Absolute Beginner’s Guide | ONI Spaced Out | Part 1

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen today we start a brand new series focused exclusively on the absolute beginner yeah that's kind of a lie because there's going to be plenty of knowledge for the experienced player to gain from this series as well and if you're sitting there wondering well echo what about the max difficulty series you were running don't worry we're still running it we just want to be able to capitalize on all the new players coming into the game to give them a resource in that way they have a direction going forward we're gonna treat this series as sort of an instruction book and tutorial series and see where it winds up as long as the series stays up and people are continuously watching it because the methodology and the style that we're using is still attractive to the fan base then we're gonna keep going but this is the disclaimer for you experienced players the pace that we're gonna be going at may be too slow for you because we're gonna go over every detail and try to explain the game as if you just launched it for the very first time as always whether experienced or new make sure you check out the comments there's a lot of great suggestions the one great thing about oxygen not included is there's a hundred ways to do everything so to start off with over here in the bottom right you can see there's a nice little launched menu with one of our dupes throwing up some confetti everybody's all excited this is just where you can go to see some more information on what's going on with current patching over on the left hand side you'll see i have a button that says deactivate the dlc if you're not running spaced out it'll say activate the dlc either way you can play in either way watching this series you'll be able to learn stuff on the left hand side of the screen we have new game and load game if you've already played a game you'll see it up here with the current cycle count and you can see this is our max difficulty series save max paradise and i could click this button and it would jump directly into the most recent save for this colony this button here gives you a bunch of summaries on all the existing colonies that we've recently played it'll also show you which achievements you've earned and which ones you haven't translations allows you to change which language the game is going to be played in mods self-descriptive you can see these are the mods that we have downloaded from the steam workshop and whether or not they're activated or not it's important to note that if you have mods that are out of date or just not compatible with your dlc you won't be able to select them and it's important because they will end up affecting stability of games and then in the options screen there's a few important options that we need to take a look at you have the standard graphics and audio nothing too alarming there but then you have the game options and in the game options you can enable the spaced out expansion again you can reset your tutorial message and check your controls there's also a box in here to change the temperature units i recommend that you play it in celsius you may feel like well i'm used to fahrenheit and i'm not sure what celsius means whenever you go looking for a resource on forums or on videos 99 of the time they're going to be talking about the game in celsius you don't need to know the conversions between fahrenheit and celsius because oxygen not included placed by their own rules but having a general familiarity with it does help then you have a feedback data collection and credits so without further ado we're finally gonna jump into a new game now here you have survival and no sweat no sweat is okay everything's gonna be a little bit easier and to where you're not as stressed out to make making decisions i'm gonna be controversial and tell you don't worry about this button just go right into survival here's the great thing about a game you can reload it you can restart it you can start out a new colony and you're gonna play it with a bunch of new colonies so you might as well get into survival now it really will give you the challenge and the enjoyment that you're looking for in this colony simulation game now we have two asteroid styles now this is where it can be kind of confusing we can see down here we are playing with the dlc but we could go into classic asteroid styles or spaced out asteroid styles if you want a little bit of the classical style which means big old asteroid in the middle that you start on and then a bunch of little asteroids you would start with the classic style the spaced out style has more asteroids out in space and your starting asteroid is a little bit smaller which this tells you you might need to get off your home planetoid a little bit sooner because this is the launch of the dlc we're gonna start with the spaced out style fear not though if you're looking for a classic adventure a lot of the other series on this channel are on the classic adventure and there's not too many differences in the way you play primarily though the biggest difference is you're going to want to get off your starting asteroid a little bit sooner to be able to look for more resources when you start with a spaced out style of world generation and that's what this world generation means for the brand new players out there that's what this game is all about you are on an asteroid with a bunch of awesome little people we call duplicates and you're just trying to survive but once you figure out the whole survival thing there's some directives that we're gonna be shooting for and those directives are sort of the end game goals but it's not a big deal you can play the game in whatever style you want to play with now you can see me flipping through all these different asteroid starts these are just your starting asteroids and when you're looking at these you can see the survival chance slim slim moderate likely ideal that's how you know how difficult the asteroid is to start on because this is a tutorial series we're going to start on the terrania cluster now under each one of these it has your starting asteroids nearby asteroids and then distant asteroids and each asteroid also has individual traits if you don't like these traits whoa that looks really difficult for instance this one has a subsurface ocean you're like i don't want to deal with the subsurface ocean you can just re-roll the world seed and keep re-rolling it until you find the traits that you want now the starting asteroid on the terrania cluster has no traits it's just a standard asteroid nothing special but all the other asteroids may have some traits and you can see some of them flip on and off about what traits they are and what this means is this game has pretty much infinite replayability because every single game that you start is going to be a little bit different now we're not going to pay too much attention to these other asteroids to start with so we're just going to randomize it by hitting this button a bunch of times and then hit start game now to note before we hit start game there's a button called game settings this is where you can really amp the difficulty up in our current max difficulty playthrough we have all these set to ridiculous difficulty so hunger would be ravenous durability would be threadbare but for a beginning player you just want to keep these default just to give you a brief description of what they are hunger affects how hungry and how much food the duplicates will eat the durability will affect how fast their suits will wear out you'll see more about suits later in the play through stress is one of the key mechanics in the game and if you amp up that stress difficulty well your dupes are not going to have as good of a time when they start hitting some challenges we'll go over care packages a little bit later make sure you have saved the cloud if that works for you because you really do want to make sure your saves are in a safe space teleporters make sure that you can get to your nearest asteroid because there'll be a teleporter on your starting world that brings you to that next asteroid you don't have to get there using a rocket disease morale radiation same sort of thing by changing these settings it makes those specific traits a little bit more difficult to play with we'll keep them standard and then just hit start game once we do it's going to go ahead and generate the worlds this is where that infinite replayability we talked about because every time you hit start new game and you have that world seed different you're gonna get a brand new colony with brand new sets of challenges the next screen we're gonna get to is our duplicate selection these are the three starting duplicates that'll be on your asteroid when we start every duplicant has interests which affect what they're really good at and then they have traits which modify their individual abilities for instance max here is handy they receive a plus three to construction skill but they're also an unpracticed artist which means they receive -3 to creativity in other words anything they paint or mold is not going to turn out very well but because they don't know good art from bad art they're gonna receive a morale bonus because well everything looks good now we're not gonna go over every single trait because there are a lot of them and it's something that you'll be able to discover yourself but what ends up being a good practice in a practice that you'll see a lot of players is they'll click this little arrow button here and they'll decide what kind of duplicate they start with and what a lot of people do is they select a digger another digger and then a researcher and this way you have duplicates that are start off pretty good at digging around and a duplicant that's really good at researching so that we can learn our technologies quicker but there are a few traits down here that you need to pay attention to so even though you selected digger there are plenty of different types of diggers out there and each one is completely randomized but some of those traits that i want you to be careful with is bottomless stomach bottomless stomach can be dangerous especially for new player because it means joshua he's gonna eat more now when we say joshua that just happens to be the name of this duplicate but what a common phrase is when you're playing oxygen not included is yes this duplicates name is joshua but they are a joshua because you can have many different joshua's on the colony that they all look like this duplicate but they'll have different interests and different traits same thing this duplicant's name is ellie but you can also say this duplicant is an ellie the last thing i want to show you about the duplicates is they have a stress reaction and an overjoyed response remember that stress mechanic that we talked about we're gonna get more into detail on that but what you need to know to start with is is if their stress gets too high well they're gonna get destructive additionally if you highlight over it you can see this ellie will not repair buildings when their stress is above 60 on the flip side of that when they're living a stress-free life and they have plenty of morale this ellie will spontaneously redecorate a room when they're overjoyed and when they say redecorate they just mean they're going to put a bunch of stickers on it now we have a lira here that has a stress reaction of binge eater and it's not like they'll just eat double for that day they will eat 30 40 000 calories worth of food which could take your food supplies into a dangerous position so you need to watch out for this always take your time and make sure you know what you're getting into the last trait i wanted to show you was mouth breather remember the name of the game is oxygen not included which is kind of a misnomer because when you start your colony it actually starts with some oxygen oxygen is included but that oxygen quickly runs out so this other negative trait that i wanted you to watch out for as you're a beginning player is mouth breather this duplicant breathes another 100 grams per second of oxygen and if you're in a situation where you're running low on oxygen having too many mouth breathers around will definitely hurt now i would normally if i was playing at a more serious playthrough would keep re-rolling these until i got some really good traits that i was looking for or maybe a good combination traits for now i want to highlight some of these differences that we have so we're actually just gonna rename the colony the beginner base and click embark with these three duplicates now the first thing that happens is you get this alert message it's saying hey this asteroid has collided with a planet and it decimated our colony rebuilding it is of the utmost importance it also says i've detected a new cluster of material-rich planet twitch in nearby space if i can guide the duplicates through the perils of space travel we could build a colony even bigger and better than before i've detected a new cluster that's right you're actually playing as this printing pod this is you you're the ai that is responsible for printing out new duplicates and new materials the first thing i want you to do when you start a new colony is pause the game now you can pause it using the speed meter up here or just by hitting the space button the reason why you want to do that is you want to zoom out which you can use the mouse wheel and look around your colony to see if you have anything of particular danger i already see something of particular danger but we'll pay attention to that a little bit later for now i actually want to go over some of the ui that way you have a good strong base knowledge and nowhere to go when you need to get something done in the top left hand corner of our screen we have the cycle count if you highlight over it it'll tell you the time that you've been playing this colony it'll also tell you how many cycles old the colony is you can think of a cycle as a day night cycle in other words when we go from cycle 1 to cycle 2 on earth that means the sun is coming up that's the new day it's the new cycle it kind of means the same thing in whatever planetoid we're on but it's the way they track time this colony is just one cycle old and you can see we have a one inside the cycle counter now if we look closely you'll see a little pie graph and if we unpause the game this pie will actually start moving over if we unpause the game and actually fast forward it you will see this moves a little bit well what's actually you need to pay attention to is this arrow this arrow is where you are in your current day night cycle when this arrow gets to this little pie here it means you're going to be entering night time which will have effects later on but for right now you just need to know that this is sort of your day in this little area is your night and this little arrow here is where you are now next to our cycle counter we have the speed controls when you're starting to play this game keep it on slow that's the first one medium speed is times two speed and then fast speed is times three there are some mods that change that but all you need to know is stay on times one until you get really comfortable and then you might be able to go forward to times two and times three speed this last little weird button here is said toggle red alert what this will tell the duplicants is a you're ignoring your schedule you're not sleeping you're not going to the bathroom you're doing what needs to be done because there's bad things happening and we really need to keep working up here is our total population you can see we have three dupes nisbet nicola and lira and it's saying three out of three and it says this population is on vivera this colony that we're starting on this planetoid is listed right here as well if we click on the star map button in the top right you can see this is the only planetoid that we know of this is our starting asteroid and its name is vivera now our entire system our entire base our entire game is the beginner base moving upwards you can see that we are currently carrying one percent stress the number right next to the brain symbol will show you the highest stress of any of your duplicates if nikola had 20 stress this would say 20 percent even though nisbet and lira may have zero percent next to it you can see if any of your duplicants are sick and what kind of sickness or disease that they have next to it is how many calories we have you can see here we have 16 000 calories if we click on this ration box you can see that we have 20 kilograms of nutrient bars this flips up a lot of newer players 20 kilos is the weight of the nutrient bar but if we click on the nutrient bar itself you can see this is actually 16 000 calories kcal is just the abbreviation for calories by scientific definition it stands per kilo calorie but what you need to know is that regular duplicants not like the hungry duplicants that we saw some of the traits in earlier but a regular standard duplicant will eat 1 000 calories per cycle more on that later back into the top left here we'll show you all sorts of notifications in fact right now we have two the first one saying hey we have no oxygen being produced now if you highlight over any of these tiles you'll see we actually do have oxygen and this oxalite here is another material and it's emitting oxygen but it's saying we don't have any duplicate built oxygen supplies more on that later too and i apologize for keep saying that hey we're gonna get to that later we're gonna get to that later but there's a lot to unpack in the beginning in this game so i'm trying to go through it step by step for our newer players to make sure you have that good solid baseline the next message is that there's no outhouse built which means these duplicates have nowhere to go to the bathroom that's gonna be one of the first things that we take care of the rest of these buttons in the top right we will get to them as we get to use them but i don't want to overdo it with the amount of menus and graphs in the beginning so we'll actually get started with these three duplicates and get to building the colony which is going to take us to this menu in the bottom left and these menus in the bottom right before we can do that though let's take a look around anything you move your mouse cursor over is going to highlight the tile itself if we zoom in on this tile right here you can see that this tile is a tile of sandstone it is classified as a raw mineral and there is currently 1840 kilos worth of sandstone in this one tile you'll also notice that it is 21.9 degrees celsius okay that works if we go further over you can see this tile actually has dirt in it dirt is actually classified as a cultivable soil there's 1238.4 kilos in it and it's currently 21.9 degrees as well finally we have some algae down here we have some copper ore we have some sand and this is what you want to kind of do you want to look around where you started and see what's going on here's some coal and up here we even have some plants and this is good because to start off with you're going to want to grow some plants to make sure you have enough food to continuously feed your duplicates now on a starting colony you don't have to worry too much about this temperature but some of you experienced players probably noticed in the beginning that there was a natural gas geyser here this natural gas geyser is producing natural gas at 150 degrees celsius to find that out we just left click on the natural gas geyser and it brings up some basic information and it's showing that hey there's 150 degrees celsius coming out of this natural gas geyser now the starting of the colony in other words since we just started it in cycle number one the surrounding environment hasn't had a chance to heat up but it definitely will so we're not going to go over there for a little bit until we have the materials to be able to seal this in or otherwise this would be a problem so why don't we get started by building somewhere for the duplicates to go to the bathroom and to sleep that's typically the first couple of things you're gonna do now down here of all the commands that you can give your duplicants you don't actually click on a duplicate and say hey go dig this up instead remember you're the printing pod you kind of tell them what to do by just putting symbols on the map and then they'll go do it you're actually setting up a to-do list for them to do for instance if i click dig i can then select some tiles and as i select these even though we're paused it's going to add these to the duplicates list of things to do when you select nisbet again you can see she now has two things set to do now this is set by priority and we're going to get into priorities in a little bit but all you need to know is nisbet's first thing that she wants to do is to dig and she has a priority of five to do it if i selected g or dig again and then selected six and picked this tile right here you'll now see that she's going to dig out the number 6 tile before she dig out the 5 tile and we can actually see the priorities of these commands by clicking the priority button down here or hitting the p key and once we do that we can see that just like we thought this tile is now set on a priority of six so when we unpause they're actually gonna go dig up this tile first and then start digging out all the tiles around it now it just so happened that the duplicant that was responsible for doing that is not very good at digging which is going to bring us to our priority tab now you can click priorities up here or you can hit the l key now don't get too intimidated by this screen there's a lot of buttons and it can really start to feel overwhelming but in the top is all of the type of tasks that they can do everything from attacking to life support to toggling to digging supplying and storing now remember lira is one of our diggers she has an excavation skill of 10 which is pretty strong for a duplicant so we want to make sure that lyra does all the digging before she does anything else because as it stands with everything flat like this and when we say flat we just means there's no special priority set they're going to do everything from left to right in other words they'll do all the attacking that we tell them to do and then they'll take care of all the life support things then they'll take care of all the toggling things all the way down the row now if you're wondering what kind of commands are inside of each of these tasks all you have to do is highlight over it you can see that under life support tasks it includes maintaining algae terrariums deodorizers and water sieves to support colony life that's considered a life support supply task so if we left clicked on life support in front of lyra it would say hey i want to do all of the life support things before i did all of the attacking things furthermore if i said you know what lyra since you're so good at digging we're gonna left-click this box twice and put you on double arrows what this means is from left to right lira is gonna do all the double arrows first then all the single arrows and then all the remaining tasks so in this example doesn't matter what kind of tasks we have queued up lyra is going to do all the digging ones first then all the life support ones and then they'll start back at attacking and toggling and doctoring in this case we actually want lyra to do all the digging first so we're gonna up arrow lyra's digging now when we highlight over the duplicates you can see what they're really good at now i believe that we asked for nisbet to be a digger but you can see she's not as good as digging as she is construction construction is all your building tasks you can see she has a construction skill of three and an excavation of one but because she's good at both or at least better than nicola we're going to make sure that they do both of them in fact what's common in oxygen not included is to have all your diggers also be your builders now this is an advanced mechanic but i'm gonna tell you to double up arrow all your building commands and single up arrow all your digging commands and the reason why is pretty simple if we are down over here building a bunch of ladders and digging all this up you'd want to make sure the duplicants built the ladders before they did the digging otherwise they'd be a better chance of them trapping themselves we'll highlight that more later but for now just put your builder diggers on double arrow up for building and single arrow up for digging and then finally nicola now nicola was our scientist hence they have a plus three to science so we're gonna make sure they do all the researching skills in fact we don't want anybody else doing researching so we're going to go up here to these three arrows and set the priority for researching colony-wide to disallowed you're not allowed to do researching unless you're nicola and if you are nicola then you have a higher priority to doing researching then you do everything else i know that's a lot but it is very important that you understand this area and remember if you start setting everything as a priority or if you're setting them as a higher priority here then nothing out of these is actually the priority because when everything's a priority nothing is a priority and what do i mean by that well if these are all set to five and then some digging over here is actually set to nine well you know where they're gonna dig first they're gonna dig over here before they dig over here but if we set everything to nine well then guess what nothing is the priority again because they're gonna have no idea which ones to do first so to start off with just have everything set to five until you're ready to use it the last thing on the priorities when you set a command for instance dig there's a little key down here you can make it a level one dig command or a level nine dig command that is independent of these high priorities or very high priorities in your priority selection screen if you pay attention to inside the box you can see that a very high priority actually carries with it a 50 priority and then a high priority carries with it a 40. the way the math works out is if a digging command is a five well for lyra it's actually a 45 because she has a high priority but because nikola has a standard priority it's actually a priority of for them and it's the way that the simulation uses it to rack and stack priorities and you might be looking at and saying hey why does this start at 30 well it doesn't because if we make it a low priority you can see it starts at 20. or a very low priority it starts at 10. all right let's continue with our digging tasks now they're gonna take a couple of minutes and they're gonna dig all this out and when it's dug out i wanna show you an example here you'll notice this is 840 kilogram tiles of sandstone but once it's dug up it ends up being only 920 kilos and that's because everything you dig it loses 50 percent of the mass instantly oh very exciting a hatch just came out of one of these tiles where did it come out of well do you see all these tiles with the little broken symbols well that means there's a buried object in there now it could be a plant seed or it could be a critter now critters are just named for animals inside of the oxygen not included universe now something to keep in mind when duplicates are moving around you can see here nicolas got himself up to this tile here so when they're digging this out all of a sudden they're three tiles high that's actually too tall for duplicates to climb on and off of but they can climb up to two tiles incidentally if we dug all this out and there was a one tile gap well duplicates can hop over one tile but they can't hop over two tiles just something to keep in mind when you're queuing up commands now that the duplicates have dug all this area out we can actually start building our bathrooms because we now have materials to build from remember all the tiles that we dug up well some of them were copper some of them were sandstone sandstone's a raw mineral but copper is a metal of ore and as we dig these things up you'll see they come up over here as new resources because of everything we dug up we now have 15.3 tons of sandstone a ton is one thousand kilos we have 1247 kilos of dirt or 1.2 tons of dirt and because we now have these resources some of these buttons down here have highlighted and what this means is we actually have things we can build well remember we're getting a warning up here that says there's nowhere for duplicants to go to the bathroom so we're actually going to build a couple of outhouses immediately to make sure that duplicants have a place to go to the bathroom now as we're building these outhouses i want to highlight what it actually means when we select it down here you should always look at this screen here when you're about to build something it gives a description of what it does and in this case it gives the duplicates a place to relieve themselves it requires no piping we'll get into plumbing in a later episode but it must be periodically emptied of polluted dirt okay i get it it's gonna want us to empty the outhouse that makes sense but it has a requirement 13 kilograms of dirt per use well that's actually okay because we have 1 247 kilograms of dirt and it also has some other effects and what it means by effects is things that happens when you use it for instance it has an effect of polluted dirt 19.7 kilos ah now we're starting to put two and two together it's going to take the 13 kilograms of dirt and turn it into 19.7 kilograms of polluted dirt i'll let you use your imagination on what they're adding to that dirt because it now has an added weight it also is going to give 200 000 food poisoning germs okay that sounds pretty bad it's going to increase the heat in the area by 250 dtus a dtu stands for duplicate thermal unit all you need to know is more heat raises the temperature in the area and it's also going to lower the decor in the area and the radius for it lowering that decor is five tiles so five tiles away from this outhouse it's gonna have a lower decor and when the duplicates finish the outhouses we'll be able to highlight a new functionality to show you how we can actually examine that these little bars under here this is the progress bar for this specific building and they're completed and you'll notice the duplicates are instantly going to get dirt and loading up the outhouse if we click on the outhouse you can see that it has 15 visits remaining why 15 well you can see they loaded it up with 200 kilos of dirt and after 15 visits it'll need to be emptied in other words we'll have to take the polluted dirt out of it but remember i said that it was going to reduce the decor now we're going to get into a decor in a much later episode but i wanted to highlight these overlays over here now each of these buttons will show you a different overlay one of the most important is oxygen if we zoom out after hitting the oxygen overlay you can see there's very breathable oxygen over here and breathable to barely breathable oxygen here that's something to keep in mind huh but the decor actually gave us a perfect example of what we can use by clicking f8 or selecting the decor overlay you can see there's now a negative value for decor because of these outhouses which if you remember is exactly what it said it was going to do and what decor it means the duplicates find this area just uglier to be around than it finds this area alright so we have some outhouses built things are looking good our duplicants can go to the bathroom but wait a minute one of the other effects of this outhouse was that it produces 200 000 germs is there something that we can do to actually make sure the duplicants don't get those germs everywhere well i know i wash my hands after they use the bathroom so maybe we should give something for the duplicates to do the same and in fact under medicine we have a wash basin we'll select the wash basin and see that it takes 50 kilos of sandstone we have 14 870 kilos worth of sandstone so we have plenty of material and it requires five kilograms of water per use and it turns that five kilograms of water into five kilograms of polluted water okay these are the effects but it reduces 000 120.000 well this seems like a good deal here now this building itself has an overheat temperature so if the surrounding environment is hotter than 75 degrees that would be bad and this building would break but the decor it actually raises the decor by 10. okay that seems like a good idea and we have two outhouses so why don't we put two wash basins now there's actually a good reason why we do this basically when one of these outhouses becomes available a duplicant is gonna go use it and then they're gonna come out and they're gonna wash their hands well if there was only one wash basin and two duplicates finished using the outhouse at the same time since one wash basin was already being used this duplicate would just walk right by them and not wash their hands don't even think about it nicola you're washing your hands but remember the wash basin says it requires five kilograms of water in fact it's giving us a symbol it's saying we're missing a resource and if we look over in the top of the left it gives us a notification symbol that says there's a building lacking resources and we know exactly what that resource is it's water well we zoom out and as a matter of fact we have a little bit of water right here so we know we can get over there by digging so let's dig up this area here the duplicates will then come dig this area up but if we check over into our plumbing section it looks like we can build something called a pitcher pump basically what this pitcher pump does is it requires 400 sandstone to build we can put it right here and the duplicates will be able to use this and pull out bottled water well that seems perfect because once we have bottled water we'll be able to take that water and bring it over the wasp basin lyra and nisbet just filled some water and they're bringing those fresh bottles of water over to the wash basin where did they get the bottles it's one of those oxygen not included mysteries that we just don't know the answer to now the wash basins have a couple arrows on it and if you click on it you can see that down here in the bottom right we can set the direction of the arrow what this tells the duplicant is hey when do i need to wash my hands well we don't want the duplicates to necessarily wash their hands when they're going to use the bathroom because that would require another 5 kilograms of water but we do want them to wash their hands after they get done using the outhouse so what we're going to do is set the direction to where they only use the wash basin when they're going right past the building and the convenient little arrow tells the duplicants when to do that well look at this we now have bathrooms set up what else are they gonna need the two most basic necessities for duplicates is food and oxygen we're gonna worry about those two necessities in a future episode but for this very first episode we know that we have a little bit of food in the form of nutrient bars and when we click our overlay we see that we have plenty of oxygen there's other things that your duplicates need beside the two necessities of food and oxygen one is for instance in a place to use the bathrooms the other is actually a place to sleep if we go over here into furniture we see that we have a building called the cot requires 200 kilograms and it'll give the duplicant a place to sleep it also has the effect of giving them plus 100 stamina per cycle and plus 25 health per cycle and we'll use this as an eventual example on the details of what every duplicate has so why don't we plan to build some cots since it's getting close to be nighttime and we want a place for the duplicates to sleep well some you need to know about duplicates is they don't like to sleep with the light on unless they're scared of the dark which is a nyctophobic trait and we don't have to worry about that right now because none of our duplicates are nectaphobic but we can check the light overlay by hitting f5 or hitting this little light bulb symbol and you can see our printing pod actually produces light so we don't want the duplicates to sleep here and quite frankly this area here doesn't look like a real good place to sleep i mean you got a picture pump here you get plants growing so why don't we try to build them a place to sleep down here but how do we get down there do we just dig down here like this well duplicates require two tile high space to move through in other words if we dug this out the duplicate can't crawl through here ah they don't crawl they only like to stand up but as a matter of fact if we search through with things that we can build we can build ladders let's go ahead and build a few ladders down here and that way we have a whole nother area to build a whole nother level per se now we could easily dig out this whole area and put some cots here there's reasons why we're not going to and i have to do a room bonuses but again that's a subject for another episode so why don't we cue a couple of commands here what we're going to do is cue those ladder commands we're also going to cue some digging commands and we're going to cue some building commands we're going to build three cots for our three duplicants sorry folks the duplicants can't share cots it ain't that type of game and then when we unpause it the duplicate's gonna get to work now you'll notice only one duplicate can work at a task at a one time and because that was one dig command only one duplicate had access to it but now that we've have a little bit more space more duplicants can get involved you can see that they can actually reach down and reach over by a few tiles to perform their task now we found another buried object right now it's behind this dirt and sand so it's harder to see it but it's actually a piece of muckroot now muckroot is another 800 calories but remember we have this hatch running around and long story short if we select the hatch we can see that they would eat our muckroot and we don't want them to eat that muckroot because maybe the duplicants could eat it so what do we do with this mukru to get it out of here how do we let the duplicates know that we need to grab this mukrut and put it somewhere well remember a ration box up here if we select it there's an element filter on the left hand side right now only nutrient bars are selected but if we select muckroot it'll tell the duplicates put any muck root that you find into this ration box and you can see lyra here is picking some up right now and they're putting it inside this container and that way that pesky critter can't eat it and you'll notice that our calories went up a little we now have 3200 calories of worth of muckroot now also on the left you may have noticed that a tutorial message popped up and we earned an achievement we're not going to go over the achievements because i want the newer players to be able to discover them for their own but these tutorials i want you to click on them and watch them as a matter of fact if you've been playing the game for a little while and haven't clicked on one of these you definitely should they're a fun watch and you may glean something valuable out of it that you just don't think about now you may have noticed down here while they were digging that the duplicants were having a hard time breathing and they got this little symbol that said they were missing oxygen in fact we're gonna be mean and move nicola down here and you'll notice he's holding his breath if we highlight over him it even says he's holding his breath remember use your oxygen overlay there's not a lot of oxygen down here lucky for us there's a lot of oxygen up here it'll take some time but the oxygen will filter down here but so will the carbon dioxide so the last thing that we want to do is build a carbon dioxide sink because carbon dioxide is heavier than oxygen all the carbon dioxide that is produced up here will sink down here well echo how does carbon dioxide get produced well i'm glad you asked if we click on this materials overlay right here you'll see it come up with a bunch of filters here we're going to select gas so it only highlights the different gas look at this there's 20 grams of carbon dioxide here and 537 grams here well long story short when the duplicates breathe in oxygen they breathe out carbon dioxide if we pay attention to nisbet she just took a breath she exhaled and produced a tile of carbon dioxide and if we zoom out you can see all the oxygens here but all this carbon dioxide is sinking down here so why don't we cue up a couple of more commands and open this area up and that way all the carbon dioxide can actually slip down into this cavern and all the oxygen that's being produced by this oxalite can filter up and the reason why that happens again is because oxygen is lighter than carbon dioxide now while i was running my mouth you may have heard a little message it was the start of another section of our day this is the last tab i'm going to show you today but if we go under schedule you'll see all of our three dupes listed under the default schedule well this color right here is work this here is downtime these three blocks here are bedtime and this one block here is bath time and you'll see the little arrow here and it corresponds to this arrow right here we have the duplicants going to bed time in these three blocks they get to relax and do what they want during these two which usually is they're gonna go to the bathroom and then they're gonna do all their work during this time well when they get out of bed in the morning they're gonna use bath time which means they'll either go wash their hands and use the bathroom or if you have them they might go take a shower so if we unpause it we'll notice that nisbet and lyra are using the bathroom nicole is not he's still eating he wants to use the bathroom but he has to wait for someone else to go he now goes to use the bathroom and that's it the duplicates are in their down time the first thing they normally do is go to the bathroom now we've hit the point in the schedule where it's bedtime so all three of them are gonna head down to their cots and go to bed now remember i wanted to use sleep as an example of how to highlight some of the individual stats that duplicants have if we select lira for instance you'll see that she's inhaling 200 grams of oxygen and exhaling 4 000 grams of carbon dioxide per second and we highlighted that a little earlier she has a small buff called new hope that lasts for three total cycles which gives her a stress reduction of minus 20 percent and a morale bonus of plus one now they get a buff called lit workspace that says when they are working inside of light they move at plus 15 speed which means they probably just ran by this printing pod they also engaged in pleasant chit chat sometime during this cycle you can see we have 11 seconds remaining of a minus 5 per cycle stress debuff and here's where that stat bonus remember we saw that cots give plus 25 health per cycle and here's where that stat shows up now there's a bunch of conditions down here as well the ones you need to pay attention to right now are stress and if you highlight over it you can see all the different buffs and debuffs they've received during the cycle the morale which we'll get into in detail in another episode but right now lira's morale is at two and she has zero morale need her bladder is at five percent if it hits a hundred and there's no bathroom they will soil themselves and make a mess their stamina is what they can actually work in a day if they run out of stamina they will pass out and just go to sleep but you can see we're actually getting a buff by sleeping in a cot of plus 100 per cycle this is the current calorie count for this duplicate you can see they're running on about 3 800 calories and they're eating 1 000 calories per day the current body temperature and the heat that they're emitting and their average decor that they've seen and we'll get into more of these in detail at a later date but i wanted to show you how things like that affect each duplicant because remember we were making the decision to build the cot and we saw that the cot would give them a buff to stamina and to health everything you're doing in oxygen not including is to make sure that these duplicants survive and it's personally one of the reasons why i love it these duplicates are in your care and your colony straight up fails and you lose the game if all these duplicates die so we build a colony and that's sort of it it doesn't mean you have to do x y and z and here's the message i want to close this episode out with i just told you what your main purpose of playing this game just making sure the duplicants survive there are no expectations you don't have to build bathrooms if you don't want you don't have to build cots you just gotta make sure the duplicates survive so when you're watching this episode and other episodes and i show you some things to do and tips on what you could do better remember they're just suggestions if you're having fun playing and your duplicates are still living well you're playing the game right don't let anybody else tell you you're not next episode we're going to look at room bonuses start on some research look at some skills and expand our colony even more i'm also starting a colony fixer upper series where i'm going to take a look at your colony and give you suggestions on what you could do to make it a little bit better or say hey echo i'd really like to do this do you have any suggestions on how i can make it happen we can do that too so please consider sending me your save file if you're interested in it appearing in a video you can find my email address into the about page of this channel i hope you had a great time and you learned a lot in this episode and i'll talk to you soon [Music]
Channel: Echo Ridge Gaming
Views: 10,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ONI, Oxygen Not Included, Spaced Out!, Strategy, Klei, New Player, Colony, Colony Survival, Simulation, Gaming, Indie, Survival, Let's Play, Lets Play
Id: F_7cl2-M_iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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