Across the Spider-Verse is Art

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hey how you doing I hope you're doing well you know you should be proud of me I haven't made a Spider-Man video in almost a year now I'm putting back on the mask one more time probably not the last time because I need to one two and have to we all knew this was gonna be good right like I don't even know why you would watch a review especially from the likes of me go see the damn movie if you haven't already go see it again man take me with you you ever think about the multiversal you like you watching this video what are you doing in a different dimension where did you go wrong or right who are you are we always at our core the same me I'm definitely always a sellout deep in a bottle of self-pity masquerading and self-aggrandizing sorrow in every Universe anyways you know those films that come out every once in a blue moon that everyone agrees are art like not just the hyperbolic I'm gonna call this a masterpiece so that you click the video kind of art but actual without a shred of Doubt game-changing genre defining art across the spider is that it is that and so much more but before we get into it I have to make sure I don't get evicted and thank the sponsor of this video if you ain't heard of Teemu by now you're probably like me and living in a constant state of existential Agony but let me fill you in teamu is an online Marketplace that offers a variety of cool affordable prices and on top of that there's always some coupons some deals some steals offering you extra savings right now team who's running a massive Father's Day Sale which is up to 90 off site-wide plus a special offer for my subscribers download the Teemu app by clicking the link in the description or use my code join7693 and you can get 100 in coupons for free don't miss out on teemu's special offer for a switch OLED it usually costs around 350 on other sites but through the link below you can get it for 2.99 and after applying that 100 coupon bundle it only costs you 254. you can save almost a hundred bucks man it's super easy to get caught up scrolling through thousands of products on the app so I'll save you some time and share a few that I found we got some Joy cons for those of you who don't want to break the bank Spider-Man fan you're in luck this dope is 13 bucks want an insomniac Spidey miles logo on your head instead here you go all right fine how about a tasm inspired web shooter so you can relive those childhood dreams site-wide savings up to 90 off free shipping and free returns up to 90 days you can grab all those items and so many more by downloading the timu app through my link in the description or using my code join 7693 you'll also receive a 100 coupon for free don't forget to enjoy my special offer and save almost 100 on that switch OLED thanks guys into the spider-verse the first tale of Miles Morales was great so great a bunch of buzzwords and awards kind of great look at my guy Avia Rod wearing the Spider-Man hat you can see him hatching skiing skeet Landing really Avi was in charge the entire time Bobby knows all right he thought Venom was the billion dollar answer the awards contender in that moment on the stage years ago he realized the future lies in this spider-verse hence no way home the Blockbuster impact good or bad that will continue to have of course the spider versus what the people at the top took from that first film without really understanding that it was not the spider verse that made that movie special it was the story that will never get old that Everlasting Fable of a young kid whose heart is in the right place forced to deal with the unimaginable responsibility the unreasonable tragedy of growing up and trying to find your place in a world that seems so scary in its scale So Random in its reason what I think makes across the spider verse one of if not the best Spider-Man tale ever woven is the fact that Miles fights against that in what genuinely might be the best plot conflict in a superhero movie miles wants to fight against the tragedy that defines Spider-Man the that isn't a new idea per se go back to the earliest of Spider-Man stories swing through all your favorites and that's the consistent thread web whoever is wearing that mask wants nothing more than to give it all up if it means spending another moment with the one they love but it is done so so so so so so so well here every scene every action beat every line every Look of Love and longing is so supportive in showing you that struggle that miles is facing of course as we always do we want need him to win need him to be able to be happy to get the girl to not be alone to not lose another loved one even though Destiny Cannon the reader the viewer me and you know that in the end Spider-Man will always suffer Ben will always die Gwen will always fall we will always love and lose and have the strength to do it all over again but why why does it have to be that way because the universe tells you that because fate demands it miles isn't ready to face that willing to believe that is Spider-Man a Mantle worth the pain of that loss or is being Miles Morales enough and that's so brilliant Peter Parker always accepts the pain that comes his way he finds a way to move through it always but we have never seen a Spider-Man who is told what's going to happen before it does who has shown it who has a chance to choose his own path out or through a tragedy that will inevitably Define him the Mad Geniuses Behind These two movies dared to ask a question I can't believe has not been explored like this before what if Spider-Man did not want to accept the grief that makes him Spider-Man Jesus H Peter B Christ brilliant just brilliant I love the fact that the first half hour is all about taking a pretty cool but fairly Blank Slate standout side character from the first film and filling her with such an empathy and emotion I seriously just wanted to keep following Gwen see the entire story told or retold through her eyes just intelligent bombastic ballsy stuff that plays so well and works so well for getting you to care about her her as a character as a person not her as just miles's Crush I was so so worried that the group of interdimensional spider people would be portrayed as the cool guys the good guys I'm so happy that I was wrong kind of group of spider men making sure death and loss fill every timeline that the pain always continues so the universe won't end that doesn't sound all that great right cool visually and in concept the secret society of string pulling web slingers or doing the difficult but necessary things self-sacrificing always making the tough call Righteous sure but morally correct I don't know I don't think so but maybe one life is worth the lives of billions I'm not going to make that call but they are and that's so fascinating if I saw the universe live through the spider-verse the way Miguel did maybe I would understand his anger towards miles his hatred of an anomaly that did work out an anomaly who might end up on a loan if we saw any of these spider people the way we get to see miles Gwen and Peter maybe I would feel the same for these antagonists as we do for Our Heroes the spot who I remember like a wart deeply from the Animated Series spot the spot the spot the spot is he a victim wanting to lash out for the hurty experience if he was the main character we followed his pain his emptiness and saw miles's original apathy to it would we feel sympathy for him root for him a villain of the weak has an entire life story that we aren't privy to and that to me that use of perspective that moral gray area is where the best stories come from I said groundbreaking earlier but the ground across the spider-verse shatters is not entirely fresh nothing here is an entirely new idea but more importantly everything here is explored with care questioned and deconstructed with a Nuance that feels so fresh this is the best use of a superhero Multiverse it puts the rest to shame not because 500 spider people flood the frame and you get to catch a glimpse of your favorite childhood Spider-Man but because the worlds we see and the voices that echo through them are all so uniquely real we will all chuckle at a fun but forced Fan cast when Doctor Strange confronts our childhood Xavier but we will always remember the feel the mood the emotion that seared through the frame when Gwen Stacy's father her dad aimed a gun at her and she felt no choice but to leave her shattered purple world behind we will clap seeing Michael Keaton back in action but you'll always remember that the spider verse made you believe that the pain you felt feel the loss you experienced the change you went and are going through is shared by so many that are like you even if you can't see them beyond the style beyond the Renaissance Da Vinci vulture the 90s emo Ben Reilly the overwhelming jaw-dropping amount of bold creative choices per second per frame it's the humanity underneath that changes the game the artistic expression is always in service of the emotion Spider-Man has never connected with people because he can climb up walls because he can swing through the skyscrapers but because when Peter or miles or Gwen or any Soul decides to remove that mask that mantle what we see underneath is not just a face but a mirror that god-awful stupid debate that circles back every few months about Peter being Spider-Man and Miles being knocked that has always been so asinine man Spiderman is a mantle a gift a burden not a goddamn person Peter isn't just Spider-Man he's Peter miles isn't just Spider-Man he's miles media literacy must be deader than I thought because literally every single Spider-Man movie comic Show game ever ridden tells you that the thing that makes Spider-Man special is the person inside Miles Morales not being Peter Parker is what gives him the chance to break out of the scripted story he's told he must follow it's what lets him choose his own fate or try to even among the Multiverse of Spider-Man women and dinosaurs miles is still the Oddity the one that slipped through the cracks we watch him learn that he can either take his own misplacement and let it consume him become him or he can use it break the cycle of fate and the pain of a story he's supposed to be trapped in nothing is more powerful than watching this young kid thrust into a role he did not think he could handle and come to realize that being an anomal holy and unbelonging mishap and the Canon is his true power across the spider-verse is the most Pro art Blockbuster I have seen maybe ever which is ironic considering that the last few MCU Sony vs Spider-Man films are pretty much the prime example of Studio filmmaking being pro-consumerism at the cost of the artist it's kind of hilarious how both these movies which are made for significantly less money and body the creativity and the character far greater than his recent live action outings but even that is an understatement these two films have shown the world what comic book movies can could have and should have always been films that are larger than life not in spite of their intimacy but because of their firm grasp on our Collective humanity and our deep-rooted desire to make a difference as you all know too damn well no Spider-Man film will ever top my love of Sam raimi's second swing that movie made me want to be an artist made me want to create I would not be here talking to you about this character these wall crawling wall flowers these slinging swinging sunflowers without Spider-Man 2 dropping down from its web biting into my soul and showing me the beauty of Creation in every person every artist's World Dimension there will always be that inciting piece of creation that sets them on their path these will do that I have no doubt that whether you're going into a cross or beyond the spider verse These two and probably three films will inspire an entire New Generation to take a leap of faith to pursue their dreams to be different be an anomaly to be themselves to tell their story and that means something more powerful than any one review one video One Voice say [Music] hey guys thank you so much for watching the video it's always fun to talk about Spider-Man you know finding new ways to do it since that's like kind of the start of my channel and everything that I am was talking about Spider-Man so it's always fun to step back into that what did you think of the movie man I'm sure all of you love it man I've never seen such a positive uh response to a comic book thing before um thank you so much again for watching the video uh Jason's coming along great trailer very very very very very very very very very very soon thanks man bye [Music] um
Channel: HiTop Films
Views: 300,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Across The Spider-Verse is Art, The Spider-Verse Art, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, HiTop Films, Spider-Man Video Essay, HiTop Films Spider-Man, HiTop, MCU Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Spider-Verse Review, Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Alex Hunter, Temu, Gwen stacy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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