Addiction: Why We Can't Fast or Keep a Diet - Dr Pradip Jamnadas MD - Fasting for Survival follow up

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well welcome everybody it's nice to see you all after all the breaks that we've had and this is going to be very exciting because i want to take off from where we left off last time so i'm dr gymnaris cardiovascular interventions as you all know and our mission here is to enhance knowledge about diet and how we can change the health of everybody this is a new paradigm this is not just about medication this is about what we've done to ourselves and you all today will learn about why we cannot stick to a right diet or if we've tried it how come it didn't work on us what happened why can't we stick to the plans we know what's right you know what's right for you but you can't do it and today i'm going to tell you why you can't do it so let's just dive right into it okay so today's topic is why most diets and fasting programs fail because i've been doing this for so many years it's true it fails it fails over and over again and the question is why so here we go this is one of my favorite slides okay this shows our evolutionary process and as you can tell over there we are the fellow right at the end over there what's happened to us something has changed we have i use this term we have hormonally changed our hormones have changed our habits have changed our environment has changed our food has changed and look this is what it's created for us this is exactly where we're all heading and we have to get out of this so now a patient comes and says i tried i tried dark after two days i couldn't do this anymore and then you go into more and more questions why you know you have a problem and you know that dieting and fasting is needed there is a problem and you know what you need to do about it you've done it before perhaps but you can't stick to it you fail your program and then you get mad that you failed you give up you have tremendous cravings for the food and you have cravings for certain activities you can't function you have no willpower and you say oh well you know doc i just can't do it and that's not true because actually you may feel awful you feel terrible you get headaches you get chills you get mental fog disorientation sweating anxiety poor performance irritability and depression now don't tell me that those of you have tried this have not felt these symptoms you have felt these symptoms and your relationships suffer so many people tell me that i have a problem at home with my spouse or girlfriend or boyfriend or even a parent and their relationships suffer and then they feel terrible and they blame it on the low sugar i'm having a low blood sugar that's why i'm feeling so terrible doc and then you feel better you go and eat again you go and grab something you feel so much better ah i felt so good now right i say oh i got back my sugar so you blame that sugar and then you start feeling guilty then you're ashamed that you couldn't do it you start hating yourself you become isolated and some people actually make themselves isolated and then sometimes they feel terrible others don't feel bad they're actually well functioning addicts well functioning addicts there are addicts that are walking around they may have gambling addiction or they may have sexual addictions or they may have um even cocaine or drug addictions and they're functioning just fine you'd never know about it but suddenly the wife finds that there's a whole lot of bottles in the in the bathroom all of a sudden you find out that oh my god he's got this gambling habit and all of a sudden there's no bill there's no money to pay the bills there are functioning addicts a lot of us could be functioning addicts as well so i'm going to show you that some of these symptoms that you are having actually is because there is a subtle subtle very subtle onset of addiction it is so insidious you don't even know it's happening to you you don't even know it's happening so perhaps you're addicted to food perhaps you are addicted to food we don't think about it that way perhaps i can't do this because i am addicted and is it the type of food is it a component in the food and are there substances in the food that cause an addiction or is it because the food has been converted into a product and therefore it's no longer any it's not long a food so today i'm going to try to throw some light on this there are foods that will addict you there are components in the food that will addict you and yes it's a product you are consuming products not food and because you're consuming a product you become addicted to it there's chemicals in it the substances in it the formation of it has changed you know the consistency of the food has changed and hence it's no longer real food and therefore perhaps you are being addicted so let's go and take a look at some more so the importance of eliminating processed foods why why is processed food so bad i blame processed foods for possible addiction processed foods cause high insulin levels we've talked about that in my previous talks it causes weight gain it causes metabolic syndrome toxicity and inflammation in the body intestinal dysbiosis what is intestinal dysbiosis means which means that the the bacteria in your intestines they change as a result of what's getting down there into the stomach and into the intestines so because your bacteria change you change because you are a symbiotic relationship between your physiology and the physiology of the bacteria so perhaps they changing as a result of their changes can you get addicted yes you can are there chemicals released by those bacteria that get released into your bloodstream and can affect your physiology and the answer is a definite yes because remember that almost 50 of the micronutrients that are floating around in your body have been either manipulated or produced by the bacteria in your gut and then it gets into your bloodstream so don't think that your physiology is just your physiology it's your physiology as a sum total of yours plus all the physiology of the bacteria and everything that it's doing you're a symbiotic relationship so that's very important and could addiction cause behavioral disorders of course it does behavior changes when you're addicted just think about it if somebody's addicted to cocaine for example or intravenous heroin his entire behavior is going to change he's there's going to be denial he's going to be doing certain things that he would no but never expect him to do he's going to be manipulative this is so important that in order for me to talk about weight loss in order for me to talk about maintaining your your diet and changing your physiology and your biochemistry and your hormones i got to talk about some addiction because i want to reverse my metabolic syndrome i want to reverse diabetes i want to reverse sleep apnea i want to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease degenerative joint disease dementia and even some cancers because if we do not lose weight if we do not metabolically get back to the way we need to be we are in deep trouble losing weight is not the only goal let me explain something to you all if we change your biochemistry and you change your metabolism weight loss is going to happen because it's not a weight loss program you're basically changing your physiology and you're changing your hormones and weight loss is just a side effect of it and automatically your weight goes to where it needs to go to what changed it first was the biochemistry the hormones and your entire body's system changes then the weight loss happens so what are processed foods how do you define a processed food this is so important this is of utmost importance we should be telling this to all the children who are watching processed foods they are not found in nature not found in nature so anything that's in a packet a box manufactured in a factory that comes ready-made that's a product are you going to continue to consume products because if you do there's a good chance you're going to get addicted combination of substances that are not found in nature for example combination of fat and sugar namely one substance that's in nature that is fat plus sugar name one can you name one there's not one substance that occurs in nature with that type of combination now when the body sees these combination of nutrients coming in how's it going to react so there's lots of biochemistry i can talk about i can talk about the mitochondria and the mitochondria has been bombarded by the sugar but then along come the fats also is causing like a like a congestion on a highway and this poor mitochondria cannot function probably and what symptoms you're gonna get when you get mitochondrial dysfunction you're gonna have fatigue and tiredness and lack of energy i'm just giving you one example but these combinations these unnatural combinations cause an unnatural reaction in your body the body is superbly designed to handle nutrients in certain combinations as they come in for example i've talked to you about fiber before i told you that there are two types of fiber soluble and insoluble fiber so when the fiber is mixed in with the food that's naturally produced the fiber goes in it forms a little mesh in the duodenum so that the sugar that's mixed in and the cupboard that's mixed in with the food does not get exposure to the k cells in the duodenum so the tottenham doesn't see all that sugar so it doesn't send a signal by a gip to the pancreas to say hey give me all the pancreas all the pancreatic juices you got give me all the insulin you possibly got it doesn't do that there's a small reaction so the pancreas produces a small amount of insulin why because the fiber prevented that sudden surge in the insulin production and then as the food goes down it slowly slowly gets absorbed so there's this nice slow dissipation of the nutrients into the bloodstream that doesn't happen when you eat foods without fiber in without its natural state you see nature makes these packages because it's designed that way and we then have our body because we evolved in this way two and a half million years ago with those nutrients to be able to handle those in that package the way it comes so the combinations of fat and sugar are unnatural combination modified by man made into a product such as flour there's no such thing as flour out there in nature the steel milk got invented as i told you all before in the year 1860 something and since then the incidence of degenerative joint disease heart attacks myocardial infarction and diabetes gone off the roof look that even when you masticate your food the mastication produces a certain amount of grinding down of the food but it never makes it into a powder there's no way you got that great teeth i don't have that kind of teeth either so what happens is that this powderized stuff gets right in there and creates this tremendous surge in hormones because it doesn't know what to do with it this is totally unnatural now if you give pellets to the rats their response in hormones their weight activity everything is totally different than if you give them the same food in a powderized form same grams same weight but in a powderized way so the more refined the product is the greater the release all of a sudden so all flour in my opinion all flour should be avoided not only is the flour bad for you for this reason but it stripped off everything the endosperm you took out the germ you took out the outer brand and you're left with that pure carbohydrate and then you ground it way way down and that's what flour is flour is a survival food it was made so that you extract all these things so that now it can last forever so now you can put it in a sack and you can get it through winter and you can actually survive through winter it's a survival food but now we use it every day every day we addicted to this and i'll show you how we addicted to it so flour chemicals added salt sugar colorings sweetness sweetness are addictive too i'll show you sweetness are addictive you know people who are taking diet cokes and they just diet drinks sodas they just cannot oh yeah i got off my my regular sodas but now i'm on diet soda so how much diet so did you have i have about four of them a day you know i just go through the day with my diet sodas i'm doing you're addicted you're addicted because the same sweeteners such as sucrose get to the brain to the dopamine centers which we'll come to in a second but they stimulate the same place as sugar does so what happens the sweet taste in the mouth so in this case it's not the calories that are going in there it's not the sugar that's going to the dopamine center it's the taste insulin is already going to get secreted and you're already setting up an addiction so even with with these sweetness there is a small insulin response it's a cephalic phase that sweet taste on your tongue causes all that and then in anticipation you become more hungry because you get certain hormones secreted into the bloodstream such as orexin for example but basically the long and short of it is diet drinks don't make you lose weight diet drinks don't improve your physiology diet drinks actually make you more addicted and you end up eating more and gaining more weight and your physiology does not get better so that's just another example we add caffeine and preservatives and processed oils caffeine caffeine is an addictive substance but i don't have to tell you more about caffeine you all know about caffeine already right preservatives these preservatives that are in our food why do you need a preservative why do you need a preservative in the food because you're looking for something that's processed it's got a long shelf life right so they put some chemicals in it so it'll last forever yeah so you take some of those french fries and put them out there and they'll still be there a month later nothing's happened to them nothing it's still like that even the bugs won't eat it and they don't go bad because they've got the wrong oils in them they got the vegetable seed oils in them that keep them just the way they are and did you all know that sugar is a preservative that's why you add sugar to everything all processed foods are true why do you have sugar in them it's not just for your taste it's because they also want to preserve the food it's a great preservative you put something in molasses or sugar it's going to stay there right so it's a preservative as well salt is a preservative too so all these pieces of all chemicals that they add to it the antioxidants and everything else they all are and not unnatural they are like putting stuff into the mailbox that have a zip code that you've never ever heard of what does the post office do with it doesn't know what to do with it body doesn't know what to do with these things processed oils let me tell you about the liver processors you also go and look at some youtubes on how processed oils are made such as for any of these vegetable oils they call them vegetables it's not not a single vegetable or it comes from a vegetable yeah but they call it vegetable oil because you are all suckers you're going to go and buy those very very very good for me it's vegetable oil right it's not animal oil because you all have been indoctrinated into thinking that animal oils are bad because they're saturated but these are polyunsaturated but in order to make them they got to process so many seeds and from the seeds they're very high in omega-6 very high in omega-9 and these are pro-inflammatory not only are they pro-inflammatory but they also are addictive this is something else that nobody knows if you take rats i know we are not rats but i do talk about rats a lot because i read so many studies on rats and if you give them their food and they're mixed with vegetable seed oils they're more likely to become addicted to it by the way i'll tell you something else when i was a fellow we used to do research and on these rats you want to create a model for cancer we used to give them vegetable oils it grows cancers vegetable if you see the processing of vegetable oil i promise you you will not consume vegetable oil anymore just go see how it's made all the chemicals they use and everything and how it's created is terrible so oh full of omega-6 and i think that this is one of the main reasons why a lot of populations who should not be having coronary arteries are having coronary arteries and the one that of course is very close to me is because i'm from my ancestors from india and in india they use vegetable seed oils now instead of using the previous animal oil which was ghee and i think this is the one of the main reasons combined with a high carbohydrate processed food diet that in india today we have the highest incidence of coronary arteries in the world it's vegetable seed oils and they need to change the diet today to go back to eating the oils that they used to eat before i already mentioned fiber to you anytime you take out fiber it's no longer a food it's a product anytime you even take out fat from it that's a product skim milk it's not milk that's not milk that's a product you took out the fat from it it didn't come like that from the cow or the goat so these are all products they are natural they're not supposed to be like that show me a cow that gives you milk without fat there's not one highly palatable foods when the cereals first came out dr kellogg said this is the first pre-digested food we have yeah it is pre-digested it's on your tongue it's already in your bloodstream i mean it's so fast it's so ultra palatable it's not supposed to be like that who said that it's supposed to be like that that oh yeah it's so processed so you can just put a cereal in your mouth and it's already causing your blood sugar to go up your body is supposed to work on it that's why we have such a long intestine others you'll have a little short little intestine but we don't have a short intestine we have a very long intestine and we have all these different hormones in there and we have bacteria and this is a process by which that is supposed to slowly go through before it gets into breads chips cookies all pre-digested foods they're all pre-digested and now let's move on and show so do these altered foods have a different metabolic process and yes they do i already told you that real food has less insulin production therefore less obesity less diabetes less addiction and no unnatural combinations and additives and they are nutrient dense packaging they have everything in them they have the fiber they got all the vitamins in there and they've got the starch in it there as well all in one package the way it is found in nature and then early satiety oh that's very important early saturated so early season means that you eat that food and you feel full so you're not going to overeat you cannot overeat that if i give you a proper piece of steak nice one grass-fed i bet you if i give you this much you won't be able to finish it but if i give you a processed food you'll keep eating keep eating keep eating half an hour later you can keep eating an hour later you'll come back for more you'll never be satisfied you'll never be satisfied when you're eating processed foods so how can you get addicted so we now know from animal studies and from other functional imaging studies that there are neurological changes that occur in the brain wait a second immediately your brain is being rewired by the processed food and the answer is yes so why would nature get you hooked onto processed foods why why would i get hooked on what's so good about it well because they are caloric dense they're very high in energy okay and in a time of caloric density more than 20 000 years ago actually more even more than that you know there were no there wasn't calories around man had to forage for himself he had to make a hunt and kill so there wasn't any calories around so when there were calories around there you go the body said it's going to reward you for finding the calories but you had to work hard to climb up the tree to get to the honey or you had to really chase down that uh wild boar and kill it and all that energy expenditure and then you got to get the calories right right right so in the days of caloric scarcity when these calories came about the body gave you that reward center it said yeah that was good because he wants you to get the calories but your genetic material and height handles the nutrition hasn't changed in 10 000 years and now guess what we are surrounded by calories all the time this calories everywhere this calories in your carbs calories in the in the elevator in the elevator you got to eat while while it's going up you got to take a couple of gulps as well so i mean this calories everywhere you go home there's calories you don't have to wait for anything now this last sentence i actually borrowed it from one of the books that i was reading and i can't remember who it says you're a cactus in a rain forest so what that means is you're if you're a cactus you are made for a desert where you get periodic rain and moisture you take that cactus to put in rainforest what's going to happen it's going to die sooner it's going to get sick first of all it's going to get all waterlogged and wimpy and then it's going to die and that's what we are today you're all cactuses that were made for one environment and one type of survival and now you're in a rainforest where it's just too much plenty plenty calories all the time and that is our problem too many calories too many processed foods all the time eating too frequently that's why all of you i hope you've watched my previous ones on how to how to fast and the amazing benefits of fasting you are made to fast by the way i mean i do this i say this every day that your body was supposed to have a hermitic stress on it or hometic stress means some sort of a stress twenty thousand what is the biggest stress not having enough food so one day you eat one day you donate one day there's plenty food next day or two there may not be enough food okay so your body was made in that environment and therefore your physiology is also one where you take calories then you don't take calories so then you clean up you build you repair you and then you clean up your act you get a chance to repair your body that's what it's supposed to be in so that's what a cactus is but you beat in the rain forest so what about these processed foods so nature pre-wired us that if you see lots of calorie-rich foods in the survival era goes to the dopamine center and the dopamine goes aha i got it i'm rewarding you feel good that's why you feel so good when you eat junk food because you're wired for that but it doesn't know the brain doesn't know the difference so i'm going to show you here and we have calories everywhere food is available all the time more caloric dense than it was 20 000 years ago lots of sugar beets cane processed foods without other components such as fiber basically naked calories that we have today and i mentioned earlier on that there are other things that can also affect the uh the brain function so let me explain something overeating down regulates the dopamine opiate serotonin and the cannabinoid pathways in the brain reduces cognitive function and increases the stress pathways so let me explain all this to you so along comes the sugar and you take it in it goes straight to the dopamine center and you get a little surge ah i feel good you reward it yourself you feel fantastic next time you eat the sugar it's going to take a bigger amount of sugar larger load to get that same rise the third time you're going to it again more and more so you develop tolerance so now it takes more and more to feel good and that's how you become addicted to it now the body anytime you get something there's a counter regulatory mechanism in the body so if you're getting the reward then guess what you're going to pay a price and what what price are you going to pay afterwards so it's a seesaw right so you get some some reward because you ate all this well guess what there's a buildup of chemicals in your brain that are going to do the opposite thing so that eventually get balanced so the good you're going to feel bad also so there's a time lapse in which those chemicals that would make you feel lousy depressed tired sleepy all those molecules accumulated as the counterbalance but if you still keep giving yourself a high high high every few hours these on this side just continue to accumulate this is beautifully illustrated in a book it's called the dopamination and i encourage you all to go and read this book it's fantastic but it shows you how the constant dopamine hit that we are getting from constantly eating processed foods and all those calories is causing this dopamine center to become more and more more less tolerance so you need more and more stimulation and you build up all these chemicals now what happens is if you don't eat that you got all these chemicals that are built up which are the opposite of reward you feel lousy you feel depressed if you're irritable you can't concentrate on anything you you basically you're paying the price of that that you just had the reward reward reward reward and why do you get all those rewards one you ate the wrong foods number two you ate them too frequently it's all to do with the brain and how the brain reacts to these things now in a true addiction what also happens is that they are chemical there are electrical pathways in the brain that connect from one part of the brain to the other so the the dopamine center has rostral connections that go to the prefrontal cortex for example now if you're an addict do you want to have a lot of insight does the body want you to have insight into your addiction that oh yeah i'm an addict and i i shouldn't be doing this and this is wrong and i'm feeling this no it doesn't want you it wants to make you dumb so what it does it down regulates your prefrontal cortex so when you're eating all these foods it's just like a junkie who's taking cocaine he doesn't know he's got no insight because he's got no frontal lobe function he has no reasoning power he has no willpower either to stop because his brain has truly changed as a result of the addiction there are true structural changes and biochemical changes in his brain because of this addiction now whether you're taking cocaine amphetamine heroin cocaine oh i already mentioned sugar preservatives all the same caffeine all the same they go to the same center brain doesn't know the difference so the after effect is the same thing you get that addictive effect frontal lobe function goes down your entire brain has actually truly changed and this is the problem that i'm saying and hence that's why when i question these people this is i did my residency and we used to see drug addicts these guys are behaving like a drug addict i never believed it until i started reading this book and this book was all about addiction and i said oh my god this is real i didn't believe it i did not believe this was possible until i started reading about it and now it is so well established but unfortunately it's going to take years before people realize this so the stress pathway which is the opposite pathway of the reward causes cortisol secretion and it also causes other hormonal secretions as well and creates a stress password pathway now if you look around your stress is ubiquitous everyone's stressed out now i know that life is stressful but i say to you that part of the stress response is also the food that you're eating all these comfort foods cause stress also so you may feel comfort for a while well guess what you're gonna be really stressed out later on and we know that from caffeine already you feel really good it's always a price to pay your energy goes down after two to three hours your energy goes down there's always a price to pay the body is a homeostatic mechanism right homeostasis which means that there's a seesaw everything has to balance out you get a real reward there's a price to pay afterwards no wonder people are depressed no wonder they can't function so well no wonder they this is all because of addiction this is all because of addiction now there is life in stress too but i'm telling you that the food is one of the reason right now the evidence of addiction of high caloric density foods three dopaminergic pathways are activated in addiction identical to regular drug addiction the mesolimbic system the the mesoaccident system the nigrostriatal pathways so basically you want more of it your whole functioning changes you crave for things your actions go for it as well just like a real drug addict and your your decision making and execution of function changes see you you just you become an auto or automatic person now how many people do you know that just on the way home they can't help it they have to make that left turn and they've got to go into the fast food store to get the soda drink and they've got to get their foods the fast foods and you know these people and they have to eat it on the way home and then you ask them afterwards were you really hungry no i wasn't but they do it they do it because they're addicted and the sad thing is they don't even know that they're addicted to it that's my problem that then they become desensitized by the repeated administration of the same initial reward causing tolerance it is so it is so stealth it just creeps on people they don't even know this is happening to them they don't so here here's a little picture of just just the kind of diagrams that connect to the prefrontal cortex and and where all these chemicals work and by the way the brain does not know the difference whether it's alcohol caffeine whether it is uh amphetamines cocaine or sugar it knows no difference doesn't know it behaves the same way the same chemical pathways the same everything so dopamine traces okay used in pet scan showed the same patterns in drug addiction as in addicted obese patients so they do functional imaging on the mris same pattern you look at them you cannot tell the difference and the prefrontal this is the one that bothers me i'm sorry for the typo there but it says prefrontal hypo meta metabolism is noted in obese patients the frontal lobe goes on vacation the frontal lobe goes on vacation okay functional imaging studies very similar to addicted patients these are the kind of images that we look at functional see which part is lighting up there's an alcoholic obese cocaine you really can't distinguish who is who it's the same kind of changes in the brain that occur with sugar and this has been done in animals as well and in humans so the cognitive impairment causes the cravings you crave you crave for it and you can't learn and memory memory is affected guys this bothers me about sometimes what we're seeing in our schools as well we need to be careful what we're feeding our children because if this is true then the memory abilities are going down the cognitive functions are going down this bothers me a lot and decreased attention span has been noted in binge interviews as well loss of impulse control this is this is very very serious stuff so the cues a small stimulus causes a surge in the neurotransmitter centers in the brain so you even think of food and you get that response in your brain and they release these hormones orex and leptin insulin and even advertising of foods you see it and that's your cue you're a robot and you go for it or you get home your arms stretch out for the for whatever your fast food is and you just and you just start eating and then you say wait a second why did i do that it's an automatic motion even the motion becomes automatic this is and then so so i threw this this slide in this addiction civility index so how bad can this possibly be so processed foods are consumed in large amounts over a longer period of time so you start eating more and more and more of it there's a persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to cut down that means they try to cut down but they can't that's an addiction a greater deal of time is spent in activities necessary to get the processed foods and consume them and a great amount of time to recover from the effects you get cravings strong desires and then you get recurrent food consumption causes failure to fulfill obligations you know folks sometimes i've seen people they fix their work their food habits are affecting their work home or school so it actually affects me affects relationships as well husbands and wives argue their problems because of the food because of the behavior and eating habits so they have persistent what they call interpersonal problems social occupation and recreational activities are given up because now they they just can't do it and they don't get enjoyment from that anymore because the only enjoyment they're going to get is from the processed food so what happens it down regulates the enjoyment from other things so one of the things i tell this my patients of course is find something that you really used to like to do and start doing more of that because when they start doing more of that they'll get less pleasure out of the consumption of processed foods because honestly those who are already you'll notice you'll ask them you used to play a lot of tennis before you used to go on this before you used to go into the yeah i don't do that in my i shoot a lot of boating before i don't do that anymore and you'll notice that their lives have changed their lives have changed it affects so many things and then they know that it's bad for them they know it so then they start feeling guilty then they go through all that guilt cycle and that's such a bad thing to have guilt you know so tolerance is defined as a need for increased amounts of processed foods and we know that this happens i see it all the time and then less and less benefit from it so you just don't feel good until before you used to drink this much coffee now you earned two cups maybe a day now you drink four cups of coffee a day withdrawal as manifested by either of the fun okay characteristic withdrawal symptoms you start sweating you start getting hangry yeah you get hungry that's a withdrawal sometime my friend i'm sorry there's no denying about it processed foods are consumed then to relieve the symptom i feel so much better when i went to eat why would you get hungry you think your sugar level dropped it's not that the sugar your sugar cannot drop unless you are taking insulin injections or you have reactive hypoglycemia or you have an insulin producing tumor in your body so most of the patients when i'm trying to do this on a they get they're often diabetics so i sometimes put a continuous glucose monitoring on them and i show them that look when you felt bad your sugar level was 100 or 180 or 90 or 110 this is not your sugar withdrawal this is something else that's causing your problem so when you have right the certain thresholds are useful with two to three symptoms mild four to five of those symptoms that i mentioned earlier on you have moderate or six or more you have severe addiction so if we go back again here look there's 11 questions right so you need to answer these questions and tell me how many did you score positive on now this is another addiction scale this is from the yale food addiction and you all can actually go on the internet and find this and answer these questions and they're pretty much similar to the questions that i've already been asking but in more detail of how often do you find that you're constantly seeking food in the day time do you feel fatigued sluggish after you overeat basically i would like you guys to just go on the internet and look at the yale food addiction scale when i read this i really it really bothered me i was pretty scared so poor impulse control because i told you a frontal lobe went to sleep right you blame shame and deny of course you do which drug addict do you know or gambler or or someone with other food addictions will plainly come out and admit everything they're going to deny it of course it's part and parcel of it and emotional avoidance and oh by the way relapse and cravings so you know relapse i got to say something about relapse they were relapse so you relapse once twice it's not the end of the world you should expect a relapse so it happens to people sometimes what happens is people go on my program and it's okay i'm not going to eat processed foods anymore and i'm going to do the fasting program because why do i like fasting so much avoid processed foods but why do i like fasting because fasting gets rid of it all there is no food so you don't have to make a choice of process or non-process basically there's no choice there's no food period that's number one number two number two take an alcoholic for example i used to put him in the er in a padded room and leave him there for three days after three days is he craving for alcohol no until he goes out and gets another cue or his buddies or his facilitators come and give him another drink but he no longer craves because the craving goes away so you do a fast fasting program like i said i tell people to do your cravings go away your addictions go away and then you detoxify yourself your toxins get released from your body and remember that it takes three four five days for all your hormones to to start coming back down your leptin levels which you've got leptin resistance for example takes a while to come down your deeper adiponectin levels need to slowly come back up again all these take time they're not going to happen in one day so this is very important so i say that you know these relapses that people have are to be expelled but sometimes people get a relapse and then they give up how many times do i see this day in and day out in my office doc i tried i felt terrible i couldn't do it after after you know i was eating once a day for three days and on the fourth day i just started eating four times a day again i just couldn't do it now maybe the frontal lobe didn't help them but you know what you get more willpower after you do a three-day water fast so lately i've been telling a lot of my patients who have this problem and when i suspect that they have some form of addiction i think give me a three-day water fast now you can't just jump into a three-day water fast i make them skip a few meals first i i kind of make them change their diet and then under medical supervision i tell them okay next week i want a three-day water fast from you and that breaks the cycle that seems to break the cycle a three-day water fast so you will find that after three days on the fourth day he's got more willpower well guess how did he get the willpower he just came he made connections that frontal lobe is waking up again the connections are being made again those roster connections from your dopamine center going forward you actually have neuroplasticity and of course fasting increases your brain derived neurotropic factors so i know all the chemistry behind that too but basically the long and short of it is you change as a person by doing that three-day water fast getting out of of the addiction and your brain actually changes your brain actually changes structurally and of course how you think changes as well so now all of a sudden you have more willpower oh i can do this okay so muted taste vegetables taste bitter to the individuals yeah of course if you're addicted to to sugars and other bad foods and you do you hate the taste um you know of of vegetables financial problems relationship from social problems employment problems physical illness mental illness we're kind of talked about that a little bit so let me just move right on so sugar salt fats bad combination right bad combination unnatural combination sugar affects dopamine nails i already told you that and what is our diet in the western world made of but high sugar and high fat bad combination that combination causes addiction because the fats cause addiction and then the sugar cause addiction and which fats it's the polyunsaturated more than the saturated fats it's the polyunsaturated fats that cause that so chocolate caffeine um look at this at the bottom it says cannabinoid-like fatty acids where do they come from processed oils that's all from processed oils dairy and cheese ah what's wrong with dairy and cheese that's ice cream sour cream cream cottage cheese yogurt and butter they contain chemicals called casomorphins they actually addict you so you crave for the cheese and how many people do you know who are actually i have to have my cheese piece every day i'm addicted to cheese i love cheese i can't live without eating cheese i'm telling you they're addicted and that's because of that these morphine-like molecules are found naturally in milk of course it's supposed to be in milk why because you want your baby to get addicted to you so when the baby comes and suckles longer he's going to get more nutrition right so being a baby being addicted to milk is normal we shouldn't be eating milk anyway but you concentrate all those queso morphines in cheese cheese is the concentrate now you're getting so much queso morphine no wonder you get addicted to cheese wheat gluten they have gluteo morphine wheat how many people do you know who can not stay without bread they smell bread they're going to eat they see bread they got to go eat it and if there's a loaf there it's going to be gone they'll finish half the loaf in one evening and the end guess what a whole half float they're still hungry i told you it'll never say that you and they put those glucomorphins are the they go to the same parts of the brain as all other drugs go to wheat right helmet spell bali corn bean flour lentil flour they're all the same thing look what's the common thing there it's flour don't eat flour so what other foods are addictive because we talk about addiction now sweetness you never thought that sweetness are addictive right i never thought they were addictive until i did the research there it is all those sweetness right they are all addictive you eat foods rich in these sweetness you'll eat more of those foods again and you will not be able to live without it and snack foods all snack foods are a combination of all the previous chemicals i mentioned and they're all full of omega-6 processed vegetable oil so you can preserve it completely they're full of salt and they are all full of sugar and other preservatives particle sizes i already mentioned particle sizes that they're really bad for you right because you don't want to eat foods like that you want to chew it you want to masticate your food that brings me to something else juices now why on earth would you drink juices there are no mixers out there in nature on trees hanging over there there's only real fruit and they come packaged really with the fiber so now all of a sudden all those calories go into your body all at one time and then oh yeah you know so my patients come to me sometimes and they have these green juices or whatever they make at home and they'll put oh yeah i i put a banana in it i put an apple in it and then i put some uh some some some other spinach and other things in it it's just made it all green it's absolutely great so i said okay so take a picture of it all before you juiced it and it's a rich pig pal i said now tomorrow don't juicy just eat all those things dog i can't eat all that i said thank you very much then why are you putting all that down in four gulps why why are you doing that the only time you should be juicing is when you have no teeth all right then i'll let you juice it yeah so the other things that are processed and are very addictive distillation what's distilled alcohol high fructose corn syrup very addictive high fructose corn syrup i already talked about that in my previous lectures crystallization you crystallize something it's addictive it's man-made it's artificial sugar sugar is artificial sugar is not natural sugar cane is natural molasses are natural they come out of the cane you take that sugar cane they grow in your backyard you grow some sugarcane in your backyard and you can put it through that little machine and take the juice out and you can have a little bit of that okay fine not a lot but just a little bit of it it's okay there's nothing wrong with that it has a lot of minerals in it as well but crystallized sugar crystal it became crystallized so you can transport it you can't transport molasses but you can transport crystals and you can preserve them for years 20 years later the crystals are still there so that's why it all happened it happened for convenience this didn't happen because it was good for you sugar was not made because it's good for you it was good it was made so it could be transported from the far east all the way to europe and not get bad on the way and then of course everyone got addicted to it frying foods in vegetables which are addictive processed fats and i already told you that they also are addictive and they cause stimulation of the receptors to now interchangeability i got to tell you about this because look guys i'm not talking about one addiction it's poly addiction you're addicted to a number of things at the same time this is awful and you switch from one addiction to the other very easily because look the dopamine center i told you does not know the difference so you can easily switch from one addiction to the other so let's say that you're a smoker and you're addicted to due to smoking you quit you're going to start eating too much and then when you quit that you quickly go on to amphetamines and if you quit amphetamines it's so easy to get onto cocaine just like that if you're a caffeine addict it's very easy to become a food addict if you're a food addict it's very easy to become a drug addict regular drugs these are all very interchangeable guys this is really scary i often wonder you know why why we have an epidemic of all these narcotics and addictions and everything else is it just just availability availability is one of them but the other thing is susceptibility if we create a susceptible population a population that's going to be susceptible to addictions why because we're priming them we're priming the population from a young age guys and if you're priming the population into an addiction they'll move from one addiction to the other to the other don't be surprised so cocaine alcohol tobacco foods all interchangeable guys this is really dangerous stuff this is very dangerous that's why i got to say this kids who eat right grow up to be solid citizens who will not be addicted to other things and other addictive behaviors starts from a young age everyone out there needs to pay attention to that it starts with children it's not about adults this is all about children as well starting at a really young age because don't expect them to change when they're 25 years old when you when they've been trained to eat and drink that way since they were three years old so poly addictions are very hard to treat these are very difficult to treat and that's why i like my addiction program which is basically fast get rid of it but fast and don't go back onto it soft drinks caffeine and sugar look at the combination caffeine and sugar two poly substances so you see i'm not talking about one you're addicted to two things donuts look at them they're full of flour gluten sugar high fructose corn syrup salt fat and chocolate because you put chocolate on top of it i'll give you a boston cream right right now right so you you had so many a day no wonder look you try to get someone who loves donuts every day yes you have two donuts trying to get him off the donuts he'll chase you down he'll chase you down like a real addict french fries full of what fat and salt milkshake fat and sugar snacks fat and sugar these are the combinations sweets sugar cocoa butter chocolate milk soy lecithin all addictive all addictive palm oil they contain palm oil palm oil horrible horrible horrible horrible right palm oil hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats and salt anything you pick up if there's a label on it just put it away but if you read the label you'll see it's got all these things on it read the labels but first of all if it's got a barcode just put it away if it comes in a packet put it away donate it it's probably suspect now 57 of the energy intake in the united states population is from ultra processed foods now let's just scare you come on guys if all more than half the calories that you are consuming today come from processed foods what hope do we have what happened to real food no wonder we're not real human beings anymore do you see what i mean this is ultra serious stuff and if we don't change today we're going to have a very very sick population forget the sickness we're going to have a dysfunctional population forget dysfunctional population our kids are going to grow up to be something we don't even know we have to be very very vigilant about what's happened and this change has all happened all within the last 80 years with vegetable cedaws coming onto the market at the turn of the century and then all this industrialized processed foods coming on all for your benefit and convenience of course of course so we must completely remove all sugars and sweetness from our diet we should not consume flour we should not consume large amounts of caffeine i'm still allowing people to drink up to two cups of coffee a day but that's enough no more than that process but if you're addicted then stop the caffeine too you can't tell the alcoholic just have a little bit of scotch every day you know no if he's an alcoholic you stop completely so if you feel you cannot live without caffeine you're an addict you better stop it right now not that oh i'll just have a little bit of poison every day come on man no you don't do that starches sweet potatoes squash bran rice quinoa buckwheat all these starch avoid them avoid them puffed grains all cereals your children must learn to have proper breakfast not cereals no cereals cereals are not a healthy food abstinent food plants so what happens with these cereals same thing they get sugar addicted those poor kids are getting sugar addicted from the time they can't even read and write and they're reddish addicts nuts and seeds so if you're allergic to them you don't want to eat too many nuts and seeds and be careful what kind of nuts you consume you know the nights are walnuts pecans pistachios i love pistachios because they are very high in prebiotics as well but remember prebiotics prebiotics are the chemicals that go into the gut on which the bacteria feed so pistachios have one of the highest concentration of prebiotics that's why i like those nuts so i love i love pistachios you should all consume some pistachios every night right and then soy typically gmo processed except for tempeh avoid soy soy is not a health food potatoes in all forms such as french fries chips baked and mashed so processed we don't want we don't want that we want to eat apricots pears apples peaches oranges and grapefruit tangerines blueberries and raspberries and that too you should consume in season no melons kiwi banana and grapes which are typically given to you as a healthy fruit plate so when i go to a restaurant say give me a fruit plate that's what i'm going to get all the bad stuff full of sugar and no you know just terrible the the by the way the bananas are uh the number one fruit in the united states right overrated completely overrated oh yeah it's high in potassium no exactly there's 30 foods that have more potassium in it than bananas you know so all right desired food plants cold pressed oils olive oil avocado oil sea flax seeds coconut oil and sesame oil these are good oils okay and they're cold pressed avoid vegetables and cereals such as grapeseed oil sunflower canola safflower cottons cotton syrup so even your nuts that i was telling you earlier i don't mind the nuts but watch your label because if it is roasted in cotton seed oil or soy oil you're just getting a whole bunch of omega-6 into your body which is pro-inflammatory so go and get your nuts raw that's how they're supposed to be raw not roasted you can roast them yourself at home then you know what you're eating yeah so desired food plants on vegetables asparagus onions onions have a lot of inulin you know what is inulin it's a prebiotic right so prebiotics look you're eating not for yourselves only you eating for your bacteria now you hope you're getting the theme here right now you eat those processed foods the only one that's really hurting yourself is you and you're hurting your bacteria as well but when you start eating the right stuff your bacteria are happy you get a nice diverse microbiome and these are the foods you should be eating onions broccoli brussel sprouts cauliflower cabbage carrots celery beets lettuce spinach pepper eggplant tomatoes cucumber and zucchini now of course some people can't tolerate night shades but that's the exception so if you don't tolerate it and you feel bad then you come talk to an expert and we'll tell you okay maybe you need to cut out the nightshades for now but generally speaking these are the good foods right good vegetables because remember there are some foods with lectins in them and so you all know about dr gundry's books and about the lectins and you know that if you're going to eat lentils you've got to pressure cook them so you kill all the lentils and then you know all about that we've talked about that on previous talks what is the paleolithic why do i like the paleolithic diet in general because it eliminates all the addictive foods it's found in studies to be better than a diabetic diet better than a diabetic diet because the dietitians have been giving us the wrong diet so these poor diabetic patients are being told they've got to eat all these carbs what are you doing that's his problem so i get really frustrated when my diabetic patients come and say well i gotta eat this this this is because i was tall i've got diabetes i got to eat all these i said no you don't need to eat those your body will make all the glucose that it needs you stay away from all those sugary foods and starchy foods you don't need them so a paleolithic diet is better than a mediterranean diet also because grains and dairy are eliminated grains are grains are not what they made out to be and dairy i told you we are the only people who are still drinking milk from another mammal even though we are adults milk was made for the babies and cravings are eliminated quicker and there are less relapses because you get rid of your addictive foods so choose the diet that you want that's fine as long as it doesn't contain addictive foods the best diets in the world are natural diets without addictive foods in it because look otherwise you can go on a gluten-free diet you can go on a vegan diet and it's full of addictive foods do you get the picture or oh yeah i'm on this diet but it's got all the addictive foods in it so you can be on a vegetarian diet you can be on a south beach diet you can be on any diet but if they contain addictive foods you're back to square one so there's so many people come to me who are vegans and vegetarians that's horrible they are so sick they're so addicted to food and they're vegans and they're vegetarians and i wonder why they're so sick right so we've got to be choose your diet just eliminate the processed foods cravings are eliminated much quicker when you have foods that are whole without any of those avoid the cues so don't go shopping if you don't have to and stay away from those inner aisles and in the home stay away from the pantry and don't go to the break room and don't ride straight home don't don't stop by any fast food place and avoid the people and food pushes that's a very big one oh yeah she gets together with a friend or he gets together with his buddy next thing you know it's the beers and the pizzas and everything comes out right now come on buddy you gotta do this man no ann says no people push us push people pushes away just put them away give them away and face your delusions once you get off the addictions your brain will wake up you'll become smarter you will see so you know what i tell people till i go blue in the face but when i make them do my three-day water fast and i get them off these all of a sudden clarity comes when clarity comes in you then you are going to stick to about a diet until then it's a headache because it's like he told me to do that but when you start telling yourself i feel so much better when i do this i feel my brain is so much better my my energy level is so much higher my clarity is so good yes i'm going to do this that's when we get there and to do that there's a price to pay the price is you have to go through the withdrawal you're going to face it there's going to be a withdrawal you've got to face the music you got to do it you all going to go through withdrawal if you try this i'm sorry it's going to happen okay so eat outside your normal structure that's the first thing i tell them one o'clock you eat your lunch don't wait for one o'clock one day go 12 o'clock next day go two o'clock so you're messing up the that schedule inside your brain that's how you get off addictions and then one day just skip the lunch completely so don't don't be so dog because what happens others ghrelin levels will go up exactly at the times that you normally eat so then you feel so hungry at that time are you a slave to ghrelin levels you shouldn't be you should be free to eat whenever you want not be a slave to all those drivers in your body so the way you do that you eat outside your eating structure so one day you get home early and you get home early and your food is there ready to go and it's only 4 35 o'clock heck have your dinner your body will say what happened right but you got to do that and then you need to find a support group as well that's going to support you and this one is very big you must expect some failures because if you don't expect a failure and you do fail because you caved in for whatever reason and over the weekend you went out and you binged like crazy you're going to have a lot of self-loathing i'm telling you don't need to load yourself you don't need to hate yourself because it's a very negative emotion no it's going to happen it is to be expert it's going to happen to you it will happen to you so you just get back on that horse and keep writing man you just got to do it common adverse effects of breaking addictions are headaches i get a headache it's not going to last forever you're going to get fatigued yes yes you get fatigued you it's like a druggie you're going to get drowsiness dysphoria mood that means a little bit of depression type symptoms irritability i'm really hungry i just come around eat you up poor concentration flu-like symptoms flu-like symptoms you actually get that bodily flu-like symptoms same symptoms that a drug addict will go through expect it if you're a big addict and work your way through it put cold compresses on your body tell your loved one or spouse or anyone to walk you through it lie down watch your favorite movie drink lots of water and you'll get over it yes you will get over it you won't die from it you'll not die from this addiction you're not that's not going to happen so that will break your dopamine cycle okay and your cravings will go away after three days your cravings are gone and it deconstructs all the maladaptive neural pathways new pathways will grow in your brain you'll restore the neurochemical homeostasis you'll restore your leptin levels see a lot of us have leptin um leptin resistance just like insulin resistant lepton levels are so high they just don't respond anymore our leptin levels start coming down and start responding increase diminecting levels so your whole physiology starts changing i can talk about chemicals for hours but basically you are restoring your chemicals and hormones back because you are you've become a hormonally modified human being and you need to get back to the hormones that you you're supposed to have it rewires all your neural prefrontal cortex increases brain derived neurotropic factor i told you that's really important that comes when you fast when do you get bdnf when you're fast that's when you get bdnf exercise also by the way increases your bdnf so one of the things that i don't know if it's on the slide but maybe on the next slide but you need to do some exercise because exercise will get you through the the so oh can i exercise during my fast absolutely in fact that's when you should be exercising when you exercise on an empty stomach you get far more benefits than exercising on a full stomach okay right before you're gonna break your fast that's when you eat now if you're eating once a day then you exercise right before you're gonna be eating right so let's say you eat at seven o'clock in the evening you go to the gym or you go up to your gym at six o'clock do your exercise and then go and have your dinner and none of this high starch stuff oh yeah i gotta starch up no you don't you don't need to starch up right no starch and it increases your ketogenesis and metabolic flexibility what does that mean look there are two major pathways for energy in the body right the glucose pathway and the ketones right from fatty acids you need both one is catabolic and one is anabolic what does that mean your body cannot always be in one mode anabolic because you'll never get a chance to be catabolic break down waste products and get rid of them and rebuild take your home you can't just live in that same house for 30 years you got to break down that bathroom and rebuild it again same way when you're in ketogenesis or when you are doing intermittent fasting or you doing once a day eating right or any form of fasting where there's prolonged periods of time when you're not eating minimum minimum minimum 16 hours minimum that's the bare minimum when you're not eating for 16 hours you're inducing some degree of autophagy in your body autophagy means you're recycling all your body parts you get mitophagy that means your mitochondria your mitochondria the senescent ones die new mitochondria will be formed when you start eating so when you start all of a sudden you have more energy why do you have more energy because you got new back the new mitochondria now the new mitochondria after a fast you get new mitochondria so there you go you get you get stem cell mobilization after fasting yeah you get stem cell mobilization when does that happen after 24 hour fasts you then when you refeed you get refeeding uh reward and that's that's why you feel so good after a fast has been broken and after you feel so energetic you're on top of the world you're rebuilding your body so this metabolic flexibility where your body utilizes glucose but then also utilizes ketones ketones generated how your insulin levels must go really low so that the fat stores can be opened up the fats come out they get the fatty acids they get converted in the liver to ketones and the ketones can be utilized by your body they're a very nice clean clean burning fuel so we talked about that in my other lectures but ketones are excellent your brain can utilize ketones too but when you're in that state and it's a hermetic state homicides homies homies means stress it's creating that stress in your body that stress that does not kill you makes you better and stronger you have to become periodically ketogenic you have to that's how you were made you can't be constantly in glucose glucose anabolic anabolic antibiotic animal you'll burn down real quick so the biggest hermetic stress you can create for your body is actually intermittent fasting now there are other hermetic stresses too you can go have a nice sauna and i love sauna if any of you have cardiovascular disease i recommend that you all do saunas because saunas have been shown to decrease cardiovascular risk sudden cardiac death especially if you have diminished ejection fractions but of course get do it within in consultation with your cardiologist but yeah that's a hometic stress exercise is a hermetic stress and then of course there's certain foods that create a hermetic effect in your body as well so you know those certain types of spices for example turmeric and all those they are actually hermetic that's how they actually work on you and make you better so there you go metabolic flexibility multiple fuels my body can use multiple fuels that's what you want and it improves intestinal dysbiosis oil this is so important and when you do this you're going to have the micro microbiome in your gut that's going to be of a wide variety and diversity and that's what you want because your long-term health is very tightly knit to your microbiome you have the wrong microbiome you're sick and you will not be able to be working optimally and what knocks out your microbiome first and foremost antibiotics which you already know you shouldn't be consuming antibiotics unless you really have to right right and you should on a day-to-day basis replace the bacteria that you're killing because there's antibiotics in the foods that you eat so i always take a probiotic i like kefir as you all know but i also take prebiotics prebiotics can be bought also you can buy powdered inulin with fos which is fructose oligosaccharides so these is clear fiber so you you just wish it in water and you can't even see it that's the food for the bacteria so there's a prebiotics prebiotics also in all the fibers that you eat all the vegetables have pre-bodied so your prebiotics you have your probiotics which will produce postbiotics the probiotics are all the chemicals that your body needs and the nutrients that it needs and there's a strong signal we can talk about this on another talk there's a big signal between those chemicals that are released in the gut and they go up to your brain via the vagus nerve and through your circulation and changes the chemistry in your brain the bacteria change the chemistry in your brain and it's amazing stuff who would think that the bacterial product affects the way i feel think and how my brain functions absolutely proven absolutely proven we'll talk about that on another talk and then it improves leaky gut of course it does because you're giving the gut a chance to heal but if you're eating every two three hours and you're eating all this poison you'll never heal your leaky gut and today we get leaky gut for lots of reasons because the bacteria are all wrong they cause leaky gut food certain foods can cause leaky gut the lectins we already talked about but you may have certain food sensitivities so if you feel that that's going on go and get a blood test you can see which foods uh you you're sensitive everyone's made a little bit different everyone's different so you can get that done and get your gut healed you can get the gut gut lining heal so they're no longer porous a porous gut causes immune activation because all those immune cells inside your gut and the cross reactivity and connective tissue do you know how many patients in my office come with connective tissue disease and what i do with them is they work on their gut i make them change their diet and all of a sudden the joint pains all get better but how do i do this it starts with my diet and then fasting so i had a patient just the other day that came in i got an email actually from a doctor doctor said that he put the patient on on on my diet the patient lost 27 pounds and this is the email he received and he sent me the email the first line she wrote in this doctor i've lost 27 pounds and all my joint pains are gone no it just wasn't done for that i did this for her heart right she didn't but all the joint pains were gone all the joint pains are gone she said my i don't wake up with those achy joints in the morning i feel so good my joints are so flexible how did that happen it's the immune responses that changed in her body so that she obviously she must have had an immune response change because of her gut change so i wish i could have studied her gut and see exactly what's going on but that was a nice email that i got from another cardiologist's office okay so fasting or for addiction why because it also induces autophagy i already talked about that mitophagy it induces the weight loss positive self esteem i told you you're going to feel better about yourself after you've done it because your frontal lobes working now and all those depressive nonsense in your brain is gone you've worked out all those chemicals all those counter regulatory mec uh chemicals that built up in your brain because of the addiction and positive positive positive dopamine dopamine dopamine all these other chemicals have had a chance to work out when they've worked out of your brain now your brain can function normally so long as you're addicted and you're constantly eating and you're doping dopamine dopamine dopamine those other chemicals don't get a chance to go down they can't stay accumulating accumulating accumulating hence you feel depressed tired fatigued or even suicidal even suicidal so you get that improved self-esteem mood depression less pain improves sleep eliminates fatty liver gets rid of sleep apnea who wants to sleep with the mask all night long i don't want to sleep with a mask all night long got better things to do improves insulin sensitivity reverses your diabetes and eliminates all ah eliminates toxins so fasting eliminates toxins so not only does this program for addiction help that but tox so all these toxins so some toxins are eliminated very quickly okay so for example you know you put all these um creams on your body and the phthalates are there they'll be gone in 24 hours but if you keep putting them on you every 24 hours you're going to get a lot of phthalates in your body so i tell people listen you are toxic stop using those unnecessary chemicals on your body so they're gone other plastics that are inside your body they also slowly start coming out all these organophosphates in your body all these all these from from from your garden and from insecticides and pesticides all of them will get a chance to get how are they going to get out from your body unless you fast right you detox your body you have to detox your body because eating can be toxic so you need to detoxify your body okay and then of course fasting promotes the metabolic flexibility which i mentioned in the earlier slide so you've got to see that previous slide so oh the the this slide is just talking about adiponectin and it's just science basically but the long and short of it is that you want to get rid of insulin resistance and you want to get rid of your inflammation you want to you know the the you want to activate the the ampk and we can talk a little about that on on other days oxidative stress needs to go down and protect the pancreas and this is a little bit about autophagy just a little slide to remind you all that autophagy which is what comes in after you've done some fasting especially for addicts it induces all these positive changes right it cleans up the cells so you get less infections less fatty liver less diabetes less neural neurodigital changes you get less even cancer because you you're killing off the cancer cells you're killing off the cancer cells when you're not feeding yourself cancer cells die in your body because they need food which food do they need most sugar that's right sugar so you're not feeding them sugar will stop cancer cells die yeah so there you go so immune system gets better cardiomyopathy gets better and there's less aging so i want to stop here because i can talk for hours on on this but you know the purpose of talking about addiction was this that yes i love my fasting program and it's worked on hundreds and hundreds of patients and i thank everybody because i get all these emails and and messages saying how how fantastic they feel and everything else but i think that those who might be addicted may be missing the boat i want to bring addiction to the forefront to let people know that down from your kids down to all of us there's a subtle addiction get out of addiction develop metabolic flexibility change your habits become a free person who can eat when he wants what she wants and no problems my body is flexible if i don't eat today i'm not going to drop dead i have that flexibility develop that and you'll get all these different different benefits from it stop eating anything that is addictive you know all the foods that are addictive now no processed foods basically i think process food addiction is going to be talked about a lot in the future so look out for that but i thank you all very much and i'm going to stop right there thank you so much okay i i could take a couple of questions if you'd like but it is late but i'll take a couple of questions so dr gymnatus uh 300 years ago in the middle ages they ate bread that was not like what we have today is there something available like that for us today that's a basic bread that uh is just a minimally processed grain can we get something like these yeah there are they are where can we get very very difficult to find you you have to go online but you got to eat real whole grain bread so you've got to get that flour so it has to be real horogram because remember that the government allows you to call it whole wheat bread when only 10 of it is actually whole wheat it's 90 or pure white but no they are they are and millet bread is better than wheat bread so the first start would be to go to millet instead of wheat if you're going to stick to wheat then it's going to be difficult you're going to have to find a real whole wheat that is brown hard and heavy and basically the only place i've ever seen that is i buy it on the internet on the internet okay uh you didn't mention so here's the diet i got from you uh fruits vegetables you gave us those no grains uh so i'm looking for meats you want grass-fed meats is what you are natural meats are out there the part of nature so you are nature you eat the meat okay but it has to be grass finished meat chicken okay chicken is fine it has to be organic chicken you see in the old days i used to talk about being vegetarian and only plant-based and no meats whatsoever no there's nothing really wrong with meats but it's just that we've been eating the wrong meals because our meats today are all uh fed omega-6s and grains in all these big lots so the meat is totally different meat than it was 200 years ago 150 years ago so no omega-6 more omega-3 very little omega-6 in it lots of saturated fat in it not a problem the fat that comes in its natural state in nature is not bad for you it's the fats that we have made processed fats they're bad for but the so if you eat a nice juicy steak with a lot of fat coming off it i have no problems as long as grass finish i know and so uh i'm sorry go on i'm so i love the fats uh chicken same thing uh shrimps and fish wild caught salmon uh i like because the others tend to have too many other toxins including mercury if you're going to eat regular fish don't eat it more than twice a week because there's too much mercury in it yeah so you can eat fish as well and eggs i love eggs organic eggs very good for your egg is a complete product don't take the yolk and throw it away eat it with the yolk so if we're eating like this what do you think is a goal for calcium for us if we're eating this way what do you think it's certainly not a thousand or 1200 milligrams that we need that we hear right it's probably lower do you have a recommendation for how much calcium we should be trying to get from plants and vegetables so forth no the most nutrient dense food is actually meat right meat chicken fish turkey eggs so if you're eating that food you're going to get plenty calcium in it and then when you eat your vegetables you got to eat some vegetables with it now if you look at it stick spinach you'd never think spinach has a lot of calcium it does has a lot of calcium in it so you're going to get plenty calcium in the foods and that little calcium that might be in spinach compared to other foods but it it's all bioabsorbable because it comes packaged that way so if you take a calcium tablet and you whip it down it's going right through into your toilet you hardly absorb and you don't metabolize any of that so the studies to show that elemental calcium supplementation increases cardiovascular risk actually so you don't want to take calcium on its own nature wants you to absorb calcium in its natural state with everything else so i don't take calcium tablets i don't give my wife calcium tablets her bone density is just fine not a problem so calcium no do not take supplements the supplement you should be taking is magnesium okay and the reason why you want to take magnesium because today's vegetables don't have magnesium even today's meat doesn't have much magnesium there's not much magnesium in our water either so we are all magnesium deficient so i like magnesium taurate but other people like other forms of magnesium i have no no issues with glycinate magnesium glycinates also all right magnesium citrate causes diarrhea um so but if you have constipation then take magnesium sit right so i have no problem with that hello thank you for your talk it's very awesome lots of information but you threw me on two things like i ate a lot of spaghetti squash and then i saw the sweet potatoes so i was i wonder if you could elaborate that on that and then i also heard you say i put lotion on my body every day but i'm wondering if i'm putting toxins yes okay the first part is spaghetti squash i love spaghetti squash because that's that's made from squash and squash is a whole product i have no problem with that and all you've done with it is made it look like spaghetti so you can eat it so i have no problem with that whatsoever so the the spaghetti i have no problem with and the other food you mentioned was sweet potatoes okay sweet potato is also a whole food i have no problem with sweet potato because it comes with the fiber it's completely packaging you're eating the whole thing i have no issues with sweet potato unless you're severely overweight obese if you're not dealing with weight loss i am i've reached my ideal body weight then you can have that absolutely no problem my sugar is under good control you can have it not a problem not a problem because you're getting fat now white potatoes have a much higher glycemic index than sweet potatoes so generally speaking i don't like too much potatoes but sweet potatoes have no problem with that no problem with sweet potatoes so you can have sweet potatoes so you're okay with that it's not gonna bump up your sugar now for those of you who have confused glucose monitoring you notice that when you eat a regular potato your blood sugar spikes right after eating potato but when you take sweet potato there is a small spike but it's just a mild spike i do like continuous glucose monitoring for that reason so all of us have a slightly different physiology if you're really concerned about which foods are really helping you and which ones are not and you don't want to spike your sugar because that's your problem you're dealing with let's say you have insulin resistance high insulin levels diabetes then i suggest that you get a continuous glucose monitor you can buy it it's about 500 so what you do is you put that little button on you and you just monitor so you have your meal you check it out and you can see what which one is causing that big spike in sugar and you say okay that food does it that food did it that food did it you can avoid those so people who are doing that i get great results when they do that because now it's like a biofeedback they're getting their own information back and it's changing their behavior so continuous glucose monitoring is something i really endorse very much and then the last question that you had was about your motion yeah you know what you don't have lotion deficiency my friend these lotions were not made for anything but to sell it to you and one they have perfumes in them and these perfumes may or may not be good for you but what i don't like is phthalates those are plasticizers that's what gives it that creamy texture those phthalates get absorbed and you you take a shower with with the body lotion on it and you you do it like the ones that you use right then urinate for the next two hours you'll see very high concentrations of phthalates in them so phthalates are plasticizers they're plastics they they go into the body and they they call estrogen estrogen stimulators so they disrupt your insulin in your body and that is why i don't like them because the the anything that interferes with your hormones you see what did i say you're a hormonally modified human being don't mess with your hormones we don't know much about hormones anything that's going to affect your hormone you should be very careful about i don't mess with any creams plasticizers on my skin now unless you have eczema and you really have really bad skin yeah you can put that on that but i saw another patient the other day using a lot of sunscreen she uses sunscreen day in and day out i live in florida i put sunshine in the morning even in the afternoon her vitamin d levels were 20. 20. besides that i can guarantee you that part of her problems that she's having is because she's messed up her estrogens and stimulation eastern stimulation so i told you you've got to cut this out and you see how how good you'll start feeling so she's not a natural there's no natural there are natural creams that you can buy that don't have any of the plasticizers and phthalate free plastic free creams they are available you got to go to certain stores that carry those brands but they are available yes growing up as a kid in africa we just used to put vaseline and vaseline doesn't get absorbed but vaseline is a nice moisturizer as well it keeps the moisture inside for my dry skin when we were little that's it what about glycerin for our skin gold seal glycerin oh glycerin gristin's fine glistening is excellent you see so the soap for example i use simple soap simple soap that doesn't contain anything except pure soap and it's mostly glycerin so i don't use the regular soaps because they full of all these chemicals in them the colorizers and too many plasticizers in them so i don't use regular soap either i want to be as natural as you can because the environment is giving me all the toxins i need anyway you know it's terrible terrible my name i'm going to do a talk on pollution environmental pollution in general and what we can do in our home what can we do at home to prevent pollution because it's a lot of it is indoor pollution and in the food that we eat and environment and things like this what you put on your skin what you put on your face and what you wash your hair with what you even wash your dishes with your clothes with and there's so many things we can talk about about pollution so i'm going to talk about pollution as well because you know there are it all what's it got to do with the heart it has everything to do with everything you know the heart is not it's just an organ others all these other things affect the heart as well and the cardiovascular system it affects the arteries and you are nothing but a bunch of arteries that are supplying organs if the arteries get messed up that organ doesn't work very well and all your arteries are the same whether they're the heart the carotid the renals uh it's intra stable they're all the same we must take care of our arteries you are as old as your arteries that's why everything we talk about here is to keep your arteries nice and healthy you're as old as your arteries keep your arteries healthy everything else will take care of itself and we've just gone on to the wrong road and it all started because i told you before it all started because of the bad information about fats yeah the wrong information about fats because someone had to blame something because the president died of a heart attack and then along comes somebody who wants to make a name for himself governor mcgovern and then oh and so keys had to make a big name about the fat thing so he was the one who blamed it and then these people took it to the legislation and made it rule now okay we're going to do this we're going to do that and then the nation is so good they followed it to the t and there we are today worse off than we ever were before that's you see being a cardiologist my biggest frustration was just this that i can fix an artery if it's blocked oh what can i do to prevent that blockage in the first place i had nothing i had some i always did some preventative stuff but what i was doing was really just scraping the surface it really wasn't doing much so as i started reading more and more i got so excited about all the different things especially about diet but now i'm getting into other things too fasting which is not dieting it's different fasting is different from dieting and then i'm getting into other things such as sauna environmental pollution they how they influence your body as well ice dunks and how that can also improve your physiology sleep heavy into sleep i'm going to do one talk on sleep and how sleep what is sleep and wha how should we sleep and how much should we sleep and how should we get to sleep and what can we do to get deeper sleep and how do you know even getting good sleep how do you know the quality of the sleep that you're having instead of just quantity what's about the quality how do you measure it and what are we doing to disrupt that and how does that affect your cardiovascular system and it's huge how it affects your cardiovascular system so we're talking about sleep we talk about the environment we're talking about your food we're talking about heat cold supplements herbs so we want to kind of hack our body into health again using all these different modalities and get rid of all these old thoughts that we had about you know we were really misled we were misled you know yeah so thank you all for being such a great audience and um look for my next one okay thank you thank you thank you
Channel: The Galen Foundation
Views: 3,170,439
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Id: kN83jppeI7Q
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Length: 91min 18sec (5478 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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