Accidentally in Love | Full Romantic Comedy Movie | Lexi Giovagnoli, David Witts

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(lighthearted music) (boat honks) ♪ See, I like your style ♪ ♪ I like the way you live ♪ ♪ I like the way you smile ♪ ♪ You're designed for me ♪ ♪ No place ♪ - Dad, yeah, I just gotta turn in this paper, and I will meet you guys at the ferry. Yes, of course I brought the champagne. (man clears throat) Oh, sorry. ♪ You captivate ♪ ♪ No time to wait ♪ - Listen, I gotta go, okay? Bye. ♪ Maybe we can start right here ♪ ♪ Let me get to know you better ♪ ♪ Love the way you live ♪ ♪ And so much more to know ♪ ♪ Rooms to go ♪ ♪ We can put it all together ♪ ♪ 'Cause we've got this feeling ♪ ♪ That it feels like home ♪ ♪ Rooms to go ♪ ♪ You make it easy, you make it bright ♪ ♪ Got me believing, feels so right ♪ ♪ No need to wait, we'll get it now ♪ (James grunts) - Oh! - Are you okay? - Yeah, fine. You... - Um, um, your teeth. - Well, I am English. - No, they're covered in blood. - Oh. Oh. I think I might need to go to the doctor. (lighthearted music) - Hey, I'm at the clinic. No, no, I'm okay. I just ran into someone on my way to turn in my assignment. Like, literally ran into someone. He's asleep or passed out or something. Yeah, he's cute. Stop it. Okay, have fun in Greenwich, and I'll try to meet you when I can, okay? Bye. (tense music) (James sighs) - Oh, sorry. Did I scare you? - No, I was just surprised. - Yeah. Me too. - You have a little... - Oh, oh. (Edie chuckles) - All right, let's get this out. How's it feel? - Yeah. - Ooh. Well, it looks pretty good. - I should probably get going. - You two took knocks to the head. - Really? - Mm, yeah. One too many in your case, it seems. You likely have minor concussions, and I'd like you to do neurological checks every 4 hours. I have some pamphlets that'll walk you through it. - Wait, even me? - That's a good question, actually. Because evidently you have a particularly thick skull, so it might not be necessary. But you know what? Let's be safe and just do what I tell you, okay? All right, well... Oh, that lip actually. It's gonna be tender for a few days, so go easy on him? - Oh, no- - Paracetamol for the pain and I'll be right back with your pamphlets. - Thank you! (door shuts) (James laughs) So, um... Do you really think I'm cute? (Edie laughs) - You heard that? - Yeah. Can I get your number? - Yeah, sure. - Would you mind passing me my phone, it's- - Oh, yeah. - Thank you. - Oh, no. - What's wrong? - I'm late. - Oh, no- - I'm sorry! - But you... You haven't learned how to do your neurological check... Yet. - [Doctor] Where on Earth are you going? - [Edie] Sorry, thank you! - Why, hello, Miss Master of Art. - We haven't graduated yet. - Wait, what are you doing here? - Oh, I didn't get his number. - What? - I know. I lost track of time and- - Ugh! - I had to get my assignment in, so I just had to leave there in a hurry. - Well, easy come, easy go. Oh... (champagne pours) - Is that all I get? - Well, that's why I'm glad you came. - The champagne! Oh, I totally forgot. - The others- - Here. - Oh, thanks. They went somewhere to find a liquor store. - Wait, where is it? - I don't know, across the commons? - No, no, where is my journal? It's not here, I must've left it at the clinic. It's got my whole year in there! - Well, it'll still be there. We'll go back, I'll go with you. After my champagne. - Okay. (cork pops) (Edie laughs) Be careful! (door closes) - Where have you been? - Having a jolly time, I hope? - Yeah, I was at the university doctors. Oh. Here's the- - If I'd known you were gonna take that long, I'd of just brought it after my class finished. - This is your diary. - Hm? Oh, sorry. Here it is. I made a few notes, nothing too major, but just take a look and let me know what you think. Where's Richard? Richard? - He's still in Prague, 'til Saturday. - Oh, of course he is. I forgot. - What's this? - What was I coming over here for? - A cup of tea? - Oh, yes, please, Harry. Thank you. - James, what were you doing at the hospital? - Oh, that is really sweet. I ran into someone. - Head first, I presume. - Yeah. Why? Oh, dear. - Oh... We clean it after every visit, there's nothing here. Except that. Look, are you ready to learn how to do a neurological check? - Sure. - [Doctor] Good. (phone rings) (whimsical music) - Hello? Is anybody there? I'll sort it. - Um, James? I think you should wait. (phone continues ringing) (knocking) - Did you get your assignment in? - Yeah. I found this. - Yeah. I've got this. Should we get a drink? - I have to learn my neurological check. - Oh. How about a walk in the park, tomorrow? - A walk in the park would be great. - Oh. Why are you here? - I forgot something important. - Oh, gross. Go on, out you go. - No, no, I need to get- - Please, please! - Out, out! Out! - What are you doing? You're supposed to be a doctor. Meet me tomorrow at the cafe Tea Darling. - I don't want tea with you! Sorry about that. - Tea Darling? You look better. - No, I don't. But thank you for trying. - I'm a little bit hungover. You know, we had our finals yesterday, so. - Oh, there's a doctor on campus who specializes in people with your condition. - I think the treatment might be worse than the cure. - Come on, I know what will fix ya. (lighthearted music) Oh, it's the other way around, actually. Now that is the best hangover cure in the world. Trust me. A bit of salt, carbs, grease. You'll be good as gold in no time. I am supremely jealous right now. - So, you come here often? - Mm, all the time. I love it. - Here? It's just so adorable. - Yeah. It's Tea Darling. (Edie chuckles) (lighthearted music) Yeah, so I'm not technically a student. By which I mean, I'm not actually a student at all. I work at this startup ad agency, and we have this graphic design grad student interning with us, so he prints things for me. - Isn't that stealing? - Nana says stealing is wrong. - Will, they're on a date! Sorry. Will, that was rude. - Get off me, Sophie! ♪ I wouldn't mind ♪ ♪ If you and I would fly away together ♪ ♪ Fly away forever, honey ♪ ♪ I wouldn't mind ♪ ♪ If you and I would fly away together ♪ ♪ Fly away ♪ ♪ Let's hold hands, fly away ♪ ♪ And skip to the beat of our hearts ♪ ♪ As they chat, as they pitter, pitter, patter ♪ ♪ Didn't you know that I could be your wing man ♪ ♪ Flying around as we soar over the town ♪ ♪ And I, I ♪ ♪ I wouldn't mind if you and I would fly away together ♪ ♪ Fly away forever, honey ♪ ♪ I wouldn't mind ♪ ♪ If you and I would fly away together ♪ ♪ Fly away forever ♪ ♪ You and I could rule the sky ♪ ♪ Don't need to think twice ♪ ♪ We can leave behind the troubles ♪ ♪ We flew around like lovers ♪ ♪ Whenever, wherever ♪ ♪ We're two birds of a feather ♪ ♪ The sun on our wings, let the adventures begin ♪ ♪ And I, I ♪ ♪ I wouldn't mind ♪ ♪ If you and I would fly away together ♪ ♪ Fly away forever, honey ♪ ♪ I wouldn't mind ♪ ♪ If you and I would fly away together ♪ ♪ Fly away forever, baby ♪ ♪ I'd really like ♪ ♪ For you and I to fly away together ♪ ♪ Fly through any weather, honey ♪ ♪ I'd really like ♪ ♪ For you and I to fly away together ♪ ♪ Fly away ♪ ♪ We're happy and carefree ♪ ♪ Gone are the days we were free ♪ ♪ Flying in on the breeze ♪ ♪ Living life in peace ♪ ♪ What are the chances ♪ ♪ We could find all the answers ♪ ♪ It would be so nice ♪ ♪ If we spread our wings and fly ♪ ♪ Let me be your songbird ♪ ♪ Let me be your songbird ♪ - So, is this J your signature? - Yeah. Yeah, I Photoshop it into all the campaigns. - Oh. Oh, I love this one. - Have it. I think I have... Oh, yeah. - I can't take this. - No, please. I would like you to. - I don't particularly want it. - Yeah, but, you've been hiding something behind your back for about a minute now, which I can only presume is a gift, and if you accept that, then I get to to take credit for giving you the first gift, even though I didn't actually get you anything. - Here. - Thank you. (lighthearted music) Oh. This is beautiful. Puts mine to shame, I'm embarrassed. - Well, I love your picture of another woman. (Edie chuckles) Oh, there it is, a J on her hand. Why do you put that in? - For fun, I suppose. - Not to keep things stimulating? - What do you mean? - Well, doesn't it get creatively stifling working on drill bit campaigns? - No. No, the creativity is in making a sale. The art is defined by the outcome, and this is literally art that moves something, I love it. - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but art is art in itself. - Is that what that note that you wrote on my work means? You think we see too much? - Well, your whole message is that this company is not just selling drill bits, but a way through obstacles, right? This image is awful. (Edie chuckles) There's nothing aspirational about it. Punch in with a macro lens and show the spiral thingies... - Thread. - Show the thread in a way that suggests something more. - Like a spiral staircase. Yeah, but no, because it's not always as, you know, neat as art for art's sake. The what and the why can't be separated. For instance, your picture, right? Now, that's obviously incredibly special to me. To anyone else, that's just a picture of a building corner. - Is that so? - A lovely picture. - You're darn right. - Look. You're the uncompromising artist, I'm the compromising artist. You're the starving artist, I'm the well-fed artist. No offense. - You're right, maybe I'm clinging to an ideal. Maybe I won't make a bunch of money, but I believe in what I do, I'm proud of it. - And you're brilliant at it. I mean, you'll probably end up proving me wrong and become the next famous photographer. - You can't think of any, can you? - I don't think they exist. Oh, that is spicy. (lighthearted music) Seems like we've run out of things to talk about. - Shut up. - That's another way to put it. Aw! - Oh! - Ow. - I'm sorry. - Please, believe me. There is nothing I would like more than to kiss you right now. - I didn't mean to hurt you. - It's fine, honestly. I mean, if you hadn't, we'd of never of met, so I'll take it. Um... Can I see you again? - After your pitch? I'd love that. - Well, do you want to just meet here and see where the night takes us? - Sure. Do you want my number? - No. No, let's do it the old-fashioned way. It's more romantic. - But what if we miss each other? - Well, if it's meant to work, we'll make it work. - James, I'm going back to the States in two days. - If it's meant to work, we'll make it work. (lighthearted music) (tense music) - We love it! (people Laughing) - Thank you. - Thank you very much. Thank you. How about we celebrate with a pint? - Oh, actually, I- - We'll take it from here. We'd love to. (people chuckling) - Congratulations. (melancholic music) - [Woman] We're selling a means to an end. - Another? Thank you. Let me just put this one over here. - You know, I nearly laughed when you first said that. But at the end of the day, they're just drill bits. But boy, you're onto something. - James is certainly very competent. - He's a wizard. Don't let go of that one. - Don't worry. I don't intend to. - All right. I'm going to the loo. - How many pints are we gonna have? - You have somewhere to be, mate? - Did you change your shirt? - Oh, yeah. I wanted to be comfy. - Right, yeah. Well, as a matter of fact, I've got a date. - Do you? - Mhm. And she goes home tomorrow, overseas. This might be my last chance to see her. - Who's going overseas? Did you change your shirt? - I wanted to be comfy. So, what? Are you gonna leave England? - I don't know, maybe. We haven't figured any of that out, that's why I need to go tonight. - Wow, you're not kidding. Where's she from? - You might need to cancel, darling. - I can't. - But we're celebrating! - No, I mean, I literally can't cancel. I don't have her number. - James, blow her off. You're about to close on a multi-million dollar campaign, and you want to go off chasing some foreign floozy. - All right, Morgan. Firstly, she's not a floozy. And secondly, we've already closed. - As I was just explaining to Henry here- - It's uh, Harry. - You can't go... What? - You called me Henry, but my name is Harry. - As I was just explaining to lowly, meaningless intern, you can never take a person at her word. Until the ink is drawn, you've got nothing. Trust anyone. - This is really important to me, Morgan. - Sorry, James, you're staying. - How about we order something to eat? - Oh, sounds marvelous. - Um, all right. Harry, mate, can you do me a massive favor? - Yes, of course. - Okay, you know the bridge over the duck pond in the common? - Yup. - I need you to go there, find the girl. She's got dark hair, might be holding a camera, answers to Edie. I need you to find her, tell her I'm really sorry I can't make our date tonight, but I will swing by her dorm first thing in the morning. - You want me to skip dinner? - Well, yeah. I will buy you dinner if it means that much to you. - James, what are you eating? - One minute. - Three courses. - What? - You'll buy me a three course dinner, and I get to pick the restaurant. - Yeah, whatever. (Harry chuckles) - I'm just kidding James, relax. You shouldn't seen your face, two courses is fine. - Harry, hurry! You're gonna be late. - I got it, mate. Trust me. (lighthearted music) (whimsical music) Excuse me! Edie! Are you Edie? - Yes. - My goodness. I tried the Tube, but it was late. I ended up getting a taxi. I thought I might've missed you, but it doesn't matter. James wanted me to tell you he can't come tonight, but he'll stop by your dorm first thing in the morning. - Okay, yes. Yes. - Okay, great. It's nice to meet you. One minute, I just need to send a text. Are you on social media at all? - Cape Town, right? And there's place called Shark Bank. 500 foot cliffs, straight down. And the actor's gonna jump... (melancholic music) (locker opens) (trunk slams) - I just need to make a stop on the way. - Okay. ♪ What if I showed you ♪ ♪ A moment from our life ♪ (engine revs) ♪ At times when I wait ♪ ♪ I have heartache ♪ ♪ And I can't tell you, I ♪ (doorbell rings) ♪ I feel lonely ♪ ♪ Can't fill the empty ♪ ♪ I want to draw the blinds ♪ (doorbell rings) ♪ Like something's missing ♪ ♪ And I am wishing ♪ ♪ That this will pass in time ♪ ♪ I'm taking it ♪ ♪ Day by day ♪ ♪ Day by day ♪ (buzzer rings) ♪ Taking it ♪ ♪ Day by day ♪ ♪ Day by day ♪ - What is it? - Hi, I'm looking for James. - Oh. You're American. - Yes, and I'm on my way to the airport. I just wanted to make sure he got this. Is he here? (door closes) - Give it to me, darling. I'll make sure he gets it. - Which, I thank you so much, I just... (door slams) - Hurry up, love! Meter's running, and you've got a plane to catch. ♪ And then enter ♪ - [Richard] Who is it? - A girl scout. ♪ You give me reason ♪ ♪ Bring back the feeling ♪ ♪ That maybe somewhere shy ♪ ♪ You are a lesson, you were a blessing ♪ ♪ You bring me back to life ♪ ♪ And I'm ♪ ♪ Taking it day by day ♪ ♪ Day by day ♪ ♪ I'm taking it ♪ ♪ Day by day ♪ ♪ Day by day ♪ ♪ And I don't know about tomorrow ♪ ♪ Tomorrow ♪ ♪ But yesterday is a world away ♪ ♪ And I am living it today ♪ (lighthearted music) - Thank you, Mr. Parker. Have a nice day. Oh, it'll be delivered by Wednesday. - How much was that piece? - 17. - $17,000? - Yup. Can you believe it? It looks like the artist just threw a bunch of paint on a canvas. - Well, that's an awesome commission for you. - It is. And I would be making an awesome commission off of your stuff. - I can't afford to be a starving artist anymore. - Why? - It's too unreliable. Product and portrait shots just pay so much more. - Yeah, about that. How's your mom doing? - She'll be fine once the divorce is settled. - Is it nice living back home? - It's not the word I'd use to describe it, but now we're just trying to move to this house. - Yeah, I get it. Have you called Noah back? - No. And don't make me sorry I told you about that. - What? It's a big job! And it'd give you breathing room. - Jess, it's literally shooting poop. - Whoa. It's fertilizer, okay? Calm down. And it'd give you freedom to do other things. You know I'm right! What does your mom say? - She says I should marry him. - Well, I'm sure he'd be along for the ride. - No, no. See, when the conversation switches to getting romantically involved with Noah Pepper, that's my cue to leave. - Oh, you mean that's all I have to do to get you to stop loitering around here? - Shut up! - Call him, Edie! - Honey, just call him. It will help to talk. - Okay. I hear you, universe. I guess I'm calling Noah Pepper. (phone rings) - Pepper Poop. This is Penny. - Hi, this is Edie Stevens returning Noah Pepper's call. - Edie Stevens! Yes. Can I put you on a... Can I put you on a brief hold? - Uh, sure. - Okay, thank you. Noah? Noah, hi. Edie Stevens is on the phone. - [Noah] Edie's on the phone? - [Penny] Yeah. - Okay. Okay. Oh boy. Um... This is really good. - Okay, I'll talk her off hold then. - No, I'll do it. Um, excuse me. Uh, which button do I press? - This one right here. - No, no, no, don't touch it! I just need a moment to prepare. - Sure, sure, sure. - Okay. Can we practice, is that okay? - Yeah. - Can we... You'll be Edie, I'll be Noah. - Okay. - Edie, hi. How are you? - Good. - She doesn't sound like that. - Sorry. - Can you just sound a little more like her? Sound like you're trying... Can you just... Just work with me here. Edie, hi. - Hi, Noah. - Oh, that's pretty good. Edie, I've been following you since high school. Been following your work since high school. - Yeah. - Um... Been following your work since high school. I noticed you'd take pictures really well, and, that's stupid, I need a mint. Do you have a mint? Do we have any mints? - Let me check. - Do we have any mints? We had a candy drawer here for years, Penny. And I told you you could rearrange the office, but it's a big deal to me that we keep up with consistency. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, I'm sorry. - Sorry. - I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of, I know, you know... (Noah clears throat) Edie. I was wondering if we could grab food to eat? - I like it. - I don't know, sometimes I feel like maybe that's a little too flashy. - Okay. Yeah, maybe not. - Well, now you got me in my head. Is it not too flashy or is it too... - [Penny] I like it. - Okay, well I know Antonio's is fine. I need to, um... I need the blood on my... I didn't do any of my cardio today, excuse me. Could I just have a little bit of space, please? - Yeah, definitely. - I'm so sorry. You're doing a great job. - Definitely. - You're doing a great job. - Thanks. (Noah grunts) - Is this too tight? It's too tight. I can't do it in your office, Penny. Okay, um.... Dinner, do we want to have dinner? I want to offer you a job. I want to offer you a job. I want to offer you a job. - Yeah. - I want to offer you a job. Mhm. Mhm. Mm. Okay. (Noah clears throat) I'm ready. - Okay. - This one, right? - There. It's the one on the left. This one, right here. - Right. (Noah sighs) (calming music) - Oh my gosh, Noah. You're killing me! - So, when this campaign launched... Geez, I was 17. So, 12 years ago? - Yeah. It has that vibe. I remember your M&M phase in school. - Phase? (Noah laughs) I'm joshin' ya. Gosh, it's so good to see you. How are you? How's Susan? Mom sends her love, of course. I mean, she's thrilled we're working together. - Mom's great, thanks. Yeah, and it has been a while. - It has, hasn't it? You know, I keep on passing your studio in town, and I think to myself, "I should go in and say hi." But I know you're so busy running the business and everything, I mean your life is insane. - Certainly is. - So... So, what should we do? - With the campaign? Uh, I'm used to working with smaller business, like much smaller. And you're turning around, what? - 330 million and change. - Wow, yeah. That's a lot more... (Edie chuckles) You're a much bigger company than I'm used to working with. Have you thought about bringing an ad company on board? Like, people who do this for a living? - Oh, I have one already, I went with a British company. Kind of glam up our image a bit, you know? - Great. So, what am I doing? - Well, you're gonna shoot it. Look, I know you're not an advertiser, but I remember our senior year art class. - Oh, Noah. - You've got a darn good eye! And I want you on my team. - You don't need me- - I need someone I trust looking out for me. You know, truth be told, Edie. I'm scared of you creative types. I mean, you're so cool with your crazy hair and old-school fashion. - I don't have either of those things. - But you know people who do, and you understand them. - Should I put that on my resume? - Why? - It was a joke. - See? I didn't even get that, but you speak their language. - I believe it's called English? (Noah chuckles) - That... (Noah laughs) That's funny. English. That's good. (Noah chuckles) Edie, I need you to keep an eye on these guys. Be my woman on the inside, so to speak. We can't have another campaign like the last one. I mean, it was terrible. (lighthearted music) - All right. - Welcome to the Pepper Poop family. (Edie chuckles) Maybe we could go out to dinner this Friday. Celebrate. - Sure. - Edie. Edie! Do you really have to do that right now while we're trying to eat breakfast? - No, Mom, I'm eating breakfast. You're still on one of your intermittent fasts. - I mean, it's the best way to lose weight. - Until you read about the next one in a magazine. - Hey, if I could lose weight, I could be a cougar. (Susan roars) (dramatic music) Yeah. - Hold that thought. (whimsical music) - Mm! Look what you made me do. Edie? (mysterious music) Honey? Are you okay? - Holy- - Poop. Tons and tons of poop. You know, people really underestimate it. But I always say that if you want to go green, you gotta go brown first! (Penny chuckles) Oh, you know, I could get you a salad if you'd like. - Oh, no, that's okay. - Are you sure? Okay. - And I said "Careful mate, that's my face!" (Noah laughs) Do you believe that? He nearly took my face off, he did. (Noah chuckles) - Edie's here. - Edie! Hi. Thank you, Penny. Help yourself to some coffee and breakfast. - Oh, no thank you, I'm fine. I already had plenty. Oh, I'm sorry. You mean Edie. I can get you something right now. - Oh, I'm okay, thank you. - Harry was just telling me this funny incident that happened during a commercial shoot. - I've got loads of stories, my friend. - I want to hear all of them. - Don't bother, half of them aren't true, and the rest sadly are. Good morning, I'm Morgan. - Gutt Morgan. - Edie. Actually, I think I am gonna get that coffee. - Noah. I've been thinking about it, and I have to agree. You should feature prominently in the campaign. - [James] Good morning, everyone! - [Noah] James! - Noah. Nice to finally meet you, mate. - Oh, buddy, I've heard wonderful things. - [James] Oh, no, not from Harry, I hope. If they are, you probably shouldn't trust them. - Nah, I only told him the bad ones. - Oh, no, no, they've all been really good, I assure you. (calming music) Oh, James. This is our photographer, Edie Stevens. - Nice to meet you, Edie. - You too, James. - Now that we're all acquainted, shall we begin? - Right. So, we need a new ad campaign, obviously. So, the broad plan is for you guys to come up with the idea, and work with Edie to produce it. - [Harry] What's the time frame again? - [Noah] I'd like this out by fall. - Well, that's doable. Do you do many commercial productions, Edie? - A few. - She's being modest. I mean, she's done tons. Everyone knows if you want a commercial shot in Charleston, you want Edie. - That is a wonderful reputation. - I mean, she does portraits, she even does animal portraits. - Moving on... You're looking for exposure across multiple platforms, I'm sure. Have you had any thought as to where? - I trust you guys to come up with the best go-to-market strategy. - Mhm. And how would you define your customers if you had to place them, say. - Mm. Well, our largest clients by far are industrial farmers, but we don't really see much growth in that sector. - May I... - Go for it. We think there's a high margin of retail potential for urban agriculture. You know, people who grow vegetables on top of balconies and rooftops. - [Morgan] Farmers and the millennials, they're two very different demographics. - Yeah. We do quite a bit of business with city parks, suburban gardeners, and believe it or not, cemeteries. - So you're literally targeting everyone, the living and the dead? (Noah chuckles) - Those are great, aren't they? - Oh, yeah. These are very evenly lit. - Yeah. Totally. - I don't see a single shadow on them. - You can see everything perfectly. - And they're in focus too. - They sold the product. Isn't that what art is, defined by the outcome? - Well, I mean... Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder, but surely art is in the art itself. I think somebody told me that once. - Do you believe that or are you just spinning words? - Spinning words? - Well, that's what you do, right? As an ad man? - I believe in what I do. Can you say the same? - In my experience, clever words aren't enough. A successful campaign needs follow through. You don't just launch something and then abandon it. Unless it always supposed to be a limited campaign, of course. - What is this? Is this a tote bag? No. I know what this is, this is a compromise. Unlimited compromise, I know I recognized it. Oh, come on, I... I was just playing. Edie! - Well, that was a good start. (dramatic music) - Edie! Edie, Edie, where are you going? I was only joking. - I haven't seen you in 5, maybe 6 years, and that's how you speak to me? - I really don't see what the problem is here. - Are you okay? - I'm fine. - Noah, I'm sorry, mate. I didn't mean to offend anyone. - Oh, okay. Thanks, James. I got this. - Okay. - What happened? Was it something he said? - No. - Did I do something? - What? Noah, no, I... I can't do this. (elevator dings) - Oh, right. Fresh with cream. I got this for you. - Is that tomato poop? - Root poop. - That's our top product right there. You put it on your root vegetables, it's a miracle. - Cool. Noah, listen, I don't think it's a- - Look, I get it. - You do? - You're a free spirit, you don't want to be tied down. - Kinda. - You're doing the same job over and over again. - Oh, no, I meant I- - Look, I know it's gonna take some time to adjust, so why don't you go take the rest of the day and we'll talk about it at dinner. - Thanks. That would be great. (lighthearted music) - [Susan] Edie! Babe! How'd the meeting go? - It was a disaster. - [Susan] Why? - Because I've betrayed every artistic ideal I've ever had and I'm living a lie. - [Susan] Are they gonna pay you? - Yeah, Mom, they're gonna pay me. - [Susan] Yay, that's great, congratulations. Let's go out to dinner to celebrate! - I can't. I have a date. (fridge shuts) Don't bother, I'm not telling you. (lighthearted music) (knocking) (wine pours) More. Keep going. Yup. There we go. - What's the story here? - He's here. - Who? - James. - James? - English James. - Wait, English James? - Flaky English James. - [Jess] Flaky, but cute English James. - Infuriating, arrogant, and rude English James! - You're going to dinner with him? - I'm going to dinner with, uh... (Jess screams) - What? Wait, how? Why? - It's not what you think. I think it's a work dinner or something? Some sort of welcome to the company dinner. When I walked out of the meeting earlier today, he chased after me. And I wanted to call it all off, but then he just- - Wait, wait, wait. One thing at a time. You walked out on a meeting because- - James! James and his stupid uppity ad agency are the ones producing Noah's campaign. - Oh! That's why he looked so familiar. - Who? - Well, an English guy came in here this afternoon asking about holding a launch party here, Noah sent him. When you went back to the university clinic, he was with me in the waiting room. - Wait, they want to have the launch party here? - Yeah, I guess it could work. - Of course it will. - I can't have too much. I'm having dinner with Noah Pepper. - You're right. You can't have too much. - What am I doing? - I don't know. (cork pops) (champagne pours) - To us. - Finally getting to work together. (Noah sips) - You know, you probably don't know this, but I guess I've never told anyone before, but back in high school I kinda had a crush on you. - Oh. (Edie chuckles) - Yeah, secret's out. (Noah laughs) You know, but don't worry though, please. I almost didn't even invite you out to dinner, 'cause I don't want to send mixed messages or act at all in any way inappropriately, because more than anything, Edie, I want to work with you. You know, I wasn't kidding the other day, I really meant it. I need someone who can handle these creatives, tell me what's going on. Like today. It seemed like that guy was being a jerk, but I honestly have no idea what was being said. - James was... Look, okay, yeah, he was being a jerk. - I'll just fire them then. Get a new agency. I mean, you're more important to me than they are, in every way. - No, no, don't fire them. - So... Are you in or out? - Out! - In! - It was out. - I'm pretty sure it was in. Whatever. 40-15, my serve. (Morgan breathes heavily) - Noah's gold digger is back on the campaign. - Gold digger? - I know her type. - Morgan, you think that every American's a gold digger. You still haven't gotten over Wallace Simpson. Look, you can't blame Edie. I upset her. - A stiff breeze would upset that delicate snowflake, James. Look, creative differences are a part of the job. I mean, have you seen her pictures? They're awful. A trained monkey could do a better job. Anyway, do you fancy a gin and tonic? - It's about 10 in the morning. - Not in England, darling. - You've got a problem, you know. - I know. I'm parched. So where would the bar be? - Good morning, gentlemen. - James, this is Jess. The gallery owner. - Oh, nice to meet you, Jess. - Nice to meet you as well. I was actually in London with Edie, so I guess we have a mutual friend. - Well, I hope so, but I'm not quite sure. - Oh, I wouldn't worry too much. - You know, when I came in the other day, I thought you looked familiar. She was on Jersey Shore. No? Survivor. Am I close? - Morning. - Okay. - When we were sent from London to open our North American agency branch, we did it with Pepper Poop on our minds. How are the acoustics? - Yeah, they're fine, Morgan. You're not gonna say that though, are you? - Well, I don't know what I'm going to say. Do we need a mic? I think we need a mic. Harry, Harry? Are you writing this down? - Writing what down? - I agree with Morgan. With a lot of people here, a microphone will really help cut across the noise. - Then we'll get a mic. - James. Seeing as Edie missed much of Friday, perhaps you could bring her up to speed. - Of course, Morgan. All right. Let's see. After you left, well, I came to your dorm, I went to Heathrow, and then the proceeding 6 years were pretty dull and dreary. But, you know, that's England for you. - After the meeting, James. - Oh, not much really. We decided we'd do billboards, print, TV, radio. In terms of the creative vision, we're gonna emphasize what fertilizer does rather than what it is, for obvious reasons. And... Yeah. Noah wants to be featured in the campaign personally. - Again? - You saw that? - It was a different time, and it worked back then. - Right, yeah. Although I suppose the outcome made it art. - What do you mean? - Just, you know... Beauty's in the eye of the beholder. - Seriously? - Oh, come on, Edie! We're both compromised artists now. The only difference is, I don't see any shame in that. Whereas you clearly haven't come to terms with it. - Do you think that's why I'm angry? - [James] Isn't it? - No! Well, yes, but I'm mostly angry that you never showed up. - Well, excuse me? - I waited for you. And then when you didn't show up, I even went to your office. I gave Morgan my number. - I want the spotlight on me. - I think I'm gonna head out. I have enough to get started on some test shoots. It's simple. Sell the function, not the product, feature you. I have some ideas. It'll be easier to show you than tell you. - You won't stick around today? - No, I think this is a much more productive use of my time. (bell rings) (dramatic music) - How can they call it football? Only one man on the field ever touches it with his foot. - Harry. Do you remember about 6 years ago when I asked you to meet a girl in a park for me? - Of course I do. You still owe me dinner for that. - Did you actually speak to the girl? - Yes. Ide. Nice girl. We're still friends online. - Show me? - I always wondered what happened between you two. I always figured it ended naturally when she moved back to Japan- - [James] Oh, no. - Have you seen her animated cat videos? Aren't those incredible? - Harry, what have you done? - What? - Edie. Harry, I said Edie, not Ide. - You said a foreign girl with a camera who answered to Edie. This was the only one in the park. - Edie! - Edie? Oh, God, it's Edie. Wait, that's where I've seen Jess before. She was at the clinic. Where are you going? - To beg forgiveness! - But you have chips coming, do you... Do you want your chips? You still owe me for dinner! (lighthearted music) - Noah, how did you get it under your collar? - I don't know, it just kind of dripped down. - It looks good to me. Come on, we've got work to do. (lighthearted music) (machine whirs) (coffee drips) (milk bubbles) - [James] Thank you. (book slams) - Famous photographers? (James chuckles) - They exist. How did you find me? - Harry told me. Did you really go to Heathrow? - Yeah, I did. I didn't get very far. Apparently they frown upon young lovers trying to storm security. - Mio Ide, huh? - I see he's told you a few things. - Yeah, he's a nice guy. - Unlike me? - Pretty much. - Okay. I am sorry, Edie. For the way that I spoke to you in that meeting. - You should be. - But I'm not sorry for what I said. - You're insufferable. - And I'll admit that. If you admit that you're above shooting tote bags. - I needed the money. - Since when did you care about money? - Yes. I compromised. I betrayed a younger, more pure version of myself because I needed the money to help someone. Are you happy now? - Well, obviously not, now you've put it like that. But... It was a joke, Edie. One of life's little ironies. But you took it to this whole other level, which I understand now that I know about Harry and that tourist. But, no... No, I am not doing this. - Doing what? - Arguing with you. I bought you that book to say sorry. - Why didn't you say it? - 'Cause, you had company, and I didn't want to intrude. - Well, I'm here now. - And I'm saying sorry. For the way that I spoke to you. - But not for what you said. - No. No, because what I saw in there was not inspiring, Edie. And I don't mind saying that to you because I also know that it's not you. - You don't know me. - I don't know you? (lighthearted music) This is you. - You still have this? - Of course. - And you carry it with you? - Mhm. - That's a little weird. - Newsflash! I am a little weird. And I didn't keep it because I never moved on from whatever it was that we had, I kept it because I was wrong, and you were right. It's not just a picture of a building corner or a drill bit, or fertilizer. It's a story, that was our story. And tote bags do not tell stories. - Yes. Enough about the tote bags, I get it. - But do you? Because I want to work with this Edie. I am dying to work with this Edie. You know, our drill bit campaign won us loads of awards. Practically put the agency on the map. And you know what the centerpiece was? - What? - A macro photographer of a drill bit, low angle, with the spiral thingies pointing up. - They're called threads. - That was you, Edie. You put us on the map, in a way. Also, it was me, because my copy was amazing. (Edie chuckles) (curtains drawing) (lights buzzing) (upbeat music) (brush sprays) (lens clicks) (shutter snaps) (bag crumples) - Hey. I just thought I'd bring... Oh, wow. What is that smell? - Chicken poop or something. Fertilizer of some sort. - Why is that smell? - You get used to it. Hey, come check these out. You'll be fine, come on. - Oh, Edie, these look great. This is fertilizer? - [Edie] Yeah. - [Jess] Wow, I haven't seen you do anything like this in years. - Hey! - Dating Noah is clearly working out for you. - We're not dating. - How many times have you been out to dinner? - Twice. But we were doing a work thing last night- - And when are you going out to dinner again? - Tomorrow. - Well, if it looks like poop- - And smells like poop, yeah, I get it. But this isn't Noah. I had a good conversation with James yesterday. - Oh. - Yeah. - Oh, yes! Oh, these are brilliant. I love this one! That's amazing. Was that in the studio? - Yeah. - Good morning, Penny. - Good morning, Noah. - How was your night? - Good. The dog wet the bed again, but it's okay. Just had... - Yeah, it was. I feel like we should maybe figure out a way to incorporate Noah. Maybe like behind over here. - Yeah, behind everything maybe. (Edie laughs) Just somewhere small. (Edie chuckles) Hidden in the dirt. Just like, way off in the distance. - Basically not in it. - That would be more ideal for me. (somber music) (Edie chuckles) Oh, no, these are great. These are great. Well, we can get some more of these then? - Yeah. I have a couple more extra. (vacuum hums) - Okay, before our lucky talk about fertile fields and productive farming, we have to at least acknowledge the fact that what we're selling is feces. - So, we double down. We make a joke out of it. - But not out of the campaign. - No, we can't undermine it. - And Noah needs to be in it. - Right. - Okay, let's get him in it. I think he's gonna like this. Noah? (vacuum hums) Sorry. I have no idea how late it is. - Well, we've been on a roll. - Getting it done. - That's it. "Getting it done." That's the tagline. - I love it. Yes! Come on, put it there. Mm. All right. Should we call it a day there? - Heck no. Do you want to do some test shoots? - I mean, I'm up for it if you are. - Let's go. - Let's go! To the studio, baby. (cell phone buzzes) (classical piano music) - Can I have a couple more minutes, please? - "Things in life should be simple rather than complex." I've been saying this for a long time. I don't know what else to say at this point. (Edie chuckles) - I don't think any of them make any sense. - Also, how do you use chopsticks? Are you supposed to have two? I only have one. (Edie laughs) - Here, you want my other one? - Not really. (Edie chuckles) - Excuse me. Can I have another double on the rocks? - [Waiter] Would you like any food, sir? - No, just whisky. And the check, please. (dramatic piano music) (phone rings) - [Presenter] Off the plane, you'll be greeted by a tropical breeze. (cell phone buzzes) Imagine your toes in the sand. - Oh. Hey, Noah. - [James] This. Do you like the lean? Do I look like the face of poop? (Edie laughs) - [Edie] I don't think that's gonna- - That's what I'm really going for here. - [Edie] That's not gonna work for Noah. - I'm not opening the bag. - Come on, we have to show him what we're thinking, right? - I'm not showering myself in poop. - I don't even want to know what's going on. - Harry, Jess. What are you two- - There's no time for that! Edie, your mom and I guess now Noah is looking for you. - What... Oh, no, I forgot dinner. - What? - I need my phone. Can someone call my phone? - On it. (cell phone buzzes) (whimsical music) You need to hide him, now. - Oh, no, we were just working. - Yeah, Harry, mate, we have an awesome campaign. - Nice one. - Think about what this looks like! Your mom is worried about you, she's looking for you. She and Noah are going to come here. - Shoot, you're right, yeah. You gotta go. - What? No, this is absurd. I'll just explain to Noah we were working, show him the shots. You had a date with him? - No, it's... Can we just not complicate things right now? - Too late. I see Noah and an angry looking woman that parked across the across. - That's Susan. - Who's Susan? - My mom. - Yeah, I'm gonna hide. - Yeah, go to the bathroom. Shh. (tense music) - Why are you in here? - Because the mom looks really angry, I got scared. - Edie? Edie? Why aren't you answering your phone? - Mom, I'm not a child, I don't have to explain myself to you. - Uh, maybe not to me, but you definitely have to explain yourself to Noah. He called and you missed your date? - It was just dinner. - Oh, no, no, don't sell yourself short. You're wonderful. Do you think I don't have better things to do than to drive all over town? - Mom, if you would just stop talking for two seconds, I could explain. I've been- - Yeah? - I've been, uh- - Here, with me. Yeah, Edie and I had dinner together, and she just totally forgot about your date. It's my fault. - I'm so sorry, Noah. - It's okay. (tense music) Is that the Evergreen Pro-Poop-Lactic? - What? - That fertilizer. It's a proprietary disease resilient blend. - Oh, that's wonderful. - It's Pepper Poop. I was working earlier, and I got caught up, I completely forgot. - Telephone? You coulda called. - It's fine, Mrs. Stevens, it's really- - Okay. - It's fine. I just didn't know where you were, and I got worried. - Well, I mean if you're okay, Noah, I guess we could go. And I'll see you at home. But I just gotta go to the bathroom real quick. - No! - No! - [Susan] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here, girls? - [Edie] Just go at home. - Uh, Edie, I have to go to the bathroom now. Not later. - There is a bar down the block that is open. - Okay, you guys are being really weird right now. What is going on, okay? I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me- - Nope. There's someone in there. My date. - Okay. So you have a boyfriend now, Jess? - No, not my boyfriend. This is our first date. You brought your new date to dinner with Edie? - We're having it after dinner, he just needed to use the bathroom. - Well, do you like him, dear? - Yeah. - Your date? - Yeah. He's... Accidentally offensive and persistent, but there's something really adorable about him. - [Susan] Oh, that's wonderful, hun. - Hey. Can you focus? - He has been in there for quite a while though. You sure he's okay? - Yeah, he's been in there for a minute. - Oh, he's not feeling well. - Okay. (water splashes) (cat meows) Okay. - What was that? (dog barks) - Huh. (Harry chuckles) - Good evening, everyone. - How are you feeling? - Much better, thank you. Great, in fact. Jess, are you ready for our date? - Yup, yup. - Excellent. - Okay. - Okay. - Um, okay. Can I use the bathroom now? Okay. (tense music) (door creaks) (melancholic music) (door closes) - Noah? Noah! - [Susan] Edie, there's no toilet paper! - Okay. (coffee pours) - Sweetie, what's going on? Is it that Englishman? Noah told me about him. I really worry about you. I hate to see you get hurt, and I don't think it's a good thing to be chasing after this guy. I mean, he's the one who left you. I'm afraid he's gonna do that again. You really need somebody stable, dependable, and Noah's a good man, and he would be financially stable as well. I just really worry. And, you know, when your dad left, I promised I'd never let something like that happen to you. I'm afraid this guy's gonna break your heart, and you're gonna lose your opportunity to be with Noah. You know I love you, and I just want the best for you. I'm really glad we had this chat. And thank you for listening for once. Well, now I gotta go to my kickboxing class. See you later! (whimsical music) - We need to focus on the campaign. What are we selling? - Poop. - No. No, we're not selling that, we're selling... Cultivation. Growth. Life itself! - I'll go for coffee, while we wait for them. - I'll help you. - Where are they? - They're not together. I know that much, I saw James this morning and he was definitely on his own. - A raspberry frappuccino. - You got it. Morgan? - Black. (whimsical music) - Good luck. (tense music) - Oh. Nice of you to join us. How was your lie in? - I wasn't aware we had a meeting scheduled. - Oh, you must've forgotten. - No, Morgan, you must've forgotten to actually tell me. - Don't you dare speak to me like that! Especially in front of a client. I expect an apology. - For what? - For insubordination, tardiness, and inappropriate relations with a team member! - Oh, Harry and I are just good friends. - With the American girl. - Edie and I were working. And the campaign's good. It's really, really good. (bag slams) If you can grow up for one minute, you'll see that. - She's his girlfriend, James. - I didn't know that! Look- - Haven't you done enough damage? - Yeah, all right, Morgan, just... (James sighs) Look, Noah. Noah. I understand you're upset that Edie missed your date last night, but we have your campaign, and it's beautiful. Isn't that what you wanted? - Can you promise me you have nothing but professional interest in Edie? - Excuse me? - [Noah] Can you promise me you have nothing but professional interests in Edie? (dramatic music) (book slams) - The campaign. Noah, it's everything. - I... Need to go to the factory and check on production. (dramatic music) - Noah! Noah! Noah. Noah. Do you want us to continue working in your absence? I can assure you, we are the right fit for your company. Look, please. Just don't do anything rash, okay? We will do whatever is necessary to keep your business. Let's just talk about it when you're back from the factory, okay? Noah? (button clicks) Noah, I know you can hear me. (dramatic music) (button clicks) (elevator dings) (mysterious music) Noah! (Morgan grunts) Richard, darling! - I don't understand why they have to be so juvenile about this. - Are they wrong? - What? - You hesitated when Noah asked you that question. Is your interest in me purely professional? (James gasps) - Um... Yes, yeah. - You're lying. - Edie... You are dating Noah. - No, I'm not. - Well, that's not what everyone else seems to think. That's not what Noah seems to think. I mean, you have literally been going on dates with him, Edie. So, are you leading him on or are you leading me on? - It's just dinner. - Apparently not to him. And frankly, not to me. I'm not that guy, okay? And you seem to be having trouble with committing to either of us. If you can't admit to Noah that you have feelings for me, then we can't be anything more than just work colleagues. Can we? - Bravo, darling. You know, you might've just single-handedly ruined our North American expansion. You know... Labor laws are a funny thing. I wish I could fire you. But alas, all I can do is promote you. You know, I've just got off the phone to Richard. I've been telling him all about the sterling work you've been doing here. Did you know he's looking for a new creative director? - For the whole agency? - Oh, yes. And you've got the job. Congratulations. - Well, you can't make me take it. - But why wouldn't you? Surely such a promotion is within your professional interest. - Yeah. - Well, you'd better book a flight, darling. - Who's gonna replace me here? - Noah, they didn't have raspberry, so I got you blueberry. Where's Noah? (whimsical music) Why's everyone staring at me? (upbeat music) ♪ He's my world, I'm a lucky girl ♪ ♪ I wanna gag, that all sounds so boring ♪ ♪ I'm his star, he's my sky ♪ ♪ Stab out my eyes ♪ ♪ It's just the same old story ♪ ♪ Boy loves girl and girl loves boy ♪ ♪ But it doesn't always work out that way ♪ ♪ Girl loves boy and boy hurts girl ♪ ♪ In the end, someone's heart has to break ♪ ♪ I'm so sick of talking about love ♪ ♪ All the songs that they play ♪ ♪ Sound the same ♪ ♪ Want to kick in the radio ♪ ♪ I'm so sick of talking about love ♪ ♪ It rips me apart ♪ ♪ Take my heart, throw it right out the window ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ I'm so sick of talking about love ♪ ♪ Because all that it does ♪ ♪ Is remind me that I'm alone ♪ (Jess laughs) - Don't laugh! It's launching in your gallery in less than a week. - Yeah, but they know that I don't have anything to do with it. Don't they? - Meanwhile, my name is all over it. - I'm kidding! Edie, it's, um... Well, it's pretty terrible. (Jess chuckles) But in a goofy, Noah kind of way. Have you told him yet? - About the campaign? - What else do you have to tell him? - I try, but he's just so darn happy all the time, I don't have the heart. It's like kicking a puppy. Besides, he hired me to handle the creatives, and I've been completely steamrolled. I can't work with Morgan, she's got awful ideas, and Harry, he's... - Oh, it's okay, you can trash talk Harry to me. - I don't mean to. Harry's really sweet, but we spend three full days shooting Noah. Thousands of images. At some point, you just need to make a decision. - That is the smartest thing you've said all day. So, what is your decision? Are you dating Noah or not? - Why do people keep asking me that? - Because you keep going out on dates with him. - Am I dating Noah? - Not very well. (melancholic string music) - Room 418. Enjoy your stay with us, thank you. - Thank you. - Excuse me? - Yes. - I'm looking for Harry Masters. Nevermind, I think I found him. - I've been meaning to ask about the campaign, Morgan. - Out with it! - Well, it's sort of similar to the last one, isn't it? - I know, darling. Look, Noah doesn't care about it, and quite frankly, we don't want to overwhelm his customers. They're American, remember. They've got less culture than a cup of yogurt. - Well, I don't think- - Good. You're not cut out for it. Your service. - Right. (tense music) (Harry grunts) - What was that? - My points, I believe. - It's just a freaking game, Harry! (Harry sighs) - Harry! - Edie, what are you doing here? (Harry chuckles) - I need to talk to you. - Yeah, so why are you here? This is the men's room. - I can't let Morgan see us. - Oh. She does seem rather omnipresent, doesn't she? - The campaign is a train wreck. - I know. It's awful. - We need to do something. - I've tried. Believe me, but Morgan won't listen. She's like a tank. The only person she'd ever listen to is James. - So, we go over her head. - To Richard? Well, we can try, but he won't get involved. - There's got to be someone else. - I mean, technically the creative director's more superior. James. - Yup. - You already knew that. - Yeah. - Oh my god. (Edie laughs) (Harry laughs) - Does your team look up to you? Come on, sit down. You know, I wanted to offer you this job when it opened up, but I didn't know you wanted to leave America just after you arrived. So... Tell me what you're thinking. - Uh, well, I think that the teams are working pretty well individually, they're just reluctant to collaborate- - Yeah, yeah, yeah, not about work. There's something else going on, isn't there? - Have you ever been in love? - Ah! (Richard chuckles) (James chuckles) Um, three times, married four. Yeah. So, tell me about her. - How long you got? - 40, 45 minutes. Come on. I want to hear it all. (lighthearted music) - [Edie] I'm having a hard time deciding between the fish and the steak. - [Noah] Oh, the fish is great. It's so rich and so soft. - Yeah, it looks rich. - Yeah, it's so rich. And that butter sauce is super mellow, I mean, it's a safe choice. - Well, how about the steak? - Mm, I don't know. Do you like hot English mustard? (Edie chuckles) - I mean, yeah, I like a bit of heat. - I just can't do it, it gives me hiccups. But you know, you get whatever you want. Don't let me sway you. - [Server] Are you ready to choose, ma'am? - Yeah, I think I am. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. She told me girl guide. No. No, no, girl scout. - American. - Oh, that Morgan, she's a piece of work. - Yeah, we need another bottle to get through all that. - Oh, I have one actually. - No, no, please. My head's already spinning. - Oh! Ah, I'm gonna be sorry to see you leave. - Excuse me? - Well, you're going back, of course. - What, to America? - Mhm. - No. No, I don't want to muck things up more than I already have. - Well, perhaps you could help rescue them. - What do you mean? - Well, you see... Your love life was not the only thing that Morgan was sabotaging, it seems. - Hm? - Yeah, the Pepper Poop campaign is a total disaster. - Oh, yeah, I know. But what do you want me to do? It's about to launch. - Mhm. What if I told you there's a way you could save it. - There is? - Mhm. You see, James... Sometimes in order to see forwards, you have to look backwards. - To the past? You think there's something I could've done differently? - Probably. Just look back. - What, I mean, me and Edie came up with- - Oh, for goodness sake, you're as thick as two short planks. Just look behind you! - Edie! - Edie... Developed the concept you both came up with and made it work. - Harry is printing and swapping it now. - So, what do you need from me? - Authorization. - As creative director, it's your responsibility to maintain the company's reputation worldwide. - Morgan's not gonna like this. - James, James. I believe in you. - You're scared of her, aren't you? - Terrified. (James laughs) (relaxing jazz music) - Are you ready for your speech, Morgan? - There are few things that I detest more than public speaking. - I can do it. - That idea is one of them. - To be honest, I don't even know what to expect. I saw one mock-up early on, but these guys have been making all sorts of changes since then. Real creative types. They've got me in- - Wow. Noah, is that... - Penny? - Um, Noah? Can I talk to you? - Uh, yeah. Yeah. Mrs. Stevens, will you excuse us for a second? - Sure, of course, of course. - Your mom doesn't know yet, huh? - I think she's gonna take it harder than anyone else. - I enrolled in a painting class. - Cool! Noah, there's something- - It just kinda helps me take my mind off of things, which is good. - Right. But about the- - Just stop. It's fine. I'm fine. I get it. You don't feel about me the same way I feel about you. It's not the first time this has happened. - Noah, I do care about you. You're a kind, sweet, sensitive guy, and you're gonna make the right woman very happy someday. But I'm not her. - I know. - But... That's not what I needed to tell you. The campaign is terrible. - Oh gosh, yeah. I can't stand any of it. - Why didn't you say something? - I felt bad for letting Morgan send James back. I didn't want to admit that we needed him, that I needed him. And more importantly, Edie, you needed him. - Well, about that... We've made some changes to the campaign. - I gotta talk to him. - Everyone's attention. Right, well... First off, please join me in showing our appreciation to Jess Hammond here for hosting us in her amazing gallery. Jess Hammond, everybody! - You came back. - I love her, Noah. - Yeah. Me too. - I'm sorry, mate. I didn't want to ruin everything. - No, it's not about what you want, it's not about what I want. It's about what Edie wants, isn't it? She lights up whenever she's around you, James. Even when she's angry. - Mm. Especially when she's angry. (James chuckles) - Let's grab a drink. - It is a privilege, of course, for any agency new to these shores, or well established, to work with... Poop. Noah Poop. Sorry, Noah Pepper. Um, I hope you all enjoy watching the campaign as much as we've enjoyed giving it life, and please, don't forget to promote us. So, without further ado, we give to you Pepper Poop like you have never seen it before. (audience claps) (lighthearted music) Surprise! I know it's not what you're expecting, but we did it! - Eh... You did something, but you didn't do that. I'm just happy these two were here. - And Harry. If you hadn't make me take thousands of photos, we wouldn't of had what we needed. - I always say, you could never take too many photos. - I've heard all about your games, Morgan. And unfortunately, I can't promote you. But I can fire you. - We'll take it from here. - You presumptuous little toad. I am the agency in America. - Actually, Morgan, you're not. (Harry clears throat) - Excuse me, Mor- - Oh, shut up, Harry! What do you think you're doing? - Pulling rank. - Richard would like a word with you. - Richard, darling. Yeah, no... You can't... Hang on, you can't- - Wait a minute, that's my phone. - [Morgan] Just a second. Richard, please. - Well, I'm gonna go make sure the bar's stocked. (upbeat music) - Shall we go somewhere quieter? (upbeat music continues) ♪ Tucked in my pocket ♪ ♪ Sealed in my locket ♪ - It seems like we've run out of things to talk about. - Shut up. - That's another way to put it. ♪ My happy days ♪ - That's better. ♪ These are my happy days ♪ - Can I have your number- - Do you want my number now? ♪ These are my happy days ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah ♪ ♪ We'll be at ease ♪ ♪ Beneath the willow trees ♪ ♪ Feel light through the canopy ♪ ♪ May you be at peace ♪ ♪ Taste the salty sea ♪ ♪ Walk with humanity ♪ ♪ My happy days ♪ ♪ These are my happy days ♪ ♪ My happy days ♪ ♪ These are my happy days ♪ ♪ Every day I'm dreaming ♪ ♪ 'Cause all I got inside is love ♪ ♪ Yeah, every day I'm dreaming ♪ ♪ 'Cause all I got inside is love ♪ - That went great, Noah. - Thanks. You look amazing, by the way. - Really? - Yeah. I was like... Wow. - Thank you. (Penny chuckles) Um... I'm sorry about Edie. - It's okay. Have you ever loved someone so much that you feel like they don't even see you? - Yeah. Yeah, I know exactly how that feels. - I mean, maybe I don't love Edie. Maybe I just love the idea of her. And she's a creative. - Exactly! (Penny laughs) - I should find somebody in the industry. - Somebody who knows how to support you. - Someone who loves fertilizer. - And would do literally anything to be noticed by you. - Oh, I would definitely notice. - Yeah? - Yeah. And I would never let her go. Well, goodnight. - Okay, goodnight.
Channel: Nicely Entertainment
Views: 346,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: love, romance, london, british, accident, amnesia, star-crossed, fate, accidentally in love, accidentally in love full movie, accidentally in love movie, Lexi Giovagnoli, David Witts, Harry Van Gorkum, Hamish Briggs, Elizabeth Snoderly, romance movies, comedy movies, romantic comedy movies, full comedy movies, full romance movies, full romantic comedy movies
Id: Wx0wO9WD9Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 58sec (5338 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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