Watching my Mustang GT350 Burn to the Ground...

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Tommy made that 1200 mile trip because he heard there may be a PART OUT.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 255 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ayeawrite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

NDA from Ford huh, big payday?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 86 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zondax πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sean Morris sabotage.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Isn’t that the exact same corner as last time the oil left the mustang?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/benseifert666 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How the fuck do you autists always figure this shit out?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LYFE0DFYA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rodnock luck dude. Seriously this is a very serious design fault on Ford's part.

Edit: didn't watch till the end until I posted so its a thing on the older ones. Conversion kit is $500.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/McLaren4life πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I have a very good relationship with the people at Ford" Adam is the new RTR D1 driver confirmed!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Scynful πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh, so I suppose it's safe to say that Adam was not trolling this time.

Edit : Perhaps they weren't making out in the pic tho, maybe it was a "Holy shit I fucked up sorry" kind of hug, I don't fucking know, but gotta love fueling them theories.

And lastly, if a car's on fire, do NOT open the hood, you're giving the fire more oxygen to burn.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 90 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrOwnageQc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

oil gauge went brrrr

rip mustang

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crbby πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up guys and welcome to today's video as I mentioned before with Colette we did have some big news and as you can see by the title and the thumbnail of this video it isn't necessarily great news now underneath the cover is the remains of the GT 250 unfortunately an incident did happen when we went to the firm and clot was driving a few weeks back I did decide to withhold the footage just because I didn't want to put the footage up and cause a bunch of drama and make it look like I'm calling someone out or whatever I just want to let you guys know before we play the video between Ford the dealership that did the last service on the car and insurance I knew it was gonna be kind of a complicated situation and I wanted to make sure all that was ironed out before I put the footage on YouTube as it may have made this a much more complicated situation than it already was so thankfully Colette is okay and thankfully she does have footage of everything that transpired and before we chatted any more about it I'm gonna play that right now [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] now dude the car like a huge flame just it almost told him fire I don't know what's happened yeah bummer but I saw it like fire like I legit almost had to jump out of the car I mean I feel like that I don't know I'm on like the back side of the track but there is definitely a flame yeah it's on fire it's it's literally on fire bring [Music] [Music] [Music] it's 1330 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] push it down [Music] thank you guys yeah we want to try to open the hood or No [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] yeah so this is pretty awful I don't know kind of joke and give this car a lot of [Β __Β ] and now that's kind of not funny anymore yeah [Music] oh man this is really bad I feel awful it was basically my third time out on track literally just starting to drive the car hard I think it was maybe lap but maybe lat for my third time out and basically right back there you downshift a second coming through the esses it just blew up like it was a massive bang and I saw a ton of white smoke immediately started pulling off track obviously and after I pulled off I saw a really big flame and I thought again it was like just another boom and the flame went away obviously pulled out got out turn the car off and [Applause] yeah alright so I knowingly took the risk letting you drive the car that something would happen I thought you might go off track or spin out or potentially go into a wall like worst case scenario I didn't think it would catch fire I'm regretting not checking the oil filter first the dealer is the last place to touch it and I physically had the thought this morning maybe I should put a hand on the oil filter and just double-check it it seems like the same thing that happened last time the oscillations from the flat flame vibrated the oil filter loose she lost oil no fire she's okay that's great I mean I'm sorry because I feel like we've joked about this car a lot and like now it's not funny anymore and it's pretty much the worst thing that could've ever happened to to like be completely honest I'm not super super upset I really think the Ford will make good with this it's a known issue we've had the problem before I've spoken the dealer about it yeah you're you're okay they said we're not going to shut the track down which I'm very happy about because I didn't want the rest to be distracted really I think this is best case scenario like you know I would rather this happen then you put it in a wall in the mirror you know what I mean at least that's like it just sucks as there wasn't even there wasn't a warning ahead of time I mean I guess after like looking back he said after I left there was like a small when you when you called me and you said the cars on fire I have to throw over saw where you were stopped at the rink there was a small little pool of oil so if I was being diligent and checking the car between sessions I might have been able to catch it but between sessions is crazy because I went out twice what's like still easy laughs and when I say it went out twice maybe twice three to five laps twice and this is my third time out maybe fourth lap just starting to drive it harder and there was no lead-up warning sign whatever like back here in the technical side second year it just massive explosion and tons of smoke coming out I pull off another like mini explosion and with fire and like the fire built up slowly we just didn't have enough fifth aim for sure to fully put it out and it just to be fair when you when you called me and you said bring fire extinguishers I thought that you were just having like a panic attack and the fire wasn't actually that bad and you just it didn't start off that bad but it was unable to be put out I did just grew slowly so I'm sorry it's okay I'm literally like texting the people that I know through Ford right now I fairly confident that like four is really really great I've had a great relationship with Ford and I really think they'll make good on the situation so don't beat yourself up you're okay but it's still me I was still one driving like that's why it is it was great I feel like I also just didn't know how much where if this was like I know you talked about it and he said this has happened before and it's a defect but like again I mean I literally was not that's what like then why I just don't understand why now and I wasn't even driving hard until just now it right before it went yes I was starting to get on it for two laps in a row like I'm soaked vibrations from the high rpm at long periods of time is well vibrates to filter loose I wasn't the last person to touch a filter on that car it was a dealer I'm not going to name the dealer there's a good chance that they didn't work it out properly you know they might not work with GG the 50s enough to know that it's a very significant problem to the point where the dealer is even issue their recall even though they switched to a cartridge filter on the newer like 20 19 20 18 ones on the older ones they won't give you a cartridge set up for it maybe a torque wrench so there's a good chance that it just wasn't done properly and he said last time when this happened to you though you had a warning because there was oil dripping on your brakes and he lost brakes first and then he checked it I was going down the backstraight my brakes got coated on the oil on one side I went off track I was like this is weird driving looking at my gauges and everything instantly low oil pressure light came on turn the car off went off track and was able to catch it the thing is the car is probably much hotter cuz you've been driving it more when I did it was in the beginning so the oil when it hit the manifold for me didn't catch fire for you is probably so hot because you're driving way better than me then it caught fire this is the first glimpse I'm just trying to think if it's hard to tell like chassis damage wise it might make a good drift car [Music] that's crazy huh yeah I mean it definitely totaled for sure motors thing and buying the back from the auction maybe make it into a drift car I'll be fun I definitely didn't see today go on like this you have me to start her up oh the clutch pedal doesn't work I don't know yes I got brake pressure not the first time I've been pulled off track in this thing boy does it wreak this time though I'm just happy everyone's okay I know that I should be more upset about this and Adam so when you're the one driving like I still feel like well it was a few thousand dollars for all the fire extinguishers insanities clean up the track but I got to keep my souvenir oh no it's starting to rain I want to go do a couple more laps in the uo4 we have to leave [Music] you the hood won't still worked my name the fancy fireman wanted to use their fireman tools to make it like it was pretty cool but I mean the bumper would have been totally fine like if I was gonna sell this hold on never washes Japan some stupid American kid yeah honestly I didn't even think we'd be loading anything in a trailer if I'm honest like how it started so oh yeah yeah no I told husband I got a little yellow I was like yo if you're sittin on a carcass [Β __Β ] is burning to the ground did it's gonna be so sad if this video never makes the line today I know what kind of bum meows I feel like it'd be a really good video but people always make fun of me because like they they say I would have nothing bad things happen I'm like not grateful but it's just they look like the attitude in the way that I go about it I got camp there's no point in being upset like what's done is done but people mistake that as me just being like I'm grateful for nice things or like not knowing the value of things but I always try to set an example like not throw a hissy fit yeah what a wild situation but just very very thankful everyone's okay and we had the awesome staff at the firm and unfortunately we are going to be uncovering what is left of the gt350 now before I talk about it any further I want to quickly give our best effort of pushing this into the shops wave a little bit better lighting we can go over what happened and come up with a plan moving forward for the GT 250 [Music] all right so now that the G 250 is in the shop we can chat a little bit about what happened and what we're going to do so immediately right after it happened we did not touch the car we put it on the lift to inspect and see if what I predicted happen actually did indeed happen with the car when we put it on the lift I'll show you the footage of us first discovering what happened all right Alberto what have you found oh it's the same thing as last time yep a little lower really with a gasket - I thought the gasket field on it first reaction middle of a clay god it looks like play-doh so I guess you you can actually you want to would you mind helping like by holding the camera because we can have a little bit of a narrative it'll make this a lot easier for I like your hood where's the stock one okay so I don't know if I explained this to you crooked there sorry all right no same thing that happened before if you guys remember last time what happened was the oil filter backed off on track and it actually failed where pushed the seal out and it sprayed down onto the ground lost oil pressure turn the car off everything was fine from that point moving forward I decided all right you know I spoke to Ford it was a known thing where they have a specific torque spec for the filter so I said you know I don't want this happen again I'm not gonna change the oil in this car anymore I'm gonna take it to the dealer so the dealer is the last place to change the oil on the car from my understanding it was torque to spec but the harmonics from this engine revving so high just ends up backing the filter off the filter fails it pushes the seal out and then in this case unfortunately rather than spring down it sprayed up hit the headers and then basically ignited the whole car on fire just from hitting the hot exhaust so like I said I immediately got in contact with for I've reached up to the dealer I've reached out to insurance and I was like freaking out because this isn't just you know like a cheap 240 kitchen on fire this is an expensive car that was a new car and I was freaking out a little bit and I didn't want to put up the YouTube video and then cause a bunch of drama and then have these companies upset that they have bad PR whatever I really like Ford I'm a big Ford fan I still think he's one of the best cars made on the market right now the biggest bang for your buck I love my trucks so I wanted to reach some sort of resolution and I will say like right off the bat it was very easy for me to get a hold of someone they're super understanding super professional everyone kind of got together and a resolution was reached that I'm not allowed to disclose with this car and I will say I was given the option to keep the car I did choose to keep the car I don't know if it's going to be salvageable you know in tomorrow's video we're gonna tear it apart see if you know anything salvageable left of the long block see if the frame is damaged I don't know I don't know if this car is gonna end up being a part out if it's passable in return or maybe you could swap it I think swapping would be pretty cool but until we start whipping this thing it's gonna be really hard to figure that out I will say when we start sharing engine tomorrow meantime we were just chatting like it would be awesome if it was salvageable and I could retain the kind of all the patina from the fire and everything it's a bummer that the hood had to be cut open but I understand why they do that when there's a fire if you open up the hood it kind of all goes in your face so that's why they did it with the big Chompy things but it looks like pretty much everything in this Bay is done I just don't know like how the fire impacts the structural rigidity of the frame the chassis and everything up here you know what's gonna be sick though Tommy if this this bar hanging on the wall oh hell yeah how rad is that one thing they can't get in the camera wow this thing smells oh it stinks do my trailer stunk for like weeks yeah it's rough poor Collett man dude she was shaken up the car is dead okay Colette's fine this thing was fun to drive except there try to pull you in the woods every time now I wasn't planning on releasing this information this soon but unfortunately I'm dumb and there were clips of it in the parking lot under cover and people started assuming stuff was up with it Colet really wanted to be here for the reveal of what happened just it did shake her up so much and it was a really big deal to her so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna FaceTime it real quick and see what she has to say about it all right guys we are being joined by Colette from the future say hello Colette we don't have to do so we we really wanted to be together when I had to make this video some of us in different ways than others he kissed my dress what they'll understand what I meant by that but anyway so I have a few questions for you but before I have any questions you have anything you want to say or your lovely dog named rally in your lap oh yeah my dog for support to really talk about this traumatic moment no it just it sucks and I forgot how bad it sucked until we were going through all the footage and remember and everything because I think I just like blacked out and somehow got all that content for you which I want to get acknowledged for like in a moment of crisis I kept the camera rolling for you like I work and I got what was happening and you're welcome so that was actually one of my bullet points I put together a little list of questions and comments that I had for her and one of my last ones was indeed thanking you because in a moment of crisis it may have been looked at by some people as oh you know why was she filming and not doing this or not doing that but like as a youtuber as a youtuber that is the most valuable thing that she could have been doing in that moment you know this is a huge video it was probably one of the craziest things that's ever happened with one of my cars so it is very much so appreciated and I was just complimenting earlier you're basically a tripod with how smooth your shots are so ya wouldn't call me a tripod but no I I just felt so full night I didn't comprehend like fully what was happening and the only thing on youth in my head was like at least on video so he didn't have something to post and like I don't know I just I was freaking out inside and I feel like I was freaking out a lot more than you so I don't even remember like a the foot is shoe and I was looking back over it I didn't even remember filming like half of it so quick disclaimer they're seeing AC that is my desktop right now and it is extremely embarrassing I wasn't aware that I wouldn't be able to cover it up with another window and I don't know if you see my desktop Colette but there's about 500 different icons on it and it definitely says a lot about a person so alright I have a list of questions and I'm gonna hammer you the first one this is a very simple one have you ever been in a car on fire before which i think is why it was more traumatic and i was kind of freaking out more on the inside because i've been racing for almost a decade and I've never had a car catch on fire I've been flicked off like 11 foot tall ramp I've been shoved into a wall like 120 never anything to do is fire and I definitely feel like as a racing driver that's like one of the biggest fears given like this wasn't an intense scenario it's not like it caught fire and like blue inside the cabin or anything like really intense it was actually a really slow fire but I think just watching the car and slowly engulfed in flames and there being nothing I could do about it and me having been the last person to drive it and I've been in your car like I it was just not okay I was I was freaking out a lot so yeah speaking of a slow fire I also neglected to give an adequate enough shout out to all the staff at the firm and the other drivers that were there helped contain the fire because everyone gave all their personal extinguishers out of the car we used every single fire extinguisher that the firm had they were amazingly helpful made sure everyone was ok and we were able to contain the fire that probably would have been much worse and hold it down until the actual fire department got there like every single it seems our theyhad was used from the other drivers too and I think someone mentioned like we got lucky with the fire department being so close they were randomly a couple miles away like where they would normally be is a lot further and they were driving by or something so they were able to get there a lot faster otherwise I feel like without definitely without everyone on the tragically the whole car would have been lost now watching back the footage it's kind of ties into our talking about the fire being slow and not this big engulfment of flames watching like the footage one of the things that struck out to me obviously having been in many drivers meetings was why is she still in the car why is she still in the car and I want to make sure you have a chance to explain that you didn't even realize the car was on fire I think you thought that engine just blew or something do you want to like explain that yeah so first of all I was being so nice to this car anyway mess up your car someone have fun but I was just babying the crap out of this car yeah and I just started to push it a little bit when all this happened and I was going from second into third gear like I was not driving this car hard at all and it was like my third time on track so just for something to go wrong was mind-blowing to me and when it happened at first it was just a loud pop and all I saw was white so I didn't know if like a tire exploded in the rear or or what like it was it was smoke from somewhere I really had no idea because it was just a bang and then nothing else happened so I pulled over and as I was driving over slowly I saw flames in the rearview mirror and that's when I do that maybe like it was a brief but exhaust fire and then it went away because it I thought it went away and I pulled over and the first thing I needed to do was called you because I was on the back side of the track and I didn't think anyone could see me like that was my biggest thing is that I just think I thought I was on my own so I wanted to call you and I didn't know that the car was actually on fire or starting to fire underneath it into oh we lost her I really just thought something like exploded and went bang and then that was it and there was kind of just like residual smoke from whatever it happened it was all just very confusing because again I was not pushing the car yes not it was my third time out and that's why I just like nothing made sense and I pulled over probably slower than maybe I whatever my news was on fire but I think I got to the side safely and out of everyone's way and not on the ground so in case anything was happening like wouldn't catch everything else on fire but yeah I didn't know there was an actual fire happening I just saw smoke and thought it was a residual until I got out of the car and that's when I realized it was still on fire and I feel like you thought I was exaggerating to begin with and there was nothing really wrong I want to start off by saying I know one of the things that she was the most shaking up at first was just constantly telling me over and over again like I was just being easy with a car I wasn't driving that hard and I just want to make sure it's like fully transparent to you and I know that it is to the viewers because I just edited this video there is no sort of driver error it is 100% a mechanical failure again I don't know what the exact causes whether it's a actual defect or if whose negligence on the dealer that last install the filter but you can clearly see the oil pressure drop I actually went and enlargen the gauge and you can see the oil pressure just slowly drop and in the rearview mirror you can see the flames from the oil just kind of hitting the exhaust and the aerodynamics is pulling it backwards and it's it's very clear that you did not do anything wrong and I just want to make sure you understand that no one's gonna be like she did this it's her fault although I do want to say you know maybe there's a little bit of karma from all the negativity that you kind of preached about the Mustang you called me on your video for killing her Mustang so then I just had to like rag on anymore and call it a Mustang even more after that so I was just always giving me crap about the car just for no reason and then of course like I burned it to the ground like it was just it was not a good scenario it's like of course it was gonna happen and it's gonna happen with the car that I like give him crap about and they talked about and it was just yeah that was another thing that was like really this is happening and I feel like even on the day of like right after it happened you were telling me about the previous time that came loose and with you you got lucky because it went on the rotors first and if he lost great say pulled over and noticed that the oil was leaking my eyes I can realize that you had had an incident at this track with that car right before or maybe I would have thought that just happened like I thought it was all me and I didn't know what happened even though I was bathing the car and I mean you I don't know you were really composed this is also time freaking me out was like oh my gosh Haizi they're so mad that he can't express it or it's really okay oh no there's a lot of confusing emotions and even if it was a defect or something that I can control at the end the day I was still the one driving it and even if I was bathing the crap out of the car I was still driving it women horrified so that's not yeah and I definitely did not understand the intensity of the scenario when you initially called me because yeah you know I I haven't known Colette that long and you know a typical female thing to do would be to see like a little puff of smoke and then just assume that the car's burst into flames so you called me in a rush I think I was on the phone with Jamie and we're dialing in the tune and the evo and I was having issues my phone kept connecting a Bluetooth and you're screaming about the car no no but I I figured if you're calling me that means it's already handled because if you're calling me to me that means you're out of the car and like the situations handle I didn't really you're in a car that was about to get engulfed in flames so I hopped in the ether okay yes that's an exaggeration and for me I like I thought no one can see me so my biggest thing was like holy crap let me tell you cuz you were over there in the pits and could get someone's attention the firm they do have someone that's like two turns before it happened I didn't like realize that at the time and I just want to make sure someone saw me this was the fat section of the track and I was just I was freaking out and there's so many things going through my head from already like how wash your cars firmly no I shut the gt3 RS hood like with my hand not the hood like the front with my hands and this dude comes over and like wipes off my fingerprints oh don't start they don't start the fingerprint game you don't know what can of worms you're opening right now let's be sure about it you guys know what video she hasn't watched it's okay I don't expect you to watch all my videos because you don't like me but anyway all your cars and it's really it's a great thing but when I'm driving them I'm gonna be extra cautious and then for this to happen it was just it was not good it's good it's cool that I explained in the video as well because a way that I often handle really bad situations like that I try to laugh at them I try to see the benefit of it you know whether I smash up my car something really bad happens being upset or being angry just doesn't really do anyone any good and I realize you may have confused that for me just like hiding in frustration with you like surely it was a bummer but to be honest I don't know if I say this in the video or not but I'm just I'm glad out of any of the cars that it was one that I have the least motional attachment to the least amount of time invested in it really was just a pretty much stock gt350 but well - and like I've been wrecked during races and how a lot of intense stuff happened but the fact that it wasn't my car and it was someone else's like that's just what sucks even more that's why now I'm still motivated to get all the days I can drive really hard and it be mine and I'm not holding anything back and if something happens like it's on me and I can handle it but it being your car and just the one I would give you crap about and just like all those things added up is it would sucks so I'm just yeah I'm there's not some point I don't think I got it on video but there was a point when you're like this thing's going up get everything you know you want to keep out of the car like we thought the whole thing was going down in massive flames and luckily the fire department got there and all the staff at the firm were able to contain it until they did but there is definitely a point where I just thought it was an Indian gt350 bonfire like it was awful now we even properly documented the actual situation how it occurred so we actually used every single fire extinguisher that the firm had so the car was still on fire and we had no fire extinguishers and that's about when the fire department showed up also on top of that I don't think we really had a fuel fire obviously whatever fuel was left in the you know fuel rail ignited but the fuel in the actual fuel lines could have traced all the way back to the tank now I don't know how hard that is and the fact that the car was on 85 was huge for us because if there was 93 octane we would have had a much more serious fire if you guys aren't familiar um 85 is actually like kind of difficult to ignite I've had 85 spray on my sr manifold before with a fuel rail that popped off and no fire happened so I think that was definitely in our favor there and is the reason why what they'll see in tomorrow's video I don't want to spoil it completely but it's not as bad as we thought yeah yeah I think the fire just kept coming back alive from all the oil when it like splattered everywhere and then this the continued heat and then there was so much heat built up at one point that it just wouldn't go away and there was more oil continuing to drop and like start another fire so it was not fun fire is bad and a little traumatic but I have a hypothetical question for you so not completely Mustang related but I just I wanted an icebreaker because this has been a really like serious conversation so do you know that like Cooper II spray that like people spray in the toilets sometimes oh yeah so if you had a clogged toilet and for whatever reason the poo pourri spray fell into the clogged toilet what would you do it's a it's a tough question it may or may not have been a situation that occurred very very recently so I'm curious I'm curious no there's no I literally I'm explaining the situation and how it occurred and I'm curious what you would have done cuz I know what I did and I don't know if it was the best decision the bottle falls in the toilet and it's a clogged toilet what do you do okay now now is that an okay thing to do well now there's a bottle poo pourri somewhere my septic system I don't know what to do about it so well I mean what would you have done that's what I want now you would have flushed it right I mean let's sure let's just go with that I that's definitely what you did no not as you what I did I see what you would have done I mean I guess it's just yeah it's a weird question BAE I'm sure it's happened to some people before it happened so exactly yeah you know no I'm just a normal human being over here so my very last question for you and I'll feel free to you know chime in if you have any other stuff you want to discuss the Mustang is up on the lift now I know I've discussed some of my top secret plans with you but if you didn't know what I was planning what would you do in this situation with that car and where it stands would you part it out would you swap it would you make it a drift car a drag car would you sell it burn it crash it what would be your method of choice for what's remains the universe will me how like the whole front clip if it's good or not like if it needs a bunch of welding or structural damage is done I don't know what the shape of it was in but your car be fun and I have like a Phoenix theme where it's like rising from the ashes and make it all intense that cool interesting Phoenix is that what a Phoenix does it rises from the ashes I think so it's like some mythical bird thing right yeah I just think of the band No Phoenix okay all right do you have anything else you want to say before I turn the camera off and go home because it is 2 a.m. in the morning right now and I'm tired um sorry burns your car to the ground Oh big question what do you think I should title this video you guys need to know you guys need to know what she wants me to title the video they don't even know well no because they're gonna think that I'm just using you for views when in reality it was your idea oh you were saying you were thinking about you were thinking about the other title that we talked about where are you yeah no not that one the other one yeah I was like why not a little save that for another video yeah I don't know okay now it's turning back to me I'm I'm they're processing that I just burned this car on the ground okay it's like really hitting me hard and it's his car and I'm kind of freaking out on the inside and you how does take thumbnail photos you did that so we have I think I sent them to you uh-huh I'm remembering that that's why is that messed up you were filming the whole time you're vlogging so me getting thumbnail photos is that's the only filming I did though like I literally didn't film anything I would have had zero footage from the fire if you weren't being a good vlogger well I didn't know what else to do I thought I was I hope the whole car was going in the ground I'm like well the least I can do is get it on footage for you but yeah I think we head up taking thumbnails at some point no we didn't you did a great job by the way um you know I've been looking for a video film er and editor and I have to say you are a much prettier mic I'm sorry Mike I gotta be honest with you so would you like a job here at lzm FG maybe or just that means I have to come out to Florida yeah I'll think about it okay yeah you can get back to us like later this week or next week Oh later this week oh oh oh oh interesting [Music] all right well I'll have your office ready okay all right guys so a big THANK YOU to Collette for joining us and you know letting us hear her side of the story thank you for maintaining your composure and also for allowing me to upload this videos I know it was a very traumatic experience for you and I want to make sure you know that I'm appreciative so yeah thank you and I hope you look forward to watching tomorrow's video at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time where we will be dismantling the remains of the car that you burned to the ground by clatter now if you are gt350 owner and you're watching this video I want to strongly urge you to make sure maybe when you check your oil or if you ever do a track-day or something just put a hand on your oil filter make sure it's tight or if you're very worried about it there is an option from Ford it's an upgraded cartridge style filter I think is about $500 for the kit to convert your car to cartridge style that came in the later model your G through 50s because this is only an early model thing and then you can never have to worry about this issue happening to your car just food for thought so again this was like kind of a tough video to make definitely upsetting I will be honest and fully transparent with you guys if this were to happen to any of the cars I'm glad it was this one I have the least amount of kind of nostalgia the least amount of effort and time and customization into this car compared to any of the other ones but I am kind of I don't want to say excited but you know I don't know what's gonna happen this I don't know if engine will be salvageable the chassis will be salvageable but I really want to hear what you guys think I should do it's gonna be hard to say until we start pulling into it tomorrow but I would love to save this chassis and do something special with it and I just I don't know we shall see but um I don't once I hope you guys enjoyed this video because it's like kind of a rough video but I do hope this shed a little light on where that you do fifties been this big news we've been alluding to and I hope you guys are as excited as I am to pull this thing apart and see what we can do with it [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 1,366,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford, mustang, gt350, fire, flames, burned, down, to the ground, crash, track, oil, failure, adam lz, drift, donut, crowd, totaled, rebuild, salvage
Id: zzFz5xtF47o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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