Across the Spider-Verse — How to Build a Big Brain Blockbuster | Film Perfection

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never found the right bandage so I started my own you want it out of the way I can't see get out the way [Music] [Applause] in Spider-Man across the spider-verse Miles Morales gets a sudden visit from its long distance friend Gwen Stacy and when it turns out that Gwen came to hunt down a new super villain made of holes miles decides to tag along and follow her all across the the spider-verse which may not have been the best idea because now he must face his very own Cannon event and simply put this movie is pretty good pretty damn good for Endless reasons ranging from the comedy to the incredible visuals I mean this Mars Morales version of Spider-Man is just awesome the way he leaps off of rooftops and flips backwards to face the camera before falling into a head first dive it's just full of the exaggerated Swagger of a black teen it gives me goosebumps every time he does it especially as the music begins to swell oh wait I'm not IGN I have to make my own arguments well the movies is really great guys especially for a lot of the same reasons I brought up about the first one it's ingenious use of reversals you know but the way it sets up an assumption it's only twist it around for purposes of comedy and action and story and everything once again Top Notch at this it's actually much quicker to identify the bad things about this movie of which there are two the fact that Nick Cage is not in it as well as the fact that it ends [Music] in fact if I had to do my own review of a crisis spider-verse it'd be this my compliments to the court okay but now that we've gone past the mandatory section of the video where I have to drool over this movie here's what I actually want to talk about today the aspect about across the spider-verse that I believe is the major factor and it's becoming this massive phenomenon that everyone's loving and quoting do you start the fact that it's one of the smartest movies Hollywood has produced in a while and when I say smart I mean a clever witty if this movie was a person it'd be someone like Captain Jack Sparrow like Sam Rockwell someone you absolutely want at your party because they're able to entertain everyone there with seemingly zero effort okay how you ask well with different forms of irony as well as Choice that's how across the spider verse does it how it creates characters that stand out scenes that are worth more than their face value emotion that's way more powerful than what we're used to getting in these big Blockbusters so today let's look at and learn from those things let's see how across the spider-verse uses irony and choice to cleverly stand out from the pack and how we can do that too we taught him how to do that so I gotta be a pretty good Mentor pull that off foreign ly this movie uses traditional irony to build characters as well as some scenes that leave a strong impression on you that you cannot forget do almost nothing with my amazing head you don't use any product a great example of this is the new villain spot on the surface what you may notice about him is that he's a goofy idiot with Goofy idiotic Powers he tries to rob a convenience store's ATM machine and an ATM and he's having an absolute stinker he's never robbed anything before so he has no idea what he's doing he has no threatening personality so he's mostly there for us and Spider-Man to laugh at and his powers as well not not only are they seemingly dumb but it doesn't even know how to use them overall he's a moronic momentary hurdle a villain of the week that doesn't even earn Spider-Man's full attention looking at your text you understand this is the fight of Our Lives sorry sorry just just a second man But as time goes on spot begins to move into the opposite he's making these crazy actions that blow him up along with a building he's jumping across the Multiverse with his powers this pieces he's charging himself up in a manner that causes incredible destruction he becomes this super serious and threatening villain he becomes Spider-Man's Nemesis threatening to take everything from him he's the very opposite of what we knew him to be [Music] Spiderman and to be clear it's not so much a reversal of setting up assumption and then suddenly twisting it around it's more about spot being someone he isn't it's the stark contrast between who he is and what he does and how he behaves that makes him stand out a goofy idiot who may destroy everything the hero holds dear it's not often that audiences get to see that as a couple other character examples look at the Moon by Spider-Man he turns out to be this happy called lucky guy living this great easy life Spider-Man is so easy I wake up skip the workout because I'm naturally buff and I don't want to get too big you know can I swing by school don't really have to try but I do anyway quite a few bad guys then I hang out with my girlfriend which is weird to see because we're always used to seeing Spider-Man's life be full of challenges and tragedy it's the fact that he's something he's not supposed to be that makes him stand out right same with the leader of the spider Community Miguel O'Hara he's Spider-Man but also a vampire that's a sudden character reversal twist whereas the irony of this character is that he's the number one Spider-Man he's supposed to be the ultimate good guy yet in time he reveals himself as something very different he's a screaming unfeeling psychopath he's not so much a hero as he is a villain almost he's kind of like Batman in the universe where Thomas Lane is Batman he's probably already dead again it's the contrast between who Miguel is supposed to be and how he behaves that makes him stand out instead he died saving aside from Pure character creation irony is also put to Smart use here by combining characters and situations that don't mix when miles is discussing quantum physics his dad has no idea what he's waffling about that's entertaining mixing opposite characters that don't mix is a great source for entertainment or more in terms of situations look at when spot talks about his backstory while being chased by the store owner with a baseball bat I used to work there I had a little accident it is Shameless Exposition yet it doesn't feel like it because spot is delivering it in a core manner in this very uncommon situation when miles and Gwen are casually talking about Exposition they're doing it while making these death defying stunts again makes the Expedition go down easier because this isn't where or how it's supposed to be when miles gets grounded he himself mentions the absurdity of Spider-Man getting grounded from Spiderman the joke is funny thanks to the irony of it a multi-dimensional superhero getting grounded you ever been to Germany No oh you'll love it I can't go to Germany why overall it's the irony of these characters and situations that makes them shine so bright once more inherently interesting than a peaceful superhero a peaceful superhero who kills anyone in the way of Peace once more inherently interesting than an astronaut in space an astronaut in the ocean characters like these aren't always necessarily better that will depend on your writing but in terms of face value worth that you can start building upon they will make more of an impression so if you want to quickly make your characters or even some scenes stand out from the pack irony is your best friend [Music] secondly this movie uses dramatic irony within scenes to make the scenes worth way more than some of their parts if you haven't heard me talk about this before dramatic irony essentially means information that's distributed unevenly between different parties information that maybe one character and the audience have that other characters don't have this big brain time as a couple of small examples to begin with look at the scene where miles's parents notice Gwen hanging out with miles for the first time before the parents actually go talk to Gwen there's two relevant bits of insight we gain that are very protective of miles [Music] and that they're not too impressed by Gwen she looks old enough to vote and now that we know that the upcoming scene between them plays very differently than it appears on the surface when the mom Chuckles at Gwen calling her by her first name you're using my first name okay we know she's actually judging Gwen for doing that when the mom jokes about Gwen having been in Miles room I guess he must have been there we know she's actually threatened by Gwen as a whole the scene may seem casually cordial to the naked eye but thanks to the pre-existing context we possess we know it goes way deeper don't take them from me [Music] or look at the scene where Spider-Man is talking with his police dad on the surface this scene is them just discussing life whatever but what we and Miles know that the dad doesn't is that Spider-Man is Miles and so when miles is talking about life we know it's not just whatever talk he's talking about them we know that the words being said mean more than meets the eye or ear maybe he's scared to talk to you why would anyone be scared to talk to me and in this manner dramatic irony is a very effective tool to boost whatever emotion you want to generate within a scene in the beginning we get to know that Gwen's best friend Peter Parker lost his life in a very unfortunate manner but the person who doesn't know that is Gwen's police dad he believes that Spider Woman killed him criminal he diminished to the entire city and so when he's talking about the case to Gwen we know something he doesn't that he's hurting Quinn with each word that he's unknowingly blaming his daughter for something which she didn't do and which is already tormented by she killed your friend you don't know that what do you mean I don't know I do know that you know I was there she ran from the city she didn't have a choice as in it's the dramatic irony that boosts the effect of the drama between these two characters in every moment they share we have enough knowledge to know that Gwen and his dad should just make up and be best friends but unfortunately the uneven distribution of that knowledge prevents us from getting that aspired result dramatic irony or look at the relationship between wind and Miles when miles follows Gwen after their date he realizes that she didn't come back for him but rather for a mission and when when's boss confronts her about going off the mission to see Miles She says something awful seeing miles was a mistake that she doesn't value him enough to ever see him again I'll never see him again and the reason that hurts us like a bullet from a 50 cal is because we know it's not true we know the context that Gwen is unseen nice with these people and that she has to say that we know she would never say that if she knew miles was there because we know she cares about him but unfortunately she doesn't know and he doesn't know we know enough to desperately want them to make up and make out yet that's not happening it's an ironic tragedy that's why Gwen tried to stop you thought you were trying to save me no you all knew I I didn't know how to tell you but it's not only negative emotion you can use dramatic RNA with everything including comedy what Gwen doesn't know is that miles's action figure is in its packaging to preserve its value wait why is it still in the package that's what makes this funny what miles and even the audience don't fully know is that Gwen's super cool friend Hobie he's just a friend and not Master's competitor that's what makes this funny Wendy you have to jump around my place wait what oh that's that's not mine I'm sure and your toothbrush what Gwen tells miles about the spider Community is that it's a very exclusive club and yet It ultimately turns out to be the opposite of exclusive it's as if every single spider person except miles is included even spider cat and geriatric Spider-Man that's what makes it funny so if you want to make more out of the sum of your scene's parts dramatic irony is a tool like no other and if you also want darker examples of this than what you get in across the spider-verse check out Netflix's caliber if that movie takes a bunch of zero budget scraps and dramatic ironizes them into gold successful day stalking ah no Twitter where did you large stock drummery it's beautiful up there really beautiful I was able to build this in a cave with a box of scraps well I'm sorry I don't know dramatic irony thirdly the movie faces characters off with hard choices to Define who they are as well as to generate powerful emotion and there's a few things that a hard Choice means it can mean an extreme Choice like spot wanting Spider-Man to take him seriously so badly that he becomes this self-harmful time bomb stopping at nothing to get what he's after or vaporize me and everything in this building which would not be good [Music] thanks to the Very extreme nature of his actions that make Spider-Man as well as us take him seriously a hard Choice can also mean choosing against the established Norm like when miles learns about the so-called Canon events Miguel tells him that bad things must happen to every Spider-Man because those bad things are what the final Spider-Man and hold the spider-verse intact and it's not just Miguel either almost everyone around miles is on board with this idea so much so that it's like fact if not for Uncle Ben most of us wouldn't be here miles yet when miles makes his choice regarding his own parents he chooses differently everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go nah I'm gonna do my own it's thanks to Miles not conforming to a broadly accepted sender that gives weight to his choice as well as to the feelings he holds for his parents that's what makes miles different from everyone else in this movie that's what makes miles miles a hard church can also mean a painful Choice like when not telling miles the truth about the spider-verse and her Mission even though she desperately wants to which shows how scared she is of being kicked out to be alone like miles not telling his parents the truth about him being Spider-Man even though it would make things a lot easier which shows how scared he is of being rejected like Miguel believing so strongly in what he believes that he is willing to sink to the lowest levels and do the most horrendous things that no other Spider-Man wants to even imagine is the heavy nature of the choices that makes them feel massive and meaningful and in every other universe it doesn't end well a hard church can also mean a choice with consequences like with Miles getting dealt a terrible hand due to his adamance to fight for his parents he does something that can be seen as honorable yet as a result he ends up in the wrong Universe to face a crappy reality he unknowingly caused but he finally gets the courage to tell his mom the truth about himself yet he only gets blank stares who all miles wanted to do was save his dad Yeti only ended up in a world where his dad is already gone and where he'll most likely be gone soon as well oops or like when balancing herself between miles and the spider Community throughout the story she's been forced to keep miles at a distance because she's on thin eyes with her bosses and doesn't want to ruin things and at the end she finally chooses to man up and defend miles like a good friend a seemingly correct choice that should earn a positive result [Music] yet the result isn't positive at all she is kicked out and ostracized from the club forced back to the reality she had to escape away from miles and everyone else all alone forever that's not a whatever insignificant Choice it's a choice that matters overall choices are your best way to define the truth about your characters in the eyes of the audience when the Hologram Spider Woman decides to go against code and help miles Escape that makes it clear she has a mind of her own when Hobie flips off the establishment and ultimately helps Gwen get back in the game that makes it clear he's a good guy we can count on and want to support when the upside down version of Miles doesn't let miles go even though their dad's life is at stake I don't get home our dad is that makes it clear just how far gone he is when Gwen chooses to make things right with their dad no matter how hard it may first feel and then gets as a solution to her problem as a result that gives meaning to her action each major action and choice that a character makes should be tougher than the last if everything is easy and pointless nobody cares but if everything is hard and intimidating and consequential then everyone will care Miles Morales and his movie Stand Out in a positive way because he must make negative choices that no other Spider-Man has ever had to face how ironic
Channel: Filmento
Views: 227,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: across the spider-verse, across the spiderverse videos, across the spiderverse best moments, across the spiderverse full movie, across the spiderverse funny moments, across the spiderverse spot, miles vs spot, miles morales the spot fight, miguel o hara, nah imma do my own thing, miles morales memes, across the spiderverse memes, screenwriting videos, dramatic irony, spiderverse 3, across the spiderverse explained, across the spiderverse trailer, best spiderman movies
Id: MbY1isQqK6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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