Acts ~ 9:1 to 9:30

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good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study hour today we're going to get into the book of Acts again chapter 9 you know you're going to find something out the old boy that helped the coats whose name was Saul back in this at the end of the seventh chapter we're gonna have him a name change in this chapter we're gonna we're not it necessarily the name change here but he's still called Saul but he's going to turn out to be Paul and God's gonna ring his Bell in this chapter this is some a conversion that you want to think about because it's a conversion of one of God's elect he wasn't picked up by evangelization he wasn't picked up by tending some church meeting as a matter of fact he was on his road to Damascus to destroy the church God had other plans for him it lets you know that in God's election he controls that person that was justified in the first Earth Age that's why it is written in ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 i chose you before the foundations of this earth age chapter 9 verse 1 word of wisdom from our father let's go with it and it reads and saul yet breathing out threatenings that means with every breath he threatened the church and slaughtered that means even murder against the disciples of the lord went into the high priest now you got to remember paul who this saul is was zealous whatever he believed in he didn't go part way he didn't just think out loud about something he was a man of action and when he thought this new group that had come along here and we're following Jesus Christ were false he fought them tooth and nail every breath he breathed he was against the church Paul many times in his later writings regrets this and he said how how bad I was against the church in wanting forgiveness and hoping knowing he was forgiven because God chose him verse 2 after going to the high priest which was appointed by Roman governor not God okay verse 2 and desired of him letters to Damascus that would be in Syria meaning translated team effort to the synagogue's that if he found any of this way that means Christian whether they were men or women he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem want to murder him now you see they had no legal right under the Roman government to kill people that is just sentient and give a death sentence so they had to bring him to Jerusalem and and get Pilate to announce the death sentence on him before they could murder somebody but Paul wanted him dead okay so let you know how when he goes for something he doesn't mess around he doesn't play with it he was totally sold out and he he wanted that church band and he wanted to destroy that way which is to say the way of Christ verse 3 and as he journeyed he came near Damascus almost made it I mean he's got the he's got the paper in his pocket the legal right to destroy and suddenly they're shining round about him a light from heaven it was bright you couldn't miss it it was flashing verse 4 and he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me and you know what was this voice others heard a sound but they didn't hear the voice Paul spoke more languages than anybody it means in a language they didn't understand verse 5 and he said who art thou Lord and the Lord said I am Jesus whom thou persecuted it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks now you I want you to really grab hold to this and I want you to understand it that what is it talking about this was a rural area and the seventh letter in the Hebrew alphabet is e which means weapon war it means like seven or seven thousand and but it means a like even a goat and a goat is a stick with a nail on the end of it so if you're driving cattle you can kind of touch them with the point a little bit and it gets their attention but if they kick at that point naturally that nail that goat is going to pierce them he said what Paul why are you kicking against the goat all you're doing is hurting yourself and and so it is also this has all of God's teachings are the fact that it is the meaning of a letter it is also the goad that drives sheep or cattle mostly cattle but also it is the the prick is also the point on a protractor that makes a perfect circle which is when you put that point in and you put a pencil or a marker of some kind in the other side of the protractor you could make a perfect circle and it it should remind you of something way back in the great book of Proverbs our Heavenly Father in the twentieth seventh verse when he was this is the words of wisdom speaking it's back when the sons of God rejoiced together in the first earth age and wisdom spoke wisdom was always with God and wisdom stated in verse 27 of the eighth chapter of Proverbs when he prepared the heavens that's when God made the I was their wisdom when he said a compass that's that protractor upon the face of the debt when he established the clouds above when he strengthened the foundations of the deep in other words when you kick against that prick of the protractor instead of making a perfect circle as God's perfect plan is he said Paul you're jiggling my plan you're upsetting my perfect circle my perfect plan that's the second meaning of it in a deeper sense the overall picture of God's perfect plan the perfect circle the order in which he places things Paul was upset in the applecart he was upsetting everything and he was one he was a chosen vessel of God he was like being so zealous so driven he knew the scripture inside and out he knew the scripture a virgin shall conceive and a child shall be born he knew but he did hadn't connected it yet with Jesus Christ he's about to when the Lord Himself though Paul did not follow him when he walked the earth the Lord Himself appeared to Paul and spoke to him in this way upsetting his plan what did Paul say then verse six and he trembling and he trembling and astonished said Lord what wilt thou have me to do and the Lord said unto Him arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do and so it is you know many many might think well God's elect how who are we talking about here well the set aside was Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 have you ever read it do you know how special God's election are to him that we didn't have a revival and the elders didn't say let us all pray and play the sad music and everybody bow their head not one person looking up all you that want to be saved come forward didn't have any of that God just took him just like he did the disciples he didn't have a revival he went to them and said directly follow me and they did without any hesitation but the election when they do follow and even as Paul was trying to persecute the church and even as he dishonored you might say the church it is written in Matthew 18 10 listen to it take heed that you despise not one of these little ones for I say unto you that in heaven their angels do always behold it the faith of my father which is in heaven in other words their angel of one of God's election their angel overseer watcher has the attention of God any time they get in trouble it's going to be there so God is a great deal more in control than some what have you think and it's time now that Paul rather than persecuting as he was trained at the feet of Gamaliel to know God's Word it was time for him to get his act together and to start believing the word in the rightful way and that way of course is Christ and that's what you should be in today otherwise you're kicking against the pricks that makes the perfect circle of God's plan you throw stuff out of Kelter you throw people's minds out of Kelter and they grow confused when you could tell the perfect circle of God's truth then it makes sense then you have an understanding so there he was given that to instruction let's go with a next verse in acts 7 and the men which journey with him stood speechless hearing a voice but seeing no man they they could hear that sound didn't quite understand it but they couldn't see anybody this lets you know it was a divine being Paul certainly saw but then it will cost Paul basically I feel his good sight he will be blinded here and he does get some of his sight back but the reason he always had to have a scribe such as Luke even though he was God wrote would write most of the New Testament through him he would finally in closing of one book he said look I'm writing in my own hand in large letters so that you can see he couldn't see real good okay so God always has his do alright so here we have that Paul being struck down again what is salvation is believing upon the father he did believe in being a child of God God straightened his act out verse eight and Saul arose from the earth and when his eyes were open he saw no man he's blind but they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus they helped him along the way there of course not understanding nine and he was three days without sight and neither did eat nor drink he was just I mean he was spellbound but having heard the very voice of the Lord Jesus Christ verse ten and there was a certain disciple at Damascus right there in Syria named Ananias and and to him said the Lord in a vision Ananias and he said behold I am here Lord and of course the meaning mean grace verse 11 and the Lord said unto Him arise and go into the street which is called straight that means true and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus that was Paul's home for behold he prayeth Paul was praying real hard I mean that when God touches you you don't have your you're taken away from hope and and and believe have experienced the real thing verse 12 and hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him that he might receive his sight Lord telling Ananias he's he's blind right now and he wants you to come and give him his sight 13:8 and Anais has heard of Paul he knows that Paul is there to murder Christians and Ananias be a Christian so he doesn't exactly question the Lord and yet at the same time he does then Ananias answered lord I have heard by many of this man how much evil he had done to thy Saints at Jerusalem he's a maverick he's awful he delivers that even women drags them out hauls them out verse 14 and here he had authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on my name he's got a written permission from the chief priest to come here to Damascus and carry any way that he can find 15 but the Lord said unto him go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me I do not want you to read over that he say what he is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel this is why Paul would always have a three-fold Ministry one two the kings and the queens secondly to the nation's and then to Israel itself a three-fold this is why that even in the in kicking the goat you have not only the cattle prod and the protractor the correct service but also in the alphabet a three-fold way to know what God is talking about alleviating any anxiety but again I must say verse 16 as he continues after saying to Ananias he's my chosen vessel for I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake for whose sake for Christ's name sake Paul would be beaten Paul would in his travels have some pretty rough times but he was a tough old cookie he could cut it why he was a chosen vessel of God now again I want to remind you there are two factions and on each end of the spectrum you have free will that is to say someone that was not chosen in the first Earth Age why they didn't earn it but those that did stand against Satan in that first Earth Age were chosen vessels a purpose for God's service and God will interfere in their life just as he interfered in Paul's life I mean Paul was going there to dream to arrest to bring in for slaughter Christians and on that road God struck him down and touched him and he was a changed man God used him then as as we all know but again you might say well did that letter in his pocket have anything to do with that the guy that wrote the letter of the chief priest he was not a Christian wouldn't know anything about the Christian religion didn't know anything about Jesus Christ he was not probably even a Levite he was appointed chief priest by a Roman governor it was all political but this Paul was chosen before the foundations of the earth a chosen vessel this is difficult for some to understand but you you have to understand our Father y-you know knowing this coming out the gate God is always fair then enter me a question if there was not decisions made in the first Earth Age pray tell me why it is written in Romans chapter 9 in Malachi chapter 1 that Paul I mean our Heavenly Father concerning the pregnancy of Jacob and Esau while they were still little embryos in their mother's womb but their souls still there with them God himself would say Jacob I love Esau I have hated hated from what hated from what he did in the first Earth Age and hated him for what he did in this earth they sold his birthright of Almighty God for a bowl of mush you know and so it is was people but many would have to wrestle I mean you know why would God say he hated Esau and you know it is amazing to me how many Christians will say God didn't hate anybody it shows you automatically they haven't read the Bible because in more places than one God hated Esau before he was ever born again I told you Malachi chapter 1 and Romans chapter 9 read it for yourself don't trust men trust your father Almighty God for it's very possible some of you have known there was more to God's Word since you were a child than you've been taught you need to dig it out for yourself and for those that God chooses and sins with that truth with that word so here you have that chosen vessel again there wasn't any sad music on on a particular night or day with the elders amen and deacons and the whole bits and everybody hide your head in shame I don't want to see one one eye open because we're going to secretly let people come forward don't embarrass them finding the Lord Jesus Christ is something to be proud of not to be ashamed of but there was none of this as it would be for one with free will God struck him down and said Paul and he told him exactly where to go and what would it be accomplished there just as he does all of his elect that's why God's elect are always successful may have some hard times may have some rough bumps just like Paul did but ultimately they will be successful because they don't quit they are not quitters they are chosen of God's will and mind and have the blessings of God and they suffer for his name's sake but are always blessed for it one I read you Matthew 18 10 that their angel well are you teaching there are protecting angels I didn't teach it Matthew 18 10 said it if you be one of God's elect I didn't save people with freewill God's not going to interfere in someone with free wills life unless they ask why because on Judgment Day because of his fairness if he interceded in their life without their having asked they could blame him for their falling they can't blame him for their falling because he won't have anything to do with them until they ask there you have within salvation there you can understand why God loved Jacob from the first Earth Age he was with God served God you could understand why in all fairness he could hate Esau while he was still in the embryo in his mother's womb because that soul was with God know some people are going to say well not what are you teaching here that they were with God where did you come from did you hatch out from under a rock out here somewhere well no of course I I came from God well what did you do while you were with God you were with him you admit that if you you know if you believe in our Almighty God at all what did you do while you were there well naturally you can't remember but you must admit you were with him why because he is your father he's the creator of your very being I suppose what I'm striving for is to have you see that our Father is very much in control of his election and he lets his free will sell their own ship to make their own decisions but the reason he interferes in the elections life is so that the truth is at least placed before everybody at one opportunity where they have the opportunity to receive it or reject it their choice verse 17 to continue and Ananias went his way and entered into the house and putting his hands on him said brother Saul the Lord even Jesus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest hath sent me that thou mightest receive thy sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit and actually this saw is still Paul I will get that changed here 18 and immediately not sooner or later immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scaled and he receives sight forthwith and arose and was baptized I mean that's a conversion for you and again the the Deacons weren't there 19 and when he had received meat he was strengthened then was Saul certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus what a change came there to destroy the disciples I mean breathing slaughter with every breath as the first verse of this chapter stated what a conversion why because God touched him because God is in control 20 and straight ways he preached Christ in the synagogue's that he is the son of God it came to him then that in that great book of Isaiah chapter 7 a virgin shall conceive and a child shall be born and you shall call him Immanuel Paul knew what that language in the heat what that word that name in the Hebrew meant God with us and then he had read Psalms 22 and understanding it and he had all this knowledge where God were part of David would cry out Eli Eli lama sabachthani and he would know that he was the first verse of chapter the chapter 22 in the great Book of Psalms which tells the story of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection in chapter 23 in other words he knew the word well enough that when it was pieced together he could teach Christ knowing of a certainty basically Christ had touched him what a switch verse 21 but all that heard him were amazed I mean they knew Paul his reputation and said is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem and came hither for that intent that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests the spy has worked his way in among us they don't trust us all and rightfully so but they didn't know about the conversion 22 but Saul increased the more in strength and confounded he stunned the Jews which dwelt at Damascus proving that this is very Christ in other words in his preaching he stunned them because what a switch what a change and again I want I want you to know what this word Jews is in the Greek its EU Gosselin's either a child of Judah or a residents of Jerusalem the or the land of Judea correctly stated now you got to be careful with this because our brother Judah gets blamed for a great deal that the Kenites that moved into Judea and began to call themselves Judeans gave our brother a very bad name so you want you want to sharpen up because of what follows here 23 and after many days were fulfilled the Jews took counsel to kill him I mean that what kind of religious community do we have here that they want to murder that's what this word killed funny honest means weren't killing 24 but they're lying a weight was no one of Saul he's smells smarter than the serpent and they watch the gates day and night to kill him and they intended to murder him 25 then the disciples took him by night and let him down by the wall in a basket 26 and when Saul was come to Jerusalem he is aid to join himself to the disciples but they were all afraid of him and believed not that he was a disciple they just couldn't come around to it it is amazing that he chose the way of you know a good grip of the desire could have overcome the Kenites that wanted to murder him and would that wouldn't have been any large step but he chose rather than to cause the fuss to simply practice a little covert activity so he took a powder in in that regard but they're still because of his reputation in what he had damaged and persecuted the church it's very difficult for them all the way back to Jerusalem to no one understand what had happened there let's go with the next verse verse 27 but Barnabas Barnabas took him and brought him to the Apostles and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way and that he had spoken to him and how he had preached to boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus he held up and gave credence to Paul that Paul this Saul was truly with them he had seen and experienced this 28 and he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem he was accepted and here this ministry of Paul's is about to come to be opened to the Gentiles to all peoples the truth the willing to with free will to accept and believe if you chose but only if you chose again I hope you can separate election from free will it's kind of important if you want to understand the workings of Almighty God or it might seem that God was a little unfair to have election not because they were the prettiest and not because they were special because they were special only in the sense that they had earned it they had earned that right why because they stood against Satan in the rebellion and first Earth Age verse 29 and he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus and disputed against the Grecians this is slave merchants or of the Israelites but they went about to slay him I mean I mean they're the real truth kind of drags out and brings forth the wickedness from the devil himself 30 which when the Brethren knew they brought him down to Caesarea Caesarea some pronounce it correctly Caesarea and sent him forth to Tarsus that's that's his home that's where his father lived that's Paul of Tarsus and here we have this conversion on that road what you have heard basically is the conversion of the men that God chose a chosen vessel through which God Himself will write repeat God shall write most of the New Testament at the hand of this one Saul who will be called Paul who was a tentmaker working leather how precious our Father is that he picks what wonder why he didn't pick some prints wonder what her why he didn't pick somebody of royalty he he was a royalty he was of the true house he was of the house of Benjamin of the seed of Israel he was royal seed loyal from the priesthood of Almighty God a chosen vessel we'll pick this up in the next lecture you don't want to miss any of these you see the great workings of God in the foundation of the church you're going to have Peter up here back on the scene here which God would say the Lord Jesus would say when he walked this earth this is bar-jonah which is to say the son of the dove he will lay the foundations of my church and so it was naturally Christ himself is that rock on which the church is established but Peter when you say Peter what are you saying Rock bet thought he is a chip off that old block that you can always count them don't miss it alright bless your hearts you this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 454
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: KJV, Shepherds, Bible, Shepherds Chapel, Holy Bible, Chapel, Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor, Book of, Arnold, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of Acts, Acts
Id: Aupjc7lMa1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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