Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Hellboy's Samaritan Prop, Part 2!

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hey guys adam savage here in my cave with another  chapter in the samaritan build saga today's   chapter is uh the trigger guard which was super  fun to cut out and sculpt and adjust to look right   the rear sight which was a pretty simple thing and  the latch the latching mechanism which allows you   to load it and unload it that kicked my butt that  was maybe the most difficult part of this build   because i am as i've said many times i'm what  you'd call an aesthetic machinist i'm really   good at making stuff look like it should work and  look mechanical and look shiny and precise and   stuff like that but when it comes to machining  stuff where the mechanics have to work that is   less of my expertise and in this the mechanics are  diabolical you've got a hinge down here and then   you've got a frame that comes up here you have  another frame that comes up here there are like   multiple parts there's all these elements that  have to come into concert with each other to dance   correctly so that that latches i can't tell you  how many times i screwed this up and ultimately   how much i learned doing this including learning  that i was capable of machining something of that   level of precision and complexity let's get into  it there are sometimes some things i have to work   out off-camera that's just a fact of making stuff  it's not everything but there are really specific   times when i'm i'm working on a specific problem  to solve and i don't know exactly what i'm doing   and look not knowing exactly what i'm doing  is really specifically my brand but still this is such an involved build with so  many interdependent parts and pieces   that um i have been sort of moving a pace at  my own pace filming the important stuff and   please even though this looks like it's highly  like almost done it is so not almost done   there is a lot still to do to make  this puppy work there is a lot a lot   yeah um but the very next thing i am going to  complete on this is the closure so i have it   so that it opens and that's the correct angle  that's how it opens in the film and i'm really   pleased with all of the orientations  um i have been in touch with my friends   at weta workshop and lo halfway through my build  i managed to obtain some correct correct size um   some actual engineering drawings hey how about  that i mean look there's a few things better than   having an original an actual and i've got the  stunt pistol that i've been working off of but   um still the engineering drawings help so the  closure is a fairly involved little bit of um   engineering because there is a little  bridge that comes out across the top of this   and this gets machined out and then there is  a pen you'll understand this all as i go but   there's a pin here and the closure actually clamps  and moves the pin as it comes in and locks so it   basically to close it you do this and open  it there's this little arm here and you go and that gets you the um the release from the  locking mechanism so to release it you push that   little button here and it opens up i next stage  of this guy is that it's time to make it close   right first up i've got a machine out this part  of the back of the gun correctly because on the   real one um on the real i don't oh yeah yeah here  you go okay here's the stunt pistol which i've   opened up you can see on the real one the back  of the gun is machined out i've got to do the   same thing on this one before i do anything else  so here is you can see this now this is a stunt   pistol so this is all made of resin and rubber um  but what you can see is there's a pin where is it   it looks like this it's got these two 15 degree  oh there we go it's got these two 15 degree slots   in it and what happens is is that this sits in  here like this and it's pinned into this little   that's rubber but the real one is  the real one is metal like that okay and then when you uh bring the top down and i  can't do it because of the way the stunt pistol   is built it takes a little maneuvering but you can  see that there's this part this this uh i don't   know what to call it anyway there's this part that  comes down crunk over over that pin right there   it'll all be super crystal clear as i go the next  step for me is to machine out that that bit so i'm   going to take the gun apart a little bit in order  to have access to that parts management is a deal   with builds this complex i mean just  holding on to all the bits and pieces   is non-trivial the back plate is drawn  bigger in the engineering drawing than   it is in the actual one i'm gonna follow  the actual one so what i need to do is yeah yeah so let me get a little  bit of marking fluid on here on the gun body as well because that's the  next thing i'm going to machine after this   and i'll be marking it up so i  know that my machining is good   i'll also have to drill this hole  through the top yeah all right right i have successfully notched out ooh  glinting in the sun i've successfully notched out   this back plate it is structurally slightly  different than this green used back plate   um as you can see well so understand in order to  fit in all the trigger mechanics and i haven't   even cut the hole for the trigger of the trigger  guard i haven't even started on those parts   but i need to hog out i needed to hog out  all of this part of the back gun part in   order to fit the mechanics because this is  actually this will be a true double action   pistol which means that you could pull the  trigger and the hammer comes back [ __ ] and   you keep pulling the trigger boom and it fires now  this isn't going to be a firing gun it's made out   of aluminum but um i've pulled a ton of weight  out i think that my solid my completely aluminum   samaritan is actually going  to end up being lighter than the stunt ones which kind of makes sense  actually um because i've held the real one   guillermo del toro owns it and i've seen  it at bleakhouse more than once and held it   and i just don't remember it being spectacularly  heavy like my stunt pistol is okay so um   there's just a little bit of uh ugliness  there i'll need to address that i may   actually just like tap in a little  little plate there with some 256 screws   but the next thing is to mark out  and hog out this this part right here it has been a long day my back is  sore i've been at this for seven and   a half hours now without a break i mean  i walked a dog but um here's what i got confession time here's what i got my fellow  soldiers will tell you i'm a terrible shot   that's not true but um i have made this bracket  piece which is literally most of my time today um   and here is see how tight it is there  look at that very little tolerance and the um the last bit of doing the inside of this  piece was done with a file on my stitching pony   um yeah here's the time lapse of it there  is a way in which to get two parts i mean   understand the geometry of this starts here  and all of these pieces were made centered   and according to the measurements and everything  but still no matter how tight you are with all   of your persuasions when you get to a a pair of  things that have to marry each other like that like that and they got to  go back to the same location   you've got you want some adjustability that's  all i'm saying this is what i have learned i   am someone who is given to slightly too high of  tolerance i cut too close to the line and then   i have to wiggle around it but in this only a  file not a mill would have taken me that last   bit yeah i know i could see and see but i'm  just not interested in that but i frankly that   that's the most satisfying thing that's yet  happened on this build that that is crazy i am i'm   super chuffed about that oh let's just show you  um so and this might be a whole separate video but   the lore of the samaritan is that it's made  from pieces of religious artifacts and that   it's handled its grip is made from pieces of  the true cross the cross that jesus was uh   crucified anyway uh the crew cross was  made i looked it up out of pine and cypress   and cedar so i purchased some chunks of all of  those things pine i don't want to use it this is a   cypress it's it's like pine it's too lightweight  but i did uh make myself a sample handle here   there we go so we can see now we can see that  things are happening hold on let's see i can um   wait oh here there we go oh look  at this ladies and gentlemen   i don't want to get optimistic here there is  still a lot of work to do on this i got to do   the front sight got to do the rear sight got  to drill and tap the holes and attach that and   i got to oh man i got to put in the little  bronzer remover and i gotta mill the   that um sorry i know i'm bouncing all over the  place but uh that rod i showed you earlier with   the 15 degree cuts in it it's totally wrong  the problem is is that these engineerings i got   are slightly off and that's totally  to be expected you never know at what   point in the production an engineering  drawing gets made especially in film um i i wanted to state that the original gun   and i said this at the uh have i done a top  of this video the original gun was built by   an amazing model maker named dominic taylor  uh and jamie neville and those two had a month to make two hero guns with the speed  loaders and all of the different bullets   that is a tight time schedule i am  like two full person weeks into this   and i'm not close to done um and i'm not  having to build working speed loaders and   you know i'm also doing the bullets but i'm  taking my time um so uh uh it was dominic   taylor that sent me the engineering drawings  but they they're not exactly right they're not they're of a moment right but when the  thing gets built remember how i said like   just a minute ago how you really want some  adjustability in this that as they were   building these guns they made changes they  made modifications and that's totally that   that certainly happened especially with a director  like guillermo who likes to who likes to improvise   right he he he sees something he likes wants to go  towards it you got to be ready for that with every   director with every director man there's like  yeah you can't get attached to anything anyway today progress was made and i am pleased  i am very very i mean that might be some   of the more exacting engineering i have  achieved in terms of a big honking thing still a long time away from being able to hold  this thing all right okay our samaritan precedes   a pace uh the next thing i'm going to make is  this little bit right here the trigger guard now   i have a trigger guard that i cut off of uh or  i removed from i think sideshows um all metal   uh all metal samaritan which is a lovely prop  replica um but i also have an engineering drawing   um and so i cut that engineering drawing out and  i pasted it to this big chunky chunk of aluminum   and uh we are going to spend some time  cutting this out it's going to take a while   but uh that's the next that's the  next phase cutting out a trigger guard i'm starting out by drilling  some holes around the cut um   when i've got an engineering drawing attached  to this piece of aluminum i don't want to use   a lot of cooling fluid when i do this  and cutting it's going to get hot so   i'm going to cut some relief holes using the  drill press to make my job a little easier okay so i've drilled a bunch of holes  there's the trigger guard hidden among   all those holes now the other reason that i  have uh drilled all these holes around this is   there are shops that do a lot of aluminum work  where they've got some really nice saws with   cooling fluid and nails that dedicated to cutting  thick aluminum i don't have such a thing i've got   my nice wood band saw with a expensive blade  on it and i don't want to over tax that blade   my tools are all general purpose uh and that means  that for cutting out something big and heavy like   this piece of aluminum i want to go carefully uh  and i like if i over tax my bandsaw blade it's a   40 blade i gotta go buy another one so anyway  the holes are a way to sort of take the uh   take some of the heavy lifting off  of a lot of my um my cutting tools so i know this looks rough and tumble but frankly  unless you have a dedicated saw for aluminum   with cooling fluid and all that this is the best  way for me to creep up to this paper template and   make sure i'm getting exactly the form factor that  i want i am now going to start to do some sanding   on this look this is me not being too greedy  about how much material i want to take away   i know that out of a piece of wood i could  cut this trigger out in like four minutes   and it's very much in my nature to want the  same thing out of aluminum but i have to go   slowly so that's what i am doing um i'm pleased  with how this is going so now we're gonna do some   sanding and i'm going to pull out the  spindle sander for the interior part   yeah the spindle sander that i recently built  into a thing underneath my table saw yeah my tip well my trigger guard profile  is now completely cut out and   sanded smooth i've gotten rid  of all the saw witness marks uh i'll get that as i was saying my my uh  trigger guard profile has been cut out   i have not finessed the attachment to the pistol that's the next step that's the next step is to make those two   mating surfaces as tight as i can i'm gonna  make them super tight and then i'm going to uh   actually it's already pretty close but uh what i'm  going to do is i'm going to get them really tight   and then i'm going to cut this thing to width  and then i'm going to do the final shaping   i have found that if you do all your shaping  and your polishing and then you do the fitment   it's a bad way to go because i might need to hold  on to this with pliers with something i don't want   to make a finished surface that i'm going to mar  i want to actually get everything kind of like   working together and then only then will i do the  final polishing all right here we go to the sander   touchy little operation yep all right yeah so  you can see the mating surfaces are pretty good um just a tiny bit more adjustment but for the  most part yeah that's uh that's it i'm really   that is fantastic all right uh so next step is to cut this to width   oh hi i was recording okay so here's where i am  right now um i have marked out i think you can see   here the the marks for the internal thinness and  then it's the full fatness out here so this little   mark across the way is my slant to the  ultimate thinness again i am sort of taking   i'm taking how do i say this i'm attacking each  dimension individually i've made trigger guards   before where you started trying to round them  out and then trying to get them in the right   shape and it's a nightmare so i'm doing everything  square right now and then once i have again once   i have my critical dimensions the fatness the  transition to the thinness then i'll start to   round this then i'll take it to its final  sanding at a 400 and then i'll polish it   actually before i polish it i will  attach it to the gun so i make sure i   have perfect fitment and i'll drill and tap  two holes here and here and we'll be good   um i think this deserves a time lapse and also  i'm wearing the full face shield because i need   to get my eyes really right up and close to  where i'm working so i got this uh this nice all right trigger guard is most of the way there in terms  of its form factor and its critical dimensions sorry hi there i am um so now it's time i think   to tap it and install it onto the gun  and then i'll do its final shaping 1.32 minus 0.61 equals divided by 2 equals 0.355 i'm making sure that i'm tapping the holes  dead center of this thing and in the meat of   the trigger this isn't the way the real trigger's  attached the room gun is actually built somewhat   differently than this but 1.32 divided by 2  equals 0.66 i always forget that um but um i am yeah it's a longer piece to camera about the  difference between the two guns 0.66 there we go   so that is nice nice lovely lovely chamfer those holes then what  i want to do is i want to clamp in this guy this is a really important operation i  want to get this exactly right come on good now i want to put a piece of tape on here so  i don't go too deep that is the depth i like all right let's get some cutting  fluid on there now just to make sure   i don't accidentally torque this i'm also going  oh wow can i even reach that oh you know what   i'm gonna have to do a pilot hole there with a  tiny okay so here's the thing like when you're   drilling a hole like this and you're clamped in  place just think about what it's like if you lose   your position so you want to  start both holes that's the goal don't second-guess your mark go right to your mark   okay so um i'm happy with that i'm gonna  unclamp it wow yeah that's real okay good the farther you get down the path with any  specific uh piece that you're making means that   if you mess it up you have a longer way to go to  recover so that means that the farther you go the   slower you go so it's something to like remember  when you're doing really work that is precise is those last few steps often  take as long as the first   does the last two steps might take as long  as the first dozen because of exactly that and there we go ladies and gentlemen yeah so  trigger guard is in the gun successfully latches   and unlatches um there's not video of me working  this relationship out because it took me an entire   day and i kind of needed to not be filming while i  figured that out but it's really nice and it took let's just say it took all my skill but that's  not what i'm here to talk about i'm here to   talk about this the trigger guard which i'm  really pleased is mounted in still needs a   little bit of final finessing in terms  of its how it marries to the pistol but   we are super super close and i'm gonna  take a break right now and uh enjoy the the   the furtherance we've got a trigger to make  got a hammer to make rear sight front sight and   then we're like oh yeah and then this handle  the bass and the emblems we're moving along here is my finished trigger guard  and i actually drilled a central hole   in there and over here and then i realized  that part of the trigger mechanics have to   go past that so i made two more holes that  was a 632 in the middle these are two 440s   and that should hold this nicely on the gun i've  gone and polished it but i didn't need to because   i'm actually gonna paint this whole thing matte  black but um yeah that was like four and a half   hours five hours of work to get this one piece  done but i'm really pleased with how it looks   it is tight as a drum on the gun it looks  exactly like the original it blew through   here in the hole but i fixed it with a little  crazy glue yeah there's one trigger guard it's lovely the gun continues to proceed as you can see  i'm sort of going hell bent for leather on this   it's just it's such a satisfying project uh  and there are so many moving parts to it um but   wait no i didn't okay good um  but uh this one is a fast one hey this one's a faster bit of the build there are three main pieces of the gun's  body left to construct the the hammer   which was a cast bronze or white metal part for  the original the trigger which was hand built out   of brass and the top site i am going to build them  in reverse order and i hope to complete them today   all three of those but uh you never know i'm gonna  start with the top site because that's a quickie   and i know i like to say i like to begin with the  most difficult one with mechanical problem solving   that might take me a huge amount of time like  the hammer i like to start off with something   that's like a pallet cleanser so i'm gonna jump  into the top site because uh that'll be a fairly   straightforward bit of construction and once i've  completed that then i'm going to move on to either   the trigger of the hammer i'm not sure which  it might be the hammer we'll see but top sight   coming up um like i said uh the original maker of  this gun dominic taylor and jamie neville dominic   has been in correspondence with me sending  me pictures of the original build it's been   super awesome and crazy important in  helping me get this built across the line   um in addition he sent me some of the original  engineering drawings but they don't all match   they don't all match this pistol which is the  the one of the stunt pistols this is cast from   dominic's build this is this is a cast  piece from the illuminate build oh um so   in that case instead of following engineering  drawings i'm following this this this is this is   what was used in the films this is what i'm going  to follow so i'm about to take the measurements   on the top side here oh my god there's so much  to sort oh well i'll just go with these calipers or 285 the original gun was built  in millimeters minus dot 1.3185 0.27 um and these are those are they're  both slightly different sizes   but you've got a screw at the bottom of you  look at that oh a little flathead screw that   is going to be a 256. so this is actually a  square slot and it goes to this oh right and i that's the measurement  i want to get what is this i think it's .25 nah g .25 uh d question mark c oh is the same as i because  i already had it 0.98 okay   this is the piece i'm replicating as you can  see it's got a a square slot in the middle   with i only noticed for the first ah width i  only noticed for the first time little flat   head screw holding it down i was wondering how  this was held down to the piece it's got these um uh radius end mill cut three sides notice that  the two halves of the site are not exactly   even with each other and i i'm i think i'm going  to make mine even i you know the sort of thing   that sometimes happens in production um but yeah  i'm going to make this piece and then i'm going to   probably polish it to get some of that rounding  that you can see on it uh yeah and then install it   i'm going to set out to do some  layout on this piece of quarter inch aluminum you can cut in a atom using a blow dryer in  the distance sound there okay so uh a 0.4285 now i got to figure out what radius this uh  this cut is because it's a fairly big radius it is a fairly big radius i'm not sure i have the  end mill for it but i might i ended up purchasing   a what is this a one inch radius end mill um to  cut these guys because those are a one-inch radius   in the end i actually borrowed a uh a  one-inch radiused router bit from my neighbor   um and this came after i made that cut but i  have this radius so i think it might be hey   it is see this is the thing you got to think like  a model maker the model maker is like oh i want a   big radius on that let's pull out the biggest one  i've got one inch that's what it is that's great there is my piece notice i've left a little relief  on the two cut sides there and there so that i can   machine them back to perfection and  then i'll do the final cutting on it so well it turned out that the radius enmelite  bought has a shaft too big to fit into any of my   r8 collets i'm gonna have to machine a special  holder for it uh so i used a one-inch radius   uh end mill and it worked out quite nicely  i've got quite a uh a nice radius my corners   go to the corner give or take a thou or two  uh now i just need to cut the middle slot here   yeah and then uh make that slot drill the uh hole  for a 2 48 slotted screw and we're almost there and here is my top site   i may need to do a little a secondary  pin to uh mount it to the back of my gun but here is the back of the  gun and here's where it mounts that in focus there we go all right so time to  mount it to the back of the latch assembly okay do   it's time for the trigger i have printed out  an engineering drawing of the trigger yes and yeah there's some interesting geometry here   uh yeah i'm going to fabricate  this completely out of brass so here we go yeah i have the brass for my trigger cut out uh  i have drilled the two critical holes the   pivot hole and the activator hole um and  now i'm going to start making it shaped   like a trigger i'm going to round this and  then i've got to take a ball end mill and   hog out a whole bunch of the back of this  trigger if you want to look at the original   here you can see yeah there you go here you  can see the back and from what i understand   they manufactured these they made these  by hand so i'm going to do the same uh i'm   gonna keep this thing close by for reference  um and i'm gonna do a lot of this shaping i'm gonna do a lot of this shaping oh i see um i'm gonna do a lot of this shaping yeah   it's just gonna be a lot of uh a lot  of the shape is gonna happen here   on the spindle center but i may go away to do  some work on the yeah you know it's all of a piece   yep there we go that is the main body of  the trigger and now i'm going to put some   marking fluid on the back and use a ball and  mill to start hogging out the back of that do do do well it's only about an hour later and um i am  most of the uh there we go come on focus thank you   i'm most of the way there on the trigger i've  hogged out the back um i've just drilled a 16   inch hole here for the linkage mechanics um i'll  probably expand that hole later but for right now   i don't need to um i am going to uh let's see i  am going to shave this a little closer um because   it is almost time to place this i'm going to do  some uh some more hogging in here with a dremel   not a dremel but uh the proxon little  uh uh spinny tool um and then i'm gonna   put a yeah i think i'm gonna hit this  on the scotch bright wheel and uh   we'll be ready to polish it up and  maybe even install it in the gun what   so   trigger is in it clears the the cylinder just barely  i still have a little work to do on that   i got the rear sight on the latching mechanism is a thing of beauty oh this is still a temporary handle um time to make the hammer a couple things about the build you just witnessed  um one is the cylinder rotation now this cylinder   is a very heavy item and its rotational  inertia is significant so as you move it around   it rotates well that won't do for a movie weapon   and in the film what a workshop had a mechanical  stop for the cylinder which is be i'm at this   point positive that's beyond my capabilities  but i came up with what i thought was a pretty   clever idea which was there's these four holes  here in the leaves of the top of the cylinder   and i put a magnet in each one and i put a pair  of magnets behind this strike plate back here   now when i was tumbling these parts one of those  magnets came loose it came loose from the crazy   glue that was holding it on and i thought oh well  in this assembly i'll just tape it in it doesn't   need to be precise it's just keeping this thing  from rolling right it's like yeah you can see it   each time you bring the cylinder in it holds it  there which is awesome but the fact that i didn't   hard glue that magnet in gave me this extra  bit of awesome in this build and it's this dude seriously if you asked me to put that  click in i'd be like i'm not sure how to do   it you'd come up with a little ratchet and a  little voice box a little thing and it's just   no all you needed was a magnet and i learned  that by accident and it's maybe one of my   favorite discoveries in building this gun thank  you guys for watching i'll see you next time thanks for watching that video if you want  to support us one of the best ways you can   do it is going to our merch store and  purchasing one of our beautiful new   posters this one right here is called elevations  of bear and this is a a compendium of 16 pages   from my sketchbook when i was actively building  my bear costume for san diego comic-con a few   years ago what did i do with a bear costume  at comic-con i dragged around the carcass   of leo dicaprio reversing things now this might be  enough information for you to build your own bear   costume or you could just frame it and hang it  in your house each poster is printed on a really   lovely tactile heavy cardstock get  your own by following the links below
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 483,056
Rating: 4.9650359 out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, adam savage one day build, hellboy replicas, adam savage tested, tested one day builds, adam savage one day build hellboy, hellboy samaritan replica, hellboy good samaritan, hellboy prop replicas, adam savage builds, adam savage machining, adam savage milling machine, adam savage prop making, adam savage props, prop replica, replica prop forum, gurie, guillermo del toro, prop making, ron perlman, mike mignola, 2004 hellboy, weta workshop
Id: inQ16HamIWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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