ACC Church At Home - Oct. 17th

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[Music] [Music] acc family welcome to church at home my name is gage henry and i'm the college and community pastor here and i'm honestly so expectant and excited for what god wants to do today and so just so you know why we are doing church at home is because we believe church is people church is not a place it's not a building it's wherever the people of god are gathered together lifting up the name of jesus and looking through his word so you're gonna have that opportunity so here's what you need you need a bible you need to grab a journal maybe and if if you're watching this alone journal is an awesome experience for you to walk through this gathering with us but also if you're with your family or you're with your community group this is an opportunity for you guys to come together to talk about jesus so go ahead grab your bible grab a journal and we're actually going to go into a time of worship just to start and if you've never been a part of a church at home gathering this is an opportunity for you maybe it's not standing up and singing at the top of your lungs maybe it's a time for you to just sit and receive the words that are on the screen and the worship that's going out so whatever you need to do to make sure your heart is available and you are ready to hear from god you can do that now we're going to get started in worship [Music] worthy of every song we could ever see [Music] worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] jesus the name above every other name jesus the only one who could ever see worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] there is [Music] show me who you are fill me with your heart [Music] me [Music] worthy of every song we could ever sing worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] jesus the name above every other name jesus [Music] worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] who you are [Music] there is [Music] show me who you are [Music] is [Music] will not be [Music] it is [Music] will not be [Music] in show me who you are fill me with your hearts [Music] around [Music] remnants not a word many people use the meaning of this word is a group that remains [Music] so when you use the word remnant you're usually talking about a large group that has been dwindled down whether we're talking about a nation or a movement when the bible talks about a remnant it talks about a few that remain so what if instead of spending the future of this church catering to the masses and drowning out the remnant what if for the rest of the time that we get the opportunity to be a part of this church we invite the masses to be a part of the remnant [Music] jesus is saying it's mandatory for good works to exist with a participant in the kingdom of god to some of us that's heresy god's jesus talking he's he's the one who built this thing here we go no good works are you talking about i actually have to do something in my faith no no no no no no religion says do jesus says done apparently jesus says do apparently he says that there's a light and that light is your deeds that are standing out to the world around you and so what makes the remnant stand out is that their faith is activated [Music] see jesus did not join up with the law and say i'm the fulfillment of it so that you could ignore it he joined up with the law to interpret it correctly and go my followers live this way and because it's impossible because of sin for them to live this way i will be the power source from within them that enables them to live a new life this is a call to obey jesus and maybe the inside out transformation that so many of us have been looking for the entire time happens when we actually put our faith into practice and watch him change us from the inside out [Music] if we're going to be the remnant intimacy must burn brighter than immorality intimacy must burn brighter your immorality is burning pretty bright and it looks like the world is having all the fun doing whatever they want all the time and they're going you're boring you've got this shoved into the corner of your life that you can't talk about it and i'm ready for the church to rise up of married couples who are going this is awesome and no it's not easy but we're experiencing this the way god created it and we're not going to lose our kids over this we're not going to lose our marriage over this we're not going to lose our calling over this we are actually going to experience the intimacy that god created us for with no fear of rejection with no fear of regret with no slavery here's god's vision for your spirituality that you would be so consumed by god's love for you that it bleeds over and impacts every other interaction and everything you have going on and the problem in this room spiritually speaking is that for many of us the fuel of our relationship with god is sometimes the love of god but sometimes switches over to fear sometimes it switches over to obligation sometimes it switches over to i'm going to spend time with god i'm going to obey god simply because i don't want what will happen if i don't and i'm not saying that there are always going to be moments where you're in the flow of the love of god and you're feeling everything around you know it's not about being emotionally happy this is about being spiritually grounded that the love of god would become the motivation for everything that you do [Music] watch this jesus is saying that just like your eyes lead your body physically your treasure leads your heart spiritually so my eyes wherever my eyes go you can even watch it in this room wherever my eyes go my body is like naturally turning in certain directions jesus is going follow that principle where your treasure goes that's where your heart goes so if you want to have eyes on heaven what does that take second corinthians 4 chapter 18. so we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal [Music] so when you say your kingdom come your will be done what you are really saying is god what is true in heaven make it true here on earth god what's true in heaven no tears no suffering no pain no envy no jealousy no greed no divorce no adultery no lust this is what's happening in heaven that's true in heaven so what you're saying is you're saying i want that more than i want this i don't want our world i want heaven and you're praying into that you're saying god your kingdom come [Music] his goal is that you would start to attach your trust to your heavenly father instead of attaching your trust to the value system of this world see worry will expose you what you worry about reveals what your trust is in what you are anxious about actually reveals where you have ultimately submitted and surrendered in the same way jesus said where your treasure is there your heart will be also he's like you want to know where your heart is you want to know what you really care about pay attention to where your money goes and now he's saying hey you want to know where your trust is pay attention to what you worry about [Music] there's the principles of prayer ask seek and knock but if you really want to interpret correctly you would put the word keep in front of them keep asking keep seeking keep knocking prayer should be a habit prayer should be consistent is it it isn't one time just a little flyer to the sky to the heavens and if we don't get what we want then we just move on no god wants to form in you you and me this habit of communion and a fellowship [Music] i want you to hear what he is saying he's going please listen to what i am saying if you build your life on me it is the only safe place it is the only solid rock and if you go in any other direction you are deceived i just have a question because i feel like it's fitting with what we're preaching from the sermon on the mountain the question is this what will you do in response to jesus what will you do in response will you live a life rooted in truth or will you go back to lies and you can bank your life on the truth [Music] remnant is a sermon series that we will never forget in the life of our church walking through the sermon on the mount has not only been challenging and convicting i believe it's been enlightening for people to realize that the teachings of jesus are actually things that he expects us to live our lives according to that we are not just consumers of the merit of jesus we are disciples of his way and we apply his way of life as our way of life y'all it's been amazing and i have been challenged every week because i feel like this is so central to who we're called to be as the church moving forward that we're going to preach to the remnant and we're going to believe it's normal for people to want to go deeper in their faith it's normal for people to have a vibrant prayer life and maybe the reason why so many people have settled for a version of christianity that's less than what we see in the gospels is because we're not actually reading the gospels and applying them to our lives and now when you read this and you go we should really be living this way if we call ourselves disciples of jesus yes it's convicting and yes it's difficult but it's so necessary that this is where we set our sights and this is what we look back to as our way of life and y'all it would be so easy for us to talk about something else for church at home today we've been in remnant for multiple months we've been walking through the sermon on the mount like it's church at home shouldn't we be talking about something different and i just told our team i don't feel like the sermon on the mount is something that's supposed to get stuck in a sermon that we did in fall of 2021. i believe this is something that's got to be so ingrained into who we are as jesus followers that we read it and we talk about it and we memorize it and we apply it over and over and over again so today for church at home you're not going to believe this don't get too excited we're going to read the sermon on the mount i hope there's cheering going on in living rooms i hope there's no there's like that golf claptor that ha that golf clap that happens clapter yeah i'm making up words for church at home today that should tell you how non-scripted this moment actually is but there's clap and laughter simultaneously when someone does a golf clap when i say something semi-inspiring but it's like it didn't really earn a full whoo everybody joining in and i feel like that's what i just got yeah we're going to read the sermon on the mount but i need you to get excited about it and to do that if you have your bible hold it up hold it up i'm seeing this happening in living rooms i'm seeing this happening for people who are returning from arkansas where i don't even know whether we won or not because we filmed this beforehand so hopefully we're celebrating a victory but if you have your bible turn with me to matthew chapter 7. matthew chapter 7. we're going to read the very end of the sermon on the mount that we read in church last week starting in verse 24 and i want you to remember this is the end of the most important sermon ever preached by the son of god these are not flippant words these are not words that we go okay yeah i'll take that with a grain of salt with everything like no this is our livelihood right here this is what we base our lives on that the son of god who came down from heaven yes he died a sinner's death in our place and yes he offers us life eternally in heaven and when the holy spirit fills us now we are sealed and completed united with god forever but until we are there face to face with him that day we are called to live by the power of the holy spirit in his ways and here's what he said at the end of this sermon matthew chapter 7 verse 24. participate with me if you're there say i'm there i feel it i feel you with me even if i can't physically feel it right now here's what it says therefore in light of this whole sermon therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock the rain came the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand the rain came down the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash when jesus had finished saying these things the crowds were amazed at his teaching because he taught as one who had authority and not as their teachers of the law jesus expects that after hearing the teachings of the sermon on the mount we take these words and we apply them to our lives and he actually points out the difference between somebody who hears the word and does nothing with it and the person who hears the word and applies it is the difference between someone who builds their house on a foundation that can hold it and someone who builds their house on something that's eventually going to fall but i want you to notice this every person jesus is talking about at the end of this sermon is someone who heard the word did you notice that that the person who builds their house on sand and the person who builds their house on the rock they both heard the teachings of jesus the difference was one applied it and one walked away and ignored it and the reason why i want us looking back and reading back through the sermon on the mountain the reason why we just watched a reel of a bunch of highlights of this sermon series it's not because we just want to relive where we've been the last couple of months it's because this word has to get in us deeply if we're actually going to apply it i want you to think about the things in your life that you apply the most that you learn are things that you meditate on and things that you look back on and you look to over and over and over again it's why for most of us our lives are so driven by the last thing we saw on our phone because we've trained our brains to live according to the social life that we experienced there or the news that we consumed there or whatever the latest thing is that we wanted to know about and we react to that with our lives but what if we actually spent our lives not reacting to our phones but responding to god's word and in order to respond to god's word particularly in the sermon on the mount you have to know it and you're not going to know it deeply for yourself just because we preached through it and you're not even going to know it deeply for yourself just because you read through it one time but we thought what an opportunity to take a breath for church at home and let people actually read the sermon on the mount together so i know some of you are gathered together in homes i know some of you are in a car some of you are by yourself right now what i love is that there's actually families gathered of multiple different age groups in the same space but here's our vision for this moment regardless of where you are we want you to stop and read the sermon on the mount so that's beginning in matthew chapter five and going all the way through matthew chapter seven and the goal of this is that you would get to stop and breathe and spend time with god when we read the word of god we don't believe that we're just studying a historical document we believe it's our opportunity to hear from the voice of god and what we want you to do is we want you to go back through the sermon on the mount with what you've heard from some of these sermons and even with what you've heard today and go what would it look like if my life followed in the way of jesus and what would happen if i actually didn't just read this for myself but i processed it openly in community this was beautiful if you're not by yourself right now if you're with a group for some of you this could be the first time that you actually read scripture and sat around a group of people and talked about what it means and what god is saying to you in real time so whatever this means for you where you are what we want you to do is grab your bible read through the sermon on the mount before you do i want you to say a little prayer just asking the holy spirit holy spirit will you illuminate what you want me to see in this moment and as you read through it i don't want you read through it thinking about okay i got to memorize every little part of this and i got to live my life according to these ways no no the goal isn't that you would adhere to all of this stuff perfectly but it is that you would follow jesus worshipfully and the reason why we keep talking about living according to worship i did it again y'all i made up another word i did that at church last week worshipfully is not actually a word at least i don't think it is and so i keep saying it and i keep making stuff up but i guess that's what you get when you talk as much as i do about this stuff the goal is worship the goal is devotion the goal is that you actually take these things and go i'm going to apply it to my life and watch this i'm going to practice these things and over time the way of jesus is going to become my way of life that's how transformation happens that's how your mind is renewed and that's how you start walking in a brand new life and you do that in community and you do that as you look to the word of god so what we want you to do is we want you to read through the sermon on the mount and as you flip through these pages and consider these truths right after you're done either if you're by yourself maybe take some time to journal and answer the questions we're going to put on the screen we're going to put a few questions on the screen and the goal and expectation of that is that you just hit pause on this video and spend time in the room that you're in talking about the scriptures that you just read remembering that the son of god himself said the goal of all of this is that you take this and apply it to your life church if we're going to be the remnant if we're going to apply these teachings they've got to go deeper we've got to look to it again and again and again and we got to talk about it and we got to pray through it and we got to apply it to our lives so much so that it becomes a part of who we are so in this moment right now you'll see a few questions on the screen and you take as much time as you need to read through the sermon on the mountain we intentionally made this the shortest sermon of the year because we want you to have time to read it and you to have time to talk about it with the people that you're with i don't want that to be awkward i don't want that moment to be forced just make this as beneficial for the group that you're with as it possibly can and let's look to the word of god together right now [Music] so do [Music] so so [Music] do so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] thank you for joining us today i mean it when i say being the remnant of god applying the sermon on the mount to our daily lives is not something we're putting on the shelf it is something that is central to where we're going as a church so thank you for joining us today there's so many next steps from this gathering and as a church we want to make sure that you're as connected as you can possibly be like every sunday together as a church we want to invite you to worship through the bringing of tithes and offerings so if you want to give to support acc all the ways to do that are on the screen right now you can do that on venmo on the church center app or start a recurring gift online for the first time we believe in the building up of the kingdom of god here at acc we want you to be a part of it and next sunday we are back together in person it's going to be a special sunday in birmingham here at 323 airport road at lake martin you don't want to miss out on any of these special opportunities that we have coming up acc we love you go and be the church [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Auburn Community Church
Views: 2,296
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church, church online, auburn, jesus, God, sermon
Id: OfPVi_Y6v7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 22sec (2902 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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