Active Shooter Video

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hello I'm corporal Skinner with a Columbus Police Department's training division in this video you're going to see an active shooter situation a situation that occurs too often in this country an active shooter is an individual who only has one goal in mind mass murder they can't be negotiated with or bargained with and where can they be reasoned with this video will show several ways to handle an active shooter situation active shooter training needs to be as realistic as possible this training video was created to depict a very realistic active shooter situation so teachers and students can see the harsh reality of an active shooter situation and know how to react if such situations should happen in their school hey guys another episode of Drew's webcam and today joining us it is Lauren say aye Lauren hi Lauren today we'll be discussing weather chauffeur and high school lunches are good or not everyone Dru's webcam here I'm stuck here until Lauren gets out of her business meeting so let's go see if we can catch her in a suit that's what I love about you shut up you are dead yeah if it's fine it's fine you know you don't know um it's okay you got me don't worry I'm not afraid of him you don't understand him I don't have to tomorrow's my day they thought their worlds were going to just go on like nothing happened but all it takes is one person to shatter their reality and I'll do it in a matter of an hour Josh I told you you were dead and I plan to make good on that promise and Lauren I don't even care anymore you deserve to be together in life or in death I'll make you all feel what you made me feel tortured lonely just separated from you normal people tomorrow is when I shatter your reality by a man for 20 crazy I was shy okay well good morning Wally why so glum I'm sorry I've just been all up all night working on this project oh so you're tired yes well did you get it done yes where are they good go have a good day yeah thank you so Lauren this is job uniform make me look sexy oh hey y'all I was up all night working on your project Peterson I do today yeah you didn't do it know how to make an A in that class all right well bye y'all hey hey I just left Lauren and Josh in the hallway I made together now I don't know ever since she joined Business Club it seems like she's really changed a lot she has oh I'm not talking about that real quick okay Hey morning everybody all right we've got a few minutes before the bell so go ahead get your stuff ready you've got a journal on the board if you want to be productive hustling guys take your seats we're covering chapter 9 today in your business management textbooks and we have a lot of work to cover hey beautiful I like my Pokemon Karen Graham Casey again go on get back as soon as you can so after and where are you two supposed to be here love yeah oh it's a good thing I came by you know last time I checked that computer lab that way and let's put the sunglasses away I don't want to see you back in my office have a good one and Chris what are you doing sir ma'am I'm running late today I had to wait on my sister yes hurry it up and get in class now I'm gonna be making announcements in a minute so be in class thank you all right there's an active shooter in the building active shooter in the building band hallway location we are on total lockdown total lockdown covering one one we have an emergency situation that children high school we have an active shooter on building please respond immediately okay stay calm get up and move to the back of the classroom stay calm and move quickly to the classroom take off your cellphone's and turn them off they cannot be on vibrate or silent off Shh stay calm we do not let him know we're in here let him in I'm sorry but we can't let him in we cannot risk everybody stay quiet take the risk what you shoot around okay please do anything yes yes we are in the office damnit Peterson please let me in it's me Casey I can't Jennifer put us all in danger okay okay okay I will don't especially about multiple people down in the main hallway forty-four treatment for you with him sorry this is your phone this is your fault it's nearly 1:00 and it's too late all right I'm out a gruesome and tragic scene played out here at Shelburne High School earlier today as we're told a lone gunman armed with several weapons entered the school and opened fire on students and teachers right now reports are telling us at least 14 are dead with several more injured although the official toll is not yet being released as far as the identity of that shooter police do confirm that they took down the shooter inside the school but they are not yet releasing who that is although sources on the scene tell us that it was a student now what's more information becomes available to us we'll make sure to keep you updated live at Shelburne high school Mallory sparks for news 1 tomorrow's my day they thought their worlds were going to just go on like nothing happened but all it takes is one person to shatter their reality and I'll do it in a matter of an hour Josh I told you you were dead and I planned to make good on that promise and Lauren I don't even care anymore you deserve to be together in life or in death I'll make you all feel what you made me feel tortured lonely just separated from you normal people tomorrow is when I shatter your reality I am looking forward to it remember later lockdown alert others take action escape if possible and resist as a last resort following these simple steps may save your life or the lives of your students during an active shooter situation the front office will make an announcement that an active shooter is in the building during the lockdown do not congregate in the hallways don't panic and don't try to flood the exits try to find a room and immediately barricade if you have first contact with the active shooter prior to an announcement BMA alert others alert others so that an announcement would eventually be made contact the front office contact 9-1-1 a complete description of the shooter if able will assist police in determining the threat take action if barricaded inside of a room use heavy objects to place in front of the door like desk or other objects if you have a wedge wedge the door if able to lock the door from the inside cover the window if you have a window on the door have the students move to a centralized location towards the rear of the room and find a way to barricade themselves take cover stay away from windows or any entrances escape if able to escape the situation if not in a classroom or unable to barricade yourself find the nearest exit and escape the situation as a last resort resist the shooter do not actively attack the shooter unless given no other option when backed against the wall defend yourself and turn them off they cannot be on vibrate or silent off Shh stay calm we do not let him know we're in here let him in I'm sorry but we can't let him in cannot ask everybody okay quiet around okay an active shooter could be anybody could be friends fellow students or strangers mrs. Maxwell was familiar with the student outside however she remained in the classroom and did not unlock the door knowing that the result could end in the student's death this may seem harsh however it is the only way to prevent more death in this thing you notice students congregating in the hallway instead of congregating with your friends try to find avenues of escape escape as fast as possible or find a classroom so that you can barricade yourself ignore any and all fire alarms that you may hear this is not a fire and sometimes an active shooter may trigger these switches in an attempt to try to get students to flood the hallways students in hallways result in easy targets multiple finger down in the main hallway upon police arrival their main objective is to stop the shooter had all cost this may mean that the officers will have to buy past injured individuals on the ground seeking assistance if the officers are not swift in their action more people may become injured or die they will bypass you they may try to gather information if you're able provide the police officers with information such as direction in which the shooter just traveled or a description of the shooter the shooter could possibly be wearing the same thing as any other student in the school complete descriptions would help in identifying the shooter an active-shooter situation can happen anywhere at any time be familiar with your layout and your surroundings know your nearest exits look for any suspicious activity or suspicious persons that might be on the property alert others as soon as possible so that you may save lives in case an active shooter situation occurs in your school that got some time to kill now I have no will to sleep that I've got to Johnny [ __ ] and a place where other people sleep lost without empathy actions without a point dump scars are in the Box wrapped and plush among my toys made a mess up things gonna see too much yeah they sent me meaning let's bet all the punch we does to show up bones that beyond see underneath the meat we've grown to become the human being before manipulates God by fortune barks and years I have become
Channel: nownewmedia
Views: 9,784,635
Rating: 4.6238313 out of 5
Keywords: active, shooter, npace, training, hart, high school, active shooter, activeshooter
Id: cO5FJ0v_tuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2015
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