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hey folks it's Brad I'm coming to you from cutting edge custom sharpening you can find me online at cutting edge custom sharpening com real quick I want to talk about sharpening hairdressing shears and why using home methods is not a great idea and how to vet your sharpener to make sure that they actually are doing it correctly or not so real quick we're gonna flip you down we're gonna take a look at a shear and talk to you a little bit about the basics of sharpening geometry and how to know you're getting it done right bear with me a moment so I have here a Joelle this Joelle came in to me needs a little bit of love some work and we're gonna talk real quick about it this is a coated shear titanium painted whatever the heck you want to call it powder coated but real quick there's some basic geometries and this year you can see very clearly that there's a silver line on the inside of the blade it disappears a little bit there I will address that there's actually a small problem with the scissor that we need to address but that silver line that runs up the cutting edge is called the ride line the ride line is incredibly important it is the most important surface on your shear with regard to how the two blades contact each other and if we look straight down a scissor you'll notice that one blade looks left the other blade looks right that ride line and especially the part that goes around the pivot area this hook down here this fishhook it is the only surface on the two blades where the two blades actually contact each other so if that's not done correctly against a flat stone that's clean and maintained and we don't address that correctly the two blades will never contact each other correctly the edges will miss each other and you'll fold or bite hair so it's really important we got to take the shear apart and adjust that ride line the second thing is on the face of the scissor especially these coated shears you'll notice real quickly here that little silver line right there let's see if you can get a better view of that pair of me a moment it's a bit tough to do this I'm sorry but you see that silver line there on the face of the shear that is where that paint has been cut away and it's called a semi convex edge most hairdressing shears have what's called a convex face it goes from the spine all the way to the cutting angle all the the cutting edge without a break some are beveled some are semi convex like this Joelle some are fully convexed so you got to make sure that every time your scissor comes back from the sharpener that it has the correct edge profile on the face and that the ride line has been adjusted correctly cutting through sandpaper or tinfoil or trying to do a scissor yourself on a whetstone can cause a couple issues one adjusting the ride line if it's not done it's not gonna cut hair correctly and number two really the only way to get an accurate face on a shear is to have a lot of training and a lot of understanding of the mechanical and manufacturing aspects of a scissor to do it correctly free-handing on a whetstone the face of a scissor can be done but it's not advised there are tools and devices that we use to very accurately grind then sharpen and hone the correct angles and geometries to the face of the scissor and on the inside as well so how do you protect yourself let me flip around you can see my face so to make sure that you're not getting screwed over by your sharpener number one you always need to be taking a before a very detailed before photograph of your shear where you can very clearly see the inside and outside of the blades just as I had in the video you were able to see the inside and outside of both blades you need to take a photograph of one side and then the other side and make sure that that's in high detail you need to know whether or not your shears are fully contacts semi convexed or a beveled edge and then the minute it comes back from sharpening before you even pay a cent you need to come first compare the before in the after photograph to make sure that the edge has not been damaged in any way and that the geometry of the shear has not been altered and number two you need to test cut with it and I would highly suggest doing either a wet perm test where you take a wet sheet of perm paper you take your scissor I know that this is a righty shear and I'm holding it my left hand but if you were to imagine having the perm paper hanging vertically this way I'll take a single cut slower roll right up through the perm till it's closed and then I pull and if it snags drags or pulls something's not right or the other thing and this is what I love to do is you take a cotton ball or a cotton membrane and you stretch it out till it's just the end thin and then you try to cut slowly through that that's very difficult to do unless your scissor has been done absolutely right so you need to make sure that you take photographs of your shear but before a sharpener ever touches your scissor a couple things you can ask them ask them for photographic evidence of the work that they do if they don't have photographs of the work that they do is it that they just never thought to do it or are they trying to hide something as a stylist when you do great work you take photographs of your of your cuts and colors my correct so why isn't your sharpener and lastly make sure that they are insured and they have a warranty policy to replace your Shearer when and if it breaks so protect yourselves guys because we all settle for less than perfect sharpening and make sure that you stay on the cutting edge if you've got any questions concerns or you want to get in touch with me because you're not sure if your sharpener is doing it correctly or you just need some help with any of the information I've given you feel free to get in touch with me through my website cutting edge custom sharpening com or by going on to Facebook and searching cutting edge custom sharpening or facebook.com forward slash cutting edge custom sharpening till next we speak stay sharp
Channel: Cutting Edge Custom Sharpening
Views: 73,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rb1GX-WCI6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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