Face Smooth In Photoshop | Easy Frequency Separation Tutorial

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[Music] in this video we will learn unique and professional method of frequency separation so let's get started make two copies of the photo by pressing ctrl or command j twice name the top layer low frequency and go to blending mode select vivid light now invert the image by pressing ctrl or command i or by going to image menu adjustment and then invert now go to filter blur then gaussian blur increase the radius between 15 to 20. it depends on your image in this case i'm happy with 20. because face of the model is very close up with high details now we have created texture but before we use this layer all we need to do here is to saturate the image go to image adjustment hue and saturation now decrease the saturation all the way down to -100 as you can see decreasing saturation is not working because of blending mode that we had changed to vivid light so first let's cancel the hue and saturation in order to change blending mode to normal all we need to do is merge the layer so select the two layers by holding down shift key and then merge layers let's desaturate again now it's desaturated after that invert this layer by pressing ctrl or command i now let's change the blending mode to overlay after that go to filter blur and gaussian blur increasing the radius until the texture appears i think 3 is ok for now so you see we've got the smooth and softened skin but we don't want to smooth and soften the whole image to get rid of with this we will create mask go ahead and click on this small mask icon basically here's how a mask works if your mask is white whatever is white you can see we gonna invert this you see that when that's inverted in black everything is hidden so black means you cannot see it white means you can see it i'm going to use my brush tool make sure foreground color is set to white and just paint white over this entire skin area just like that details are okay i can smooth skin really easily but what if i just going to those nose edges as you can see the problem i would advise you to just avoid this area because we gonna fix it later for now just think about the skin [Music] now we will smooth detail area such as eyes and nose edges before we do that let's merge this layer with new duplicate layer because now we will work on this smooth and soften image layer the process is exactly same besides the radius value of gaussian blur let's repeat that process again [Music] do [Music] wow [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Learning Screen
Views: 1,095,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frequency Separation, photoshop tutorial, Face smooth, learning screen, face retouch, photoshop retouch
Id: DxpP8JUuG7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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