Addicted To Brown Sauce | FULL EPISODE | Freaky Eaters

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[Music] 27 year-old Jamie Davidson lives in Sheffield with his girlfriend of 10 years Kirsty he enjoys an active life and is the area manager of an outdoor fashion store but Jamie's hardly a very dark secret a dark brown secret he's totally addicted to brown sauce life without brown sauce would be horrendous Jamie consumes more than his body weight of the brown stuff every year and his bizarre eating habits are putting a big strain on his relationship it is quite a problem it impacts on normal home life in terms of shopping cooking but Jamie can't stomach anything else for him they Brown it ain't going down [Music] helping Jamie over the next four weeks to destroy his salty demons will be psychologist Felix economicus a nutritionist Charlotte watts while Charlotte sticks to her healthy eating guns what happens if you bring it in here that's I'm trying to do this is real phobia territory Felix works to uncover the reason behind his addiction mine and my father's relationship was quite turbulent you know I hear it absolutely yeah well Jamie's burning desire to quit the brown stuff to be enough because he hits quickly ting go up in smoke [Music] geordie Jamie Davidson grew up new Newcastle where he lived with his parents and two sisters it was during his formative years that the brown sauce obsession really began to take hold this problems been going on since Jamie was about six year old never bothered him before that afterwards it was just essential that this brown sauce was always available and if there was no I'm jr. just would not eat at the age of ten the family moved to Sheffield and what was already a difficult relationship with his father became worse it was not a healthy good one at all it was a very forceful authoritarian role that he took over me as a child Jamie hasn't spoken to his dad since his parents separated four years ago it is still close to his mom and sister who are both deeply concerned about his brown sauce diet he's not getting the proper food inside that he needs it does it does worry me the sister has good reason to be concerned Jamie only eats one meal tempies smash and canned meat pudding and only one smothered in brown sauce which is chock-full with sugar and salt really do cover the food with the brown sauce or there's almost no food left I don't think you could cope another brown sauce I just think you would stop eating I really do think it just kills if there's none in the house I just know that I'm not gonna eat I don't think I could live without brown sauce to make matters worse Jamie snacks on salty crisps sandwiches loads of sugary chocolate fries and then washes it all down with an unhealthy amount of concentrated orange juice it's completely illogical to me is why I would be stuck in this kind of diet whenever Jamie tries to eat other foods he finds himself at the mercy of forces beyond his command my body just reacts in a way I can't control my temperature goes through the roof it's like I've lost the connection between my body and my mind and I can't control my body it's gotten so bad that if Jamie could just stop eating he would if I could get away with not eating any food I'd do it if somebody brought a pill out where you could just eat one or two of these pills to swallow them down I take pills quite happily because I don't like the process of eating and Jamie's dysfunctional relationship with food makes him a less than romantic dinner date me and Jamie have never been able to go out for a romantic meal it would be really special if we could do that I'd love to be able to just participate and order something off the menu to sit down and just eat it as normal people would Jamie urgently needs help if his future is to start looking bright instead of brown I'm completely desperate to change my diet and 100% effort are going to changing it because it completely affects my lifestyle [Music] it's the first day of a month-long dietary revolution for Jamie he's in London to meet nutritionist Charlotte and psychologist Felix will help him to face his food fears are you feeling confident for today yeah I'm gonna be ready to go we're gonna need to put all your trust in us are you ready to do that before they begin their work Charlotte and Felix have a surprise for Jamie which they hope will focus his mind okay Jamie you are going to face some difficult times in the next couple of weeks we're going to show you a film to give you a bit of extra support so that when times get tough and you need a bit of inspiration you can refer back to this okay I will see you at the end yeah see you soon hi Jamie it's him I'm here you know I love you so so much but I just wish you would start and eat something and get some help like this and let's quote for me you're all a family and see you sit there in a chair with a Nathan and for gonna eat in here hey Jamie this time I want you to really listen to me I know you never listen to me I want my boys to look up to you see what you're eating and saying well I want to eat my uncle Jamie Z in hi uncle Jamie stop eating brown sauce I wanted to get better and eat your veg founder says Abdullah sorry as well don't you're in yes hey Pat I'm so so proud of you for doing this because you're gonna be putting yourself through hell and back I know you are this is a massive problem and it affects our life so much and this is your shot this is you one chance to change and you've got to take it because I'm worried to death about you I love you good luck with all of it okay Jaime's saying you've heard from them people who care about you most yet really worried about your health any surprises there for you yeah I pretty much everyday okay they pretty much come from every time I go into me mum's fellow and she'll be saying that every time I see my sister she'll be saying it's fine any message of support is really good especially when it comes from the little ones so let's go and have a look at exactly what you were eating and look at how healthy or unhealthy or don't actually is are you ready I am excellent okay let's do that Phoenix and Charlotte have got a saucy wake-up call for Jamie when they hope is shot him into action if he doesn't bottle first description this is the amount that you eat in an entire year it's actually more than your body weight jamie weighs 75 kilos just under 12 stone whereas the sauce weighs a staggering 90 kilos or 14 stone this is something that is a condiment so something that is designed to be added in small amounts to food to something of substance to give it flavor but you're really using it as one of the mainstays of your diet okay well we've looked at your food diary and the rest of your diet is made up of this over here and so what is this little platter of food look like to you lunch really that's really scary to me it's distinctly lacking in any color that might signify natural food so is breaking that down if we come over here that in a jar well what this says is the sort you consume in a year from your food this is quite heavy it's about twenty kilos so look at this this is what kind of average person has in a year and you're having ten times more than that this is serious stuff here the other thing which is impacting on your health potentially this mountain of sugar is what you're consuming in a year it's 200 kilos that's more than double your body weight and once again this is what an average person might consume in a year 33 kilos I mean that's a huge difference isn't it it's quite crazy actually I mean the salt is quite shocking I never thought it was that much selling my diet the sugar it's quite we had to feel a bit like as highly addictive properties the mountains of sugar and salt Jamie eats are the direct results of the brown sauce processed foods sugary snacks and gallons of concentrated orange juice so what would you like to set as your goal at the end of four weeks the end of four weeks I'd like to reduce my intake of sugar from half of England's population down to the average person and just be able to have a healthy balanced nutritious meal are you ready to to go through that process make that transition yeah let's go cold turkey in just four weeks Jamie must pick the brown stuff and face up to the challenge of a full healthy meal without sauce something he's not managed in over 20 years it's gonna be particularly difficult to wean Jamie off the brown sauce it's been his complete comfort food to think he smothers everything in so that alone is gonna be a massive issue what I was really surprised about was the salt levels 10 times as much salt that I'm having as that I'm supposed to have I'm surprised my body isn't dried out [Music] several hours later and Jamie was back in Sheffield his girlfriend Kirstie is out but she's left him a tempting welcome home present hi Jamie me and the cat have missed you here are some muffins for you okay lovely gesture after today seems a bit I'm a little bit wrong I think I'll put them on the side and see how this goes and tried to hold off from eating and father long as I can the muffin temptress Kirsty returns from her day at work as a childcare [Music] thank you for the muffins are you welcome I thought you probably not gonna be in your mr. thing go on think the nutritionist yes so it was quite eye-opening seeing how much sugar and how much salt is actually coming from my diet I had two jaws of salt oh my god like two full days of it and then a jar with what your RDA should be had that much in it and my two offal was that really shocking assaulted a lot of it is just how much sauce I have funding that's all in this horse and that bad brown sauce around so yeah I really need to cut back on my salt and sugar thank you for the muffins but after learning that if you like some really bad pet owner now know why they've got like an obese pet and they've been feeding them like some dizziness and buying all of these treats for the school [Music] Jamie may have a deeper understanding of just how unhealthy his beloved Brown sources but psychologist Felix wants to try and understand exactly why he has this saucy obsession in the first place just tell me Jay what's your earliest memory of sticking this very rigid kind of diet there's never been a time when I can consciously remember eating outside of the day okay so it's from the word go for you so when you're growing up mom and dad will in the picture so when you think of mum what have first three things that come to mind um just happiness comfortableness and love really and first tragic is when you think of dad dad is a struggle to think of anything when I think I'm adducts I try to kind of block him out for the last 3-4 yet what's been happening in your life that's led to this wanting to block that out and just cuz as a child that wasn't very pleasant with him there and growing up you know I never felt supported I never felt looked after our nurtured in anywhere and when I consciously think back to that time it's not really good memories that I've got you know and like if I'm trying to look through my eyes as a child I can never remember like a happy moment with him the only image I can remember and recollect is meets up there with a meal in front of us and my dad's saying right you need to eat that if you don't eat that you're getting a face supper if you don't have a very supply you'll have it the next day for breakfast lunch and so on until you eat it and that's the only vision of God of before I was ten and what did you do to me you don't need to just provoke another argument and where my mum was trying to protect us in like she's the feeders under the table she just used to give us about our chocolate or something just like have something in my system right and otherwise I'd I'd have gone hungry so if there's tension with dad then you may have linked those unpleasant feelings of trying to be controlled to do something with the food he was trying to make you eat you know I think it is linked and I'd like to just you know working out a little bit just to know how we can unlink it so food just becomes food again you said you rebelled a little bit against that and often when I hear that with people I work with that they often have sort of her anti-authority kind of behaviors instead have such a problem with authority you know I just turn around and start a fight or okay a lot of a lot of anger there yeah hi Jamie thanks very much that thank you I think Jamie's food problem is firmly rooted in his childhood and especially in his estranged relationship with his dad jamie has a lot of underlying anger about what happened and that's what we really need to focus on if we want Jamie to move on with his eating I just have real like anger situations and all authority controlling situations and I thought I'd left them all behind but to know that there might still be there and present in and was quite a wake-up call in [Music] after a session with Neelix Jamie wants to talk through his feelings with someone who might be able to shed some light on what he remembers as a difficult childhood so how was it then good hi hectic fire exhausting oh dear so what the discover devout yeah we're just exploring where it could come from and what happens and thing and then he's teaming up with anger issues I think I have him that late teens not outwardly angry but it was quite a charge wit handle situations so or just explore and what's actually blocking is from eating new things for me in the household with me dad trying to tell us what to do in force is what to have in what to say and things like that you know that wasn't a healthy environment for a young boy to be growing up in like it's going to cause confliction x' and mike inflictions have been put into my diet i wasn't away was so fun with anything else because yeah they're two working parents he'll go to work and everything's a row sure sure sure sure sure and they're just breakfast dinner at a super go to dad's got get things done for work tomorrow morning that's the problem isn't it you thought it was an issue with food and it's not to be an issue it's turned out to be a lot deeper than that and i answer mysterious Pierce isn't sharlinda when I was telling him about some of the roots of the problem and where I think they're coming from in the session with Felix I didn't want to upset her make I feel like it was her fault for the kind of environment when I was younger I don't want to blame myself I think it was quite hard for I hear that all mum and dads want is for their children Eden grow and be happy in because it was always a struggle with Jamie it was a war at home I was saying faiths all the time and it was his dog Mandy and I would say yeah you will eat that and I would be the one that's slide in a bar of chocolate so I feel guilty I do feel guilty but you know when you look back anything you could change the times you just can't do it [Music] today's Jamie's first one-on-one session with Charlotte she'll be tempting him with an array of delicious healthy morsels in an effort to start winning him off the source Davis dye has been predominantly just high in salt and sugar for over 20 years this means he has an extremely limited palette and a deep fear of trying new foods in the past whenever Jamie's tried new foods he's found himself physically unable to eat them so he's cautious about what's in store I'm hoping when I get up there I'll be able to control my body's reaction and which will enable us to try as many things as Charlotte of give and I can get passed up in the cell barrier okay Jamie what's your initial take on this spread here looks gorgeous gorgeous it's nice so why haven't you eaten it before you know I can touch word I can cook forward I can prepare for it you can do whatever with it what getting it past that there's a barrier here do you also grab a plate nobody's really wrong and let's try some celery [Music] whoa unless you weren't looking at it yeah that was just a thought it was almost like my buddy was trying to shut down - that's not gonna happen you know mhmmm let's move to the egg so when you take take put in yellow a bit of the wild spoon some things no one listen reason my buddy feels a lot more anxious about it it might look like Jamie's chicken with the egg but his fear of food is all too real what happens if you bring it nearer that's unkind it takes 15 minutes of painful procrastination for Jamie to get the egg anywhere near his mouth yes there didn't you yeah it's not logical doesn't make any kind of sense makes me feel slightly crazy I mean isn't I gonna spoon Jamie's problem seems really extreme on one hand he looks a healthy food and he wants to eat it but he has a proper physical barrier between him and actually putting in his mouth this is real phobia territory something that's going to take a huge amount of work to tackle it's really just brought an understanding that it's a four-bit reaction you know my buddy is for Bukh to anything outside of my normal diet and and the fact that it keeps food physically away from me which isn't a mental decision it's a physical response it's just giving me like a whole new understanding of the actual problem that I've got in just three weeks Jamie's hoping to work for a meal in a restaurant for the first time to help and reach this target Charlotte has set on homework first off to get temptation out of harm's way [Laughter] [Music] mm vision in quite a long hard road to encourage Jamie to ditch his high sugar and salt diet Charlotte's packed him a hamper with healthy food you must try something new from it each day but for Jamie even the most ordinary food seems worryingly alien lovely it's a difficult beginning to the new food regime but Jamie keeps his sense of hummus about at all I leave you just on that ice oh god I feel so useless just that here like staring at you I feel so useless just fatiah staring at it I just want to kind of do it for ya it's awful so you knew this uncomfortable and not you know I'd do anything it [Music] the following day Jamie meets Charlotte in London for a doctor's appointment in Harley Street doctor pixie McKenna is a GP with a special interest in eating problems she's run tests on Jamie and has a serious warning about the impact his diets having on his health you're aware it from the sugar you take in yes I am long-term all of this sugar is going to have disastrous consequences for you because although you're lean and your fish this is eventually going to cause problems with your weight and ultimately put you at risk of developing diabetes which will have very very serious consequences for your heart the kidneys for your erectile function multitude of problems but actually for the sake of adjusting your sugar intake now you know yes makes sense the other thing you take in loads of in your brown sauce diet is salt yeah you are putting yourself at risk of not now but in the future some serious medical problems okay and when you have a lot of processed food and you have periods where you don't do some starvation periods yeah it stimulates acid in your stomach and what happens is you get inflammation of the stomach okay so that's like tearing the lining of your stomach that then progresses to putting a hole in your stomach which is what we commonly call an officer and then worst case scenario is when that ulcer drills right through your stomach wall which is the thing called a perforated ulcer which is can you the main symptom of an ulcer is a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area citrus drinks and spicy foods can make the pain worse by eating a healthy balanced diet stomach ulcers can be avoided in the first place bad diet high salt eating erratically you know busy fare like running around buzzing around it's not good good signs are good signs so everything we've talked about here keeps leading us back to the sugar and salt I'm looking forward to the change good good I know that if I don't change my diet in the future I'm going to have all the problems the doctor discussed and you know it's not nice to know that you'd be going down that road and you'd be having to deal with these things because you just want to enjoy your life and be active with your life [Music] the last time they met Jamie spoke to Felix about his feelings of resentment towards his dad Felix thinks this needs to be addressed Jamie's ever gonna start enjoying food [Music] in my last session with Jamie I picked up a lot of underlying anger towards his father now the thing is that he's associated a lot of anger is bad and the food is bad try to make a meal so what I'm hoping James gets out of today is they able to connect those feelings of anger acknowledge them have a channel to vent them and that's going to help him process them and therefore help you move on with his evening hey man okay yeah good oh do you have any idea why we're here today none at all okay well I actually want you to really connect the state of anger today from really getting the groove and getting the spirit allow yourself give yourself permission to be angry so right now just think about what really ticks you off tonight ignorance so ignorant really makes you angry yeah stay with that feeling wanting to do take this spray can and put ignorance wherever you like on this car in big bold letters [Music] and what else really ticks you up in fairness [Music] any kind of authority [Music] so Jamie in the boo here we've got a couple of hammers and a baseball bat so I want you to pick your weapon we smash through those words and just go ape on this car Jamie yes you do it can you shout the words unfair [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey all right what do you feel like just then while you're doing that hey okay good and that kind of having that relief your feelings towards your dad I think I spilled over into your food are you seeing that connection yeah yeah as of today I want you to just acknowledge those feelings who connected them you've even had a release of them and true lies that you know food is their innocent victim they got caught in the crossfire so do you get that I get that now yes I know my problem isn't with the food you know that's a byproduct of the problem that I've got so the food is quite it's irrelevant to me it's hammer nobody's reacting to food but it's not the food that to stimulate in that reaction I think today was a real breakthrough for Jamie in that he could release all this pent-up anger he's had inside and he now realizes these negative feelings were towards his dad and not food and this should help him to move on with his new diet but I still may need one more session with him to fully remove this block he has with his food I can separate the photo shoot for the time being with the issue with the emotions and might free me up to really expand on my diet [Music] Charlotte's keen to build on Felix's progress she's sent Jamie instructions for his next homework task something designed to turn him on to healthier foods as he finds putting food into his mouth such as struggle himself shy thinks it might be easier if someone else does it for him sit on the couch you cook a meal come over on feet as well oh yeah but you will be right honey we've got great you can feed me grapes the rest of the yeah if you want yogurt it's just a tough you'll get if we're gonna do this let's do it okay have I got the blindfold here it's to you ready yeah well done some I think that's something I could get used to you could eat that then no you penis by handing over the control to Kirsty Jamie is able to overcome the physical barrier preventing him from trying new foods [Music] [Music] just got rammed into my mouth so that was good because it you know I didn't have the time but my body to react to start thinking and overthinking about it all I was not the real test comes when Jamie tries to eat new foods again on his own no big one so this is the scrambled egg I'm gonna try the temperature is not what it used to be as in my body temperature is not every day I take a three to four out of ten it seems to be getting a lot easier to be able to try foods and get through that barrier that used to stop is you know or enough body just used to physically stop the food from getting anywhere near is and it seems like every day that barriers just being getting worn away in worn away today's Charlotte's bought Jamie to the good food show in Birmingham he succeeded in getting new foods into his mouth the question now is can he develop his palate and start to enjoy them new flavors taste that excite you that you feel some kind of emotional connection - how does that sound with over 500 stores of produce at the show even a free Kizer like Jamie's should be able to find something to tickle his taste buds so it was darling understand waiting for the the revelatory moment of joy after being garage for two decades by sugar and salt Jaime's sense of taste has been totally normed [Music] feels like I'm painting a plant yes not used to their diverse flavors of food Jamie's struggling to find a taste he enjoys the last time I saw him Jamie's doing amazingly well he's trying and he's entering into the spirit the only trouble is he's still got it's almost like numbness he can't really taste it fully yet or enjoy it there's one food which should be able to penetrate even the most insensitive very nice into a smile jamie has finally found a food to match his burning desire to change his freak eating habits this morning I think it's been good and maybe the careers the new brown sauce while they'll have a career [Music] [Applause] [Music] back in sheffield felix has asked jamie to visit his sister perhaps she is someone who can shed some light from what Jamie sees as their dad's role in his eating problem [Music] so I'm going to see my sister now just talk about my childhood and all the issues around me dad my sister's the only one really in the immediate family that still keeps in touch and maintains a relationship with me dad so I imagine it's going to be a bit of a struggle just to make I realize and even possibly just to see it where I'm coming from really Jamie's never visited Michels Newton house he's also never eaten anything she's ever made welcome to my new house can't believe what you've been eating when I was talking to my boss there's no way I'm gonna make a sandwich for dinner even everyone well you're eating a lot of things now so I wanted to eat one of mine please just a little sandwich I've got me a man in declan's all stems back to when I was sick and how many dad was in the house like obviously all of the shouting abusiveness and drunkenness and stuff like that all comes from that because it's not an issue with food I don't have a problem with food my mind's just made for an issue to disguise the actual issue that was lying underneath which was like a hatred and anger for me died in a massive problem with authority stemming from when I was seven and he was telling us what to do and grown up in that kind of environment so all stems back from that I didn't get all right making this is very good I'm calm believe me in my food just can't believe you'll be eating that I'm not only you see seen you Chris some images or just just plain bread and borrow you have come on saw such a long way leave it too long again before you come round and next time it's gonna be a roast dinner yeah try and explain where it all comes from Tim Mischel is really quite a challenge she didn't want to talk about so you just try it Tennant runs they are well don't fail your progress well don't put your program without actually one and a pair too much attention to the root cause so that was quite disappointing it's less than a week until Jamie's final challenge a meal out in a restaurant the last time you met Charlotte he discovered a taste for the hot and spicy so today she plans to explore this new Avenue further my mission today is to ignite with love of food through the curry route so we can actually Charlotte's taking him to the biggest curry factory in the country to immerse him in the world of Indian spices [Music] smells amazing yeah [Music] the factory even has its own TV studio where Jamie's meeting one of the on-screen chefs are strangely familiar face this time Tory's gonna teach Jamie how to cook a curry okay Jamie you want to come over here okay you're gonna cook us a top kadal and I'll teach you how to exactly what to do yeah cool well you add first is your ginger and garlic how much yes that's great this is a red lentil just pour them that's great few more these form water some is big gave me this taste of talked about you should be more of ginger and garlic when they when they go and when you taste it that's why it's so good what do you think well since I'm gonna say it's the best one of the texture it's different would you go into charisma would you say yes I'll never go with this I'll go this oh I am amazed at how easy it was that was great I really enjoyed doing it I think that guy's awesome you know he's such a fun bubbly character and and you had a lot of passion for his curry but really glad I've done it I had a really good time especially making my own curries I feel a lot more confident now about putting it all together and cooking it and actually sitting down and eating their final result Jamie's done really really well it's come a long wait for someone who is changing the habits of over 20 years but he's still just putting small amounts in his mouth so there's a way to go from that to a whole meal I really hope he can do it [Music] looks a little dry Charlotte gives Jamie one last piece of homework ahead of his final challenge in a few days time to cook and eat a whole curry at home I am supremely confident that this is going to be the greatest chicken korma ever and I hope Kirstie really likes it all right that will be 1499 done a really good job I'm setting the bar really high for you though in there you just get hot chicken is not cooked it's cooked I'll have to try it with a bit of chicken definitely cooked No why not no way before Jamie leaves is Carrie virtually untouched it seems that wanting to make the small steps he's still a long way from making the giant leap to eating a whole plate of food it's still frustrating photos you know I'm used to trying so many different things having three or four bites of and gone back and another two bites are symptom but actually finishing a meal and I still proven quite a challenge like finishing a new meal I don't know what that is I need to get past that I think it's a it's gonna be a long way off Felix meets Jamie one final time in an effort to break down the remaining barrier that's stopping him from eating full meals he has a surprise planned part of Jamie's brain is still telling him that food is a threat so today is the last push for Jamie to be able to do something to learn mind over matter and to be able to tell his brain once and for all that he can eat food he can relax through it and even enjoy the experience level down when it does what would you think about photo chilling to walk across this right so your body and your feet I tell you this is dangerous every instinct is telling you don't do this it's gonna hurt me it's scary to agree oh yeah now that's exactly what your body is doing with food and today really I want to have an experience of mind over matter so your instructor Tony is gonna guide you through it there's no trickery involved in what we're doing here this is about as real as it gets after gearing himself up Jamie's ready for the challenge can he really go from hot curry to hot coals so that was six steps six steps that we've got to go over these tolls as I said it can be if you can walk on fire and putting new foods in his mouth should be a walk in the park now just take your shoes and socks off for me please that's good Vasco keeping the physiology big breathing nice and big just pointer by Jamie are we ready to do this Miami here we go standing last big for me breathing nice and big here we go Jamie watch it Jimmy Oh what do you feel like right now feel good those burning kool-aid yes is good this is good look everything is really good no pain no that's fantastic mind over matter it's safe it's enjoyable and I went do the same thing apply the same lessons to food and if you can do this I think you can do anything yeah so brilliant hey walking sitting down eating a salad it's not really the biggest battle I'm ever gonna face in my life and so I think you just wanted to give a physical representation of that something I can visualize if I'm coming up against something and just remember back to [Music] it's been four weeks since Jamie agreed to stay off the source and transform his diet today it's time for his final challenge I really want to test Jamie he's become very comfortable with Korean spices so I need to just expand his palace a little which is why I've chosen Thai unable to be with him in Sheffield Charlotte and Felix have sent him a letter find the details of the restaurant in clause where your family or friends will be weird in this lunch time and remember Jimmy try to choose the healthy option we hope you enjoy a good look [Music] go to shore up our comments I can even order something off the menu hopefully I'll find something I enjoy like I do think a complete this challenge it's the end of the ground sauce Jamie's girlfriend family and turbans mates will be there to give him moral support none of them have ever seen you eat a full meal in a restaurant before this is massive I don't know how he's gonna go over there that's quite a large quantity of food for Damon's half and I think that might be seeing it struggles with because he's not used something that much I think it's gonna be right scary fun because it's nothing easy astute or nothing I don't think it's going to do it I don't even do it he's never ever had anything like this before I think it's just going to polycon Jamie makes a positive start diving straight in and ordering without hesitation I have the chicken green curry he's not the only one at the table who's never eaten a Thai meal before neither has his mum sister or girlfriend [Music] [Music] [Music] Jamie's making headway in a surprise reversal I think others who are struggling especially girlfriend Kirsty and a chip dipped in curry sauce pretty much for sister Michelle to cope with but Jamie is doing better than everyone else at the table with his green chicken curry because amy is only a couple of mouthfuls off completely challenged and he's still hot to trot [Music] [Music] Thank You mr. the best out of all of us this is just a triumphant Jamie there makes one more attempt to explain to his family the root of his eating problem and lay the path to rest once and for all oh yeah so it was never an issue with food you know like it was never there with food food wasn't the problem at all it was a problem with the authority with the angst and that anger of the whole eating thing with me Doug you guys know all about that with you know just having a meal put down in front of you and saying you will leave that you really that you'll do that you'll do that and then my buddy just got into this rebellious streak of well actually no I want if I was to tell me Dad that you were just here that I don't think you'd believe that I don't think you what you should not have a toast to Jamie because this is the end of an era really it's the end of the old stuff notice new stuff that's coming here - I'm a tragedy when I save choice - to me [Music] that's just blown my mind absolutely my mind never ever thought I would see this dear God I am so filled when you go out anyway now you caught the other end of the world and eat you know not just another restaurant he's come so far and I'm chuffed to bits I'm so proud of him I just feel better after I can't believe doing is just a mouse oh god I'm thrilled to this I love him to bits I think he's eights he's doing brilliantly it was great to go out for the first time in a family friends and finish a meal I think the future looks quite good now because I'm just relaxed around for it I can just try it and and on the evidence better than some other people so it's all good Jamie calls Charlotte with the good news hello Charlotte well I completed it pleased with yourself I do actually sit next to my family who stood pleased and happy that I'm the normal one of the family now Thank You Charlotte bye bye Jamie bye well he's done really really well great just come along in leaps and bounds yeah and if you think about it when he was first trying new foods back then he was having a true phobic reaction well here's to Jamie and keep up the good work [Music] one month later and Jamie hasn't given brand sauce a second thought he's eating full meals and restaurants his culinary skills are getting better day by day and he's still taking full advantage of girlfriend Kirsten feeding him [Music] [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: Freaky Eaters
Views: 134,720
Rating: 4.8404255 out of 5
Keywords: Freaky Eaters, Freaky Eaters USA, Freaky Eaters Full Episodes, Full Episodes, Addiction Eaters, Food Addiction, Eating Disorder, Eating Show, Food, Eating, Mukbang, Only Human, Betty, BBC, Natalie Savona, Stephen Briers, Benjamin Fry, Felix Economakis, Charlotte Watts, addicted to brown sauce, addicted to sauce, brown sauce, sauce, condiments
Id: rqdH3Bl2rQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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