Jeremiah ~ 51:52 to 52:17

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible City are back in our father's word Book of Jeremiah but one or two more lectures and we're going to have this book completed and how precious it is that our Father lets us know what tomorrow brings that's what profits are all about and the Prophet Jeremiah giving us what happens to Babylon what she is dished out she's going to get in return that's what basically this sermon is about today in this 51st chapter of the great book of jeremiah we pick it up with verse 52 god bringing home his righteous indignation against those that abuse his children verse 52 chapter 51 and it reads were for beholder you look at here the days come saith the lord that i will do judgment upon her graven images and through all her laying the wounded child groan she's going to get everything she's got coming to her well one again tell me one more time what is babbling in the end times it's confusion the confusion that is upon the heads of people all over the world of knowing who's who and what's what the king of Babel and of course is the false messiah and you need to bring yourself to that and understand because many will be deceived verse 53 though babblings should mount up to heaven though they had that power and though she should fortify the height of her Street she had all the strength in the world yet from me that's our Heavenly Father shall spoilers coming to her saith the Lord and those spoilers are God's elect in these end times those that will witness against her those that were delivered up before this king of Babylon who is none other than the false messiah excuse me this word spoilers is an interesting word it should I it means brutish are impregnable you can't stop them God's elect why because the Holy Spirit speaking through them and even at the same time as it's written in Luke 21 not a hair on their head can be harmed they're God's servants they're evening the score with confusion with lies with deception that's brought upon our people they get it done verse 54 a sound of a cry cometh from beveling and great destruction from the land of the chaldeans the the lies are going down confusion is going to be destroyed by who the spoilers God's election and naturally don't ever forget who it is that actually doesn't it's our Father 3:55 because the Lord has spoiled Babylon was it the elected spoiled her no God yet using the spoilers because the Lord has spoiled Babylon and destroyed out of her the great voice we her waves do roar like great waters the noise of their voices uttered even though Babylon should have all the power in the world should maybe think even supernatural had supernatural powers from principalities on high God's still going to destroy her she can't she cannot muster and enough troops enough Street enough deception enough lies to win because God destroys her that confusion is going in into nothingness because the truth will always prevail that's why you want to study the truth and let it set you free from the anxieties and from the worries of this particular world age because we're coming to it we're about there you're going to hear that voice from them a voice of weeping from Babel and rather than from our people 56 because the spoiler has come upon her even upon Babylon and her mighty men are taken everyone how many is that every one of their boats is broken for the Lord God of recompense shall surely required he's going to bring it on it's payback time for everything she did to deceive us we are allowed to put it back to rest you know when this this word both scriptures always pop into your mind and what pops into my mind is Ezekiel chapter 39 when Haman God there at God comes against us that's the Battle of Haman God who who knocks the bow out of the hand of God God does not man but God does he destroys that northern army that would come against our people every last one of them confucian is going to fail because truth is on its way verse 57 and I will make drunk her princes and her wise men her captains and her rulers and her mighty men and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep and not wake saith the king whose name is the Lord of Hosts that king of kings and Lord of lords will put all these secondary nations out of being because there will only be one nation that is that the king of kings and the Lord of lords in a sense drunk means of a stagger they stumble they don't use good common sense does it sound familiar to you the leaders can't get it quite put together because confusion is rampant verse 58 thus saith the Lord of Hosts the broad they broaden walls of Babel and shall be utterly broken and her gates shall be burned with fire and the people shall labor in vain and the boat in the fire that and they shall be weary it's going down the end what these broad walls were it was a double wall they were as as it is written by Herodotus that they walls were far enough apart that a fourteen chariot could go around in a circle between them and there are these walls that would guard her she can't build enough walls to protect herself from the Living God or the spoilers it's all going down how is it that these flames come because God is a consuming fire our Heavenly Father is on the throne he has promised this if the wicked think they're getting away with something they're in for a big big surprise because God intends to see that they get everything they've got coming to them and he is God is that consuming fire next verse please verse 59 the word which Jeremiah the Prophet commanded because excuse me sir ayah the son of Neriah that's the lamp of God and the Son of man SIA that is to say the work of yah when he went with Zedekiah that's to say the judgment of yah the king of Judah unto Babylon in the fourth year of his reign and this Sariah were just say y'all has prevailed these names are important because this word is being sent no doubt to Daniel Shadrach Meshach Abednego those that are already in babbling that God's going to free them God's going to do away with these these particular people Surya was Bork's brother the very described dur of Jeremiah Sariah was his brother and he could be trusted he was usually one that was a quartermaster or could set up camp and so forth for the night very well trusted but he said I want you to take this now what this is then is a letter that is sent to us today in this final generation in the last days so that you would know what's going to befall confusion that is to say those that would try to overcome God's children because God places within those children the spoilers which is to say is elect they will get it done they are can do type people many of you have known since you were a child there was more to God's Word than you were being taught well when you when the word is delivered when the word comes forth it's simply God's commandment of the events that consummate the end of this age that's what prophecy is for verse 16 so Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come upon Babylon even all these words that are written against Babylon this very letter was put in a book what's he gonna do with it 61 and Jeremiah said to suryya as to say yah has prevailed when thou comest to Babylon shalt see and shall read all these words you deliver unto all the people there this is the people that obeyed God's Word when he said when the king of Babylon comes go into captivity work your farms do your there everything will be well you'll be taken care of well you always had these stragglers that stayed back that that the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar would put in charge and they would run down to Pharaoh the king of Egypt and get to try to get protection to overthrow babbling initially it was God's will because the king of Babylon was God's servant in that sense to accomplish what needed to be accomplished to set the seal and the time of what would befall us in the end days very important to absorb - with understanding these words that he would sin 62 then shalt thou say O Lord thou has spoken against this place to cut it off that one shall remain in it neither men nor beast that none rather shall remain in it neither man nor beast but that it shall be desolate for ever in other words there will be no more Babylon when it's destroyed this time you can rest assured this documents that it is future because Babylon has been rampant upon our people again you want to remember God is not the author of confusion as to say Babel but of peace and that peace is through the Prince of Peace and then other than the Savior himself and what this letter signifies that that those lies and deception once the Millennium that first day of the Millennium will never be again you'll never be allowed those priorities verse 63 and it shall be when thou has made an end of reading this book that thou shalt bind a stone to it and cast it into the midst of the new freight ease there is that old Euphrates that is all been the boundary between Israel and Babylon and even today's in the great book of Revelation you are told to go to the Euphrates and to look east and and see what's happening here that's Afghanistan Iraq Turkey and many of the nations there as things swarm and destroy in that particular part of the country and not only that but in the ninth chapter he said release four of those demonic angels angels that are bound which means they're bad angels fallen angels release them at the Euphrates and certainly they shall be and perhaps maybe you're already released that's a warning so certainly the Euphrates is that dividing line you're supposed to watch Jerusalem as a barometer but do you freight teeth is the point verse 64 and thou shall say thus shall babble and seek little book with the rock tied to it go to the bottom and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon earth and they shall be weary thus for are the words of Jeremiah that's that's the words that God gave Jeremiah to sin to the people in captivity by none other than barriques brother that they would have receive it from a man that is trusted to deliver God's Word as it is written from a prophet that always brings forth God's Word that is to say Jeremiah why because God chose him before he was ever in his mother's womb and made a profit out of him while he was in that week so that we know God's hand is Ginuwine my right only the very book itself and the word itself with the trusted Baruch putting it to print that we still are able to enjoy it to this day to know what shall befall us concerning that great nation east and west of the Euphrates River is time for people to take note and to understand current events as they align with prophecy whereby you're not deceived in these end times chapter 52 is a summary basically lets you know many people thinks is well it was copied from second from Kings not wasn't it's it's a second witness and a very good witness of that and it's the final chapter in the great Book of Jeremiah some summing up the entire message of what went down so that you have no doubts whatsoever and we begin then chapter 52 verse 1 Zedekiah was one of and 20 years old he began to reign and he reigned 11 years in Jerusalem and his mother's name was a methyl and that means akin to the dude that's the night dude that falls on the grass the daughter of Jeremiah of Lebanon now there are seven people named Jeremiah in the in the in God's Word so this is not any relationship to the author and the Prophet that would deliver this message Zedekiah means the justice of yah the Justice of God it is too bad that this one at 21 years old and would rule until he was 32 he couldn't keep his word he always knitting and Ezra told hey you stand there and you'd be over the people you farmed you'd be prosperous we'll protect everything from the outside all know he's got to run down to Pharaoh and cheat and try to bring disruption even though it was against God's work God said go with it but no he couldn't do that verse two and he did that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord according to all that Jehovah calm had done let's just say the one before him he went to Ferrer both of them trying to trying to shortchange and to show they could not be trusted and they were evil what well why was this evil to God that they should go to fair because he told them not to right opposite of God's command time you go opposite of God's command how you're going to be one miserable mixed-up person you can count on it and if you ever find yourself in that condition you might get back in the word and find out where you're supposed to be and get your feet on the ground and have the blessings of God whereby you can prosper verse 3-4 through being for though they through the anger of the Lord it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah till he had cast them out from the presence that zakiya rebelled against the king of Babylon he in fact rebelled against God because God told him to rest easy there it's only going to be for a certain period of time oh no we can't do it God's Way we know better that will always take you down my friend and what a sad ending it brought to this way I mean he had he was the king he was of the royal seed line he would have every son every male heir of his murdered and he himself would be blinded and cast in prison until he died no meal would ever come to a power or authority of this line but this didn't include the daughters for the daughters did go with this Jeremiah the Prophet and when he in depth some of them even in Europe as you saw a documentary most recently of the daughters that would go with Jeremiah one of them named school duh from which we have Scotland today verse four is not it's not mythology that is history verse four and it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadnezzar pronounced correctly from the scripts king of Babel and came he and all his army against Jerusalem and pitched against it and built forts against it roundabout it would be about fourteen months later I mean it was quite a battle that went on for quite some time and it wasn't just an overnight affair verse 5 so the city was besieged until the eleventh year of King Zedekiah what wasn't a sudden happening and down it would go do you know do you know what Zedekiah this brave warrior would do he'll climb through a hole in the wall and run like a rabbit out across the desert but he will be caught verse six and in the fourth month in the ninth day of the month the famine was sore in the city there was no bread for the people of the land how does this apply to us in the end from his fourth babble and confusion is concerned the famine isn't for bread is for hearing God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse as it's written in Amos chapter eight and certainly you need to read up for it's not bread that people starve for in this generation but hearing the truth the Word of God chapter by chapter verse by verse what saith the Lord so that you're on solid ground unshakeable whereby you can overcome any adversary that might come against you because you're a child of God you're a spoiler that means one of God's servants that can done verse seven then the city was broken up and finally fell and all the men of war fled and that's something bunch of brave hearts huh and went forth out of the city by night by the way of the gate between the two walls they dug right on the food which was by the Kings garden now the Chaldeans were by the city roundabout and they went by the way of the plain they were hauling out okay moving out brave soldiers protecting the children of God only they had turned their backs on God they had broken the Covenant made with the king of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon and were unfit basically to even rule that's after 11 years of messing up they have to run into the night like a thief what what joy and pride can they take in serving God from that that's why you want to always stay in the word so that you're not embarrassed before God some are going to be so embarrassed they will pray for the walls and the mountains to fall on them when they realize they worshipped a false one you don't want to go there my friend you want to go with your heavenly father verse 8 but the army of the Chaldeans pursued after the king and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho and all his army was scattered from him here it started here and ended playing the Jericho verse 9 then they took the King and they carried him up unto the king of Babylon to rib na rib law in the land of Haman there's the little home of the kid Knights not very far away where he gave judgment upon him in other words he went he broke the Covenant with this killer babbling he broke the covenant with God and now comes judgment from the king of babbling himself verse 10 and the king of Babylon smoothes the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes saw his own sons killed who also all the princes of Judah in Riblet all the male's of the tribe of Judah thank God for the daughters that were able to go with Jeremiah that would carry forth the sceneline verse 11 put out the eyes of Zedekiah blinded him and the king of Babel and bound him and changed him to Babylon and put him in prison till the day of his death you know this naturally is what happened and just the prophetic sense of it is the king of Babel and blinds many people spiritually speaking with his lies and with his false teaching with false teaching even in the churches of today of not teaching chapter by chapter and verse by verse to warn people the king of Babylon is coming he's deceitful and he likes to take take over and he will build that hike all the way to heaven he'll even claim as it's written do you want documentation for that is real simple it's in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verses down about verse 4 it says that this son of perdition which is the king of Babel and Satan will stand in Jerusalem claiming to be God building his principalities all the way to heaven something according to the book of Revelation in the whole world after him in deception you don't want to go there in my friend the king of Babel and that's the the son of perdition will blind you with lies with deceit with false teaching and will pull you away from the Living God if you're not real careful but then we have the spoilers we have those that will keep the Word of God we have those that will fulfill the Word of God 1 because God will see to it he will use them verse 12 now in the fifth month in the tenth day of the month which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came Nebuchadnezzar captain I'm sorry Neb userid and captain of the guard which served the king of babylon into Jerusalem I mean he was coming back again they still controlled it thirteen what did he do there and burn the house of the Lord and the King's house and all the houses of Jerusalem and all the houses of the great men burned he with fire you see you see what Zedekiah brought upon the nation he was left there to rule for the tribe of Judah and for the children of Israel couldn't keep his word he couldn't do what God asked him to do results all of his male children murdered he put in prison till he died and now the very temple of God destroyed because this man would not rule and the way God would instruct him to and look at the cost look what happened when you see this destruction then you can certainly see a destruction that has to do with that parable of the fig you will pay attention 14 and all the army of the Chaldeans Babylonians they that were with the captain of the guard break down all the walls of Jerusalem roundabout double wall everything turn her down 15 then the MU zaardon the captain of the guard carried away captive certain of the poor of the people the residue of the people that remain in the city and those that fell away that fell to the king of Babylon and the rest of the multitude now it's probably important many of you like to worry about what's going to happen did he kill the poor did did he kill those that fell away did he murder people only those that broke the contract only those that went against the Word of God so this gives you the ramifications are the power that the false messiah king of babylon in the end times will have he's not coming to destroy people but to convert them to his way of thinking what what did he do was Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he sent him to college educated them so that he could use them in his own Kingdom so you see you don't have to fear not a hair on your head can be harmed as a spoiler you let God mean God direct he does it through this letter verse 16 but Nabi Azad and the captain of the guard left certain of the poor of the land for vine dressers and for husbandmen he wanted me to take care of it to be prosperous that's not harm coming to them that's a blessing they still had their freedom to do this under the guise that God set forth these standards so don't knock them 4:17 also the pillars of brass that were in the house of the Lord and the bases and the brazen sea that's the tank there in front I'll call it that was in the house of the Lord the Chaldeans break and carried all the breath of them to Babylon numbers they stripped the brass off of them and took it with them took it to Babylon and being that metal that is so valuable at that time but at the same time stripping Jerusalem wine was Jerusalem strip why did he do this only after they broke every Covenant he made with it he tried to the king of Babel and tried to let it exist in his present form with the God's house with the captain's house with the guard houses everything but no Zedekiah and the rulers could not obey the Word of God nor the contract made with them with the king of Babylon and that's what it came to what a waste and I hope that you can picture what it is when you fall out of God's grace and you don't do things his way then you can end up in just a big mess that's what happened to them don't miss the completion of the book in the next lecture bless your heart show you this in a moment won't you please beasts on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip and planted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post-office box for sixteen gravid Arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good for important Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves and you got a question you asked it once you do that spirit moves ask that question no please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination church or organization we do not judge people I hope you can understand that we do not judge other churches other ministers we have a judge as God you have the word to determine them to discern you have spiritual discernment that's a most valuable thing that God gives a Christian the spiritual discernment never be afraid to use it let you know who you should listen to who you should study with and so forth and you can just certain that now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure now I've got a prayer request you don't need the numbers don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking he's a heart Newark you didn't get to say it out loud no one can ever prevent you from praying and he hears you why because he loves you may not love what you do all the time but he does love you and he wants you to return that love father around the world we come we ask that you need guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay in question time we're going to go with sue from Virginia where can I find in the scriptures in the Bible that God is against those that teaches people to fly way you know I think that's beginning to be one of our most asked questions in the standard King James you will find it in Ezekiel chapter 13 verses 18 through about twenty two or three now you will not find it in the NIV because the little scribes would have been busy and changed it okay where it doesn't read in the King James the original manuscripts that says God says these are my outreach knuckles and the daughters of Jerusalem so purchase to cover every knuckle of my outreach saving arms and hands and teach my people to fly to say to save their souls and I'm against it God doesn't like it why because he expects his children to be the spoilers against what is wrong Karen from West Virginia I really enjoyed thank you I appreciate that I have a question I have heard the term Gentile what is a Gentile and also you explained the verses of the book of Revelation where it says you should not add to or take would you explain them take away from the word of the Bible god bless you and the chapel well thank you he sure does you're talking about next of the last verse in the Bible in Revelation chapter 22 manuscripts because what the original word was in that's what you're not to change naturally men then because we're english-speaking people must change the word the manuscripts translate them into English from Hebrew Aramaic and Greek whereby an English person can read them and many times the translators in the original King James wrote a letter to the reader saying we've done our best you need to be careful okay I'm because these languages are fixed languages but have more than one meaning and this is why that I like to have the tools present for you whereby you can determine for yourself and your other question what is a Gentile the word is ethnic ethnos well I'll say it in the Greek ethnos and it's where our term ethnic peoples come from and Gentiles or the ethnic peoples and God loves all peoples okay Zachary from California my son passed away 11 22 11 we was 13 days old we found him not breathing I gave him CPR and he lived 14 hours well we're certainly sorry about that I've is there a verse in the Bible that says if he will grow in heaven or will he be stay a baby we're all the same age in spiritual bodies okay they appear to be young adult but they're not they're not young necessarily it's just that in a spiritual body age has nothing to do with it it has no effect on the spiritual body and sorry for your loss but certainly you will see him and he will be a young adult our prayers and wishes go out to all the people that have had homes destroyed in the Southland and all the way up through the Midwest there were people toward tornadoes have just been terrible makes you wonder when people it is wonderful to see people that depend on God but sometimes when you see people go against God's Word you can sure see the difference in how they handle situations of this nature god bless you all we're weekend playing with you and for you Kris from Idaho thank you for your comment my question Matthew 16:19 and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven could you please explain the entire verse particular to the paw that is being bound and loosed and as this all has this always been a puzzle to me well it shouldn't be Peter was the rock a movable rock not the unmovable rock which is Christ which the church actually is but you might call Peter a chip off of it that would establish a church and he would give that church if you running that church God's Way chapter by chapter verse by verse keys to the kingdom where you could unlock blocks of truth and lay forth the real truths in the eyes in the front of people and who you could teach that truth to and it would free them from the confusion of babble and confusion they are freed permanent and they would be both free here and in heaven but those that want to bind themselves will still be bound here and they will be bound in heaven Dana from Minnesota I would like to know what the number 17 means ever since I started seeking the Lord and studying 6 years ago this number keeps coming up in my life it it is ways life in ways that are totally unexplained and in so many different ways it's almost unbelievable well I can tell you what it means in biblical numerix it is the perfect it's perfect spiritual orders what it means it means victory ok is basically in numerology not to make a religion out of it but that's the way it falls most of the time Kenneth's from South Carolina this is also my question how do I forget and lose loose the shackles and be of good cheer I have taken meds and I prayed and I still feed I feel so different and can't forget the hard-on I see that you were in man and fought there I was in North Korea but the reservoir fought there I don't have that much trouble with it it was a hard time but do you understand what we accomplished in them and in North Korea we broke the back of communism where our children are a lot safer and freer today so be proud of yourself stand up you're a real man of God that helped break the back of communism so stand up and enjoy that yeah sure wars hell always has been always will be but the beauty is is when God is with you and you overcome ok this would be who this is Kimberly from Oklahoma my question I have always wondered about a about a scripture I think that's what that is our verse that says it would be easier to create a camel through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to go to heaven I've been told that somewhere there is a place called the eye of the needle in which people have a horrible time getting camels to go through well you know you kind of got it put together in the old time you're talking about the Royals today there were small cities in every city had a main gate that you could drive wagons through it and I mean you could write a whole Calvary of army through it when it's open it's wide and it's big but at night when the guards aren't present that gate is shut its not gonna be opened at night but there is a what is called a needle gate it's a small gate that one person can go through only one person and that took me in guard that they can destroy anything that tries to make it through that little for security reasons the reason if a camel naturally they have you jerks and when you put a saddle on top of that it's higher yet and what it means is before camp a camel gets down on their knees and they'll crawl there great animals and they get down on their knees but you've got to earn saddle you got to take the load off of them because it's too high to go through the needle gate a rich man's gotta unload his ill-gotten gains before he can make it through the needle gate as a camel must be unloaded that's the analogy before he can go through the needle gate it's just as always with God's Word it's very simple when you understand the facts of the situation Paul from Minnesota if Enoch went up let's see I have listened to your program often and the question of the rapture always seems to come up I would like to ask the following you have Enoch 1 and up and elijah went up and our Lord Jesus went up why are you saying that people are not going to follow that pattern and go up as well Christ's bride has to suffer the trip in the Tribulation Period it doesn't seem right that he would allow his precious bride to suffer along with the rest of the world does it please explain how you come to this notion that seems so far from the mainstream teaching everybody's got a right to be wrong if they want to all right in the first place Elijah Enoch and our Father were translate and Jesus were translated they didn't resurrect they were translated that means even the flesh body went no all we're saying is that we have work to do God's precious bride remains a virgin certainly he expects us to be can do type people not a bunch of wimps God doesn't particularly care for wimp he doesn't want a bride that can't protect herself with his help so therefore he doesn't think anything about asking you to perform the works stipulated in Matthew 24 mark 13 and Luke 21 is to be one of the spoilers one of God's elect that stands against the false Christ to love and protect your brethren to be a real man woman or God that's not afraid of a little bit of problems knowing God protects us instead of a bunch of wimps that want to fly away when it isn't scriptural it isn't biblical and so it is I don't like people making wimps out of Christians Christians have every right to make a stand against Satan and do the battle they're supposed to spiritually speaking Mary from Pennsylvania when we were in our spiritual bodies before we were in our mothers we was their marriage and children children and evil there were no children born all children were created God created us God knew Jacob and his brother one which was good and the other bad that's what they did before they were born Jacob was he loved and Esau he hated why Esau didn't care one who about his heritage meaning he didn't care anything about God so why shouldn't God care anything about him and so it is that we went when you were in the first Earth Day just pretty well written what happened there the third of God's children followed Satan instead of God therefore he destroyed that age and brought us into this one but in in the spiritual world pretty well order is kept at this time but not on earth bad from Mississippi my question is how to reach all the lost souls the souls that believe in the rapture we are my husband and I have hard time we're hardcore believers and we live in a small town where all the churches preach the rapture in that the mark of the beast is a mark on the forehead as you well know it's in the forehead at your brain okay we try very hard to plant seeds each day son listen and some more my husband to come and talk to their preachers I worry that if my husband goes before those churches bad things will happen and well you know it's something you have to decide I I do not is a very poor place to plant a seed you're a guest there and you're going against if they're teaching rapture you're going against that if they invite you there and request that you explain the way you feel that's a different story this is why you always have to let God lead you but I'm so proud of both of you that you are hardcore studies students of God's Word and you hold that line plant seeds gently when you fish for men you don't go out there with a scattergun you go out and you fish by encourage them to take the bait and then you sink to hook when you know you've got them if you don't have if they won't take the nibble and if they don't take the bait you leave them alone God doesn't want them yet that's fishing for men Maggie from Florida I have relatives and I am very close to that are brainwashed with the rapture theory I tried to comfort one of them and it started getting very heated in the conversation I just said I don't discuss religion and let it go it and I hope I hope I did right the right thing but he was not receptive to anything I was trying to tell him then I thought maybe God blinded him to seeing the truth please help me I have other roses like this and I feel bad that they are caught up in the rapture stuff thank you maybe you you just have to do like I said plant the seed I mean do it gently but you are correct and accurate in saying don't don't argue the scripture that's no good and certainly it is really a sad state of affairs when people when it is so plain in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 and 14 God didn't Paul doesn't want you to be ignorant like the heathen but if you believe Christ rose from the dead resurrected then you better believe those that are asleep or dead in him have risen also they're not out here in the hole in the ground they're already gone they're already resurrected and then at the last Trump and not until we are changed into the air body which is that's not doesn't mean atmosphere sky it means breath of life in the spiritual body and and are changed at that time no way can we proceed the dead why well it's really quite simple Edmond they're gone they're already gone EMF Elmer rather from California I do have a question that will ask you this if I may is it possible to be one of God's elect after wasting so many years of bad decisions and ignoring God's unmistakable calling in my life thank you it's never too late it's never too late to let God know you're there and that you're one of the spoilers and you want him to use you but always don't run out in front of him we are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ not men but we follow him he lets us know they'll always be patient with that and row-wise in his word and you'll know and understand okay this is Susan from Maine I have family members that say they are Christians but refuse to forgive others for mistakes why it's it's kind of a confusing world but when you're really a mature Christian you can understand just just kind of rise above it and do what you know is right and God will bless you what is it okay to stop helping family members financially and emotionally when they refuse to help themselves what Bible references was real easy that second Thessalonians chapter 3 you begin reading with verse 6 if a brother this this is someone you know real well refuses to go along with God's Word mark them and set them aside don't treat them as an enemy but exhort them I mean put them aside don't feed them I mean don't don't to support them and if they won't work don't feed them that's the way it goes okay and this has nothing to do with handicapped people and then if they have a way of producing and coming around and saying I need to get my life together second Thessalonians chapter 3 begin reading with verse 6 Nancy from Florida my question today is will those who think the Antichrist is Christ and follow after him because they do not know better be lost not necessarily millenniums coming will they be able to be saved in the Millennium possibly why they were never taught seeing that they were not thoroughly there you got it taught correctly in this age in other words if we who do not be it who do know and believe try to inform others of the truth by bringing them will it bring do them harm the answer is not one but God kind of consist woman's chapter 11 there are some that God sent the spirit of stupor upon slumber if you prefer but it is stupor and there's nothing you can do about that at this time God has a time and a place for everything just do your best and God will always bless you for it Charles from Connecticut I believe it is pastor Murray the question wine wine dude our Heavenly Father stop sending prophets to us like Samuel Jeremiah and Ezekiel I'm puzzled well because he wrote he told us as I've already told you everything but I have behold I have foretold you all things through those prophets we don't need another one I mean it's complete God's Word is complete all you have to do is absorb it none of us will ever ever be able to absorb all of it it only comes to life and our minds as time goes on and current events align we're Wow yes you see it you see the Word of God opening up and coming to life right before your very eyes but we don't need any prophets now it is true that after the false messiah appears then both sons and daughters of the spoilers that's to say God's elect when they're delivered up they will prophesy tell dreams and so forth and God will speak through them and then we have current events as it should be at that time then I'm out time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word most of all God loves you for it mix his day when you read the letter that he has sent to you with understanding and loving him when you make his day boy is he going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you but you know something most important though he listen to me listen good you stay in his word every day in his word it's a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding the Shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's Shepherd's chapel post office box four one six grab it Arkansas 77-36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] the book of Peter here we have two books first in 2nd Peter that are absolutely fascinating that great old fisherman telling us leading us directing us guiding us going into the depth if you would in that second book into the three earth ages giving the most accurate recorded account of the events that transpire and document that there are three earth ages that there was one before this one this one and one to come Peter the great fisherman which in his gentleness and his kindness brings us two books the books of Peter that lead guy direct even in your daily life that teach and show you how to be happy how to find that peace of mind and to know yourself the books of Peter I know you're going to enjoy them [Music] can grab it Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now this pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line-by-line study and God's work now here's pastor Murray all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our seyh we're going to go into a special subject today and there you have it on your screen discernment it's very important that you be aware and have the will even call it a gift of discernment discernment and judgment
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 793
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor, Book of, Arnold, Shepherds, Murray, Shepherd's, Chapel, Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Arnold Murray, Jeremiah, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Kjv, Holy bible, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Murray
Id: d51x_0OYM3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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