"The Bittersweet Truth" Dr. Jamnadas, MD - Galen Foundation Lecture 2019

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[Music] the bittersweet truth that means there's some good and bad and everything else in there so let's just dive right into it so the sugar consumption has really gone crazy so where did sugar come from it came all the way from borneo papua new guinea and that was around the 12th century and slowly slowly it made its way over to india and in india right around 1400 or so somebody decided that hey we can make this molasses into crystals and the crystals will last forever and then when of course um alexander the great and all the other people came they saw the crystals they took them back to europe they could transport them and that's how the europeans got sugar and then they got addicted to it and then they went out and found the new lands and in those new lands new discovered lands that's what started all the trade and all the plantations et cetera and you know the rest of the history but basically sugar's only been around for a very very short time in our history in our genetics we really have not had exposure if you look at our entire hundred years let's say of existence sugar is just coming in the last millisecond so our body has not been able to adapt to sugar and if you look at the growth of the industry is phenomenal and then of course came world war ii and at that time the sugar oils went down and then high fructose corn syrup came onto the scene in the 80s and that of course added even further impetus to the sweetness on our sweet tooth and then there you go sugar sugar sugar all the way so what's happened is man has evolved man did not evolve genetically and i'm saying that we are now evolving hormonally so we are now hormonally modified humans because if you take the genome of this fellow over here it's not that different from this guy's genome or this cause genome and yet how come they look so different because these guys hormones are completely different from this guy's hormones and i'm going to show you tonight that our hormones are changing our hormones are changing because of our habits that's your problem now i'm just gonna say something you get one person and i give him a thousand calories he doesn't put on weight the other guy gave him a thousand calories and all of a sudden he puts on weight so the old theory was calories in calories out and i'm sure that you all know from my previous talk that that is a whole bunch of baloney the body will take the thousand calories here in that person and depending on the hormonal status will burn it off it'll go to the brown cells and there's thermogenesis brown cells are fat cells that are brown their job is to burn energy so you say wait a second you're telling me that the body is just wasting that energy and the answer is yes and then this poor fellow over here has no brown cells because he's got a whole bunch of insulin running around in his body and therefore he partitions those thousand calories straight into storage and in fact because he's partitioning it into into his fat pads he's hungry so he's gonna come back for another thousand from me he's gonna say give me another thousand he's hormonally different this fellow here is hormonally different that's his problem so all this theory that over energy is energy and calories that calories in calories out has not worked everyone has been saying eat less move more exercise more burn off calories and where did it make us go we became fatter we became iller we became more diabetic we're getting more alzheimer's more cancer more high blood pressure more dyslipidemia and that's because our premise was wrong to start off with if we want to make a dent to health today we need to change our mind on what's causing us to be sick it's your hormones you are hormonally modified homo sapiens so let's look at our hormones here you have anabolic hormones which are your sex hormones and your growth hormones and the big elephant in the room is insulin then you have your catabolic hormones which are your thyroid steroids and glucagon now although i'm going to make a very simple picture of your hormones it's quite complicated actually because if your insulin levels go up your growth hormone levels may go down your sex hormones may go down your thyroid hormones may go up your steroids may go up and your glucagon may go up think about it and you've seen it you know when i started medical school i would look at overweight men and women and they i would say you know this person looks like cushing syndrome high steroids so what happened well there's something went wrong here so when the insulin goes high this side gets heavy well this side must get heavy so your steroids go up and that's how you get that typical cushing going appearance of the people and you wonder why all this and then thyroid why are our thyroid hormones going crazy today almost a thought of people say i've got a thyroid problem it's because the body is trying to bring back homeostasis and you'll find that they take that so you fix this side and you will fix this side and i've done it we've taken patients and fixed the insulin levels and guess what even the hormones in the thyroid get better now of course that discussion is beyond the scope of today's talk but you can understand that there's an intricate connection when patients get extremely high insulin levels their sex hormone levels go down there's an epidemic of this going on there's advertisements on tv t levels are low get your your testosterone levels checked there is hormonal imbalance in men and women left right and center today and i'm going to try to convince you today that is because of that big elephant in the room insulin and what modulates your insulin the most is your diet so my goals today is to of course disprove the calorie in calorie out theory antiquated doesn't work i'm going to prove to you that it's your hormones i'm going to prove to you that what makes your hormones go bad was your sugar your carbohydrates these are the main drivers of your metabolic status it's your sugar and your carbohydrates not so much of the others not so much fat not so much protein it's the carbohydrates and the sugar they are the main drivers of your metabolic condition and it is the high carb especially the sugar diet and i'm going to prove to you tonight that is sugar that's driving atherosclerosis diabetes hypertension obesity dementia and likely cancer as well one root cause of a multitude of problems and if you look at those problems those are all man-made recent problems these are all diseases of modern man what's modern man doing he is eating sugar and carbs so when we look at healthy populations around the world in the past for example the inuits or the or the maasai in africa or the people in the the pacific people everybody was healthy when they eating the ethnic foods some are eating a ton of meat only that's all they eat is meat and milk and they're healthy they don't get coronary disease they don't become obese then there are populations that only eat carbohydrates that's all they eat and they are perfectly healthy also and then there are people who only eat fish and they are perfectly healthy also but when you look at all these populations you'll say ah you need to be on a paleolithic diet and always say oh no no no look at those guys there they eat a lot of carbohydrates we should be eating all those carbs so you get terribly confused and you're getting conflicting data on who should be eating what but if you look at all these diets you'll notice one thing it's what they're not eating and what they're not eating is refined carbohydrates and they're not eating sugar so the common denominator in healthy populations when you go out and look at them in all the books that i've read it's sugar and refined carbs all of them are not eating refined carbs and sugars and that's why they're so healthy so let's move on let's look at more data so this hormonally modified human beings nowadays look what's happening to them they have a low hdl high triglyceride the waistline is big everything's up here they have high blood pressure defined at 130 over 8 over 85 or more they have high blood sugar this is called metabolic syndrome and what's the best way to get to metabolic syndrome real fast just eat a lot of sugar eat a lot of refined wheat flour and then on top of it just add some polyunsaturated fats which are found in vegetable oils and now you have the perfect concoction to become a modern man a hormonally modified man or woman i'm just using man as a general term so let's move on i'm going to show you some more things so let's see what's that got to do with coronary artery disease dr jay you're a cardiologist so i'm going to write go right into this study which was 2015 it's a recent study it's called the euro aspire study and what they did is they said okay all these people have had heart attacks so let's see if they have a problem with glucose metabolism because here i am saying it's all to do with your hormones and it's mostly got to do with your sugar and it's your insulin that's out of whack and that's why you're getting heart attacks because after all that's what i am a cardiologist so let's look at the data one third of the mi patients had diabetes one-third two-thirds had undiagnosed diabetes that means they came in they didn't know their diabetes they worked them up and they found that oh my goodness he's got diabetes 21 had brand new diabetes just discovered 26 percent had insulin resistance which means their pre-diabetes and 24 were normal or what they called normal but in fact i put parentheses that's my parenthesis they were pre-diabetic because how did they diagnose them as being normal they checked their sugar levels and sugar levels don't tell you whether you're pre-diabetic or not i'm going to prove to you that also tonight so had they done insulin levels on the 24 that were pre-diabetic which were normal by glucose standards i bet you 100 of those patients with diabetics there is no difference between a pre-diabetic and a diabetic so don't try to feel good about it oh i just got a touch of diabetes i'm pre-diabetic i'm not your diabetic he's diabetic so what's driving coronary disease dr j says diabetes is a vascular disease all patients with mi at least 76 percent had glucose disc metabolism but they were undiagnosed diabetes is the main driving force of vascular disease vascular disease is caused by glucose metabolism problems of the 24 victims that were deemed normal only glucose was measured no insulin levels were done exclamation mark why because we don't measure insulin levels well this is a major shortcoming and i'm going to show you the data had incidentals been performed i guarantee you that every mi victim in that group had an abnormal glucose metabolism that hyperinsulinemia so let's look at how accurate the glucose measurements really are so your glucose measurements are extremely inaccurate method to know whether your carbohydrate metabolism is on or off glucose is terrible it's like if you want to know if your engine is good it's like looking at the engine and say yep i don't see any grease on it looks great this engine is running fine that's how bad it is to look at your glucose levels so let's take a look at it let's dive right into it defining diabetes with a fasting glucose is very inaccurate 40 of diabetics had a fasting glucose less than 110. now where did this data come from this data came from dr kraft who unfortunately passed away just a few a few years ago amazing man he had over 45 000 glucose tolerance tests with insulin levels also so what he did he gave you the sugar then he gave you the the blood test and he did your sugar and your insulin levels and he did correlations between the two to see whether the glucose is accurate or is the insulin accurate or what's going on here he looked at both genius absolute genius all his data fell on the wayside because why did it all fall in the wayside this was in the 60s and 70s why why didn't this information come out i'm going to tell you why it's because we all got onto the fat wagon when ansel keys my last talk that i gave you all came onto the scene and said it's all fats fats fats cause coronary disease all the attention went too fat and all the attention went away from sugar so all this data got shoved under the carpet government agencies jumped onto the fat wagon as well that put the nail on the coffin that's it so sugar did not get discussed and that was a crime that was a crime against the people so look at this 40 of diabetics according to the test that he did they're full-blown diabetic but when you look at the glucose levels they were less than 110 fasting 20 had a fasting sugar less than 100 so now be my guest i want you to all go to your family doctors and just ask for fasting glucose and 40 of you who are diabetic will come back with a level that's less than 110 pat yourself on the back and say i don't have any diabetes do you see my problem you see the problem i have with this we need an accurate way of knowing whether you're diabetic or not and fasting glucose is not the way to diagnose yourself whether you have diabetes or not so for goodness sake when you look at your blood labs and say my fasting sugar looks fantastic it doesn't mean anything throw it away because you are doing yourself just a big disjustist this is terrible 60 of glucose impaired tolerance testing patients had a fasting sugar of less than 100 so what that means is either you're going to have glucose intolerance or you can have diabetes in the majority of patients who actually have the problem and the fasting glucose is going to give you a false sense of security and you must avoid fasting sugars next now if it is high it's helpful but if it's normal it is not helpful at all the next test so you see how antiquated we are look we practicing medicine of the 1970s when we look at fasting sugars it's a crime fasting insulin levels let's look at fasting insulin levels only 16 of diabetics had a fasting insulin level that was high greater than 30. so even a fasting insulin is not a good way of diagnosing yourself with insulin resistance or diabetes okay so your insulin response to the food is more important not what's happening at fat at rest the analogy is your ekg looks great oh yeah you're fine you don't have any problem is that good enough no i go do a stress test the stress test for your glucose metabolism is to do an insulin glucose tolerance test where now you drink some sugar water now tell me what your insulin level is so let's move on my insulin level should be nice and low when i eat when i take in sugar that's going to tell me what's happening in my body let's move on so this test that i'm talking about is called a glucose insulin tons test you give the sugar water you do a fasting insulin level and in this patient you can see it's eight and then half an hour later it's 59 one hour 61 30 13 7 and 6. so unfortunately it goes until five hours and it is a gruesome test to do but it gives you so much information and look at the second hour and the third hour total is 43 normal is less than 60. insulin peaks at half an hour this is a normal insulin response this is how your insulin should go up and come down in a normal person this is pattern two where look your insulin fasting levels are still normal at 13. nice and low but what's happening is that your second and third hour blood insulin is now greater than 60. it's at 126. now 44 of people who had a normal glucose tolerance test by sugar had this pattern so what does that mean doctor i went to my doctor you're right he told me that my fasting sugar doesn't mean anything so he did a glucose tolerance test on me so i drank the sugar water and he only measured my sugar levels my glucose levels and i passed anti a great kid and i said to him you passed your glucose trans test well 44 of people with a normal glucose tolerance test actually had hyperinsulinemia so what so even a glucose tolerance test is worthless my answer yes because you may increase your insulin level this much and keep your sugar under control so you pass your glucose tolerance test your partner massive amounts of insulin keeps his sugar level under control the difference is you both managed to pass your glucose tolerance test but one had a massive production of insulin the other one did not it's your insulin response that's more important because that tells you whether you have insulin resistance insulin resistance means that i produce all this insulin it doesn't do any good to me my insulin receptors don't respond to insulin so when i become insulin resistance instead of needing only two ccs of insulin i produce a bucket of insulin now now my sugars are under control it's taking a bucket of insulin to produce that same glucose response and then of course when you can't produce any more insulin guess what happens to your sugar level now you break through are you getting the picture the sugar level now starts going up when your insulin levels cannot keep up anymore they are so high your poor pancreas is doing over time and it can't produce any more insulin that's when your sugar levels will start going up now and say well now i'm a diabetic well sorry you've been a diabetic for 10 years how because your insulin levels were high and when your insulin couldn't handle it that's when now your sugars went up this 1970s and 1980s technology must stop today because you lost an opportunity of 10 years to 15 years to treat patients who are hyperinsulinemic but you miss them because their glucose towns tests were normal because their fasting sugars were normal because the hemoglobin a1cs were normal let's look at pattern number three in pattern number three your fasting insulin is still normal but look how massively increased your insulin levels are and even at three hours it's much higher so you're getting a much longer insulin response now i'm going to explain why all this is important in more detail but look at this those who had a normal glucose tolerance test 24 had this kind of pattern so the gtt was normal they went to the doctor they got a glucose tolerance test it was fine but 24 of them had severe hyperinsulinemia this high insulin level is killing that patient he's clogging up his arteries causing him to have blindness renal failure dementia driving cancer coronary artery disease high blood pressure is caused by hyperinsulinemia 58 of patients who only had a mildly abnormal glucose tolerance test had pattern 3 severe hyperinsulinemia next pattern 4 now in pattern four your fasting insulins are high so those of you who go for an advanced lipid panel blood test and you're measuring your your your fasting insulin that's the oh this is the only time you'll find that the fasting insulins are high this is the only time and if you look here six percent of patients who had a normal glucose test had this pattern sixteen percent of diabetics had this pattern ten percent of impaired glucose trans test had this pattern now the final pattern is called a pattern five in pattern five the insulin levels after you give them sugar water is very low what's happened in these diabetics is they don't have any insulin why because their pancreas burnt out now the massive amounts of insulin that were produced over the last 10 to 15 years which you allowed it to happen undetected burnt out your pancreas now your insulin levels are low so your sugars are going to go even higher and then your doctor's going to put you on which drug insulin so now you end up on insulin because your levels have gone low so eight percent of diabetics actually have this pattern but i'm going to tell you something that those patterns that before number five was number four when the sugars become difficult to control nobody's measuring insulin levels so many level four patients who actually have a very high insulin level are getting even more insulin injections making the problem worse do you get it so i'm a diabetic my sugars are running really really high i'm already on four drugs and my a1c is nine the doctor will say to me you know what doc you need insulin shots and you don't question it and you go ahead and you take insulin shots but wait a second my insulin levels already sky high did i do myself a service no and i'll show you data today that those insulin injections will make you gain even more weight make you even more hungry and will kill you so what you need to do really at that point is do one of these tests to say okay doc i've had diabetes for 12 years maybe i really truly need insulin now you are absolutely right but measure my insulin level please how many of you had this done one one two three people had the the insulin levels this is ridiculous it should be almost everyone who's a diabetic before you add insulin you better know that your insulin levels are low if they're not low and they're actually running high by taking insulin you're adding fuel to the fire a lot of data to show this lots of data to show this yeah so the glucose in a diabetic patient the glucose tolerance test yeah sixty-six percent had pattern three sixteen percent of pattern four eight percent i told you had pattern five which is that they no longer have insulin so about almost 10 percent of diabetic patients are insulin deficient but they don't know it so they get even more insulin which makes things even worse now for patients who have normal glucose tolerance test normal gtt i'm absolutely normal my gtt is normal 44 will have pattern 2 24 will have pattern three six percent of a pattern four and four percent will have pattern five what does that tell you about your glucose tolerance test it's worthless it is totally worthless these yes these are all patients with the normal gtt they go to the doctor they drink that water they check their sugars and they get a pat on the back saying you're great go home you're doing great when all the time they have hyperinsulinemia and then 10 years later they're wondering why they ended up with proof of asteroids coronary disease hypertension dyslipidemia blindness renal failure etc etc etc i'm going to leave that slide up for just a little bit longer normal glucose tons test does not predict hyperinsulinemia does not so you can predict who's got hyperinsulinemia without doing a gtt how do you do that look at him insulin will make you gain weight right in your belly so your arms are nice and thin or normal but all the weights on your belly you have high insulin level number two you have a low hdl and a high triglyceride you see that pattern you know he's hyperinsulinemic number three you'll have high blood pressure number four he'll probably have high uric acid level number five he's probably got some form of vascular disease already he's either got peripheral vascular disease coronary artery disease carotid disease cerebrovascular disease but some form of vascular disease already and those patients will have hyperinsulinemia you can predict them you can see them in the office they're walking around you see them yup yup he's got high insulin he's got a high insulin level so when you have a bad glucose tolerance test that's really bad sign those patients will almost all of them have very very high insulin levels so yes a gtt when it is abnormal is helpful but when it's normal don't think you're out of the woods now what is functional hypogram throwing this in here because this test that we do this five hour insulin test does help me diagnose functional hypoglycemia which is actually much more common than we think what it is is that two hours after taking the sugar water your sugar levels drop precipitously to less than 50. so typically they have breakfast which is such a nice i'm such a healthy breakfast you know i had all bran and with it i put some skim and i had a glass of oj and i had um my low-fat yogurt it was low-fat yogurt so of course high in sugar yeah yeah and then two hours later they're sweating they're falling asleep and they faint well they're just dysfunctional they got this mental fog these patients what's happened is that because they ate all that high sugary heart healthy breakfast now the sugars have dropped two hours later because they produce too much insulin so they get a reaction and the sugar levels fall below 50. so what i do typically these people that come into the office they say you know i fainted or i feel terrible you know i think there's something wrong with my heart you know at 10 in the morning 11 in the morning i just can't keep my eyes open i shake i think i'm having it my heartbeat goes really really fast um i've you know i have to go and eat something right away and then i feel so much better dog check me out that's the typical patient and then i'll do a five hour test on them and find that the sugar levels two hours level or later are down in the boots so these patients are over producing insulin those patients are gonna become diabetic in five to ten years because they're already starting out producing too much insulin so a history is very important so anyone who has syncope palpitations lightheadedness mental fog behavioral disorder just can't think after meals ask questions is it two hours after meals yes two hours after meal i just have to eat again i get i get ferociously hungry it's because your sugar levels are probably falling due to hyperinsulinemia you're on your way to becoming a diabetic now that's different from dumping syndrome there your sugar levels fall but usually by one hour because that that that food goes right through your stomach real fast usually in bypass patients um and so that's a different story but i threw that in there because symptoms that occur after food are important because you are a hormonally modified human being your hormones are mucked up that's why after food you feel so sick so what is this pathology of diabetes well it is atherosclerosis patients with high insulin levels years before the glucose levels start to increase i already told you that right you prepared to become diabetic 10 to 15 years before you became diabetic you worked hard at it you did a lot of shopping a lot of eating a lot of spending money you earned your diabetes it's terrible oh but no wait a second you're told to do this you're told to increase your carb intake and cut down on fats low fat this low fat that see how nice it is atherosclerosis starts when your insulin levels rise by the time your glucose is high it's too late you already have the disease now of course that doesn't mean we can't help you and treat you in fact we can reverse this disease so people tell you yeah i treat diabetes and i control diabetes you don't know you can actually reverse it yet the american diabetic association says that diabetes is a manageable disease it's not manageable it's a curable disease you can restore your sensitivity to insulin i've done it done it where your insulin will come back your insulin sensitivity will come back when you're now sensitive to the insulin your insulin levels should come down your a1c has come down your weight comes down your stomach goes away your blood pressure comes down you can reverse diabetes don't let anyone look did you know that 80 of diabetics who get a gastric bypass the diabetes is gone it's cured this is a curable disease and i'll show you why your insulin levels are high so the pathology is high insulin levels how do you get your insulin level down there's no drugs there's no drug i can give you let's give you an iv injection and get your insulin levels down no there isn't but insulin is your killer look at this study they took 208 healthy subjects were not obese healthy they followed them for six years healthy people these are healthy not overweight people and what they did is they looked at their insulin status they're healthy people but i just told you that healthy doesn't mean anything it's what's your insulin levels going inside that's how healthy you really are so they measured the insulin levels and they said okay now let's see who drops like flies let's follow them for six years and look those who had high insulin resistance more than 10 of them were dead or diseased by six years those who had medium insulin resistance 12 out of the 208 so combine 12 plus 28 you got 40. almost 25 of these people by six years were either dead or diseased based on the insulin status see insulin is a very powerful predictor of how well you're going to age why is that because you are as old as your arteries and what's the most important thing that controls the health of your arteries it's insulin you're getting the picture now right william osler said you are as old as your arteries you wanna know how old you are just look at your arteries if they're clogged up your coronary calcium score is really high you're old you're ready to exit this planet it doesn't matter how old you are you're ready you're primed up you're nice and ripe on the other hand if your arteries are clean your calcium score is zero or less than a hundred you're almost bulletproof what'll happen you'll just be walking down the road and you'll die of something else it's shot by a jealous wife or husband who knows but it's unlikely you'll get a myocardial infarction stroke high blood pressure diabetes related kidney failure proof of vascular disease amputation blindness and probably cancer wow wow this is powerful all right so all cause death rates are also related to your hemoglobin a1c but why it's because it's related to your insulin levels because i just told you that your hemoglobin a1c doesn't really mean that much a1c does not reflect your insulin levels a1c just tells you what your sugar levels are doing and your sugar levels don't mean anything it's what your insulin levels are doing but here even your hemoglobin a1c predicts who's going to get coronary artery disease cancer respiratory disease infections and strokes now here i have to stop right there and tell you all so my a1c came down by 0.1 by using these two drugs yeah so what it don't impact your survival if it did this much but if i brought your hemoglobin a1c down to 5.5 through my program which is going to be complete abstinence from sugar carbohydrates and intermittent fasting and bringing everything down and supplementing you and doing all the right things to you i'll have a profound impact on you without any drugs or side effects of the drugs bring your a1c down to less than 5.5 now that is medicine and by the way that's not curing the pain what that is is bringing the patient back to his normal way that is fixing his insulin resistance that is hormonally going back to the way you're supposed to be and you know what when you hormonally go back to normal the body has the infinite intelligence to give you the health that and and body that you really deserve to have genetically but we muck it up through mucking up the hormones fix this and your body will get back to the way it was supposed to be and designed and runs the way it's supposed to run so how does this insulin and glucose with this metabolism cause this disease process how does it do it we've known since the 70s that insulin causes endothelial dysfunction that means the blood vessels can't vasodilate and constrict insulin directly reduces your nitric oxide levels it causes atherosclerosis of the artery microangiopathy in the retina the glomerulus you go blind in the glomerulus you go near your kidneys go to peace you get coronary artery disease microvascular disease inside the heart cns cns let me tell you about the cns yeah i'm worried about alzheimer's you should be more worried about microvascular disease in your brain and after all the research that i do i've come to the conclusion that at least 70 percent of all the dementia that i see as a cardiologist in my office is vascular disease it's microangiopathy in the brain and you look at the ct scans it's a small vessel disease what does that mean small vessel disease i wasn't born with small vessels in my brain small vessels this is diffuse atherosclerosis in the brain and it's all caused by the same thing the same thing that gives you a heart attack gives you peripheral vascular disease that same thing gives you carotid disease that same thing gives you a stroke that same thing causes you to have dementia too they're all one and the same thing and i take it a step further that there's so much data now linking insulin and sugar to cancer that cancer cells behave totally differently when they're in a situation of high insulin high glucose there's a direct correlation between insulin sugar metabolism problems breast cancer and colon cancer this is unequivocal this is not no oh yeah he's just conjecturing there's data on this now i can't show you all the stuff can i but i read on your behalf and one day i might show you those slides too so dr stout was a professor he was in dublin he had all this data in the 70s it all got eclipsed why because we all jumped onto the high fat bandwagon saying that it's fats that causes atherosclerosis not sugar to the extent that in 1977 the mcgovern report came out the mcgovern report was written by one man who happened to be a vegan and he also said oh yeah we mustn't eat meat and we mustn't need red meat he had no data the scientists all got up and said that hey this is wrong we shouldn't be telling the american people to cut down fat when there's no evidence that it is saturated fats that cause coronary artery disease but because of people like ansel keys and everybody else oh why why why were we so high on fats well look people were dying we got to do something if all of you have a complaint and i'm the physician here and i have a policy then i can rub a stamper i'm going to do something about it so based on extremely flimsy data they came out with the food pyramid which basically vilified fats and all the attention went down to fats and of course then it spawned a whole industry to produce low fat diets and by the way you all carried out all the recommendations you're such good people you did 35 reduction in red meat consumption on average thirty percent reduction in the amount of fats that you took in from saturated fats all of you did it and you have to replace that with something and you increased your intake of carbs so you all went on a high cup diet eating all that bread and wheat products crackers potatoes starchy vegetables yams and beans and all these things and your carb intake just shut off now that's okay look i don't have a problem with glucose and starch is glucose molecules stuck together my problem is with fructose and sugar so i'm going to come to that in a second but what that did it spawned obesity so let me clarify something with all of you right now the problem is with fructose not so much with glucose starch is 100 200 glucose molecules stuck together that starch so you eat a potato you're just going to get a lot of glucose into your body not sugar it's potato it's a natural thing it's got glucose glucose will be handled by your body but if you take too much of it you will put on weight but that fat will be healthy fat it will not be this and i'm going to show you today that the fats that goes here is generated by fructose so people around the world who are on a high carbohydrate diet they didn't get the disease so i don't mind that all of you went and started eating more carbs it's the sugar that got you because there's a combination of sugar and starch that made you overweight now when you get sufficiently overweight you'll become insulin resistant also but did you know if you look at all obese people only about 30 percent have bad fat so the others have healthy fat and they're not sick they don't have metabolic syndrome they don't have a low hdl and a and a high triglyceride they just overweight but they're otherwise healthy those people are consuming too much carbohydrates so i do put them on a low carb diet but for a different reason i just want them to lose weight because i don't want them to become insulin resistant in the future and i don't want them to get joint disease and i don't want them to get high blood pressure but that's different from the guys who have got this and i do a biopsy of that it's full of macrophages lots and lots of macrophages inflammatory cells look fat should be fat but the fat that is in the viscera in patients who have who are on a high sugar diet that fat is full of inflammatory cells and it produces tumor necrosis factor interleukin-6 i mean name it and these things drive the atherosclerotic process they have inflammation in their body fat itself is not inflammatory but bad fat is so i'm going to come to that in a second here so he said that it's the insulin and disc metabolic condition that causes caused by insulin that causes disease vascular disease i told you endothelial dysfunction smooth muscle proliferation that's when the arteries get hardening the smooth muscle privilege so muscle becomes harder thicker lipid deposition the bad fat once it's overspilled from the liver goes to your arteries and now deposits itself in the artery the bad fats go to your liver from your liver go to the liver first then it goes to the pancreas then it goes to your muscles and then gets into the arteries then patients with high insulin levels remember that seesaw i showed you the growth hormone levels are low therefore there's lack of repair and they get increased catabolism which means that the walls of the blood vessels break down why because they have increased steroids as well so this whole cascade then causes hardening of the arteries so diabetes increases cardiovascular just by 500 percent but it appears that it's the insulin level this is the hidden parameter it's insulin which is why look i mean you go to your doctor and you get your sugars treated my glucose level is now much better you still get a heart attack my sugar levels are better you still get dementia you still get a stroke what do diabetics die of heart disease but are doing four medicines well that's a lot of fat good it did you taking four medicines for diabetes but your insulin levels are still high do you see what i'm saying now we'll come to the medicines in a minute because there are some diabetes medicines that are better than others but basically all of them only scratch the surface if you really want to get a handle on your insulin it's your diet it is your diet and until we face and you're going to get such a bang for the buck just with simply cutting out the sugar and watching your diet cut out the fructose i'm going to show you that in a second so how did insulin levels get so high in the first place so my insulin levels i go to the doctor my god they're really high but i thought i was a good boy well because you developed insulin resistance so why did you get insulin resistance because you're eating too frequently oh because you could eat five times a day you know keep that keep that energy level good isn't that the advice you were given disgusting disgusting advice given by authorities i want you to all know that you got to take your health into your own hands and stop listening and start thinking so we are all taught oh you gotta have three me look listen i like dietitians but i totally disagree with everything they say is it three meals a day two snacks in between maybe a late night's night i said what the hell are you doing so what happens is your insulin levels go up and before they get a chance to come down they're up again and before they get a chance to come down they're up again so all day long your insulin levels are high even right before you go to bed so now your poor insulin receptors are being bombarded by insulin all the time so what happens when a receptor gets bombarded all the time it down regulates it doesn't respond to it anymore it's pushed all that glucose into the cells also there's no more room now those carriages are full you can't push any more glucose into the cells the poor insulin can't do its job so he says well you know what we had two cops pushing all these people into this wagon well just order another 12 cops to come along now 12 cops line up and they're all pushing everyone into the what is this that's insulin resistance so what causes insulin resistance is insulin what made too much insulin you stimulated it too much too frequently and now you become insensitive to it and what made your sugar levels go up so much is one eating too frequently stop eating so frequently you're a paleolithic human being actually and your genetics at more than ten thousand years old so in those days you are not such a good archer that you could make a hunt and kill it every two hours you probably made a kill and then you probably didn't eat for another day or two that's all you did you're supposed to feast and fast but we don't do that anymore and we have a phenomenal physiology in us for feasting and fasting and repairing and we don't utilize that all the time so we feast feast all the time and therefore you became hormonally modified human beings also your sugar intake was massive now some chemistry sugar is 50 glucose and 50 fructose everyone knew that right so sugar is not glucose sugars is 50 glucose 50 fructose so the body breaks it down glucose i told you not too bad your body knows how to handle it and glucose is utilized by every cell in the body so you eat some glucose let's say you ate a potato it's gonna be metabolized everywhere a little bit will come to your liver and you'll produce a little bit of fat from it but most of your glucose got absorbed in your body fructose on the other hand cannot be utilized by any cell in your body except the liver did you know that did you know that liver is the only organ that can metabolize fructose your body cannot get any energy out of fructose the only way you can get energy out of the fructose is have your liver converted to fat what you mean sugar becomes fat how many of you knew that sugar eating a teaspoon of sugar or coke a can of coke or soft drink i should say that a can of soft drink will become fat in your body did any of you know that it's amazing that sugar becomes fat in your body and then the fat can be utilized but this graphic is missed by parents school teachers administrators politicians policy makers industry industry loves it i'll come to industry in a second because they are just as much all these culprits all of them are culprits played the greatest experiment of health in history on the planet earth they are responsible for millions of unnecessary mobilities and mortalities so the fructose and by the way high fructose corn syrup oh that's such a bad thing is 55 to 60 fructose but did you know that it's 40 to 45 glucose so what is the difference between sugar and high fructose corn syrup not much high fructose corn syrup is 55 fructose sugar is 50 so you're getting 5 more fructose but i want you to know what the politics behind this is so the europeans you know much smarter than us americans right so what did they do oh we're going to ban high fructose corn syrup it's so bad for you and they banned it and all of us said oh look they're so smart they did it but now they are all consuming sugar thinking that they just did themselves a great favor not realizing that fructose sugar is just as bad as fructose if you want to ban anything you should ban both of them but you see it makes you feel like the government did something for you that they banned high fructose corn syrup my government's looking out for me i'm saying no that's just a game to show you that they're doing something for you if you want to ban anything it should ban sugar and high fructose corn syrup both because there's not much difference between them and the manufacture of high fructose corn syrup are absolutely right there's no difference between sugar and high fructose corn syrup but yet they lead you all to think that oh high fructose corn syrup's a real bad thing i'm just gonna have natural sugar i'm gonna have natural sugar now how many times have i heard that a natural sugar is fine i even have brown sugar by the way you know which is white sugar but it's got little it's brown who cares whether it's brown or not it's still sugar but what they've done is they take some demerara stuff that brown stuff and they color it at the end did you know that it's white and they just color it at the end but then now you think that oh man i don't you know i ban high fructose corn syrup i don't buy any ketchup with high fructose corn syrup i just you know and you know for my tea i just use brown sugar now but but what created this what created this where you feel that one is better than the other get rid of one it's ignorance because we don't realize they're both poisons now which one do you want to die from just choose your poison do you want to die for sugar or high fructose corn syrup you're just not going to die friends there's no difference between sugar and high fructose corn syrup they're both deadly ones got five percent more than the other so please we need to broaden our net not just aim it at one thing and think that oh because i no longer consume high fructose corn syrup i'm i'm out of danger no you're still in danger because you're consuming sugars so how did the insulin levels get so high because we consumed a ton of sugar over time look at this 57 grams to 85 to 97 now over 120 grams of sugar especially the youngsters oh my god the adolescents oh my god and they think they're invincible they just consume sugar left right and center and then of course our beautiful food food pyramid which misled everybody and here we are now in a fine mess so let's look at the coronary mortality with total fat intake from the various countries and the fat intake you can see there's no real correlation but look at the sugar direct correlation significant the p-value is very significant for pure sugar sugar intake now this is very important okay this is regulation of hepatic that means your liver de novo lipogenesis de novo means new fat production lipogenesis means making fat in human beings that's us so what happens in these studies and the next one which is the dietary sugar production of hyperglycemia so what you mean to say the sugars are making fats in us yes these studies demonstrate that excess carbs directly feed into new fat formation by the liver very well established so go and eat some sugar go and eat some fructose and your liver will promptly convert that into bad fat and this bad fat will be first deposited in the liver then will be exported to your body and i tell you this bad fat is inflammatory this is a totally different kind of fat the fat that your liver makes is not your friend the fat that you ate went into your intestines the kylo microns formed they got absorbed and they were dealt with properly and distributed throughout the whole body this stuff that comes out of the liver is lethal so the liver is an organ that detoxifies everything so you when you eat toxic stuff like fructose and sugar the liver takes it and wants to export it away it wants it out of the liver unfortunately we don't have a better thing to do with the fructose except to convert it into fat and i'm going to show you that this fat is really bad fructose postprandial triglycerides so this is a beautiful experiment what they did is you know when we draw blood in the lab and you you look at it and say oh my god the blood settled down and look at this top portion it's so murky this guy is eating fat all day long well guess what it didn't come from fat so if i give you a high fat diet and i give you a lot of sugar especially that healthy breakfast that i just mentioned and then two hours later i draw your blood yours will be milky because it's full of triglycerides but even as a medical student i thought that that fat came from somebody who's pigging out on eggs but eggs don't do it huh what yeah this one guy physician a little crazy i should go meet him he he ate 59 i don't know why not 60. 59 eggs every day for one month now when he let out hey no no never mind i wouldn't want to be in the same room but he ate 59 eggs every day and then he measured his cholesterol levels it dropped hdr went up triglycerides went down just as a point so it's you know you think that those triglycerides that come up at the top no it's from sugar it's from sugar that's coming from your liver it's that the livers just produced it and now it's circulating in your body so let's look at these drawings here so we go here we go so let's look at your triglyceride levels when you have sugar it goes up fructose goes up high fructose corn syrup goes up let's look at your changes your triglycerides highest with fructose and high fructose corn syrup and look at this this is your change in your fasting triglyceride levels glucose makes your triglycerides go up fructose makes it go up high fructose corn syrup makes it go up so the triglycerides that's the fat in your blood is produced by sugar now how many of you have been told that oh yeah yeah you've got high triglycerides you need to cut out your fat and they do because you all are really good people and then you go back for blood tests and trigger cells are still high happens all the time look i've been doing this for 30 years why do you think i'm so upset because people came to me saying that cars don't work properly the engine is rattling when they turn it on and crank it five times and then only goes and can't go more than 30 miles per hour and i what do i do i check the tire pressure and say you're just fine that's what we've done we've checked the tire pressure in people's engine problems we've missed the boat on everything so these triglycerides when i tell them go home cut out all your sugars and the triglycerides just drop like crazy cut out the carbs could lose some weight by cutting out carbs the triglycerides fall and that hdl oh no you can't change that hdl you know there's no drugs even if there is a drug it only increases about four or five percent you know hdl is so stubborn all your physicians in the crowd should know that right so hard to there is one way to treat it cut out all the sugar lose weight to intermittent fasting your hdr will go up 10 points 10 points guaranteed so the low carb diet versus the low fat diet let's look at metabolic syndrome i told you what it is right sugar insulin blood pressure triglycerides and the hdr so let's look at it low carb diet is blue low fat diet is in purple glucose what happens to your glucose on a low carb diet goes down what happened to your insulin levels massive reduction what happens to on a low carb diet to your blood pressure drops low carb diets lower blood pressure low fat diets do not reduce blood pressure triglycerides massive reduction on a low fat diet there'll be some reduction because remember fats don't come isolated they come with some other other things too so when you go on a low fat diet there's also some reduction in your carb intake because nothing comes in it's perfect isolation right food is mixed and look what happened to the hdl massive increase with the low carb diet and you know that hdl and triglyceride ratio is the most important marker for coronary artery disease you want to know right now whether you're going to be a heart patient or not look at your triglycerides and your hdl your ratio triglyceride at the top hdl at the bottom it should be two or less so if your triglyceride is 100 your hdl should be 50. got it this is the number you have to remember and those who don't know it go and educate your doctors that's the number you should be looking at so when i look at lipid panels on my patients i'm looking at lipid panels for a different reason wow time's already up so i'm looking at it not for cholesterol i'm looking at the lipid abnormalities because of carbohydrate disc metabolism so it's your lipids so what has happened over the years we've said your cholesterol's your problem triglycerides hdr all this you got a lipid problem no you don't have a lipid problem you have a carbohydrate problem which is reflected in your lipid panel do you get it you have a carbohydrate problem displayed in your lipid panel that's why it's showing up so this is what happens fructose goes to pyruvate increases uric acid which causes hypertension jnk 1 goes up that causes insulin resistance in the liver and pyruvate goes to acetate then high amounts of citrate in your mitochondria vldl the bad fat so fructose goes straight down here to the bad fat the bad fat goes to your belly and gives you a belly goes to fatty liver you get a fatty liver and then goes to insulin resistance because now your liver cannot respond to insulin anymore the vldl gets translated to triglycerides and drops your acl because hdr gets consumed and your triglycerides go high your jnk1 that goes up causes insulin resistance how through your muscles because these free fatty acids from here go to your muscles and make your muscles insulin resistant as well very complicated very complicated but in a nutshell it all starts with fructose this is the best way to get to this is through fructose so fructose is not glucose fructose is seven times more likely than glucose to also cause advanced glycation end products what that really means is that in its metabolism it generates a lot of reactive oxygen species compared to glucose in glucose you know every anything that combustion occurs you're going to get free radical generation right oxygen free radicals but the number of oxygen free radicals generated when glucose is metabolized much less than fructose so fructose causes reactive oxygen species and reactive oxygen species if your own body's endogenous antioxidants are not high enough you're going to get damaged your mitochondria damage to your dna you get advanced aging so you want to grow fast a lot of fructose and you'll get old real quick that's what causes degeneration so fructose does not suppress ghrelin so when you consume foods that are high in sugar your fructose portion doesn't even register in your brain that's why you're hungry still that's why kids are hungry still when they eat sugary things do they ever come and say i'm soulful now no but you give them something fatty they'll be full they won't eat anymore in fact force them take a stick of butter next time and say shove it down your stomach they can't they'll eat some butter but then they're full but i think that's a great experiment and then say but sugar they've just finished eating they're gonna go eat more and more and more because sugar doesn't satisfy you there's no sedation and fructose bypasses all of that so you eat fructose you're still hungry so there's no balance there's no checks and balance you eat fats you eat proteins you're going to produce cysts cholecystokinin you're going to produce leptin nothing will happen with with with sugar you'll just keep eating and eating and eating and hepatic fructose it is metabolized differently and chronic fructose exposure will promote the metabolic syndrome this is a slide from dr robert lustig see that this name at the bottom here this fellow here amazing you all should look at his youtubes they are amazing if you want to get into details i've borrowed these slides from him actually so we show here that non-enzymatic glycation much higher with fructose than glucose so much more damage done to the body with fructose than glucose so how many fruits do i eat a day one maybe but i eat berries every day blueberries because they have coloring in them the darker the fruit the better so i love blueberries because they give me the fruits that i need my antioxidants that i need my anti-cancer medication all that is built into my blueberries but you won't see me just chomping down an apple then an orange and then a banana and then a bunch of grapes and sit there doing my homework with grapes over there you won't see me doing that because look fruits are supposed to be at the fall of the year for what they all grow in the fall why because they're supposed to fatten you up for what for winter but no winter never comes so we have a fall throughout the year fruits are overrated and when i said that to my dietitian she almost had a seizure because she was promoting five fruits a day i said you're crazy how can you eat five fruits a day unless you want to get fat unless you want to become hormonally modified yeah be my guest so this was a fantastic study also done by robert lustig and this was done in kids well i'm gonna have to run real fast because i think we only have another 10 minutes max but the bottom line in this is they took kids and they gave them the same number of calories but they took out the fructose and just gave them instead glucose so the total calories were the same but only fructose they took out from their diet and look what happened the glucose tolerance test got better and the insulin levels dropped the insulin resistance went away so remember i was telling you earlier on that glucose is not so much of an enemy except if you're overweight but if you're looking at your hormone and your metabolism and everything else it's the fructose that's worse these kids the two groups had the same number of calories they replaced the fructose with glucose and look what happened the insulin levels came down the glucose tolerance test got better who's the culprit it's the fructose you want your kids to be healthier cut out the juices juice is not a healthy food fruit juices are poisons especially for kids dieting just obesity in mice oh this was a great study so let me tell you this this is fantastic what they did here is they took mice okay and they give them standard chow and they looked at their weights and then they gave them a western diet and of course they weren't really quite fat and then they gave them a high really lot of fats in their diet lots of it both carbs and everything else and they got really bad so this is not just high fat it's high fat plus high carb just a lot of calories then what they did is they took the standard chow and they pulverized it in fact they took all three and they pulverized it into a fine powder and now they fed it to the rats and all of them got fat no matter what they ate what's the lesson wait there's something we do something very similar to this don't we it's called flour it's called bread so when you eat bread you pulverize the flour which is absolutely worthless now there's a direct correlation from the year 1880 onward when the incidence of all these diseases i talked about started going up why in the year 1880 is because when the steel mill was invented the steel mill and the milling process of wheat came about so what happens is now the glycemic index and the characteristics of our flour is totally different from the flower that bread was made from that jesus broke over his knees was that heavy when he broke bread so our problem is that we've changed our food and making it into fine powders refining it because we are modern man is terrible you want to eat bread then you make it out of absolute whole stuff it's gonna be heavy it's gonna be hard to cut and you can maybe eat a slice of it that's the bread you should be eating anything you look avoid flour i'm just telling you all avoid flour so avoid sugar avoid fructose avoid flour and the last thing of course is vegetable oils which i touched upon in my last lecture so don't eat vegetable oils if you just did these these things you will be extremely healthy avoid sugar avoid fructose avoid fine flour and avoid vegetable seed oils vegetables seed oils made from seeds that doesn't mean coconut oil that doesn't mean olive oil because that's made from the pulp that doesn't mean butter it means sunflower seed oil soy oil canola oil all the oils that are manufactured those are the ones you must completely avoid so here post pranayama sugar again this is insulin and gip response to refined bread look what refined bread does shoots up your plasma gip levels and shoots up your insulin levels look at that versus more whole grain stuff whole grain pasta it has to be whole grain it won't taste that good it'll be heavy it's hard to cook but everything has to be whole grain it has to be the way nature gave it to you otherwise donate it the more refined it is poison i just showed you the slides unless you want to spike in your insulin and your gip so excess exposure to insulin is the primary cause of insulin resistance too much insulin causes insulin resistance to bring it down you got to change your diet stop stimulating insulin in your body and fat cell this metabolism also causes insurances okay i find the liver is the main source of the insulin resistance mainly caused by fructose which is found in sugar of course so how do you correct this hyperinsulinemia you must create low levels of insulin how do you create low levels of insulin without drugs without drugs you do it through diet and fasting now what do i mean by fasting i'm going to give my next lecture on fasting and survival but basically look if you're not hungry don't eat that's the first thing rule number one just because it's time to eat what you mean this clock is the main reason why i eat hey i mean you got to eat when you're hungry you got to get out of the smoke that i have to eat three times a day with five snacks number two try to only eat once a day try it try it so the way i tell my patients look i'm gonna give you a summary of how i tell my patients to do it number one for two weeks you cut out all these unnecessary carbs and sugars for two weeks so you get used to being on a low carb diet and you're not going to get uh the addiction that you have to sugar and you know because sugar is addictive so when you stop eating sugar your dopamine levels are going to go crazy the same place like morphine it goes to the same place sugar goes and you're going to go through a draw there is no doubt you will go through withdrawal but you gotta hang it out so for two weeks you cut out all the sugars so at the end of two weeks all your cravings will be gone and you're just like a junkie that you take him away from his drugs or alcohol after a week he won't crave it anymore so he won't crave the sugar so do that for for two weeks first then after two weeks randomly skip a meal here and there today i'm not hungry skip breakfast tomorrow i'll skip lunch friday evening i was really busy something skip the dinner now have the meal that is socially best for you because you don't want to get kicked out of the house either so but learn to skip meals you'll realize my goodness i didn't die and when hunger does come it'll come it'll be gone hunger never stays all afternoon let's say you missed lunch and i got hungry at two o'clock i'll drink a glass of water while i have a black coffee and half an hour later my hunger is gone because ghrelin which is what causes hunger is released by my stomach it comes in pulsatile modes of half an hour so it comes four times a day through memory it knows that i've eaten four times in the past so every all when those hours come it there's a pulsatile increase in ghrelin levels but over time the ghrelin kind of stabilizes itself it goes lower and lower and lower and lower so ghrelin only lasts for half an hour then hungary is gone and then you'll find the rest of the my god my hunger went away try it you have to try it you know you won't die promise you you won't so so cutting out meals here and there do that for two weeks so now a month has gone by you still survived then you get up one morning and you'll say this week monday wednesday and friday i'm just gonna eat one meal a day i'm gonna wake up and oh just one day a week try it for one day a week for another two weeks then go to two days a week and then go to three days a week and you can stop there because by then most of you already start noticing how good you feel how your sugar levels are better maybe you lost weight because your insulin levels will come down when insulin levels come down where's the first place you're going to lose weight in your belly your belly will go down and because you're doing it not through caloric restriction you're really doing it through fasting your hormones are totally different so let me explain something if you just cut down on calories but you're eating three times a day your hormones are very much the same as they were before do you get it so yes you took in less calories and maybe you lose some weight but you're going to feel terrible you're going to lose muscle mass and you'll just you will gain back all that weight again in about a month or two but when you do it to fasting you're changing your hormones that's my next talk that's what i'll talk to you about next time when you come your growth hormone levels your epi levels your steroid levels everything is going to change you got to do intermittent fasting now when you lose weight it's in a different hormonal condition you will not lose so much muscle mass you'll have brain derived neurotropic factor you'll be smarter better brighter you'll feel better and you'll lose fat in the right places and you'll remodel your body you'll have autophagy so when you lose the fat your arms won't hang like this because of the skin you lose the skin together with the fat you will remodel completely different type of weight loss program not this cut down on calories just starve yourself you'll be thinking of food all day long you try what i'm doing you won't think of food you'll think you'll but you won't so diabetes by doing everything that i'm saying you can definitely reduce your risk of diabetes metformin can also help you but these are drugs and this is the what i was saying earlier on in the interest of time i'm going to fly through this because it's intimidating this is continuing energy restriction in the long term caloric restriction does not work that's what the slide is all about and tells you that fasting intermittent fasting gives you a better sustained weight loss over time see intermittent fasting reduced insulin levels more you want to drop your insulin levels fasting will do it caloric restriction you'll get a mild reduction look at this at six months look at your insulin level 6.2 i mean weight is 6.3 and 5.2 see that so it's the insulin levels that drop fastest with fasting than with caloric restriction reduce your cholesterol also through a diet that's high in animal fat oh my god this is a beautiful study what it shows is that the hdl went up your cholesterol fell triglycerides went down in animal fat cutting out carbs low carb diet and coronary heart disease in conclusion diets that were low in carbohydrates but for higher in protein and fat were not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in women and therefore these diets caused a lower risk for coronary heart disease this has been shown over and over again it's the low carb diet that's the diet that reduces heart disease here's another one where what it shows here is that you the higher your glucose levels the more your carotid gets clotted the more your carotid thickness increases high carb diets triglyceride rich lipoproteins and corny heart disease again phenomenal study i'll go through another day with you but this is the bottom line this is a quote from the authors themselves given the anthrogenic potential of these changes in lipoprotein metabolism it seems appropriate to question the wisdom of recommending that all americans should replace the dietary saturated fats with carbohydrates we've been questioning this for a long time it's hard to get people to change their minds because they you know when i talk to patients about this they look at me sometimes they're like what and even the doctors themselves look at me like whoa whoa whoa whoa oh stop what are you doing uh i'm gonna go on to another one here oh that that study just shows that heart attack patients or almost all of them have abnormal glucose metabolism oh this was phenomenal 33 reduction in your triglycerides hdl massive increase of 11 percent the bldl the bad one goes down by 30 insulin level drop by 34 in who in a ketogenic diet now i'm not advocating that you'll go on a ketogenic diet because in this diet eighty percent of the fat is from fat and twenty percent from proteins and uh and carbs that's an extremely carb restricted diet and it's very hard to do but these are studies that were done on people who had like seizures and they said my god yes the seizures are better but look at the blood and they get very low incidence of heart disease now i'm not saying we should go on a ketogenic diet at this point but i'm saying cut down on your carbs and six months low carb diet okay look at what happens decrease in your cholesterol ldl goes down triglycerides 56 points hdl went up by 10 points all this is how you can improve your insulin resistance all these things peripheral vascular disease in proof of astro disease cholesterol was not found to be a marker but insulin definitely was a problem now this is my last slide so you all will be happy to hear that this is just to show you that as a government agency if we ban sugar it'll work watch this is the consumption the blue is the consumption of sugar 1915 went up and then what happened yeah the war sugar consumption went down then it went up again the blue the sugar and then the next walk came went down and then look at the red huh what happened what happened to co mortality oh it's the other way down sorry diabetes mortality and this one is the sugar consumption exactly on top of each other so mortality diabetic mortality which is basically cardiovascular disease mapped exactly the sugar intake not the fat intake sugar intake sugar intake because during the war there was no sugar it was rations that's my next talk it's going to be on this so i hope this has thrown some light that we've been you know checking the wrong tire pressures instead of checking the engine we've been putting the wrong fuel in the fuel tank instead of putting the right fuel we're putting the wrong fuel in there so we've become hormonally modified we can regain our hormonal status and it's not just insulin i'm telling you i can talk for another two hours about your testosterone levels i can talk about menopause i can talk to you about about pcos i can talk to you about adult growth hormone deficiency all these things and they're all related one way or the other to everything that i've said over here so i thank you all very very much thank you [Music] you
Channel: Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD
Views: 769,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cardiology, Education
Id: 6zZBiTfIp4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 46sec (5146 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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