewhere wherever that was because I didn't read the thing um okay maybe we are gonna read it so ever since the thing in the cellar suddenly came to life um nothing has got has gone right here breakdowns equipment malfunctions are becoming more frequent I hear my voice in my head probably down tall uh we have again urged Tash Allah Talon for information but she seems unavailable at the moment we provisionally see with the entrance and isolated the console up here so that we can at least still maintain operations I hardly think we will do any any good in case of Doubt no one dares go down there anymore okay so that didn't really tell me much more so we're not gonna bother reading those in future is there anything down here see for Crouch mode no oh yeah oh it just goes outside oh well now I'm gonna guess the down there is down here so I'm kind of glad I have the armor because in all honesty holy crap am I even getting out of here without a jet pack on um or am I staying here forever now I might be staying here forever now how do I get out here without a jet pack okay but we will have to figure out okay good times good times um what do we got oh stupid things more data pads uh the artifacts radiation has slowly subsided since the end of the war my colleagues on ninjas have sorry however have told me of strange things okay not like say don't want to read all these for the story for you uh Tales of Tash we'll do that see if we can get the 16 damage data device has been found yes please okay close and we'll open this one which is basically the same information as we saw on all the others so oh we have oh an infected Talon by the looks of it um let's use the benefit of the jet pack to save us here and try and shoot the guy in the head a couple of times stand still okay fine that's the way you want to play it dude ow oh there's more than one here you know ow okay ow these guys hit harder than I remember um I might need to hit up a bandage right there okay so angry Talon dude get down angry Talon dude get down are you all dead oh carrying horrible leaves and plant sprouts which is kind of Handy um what are we gonna hear health good against poisonous bite okay um I guess I just use a bandage for now um anymore yes there is another angry Talent dude let's not get shot by him this is good for XP though you'll see I'm up to level six already and I picked up a couple of bandages there which was nice now let's um we are oh run ow okay these guns are not that great we need to reload and uh make good use of our bandages I'm guessing we're going up up here oh wow straight into Abomination territory um yeah I what did he actually manage to hit me as as I fell or as he fell that was impressive okay we now have alien tooth doesn't that mean we can make that one oh we haven't got we left our confetti moth scrapings behind that's unfortunate okay um let's reload again what do we get oh a Mobility boost nice and an upgraded drill that is nice that is nice that is really nice for early in the game that's gonna help us a lot so I'm so the mobility boost we should be able to drop in which we'll do and that will make us a bit more mobile as you can see with the armor is degrading here as I'm taking hits which is not fantastic um okay I'm very suspicious of that so I'm not gonna walk across it and spider many spiders dislike spiders okay I don't like this stuff falling out of the sky all the time it's uh not great this is new though this whole section is new which is interesting get get I mean to be fair one thing I do like about this game is I do get to use shotguns to dispatch spiders which um which is something I would like to be able to do in real life some may say it's Overkill like I say hmm is it so I'm not sure where this is going but there is a switch so assumably switch good or not as the case may be okay I'm assuming that switch did something useful maybe not um okay oh this is back oh so this is how I get out okay so that's how I get out so okay where where do I go in then I guess I have to go in further are you kidding me okay that's fine that's fine I believe can I not I can't destroy that ventilator but you can't I don't believe you can Crouch and jump at the same time in this game so I think I'm gonna have to go round which is annoying that kind of sucks but okay I have to go around it is not sure why that was like that though but yeah some of this is new so this one this artifact site is completely new to me oh look very handily there's one of these here I can stand next to this butterfly and it will help heal me up which is an excellent start and actually while I'm here it might not be a bad move to pick up some extra bullets because I seem to be eating through those bullets pretty quick and then I can store some of these things and that is not a bad plan but I think with that I'm actually going to call it an episode and we can finish this off next time um where you can all see what is down there I will have built up some bullets for us and we'll check it out and I'll say thank you very much for watching like And subscribe if you're enjoying the series and join us again next time when we'll find out what's down in this artifact site thanks a lot
Channel: 7ftdustbunny
Views: 989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Empyrion, Empyrion Galactic Survival, Survival, Eleon, Project Eden, Project_Eden, Broken Eden, Indie game, Sev, 7ftDustbunny, let's play, Empyrion Game, Sev Dustbunny, Gaming, Tutorial, How to, Guide, Learn, Learning, Survive, swamp, hard, mode, snow, planet, snow planet, crouch, dynamic, water, space, war, rockets, piracy, escape, nemesis, stranded, engineer, engineers, engineering, EGS, star, salvage, starslavage, scape
Id: r9P_EUlXmmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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