Practical Guide to Transform your Health by Optimizing Gut Bacteria

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but these are practical steps that you can take today today you can make these changes none of these are that difficult you can't use it to make up your mind do you want chronic diseases of men today or do you want to die when you are 98 years old just walking down the street and dropping dead well welcome back so enough of this chemistry physiology biochemistry everything else what can I do today to improve my gut bacteria so that my gut lining is also better so that I have less inflammation in my body so that I will not get the diseases of modern man Modern Man from the industrialization since then this is what happened these are all new acquired diseases that we are now looking at it's our lifestyle and this next portion I'm going to talk about your lifestyle which includes the microbiome because it's all in one big ecosystem in your body so let's just dive right into it what do I do practically with my patients of course I take the full History exam everything else but what's my final advice number one fasting why do I tell them to fast can what's that got to do with the microbiome well when you fast guess what happens to the bad guys in your gut they have nothing to eat and I told you the half-life is really short so they start dying off so their population goes down the good guys their population stays good in fact it gets even better because the body wants to preserve those and produces chemicals to actually feed those bacteria so there's a dramatic change in fasting in the bacterial Flora this has been shown over and over again the fasting doesn't only benefit you in one way then okay fine I'm fasting so I'm not taking any food inside but no your butyric acid levels go up your ketones go up your brain changes it gets neuroplasticity and brain did have neotropic factors but some of the ketosis and the changes in the biochemistry actually changes your gut Flora as well so it's a it's it's very interesting that it's all Linked In so fasting does improve your gut Floral one in fact if you look at hibernating animals you know when they are fasting in that in that state there's a huge change in the microbiome that occurs the microbiome changes in people who get gusting bypass and you rethink that all gastric bypasses are just eating less and eating small amounts but no we now know that most most of the changes the beneficial changes that are occurring after gastric bypass surgery is as a result of the microbiome changing change is completely this drastic change that's how you get reversal of diabetes and obesity and all the other conditions associated with morbid obesity and talk about obesity I just want to throw in two points if your BMI is over 40 you've just lost seven years of your life if your BMI is over 50 you've just lost 14 years of your life this is not to be taken taken lightly obesity is just a phenotype of something that may be going on inside your body it's not just oh yeah I'm obese there are some patients that are obese yes and there's no inflammation in the body and you look at the liverson don't attach the liver they don't have inflammatory markers they don't have small dense LDL they don't have atherosclerosis and if I did a biopsy of the fat it probably is not full of immunocytes they're the minority so we kind of look at this in more serious obesity is not to be taken lightly not to be if you want a functional long life then get your BMI down to normal this is very important so intermittent fasting time restrictive feeding remember your microbiome also has a circadian pattern so if you're eating every two hours you've shown no respect for the Circadian pattern of your microbiome so therefore that microbiome is going to be stressed out you're going to have the wrong kind and that's been shown over and over again you eat every two three hours and you will have a different type of microbiome than if you do time restricted feeding because theologically through Evolution also you are not supposed to be eating every few hours go look at my previous videos on on on fasting to be convinced you've got to do time restricted feeding okay this is very important so fasting I think you can go look at my slides on that but they do affect the microbiome and it affects your your inflammation fiber Whole Foods look you're supposed to eat Whole Foods I thought that Foods okay in the upper part portion of the gut it gets digested hardly any gets down to the colon no you need to be eating for you and your bugs she said this is for me all right this is a dessert if you're gonna have one this for me it'll be absorbed halfway down my ilium already it's all gone nothing left to go down to the bottom Sometimes some gets down and cause a small bowel uh overgrowth small intestinal bacterial overgrowth because those bugs that love sugar they flourish in that terminal portion of your of your ilium and you get this condition in fact 61 percent of obese patients probably have what is known as sibo 61 percent of obese patients probably have simple what does that mean that means they have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth the disparities that's going on in your colon now this bacteria go to a different place to live they start living in the intestine and cause Havoc over there so those are the patients who get a lot of GI symptoms and sibo can be treated and can be treated effectively can be even diagnosed effectively you can diagnose sibo you can diagnose leaky gut so all these tests can be done but the point here is that you need to be beating Whole Foods with a variety of different different types of fiber in your diet and we know this from from from our Mediterranean diet from the diets of people who who eat Whole Foods they get the right fiber Whole Foods you look at the similarity of all the blue zones what do they eat so some eat not that much fiber but everything they do here is all Whole Foods so because it's all Whole Food it will then introduce and bring in the right bacteria as well so the Inuits for example didn't like that much fiber but what they do it what little they did Fosters the growth of the right microbial yep fermented foods I tell all my patients to eat fermented foods every day you should be eating sauerkraut or kimchi or or or or never kind of natto if you like natto the Japanese idol of NATO what is narrow narrow is fermented soy you can you can play with it at home you can ferment soybeans and you can have that um yogurt of course but I like kefir I like kefir very much because I think that it actually gets down to the colon um and it has great benefit the more the different varieties of bacteria the better and this is very important fermented foods supplements there are some supplements that I give my patients to improve their gut bacteria one of them is of course omega-3 because I told you that it produces or stimulates rather intestinal alkaline phosphatase which actually heals the gut um so they get less leaky gut and I give some patients prebiotics which are fiber supplements fiber supplements which I mentioned inulin before and then there are other fiber supplements that are also available but I like Indian very much but there are other prebiotics that are available for my very sick patients they're basically made out of natural uh foods that are full of fiber and then put it into a little capsule form and that's helpful no processed oils that means no omega-6 and omega-9 which is found in processed oils so it's a separate token processed oils it's not natural you don't find that in nature yes you find some polyure unsaturated zinc nuts for example but the proportions are less even olive oil has some omega-6 in it and a little bit of omega-9 in it but the proportions are are much less so nature when it packages things together it does it very nicely so olive oil is not all monounsaturated as most people think it is it's not only a proportion of it is polyunsaturated and it's got monounsaturated and there is even some saturated fat in it so this is a mixed proportions and everything is bottom line is it must not be processed anything that comes from a factory is not right if that oil was made in a factory it's suspicious because what do they do because these also be consumed by your bacteria but by the way we're in the in the in the in that big wall spool that we had in the Gulf how did they fix it up how did they clean it up oh that's oil right so Along Came bacteria bacteria to the rescue through a bunch of bacteria that are oil consuming bacteria and they consume that oil see so bacteria can actually consume a lot of things so if you live long enough maybe in another million years from now 500 000 years from now all the poisons that you're putting into your stomach including plastics for example you will have bacteria in your gut that will be able to process all those bacteria or all those products but it's going to take you 500 000 years before you develop that type of ability so I wouldn't wait that long process for no sweetness no preservatives or multipliers look these things are all chemicals they were made to preserve things for convenience shelf life that's why the process soils are also used like cookies for example emulsifiers emulsifiers terrible hate emulsifies what is animal spot and multiply is doing something that's unnatural it's taking oil and water and putting it together and and it's emulsifying it so that it stays together it's processed emulsifies to terrible things inside your gut does the same thing you're supposed to separate this thing emulsifies no good no sugar sugar is a processed food it's taken up by bad bacteria in your gut eat a lot of sugar you got a lot of bad bugs in your gut that includes high fructose corn syrup which is really awful did you know that the metabolism of high fructose corn syrup is almost identical to alcohol if your kids are taking high fructose corn we might as well give them a drink it's that bad on the liver so think twice before you give a kid any hypotenuse corn syrup fatty liver is one of the biggest problems that we're having kids today and they're going to go on to get liver failure down the road there's absolutely no doubt about it true allergy workup so some patients really have gut allergies and that's why they have leaky gut yeah and they may have gluten allergies so you can do gluten tests see whether they actually have butane sensitivity or not sometimes it's the Protein that's found in wheat or barley rye and oats but you can run those tests on some patients but you know what in my experience doing this now for a few years now I find that the allergies is a little overblown and a lot of people are going on to this gluten-free diet and saying they're feeling some are feeling better some are not feeling any better they're going to gluten-free diet and then they're eating processed foods because there's a lot of processed gluten-free foods so you know if you think you are Gluten Sensitive allergy just do the blood test it's a clear nice blood test that's available and then you can do some exclusions that means you can do everything else you exclude one group of of foods and see how so you gotta you gotta have a have patience and have a provider that's going to work with him to see whether you in fact have a True Religion next one is sleep you know what sleep got to do the bacteria do bacteria need sleep answer is yes they have a circadian pattern as well and sleep will change your autonomic condition will give you sleepy a leaky gut so one night of no sleep bad sleep increases LPS levels in your blood bad sleep patterns are inflammatory there's no doubt about it we know that there's increased sympathetic Upper from the brain as far as the gut is concerned you do get leaky gut so you got you really have to repair the gut lining to do that seven hours of good sleep if you're not waking up in the morning feeling refreshed there's something wrong with your sleeping you could see a good sleep position now that doesn't mean you have obstructive sleep apnea only Escape hygiene is important sleep apnea simply means that okay you're choking at night because of your increased body mass or maybe your your turbinates are all blocked and you've got nasal congestion at night and by the way this is happening in kids too huge problems with sleep why because the guts are leaking and therefore they're getting inflammation they're getting mucosal thickening their mouth breathing as a result this inflammation this difference between nose breathing and mouth breathing mouth breathing causes inflammation inflammatory markers go up so these kids are becoming inflamed and they're getting obstructive sleep apnea at night because their noses are getting blocked the congestion necessarily gets so much infection in the ears as well so if you get a child that's constantly your nose is blocked get it checked out and get over them do not accept mouth breathing it affects the Sleep patterns at night it's going to affect their learning and remember there's a there's a phase that you go through if you don't learn it now you know that it's going to be very hard to learn later on it's lost years sleep is not to be taken lightly especially in children so in adults of course it's very important to you have sleep apnea due to obesity or due to structural problems you can take care of it you can even sleep with a mask temporarily but of course the real the real treatment for obstructive sleep apnea in adults is weight loss dietary changes but your sleep hygiene is important watching watching blue light at night decreases the quality of your deep sleep as well so you know you need to start doing the lights and and you need to you need to allow your body to get into that restful State before you go to bed Stress Management stressman can stress increase gut leakiness and inflammation and inflammatory markers such as LPS and the answer is a resounding yes so you just have one bad stressful day you've just had a bunch of LPS go through your body but it's so important that is why everyone must learn some form of relaxation meditation is an excellent one it's a lovely way to manage stress and eat it I also added biophilia so what do you know what biophilia is so biofilia it's a great word bio means life well the environment failure means love so when you go for a walk in the in the mountains in the Hills or a meadow or a park or even on a beach why do you feel so good is it just because the way I went out for a walk no because you could you could have gone for a walk in uh in the concrete jungle of downtown and I don't think you'd feel that good but biofilia is something special a feeling of restfulness and of wonderful feeling that you get why is that it's because you're also getting bacteria out there with every breath that you're taking you're taking in millions of bacteria did you know that I mean do you think that we are so clever here we wash our hands with alcohol and and we have this AC going on and everything else but actually they're in here is not as good as outside you actually absorbing taking in bacteria you want that because you want that biodiversity in your body because the body is always looking to to say okay how can I become stronger how can I become better each breath that you're taking takes in millions and millions of bacteria one drop of ocean water has one million bacteria in it maybe that's why you're feeling so good when you go and go go for a swimming the room it will go go for some in the in in the ocean because your your bio failure gives you the microbiome changes that you're going to need to optimize it what's missing okay these guys are missing they all come in these guys have got plenty of I don't need these guys 99.9 of the bacteria out there are harmless to human beings but we've treated them like enemies and we've tried to demolish them by stabbing them out and killing them with antibiotics and unnecessary you know agents such as uh uh such as these these host pipes are made of these special type of plastics that kill bacteria why what do you call when she we're doing that see so biofilia is really important putting yourself in the environment changing your environment very important exercise now exercise we did talk about a little bit so why is exercise so helpful does your gut Flora change when your exercise answers yes so we know the exercise is good for the cardiovascular system did we work it out exactly why nobody really knew exactly why exercise is so beneficial for cardiovascular disease yeah having aerobic capacity is very good so that you don't get anaerobic and your heart rate doesn't go up too much and your blood pressure doesn't go up too much so you can get the same wattage of work done with less effort so you need cardiac Fitness okay that's different from the biochemistry of your arteries to make your biochemistry better exercise also helps makes the blood vessels better how one of the ways it does is buterate so when you exercise you're actually making butyrate and butyrate actually improves the condition of your blood vessels and it actually it's anti-athroscrotic homiesis why did I throw homies homies is a kind of a stress that the body goes through and that hormonesis actually improves your body for the next adventure does exercise change your gut bacteria also because it's a form of hermesis and then says yes so what happens is let's say I go for a former walk or female walk my body my body language is as follows he's changed his environment he's gone to a new place and a new place is going to give new challenges so I got to prepare for this um and a new place is going to have new bacteria I need to prepare for that see so it makes changes in the body including your microbiome because it anticipates that there's going to be a new environment and I got to be better able to handle this new environment that's how your body knows how how did your body know what are the markers that told it that this change in a place that I'm in so it's trying to maintain homeostasis so whenever there's some degree of challenge to your homeostasis there's going to be an improvement in your immune system is an immune problem it is an immune problem it's an information problem so homiesis is necessary some form of stress exercise fasting is reminisces what else do I do besides fasting you exercise I do hot sauna okay Sona has been shown to reduce seven cardiac death by more than 50 percent if you do it three to four times a week and yeah it's got to do with heat shock proteins and everything else I don't have data on the gut bacteria but if you're interested in research and it seems like you are then go and do some research on that I bet you you'll find that eventually they're gonna find that sauna also makes changes to the gut lining and your bacterial floor that's how it is anti-inflammatory so some form of homies you got to have sample and if you just sit around all day doing absolutely nothing you sit in one spot for weeks after weeks of your immune system is all going to go down the next bug that comes along with this pneumonia or Bingo you're gonna get it you're gonna get it you're gonna get the illness and you're going to get a cytokine storm because your immune system was not regulated to say okay don't overreact don't overreact don't overreact remember the T-Rex cells I told you about remember the titaic cells in the intestines regulatory cells these T-Rex cells are very important they actually go to a thymus gland as well and the famous then especially during development that's the master that says okay all these following antigens these are all friends don't react to them anymore okay now go out and tell your immune system this to answer and they go out there and tell the whole body hey I got a whole bunch of friends here you don't react to these guys okay don't react to them these are my friends T-Rex that's the homeostasis that we are supposed to be living in and that's what this is all about is maintain that homeostasis so you need to stress it every now and then a little bit because what doesn't kill you strengthens you right somebody said that so there you go so I hope that this was helpful but what I practically do in the office because understanding the biochemistry of this is is of course very complicated and coming up with more and more but these are practical steps that you can take today today you can make these changes none of these are that difficult you can't you just have to make up your mind do you want chronic diseases of men today or do you want to die when you are 98 years old just walking down the street and dropping dead because that's what I want to do none of these chronic diseases and disability we don't want that mentally you should be afraid about Alzheimer's Alzheimer's let me tell you Alzheimer's is all inflammatory it's mostly inflammatory and you want to fight Alzheimer's you do this can guarantee you won't get it because there are other forms of Alzheimer's too but I'm telling you'll make a huge dent in your probability that you get elsewhere so don't get those sounds don't get physical illness don't get coronary artery disease don't get end organ dysfunction yeah keep your muscles keep your muscles strength grow your muscles keep them sleep right fix your gut bacteria we'll catch on our next trip if you're coming on my next trip it's going to be on the USS Enterprise so hope that you all can join me till then be safe if you like this video then this one I strongly recommend it for you but if you want to see the whole series please click here foreign
Channel: Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD
Views: 2,199,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cardiology, Education, gut health, gut flora, gut microbiome, immune system, gut health diet, gut health what i eat in a day, healthy gut flora, gut microbiome ted talk, gut microbiota and obesity, gut microbiota and immune system, gut microbiota brain axis, gut microbiota and immunity, gut microbiota and diabetes, immune system meditation, human microbes, intermittent fasting, fasting for survival, dr pradip jamnadas
Id: tokEa2DGcaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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