Steam Deck OLED Emulation Guide: EmuDeck in 7 Easy Steps

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so one of the very best features of the steam deck OLED is the awesome emid deck app which greatly simplifies downloading and configuring all the very best emulators you'll ever need together in a slick user interface so here are the seven simple steps that you need to get mem deck setup on your steam deck OLED which of course also works with the old school steam deck LCD too plus I'll share four bonus tips to make your experience of Emy deck even better so let's dive straight in and start with step one which is heading into desktop mode opening your favorite web browser go to to download emid the link is in the description and obviously choosing the Steam OS version to download next for step two is to install emid so let's find the file we just downloaded which in my case is in the downloads folder double click to bring up this popup box press execute then press continue to install I don't know about you but while it's downloading I think now is a perfect time for a pancake [Music] intermission for step three with emid now installed we now need to set it up you can choose easy mode and customize options later but let's select custom mode to walk through each step in this together next let's select what drive you light your games on or as they're called in emulation ROMs to be on and I'm going to select my SD card next select the steam deck handheld as our device and press next now select which emulators you like to be installed and configured and for here I'm going to select pretty much all of them next I'd highly recommend setting autosave onto for these specific emulators so that when we exit out of games on these systems our games will automatically save which is neat if you want to enable retro achievements which add a nice modern twist to Retro games then you can log into your account right here these next options are all what you personally prefer as a gamer for me I'm going to select game bezels on for an even more of a nice retro feel for these all the systems 4x3 for classic s systems and also 4x3 aspect ratio for classic Nintendo I'm going to select the wide 16.9 aspects ratio for classic 3D games and also GameCube games I'm going to keep LCD Shader to off for these four handheld retro systems but you can select on if you want to truly recreate that old look feel next I'm going to keep the CRT Shader 2 off but by all means let on if you want to bring up memories of those old school TVs we had as kids and I'll choose off for classic 3D games remember that you can always change these settings later on now select the theme of the interface for me personally I love the modern look your overview screen will display all the configurations you selected so if you're happy with all of this and click finish to begin the installation and this is where the magic happens as emid now saves us many hours by downloading and configuring all the emulators if you have a ton of games on a USB drive then you can transfer your games right here but I'm going to press skip for now and IDC is now fully configured yes just before we move on to step four if you've learned something from this video then be sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons right now as it gives the channel a massive boost I appreciate all of you for your incredible support you guys rock next for step four is bios so let's click on the BIOS Checker button and for me it's found all of them apart from switch that will demonstrate in a minute let me pause for a moment and explain this as a lot of new Gamers get freaked out at this point but bias is not needed for all the Retro consoles like SNES and Mega Drive only for newer systems as shown on this list and it's actually really simple as all it requires is a simple Google search of the system like Dreamcast and the word bios then simply download the file copy it head into the emulation folder where we installed IDC then the folder called bios then just paste into the correct bios folder so in the case of Dreamcast it will be the folder called DC let me demonstrate this with the switch and bios for the switch has two files one called prod. keys and one called title dot Keys let's head into the folder called emulation where installed emck click the folder called bios head to the switch emulate it called Yuzu head to the folder called keys and simply move the prod. key and title. keys file into this folder now when we press again on the BIOS files Checker the switch bios section has now changed to green and switch games are now playable yes now is the time to add games for step five so let's let's open the Drive installed amid deck on which in my case is the SD card open the ROMs folder and right here is where we copy and paste all of our games which in emulation terms are called ROMs into the correct folders so for example Game Boy advanced folder is called GBA the Super Nintendo folder is called SNES and so on in terms of finding retro games which remember they're called ROMs again is very easy simply Google the name of the game then the word ROM then the name of the Retro system and you should be able to find pretty much any game in gaming history pretty easily for step six let's head into steamr manager now that the ROMs and bios are in the cor folders make sure Steam app is completely closed by the way click preview click pass to scan our games hit pass once more to double check then click save to steam you will need to do this step six of opening steam ROM manager clicking pass and then save to steam anytime you add new ROMs for them to pay in game mode so don't forget to do this and finally for step seven head into game mode go all the way across to non steam Tab and find the emulation Station app and launch it and this is the awesome front end where we can access all of our favorite games and consoles in one convenient place you may want to change the theme so let's press the start button then UI settings so let's head to theme downloader and there are some incredible ones to choose from and my favorite is called artflix so I'd highly recommend downloading this one for sure now that said back into UI settings then theme change it to artflix that we've just downloaded and just look at this this theme is absolutely Next Level all of our ROMs are categorized by each system and to get artwork info for each of our ROMs which in emulation terms is called scraping hit the menu button click scraper select your system so let's select all of them and click Start If you have a lot of ROMs then this may take a while so grab a cool beverage so emulation station is awesome for dipping in and out of games lock without the games clogging up your main game Library however if there are specific retro games you play a lot and want quick access to in your game Library find it in the non steam Tab and load up so for example in my case Donkey Kong Country on the SN and when you quit the game it will now appear in your game library for easy access okay and finally four quick bonus tips tip one is press select an R1 at the same time to save a game which is super useful before tricky sections tip two is press select an L1 at any time to load the last save point tip three is press select and start buttons at the same time to quit out of a game quickly and tip four is to press the Y button to favorite a game so it appears at the top when you first go into each console ass system I'd love to hear what the first three retro games that you will play with Emy deck and also let us know if there are any specific tips settings or themes that you recommend for emid de in the comments below and as a little extra bonus for watching right to the end of the video I love to share this awesome quote as long as you spend more time on where you're going rather than where you've been you'll be just fine it's so easy to dwell on past hurts and mistakes but let's instead focus on the incredible future ahead of us so stay encouraged today guys and check this video if you want to find out how to play your PS5 on your steam deck OLED using remote play I appreciate every single one of you for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Pete Talks Tech
Views: 7,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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