Add Bookmarks to a PDF - Adobe Acrobat DC

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today we're going to talk about how bookmarks can help you navigate through a PDF faster so a lot of times in Discovery we might get medical records that are thousands of pages long you need to be able to jump from section to section like nursing notes progress notes consult notes very quickly the fastest way to do that within the PDF itself is just to use bookmark so let's head over to the laptop now and right now I just googled appellate brief and I got this sample appellate brief from the state of Florida and this is what we're going to look at here fortunately this document is already OCR so if you look at it I can select the text in it already and if it wasn't already OCR that's the first thing that I would do if you don't know how to OCR document with Adobe Acrobat click up here and click on that link and there's a video that I've made previously that'll show you how to go through that process but once you have an OCR then you could start bookmarking and the bookmarks that's on the tools on the left hand side you click on that little triangle you could see a couple of things one of the things is thumbnails that's a nice visual way of very quickly getting through a document but bookmarks is another really fast way and this particular PDF doesn't have any bookmarks in it yet but we're gonna add those as we go and I'll show you how you that can help you navigate through the document much faster so we've got this document here and this view it fit one full page at a time and we'll go through and as I'm reading this document let's say either it's a brief or let's say it's a medical record as I'm going through and I find like a new section I'm gonna make a bookmark so first thing I'll say is on page 2 of the PDF but page dot lowercase I in the document there's a table of contents I'm going to select that text and then I'm gonna right click and add a bookmark what it is done is is now created a bookmark on the left hand side over here and it has taken the text that I've highlighted and made that the title of the bookmark so that's nice then I'll keep going down further we've got a table of citations this time instead of right-clicking and adding a bookmark I can just hit control B and that's a lot faster because then I could have one hand on the mouse and then another hand on control B and I could just go through really quickly and just fly through and make my bookmarks there I can keep going through and let's see next I got a preface I'll do that let's keep going putting on a peel they do things a little bit differently in Florida than they do in Illinois but that's okay statement of the case and facts bookmark that and then I want to get to a specific point oh there's a lot that I'm going through here so let's go through here and then now we've got some of your the argument and now we've got the argument itself so we've got the argument on appeal bookmark that a standard review and then B merits all right so we've got those kind of sections and subsections and what I want to show you is now let's say I've read the whole thing and I've gone through it all and now I want to go back hey let's go see what did they say on that point on appeal I can just come here on my bookmarks and click on it and it brings me that to that exact page now the reason why I wanted to keep going and make a whole bunch of bookmarks until we got to some subheadings is that I can take these this standard order review and I can click and drag it until it nests and see that little dotted line over there it's really faint if I just bring it up a level I can rearrange these into whatever order they want so they don't have to be chronological and which is frequently going to be the case let's say you have a whole bunch of consult notes throughout the course of your medical records and you want to put everything chronological without rearranging the order of the pages in the PDF using bookmarks is a great way to do that but I can also nest things so if I have nursing notes as a heading in my medical records PDF and I want to have specific days I can nest those as well and so if I move over to the right or keep moving up a certain level if you move it just to the right way then you can see that arrow moves over to the right and I let it go and now I have this option of hiding or nesting these different items underneath the Argent unappealed the nice thing is when I get to the argument on appeal it shows me that top section and then depending on my view so let's say I have my view set to fit to width width scrolling and I'm looking at it here and I go to be the merits it'll bring me to that page and that exact spot that's also really helpful so for example if I have a specific point that I really want to make sure that I remember as I'm looking forward look at reviewing this again maybe I really want to make sure that I have this phrase in the event of an appeal right that's what I need to bookmark and that has to go as a sub event under the merits now if I go through here I've got a whole bunch of different things I can navigate wherever I want but then if I get to that specific line or phrase that I had highlighted it put that with the highlight already on it because it wasn't a heading and put it right there with that section highlight so that I know what I'm looking for so that could be really helpful if you're working in the team you send this PDF to someone else like click on that bookmark they'll get sent to that exact page with that specific portion highlighted so that could be really helpful you can change the names and reorganize them so you can right-click on any of these let's say you don't want it to say table of contents let's say you want to just a name at TOC write the table of contents or let's say you don't like how everything's all capitalized it's how it pulled over from the PDF but let's say you don't want it to be all capitalized you can retype it and give it whatever text that you want but the link to that particular point in the document will always be there so no matter where I go it still brings that act that table of citations so if you also want to just make sure someone looks at something you can rename it so look at this you can even give them a note or a message in the bookmarks and when they click on it let's go to another page click on that it highlighted that portion that we originally highlight so it remembers that so it's a pretty smart tool I wouldn't recommend necessarily putting commentary in your bookmarks but if that's how you want to use it and that makes sense for you that's something that you could do it always remembers what you highlighted when you made the bookmark so I think that's really helpful if you have any other questions or tips on the bookmark feature in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat in general feel free to leave in the comments I'd love to talk to you guys down there thanks so much for watching today's video and I'll see you in the next one [Music] Oh
Channel: GroundworkTC
Views: 67,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot seat, trial presentation, litigation support, lawyer, legal tech, adobe acrobat for lawyers, pdf bookmarks, bookmark pdfs, document review software, document review medical records, adobe acrobat for paralegals, acrobat for paralegals, acrobat for lawyers, acrobat bookmarks, bookmark shortcuts pdf, shortcut pdfs
Id: yXfT-QrQWlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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