Acts 13:1 to 13

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welcome back robber breaker we're continuing our verse-by-verse Bible study through the book of Acts and I I've enjoyed this I'm having a great time I hope you are too I'm forgetting lots of emails from people saying they are appreciating what I'm teaching it they said brother breaker you know it's one thing to just read the Bible but when you go verse by verse and someone is teaching and explaining verse by verse it just it's just you get more out of it I don't know why and I guess it's because a lot of times when we read we our minds on other things and we just read quickly over something but the more time you you spend reading it and just studying and looking at what it actually says when you get more out of it in Spanish there's a word or ohmmeter and the old Spaniards that translated the Bible into Spanish they they said we need to room heater la palabra de Dios which basically means I guess you would wait translate that into English would be chew the cud so what they were saying is when you read the Bible it's like you're chewing it and mulling it over and it just kind of go and that's what we're supposed to do the Bible says to study to show thyself approved unto God working needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so we're reading the Word of God and we're really we're not just reading it we're studying it we're mulling it over we're chewing the cud if you will where we're trying to get as much out of it as we can as we go over the same thing over and over just looking at what does it really say what does it teach what does it mean and I'm not going to give you what I think it means my opinion I'm not going to give you what some denomination or religion says it it means I'm not a denomination Allah stin that sense I'm not going to tell you what some man says it means by going to some commentary I just want to know what does it say because the Bible says what it means it means what it says and if you just take it at face value there's so much there you won't find me running to the Greek and saying well the Greek says that isn't it and so you get more meaning from the Greek or the Hebrew I don't believe that I believe God gave us his word and if we'll just take it the way it is and the language it is in the translation that it is King James I only believe in the King James Bible because I see a lot of errors and the new versions then I believe God will just feed us and that's what it's about we're studying the Word of God were in fed from the book and that's what it's about so I just want to continue studying the Word of God so today we're gonna go to Acts chapter 13 last time we just finished up chapter 12 and you know honestly there wasn't much in Chapter 12 we looked a lot at a guy named Herod and how Herod thought he was gonna come out and persecute the church and he thought you know I'm gonna do a good thing and get the Jews on my side bye-bye you know persecuting these these preachers and what happened why he's the one that ended up dying so he got his just reward for trying to go against what God was trying to do and we look at that we just kind of giggle and say yeah yeah we knew it we knew our God was more powerful than the world or anybody else well today what we're gonna do we're gonna look at chapter 13 now here's Jesus on the cross Jesus died was buried rose again the third day according to the scriptures I forgot to put the blood up last time I always like to remind us of the precious blood of Jesus Christ because we're not saved by what we do we're saved by trusting in what Jesus did the blood of Christ and we look at last time old Peter and John and we looked at the guy named James and we saw how James was killed and that of course would be James the brother of John and so they killed James in chapter 7 we looked at was about Stephen we've looked at already chapter 8 about Philip chapter 9 is all about Saul and Saul of course is Paul then we looked at chapter 10 and 11 and 12 and the majority of all three of those chapters was about Peter well today we're going to look at chapter 13 and that chapter is about Paul so I find it very interesting as chapter 12 was mostly about Peter we find the chapter 13 is mostly about Paul we also find the Apostle Paul's name change so far Paul has been mentioned before in other verses and I gave you that last time and he's always been mentioned as salt but from here on in this chapter we see his name is Paul and on the rest of our study and the rest of the book of Acts he's only going to be referred to as the Apostle Paul and I believe I know why that is it's taken me many years to think about that why on earth was he called Saul before it he's he Paul now and I believe well I don't want to give it away we'll get to it when get down there verse 9 or 10 but I do believe that it's very revealing why Luke referred to him all those times of Saul and then why Luke refers to him as Paul and why he waited until this chapter to do so it's very interesting remember what the book of Acts is it's a transitional book and I believe Luke as he writes the book of Acts makes that very very clear so we saw the first Gentile saved here with Peter first Gentiles saved well I can told you last time after Peter got those Gentiles saved in chapter 10 and 11 he just kind of forgot the Gentiles didn't want to have anything else to do with them all of chapter 12 didn't mention a Gentile one time getting saved if anything the Gentiles were the bad guys trying to kill the Jews we see that with Herod and so you don't really see Gentiles getting saved until a couple chapters later but this is when they first got saved and then after they got saved well they just kind of forgot about the Gentiles it seems like so what we're going to see here in chapter 13 is Paul and what Paul does is Paul goes on his first missionary journey and I want you to notice this when he goes on his missionary journey who he goes to he goes to choose now he also does find some Gentiles but as he goes out he's going still to Jews and I want you to get a hold of that I want you understand that Paul always loved his people the Jews so now we begin in chapter 13 chapter 13 verse 1 now that were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers as Barnabas and Simeon that was called Niger and Lucius of Cyrene in mayonnaise which had been brought up with Herod the Tetrarch and Saul so here was somebody that was raised with Herod probably lived in Herod's house might have been a slave might have been something but he was someone that was with Herod but he believed so Herod had a chance to believe their people in his own house they got saved Herod could have gotten saved but he didn't he wanted to kill those that were preaching salvation and he said you know what they call me God I like being called a god and so he would rather be a God himself than bow before the through true God of the Bible so here we have a mentioning now it mentions here prophets and teachers at the church in Antioch now I'm gonna have to oh I sure hope I can do this correctly I probably won't have time to do it this of course would be Jerusalem and I hope that doesn't go off the side there yeah probably did I might have to redo this let me do that over so I have plenty of room here this of course would be the River Nile and over here is Jerusalem and here's Jerusalem okay now Antioch of Syria is going to be up here this is where the early church was first called Christians in Antioch of Syria so we see the Apostle Paul and where are they now they are in Antioch in the church and they're about to go out on a missionary journey and I'm going to show you some of the places where they go on their missionary journey and I hope I have plenty of room here yeah I'll do my best to show you all the places that they go and there's there's so many places this is Cyprus an island Cypress and we'll look at that there's so many places here that I've got to put up here we're going to be looking at the first journey of Paul and actually it's going to go into the next chapter as well and we're going to look at some of the things but the first thing I want you to get a hold of here it says now there were in the church that was in Antioch certain prophets and teachers so we're seeing here prophets and we're seeing here teachers and where are these people they're in the church now showed you before that the church is the body of Christ so the body of Christ is anybody that gets the Holy Spirit by faith by believing whether there are Jew or a Gentile and I've shown you this before but I'll show you again that the early book of Acts the way they get the Holy Spirit is by believing who Jesus was the early book of Acts we saw time and time again how Peter in the early book of Acts was going around going believing the name the name of Jesus the name and so when it was still to juice only it was all about believing who Jesus was and it was so important that you understood who Jesus was because who was Jesus he was the Messiah and the Jews could have had the kingdom come if the nation of Israel as a whole whole had accepted their Messiah but what did they do they rejected their Messiah now what we're going to see here today is they're starting to change to a different message and the message no war is going to be just believing who Jesus is the message more with Paul and his teaching is to believe what Jesus did for you so there's a change there now I've always taught this I don't know any other preacher that preaches this but I saw this in the Bible I saw that in Matthew Mark Luke and John oftentimes it was all about believing in his name believing in who he is believe in who Jesus is and that was the juice and I saw that Paul's ministry is all about trusting in what Jesus did for you the gospel is 1st Corinthians 15 one through four it's one through four and it's how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was he rose again the third day you believe this unless you believed in vain what is vain self or it's you haven't trusted your trusting in something other than that believed in vain means you didn't really believe it so you're believing from the head not just from the heart so you have to believe the gospel and the gospel is what Jesus did it's not just who Jesus is it's what Jesus did for you if today you come to Jesus Christ and you say Jesus I believe that you're the Messiah of Israel that you are the Messiah of the Jews does that save you no but a lot of people in the early book of Acts up into this point that's all that they had believed and they got the holy spirit by believing who Jesus was but with Paul the message changes and Paul's messages what Jesus did and as we continue reading the book of Acts we can't help but see the change and how important it is and often times Paul preaches both of these everywhere Paul goes in the book of Acts he goes to the Jews first to a synagogue and he tells them who Jesus was and then he tells them now I want you to know what Jesus did for you so Paul is preaching both of these so this is important that we understand what I call the who versus what of salvation I'm not making this up this isn't my own opinion this is just Scripture and you can't help but see this I mean it's as plain as the nose on your face if you simply read the book of Acts the early book of Acts is not the same preaching as the later book of Acts there's a transition why acts 2:38 Peter says repent and be baptized for the remission of sins you still receive the Holy Ghost so acts 2:38 the message is repent and get baptized and why do you do that to get the Holy Ghost well do we get the Holy Ghost by repentance and baptism today no we get the Holy Ghost today by believing by faith and when we believe that's when we receive and we faith is how we get the Holy Spirit and Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:13 we're sealed with always better promise by faith it's not how much we wrote it that saves us and it's not how much we we've been baptized at water and this saves us a matter of fact the water baptism has nothing to do with salvation now after you get saved you can be baptized in water at why Peter when he wins Cornelius to the Lord and his band they get baptized after but it's after they get the Holy Spirit because they got the Holy Spirit when they believed and today we get the Holy Spirit by faith when we believe so we see the book of Acts is a transitional book so here boy ran a rabbit trail there let's go back to verse one now that we're in the church that was an antioxidant properties the word prophet now people today say well there's prophets in the early church so there's prophets today and there are people around that'll tell you I'm a prophet and they'll say I can prophesy and I'll say thus saith the Lord God told me to say this that and the other thing is that true are their prophets today I don't believe so let's go to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 I don't deny that there were prophets but what is a prophet a prophet is someone that God speaks through and that person speaks to the church and says tell them that I say this and we clearly see in the book of Acts way over here that there are prophets people that say the Holy Spirit told me to say this that the other thing but as it continues we don't see that anymore today if a man comes to you and says I'm a prophet and I want to tell you God told me to say this that or the other thing I would look at that man in the eye and go no I don't believe what where'd you say you say really why would you say that breaker because I have the Bible and the Bible tells me that it is the finished prophecy so I don't need a prophet or any prophecy of a man I have all the prophecy that I need in the scripture and it is I'm going to show you the verses on that let's go to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 so in the early church there were prophets first Corinthians chapter 12 in verse 27 look what it says here now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular the body of Christ is the church first when ta God had said some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps government diversities of tongues now are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers and miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret but cut covet early it's the best gifts and yet show I unto you a more excellent way there's a much more excellent way than these things what is that God's finished book God's finished Canon God's Bible that is the final prophecy and it's all we need we don't go by what men say Ephesians chapter 4 but in the early book of Acts there is no finished Bible yet I want you to get that when does the Bible get completed the book of Acts go to Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 the book of Acts ends in about I'm in Acts chapter 28 real quick and it says in my Bible note 62 ad so the book of Acts ends in 62 ad that's the end of Acts did you know that the Bible wasn't finished then most of the epistles of Paul were but 90 AD was the book of Revelation and that was it that was the final so the end of the Canon of the Bible is 90 80 from 90 AD till today 2000 whatever that we are when the rapture comes 2000 whatever it's going to be we don't need prophets because now we have the finished property which was the last book written of the Bible but when the early church started there were prophets Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ now let's go to 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 Peter tells us now this is Peter not even Paul 2nd Peter chapter 1 Peter tells us careful of anybody that goes around saying he's a prophet because there is one thing that we have that is more sure than anything more sure than any man that says he's a prophet what is that that is more sure than anything second Peter chapter 1 verse 19 we also have a more sure word of prophecy where until you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shines in the dark place into a day until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts what is the more sure word of prophecy verse 20 knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved with the Holy Ghost the Bible is what he's talking about and the Apostle Peter says this is our more sure word of prophecy this is more sure than any man coming and saying well I'm an apostle and I'm a prophet and I want to tell you this that or the other thing I say no I got a Bible and it's more sure than you telling me something look what verse 19 of 18 says and this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mount the next verse service says we have also a more sure word of prophecy so he's talking about the Bible Peter and he says the Bible is the more sure word of prophecy more sure than what then a voice from heaven so if today I heard a voice from heaven and someone says I am God Robert breaker I told you missed out of the other thing you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go oh okay all right really okay and I'm gonna look at seeing the Bible if what that voice said was true or not and more often than not I'm gonna find out that what that voice said was an outright lie because God is not speaking from heaven today God has given us the scripture and it is our more sure word of prophecy there's no need for prophets today today all we need are teachers and preachers who are to teach and to preach not their opinions not what they think God says but what the scriptures say so that's what we go by today the Bible I don't go by prophets but as we read the entire book of Acts we're gonna see all throughout the book of Acts there were prophets that were prophesying that the holy ghost spoke through and the reason is the Canon of scriptures had not been settled yet it wasn't settled until about 1980 but now it is now the Word of God is our more sure word of prophecy and we must judge everything upon what God says in the Bible not what we hear I hear people all the time say well I heard a voice in my head and said it was God and he told me this that or the other thing you know I tell him for did it forget what that boy said that could have been a demon speaking to you because God says that the Bible is a more sure word of prophecy and they say yeah but but but it said this but it said that but and I say but what does the Bible say and you know what more often than not whatever that voice told them is exactly opposite of what the Bible says and so I can say 100% without any doubt that that was not God speaking to him because God would not go against his written word so the more sure word of prophecy hands the Bible all right so back to Acts chapter 13 verse 1 now there were in the church that was a 10 iakh shirt prophet so during that time there were prophets verse 2 as they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work words who I have called it the Holy Spirit is speaking to people in that time still it doesn't happen today now the Lord speaks to us through his word you pray and you ask God something and he gives you a verse he speaks to you through the word he doesn't shout down from heaven hello Larry I want you to go to Walmart and give a guy a try I mean I wish he did but he doesn't he says going all the world preach the gospel everybody every creature well I know I'm supposed to go to Walmart and give got a tract so I go by what the Bible says and what the Holy Spirit impresses upon me by reading the scriptures and it says here separated to me Saul a Barnabas and Saul for the work learn to I have called them verse 3 and when they had fasted and prayed they laid their hands on them and sent them away now here they're laying hands on them but they're not laying their hands on them to give them the Holy Spirit they already have the Holy Spirit so this is what we call ordination ordination this is a well this is the term that men use it's a Bible term because Paul talks about this later in his books we already studied this and Timothy I believe it is is Paul tells them to our Dane elders in every city in a hildren would be like a pastor of a church and so what would they would do with it ordain them they would come over him and they put their hands on them some people call this the presbytery and they'd lay their hands on them they pray God used this man as a preacher use this man as a teacher use him as he goes out to do and so ordination is what we call this now we see this happening here and this is something that I read in the Bible that I wanted to do so I went to Bible School I'm not going to say what I was going to and when I went to Bible School I graduated two weeks after I graduated from Bible School God made it very very very clear that he wanted me to go as a missionary to Honduras so two weeks after Bible School I went to Honduras stayed there close to three months came back prayed about it and God just man open the door after door after door to start what's called deputation in which I'd call pastors and say pastor I believe the Lord has called me to go to Honduras as a missionary I'm asking for support can I come to your church can I preach can I show you what God's laid on my heart can I show you the need and ask you if you and your church would support me and send me out as a missionary and so I did that for three years I got support to go as a missionary to Honduras and then right before I was going to leave to Honduras I went to my church that was in Pensacola at the time and I went up to the assistant pastor of the church and I said well brother I've got my calling from God I've got the support I need to go and I bought the plane ticket I said Acts chapter 13 they laid hands on him and they sent him out I said when can I be ordained and the pastor looked at me and this is supposed to be a Bible believing Church they claimed to be King James only only teach preach believe the King James Bible and that man looked at me says well we don't do that I said but isn't that what the Bible says you're supposed to do and that man says do but we don't do that so just go and if you start a good work maybe you come back we'll ordain you I said that sounds backwards to me he says well I don't care that's how we do it and so I walked away head hung my head low and said that's that's how you do it huh that's not how the Bible so that always bothered me because I wanted to do it God's Way well I went to Honduras as a missionary before I did I preached in another church and in this church the men of the church called me down and they laid their hands on me and I felt like well praise the Lord you know God God finally I got to do it God's Way I came back from Honduras after many years and called a church in Mexico and told them about it and they says well you know you've been our day before but we'll ordain you and they did the same thing they put their hands on me the whole man of the church and prayed for me this is the ordination of the home church in Mexico that is my home church since my praise for me loves me and helps me takes care of me and does all they can for us so I've been ordained twice at least and then I've got some other papers from another group ordination paper I've been ordained at least three times an ordination is men of God that believed like you do and have the true gospel and love the Lord they pray for you lay hands and you and send you out now I don't have a problem with that I think that's a wonderful thing I think if anything we don't see that enough now you don't have to lay hands on people Bible says lay hands on no man suddenly well I think that means don't beat them up but it is good to try to follow the Bible way so if if you go to a church and you go to Bible School and you're called to be a pastor or an evangelist or a missionary or whatever it is a good thing to be ordained and I'm glad that I have been so anyway we continue here and when they had been and I just said all that to say how sad it was to me to go to a church that claimed to be King James Bible believers and following the scriptures and then when it came to that they didn't follow the scriptures that just always bothered me that's one of the reasons why one of many reasons why we left that church and we went to another church but I don't hold no whale toward them I don't hate them I pray for them I just wish that they would practice what they preach you know you claim to be a King James Bible believer then do what the King James Bible says Amen and when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them they sent them away so what do they do they sent away Paul and Barnabas so these are the two men that are sent Saul was his name at the time and Barnabas so Saul and Barnabas are sent out together as missionaries it's so being sent forth by the holy ghost okay so it wasn't just man sending them it was the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit made it very clear that he wanted them to go people ask me will break her how did you know the Holy Spirit wanted you to go I'm glad you asked I prayed many many many hours many days many weeks many months about it the Holy Spirit of God I fasted and I prayed and I asked God please God do you want me to be a missionary to Honduras because I met a man who was missionary Honduras he was a friend of my father's when I met him he said brother won't you come down Honduras and be a missionary with me I said oh yeah thank you mister Holy Spirit but I'll do what the Lord tells me but after I talked to him then then I met a person from Honduras and then another person ponder it was Honduras this under everything every time it turned around there was somebody or something from Honduras it was like wow maybe God is trying to show me something and that went on for about a year and I prayed and fasted and I asked the Lord do you want me to go as a missionary to Honduras and as I prayed God gave me this scripture in my Bible reading because I said Lord I'm willing to go but I'm willing not to go I just want to know what you want me to do and in my daily Bible reading 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 verse 10 through 12 I read and I looked at that and I just said that's got to be God confirming that he wants me to go as a missionary to Honduras and it says this it Corinthians 8:10 and here and I give my advise that this is expedient for you who have begun before not only to do but also to be forward a year ago and had been a whole year since I've been fasting and praying now therefore before the doing of it that as there was a readiness to will so there may be a performance also out of that which you have for if there be first a willing mind is accepting according to that a man hath and not according to that he hath not so those were the scriptures that the Lord spoke to me through and God will speak to you through his word he doesn't shout down from heaven today and say hey go do this he doesn't send some man as a prophet to your door he knocks on your door and says well God told me that you have to do this this this and this this he speaks to us through the more sure word of prophecy the Bible and that's how God spoke to me and showed me that he wanted me work as a missionary in Honduras and I'm so glad that I went so glad I did what he told me to do I was there for seven years was able to start two churches that are still going on trained about eight different men to be Bible teachers and preachers and I believe they're still all teaching and preaching the Bible today and then uh had to come back and I'm glad I came back the Lord used that experience as a missionary to help me in to train me to be a evangelist to be a Bible teacher to be a preacher and I'm able through the internet to spread out the Word of God and teach and preach as well so I appreciate the Lord calling me to do that now go with me to Acts chapter 13 so they were sent out and so being sent forth by the Holy Ghost departed into solution and from thence they sailed to Cyprus all right so here's Antioch this is where the early church was they went from Jerusalem to Antioch so we see them going from here to here then they went to a port city called Seleucia so Lucia I spelled it right I hope so and from solution they went to Cypress Cypress is this island here now we find there's two places here on this island that they went to two tales so from Antioch to Seleucia and I'm just gonna go ahead and draw up here the different places that they went they went to Salamis what a weird name I guess that's where they sell salami salami sorry bad joke and then they went to pathos powerful our Father Toth boasts Papo Papo Papo I don't know but let's look at that so they went from Cyprus and they crossed the whole island of Cyprus so let's go ahead and read what they did here okay first four so they're being sent for the Holy Ghost departed from Seleucia and from thence they sailed to Cyprus so last chapter they left Jerusalem with Antioch from Antioch they went to the port city of solution from Seleucia they went to the island of Cyprus to Salamis which will read here in verse five and when they were at Salamis they preached the Word of God in the synagogue of the Jews and they had also John to their minister now who this while this is 12:12 chapter 12 verse 12 John whose surname was mark so this is mark who many say wrote the book of Mark Matthew Mark Luke John Matthew Mark so this they had ministering to them he was helping them as well so Salamis would be here on the east side of the island of Cyprus and they go to Solomon and the first thing they do is they go into the synagogue of the Jews so here we have the Apostle Paul his first missionary journey what's the first thing he does he goes to Jews first he goes to the Jews first so we see the job would be about right here we see some Gentiles get saved in Joppa but like I told you then we don't see them going to Gentiles anymore they go back to the Jews so when Paul starts his ministry the first thing he does we start going to juice even though we know Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles he starts his ministry going to Jews now here in verse um 6 and when they had gone through the island of unto paths folks pathos is on the other side of the island so they crossed the whole island of Cyprus preaching and teaching that Jesus was God the Messiah the Christ and they were going to Jews to tell the Jews now verse 6 and when they had gone through the island of Patmos they found a certain sorcerer a false prophet a Jew whose name was Bar Jesus so they come to this guy and his name is bar Jesus well that has the name Jesus in it bar being son of so his name was I'm the son of Jesus well there are many people in Jesus if you know Spanish in Spanish there's a lot of guys named hey suits that's just a common name so Jesus was a rather common name in those days so he was the son of a guy named Jesus this guy's name was Elemis that was another name was Elemis so he had several names this guy and we'll see that here in a minute his name is Elemis but he's not a very good guy he's a sorcerer what is a sorcerer a warlock or a witch someone who's a magician uses a witchcraft which is what which is dealing with demons so he comes to pathos and he finds a certain sorcery finds it false prophet a Jew whose name was bar Jesus so this guy's saying I'm the son of Jesus and I'm a a sorcerer I'm a magician check me out I'm so smart what did he do verse seven which was with the deputy of the country Sergius Paulus a prudent man who called for Barnabas and Saul and desire to hear the word of God so there was a man in charge of this land who most likely was a Gentile this would have been the Gentile guy who was in charge named Sergius Paulus so this guy named Sergius Paulus Sergius Paulus a lot of people have said well because his name was Paul that's where Paul gets his name from and that's that's an interesting thought some people say that that's Paul's one of his first converts and so Paul changes his name from Saul to Paul because of Paulus now I don't think so I'm gonna give you my idea of why Paul goes by the name of Paul rather than Saul here in a minute but then he comes to this guy Sergius Paulus he's a prudent man he's a good man he's a man who wanted to hear what Paul had to say he wanted to hear the word of God but Elemis the sorcerer for so is his name by interpretation withstood them seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith Elemis is an Arabic word for the son of the wise so this guy Elemis is going around saying I'm a wise man and I know the truth and only I have the truth follow me he's trying to get people to follow him rather than the true Jesus so you have a false Jesus a false son of Jesus not the true Jesus Jesus Christ I find that so interesting how all throughout the book of Acts you see names repeated there was a guy named James well there's another James in acts 15 there's a guy named Simon well here's Simon Peter - Simon's if you've got one of the Apostles named Philip you've got another Philip was one of the one of the Deacons so you've got Saul or Paul you have another Paul you have Jesus you have another G there's so many different names being used - over and over and so it's it gets confusing if you don't know who's who you got to really read your Bible so you're not confused because often times there's a lot of people with the same name so this guy Elemis desires to turn away Sergius Paulus from the faith why would this guy want this guy to not hear what Paul and Barnabas had to say about the faith because he probably was led by demons if you understand what witchcraft is it's making agreements with demons and you say to a demon I'll do this for you if you do that for me and then the demon does something manipulates things to where it looks like a miracle or something like that but yet you're dealing with satanic spirits so the demons inside this guy most likely did not want him to hear what Paul had to say so what did Paul do well verse 9 then saul which is also called Paul filled with the Holy Ghost set his eyes on him now here's the first time when Luke tells us that Saul's name is also Paul and from now on he only observed first to him as Paul and not Saul why why is he now called Paul and not salt well I told you some people think it's because of Sergius Paulus and they say that Paulus the surgeons Paulus was saved and so somehow Paul took the name of his first convert Paul and so he changed his name to Paul I don't think so here's what I think Saul is a Jewish name so the name Saul is a Jewish name while you remember your Old Testament in the Old Testament the name Saul was the name of King King Saul so Saul is the name of Jews I've known many people who were Jews and her name of salt Paul is a Latin name or a Roman name so it's a name of Romans or maybe Gentiles so the Apostle Paul look what he tells us about him self in first Corinthians chapter 9 in first Corinthians chapter 9 Paul says this of how he did his ministry in the hopes of trying to reach people 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 20 first Corinthians 9 20 Paul says this and unto the Jews I became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews to them that are under the law as under the law that I might gain them that are under the law to them there without law as without law being not without law to God but under the law to Christ that I might gain them that are without law who was without the law who was those that weren't envelope Gentiles he says in verse 22 to the weak be came out as weak that I might gain the weak I made them all things to all men that I might by some all means save some so he says I became all things for all men so when I went to a Jew I pretend to be a Jew I caught myself saw when I went to someone that was not under the law someone that was a Roman well guess what I went over the name of Paul so I believe that's why he called his name Paul What did he say here verse 23 and this I do for the Gospels sake that I might be partaker thereof with you so Paul whatever he was going to he would tell him his name if he went to a Jew he said yeah I'm salt but if he went to someone that was a Roman he said yeah my name is Paul and his name was both we understand Paul was born over here in in Tarsus and Paul as you read the book of Acts and we'll get there eventually Paul says he was born free he was not born as a slave to Rome he was free born he was a Roman so Paul was a Roman and a Jew at the same time so Paul would have had a Jew name because he was a Jew and Paul as a Roman would have had a Roman name and Paul is beginning to understand God is saving Gentiles now and I'm going to Jews I want to see juice saved but God's starting to go more to Gentiles you know what I think I need to do I think I need to take my name Roman name and I need to go by my Roman name because I'm starting to deal with Romans and that gives us an idea that Paulus is a Roman name oh because this guy's names so I think that Paul said I become all thanks for all men that I might win some he's gonna use that name when he's dealing with Gentiles because that is a name that Gentiles would be familiar with so that's why he goes by Paul and from here on and what an amazing place to put the name change when Luke's writing the book he showed look the Jews are almost done with they projected their Messiah so I want you to know from now on mostly to Gentiles they're still trying to get some juice saved but most of the Ministry of Paul is more to Gentiles and we'll see that as we continue the book so here we see Paul going by the name of Paul from here on so then verse 9 then Paul who also is called a salt scuse me then salt who also is called Paul filled with the Holy Ghost set his eyes on him on whom unbar Jesus on Elias on the sorcerer on the witch on the warlock and here's what he says in verse 10 to this evil evil man and said o full of all supple salty and Oh mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord what a way to talk to a guy this is how he addresses this guy Paul tells this bar Jesus guy you are of the devil you're an enemy of all truth and righteousness you were you're a pervert in the eyes of the true God you are full of mischief and subtlety what does he say you're demon-possessed because the devil was full of subtlety you know Satan in the garden meat was subtle more subtle than any beast of the field so he's basically it's like he's addressing the demon inside the man rather than just the man verse 11 and now behold the hand of the Lord is upon thee and thou shalt be blind not seeing the Sun for a season and immediately there fell on him a midst and a darkness and he went about seeking some to leave him by the hand so this guy was a Jew all right this guy's a Jew and what he's a type of is the Jewish nation that rejected their Messiah now I didn't want to get into this too much but I guess I need to and I just think this is so amazing this guy right here is a type of those that are still unbelievers in Christ because as we know the Jews were supposed to be under the law and God told the Jews to follow the law the Bible says the law is the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ if you were a true believer in the law you couldn't help but come to Jesus because the entire law points to Jesus as the Messiah why did the Pharisees not come to Jesus what was wrong with the Pharisees as a nation and as religious leaders why did not they accept the Messiah way back here the Jews turned against God and went into Babylon and when the Jews went into captivity in Babylon they were in captivity for 70 years then God brought them back to the Land of Israel in Babylon the Jews picked up something very evil they picked up the Kabbalah there's many different ways to spell it Kabbalah Kabalah with a k' with a seat the Kabbalah is a teaching of and I don't even want to draw it up here I don't even remember how it goes there's like seven different things or something and like I'm not even gonna draw it because it's so wicked but the Kabbalah is this teaching really there's no other way to explain it except the Kabbalah is like it's like witchcraft it's it's a teaching that they got from Babylon on how to do certain things and it's a teaching of man and it's an evil teaching rather than the Bible teaching and so I think that because the Jews rather follow the Kabbalah than the law that's why they were filled with false teaching and filled with demons and filled with evil and so that when God did show up that's why they rejected him because the demons had them following their teaching their traditions rather than the Bible so when you start looking at a jeudi ism you see how they've so easily a pasta sized and fell and they have their traditions that replace the true law many Jews today fall the Kabbalah rather than the Bible so here we have a man who typifies the entire Jewish nation that rejected their Messiah bar Jesus he claims to be the son of Jesus Jesus is the son of the Jews he's there he's born of their race and what was this guy he was a sorcerer he was a someone that was following false doctrine false teaching witchcraft and he had demonic spirits in him and I cannot help but think that the Jewish leaders of Israel had demons in them the way that they gnashed on their teeth and wailed and yelled and screamed it got angry at Jesus that's more than just somebody getting angry in the flesh that had to been demons in them hating Jesus Christ and wanting to kill him I'm not saying they were all demon-possessed I'm just saying it sounds like to me that some of those Pharisees literally were demon-possessed not all of them probably a few of them but I think some of those early Jewish Pharisees that crucified Jesus they did so under the influence of satanic spirits because they were following a Kabbalah the Kabbalah rather than the Bible okay enough of that now going back over here what does it say so Paul tells this guy in verse 11 verse 10 what his problem was and then this guy became blind his guy literally became blind what does Paul tell us about the Jewish people I don't have time to go there so I won't but in Romans chapter 11 Paul tells us that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come because the Jews rejected their Messiah now they are blind well that's what happened to this guy so I think this guy really typifies the nation of Israel he had a false god false teaching false belief and could not believe in the true Jesus the true Messiah just like those people most of Israel in what happened he became blind just like Israel today is blind now verse 12 then the deputy when he saw what was done believed being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord so this guy Sergius Paulus a Gentile it's easier for a bull to a Gentile to believe that a Jew all the signs and wonders that Jesus did and they still wouldn't believe this Sergius Paulus guy a Gentile sees one sign he goes men I believe it's easier for a Gentile to believe than a Jew Wow and so what happens well the he Sergius Paulus believes based upon that was he safe I don't know where's the gospel I don't see the death burial resurrection preached yet I don't see it preached to this to this Gentile sounds like he believed that Jesus was the true God and that Marja Jesus had a false God so sounds like Paul's still preaching the who gospel still but this guy what it sounds like is bar Jesus is saying well I have the true God and and surges pulses well Paul has this guy and he says his God and Sergius believes that Paul's God is the true God and that that guy's got bar Jesus God is the false God so I don't see him getting saved like we did today trusting in the gospel of 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 but he did believe that Jesus was the Messiah because he says he believed the doctrine of the Lord what is the doctrine of the Lord that Jesus is the Lord that Jesus is the Messiah that he is the true God now verse 13 now in Paul and his company loosed from Paphos they came to purga in Pamphylia and John departed from them returned to Jerusalem all right this is when John mark leaves Paul never forgets this we looked at this before in Acts chapter 15 verses 36 through 39 there's a division that takes place Paul is very angry that John mark left and so this splits Paul and Barnabas up but again at the end of his ministry Paul says bring mark back because he's profitable to me so this is where for some reason or another john mark leaves but what happens Paul then leaves this area pathos right here on the island of Cyprus and he goes to a place called purgatory yeah Italia a port city and inland a little bit is a place called Peugeot okay so here's what happens they leave this island and they come up here to Peugeot well they probably had to pass through Italia in order to get through purgin so they come up here down this way and then back up so they're going around and they're just traveling all these places and preaching but when they departed from Peugeot they came to Antioch in Pisidia now I'm in verse 14 and went into the Sanok synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down so then they go to another place they went to a place called Antioch of Pisidia and that would be up here now that is not this Antioch this is Antioch of Syria over here north of Jerusalem this is Antioch of Pisidia there's more than one Antioch just like there's more than one Alexandria when Alexander the Great took over he went a lot of places named a lot of cities after himself there's a lot of places named Alexandria after Alexander the Great so they went from one Antioch to the other Antioch so he went into Antioch and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day set down so he goes into the synagogue so everywhere he goes the Apostle Paul he goes to the Jews first now verse 15 and after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them saying he men and brethren if you have any word of exhortation for the people say on so here he comes and he begins to talk to the people now oh let's see should I continue or should I break it up we're already at fifty minutes here and I don't know I really doubt I'll be able to get through this entire thing but yet do I have an hour for next time well yeah let's go a little bit farther and then we'll leave this up here probably and continue next time but what was the first thing he did he went to the synagogue so what we're finding in his first minister missionary journey everywhere Paul goes he goes to the Jews first he always goes to a synagogue first he always looks for the Jewish population first he comes in he goes hey I'm Saul I'm at you can't tell you something then if they'll listen the Gentiles who say hey you know I'm really a Roman my name is Paul and here's what I want to tell you he becomes all things for all men that he may win some so Paul there are some people out there they're called hyper dispensationalists and they say that the Apostle Paul only preached to Gentiles and Peter only preached to Jews I read an old man years ago I think the thing was bullinger he wrote a book and I tried to read it I never finished it it was so boring and that was the the thesis or the other thing that that guy was saying he said that Peter only preached to Jews and Paul only preached to Gentiles now hopefully by now you know that's not true Peter preached more to Jews yes but chapter 10 and chapter 11 is all about Peter when he went and preached to Gentiles Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles Romans 11 13 yes but you cannot read the book of Acts without understanding that everywhere Paul went he went and looked for the Jews first and then he went to the Gentiles so it is wrong and I've heard preachers preach this but it's wrong it is wrong to say Peter only went to Jews and Paul only went to Gentiles that is not what the Bible teaches what the Bible teaches is that Peter was the apostle to the Jews but then there was a time when he preached to Gentiles as well but he more devoted his life to dealing with Jews and Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles that was his office that was his calling but he never forgot his own people and he always went to them first to try to win them to the Lord as well so you can't just say Peter only to Jews Apollo allegiance house that's not true biblically but you can if you write the divide in the the word of truth you can't understand that Peter was more to the Gentiles and Paul wasn't more to the Jews what they'll do is they'll go to the Galatians and they'll they'll they'll just read the book of Galatians but they don't read the entire Bible that's why I don't like going verse by verse we can actually look at the entire Bible go to Galatians with me here's how they they say it and then I want you to get ahold of who these people are because this is how you can understand if there are a hyper the Socialists are not Galatians chapter 2 Galatians chapter 2 let's look at verse 7 Paul is speaking he says but contrariwise when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me in the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter for he that wrought effectually in Peter to the Apostleship of the circumcision saying was mighty in me toward the Gentiles and when James Cephas and John who seemed to be the pillars perceived the grace that was given to me they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship that we should go into the heathen and they unto the circumcision ok so what they'll do is they'll preach and they'll say so Peter preached the gospel of the circumcision and Paul preached the gospel of the uncircumcision well the circumcision would be those that are circumcised under the law and the uncircumcision would be those that are not circumcised the Gentiles and so that's all they'll do they'll go to the Galatians they'll say so the Ministry of Peter was only two Jews in the Ministry of Paul was only two Gentiles and they don't read the entire Bible what Paul is saying here is that his Apostleship Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles that was his ministry God called him to reach as many Gentiles as possible and he traveled all over the world doing that but wherever he went he always tried to win the Jew first because that was his people and he loved them so you can't say he only preached to Gentiles he was an apostle to the Gentiles but he didn't just preach to them he preached the Jews too it would be like this if you were a missionary and someone says are you a missionary you say yeah I'm a missionary too oh let's say I'm a missionary too to Papua New Guinea and I'm trying to reach the people of Papua New Guinea okay does that mean that you can only try to win people from Papua New Guinea I mean you can never preach the gospel to anyone else from any other country or nation that's ridiculous whatever country you go to you preach the gospel but your heart and your calling is to reach those certain people well that's what the calling of God was for Paul was to try to reach as many Gentiles as possible but God didn't tell Paul now don't ever when did you know wherever he went he went to the Jew to the Greek same thing with Paul God told Paul look go tell the Jews this breach to the Jews but then God and we've read it in chapter 10 and 11 in a vision told told Peter Peter you gotta go tell these Gentiles and Peter's like not so Lord I can't go after those unclean and then he said now I realize they're not unclean anymore so anyway that's I don't want to throw that out you got to watch out for people like that that say Peter only to Jews Paul only to Gentiles if you hear a man preaching and he says something like that be careful make sure he understands that Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles Romans 1113 but he did preach to Jews as well and also you cannot say that Peter only preached his entire ministry was only to Jews he also did when some Gentiles to the Lord you've got to understand that but their ministry was more focused on Peter more to juice and Paul more to Gentiles you got to get hold of that so here we are in chapter 13 of Acts and in verse 14 it says but they departed from program came to Antioch in Pisidia and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down after the reading of the law of the prophets the rulers and said you know what I'll do is I'll go ahead and stop there I guess we'll start in verse 14 next time because they're just there's too much there's too much - to continue on in order to finish we've gone 57 minutes so far so we'll call it a day right there amen and we'll start next time I was hoping to get through chapter 13 in one teaching but it looks like we won't so some of this I believe up here some of this I will erase but we will continue with verse 14 next time all right thank you for watching we'll see you next time god bless
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 10,159
Rating: 4.7696972 out of 5
Keywords: Acts, Bible Study, Acts of the Apostles, Verse by Verse Bible Study, King James Bible
Id: Ik3OnCrT61w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 24sec (3444 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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