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hey what's up guys welcome back to part two this is a restoration series it's been a fun little project if you haven't seen part one go check it out the link here on the top of screen right now we are about to get to the sharpening which is the last stage of this project and we're going to be using my edge Pro apex so this is our basic edge Pro table all I've done is remove the top plate you can actually get this awesome scissor attachment from edge Pro really cool little system here what you do is you just insert this piece through the bottom this heads in over like this then you just use the same screw you have from the original top plate and now you have an angle adjustable scissor table here and this is a scissor table because this the way this works allows you to pinch a pair of scissors so this is a pretty cool system we'll open up our scissors here and so I don't want to start with first I'll start with this side we get them right in you can see I've already set up these little guys here you'll get that in you'll just crank down this sort of grabber bar here and this will pinch your scissor blade the scissors are pinched open and now you can use your stones exactly the same as you would with a knife you have two ways of adjusting your angle because of the way this table works so when your scissors are pinched in we have a little tension of a wing nut here and your scissor bevel can move back and forth just like this each Pro recommends this being your macro adjustment for getting it closed and then of course you still have your adjustment right here which allows you to more finely dial in your edge angle so I'm gonna get my courses' stone my 120 grit stone in here I'm gonna get a little bit of Sharpie on this bevel just so I can very clearly see my contact point so I'm just going to color in this bevel now I can set pretty closely by I my sharpening angle here I can see that I need to go a little bit little bit steeper it looks like right about there tighten it down these scissors probably help with sharpen in the twenty or thirty years so I'm just going to dose out 120 and you're gonna give a couple strokes here so you can see we can go a little bit deeper okay that's right as I've said before it's pretty easy to set up as it is with these systems once you have it set up you have that angle fix and it just becomes too easy as all that magic easy you can get gonna work it keep an eye on that back edge and make sure we get a nice square edge along the back I don't think I have their moves too much material with these scissors okay so all I've done here now this thing hasn't moved from the vice and I've worked through a few different grits stones at the apex fork it I've worked right up to my 1000 grit stone and if you feel that edge that inside edge that cut edge it is so grabby sharp just crispy and that flat bevel looks so good I was enjoying seeing that from these that's one thing I do absolutely love about these goddess systems is that freehand sharpen you always get a slight connect sing and you can see that as a light goes over but with angled or jig sharpeners like this the angles are perfectly fixed I'm gonna repeat that exact same process with the other blade color in with a little bit of marker I'll ball my guide to start off get it as close as I can I'm just gonna give it a couple strokes here now just see where I'm cutting and I can see that this is a very to ever sharpen this blade in the past did a pretty poor job they certainly didn't have this tool because it's touch them in different places all the way along some places touching way back on the heel of the edge some places it's cutting right at the edge some places in the middle but because of that I'm going to choose to sharpen using the angle it's Pat right there right now and just bring it all in together [Music] so I just quickly learned a very valuable trick and that is to put a little bit of tape over the edge of the blade you already sharpened because as my as my stone hair was coming down a long lineage I was just shaving away at the white metal base of this stone so thank you so [Music] even though I didn't show every grip or sharpening step with the other blade here the idea is that you strapping I'm still you completely establish a bevel so that bone a flat surface with your first stone and then each stone after that you're just progressing to remove the scratches left so I the previous colors so once I establish my bevel with this one point I'll move to the two points and try to remove all those hundreds and twenties your extraction and you get up as high if you want we're stopping at once I have some great today okay I've repeated the exact same set of steps with bleed number two one up to 1000 grit and now I'm gonna do a step that I probably wouldn't have thought of but that edge Pro recommends for scissors and that is for the first few openings so you don't want to close them resist the urge to just snip and close there now force them apart and get them closed okay so the edges did not contact each other and now draw them back open and do that a few times so force them apart and let them drag open on each other a few times which is going to scrape off any birth and to my surprise I can actually see a few little pieces of bur sort of breaking off that edge that is pretty cool I guess it makes sense that the people that engineering designed these tools will spend their lives working with them would have the tips and tricks' some awesome awesome now I'm going to close them for the first time let's see how those edges contact each other beautifully so first off here's what those 1,000 grit planes look like very nice very crispy look at that nice edge and that nice of course we could have went out and polished it but I didn't bother not for what these shears are gonna be doing notice how they cross over each other right out to the tips so all the way out I cross over so that they drag super tight against one another while they're closing just look at those bevels try them here on a little bit of felt right out to the tip and nice that cuts that isn't nice so I've super fun hair on my head I'm just wondering if these big scissors are able to cut these delicate little hairs oh ho and they definitely are super super sharp that is a beautiful thing if they weren't super sharp and they weren't meeting at a good face those hairs would just get bent down and pushed down in between the scissors but instead they just cut beautifully there check out how good those bevels look so that's it for this little mini series guys I hope you enjoyed watching me restore these scissors and I hope now you've learned something about sharpening your own scissors and shears this once again is the edge Pro I have the apex 4 kit does the edge Pro apex with the number 4 kit in stones and we have the scissor attachment which you can pick up for yourself if you're interested I think Amazon carries it but you can also check out edge Pro I believe it is I'll post a link down in the description thanks for watching comment down below subscribe to my channel if you haven't already we'll see in the next video
Channel: Kyle Noseworthy
Views: 10,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to sharpen scissors, how to scissors, how to sharpen shears, scissor sharpening, easy scissor sharpening, DIY scissor sharpening, scissor sharpening instructional, salon scissor sharpening, shears sharpening, easy shears sharpening, DIY shears sharpen, tool restoration, scissor restoration, antique restoration, vintage tool restoration, Edge pro apex, Edge pro review, Edge Pro APEX review, edge pro scissor attachment, Edge Pro Scissor sharpening, Edge Pro scissor review
Id: 8n10dTdo01c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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