Testing Weird Sewing Hacks: Can You Sharpen Scissors with Foil?

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hey Ron its general from the last stitch one of the favorite things about doing sewing videos on YouTube is the fact I get so many great tips and suggestions from you guys in the comments section you know I have learned a ton from you in fact sometimes I think that the comment section might be removed useful than my sewing tutorials no I'm just kidding I want you to still watch my videos but I highly recommend that you also read the comment section because there's so many things to learn from each other so it just a big thank you and dedication to the fantastic amount of sewing knowledge that you all share with each other I am actually going to do a video today where I test for of the tips that I've gotten in the comments section and see if I can also make them work so I'm really really excited now to try four things out so I'm going to start with tip number one which I'm really hopeful that would work because it's so simple and that is to put good old rubber bands around the pedal for my sewing machines because more alesia's I have is that they keep moving back and forth across the floor which is super annoying when you're sewing so how's it that chase chase the the pedal with my foot which is not a good idea so when I complain about that in a video several you guys said try to add these on top so really curious to find out if they will also work and the next tip I'd never heard before until someone commented on this which is to use good old white so to mark fabric especially where which is the right side on the wrong side on dark and it was can be a bit tricky I have another method which is just putting tape on one of the sides but today I'm going to see if soap can perform just as well I'm really curious about that I've never heard about before so I'm really curious to see if you guys have some experience with this as well now this tip is sounds super crazy to me but so many of you guys have said that this work which is so you can actually sharpen your fabric scissors by cutting them into regular aluminium foil now I am Telling You I am just trying this out don't take my word for it and you're doing it at your own risk really really curious to see if I can make this work and the final tip is can either an iron or a hairdryer get rid of the wobbly bits on my cutting mat well stay tuned because today we're going to find out what I'm going to do now is I'm going to place one of these simple rubber band on top of this and see if it improves the situation it turns out that the one with rubber band slips less than the one without pipe to be honest I still had a little bit of gliding across the floor even with this one so what I'm going to do now and is to add a second rubber band and see if that even improves things so let's take a look well so massive difference it didn't feel weird to the foot either so a big thank you to you who told me to try using rubber bands on the pedal for the sewing machine it really works so thumbs ups for this tip because I've not tried these tips before I'm actually going to use an old pair of sisters I'm not too emotionally attached to but I'm still really curious to see if it works so what I'm going to do now is to cut a piece of fabric so we have before reference and then I'm going to cut through the fall a number of times and then I'm going to cut the same piece of fabric again to see if it works the full thing well it didn't really win me over I did cut for several minutes and I notice a slight improvement in sharpness but not as good as Frances then compared to when I use this one this is cheap sister sharpening for from Fiskars and it does a better job than fall at least the method I use now again I'm just trying stuff out so if you have a better idea or more efficient method when it comes to using foil please let us know in the comment section so maybe I can do it right the next time but as a first attempt I'm not super super blown away by the result of cutting foil using scissors and trying to sharpen them let's talk about the soup I was actually impressed of how nicely the flow was we sometimes when you use shock there is a quite a lot of friction it's hard to get like soft smooth lines so the super sexually shear then I had a bit of a freak out because I couldn't just rub the soap away but when I used a piece of just a regular wet rug I was removed instantly and now it's dry I cannot see any trace of soap and obviously if you're washing the fabric it will disappear because it's soap would I recommend this for delicate fabrics such as silk and such I have no idea but if you're going to use a fabric that you're going to wash in a regular washing machine using water then I cannot see there will be much of an issue with soap it does have a little bit grease in it but they ain't getting soap is used to clean clothes so I can only assume that this will actually work so thank you for the tip really like this good to have in hand when you don't have chalk and also if you're working with knits this is actually much smoother than using shock and now for the cutting mat this was definitely not a quick fix reference I'm using a medium setting I am using a cloth in between the iron and the mat as adviced spy you guys and I'm just going to press this and until I feel that the mat is hot enough so that it starts to like shape a little bit so I'm going to add books on top of that and let it sit and see if that makes a big difference for the hairdryer the principle is the same heating of the mat and then adding pressure what I'm noticing with the hairdryer is that it takes much longer to warm up the mat compared to the iron I think that could be good idea because I feel like the hair dries giving me more control and once this is hot now I'm just going to add a bunch of books on top of it and let it sit for I think about an hour or so and we're going to see if that makes a difference I've done the several sessions now of reheating pressing reheating and pressing I think I waited about half an hour between each heat application I have no idea if this is a good method or a bad method I know some of you guys watching this video has already try this so if you have any more specifics please drop us a note in the comment section so we can learn to improve this method I will say though that there are deaf working I do prefer the iron over the head right because the Hydra just took too long and it wasn't as effective at adding heat as iron was but if you don't use an iron you should carefully have some clothes in between because it gets hot fast even if I even aside it just use a medium setting so I'm not sure that the Matt will be hundred percent flat once this experiment is done but already I've noticed a big difference and I think if I am more patient and repeat this process a few more times I will definitely be able to get the Matt I think pretty flat [Music] so to sum it up I tested for stuff to the soap and the rubberband worked like a charm the cutting mat very hopeful about that I am think I'm getting close to getting in flat the the only thing that wasn't a hundred percent working for me was using the aluminum foil to sharpen my scissors maybe I was doing something wrong so I'm sure there are better ways of doing this because so many of you guys have said that this method is something that works so I'm really curious to know exactly how you do that to happen so again please drop us a note in the comment section so we can help each other figure out the best way of sharpening your scissors using aluminium foil but to me I wasn't a hundred percent happy with the result but maybe again maybe I just did something wrong wow that was quite a learning experience for sure I love doing this video and if you have any more tips please keep them coming because I love that we can all learn from each other and of course I also like to hear your experience with the tips that I showed you guys today I will also like to know and get a second and a third opinion you know the drill anyways thank you so much for watching please subscribe for weekly sewing videos stitch safe and I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: The Last Stitch
Views: 19,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sewing tutorials, dressmaking, the last stitch, last stitch, johanna lundström, sewing tutorial for beginners, tools for sewing clothes, how to fix a slippery sewing machine pedal, how to flatten a warped cutting mat, how to mark fabric for sewing, how to sharpen a pair of scissors, using foil to sharpen scissors, how to fix cutting mat, sewing hacks and tips, sewing tips and tricks, great sewing tips and tricks, sewing with knits tips and tricks, sharpen scissors
Id: etzGsWMPRA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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