Add Shine & Glamour to Your Portraits in Photoshop

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[Music] hi there this is animation vixen perfect and if you already know the basic concepts of Photoshop you don't even have to watch the complete tutorial we're gonna be using the same old curves masks and the most popular length you have to create shine and glamour for our portraits deal Photoshop if you are already familiar just skip to the recap and you be good if you're not familiar we've got you covered so without any further ado let's get started [Music] so here we are in the magical world of Photoshop and if you are go ahead and download this for and follow along you know what if you check the links in the description it's very easy create a curves adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then simply choose curves click a point in the middle and then take it up just like that right in it all up now let's collapse this one double click on the right hand side of the lamb curves adjustment layer chest and double click here if you open up the layer Styles dialog box now we want to hide this brightness from the dark areas of the subject and to do that simply take the slider of the underlying layer from left to right so if we take it to the right it's hiding the curves adjustment layer from the dark areas of the underlying layer or the layer which is underneath it or the subject layer in this case so let's take it to the right now the trick is just to focus on one area since every area of an image has different brightness levels just focus on one area right now we are focusing on just the cheek the cheek bones so let's take it to the right now this seems to be good but it's very harsh so hold the alt or option click on the slider to break it apart now take the right half to the right to make it smooth and left half I think we can take it a little to the right just like that and this seems to be very very natural so we can keep it at that looks nice all right now once you're satisfied with just the cheek don't look at any other places if you look have a look at this this is overexposed this area and it's not even visible in the hair so for different areas people have to create different adjustments just hit OK now before they just mask in this area you know what this curves adjustment like can be useful for other areas as well so first click on the mask press ctrl or command I okay and with a curves adjustment layer selected press ctrl or command J a couple times I'm gonna click I'm gonna press 5 times ctrl or command J 5 times now we have 5 copies you can select the first one and you can name it cheek and maybe forehead select the mask take the brush make sure the foreground color is white opacity and flow at hundred take a soft brush and just paint on that area just that area nowhere else the forehead was also looking fine okay not even the nose all right now I think it's too much it's very very very bright so let's decrease the opacity as easy as that so let's keep the opacity at somewhere around 75 ish it seems fine you can again decrease the opacity or change the settings anytime later now let's go to the second one hold the shift key click on the mask to turn it off momentarily now double click on the right hand side of the lamp and this time which area do you want to focus on maybe let's focus on the nose so let's just play with it hold the alt or option click on the slider and let's make it smooth and nice and hit okay let's look at only the nose not on the cheek it's too right so hold the shift and click on the mask back again to turn it on take the brush foreground color white and just make sure the mask is selected and paint here on the highlight of the nose now if you think it's very very bright you can just always decrease the opacity so I'm going to keep the opacity at somewhere around let's say 40 five for this one what about the shine over here so let's go to the next one but before we do don't forget to rename it this one is nose now hold the shift key turn off the mask double-click on the right-hand side of the lamp and just play with this this is for the left cheek hit okay hold the shift click on the mask and then take the brush foreground color white and just paint on this area and it's too much again we will decrease the opacity somewhere around let's keep it 30 ish or maybe even 25 okay that has been taken care of let's do the lips so first let's name it left cheek and hold the shift key again click on the mask to turn it off double click on the right hand side of the lab now for the lips it's gonna be a different value again so this seems to be alright hold the alt or option click on this one all right this seems ok hit okay right here hold the shift key click on the master turn it on now take the brush make sure the mask is selected and then just paint on the lips with white x2 make sure the foreground color is black if you have painted extra you can easily erase them all right let's zoom out it's too much of course let's decrease the opacity maybe let's keep it somewhere around 50% that seems to be perfect now let's do the arm but first don't forget to name it so this one is the lips the next one hold the shift key click on the mask double click on the right hand side of the lip and then let's focus on just the arms hold the alt or option alright we don't want it to be very shiny hit okay hold the shift click on the mask you're doing the same thing again and again now make sure the mask is selected and just paint on the arm with white of course it's too much at this point here we can paint a little bit over here decrease the opacity to somewhere around let's keep it 45 zoom out and have a look this is looking pretty nice maybe we can go 55 on this one or even higher let's keep it 70 now let's do the hair so hold the shift you know what to do the same old story click on the mask double click on the right hand side now this time for the hair it's gonna be completely different let's zoom in hold the alt or option just break it apart like that a whole different story now this seems to be fine to me hit OK hold the shift key click on the mask and then simply take the brush you know what to do select the mask and then just dab on the highlights of the hip that's it soft brush just dab with white this area a little bit this area a little bit this time I'll decrease the flow to somewhere around 10% so that I can paint if necessary maybe over here a little bit all right this seems pretty nice but we have painted extra so press X to toggle between the foreground and the background now it's black then increase the flow and paint out the areas which are extra now let's decrease the opacity because I think it's too much let's keep it somewhere around 68 how about 65 65 is nice and have a look at it it's already now once you have done this but if you have forgot to name this this is armed just double-click on the text to name it armed and this one is the hair okay now once we have added all the highlights select the first curves adjustment layer hold the shift key select last one everything in between will be selected and then press ctrl or command G let's name it highlights okay and to make an object shine even more is to add some shadows as easy as that create one more curves adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves and this time just do the opposite now this might not be required for every area just some areas this is fine now let's collapse this one double click on the right-hand side I don't even think we will need so many more copies just take the slider from the right hand side to the left you're hiding the bright areas this time last time we were hiding the dark areas so just look at one area this time the cheek again this looks to be perfect hold the alt or option stick it to the left just like that this looks nice hit OK select the mask press ctrl or command I and now take the brush foreground color white we will just have to do a couple areas here is not required maybe a little bit over here maybe not there it's too dark it's gonna make it too dark not there as well so I think that's pretty much it we didn't have to add so many shadows just here a little bit and that's fine maybe decrease the opacity that's of course too much let's keep it somewhere around 25 ish and let's hide it from here and here as well before after just a tiny touch of it so we can name it shadows and that's it you're done let's have a look at the before and after so here is the before here is the after look this looks amazing now if you want this is completely optional you can also add some shine to the eyes as well so create a curves adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves take it up this is a special case select the mask press ctrl or command I take the brush foreground color white and then just add shine on the opposite side of the right so where is the light coming from the light is coming from the right hand side right a little bit from the left hand side as well so see which area is already bright so this area as we can see it's already a little brighter so we can adjust dab over here same over here as well and we are pretty much good to come you can also decrease the opacity it's kind of too much you can use blend if if you want but in this case I don't think we would need it I'm going to keep it 28 and that's fine here's the before here is the after so that's how to add shine and glamour to your fashioned portraits in a super simple way time for a quick little recap for all the folks who are just skipping to the recap welcome to this section and this tutorial thank you so much for considering skipping all right so all you need to do is to create a curves adjustment layer let's go ahead and delete all of this let's not confuse you first create a curves adjustment layer very simple take it all up make it brighter you already have got an idea double click on the right hand side of the layer and then take the brightness away from the dark areas by taking the slider of underlying layer from left to right just like so make it smoother by holding the alt or option clicking on the slider breaking it apart now keep in mind just focus on one area right now we are focusing on just the cheek other areas might be blown out other areas it might not even show up just focus on the cheek so for the cheek I think this value would work fine hit OK select the mask press ctrl or command I now just paint on the cheek take the brush let's collapse this white as the foreground color just muskan the cheek may be the forehead as well because it was looking nice now this is too much control the opacity and do the same right now we have just done the cheek and the forehead do the same for all the other areas now once you have added all the highlights then all you have to do you have to add the shadows if you want to do just the opposite create a curves adjustment layer take it down double click on the right hand side of the layer and this time take the right slider to the left hold the alt or option break it apart and then simply create the shadow hit OK select the mask press ctrl or command I and then just paint on the area's which you want to darken like this like that a little bit now decrease the opacity it's kind of too much so that's how you do it very easy just blend if and curves you can also add highlights to the eyes and the hair and all of the other areas I hope this tutorial helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other feature tip trick or tutorial thank you so much for watching this tutorial and also I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep pics imperfect free for everybody forever thank you for everything I'll see you guys my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 486,010
Rating: 4.9641104 out of 5
Keywords: portrait retouching, add shine to skin, add shine, skin glow, glamorous glow, photoshop tutorial, skin retouching, blend-if, add depth, fashion photography, dodging and burning, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: 2jmXLuSPxnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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