How to add a stamp to a PDF document in Adobe Acrobat DC

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hello and welcome to minicom tutorials in today's tutorial i'm going to show you how to add a stamp to a pdf document using adobe acrobat reader dc now for all viewers and subscribers of many cool tutorials you would bear with me that i've already made a video on how to digitally sign a pdf document by creating a certificate based signature using adobe acrobat reader dc if you are watching my channel for the first time or if you haven't had the opportunity to watch my previous tutorials on adobe acrobat reader dc please look right below in the description box of this particular video and you would find links to my previous tutorials including like i said how to digitally sign a pdf document using a certificate based adobe acrobat reader dc signature for this particular tutorial i repeat again we're going to look at simply how to add a stamp to a pdf document using adobe acrobat reader dc now these terms come in four categories it could be like a dynamic stamp we're going to look at the details anyway a sign here stamp or even a standard business term or even you can customize your own stamp okay you can for instance use powerpoint and create your own stamp and then just use one powerpoint slide create a stamp okay design your stamp the way you want it to be save the slide as a pdf file or as a png file that's a picture file and you can actually use this custom stamp to stamp your pdf documents so i'm going to show you how you can use any of these four categories of stamps in just a few minutes so without much i do i have a certain pdf document here that i'm calling protocol one okay so i simply open it using adobe acrobat reader dc so i right click on it and i click on open with adobe acrobat reader dc since adobe acrobat reader this is not my default pdf reader so i have to do this i have to open it with adobe cloud reader dc okay and after opening it you realize that it has the i mean because my my pc screen is very wide okay it's asking me do i want to use adobe acrobat reader as my default pdf reader say no unless i want to use it and then the size of my because my pc screen is very wide it's the it has zoomed the pdf document so i can reduce it by clicking on my nose and put the size at is optimum that's hundred percent so that i can have a clear view of my pdf document so this is a protocol okay let's assume this a steady protocol and i would like to stamp this document and indicate that you know what this particular protocol has been reviewed or this particular protocol has been revised or whatever i may want to put it i may one day for instance the investigator to sign the study a clinical investigator to sign this particular clinical research protocol so i have to say how to insert a stamp indicating sign here you know all these are possibilities so stamps are very very important it's just like the traditional rubber stamp that we use you know but now we'll do it digitally with the help of what adobe acrobat reader dc which means before you even print your document your document is always stunned and the fellow can insert his signature you don't have to use ink again thanks to adobe stamps all right so to stamp a document it's very simple like i said we have four categories before i even show you all these four categories i'm gonna give you a brief introduction to adobe stamps according to adobe's website itself so you have a brief understanding of um all these four categories of stamps so if i in order to instead a stamp or to learn more about adobe stamps simply come and click on tools okay when you click on tools we have stamp stamp over here now when i if i click on this drop down list i can either open the different categories of stamps straight away which i just did okay so i click on tools and i click on open and it open the stamp so we have the stamp toolbar displayed here and over here we have stuff as you click over here we have the trace terms the the first tray category that i mentioned dynamics terms signed here stamps standard business terms and over here we have what we call the um the custom stamps which consists of creating your own stamp saving it on your pc and importing it as either a pdf or a picture file that's an image file before we look at the details of each and every one of these terms let's go back to tools again click on tools and now come and click on the drop down menu and then click on what learn more okay once you click on learn more adobe is actually going to you know it takes us to the adobe website as you can see and then you can at your own free time you can read more about all these categories of stamps and how to insert them in case just in setting them is not a problem because i'm going to show you in this video but at your own free time you can read here to learn more about these four categories of stamps so they are saying that just like traditional rubber stamps you can apply a stamp a stamp sorry to a pdf in much the same way you apply a rubber stamp to a paper document you know and you can choose from a list of predefined stamps this list of predefined stamps include dynamics terms uh sign here stamps or even business standard business terms i'm gonna show you what each and every one of them comprises of and then you can also create your own custom stamps like i said they are saying that dynamics terms obtain information from your pc and from the identity panel of the preferences dialog box so i'll actually show you how to to create your identity within your adobe preferences because this would actually help in a case where you are inserting a dynamic stand the dynamics term simply comes with date and then an instruction for instance approved by or let's say received by so i want to say received by then i have to indicate the name of the person that is receiving so which means you have to create your identity within the adobe preferences before it can actually use the appropriate identity and it also comes with dynamics times also come with let's say date and time so which means you must make sure your pc time and date are accurate we can also insert sign here stamp sign here stamp simply consists of inserting a watermark that would say instruct the reader please sign here then he puts he i meant his signature there we also have standard business terms like uh where you can say okay this particular document is just a draft whatever we have different types of standard business terms and finally we can also insert what i told you earlier on a custom stamp a consonant stamp is simply a picture that's an image of your stamp or even your stamp in the form of a pdf document you can simply import it into your adobe acrobat reader dc and use this newly imported stand to stamp your document the advantage is that it allows you to customize your your stamp to suit your own preferences and i told you a quick way to design your stamp would be what using powerpoint just have one slide design your stamp the way you want it to appear save it on your desktop in the form of a pdf file or a picture file and i'll show you how you can insert beat a picture stamp or a pdf stamp a pdf customized stamp or a pixel an image comes customized for that matter now let's start i've talked for too long and now we will get to business so i'm on my uh pdf document here just click on anytime you click on another toolbar whatever you want to come back to your document look for the title of your document for me it's protocol one is over here once i click on it it brings us back home okay and currently i have opened my um adobe stamps toolbar which is displayed here if i want to close it i can simply click here and close it and it's gone if i want to display again the timestamp toolbar sorry set the timestamp the adobe stamp toolbar simply come and click on tools come back here click on the drop down menu i could either open it and click on link or click on learn more and it will take us to the website where we read more about it if i want to open then just click on open we could just open straight here click on open and you have your toolbar displayed here now let's start first of all with a dynamic stamp to insert a dynamic stamp it's very simple first of all make sure you create your identity because it might need your identity either your organization name for instance if i want to say um we if i want to say let's say that this particular document is um is confidential then i have to put first of all my the name of my organization or company followed by the notice that the document is all confidential so all these details you have to first of all edit them within your identity whatever you have to edit your identity within the adobe preferences so to do that how do we let me show you you have to simply come and click on edit first of all edit get down you find preferences click on preferences and over here you have what several steps here you you can now come and click on identity when you click on identity you have what your login name this is for my adobe acrobat reader dc account or sometimes your login name could be your pc username but most importantly you change your what your name here because if i'm saying this document is reviewed by then it also indicated documents reviewed by who so initially i have already done this even though this i've only created my identity even though here was supposed to be you wouldn't have seen anything here so but i will try to redo it just to show you so i'll create my identity by typing let's say menu okay so re let's say the name of i'm creating a certificate that will be used throughout the process so i'll call it menu okay so say let's say mph okay muscle public health graduate or whatever because you have to put if i were a doctor and i would have said dr minokung okay and then title let's just call it stamps but i could change it if i want organization let's say menu tutorials that's okay um clinical operations units i'm just inventing things as if i were cro so let's just say clinker operations that's the the organization unit the organization name is meaningful tutorials and now finally you can put your email address here so let's say menucon tutorials at and i just hit ok okay once i hit ok it means my identity has been created and now to insert dynamic stamps is very simple come and click on stamps here okay i showed you how to close and open the stamps toolbar so let's close it once again i've already shown you how to create your identity within your adobe preferences now let's assume that we want to use stamp our document so we simply come and click on tools come and click on open stamps and you have your stamps toolbar displayed here now that the stamps toolbar has been displayed that the advantage is that when you create your identity even if i should close adobe anytime i open it the identity that i created will be remain so which means when i'm to insert it a stamp it'll simply use the identity that i created suppose you click on stamp here i have our dynamics terms and for instance let's look at dynamics terms if i want to say revise then you say revised it gives you the dates and the time and the date which means your pc must be accurate the pc time and date must be accurate if you want to say reviewed reviewed by who so that's why i had to create the identity so if i just select reviewed okay it let's select select review now you'll notice that when i selected reviewed what did he say it said reviewed by minokung mph mph means muscle public health graduated a craft care doctor meaning if i were a doctor and at what time it has indicated a time and it did this is where why is i said i had to first of all create my identity now let's so now i'm done with my um dynamic stamping if that is just the only thing that i want to put then i'm true to go i'll simply save this document click on save and i'll come print it and i'm okay but if i want to add some more other stamps which is actually what i'm going to do because we are not just going to look at a dynamic stamp we also look at sign here stamps and final er standard business terms and finally i will show you how to even what add a custom stamp in the form of a picture an image file or a pdf file now let's move on to the next type of stamp so click on the stamp menu here and then the arrow here and you have now you look at the second type of stumps okay which is dynamic stumps so the dynamics terms here sorry i said dynamic sound the second is the sign here stamp the sign here stamp is simply a watermark that you insert to tell the reader that please sign here you know or put your signature here whatever or initials here so it depends on whichever one that you want to use okay so in my case i'll pick let's say sign here so yes right sign here let's put so this is actually my document as you can see there is a protocol but is the first page that i'm designing and with the help of these uh adobe stamps i can actually design the first page of my my steady protocol okay so i'm first i'm telling the clinical investigator to sign somewhere here so and what how do i do that i've just indicated a sign here but you'll notice that if i should say sign here you just sign in the space okay but if i want him to put a council and set a watermark that would let him sign let's say signed by his name and then they did you could also do that so what i've just inserted is a watermark using the sign here tool the sign here stamp tool so i use sign here i click on this category and i select a sign here now let's move on to the next the third category which is the sorry the the the standard business stamps these include these are the pre-existing standard business terms they include what approved not approved draft final completed confidential several of them okay and you you'll notice that sign here stamps as well as business time do not require anything regarding your identity or even time and date however dynamics sounds like reviewed you will need the identity reviewed by the time and the date you see so over here if i want to say this document is confidential then i just select confidential okay now i can place it somewhere here on top so anybody who picks the document would know that this document is a confidential document i've stamped indicating that is confidential and now let's add another um another standard business stamp like draft let's assume i want to tell people reading the document that they said drafted document so i can just place it somewhere here and one important thing you should note is that should you make a mistake maybe you'll place the sun sorry you have maybe you have placed the stump at a place that you don't like you can displace it by simply clicking on it this way and then you click and hold left click and hold you can drag it anywhere you want to place it so i'll place it somewhere here i'm just after the title indicating that this is a draft and i can actually decrease the size of it so i can decrease it this way okay perfect so i'm actually telling this drafted clinker research protocol and it has been reviewed by minokun an mph holder at this particular date and time and then i would also like to maybe instruct the investigator to sign somewhere here i have index inserted the sign here what sorry they sign here stamp but i will need another i'll customize i'll need a custom stamp that will tell him signed by and then under the date of the signing so how do we create a custom uh stamp that is the last category the fourth category actually so to create a custom stamp please make sure that you have your custom stamp existing in the form of an image it has a png for instance or jpg or whatever file image file and secondly you could also have your your custom stamp in the form of a pdf file i told you can do either of these using a powerpoint slide just a single slide design yours your stamp the way you like it save it on the desktop and you are true to go so in my case i have my stamps on a desktop okay i will show you these are the stamps is there this one this particular one here is a pdf format and this one here is the image format so if i want to use any of them i don't have to use both it would not even make sense importing the two but it's just to tell you that your custom stamp should take one of these format either pdf or a picture format so or that's an image so let me show you the first one the first one consists of importing a an image whatever an image stamp okay if you have your stamp in the form of an image so let me show you how you can do that one first of all open your image double click on it and open it after you have opened it depending on the kind of picture reader that you are using there are different ways of copying the image okay so if you right click on it right click on the image you'll find copy just simply copy it now after you have copied the image after you opened it you right click on it and copied copy to your whatever your clipboard or whatever so right click on it click on copy now after this come to your adobe acrobat reader dc and then you come and click on here stamp by once again sorry i said standby stamp that you click on the drop down menu and then you will find paste clipboard image as what stamp tool so if you click on it you realize that my cursor or my mouse simply turned into what this like this stamp logo and it's ready to stamp so i can just stamp here you know and i can reduce it it's just click on it and then you can reduce the size okay increase it a bit so we place it somewhere here okay instructing the the reader or the investigator to sign here and then put the date of signing so you see that this is my research protocol very lengthy document and thanks to adobe stamps i have been able to design the the the the cover page of it in a very nice manner now let me show you the final step in case you have your stamp file in the form of your custom stamp file in the form of a pdf document i'll show you how to do that one too so let's delete this one okay and if i should open this let me open the pdf the custom one that i have here i told you it's a pdf document so let me open it you see it is the same thing you see it it's the same thing but this is a pdf document now to do to import a pdf document as a as a stamp as a stamp then let me show you how you can do that simply come to your adobe come and click on custom stamps over here and then you click on create a stamp now when you click on create click on browse go to your desktop and then simply select the particular so for me it's called my custom stamp pdf simply select it and then over here you have to you realize that you can only import uh or create custom stamps that are in pdf format that's why earlier on show you how to create a custom stamp that is in image format by simply clicking on the i showed you that earlier on so over here simply select your pdf file and then click on open now notice that when i click on open it looks something like this and then you simply hit ok when you hit ok it will ask you to select the category in which category do you want to put this particular stamp so let me say i'll put it under sign here stamp for instance because i'm saying the pages should sign here and so i'll put it under sign here and let's change the name to sign here stamp you could put any name okay and then just hit ok now after i've hit okay the pdf document or stamp will be will be inserted here so when i come to the stamp it'll be it'll be added to my predefined stamps because i actually added to it what uh sign here stamps category so if you come and click on the drop down menu again and come to sign here you see my my sign here i have it here okay the pdf that i've just added is now here i can simply click it and you see that it's very huge because it's actually covering the whole powerpoint slide saved as a pdf file so just click click somewhere and then you minimize the size so you simply click on it and then you try to reduce it click and hold drag down to reduce it a bit okay come to the edge this way reduce it and you are true to go place it where you want to place it and normally we are good okay and after you have done this you simply save your document so make sure you save it so you click on save here the save button and then you put it for instance on my computer i'll place it on the desktop and i'll call it um stamped protocol one stamped protocol one place it on the desktop and click save and now my stamp document it has been saved properly let's open it and see what it is stamps protocol one is over here let me double click on it just ensure that all these stuffs have been added and perfectly we have it here sorry we have our stamped protocol one here thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoyed this video please subscribe
Channel: Minukuu Tutorials
Views: 30,255
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Keywords: Adobe Acrobat DC, stamp, Adobe, PDF, How to add a stamp to a PDF document in Adobe Acrobat DC, apply stamp to pdf with adobe, adobe stamp, How to stamp a PDF documenin Adobe, dynamic stamp, standard busuiness stamp, sign here stamps, custom stam, Adobe signature stamp
Id: qVGa_uWDD34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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