Big EmuDeck Update! Sega Model 2/3 and more

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[Music] hey everybody this is Ruster Metro game core today we're going to talk about the recent updates to Emy deck for the steam deck now I've made several videos about Emy deck previously and this is a really handy tool it essentially will set up all your emulation for you on the steam deck including the emulators themselves but then also the configurations to make it a more seamless experience and I already have a full setup video guide I'll leave that link down below this is a continuation of that we're going to talk about the new features and updates that they've created since then and some of these updates are really handy in addition to streamlining the user interface and making everything easier to navigate we also have some added emulators and some of these are really near and dear to my heart so we'll do a Showcase of those later in this video and then finally we'll talk about the Yuzu and Citra emulators and it's surprisingly easy to add these back into UDC and so without any further delay let's go ahead and Dive Right In [Music] okay so as a quick recap muud is a tool that you will use to download and install emulators onto your device and then also a will configure it for you at the same time and this tool started with the steam deck that's why it's called emud but it has expanded to other platforms since then now personally I like to use emud deck in two different ways the first is that I like to take my very favorite games and integrate them into the actual Steam OS interface this means that if I'm on my homepage and I'm just kind of browsing through my most recently played games I'll see them there but then also within my library if I go to the non steam game section I'll see a bunch of them here as well and these are my absolute favorite games those that I want to have integrated into the Steam OS interface however I do have more emulated games than this on my device I just don't want them taking up that much clutter and this is where a front end or Launcher app will actually come into play there are two currently available with emud the first one is called ESD or emulation station desktop Edition and this is the one that I tend to use the most so all of my emulated games including those that are integrated in Steam OS are found within here this means I can have a rather large emulation Library without taking up a bunch of space on my Steam OS interface and there are many different ways that you can use emud you can either have it all integrated in Steam OS or put it all into emulation station or somewhere in between like I do now like I mentioned emud is available not only on the steam deck but on a bunch of other platforms including a couple Linux builds like Chimera OS and they've also got a Windows version so if you've got a Windows handheld or you just want to use it on your desktop you can do that as well they're also working on an Android version that means it'll install all of the emulators directly onto your Android device and also configure them this one's still in Beta release and under Early Access so if you want to test it yourself you have to be a patron and once it gets a little bit more stable I plan on making a guide video for that one as well now directly on the muud page you can actually find the two muck guides that I've already made on the left is the Steam OS one and then on the right is the window Windows version and of course I'll leave my steam deck guide in the video description below so from this point on I'm going to assume you already have muck installed on your steam deck and you want to update but you want to make sure you also don't screw everything up and so that's what we're going to do for the rest of this video we're going to update muud deck talk about some of those new features and then also some of the new emulators and games that you can play on it now updating Emy deck on your steam deck is very simple you just need to go into desktop mode then make sure you're connected to the internet and then click on the muud app image on your desktop from there it's going to check for updates it'll find them and then it's going to update it when you do update it's going to show you a list of changes that have happened since the last time that you've updated it's been a while for me so it's showing off some things that are kind of old at this point for example muck for Windows and they do have a new front-end launcher and selector named Pegasus we'll talk about that later in this video they've also made a bunch of UI changes for things like steam ROM manager as well as just the overall UI for UDC for example now you can see that all the updated features are available on the left sidebar that does make it quite a bit easier to navigate and some of these are going to look familiar for example the Quick Settings this is where you can adjust things like Autos saves or bezels or your aspect ratio for certain systems but there is one section that is new and that's the controller layout here you can choose whether or not you want the emulators to conform to the ab and XY pattern on the steam deck or if you'd rather have the buttons correspond to the position that they were on the original controller that you're emulating personally I like to emulate the position of the buttons but if you want to make sure that a is always a you can change that to the controller layout match instead now under the manage emulator section this is where you're going to make a lot of new updates this is where the magic happens and we are going to spend quite a bit of time in here including installing new emulators but before we do that one of the things I like to do every time that I open up emck is to update my configurations and emulators you're going to find this at the top of your manage emulators page and usually I will reset my configurations first and then also I like to update my emulators now emulators are saved in two different ways on the steam deck and so you will have to run the update script Twice first you're going to update your flat packs this is pretty straightforward you'll just hit okay and then everything will update after that we can update all the other stuff that's going to include app images binaries as well as Windows executables so let's go ahead and update these as well one thing of note if you're going to update simu which is the Nintendo Wii U emulator it's going to give you a choice between which one you want to download and install and EMC recommends the bottom one the 2.0 version which is the one that I use as well anyway just give it a minute to go through all of these updates and then you'll be good to go now one thing you may have noticed when you were doing the update is that it had Citra and Yuzu listed as updated emulators however as of making this video they have removed Yuzu and Citra as installable emulators at this point and that has to do with all the legal Kur fuffle that's happened over the past month or so however one thing that the team has done is they've left in the configurations in case you already have Citra and Yuzu installed and to be clear emid is not going to remove Citra or Yuzu from your steam deck or other their computer it really just means they're not going to update the app you already have installed and it isn't going to autoinstall it either however because the configurations are still remaining within muu deck it is possible to add them and it's pretty easy on the steam deck in fact if you go to the citro or Yuzu Pages within emud it's going to say that yes these apps were shut down and they're no longer available to install however Within These special configuration section it does say that if you have the app image where to put it and so even though I'm not going to show you where to get them it's it's pretty easy to find an archive of these apps when you're looking for the steam deck or Linux versions you want to make sure that they have aapp image file extension and once you found them you want to go to the home/ applications folder on your steam deck within there you'll find a bunch of different app Images but these are the two that you need to add for Citra it's going to be in Citra qt. apppp image and for Yuzu it's going to be just the word Yuzu app image as well bear in mind that these names are case sensitive and depending on where you get the app image from you may have to rename them but really that's about it you just have to put the app images in this specific folder and all the other configurations for emid are still there and so regardless of whether not you've already installed Yuzu and Citra or if you want to add them yourself this is where the app Images will reside one other thing of note when you open up UDC the second time after updating it's going to give you a hot fix message and what they're saying here is that emulation station desktop Edition has removed Yuzu however the EMC team has created a hot fix that'll bring it back so if you do get this prompt just go ahead and hit yes and if you never see this prompt but you want to make sure that it's working go down to the emulation station button within manage your emulators and then click on reset configuration anyway that's really about it when it comes to Yuzu in Citra I wanted to make sure that you knew what to do in case you wanted to update or install this on emid now I want to talk about some of the ma leers that have been added in this new update of version 2.2 in addition to the Standalone flycast emulator there are three emulators that I really want to focus on because these are really interesting for me first is the super model emulator this is going to be for Sega model 3 and then we also have the Sega model 2 emulator as well as big pmu this last one is for Atari jaguar and Atari Jaguar CD now if you want to install any of these emulators it's super simple you just want to go onto the emulator page and then click on the button that says install it'll take a minute just to download the emulator and put it in the right folder but after that you're good to go one thing I do recommend after going through and installing all three of these is to also go back to those pages and reset the configuration that's going to make sure that all the optimizations and Bug fixes have been implemented now before we jump into the emulation part of this video I do want to show off a couple other features that are available within this new version of emid just so you know what you're doing when you're kind of navigating around we'll start with the screen resolution section within here you can adjust the resolution of your games and all the upscaling if you'd like for me personally because the steam deck has an 800p resolution display I just leave these all at default which is usually going to be 720p next I want to talk about some of the tools that are exclusive to the IDC platform the first is their compression tool now this one's been around for a while but they've updated it with a couple new systems now it's going to compress 3DS games as well as Xbox games too another thing you may want to do is migrate your installation so for example if you've got everything on your internal storage but you want to move it to an SD card or vice versa there's a tool to do that as well and if you're a more advanced user there's a bunch of plugins you can play around with within muud 2 the first one is called mudi and this is a plugin that will allow you to access some muud controls directly within the game mode so instead of having to go back to desktop mode and go into this menu you can do that right in the plugin and so if you're already familiar with plugins you're probably going to know how to set all the stuff up but it's all available here within the idck menu there's a couple other plugins that are worth checking out as well including steam deck gyro DSU this is going to provide you with gyro controls for the Wii U 3DS GameCube Wii and Nintendo switch and also if you've never installed the power tools plugin you can do that within mud as well anyway that's a quick recap of some of my favorite new features within IDC now let's start installing some games for those new emulators that have been added and so here's my setup when it comes to installing games on the left side we have my SD card and then on the right side we have an external drive that I've plugged into my steam deck which has my ROM library on it so on the left side I'm going to go into the emulation folder and then there's a ROMs folder this is where you're going to put most of your games we'll start with the Atari Jaguar CD section and I have these games within my ROM collection and it's a simp simple as just moving them over into this new one Atari Jaguar CD does not require special bios or anything you just need to move the games over however one thing I learned after making this footage is that the Jaguar emulator does not work with zip files so you will have to unzip each of these files and they're going to be in a CDI format after you unzip them but really that's it when it comes to setting up Atari Jaguar CD games let's move on to Sega model 2 we're going to find this within the model 2 folder and for these games you do want to leave them zip so just leave them as they are now of course I can't show you where to get these games but it's pretty easy to find an archive of Sega model 2 and Sega model 3 and one thing of note when you grab all these games and move them into the model 2 folder you don't want to put them directly in this folder you want to put them in the ROM subfolder instead it's a little bit weird because most of these will not have a ROM subfolder but I did want to make note of that for model 2 it's going to be a similar process with model 3 but this one doesn't have a ROM subfolder so you just want to move everything over and one thing of note the model 3 emulator works the best when you use non-merged ROM sets so if you are looking for a model 3 ROM collection try to find one that says non-merged anyway that's about it when it comes to installing these ROMs it's pretty simple all three of these do not require bios files or anything now to launch these games you've got a couple different options personally I like to just use emulation station but if you want to actually add them to your Steam OS interface you'll have to use steam ROM manager and I went over this tool in detail in my idex setup guide so we're just going to run through it really quickly here to start you just want to click on the steam ROM manager it's going to ask you do you really want to do it you're going to click yeah man I want to do it and then it's going to close Steam and then open up this app from there you can resize it to take up the whole screen and after that you need to choose all of your parsers this essentially means that you need to choose which systems you potentially want to show in Steam OS personally I like to toggle all of them off and then go through and choose the one specifically where I know I have games that I want to see in my main menu and more often than not there's going to be very few of these that I actually want to turn on and anyway once you've gone through and chosen all of these on the bottom there's going to be a button called preview click on that it's going to give you a couple instructions and then you can tap on that button that says pars from there it's going to look at all those systems that you designated look in those game folders and then find the games and then scrub them against a game database and depending on how many games you have in those systems that you selected it might take quite some time and after it's done doing that there may be some games here that either were scrubbed incorrectly or maybe you don't actually want them in your interface so what I do here is I click on that exclude button on the bottom and then from there you can click on all of the games that you don't actually want to see in Steam OS and this usually will take me quite some time because I kind of hem and ha and decide which one do I want to see in Steam OS or which one am I going to launch from emulation station so I do recommend taking your time and less is more with this approach you don't want to over clutter your system and also note that many model 2 and model 3 games will not show up correctly within here so chances are it might find the wrong game altogether it is kind of a mess right now and that kind of makes sense given the fact that these are not super popular systems and so maybe the databases aren't fully up to date either way once you've gone through and you're happy with your setup go up to the top right and there's going to be a save button click on that after that you should only now see all the games that you want to see in your Steam OS interface once you're happy there's going to be a save to steam button on the bottom click on that and once it's complete you'll get a notification saying that it's done adding or removing entries now we're ready to move on and now when we navigate through our non- steam Library you will see all those entries that we added from steamr manager and that essentially is how it all is going to work and like I mentioned I typically will keep this to my very favorite game so only the ones that I want to see in my main interface for everything else I like to run them through a launcher like emulation station so for example instead of putting all your Sega model 2 games on the Steam OS interface you can just leave them with an emulation station by default and now when I navigate through that section I can find all my games right here bear in mind that I already spent the time and scraped all my box art to make sure everything looked nice and pretty but this is how it'll look after you have it set up now even though I like to use emulation station a lot there's now a new launcher available for idex so let's talk about this one it's called Pegasus this is actually a really old app it's been around for a long time but it has a lot of customization options to it and the main developer behind emid has been working with Pegasus for years so it makes a lot of sense that they're using it now and if you don't already have Pegasus installed it's really simple to set up you would just scroll down to the manage emulator section with an emud and then you would choose to install it like we we did with like the model 2 and model 3 emulators and thankfully most of Pegasus has already been preconfigured for you by the UDC team after that the only other thing you need to do is go into the Pegasus theme section on the left and then just choose your default theme you can pick the first one or there's a bunch of different ones to choose from so let me now show you what Pegasus is going to look like once you've installed it and added a theme and it's a pretty Zippy and fast interface and very simple to use you just want to press the shoulder buttons to tap over to the third section that's going to show your game collections and from there you can pick a system and it's going to show all your Gams now if you've already scraped your box art using emulation station all of that scrape media is going to show within Pegasus as well and that's because they're sharing the same assets so you don't have to download them twice however bear in mind that it might not look congruent between the media and these two launchers for example with this theme that I'm using the Super Nintendo box art is getting cut off anyway launching a game is very fast you just click on it and it's going to start off and then all the controls you're probably used to like pressing select and start to exit game all that's going to work and really that's about it when it comes to Pegasus it is a very simple interface but there are a couple things that prevent me from using this is my main one the first is that mysteriously some of these box Arts just won't show up even though I have scraped them with emulation station and the other is that there's not a lot of options here within this launcher it essentially will just launch your games and that's it for example if you want to download and install a new theme for Pegasus you have to go back into desktop mode then into emid and then into the Pegasus theme section then you can pick a different theme and install it from there and compared to something like emulation station that is a little bit extra work in emulation station you can just do that within the app anyway that's a quick look at the Pegasus frontend launcher in case you want to try it out there are a bunch of different themes and like I said they can really change the look and feel of the overall launcher and there's also a third launcher in the works for steam deck we'll talk about that later in the video for now I want to move over and start talking about emulation when it comes to these three systems that we installed earlier we're going to start with Atari Jaguar CD and chances are you haven't actually played this system before to be honest I didn't even know that Atari had created a CD ROM version of the Jaguar up until a few years ago when I got more into emulation and the catalog itself is pretty small I think there were only maybe 11 or 12 games made for it all together but the coolest thing about this is that this was a system that many people thought was lost to time sure there were some people that had original Hardware but those were very few and far between but one of the great things about emulation is that sometimes it can preserve or Revit ize some of these games and that's exactly what happened with this emulator called Big pmu it just started adding Atari Jaguar CD games and so now everyone can try these out now I'm not saying these games are the best in fact some of these are a little bit janky but all the same it is super cool to be able to have access to these games that I never thought I'd be able to play okay next let's talk about Sega model 2 this is an arcade system from around the mid90s and there are a lot of hidden gems on here as well many of them did not get console ports if I had to summarize it I would say there are three main main types of games that are available on model 2 and then there's a bunch of different sub games that you can play as well and the first type of game is going to be on rail light gun games these were some of my favorites back in the day they were really popular in the mid 9s and the great thing about this emulator it's been configured to be able to use the light gun using the mouse pad and because we're playing this on the steam deck we can use the right trackpad as the mouse and it's all been preconfigured and sometimes the controls will depend on the game that you're playing with some games you can use the right trigger to shoot and with other games you'll to press down on the trackpad as you're moving for those games that do have you press on the trackpad to shoot like House of the Dead in Virtual Cop 2 to reload you're going to press on the left track pad and I think this is pretty cool given the fact that we have track pads natively on the steam deck so everything just kind of gets integrated really smoothly with model 2 another type of game you'll find on Sega model 2 are going to be fighting games in fact there's quite a few Classics on here and many of these were ported over to the Sega Saturn that's going to include games like fighting vipers and last Bronx as well as Virtual Fighter 2 however one thing to note is that if the game has widescreen hacks available it'll actually apply them here on your steam deck so these games are actually going to play with a wider screen resolution than on the original arcade and they look great in fact I've been having a great time playing virtu Fighter 2 this is actually my favorite Virtual Fighter game I felt like it was a huge Improvement in graphics from the first game and so I really loved the second one now the third type of game that you'll find on the Sega model 2 is by far the largest this is going to be racing games and there's quite a few Classics on here too I think everyone knows Daytona USA but there are a couple other hidden gems like Indie 500 in fact I've never been a huge fan of the Daytona USA controls it feels like it's a little bit too touchy Indie 500 is very similar but it feels a lot more smooth of an experience so I've been really enjoying this one there's also other games that I've never tried before including over rev and this one is like a city type racer it looks really great as well another one of my favorites is Sega Rally Championship and this one is on the Saturn 2 but I feel like this one's just a little bit smoother of a gameplay exper experience not only that the wies screen hacks I was mentioning before do apply to this game as well another game I had never tried before testing is one called Sega Touring Car Championship and this one feels a lot like Sega Rally Championship but with obviously a touring car instead now in addition to your straight racing car games there are a bunch of different racing themed games as well for example there's a couple motorcycle games to play these are a little bit on the touchy side so I didn't have a ton of fun with these but all the same it is cool to have a different vehicle to race with however by far the most fun I had was trying other racing games that were a little bit more unconventional for example there's a snow skiing game but then also a water skiing game and then finally a jet skiing game as well in all three of these I found to be very fun to play the Sprites are super big and everything's nice and vibrant so it's just a fun experience in addition there were quite a few other Sega model 2 games and some of these are pretty ingenious first of all we have a skating game this one's pretty good we also have a flying game called Sky Target this one was known as being an unofficial sequel to After Burner another game I really enjoyed is called Dynamite baseball 97 now this one is all in Japanese so it's a little bit hard to understand what's going on but I love arcade style baseball games and this one is really good in that regard another game that I've tried on the Dreamcast but haven't tried in the arcade version is Dynamite Cop this one's actually a sequel to Die Hard arcade that we had on the Sega Saturn but this one was called something else in Japan it was called Dynamite Deca and so this was the second game in that series and then the last game that I tested for Sega model 2 that enjoyed was called pilot kids this is a horizontal shooter that kind of has like a cutesy kind of factor to it next let's talk about Sega model 3 there's quite a few games here that you might be familiar with to start the first thing you'll notice is the graphics are a lot better on this system this is more along the late '90s or Dreamcast era of games and so many of these games did get Dreamcast ports later on including fighting vipers 2 Virtual Fighter 3 virtual Striker 2 as well as Sega rally 2 so some of these games you've probably already played before but there are some reasons to try them out with Sega model 3 for starters I love these arcade versions because I can just pump a bunch of quarters into it and kind of push my way all the way to the end of the game in addition like with Sega model 2 these do have widescreen hacks applied and so it's going to fill up the screen all the way and it looks really good now Sega model 3 also had its share of conventional games including racing games and so there are quite a few different options that you can choose from here however what I really like about Sega model 3 is that it did quite a few games that were outside of the box at the time one of the games I tested and really enjoyed is called emergency ambulance now this one essentially you're just moving a passenger on an ambulance and you're running out of time but the time here is graded by the health of the passenger that you're moving around so the way to get further in this game is to avoid all accidents as much as you can because any time you hit another car or some other building or whatever it's going to drop the health of your passenger so I found that to be a pretty neat Dynamic overall and there are some truly bizarre games as well there's one called magical truck Adventure in this game you're going to move the analog stick up and down and that's basically going to pump a hand cart and if I remember correctly there was an actual hand cart in the arcade machine so you had to Pump It Up and Down anyway this one's just kind of a bizarre but a lot of fun to play so I would recommend checking this one out if you want something a little bit different as well there's a Sega bass fishing game this one's kind of neat you can cast your lure and then also try to bring the fish in but I got to say the two games that I enjoyed the most with Sega model 3 were ones that I had played before but I hadn't touched in over 20 years the first was Jurassic park the lost world so this one is available on Sega model 3 now I did find that the controls were off for me with this game and so I ended up having to use the touch screen so I was tapping on the dinosaurs to shoot them and then I would press on the right trackpad to reload my game and the weird thing here is that the touchcreen didn't quite sink up to where my finger was touching so unfortunately even though it was really cool to be able to play one of these Jurassic Park shooter games on my steam deck it wasn't a perfect experience that being said by far my favorite experience when testing out all these games was to be able ble to finally play Star Wars Trilogy arcade this is a game that I briefly saw in the late 9s I think I maybe played it once or twice but I remember it being very expensive and so I couldn't afford to play it very much but it was always a game that I wanted to go back and play this game is a combination of on rail shooter both from a vehicle standpoint as well as like walking around and shooting not only that it has boss sequences where you'll use a lightsaber and I remember those being super epic as well so for me personally as a big Star Wars fan this is a game I never really thought I'd be able to play again and it's really awesome to be able to play it on my steam deck now one thing of note the controls on this are not perfect I found myself switching between the track pads the analog sticks and I also went into the controller settings and configured a bunch of stuff just to make sure everything was working so it's not a perfect outof the-box experience but with a little bit of tweaking you can really kind of Transport yourself back to like the late '90s when this came out this is a game I thought was probably lost at time and so it's really exciting for me to be able to play this game again now as we wrap up one thing I did want to mention is there are some things in the works for IDC in the future the first is that they are creating their own ROM launcher so like emulation station or Pegasus but made by the UDC team itself they've already got retroarch working great but they are working on the Standalone emulators now so be on the lookout for this one and I'll be sure to Showcase it when I can there's also two other things they've been working on the first is a really easy net play feature so the idea here is to take two different devices both running idck and be able to play them either with each other or against each other just like you could back in the day and it's already already possible to do net play like that but the configuration itself can be a little bit daunting so it's really cool that they are setting up something a lot easier to use and finally the last thing that's been in the works for quite some time is something called onion sink they've been working with the onion OS team this is the team responsible for some custom firmware on the Miu Mini Plus so the idea here is you can use a cloud save feature between the Miu Mini Plus and your steam deck or anything else that's running Amud and I think that's a great fit because the Miu Mini Plus is a perfect complement to something big like this deck so as soon as this is available you can bet I'm going to show a video on this as well anyway that's really about it for this video I wanted to show off both the new features and updates are available for emud and I also wanted to make a bit of a love letter to Sega model 2 and 3 these arcade systems in particular are a really great fit for this steam deck so I really enjoyed the hours that I spent testing all of these games getting ready for this video and many of these I'm going to keep on my steam deck permanently because they are a lot of fun anyway let me know what you think about the updates down in the comments and let let me know if there is a Sega model 2 or 3 game that you really enjoy as well as always thank you for watching and be sure to like And subscribe if you found this helpful and we will see you next time happy [Music] gaming
Channel: Retro Game Corps
Views: 144,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BTisB2PKo38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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