3 Steps to Remove Flyaway Hair FAST in Photoshop

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removing flyaways often happens to be one of the most time-consuming and frustrating parts of the retouching process but it doesn't have to be today I'm gonna share with you one very simple workflow that you can use to easily remove all of the flyaways without having to go ahead and clone out each and every one of them one by one you don't have to do that it's easy so without any further ado let's get started so here we on Photoshop Nakano go ahead and download this photo and follow along you know what to do check the links in the description now take a deep breath it's gonna be easy and we're gonna do this in three simple steps step number one is cloning in this is the step that we cover all the flyaways you don't have to be accurate just cover it so all you have to do is to create a new lip click on the new layer button right over there a new layer is created double click on the text and name it fly aways all right and then simply take the clone stamp tool right over there now make sure the opacity and flow are at hundred and the sample is current and below select that now just zoom in and make sure it's a soft brush if it's not already just click on this drop down over there and make sure the hardness is 0% now all we need to do is to just zoom in next to the flyways hold the alt or option to take a sample from a nearby area and just simply cover it you don't have to be accurate just cover it pretty quickly don't be accurate here just cover it all at once and go a little inside right don't worry about having an accurate selection over there just paint over it you know why because it's on a separate layer we can erase that later so hold the odd or option-click and just paint all right there we go as you can see we have covered all of them and you're done for the tutorial we have removed the fly base just kidding this is just step number one step number two is creating a rough mask this is where we create a basic outline of the hair without the flyaways again you don't have to be accurate all we have to do is to click on the mask button with the fly of a layer selected just click on the mask button a mask is created now you know the concept of mask black hides and white shows up so take the brush make sure the foreground color is black press X to toggle between the foreground and the background and just zoom in with the flow and the opacity both at hundred just paint along the outline of the hair to bring back most of it don't have to be accurate just don't bring back the flyaways that was pretty easy right time for us to move to step number three step number three years refining the mosque this is where we go ahead and finish the hair get the details back remove the flyaways make it look realistic and here's how to do it if you're using a tablet like me the brush settings are gonna be a little different than if you were using a mouse don't worry I'm gonna be giving you settings for both of them so if you're using a tablet set the flow to somewhere around 75% all right and then go to the brush settings window and then brush settings all you need to do is to turn transfer on right there and set the flow to bend pressure all right you can also set the opacity to pen pressure if you want it to be more sensitive but I'm gonna leave it at that or maybe let's make the opacity and print pressure as well that way what will happen is when you're just finessing the hair getting the details back or removing the fly ways you can use your pressure to make it easier for you for example you want to remove this area harder so with the foreground color is set to white you would just press harder to increase the intensity of the brush if you want to do it softly you would just press lighter to decrease the intensity of the brush but if you are using a mouse you cannot use pressure sensitivity so all you need to do if you are using a mouse just go to window and then brush settings transfer is not required check it off and then set the flow to somewhere around 35 or 30 so I'm gonna set it to 35 and then just you have to paint a couple times to increase the intensity to build up on also you can make sure you can just check this on this is enable some airbrush style build-up effects just check this on this is good and then again since I'm using a tablet I'm gonna go to window and then brush settings turn the transfer on control to pen pressure opacity and flow it's great and flow to somewhere around 75 because now I have more control over it with the help of the pressure so I'm going to use that so all you need to do is to just zoom in with white selected as the four Kalen chest he raised the additional flyaway hairs now one of the rules that you have to keep in mind while removing flyaways is this if the flyaway is in the direction of the flow of the hair you don't have to remove it if you want to make the hair look normal don't remove it just like let's say have a look at this you don't have to remove all of them these are in the direction of the flow but if something is in opposite direction of the flow remove it so for example have a look at this I'm gonna remove this one I'm gonna remove this one right you get the idea in the flow don't remove it opposite to the direction remove it if there's anything that stands out and it's distracting remove it just be soft about it like there's this little hair right over there I'm not gonna remove it because if I do it's gonna make it look unnatural so let's not do it now these are in the opposite direction of the flow so don't remove all of it because it will make it look unnatural just remove some of it maybe from the top a little softly don't go hard on this one see in the direction don't have to remove it but if it's distracting you can not gonna remove a whole lot over here just soften it out now here if you remove all of them it's gonna look crazy so we're gonna have to keep a little bit over here maybe we'll soften it out a bit but they'll keep most of them all right there we go you can spend as much time as you want for this but I'm gonna keep it natural have a look at this how natural this looks so here is the before and here is the after that was so easy to remove all of them maybe you can bring back a little bit over here you can change the color to blank by pressing X and then you can just maybe bring back a little bit of it and then take the ones at the very top Zoomer there you go it looks so much more natural so here is the before here is the after so that's how you do it now that I look at it maybe here is something which we need to soften it out don't remove all of it just soften it out a little bit all right there we go it's less distracting that way so that's how to remove flyaways on at once without having to clone out each one of them with the Healing Brush tool or the Spot Healing Brush tool or whatever you use let's do a quick little recap it's very easy step number one is cloning in clone in the background cover all the flyaways that's it you don't have to be accurate just cover it up and to do that always do this on a new layer so create a new layer with the help of the clone stamp to just sample from the background where there are no flyaways and just cover the flyaways step number two is creating a rough mask make a rough basic outline of the hair don't have to be accurate again and step number three is when you go ahead and zoom in and finish and just refine the edge of the hair and that's pretty much all there is to do hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tip trick or tutorial I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep Pixum perfect free for everybody or ever thank you for your support thank you for watching I'll see you guys in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 334,953
Rating: 4.896625 out of 5
Keywords: remove flyaway hair, fix stray hair, photoshop, tutorial, remove stray hair photoshop, photoshop flyaway hair, hair retouching, portrait retouching, brush, brush settings, cloning, adobe, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: obCmWXhXwvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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