Listen Like Jesus - Sarah Jakes Roberts

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hey family i'm pastor torre welcome to one youtube channel you're getting ready to hear a phenomenal message it's gonna bless you i have a couple of quick announcements really quickly first of all if you're not subscribed to this channel go ahead and click the subscribe button so that you'll be notified anytime we go live anytime we've got something that's going to bless you number two if you want to support our ministry we do great things as you're going to experience but we also do great practical things and we can certainly uh use your support the instructions are on the screen if you want to give and last but not least my new book balance is available for pre-order now it is a game-changing life-changing book you can go to and get it and there's certain things that you will have access to just by pre-ordering so go to the website all the information is there and let's get into this powerful amazing word god bless you did somebody say activate i feel like someone has been waiting for this time of the week when we come together to simply sit at the feet of jesus i want to know where you're tuning in from can you type it in the chat for me where are you tuning in from i want to know what city is being activated as a matter of fact put activate dallas activate tampa activate london wherever you're watching i want you to put activate in front of it and i want you to make a demand i want you to speak a expectation over your city over your family wherever you are that it's going to be activated someone may be tuning in for the first time and they're like what's going to get activated the kingdom of heaven is going to be activated the good news is going to be activated where there was depression there will be joy where there was fear there's going to be faith where there was hopelessness there's going to be hope because when one or two or three are gathered together in his name he's going to be in the midst and let me tell you when god gets in the midst every other thing that isn't god has to bow down and i don't know about you but i am not up on a thursday night so that fear can keep standing so that anxiety can keep standing so that my insecurities can still sit on the throne i came to dethrone something tonight and i just want to know is there anyone with me is there one is there one is there one let me know if there's one in dallas let me know if there's one in the dmv is there one in new york because all it takes is just a couple of us we could get this thing started i don't know about you but i'm ready i'm ready to see what god is going to do through this word i've been praying receiving listening and allowing my heart to receive for what this moment is meant to be i want to invite you to take a moment and let all of your friends know that you're at church so that they can come and be a part of this word too they're not going to want to miss it you are not going to want to miss this and so i'm going to give you a second to get you a little situation together get your text message and i'll send them the link youtube facebook make sure they're plugged in i believe god wants to do something special my text for this evening for this message my text is matthew 11. i'm going to begin in verse 25. i have to tell you i was selfishly in my own prayer and study time when this scripture came to mind i wanted to understand the context of it because i was in the season where i was battling myself and in a moment in my life where i was battling with my own fears my own insecurities and i just had this when i read it you're going to some of you're going to be like yes i know that but i was having this moment i was battling and i wanted to get context for this scripture so matthew 11 25 set up a little bit of context here jesus is coming off the heels of really rebuking and setting things straight he's rebuking the cities in which he performed the most miracles because these are also the cities that have failed to convert and believe the way that they should isn't it crazy how sometimes the people who experience the most are often the last to believe sometimes we're the last to believe because we just can't consider that something is too good to be true we just continue to talk ourselves out of the goodness of god we continue to talk ourselves out of the promises of god god i think you said it but i'm not really sure can you send another sign god didn't send some of y'all so many signs at this point that he didn't move it on somewhere else because you just didn't move the way you were supposed to move jesus is rebuking the cities who witnessed the height of his divinity because they did not believe the way that they should when verse 25 begins though he's in the middle of rebuking his attention turns and it says at that time jesus answered and said i thank you father lord of heaven and earth that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes hidden these things as in his divinity his identity his nature as the son of god has been hidden from the wise and prudent and instead those who are like children have received him even so verse 26 continues father for so it seemed good in your sight all things have been delivered to me by my father and no one knows the son except the father nor does anyone know the father except the son and the one to whom the son wills to reveal him come to me all you who labor and are heavy-laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls my yoke is easy and my burden is light father my prayer is that you would take these next few minutes that i'm spending here and that you would transform them as only you can do holy spirit anoint every word touch every person who needs to hear this word the most god you know every circumstance you know every doubt you know every dream you know every fear you know every leap of faith that is connected to this word and you have gathered us here today not so that we can be entertained not so that we can just feel good but so that we can be empowered to be vessels for your glory god we want to be more like jesus we want to invade territories and establish your kingdom teach us god we're listening in jesus name i pray amen if i could give this message any subject it would be listen like jesus listen like jesus that's my subject for this message and i'm going to get into it a little bit but first i want to kind of set up my message and i was thinking about the best way to set up this message and the first thing that came to mind was i think that you all should know that the saying time heals all wounds is a scam listen some of you have already figured that out because you are grown years old and you're still walking around with them four-year-old traumas it is i i am talking to myself time does not heal all wounds then we hear what they've been saying now it's what you do with the time because they realize that was a scam now they're saying it's what you do with the time that makes the difference i think it's so important that we take the time to really dissect that because otherwise we will be spending days and months and weeks and years waiting for the time that healing comes when in reality there are some words that have been spoken over us some words that have lived down on the inside of us that though they have been unspoken they have still caused the scars and wounds and those are the words that we generally receive from other people but then there are the self-inflicted wounds that come from the words we never got the chance to release like that time that you beat yourself up for not saying the thing that you know you should have said to the person you know you should have said it too there's somebody you're watching right now and you owe someone an apology you just couldn't bring yourself to say it you've got to lay something down at the feet of someone who you would never want to lay something down in front of you have to turn over your pride you have to turn over your ego there's a conversation that needs to be had and yet those words have stayed trapped on the inside of you because at the end of the day it feels like it's easier for it to stay inside of you not realizing that words unspoken wound the soul words unspoken the words you're supposed to say the words you needed to hear when you don't receive them when you don't give them it wounds the soul and ultimately your destiny because if it just stays within you it never comes out of you then it doesn't unlock what the person on the other side is supposed to give you no wonder we walk around this world in relationships and friendships and we have half partnerships because no one is willing to say those hard words no one is willing to release the words that have been locked into their soul and yet without them we get half versions of who we are so maybe the process of life is less about trying to figure out how we can hustle up on the next big thing or how we can become the next big thing and instead figure out how do i get these words out of me how do i begin to come to a place where the words that have been spoken over me can be extracted from my soul so that i can believe again how do i position myself in such a way that i can release the word that god has given me without second guessing myself without comparison without insecurity there's a word down on the inside of you if i could give this title this message another title i would call it the battle of words because the truth is that most of us haven't fully become because we're battling the words that are down on the inside of us and some of us have foolishly believed that in time i'll get to a place where i can have victory over that word but the truth is you're never going to have victory unless you roll up your sleeves and begin battling with that word you gotta battle with that word that says you're not gonna be anything you gotta battle with that word that says you're not qualified you gotta battle with that word that your mother spoke over you that your father spoke over you you know why you gotta battle over that word because before they spoke anything god spoke you into existence before they said anything that damaged your soul god spoke you into existence before the insecurity happened before the friendships rejected you god said i spoke a word i gave you enough word before i formed you to battle the words that were going to come your way man i wish i had about 10 seconds in this place because i would talk about the words that we receive and how the words we receive disarm us but being disarmed is only temporary somebody is watching this message and i'm telling you right now you better be careful because you're going to get another word you better be careful because you may walk away from this message with something to fight back against those words that the enemy planted down in your soul when i get on this platform it's not so that you can tweet about it it's not so that you can instagram about it it's because god has given me a word to fight those other words and i feel like god's been trying to tell somebody that you can't fight this word with positive thinking you can't fight that past with friendships you can't fight that past with music you got to get an anointed word down in your soul that's how the weapons form but don't prosper that's how any tongue that rises up against you is condemned because you start fighting back with word god you sent me god you chose me god you protected me god you kept me why did you keep me why did you protect me because i put word down on the inside of you says god i put word down on the inside of you and it's time for that word to come forth but sometimes the word that god placed in you cannot come forth until you get all of those other words that were spoken over you out of the way somebody needs to go to therapy so you can get the words out of the way i need to get some help because all i hear is insecurity all i hear is fear all i hear is anxiety and i'm ready to hear a stronger word i'm ready to hear a better word a better word that puts me into the right rooms a word that puts me into the right mindset a word that makes me drop the addiction a word that makes me drop the fear there is a word more powerful than any word that has ever been spoken to you and until you learn to listen like jesus you'll listen like you and if you listen like you you'll miss you because in order for god to pull you out he's got to use his word not yours he's got to use his word not your mother's word he's got to use his word not the heartbreaks word not the grief's word you're so busy listening to you that you can't hear god anymore but i hear god saying sometimes you got to silence your own mind so you can listen like jesus i only do what i see my father in heaven do i'm only operating in this world as someone who was connected to something that is greater than them what word is down on the inside of you who put it there but most importantly can it stay can it stay inside of you and you still manifest god's god-given identity over you can it stay inside of you when you still produce the book can it stay inside of you when you still build the family can it stay inside of you when you still stay connected in the marriage that word cannot stay in you and you build at the same time this isn't even a part of my message but i feel like that word that some circumstance spoke over you that word that some mistake embedded in your spirit is going to war with the word of god that's down on the inside of you and if you don't take anything else from this message i want you to hear me very clearly god put a word down on the inside of you in john it tells us that but in the beginning that god created jesus and it started with a word it gives us insight into how god creates humanity i speak word and then you come into existence god what is it that you spoke about me god why did you speak me into existence god every time i show up in this room every time i show up in this family in this relationship in this friendship i want to show up as what you spoke and if i'm showing up is what fear spoke and i'm showing up as what shame spoke that i'm missing the mark you want to talk about sin sin is when you show up as anything other than who god has created you to be and if you keep on shrinking and you keep on backing down and you keep on allowing that insecurity to determine who you're connected to and what you show on instagram and what you create and what you produce you my friend are in sin you are missing the mark because you are not who god has called you to be prophesy if no one listens sing the song if nobody streams it write the book if nobody reads it because at the end of the day i can't keep missing the mark from me there is a higher calling for who i am and if i'm going to reach for that higher calling i got to make sure i'm accurate that means anything that's pulling me back anything that's making me disarm myself from who i am supposed to be i gotta get it off of me i hear somebody needs to shake it off shake it off shake it off shake it off you've been carrying that word too long it's time for you to shake it off you've been walking around like that wounded person for too long it's time for you to shake it off shake off that fear shake off that insecurity there is a higher calling with your name on it and you my friend cannot afford to miss the mark this is god's business this is not about your name this is not about what they said it's not even about who you used to be this is god's business and if you're going to do god's business you got to listen like jesus when we find jesus in this text jesus has just received so many different words words rejecting him words questioning his identity words questioning his position he's in a battle of words i was struck by this text because i was researching this idea of jesus saying that his yoke is easy and his burden is light just came to me one day minding my business and i'm like why did jesus say that because he got on the cross and was crucified and was put to death and nothing about that sounds easy nor light so why is it that he uses this idea that his yoke is easy and his burden is light as an attraction for other people to follow him knowing that he was headed to the cross you see i know some of y'all are like theologians and y'all don't question the bible at all but jesus had to give me some answers to this jesus i'm trying to listen like you i'm trying to follow you i'm trying to live like you but if i'm honest i don't understand why you would say this knowing that you had so much torment so much pain in your future now realize that jesus doesn't just say this because his path is going to be easy jesus is not promising that your path is going to be easy jesus is not promising that life will not touch you jesus is not promising that you will not experience rejection that you will not experience turmoil but he's saying in the midst of it all he's figured out a way to make the yoke easy and the burden light he had my intention with that say more when i began studying i realized that this has less to do about the path being easy and more to do with him having a rested spirit you see so many of us are worried that our spirit is so fragile that it can't endure any heartbreak it can endure any rejection and so we treat ourselves as if we need to be wrapped in bubble wrap in order to make it through life now i want to be sensitive to the fact that for some of us we have this bubble wrap around our existence this bubble wrap around our hope because we've already experienced so much pain god i don't want to take another loss i don't want to experience another grief i don't want to feel like i'm down to nothing again and so me walking around in bubble wrap is actually me protecting myself and yet if we're going to live like jesus and listen like jesus we can't treat ourselves like we're not resilient jesus was brave jesus was courageous genus jesus lived a vulnerable life his whole life was open to vulnerability open to skepticism open to criticism open to rejection i want to be like jesus jesus walked around from city to city and those who got it got it and those who didn't did it and then he moved to the next city he didn't even stay there allowing to see how many likes he got on his post he didn't stay there to see how many views he got on his post because he was so focused on why he was there that he could move to the next city i want to be like jesus i want to know that even on my down days that i'm still called i want to know that even when i don't perform well that there's still a place for me i want to show up in strength i want to show up in confidence but i keep showing up as me and jesus is saying that if i yoke myself to him that it doesn't mean that i won't experience those things it just means that my spirit will be so rested jesus had a rested spirit he knew who he was he knew why he was and he knew what he needed to get done he knew who he was he knew why he was and he knew what he needed to get done i'm going to say that again he knew who he was he knew his identity as a child of god oh i got chills just thinking about that who would you be if you really rested in your identity as a child of god i know your parents failed you i know that they dropped the ball a few times but what if even though they couldn't show up the way that you needed them to show up the god says i can still be your parent i can still lead you i can still raise you from here somebody's an adult child and god says i can still raise you that even oh guys i don't know who you are but i've got a prophetic word for you your parents took you as far as they could take you they can't take you any further than where you are right now and i hear you saying to yourself that you're worried that you won't move past this point because you don't have anyone else to raise you from here and i hear guys saying that i've already orchestrated mentors i've already sent people who are going to raise you up because before you were their child you were my child before they ever held you you were held in my arms that i sent angels to wrap around you that would lead you and guide you and protect you because i was going to raise you i know your daddy died but i can still raise you i know your mother left you but i can still raise you i hear god saying i can get you from here you don't have to feel like an orphan you my friend are not an orphan you my friend are not in it by yourself you my friend have heaven backing you up if you can come to a place where you can listen like jesus you'll hear angels backing you up if you can come to a place where you listen like jesus you'll hear the holy spirit backing you up you won't get into a room and wonder what you're going to say you won't get into a relationship and wonder whether or not you'll make it you won't start raising those children and run out of words because the holy spirit is going to back you up i feel like if i had 10 people in this place that we would have a 30 second shout break because there is nothing like knowing that heaven is backing you up you walk differently when heaven backs you up you write differently when heaven is backing you up you preach differently when heaven is backing you up because you realize i am not up here by myself i am not in this city on my own i am not in this relationship by myself heaven is backing me up and because heaven is backing me up it's not that i can do no wrong it just means wrong still turns out right it doesn't mean that i'm going to get everything right it just means that all things are going to work together and you're going to look up and heaven's going to say it was all good how could god take something that felt so terrible take something that felt so dark and turn it for good because when you yoke up with jesus when you yoke up with god it's easy it's nothing to a boss this is slight work for your god god says i can do the impossible i can open up doors that have never been opened before i can show you how to do something you've never seen before how are you going to do it god god says just get yoked up with me just get tied up with me i'm going to show you how to show up in this position i'm going to teach you how to stand in that anointing god says just yoke up with me yoke up with me unyoke from your fears unyoke from your uncertainty and yoke up with jesus i feel like god's given somebody strategy even right now that god's given somebody creativity right now you think that you have been yoked up with jesus but jesus has been yoked up with a version of you that feels less than who you truly are i hear god saying if you would step all the way into this call then i could open up the floodgates of heaven and i can give you everything you're going to need for this season of your life that you're afraid that you're going to run out and i hear god saying you could never run out if you stay yoked up with me [Music] jesus says in the middle of this moment where he's reading people for filth he's reading these cities for filth he says in verse 25 it begins it says at that time jesus answered that word answered stood out in my mind because nobody called jesus if you read all of matthew 11 it says at that time jesus answered but no one calls jesus name the text right before it is all read the only difference between the text before it and the text in which we enter is that he was talking to them but all of it suddenly says jesus answered and he began speaking to the heavenly father he shifted his direction i'm no longer listening to them i'm listening to him jesus answered because sometimes god will interrupt you in the middle of rebuking so that you can get refocused jesus was rebuking this city and he was rebuking them because they rejected him let's talk about that for a minute jesus knows that their rejection doesn't have to stay with him to rebuke literally means to send back and he could have just allowed what they said to stick and sometimes we take what people say and we allow it to stick but before jesus moves on with his life he's got to make sure that he sends back the words that were not meant to stick with him he rebukes that rejection he rebukes their ignorance he rebukes it that means he sends it back to where it came from somebody's got word down on the inside of them and you've just been walking around with that word but i hear god saying that it's not too late for you to rebuke the word you received decades ago it's not too late for you to rebuke the word that you received 10 minutes ago somebody needs to send some word back because you've been walking around with that word and that word has become a part of your identity but you gotta rebuke rejection i'm not talking about correction i'm not talking about stretching i'm not talking about growing i'm talking about when someone rebukes your identity when somebody says you are not who god says you can be when somebody says that is impossible for somebody like you when somebody says you'll never be restored you'll always be bitter and that's this way the cookie crumbles for people like us you got to rebuke that or else it'll get in your spirit and if it's in your spirit it'll unsettle you and you got to be settled for this life ahead of you you got to be settled for this mission and you got to send it back because it didn't come from heaven jesus takes his time and jesus don't have a lot of time to take but jesus takes his time in this moment to rebuke the word that came his way you want to listen like jesus you got to start rebuking some of that word you received you want to listen like jesus you got to know the difference between rejection and correction your parents may have called it correction but your spirit received it as rejection you got to rebuke that rejection and send it back they may have said it was impossible because of their own trauma but you got to rebuke it and send it back because it's become a part of your identity don't allow someone's correction to become rejection in your spirit and change the way you show up in the world you were correcting me but you actually rejected me you shut me down you kept me from dreaming you kept me from believing you kept me from growing you started making me feel like i was going to be limited and restricted you may have meant well but you ended up shutting me down but that's all right because i got a rebuke for that that's all right because i got a word for that and that word is that nothing is impossible if i'm linked up with the right one that word is the greater is he that is in me than he greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world and sometimes you got to remember that greater is the x factor that greater makes up the difference they didn't know that you had greater down on the inside of you man i feel like preaching in this place when they spoke those words over you they thought that they were just speaking to you they didn't know that you were going to mess around and have an encounter with god and once you had that encounter with god the greater that was in you was going to be the x factor it was going to push you over the edge it was going to push you into overflow it was going to take you from the realm of impossible into possible god says i'm going to stretch you by the greater that i put down in you jesus rebukes it because it can't stay i rebuke it in the name of jesus i rebuke suicidal thoughts in the name of jesus i rebuke depression in the name of jesus i rebuke divorce in the name of jesus i rebuke bitterness in the name of jesus i rebuke anger in the name of jesus i rebuke abandonment in the name of jesus i rebuke it over your household i rebuke it over my household i rebuke it over my future i rebuke it over my destiny you cannot stay here there is a greater word at work and i gotta make room for the greater word to grow i gotta make room for the greater word to manifest so you got to get out of my way hell you gotta move out of my way satan there is a greater word that's getting ready to blossom down on the inside of you who are you and what is that greater word i hear god saying i'm going to put some weight on you i'm going to put some strategy on you i'm going to put some oil in your direction and are you ready for the oil are you ready for the oil are you ready for the breakthrough are you ready for the promise are you ready to break that way of thinking are you ready to change your mind about everything you've ever known are you ready to get yolked up for real [Music] this moment in the text when jesus shifts his focus he's listening to something that no one can hear but him the author makes it clear that he is responding to something that no one can hear but him a whisper sometimes god speaks to us and whispers did you hear that did you hear that did you hear that god i hear god telling me to move god did you it's a whisper it's a whisper it's a whisper but it's still god it's a whisper it's a stall a small still voice but it's still god there's a whisper there's a whisper i'm gonna make it there's a whisper there's a whisper your life has value there's a whisper there's a whisper you're stronger than you think you are there's a whisper there's a whisper you can still raise these children there's a whisper there's a whisper somebody's made it this far because they kept following the whisper somebody's in this room right now because they followed the whisper there's a whisper that's where you're supposed to be that's who you're supposed to be linked up to it's a whisper it's a whisper it's whisper if you're listening for a big booming voice you may miss god but if you start searching for the whisper the whisper the whisper fear is loud anxiety is loud but god speaks in whispers whispers whispers i'm trying to hear god i'm trying to see god shh i can't afford to miss shh i want to make sure that i'm ordered the i'm doing these steps the way that they have been ordered shh you're commanding me shh you're calling me sh you're growing me you're stretching me it's a whisper it keeps happening and whispers it keeps happening there's a whisper telling me i need to do this there's a whisper telling me i need to create this there's a whisper telling me you're the one and i'm doing it afraid but i'm still listening to the whisper because the whisper hasn't failed me yet the holy spirit is whispering and whispering and whispering to somebody who are you the holy spirit god heavenly father whispers to jesus and suddenly in that moment it is no longer about the rejection nor is it about the rebuking in this moment in the moment of the whisper it is about the reconnecting can i show you in my text it says i thank you father lord of heaven and earth that you have hidden these things all of a sudden when he responds to the whisper he's reconnected my attention has shifted i'm now focused on the whisper and what he hears his response tells us everything about what god downloads in his spirit first of all he says i thank you father father i remembered in this moment that i wasn't just a man on a mission that i wasn't just someone who needed to defend themselves and rebuke those who were rising up against them but i am a child of god that there is something bigger than me you can be the biggest person in the room you can have the most responsibility you can be the head of the household but when heaven looks down on you you are still just a child and in that moment jesus becomes like a child again in the presence of his father he says i thank you father lord of heaven and earth that you know exactly who needs me and you know exactly who wouldn't receive me none of this came by surprise to you that means that god must have told him in this moment that he's hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes when jesus answers god this is what he says thank you god that those who were for me know how to receive me and those who were not who don't know how to receive me are not called to me in this moment by listening to god he's able to categorize the people in his surroundings properly that's what happens when we reconnect with god now all of a sudden we're no longer on the defensive now i can move to a to a place where i can be on the offense i can score points i can gain territory because i'm not chasing after those who rebukes me any longer he teaches him how to let it go just let it go those who are for me are for me those who are against me are against me and when it's all said and done you'll sort it all out so now he is re-centered he's reconnected he's re-centered he's refocused and the text says that he comes to a place where he realizes all things have been delivered to me by my father i love this all things have been delivered to me by my father and no one knows the son except the father so now i know what to do about them and everybody has it them people who are doubting people who are rejecting not challenging not correcting but trying to read you for filth and change your whole existence everyone has it then but he's able to categorize them properly and then he's able to come to this place where he realizes that maybe it's possible i placed an unhealthy demand on them in the first place because verse 27 says all things have been delivered to me by my father and no one knows the son except the father nor does anyone know the father except the son and the one to whom the son wills to reveal him what does this mean that at the end of the day maybe i put too much pressure on them to validate me anyway because everything i need for this moment has already been delivered to me by my father you know i had to greek this word when i greek this word i looked and realized that the word delivered actually means locked up that blessed my soul i was literally driving here and i said let me look up this word that word delivered means locked up so let's read it again all things have been locked up to me by my father locked up for me by my father and no one knows the son except the father that means in this moment though they were trying to rob me of my identity in this moment though they were trying to strip me of my divinity though they were trying to take away all of the credit all of the work that i have done that at the end of that day they couldn't touch it because it's been locked up that was a word for me because i thought about all of the times in my life where the enemy came to kill steal and destroy and it looked like he was being successful and i couldn't even rebuke because i was all out of strength and i thought that the enemy had had the final say i wish that i would have had the revelation that jesus had in this text but i've got that revelation now and that revelation is that when god locks something up for you it doesn't matter what happens to you in life that when god locks it up no threat no enemy no mistake no judgment can come up against what god has locked up i need someone to understand that your joy is not gone it's locked up i need someone to understand that your creativity is not gone it is locked up that your anointing is not gone it's locked up what does that mean it's locked up it means that god saw the threat coming and he took what was going to be most valuable and he put it away so that when you got finished going through the twists and turns of life that you would still have something to pull from i hear god saying that you are anointed i hear god saying that you are appointed i hear god saying that it's still down on the inside of you but i locked it up so now life is trying to squeeze out what i locked up life is trying to pull out what i locked up but i hear god saying the only thing that can unlock it is if you yoke up with jesus and if you yoke up with jesus i'll show you how to unlock everything i put in you you want confidence i hear god saying it's locked up you want wholeness i hear god saying it's locked up and you need to thank god that it's locked up because had it not been locked up you would have wasted it in circumstances and relationships and situations that threatened to take away it for to take it away for good but because god and his infinite wisdom new to lock it up is still on reserve for you it's still on reserve i hear god saying i still got it on reserve for you i kept it with you in mind it's locked up it's not gone it's locked up until you become the person who yokes up with god and goes to unlock [Music] everything that the devil thought he stole from you everything that the divorce thought it stole from you everything that the death thought it stole from you everything that the disease thought it stole from you i hear god saying it's not stolen i locked it up i put it in a safe and nobody knows the code but me and nobody knows where it is but me but i hear god saying that if you yoke up with me i want to take you back to that place of restoration i want to take you back to that place of breakthrough i want to take you back to that place of innocence to that place of joy to that place of laughter it is not gone bitterness is not the final say anger is not the final say i hear god saying i locked it up because i knew you would have this moment where you would want access again to a version of you you thought was lost remember when i was on fire remember when i was excited remember when i still had passion remember when i woke up excited for what the day was going to bring god i want access back to that and i hear god saying this is the moment in which i activate the safe and show you how to get what i locked up it's not gone for good no wonder then jesus says to take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy [Music] and my burden is light because in this moment jesus reminds us that when he connects with god when he listens to god that it silences the rejection it silences the wounds and the disappointment that came from other people it reminds him that he has lost nothing that even the things that could have been lost were actually locked up and then it brings his spirit to a place of rest when your spirit is hungry when your spirit is empty it's like a scavenger searching for anything feed me love me validate me my family couldn't do it can you do it the job didn't do it can you do it the check didn't do it can you do it the drugs aren't doing it can you doing it my spirit is hungry jesus offers something that this world could never provide a rested spirit a certainty a confidence and knowing that i can survive this that this can still turn out for good that i can still release the fullness of my divinity regardless of those who cannot receive it a rested spirit is everything because a rested spirit changes the way you show up in life god i don't want to have to fight this cancer but from a rested spirit maybe i could win somebody in the cancer ward i don't want to fight for this child but with the rested spirit maybe i'll be the only glimpse of god that this child sees i'm not anxious for anything when i'm yoked to god i'm resting in the promises that i don't have to push this career myself i don't have to push this ministry by myself arrested spirit says those who are for me are for me those who will help me build will be attracted to me god's going to teach me how to lead god's going to teach me how to love because god's going to teach me how to pray a rested spirit isn't waiting to lose something because it trusts i have everything that i need you're watching this and maybe you're thinking to yourself i want to experience what it's like to be yoked with jesus i have to tell you i've heard this scripture basically my whole life right i'm a church girl for those of you who are unfamiliar though this idea of the yolk the two cattles being tied together usually they were tied together to carry something and in order for them to be tied together there was like this piece of wood that they would put around one cattle's neck and then another piece connected around the other cattle's neck and it had to be equal they had to be the same weight they had to be the same height so that the balance would be weighed equally across the both of them so we talk about being yoked to jesus when we talk about being yoked to god it seems like an oxymoron because i know i will never be like jesus jesus is unequally yoked if he's tied to me i can't carry my own way i can't change my own mind i can't heal myself i can't bring myself breakthrough and i want to be equally yoked with jesus but i'm telling you right now this is an unfair bet for jesus and yet jesus knowing who i am knowing my fear knowing my inadequacy knowing my sin knowing my weakness and my limitation jesus still chooses to be yoked to me why why jesus i'm doing the best i can but lord knows i'm a mess up again jesus says because you're going to take on my yoke when you take on the yoke of jesus he makes up the difference for where you are inadequate there are areas in your life right now when they're suffering they're off balance you're wondering to yourself is this how it's always going to be if you've heard anything in this message then hopefully you've learned to start listening like jesus because this is not all it will ever be this is not the end jesus says if you come unto me those who are weary and heavy-laden i want to give your spirit rest i want to pray with you of you who feel stressed overwhelmed overworked and adequate just unequally yoked for the life you've been called to live i want to invite you into a moment where you can listen like jesus because i believe that heaven has something that's been whispering to you i want you to put your hand on your chest because when a word comes into our spirit i want you to guard it with your hands like your hands are going to keep that word in you holy spirit you have met us here father we need you we need your word we need your leadership we need your guidance we want to be more like jesus we want to be what you had in mind when you formed us in our mother's womb we want to embody the word that you spoke over us but right now we often feel very small smaller than that word but as we were listening we received a revelation that makes us want to listen in a fresh new way holy spirit you are welcome to hear hearing my soul hearing my spirit where fear has taken up residency i invite your holy spirit to move in and take up space holy spirit in the place where i'm stressed and overwhelmed i invite your spirit to come and settle me certainly i am weary certainly i am unsure but if i could get yoked up with you then the whispers will lead me to perfect truth god i thank you for every person who has received this word who has made the decision to guard this word with their soul god i pray that this word would take root in their lives and as it begins to take root that it would change the way that they listen father i speak a special anointing over their ears god may you put a filter over their ears that they may rightly divide where the words are coming from if it's coming from someone's fear someone's anger someone's wearing this god may they hear it for what it is and not receive it into their spirit and god if it comes from you god if that word comes from you allow it to invade every excuse allow it to kick down every obstacle allow it to break down every insecurity and every fear and allow it to take up space may your kingdom be established because they listened like jesus first in their spirit and then to their hands and may we build something that is a monument for your glory heavenly father have your way is only you can do and god for those who are watching and they don't know jesus they've heard of them they grew up in church but they've never had an intimate relationship with jesus [Music] god i just pray that you would allow them an introduction an introduction to jesus that makes them hungry for more an introduction for g to jesus that doesn't answer all of the questions they have and the mysteries they wonder about the bible and theology none of that religious stuff god but a relationship they feel the yoke of jesus being easy and his burden being light thank you god that you're meeting them right now and that you're introducing them to jesus seal this word as only you can do in jesus name i pray amen family if you receive that prayer of salvation can you type a man in the comments if you're stealing this word if you're saying listen my ears receive that word can your ear say amen i want your ears to say amen i don't even know if that's possible but surely on the internet all things are possible i want your ears to say amen family i love you so much and we are on this journey together i too am learning to listen like jesus not to listen like a wife not to listen like a mother not to listen like a ceo not to listen like a daughter i want to listen like jesus so that all i hear is god and when i hear god it shows up in the way that i show up in the world and i want to invite you to do the same
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 354,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes,, one
Id: TWY0Qbbt4bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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