Riveting the Top Wing Skins ~ Sling TSi Build Video # 7

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today is Friday January 12th 2024 and this Begins the phase two portion of the Wings and right now I am just finishing up the bottom skins so the wings have been flipped over and the bottom skins have been uh installed the only real challenge is with the uh bottom Skins are really with the there's there's there's five different rivets that go into the bottom skin so you know understanding where all those are and really making sure that I Mark I use color coding for the different rivets the rivets range from 3.2 I believe it's 3.2 to 4.8 uh a lot of them are 4 mm these are the 4.8 so so that you know that also affects the dimpling so I did do you know of course obviously did the dimpling on these skins which no it wasn't very difficult at all um using the big tables and uh having that uh dimpl set up properly and a little bit of a you know little stool there I can slide those skins through and dimpling was really not a big challenge so the installation of the Skins is not hard um that's very simple but I went ahead and decided that while the wings are flipped over I would go ahead and fill the rivets and before I show you that let me show you what I'm using this is um superfill right here and uh it's a two-part uh I don't know if this is an epoxy but it's a two-part filler and one is it's two to one the blue the blue is two portions for every one portion of the smaller can there and I just use a scale so if I put in let's say 20 grams of the blue I'm going to put in 10 grams of the uh cream colored there and then dilute it with isopropyl alcohol and then I can use a a syringe just fill the syringe up and dilute it to the point where I can actually load the syringe and so uh the first batch I did was a little bit thin so I didn't use quite as much of the uh alcohol the second time um and then so I'm what I'm doing is I'm using these These are 10 mm disposable syringes and this worked out really well and so on this right wing you can see where I just went around along here and it's just basically just filling it in just a little little bit at a time it's not it's not as hard as you would think um I actually enjoyed it and waited overnight and then I sanded so this Wing is yet to be sanded I will sand that before I flip this over this uh left wing here has been sanded and so you can kind of see the results of these uh rivets that have been filled and I think it looks really nice it came out nicer looking than I would have expected I guess and then of course when I paint I will try to paint uh These Wings flat so that paint can somewhat pull inside of those rivet heads it won't pull a great deal but it will collect to a certain extent and uh that'll look nice those uh dimple rivets will look nice on that paint job so um and I still need to do I went ahead and dimpled these uh inspection plates inspection covers and go ahead and epoxy those rivets as well you you can kind of see here that's what the rivet looks like before the epoxy is applied to it so kind of gives you an idea how that works and while I'm at it I just decided Well let's go ahead and start filling the rivets on the control surfaces so we got the horizontal stabilizer and I've I've gone ahead and filled those rivets and uh I'll sand these down flip it over and same thing with the with the rudder and the vertical stabilizer I've also gone ahead I still need to get some screws for this but I did complete my wiring and I tested the connections and everything for my beacon that's going to go on top of the rudder so that is Phase well phase two but it's um this is the bottom skins I'll flip these over and show you what the top skins look like when those are completed so the wings have been flipped over in they're actually right side up now so these are the tops of top of the Wings and and before we start skinning the top of the wing there's a few Plumbing items that need to be taken care of as far as uh pedo static uh AOA uh and some electrics for the wigwag landing lights as well as the uh nav strobe lights so I've already I've already installed the uh AOA and pedo on the left wing and the the kit assumes that we're going to be going Garmin for all of our uh equipment and so I'm at the point now where I'm getting ready to install the pedo tube I got the pedo tube out here and like I said the kit assumes that there's going to be garment equipment installed I don't know if you can see this or not but this area right here is where the pedo tube will go and they there's a set of brackets that go on that uh that's probably how the the Garmin uh Hardware works I'm actually not using Garmin I'm going dinon well I'm going Advanced flight system for my ephas and everything that Advance uses is supported by dinon um so all the peripherals that go into the eus uh use the donon equipment so this is a dinon pedo tube and this is the pedo Mast and uh this is a little template used to Mark out the holes for mounting so it's not quite as simple as that there's a little bit of a challenge because here this hole again was designed for a Garmin pedo tube and uh or excuse me Garmin mast for the PED tube and this is the Mast from dinon and this is actually designed for an RV dinon makes these so that they fit RVs so I'm not using an RV and I'm not using Garin so we got to make some modifications so I had to enlarge this hole in order to get this to drop in and now that it's in it's nice that they they did it this way so that I could actually uh Riv it into The Spar and really beef up this connection but the problem is there is now a Gap um between uh this bottom part of the plate here so my solution for that was I went ahead and took a piece of 05 aluminum and that's going to be uh a spacer that I'm going to use for the uh the Mast here so drops on like that go back over here to the opening drop this down here and now we've got a very nice connection this uh plate takes up that space between the the the uh Wing skin and The Spar and so this will be a really great and solid connection the only issue I have is that at the bottom of the Mast there is going to be a little bit of exposed from where I had to open that hole but uh I can probably use some filler and take care of that situation so that's where we are on the pedo okay so in the pedo tube and let me show you one more thing I did to the pedo tube here uh I didn't care for how the these aluminum tubes were just kind of loose in here and kind of moving around and I can see where uh in Flight these might cause some issues um just bouncing around and so forth and really to secure that uh the the this Plumbing to secure that into this Mast I took some nylon rope used it like packing material and pushed it down into the Mast around these uh pedo and AOA tubes and then I just uh DED it and soaked the the nylon rope with some epoxy resin and now that this is all set up we've got a very solid connection here so I'm pretty happy that that's uh in a good secure situation I have I did run my power uh for the controller for the heat on the pedo heat I just haven't I just haven't made the connection I'll make a uh a connection there probably with a a deuts connector um so next thing i' have to do here is the wiring um which is for the nav lights and for the um position lights strobe lights I'm sorry Landing lights position lights strobe lights that sort of thing so uh the wiring goes into both of these wings so let me explain a situation that I encountered that created quite a bit of a concern for me that I really had to make a a pretty sub I wouldn't say substantial modification but something that's uh um created some confusion and the confusion comes from again using this paper uh instruction manual and depending on that as the as the resource um is not the right thing to do I have to always make sure that what you know I can carry this thing around with me and move it around while I'm working on different components but I need to really make sure I cross reference it with the digital drawings that are uploaded into the Dropbox folder which are updated uh much more frequently than what the paper instructions are and that is when assembling let me just start with this here um this is the right wing and when assembling these uh putting this this Stringer in here for the bottom skin I see that this Stringer only goes to this rib here and then stops and then the wiring just branches off towards the landing lights and then on out towards the tip for the position lights however when I lay down the the skin when I was doing the covering when I was skinning this is the right wing and when assembling these uh putting this this Stringer in here for the bottom skin I see that this Stringer only goes to this rib here and then stops and then the wiring just branches off towards the landing lights and then on out towards the tip for the position lights however when I lay down the the skin when I was doing the covering when when I was skinning the bottom of the Wings there were dimples that went all the way out so I went over here into the computer uh the digital plant and same Wing assembly three Wing assembly 3 but this Stringer is here and it's over in the the parts list and so okay now that makes sense so I found that Stringer in this part list I installed it here it is installed on the right wing it begins right here and goes all the way to the tip so uh that took care of that situation however um as I was proceeding on and I get to the left wing assembly I looked at these plans and I see there is no Stringer for here and when I went and looked at the skin there's also no dimples so I said well okay that makes sense I didn't bother to cross check it with the digital drawing which shows the Stringer there but it does not show the Stringer here I made it the mistake I went ahead and skinned it I did not include that Stringer which would have meant I would have had to drill those myself um but I didn't even realize it until I started doing the wiring and as I'm looking at the wiring here I said well I better go back I can confirm with my digital drawings and there I see it yes there is the wires that are going out in two different directions but there's also a Stringer here well I didn't do that for the left wing so what did I have so now what am I up against I've got a wing here that's been fully assembled this is the left wing the bottom skins have been riveted in place and I don't know what to do about now installing that Stringer because I can't get in there with a dimple tool and dimple that what am I going to do how am I going to get that Stringer in place so what I decided on was I went ahead and just Bond wed the Stringer in place using fiberglass so my solution I believe has been adequately solved uh I put down one layer of fiber glass that I bonded to the bottom skin I scuffed the skin I put down one layer of fiberglass let that set up and then I brought the Stringer in I had to actually drill a hole in the back of my jig to slide this piece in and then I began fiberglassing up into this Channel and then on the other side laid fiberglass over here came up the side and then over the top so now I've got this thing in here solid it's probably in here better than the riveted ones so that was the challenge there um so that took care of that um I'm going to go into the details on the wiring here okay now that we got that left wing Stringer issue resolved um the wiring has been completed and just going to go through each Wing this is the right wing and I found it so much easier to pull the wires from the tip towards the root as opposed to the other direction um on this this end here this channel faces the rear Spar and the drawing or the the manual says these four wires that go to The Landing lights over here looks like they're just laying them across the top of this Channel and I didn't really care for that so I actually added a grommet inside that channel and I don't see that in the drawings anywhere so that grommet was um that I installed that myself and then the other then they go to different grommets going this one goes to the navite strobes and then on down so that's what's happening here on this end um it's pretty straightforward on this right wing all these are zip ties which is nice these holes are all prepunched and you just add those zip ties to pull everything in so when I got down to here there's a couple things here I want to talk about camera will focus we can see where the wire comes out of that channel doesn't a little Snake Turn and then it goes underneath this rib and then through a grommet on rib number three and then back up to rib number one so let me go around to this side and see if I can make this explain this a little easier yeah here we go so when it makes this turn out of this Channel I didn't care for how that wire could potentially chafe against that metal so I did a heat shrink that and then I also did a standoff right here I don't like the wires some of them have the wires just laying flat on the on the bottom of the skins and I don't care for that so I've added that standoff to help lift that wire up so it is suspended and then another I added another heat shrink on there because it kind of does touch the back or the bottom side of that rib and then uh and then it comes out here the first rib and then so all this excess is here ready to go into the fuselage all right so same principle on uh left wing except we've got pedo and AOA lines I just put standoffs in here as you can see I just took some some plastic tubing some zip ties and I put standoffs there to really just separate everything kind of keep it uh organized a little better I don't know if that's necessary okay so over here finished wiring up the pedo heat control or console or whatever they call this thing module I guess I put a plug in this is called a deuts plug and I've been using these uh on the other on the other build project and I really like these because they're they're they're waterproof they're dirtproof they're uh these are pen connectors like the duub pins and you have to have a special pen crimping tool to pinch those Crim excuse me to crimp those pens so there's pens and barrels you got the pen slides into the barrel and those go into the sockets so um I wanted this on here just in case uh you needed to get in here and disconnect it I didn't want to make that like a butt connector or something like that um as far far as I probably will come back I I riveted this in but what I probably really need to do is come back and put a Riv nut on the back of those so that I can just reach in and just Riv out this whole thing to that rib instead of rivet to the rib so I can take it off if I need to already talked about this uh the epoxy in there for the tubes and then we just go on down this Channel and then now we are at the the ribs that have been bonded into the bottom skins and you can just see what's going on with this same thing I've got a grommet here's a grommet right there coming out so it protects that wire and then oh over over here so there is a white wire and then there's a yellow wire that's butt connected together the reason for that is uh there are four of these 16 gauge wires that come well let me take it back there's a spool of wire that comes with the kit and the instructions say to measure off uh 5 m * 4 for each Wing so you got four wires at 5 m 5 m each into each Wing I thought I was being conservative and I pulled a little bit more off on each one just to be safe cuz I thought I'd have a little extra you know just to play with and I thought the factory would probably send me a little extra no they didn't so anyway these are called um scotch locks and I was in the signal Cor in the Army and this is what we used to connect wiring and this stuff was all outdoor sort of stuff and it's it's got a inside of it it's got a dialectric sort of a protector so these things don't corrode and then you just uh pinch them together and they make great butt connections and so that's why I use that um what else that's really it we're coming to the end of the tip of the left wing and so that's why that yellow wire goes out so it's just it really drives me nuts because I like Perfection and consistency and I wanted four white wires I had this yellow 16 gauge wire left over uh from my last build and so it's the same gauge in the same milspec wire as the white wire so it's not you know this isn't Auto Zone wire this is from Auto this is from Aircraft Spruce and so it's the real deal it's just yellow I hate it but it gets closed in the wing nobody sees it so there you go okay now we're going to start skinning this is a long video okay so I'm about ready to rivet the top skins in place I've got all the cleos installed everything's lining up perfectly uh the front edge here has been dimpled and nothing else gets dimpled on the top skins um I did have a couple guys come by yesterday that are also Builders and they took a look at my project and they made a couple suggestions and I really am appreci of that I think that's what this community is all about is people helping each other and so one of the things that they mentioned was if you look down here this this is the flat torque tube and there's a grommet here that you can see that's encased and one of the issues was that when the torque tube was turning The Grommet was also turning in place and so we thought that might not be an ideal situation so that got remedy real quickly uh I happen to have some roll pin uh handy and these are three 30 second roll pin right there I did it on all four of the bushings and that just stops that uh that that grommet or that bushing from rotating in the hole this is what a roll pin looks like and if you're curious about where to get these that's the number from I think I I guess I got them from Amazon um the second issue was the concern with the bonding on this uh Stringer out here to the aluminum and possibly over time it may delaminate and once you seal the wing up it's going to be real challenged to get to it so why not just go ahead and shoot some rivets in there now that this is set in place exactly where it needs to be so I did that I just went ahead and shot rivets in here from the underside and so this is now secured um top and bottom with rivets and so even if the fiberglass doesn't hold you can see those rivets those are button heads they're not flush rivets so no big deal um just what it is so so I took care of those two items and now we're ready to button up the wing and shoot some rivets the top skins have now been installed and it's a little timec consuming but boy it sure looks nice there's no wrinkles or anything this is just so perfectly flat and straight rivet lines look really nice install the Leading Edge on the tip with the bay for the landing light and then what's next will be this area here which is uh the fuel tank and so this is a wet wi airplane so uh that will be a series of ribs and Wing or Leading Edge skins over here that will eventually become the fuel tanks and starting on that project next and uh that's where we will end this video the only thing I did different uh here on both of these Wings is on this trailing edge here these are all milspec uh 470 4 number four and-3 with a length of a-3 and and the purpose for that is that the pole rivets on this trailing Edge tend to have a larger shop end and sometimes especially with the flaps they can interfere and these are just a little bit more flushed or closer I guess you could say uh to the skin so that there's no uh interference with the mostly the flaps not so much the ailerons but I wanted it the line to be consistent so both Wings have those milspec solid Dome rivets on the trailing Edge and everything else is the pull rivet and so let's go on this will end this video we're going to go the next video will be uh building the fuel tanks
Channel: Bald Pilot
Views: 2,553
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Keywords: bearhawk, bearhawk aircraft, bearhawk 4 place, bearhawk lsa, bearhawk patrol build, bearhawk build, bearhawk patrol aircraft, bearhawk companion, bearhawk stol, bearhawk life, bearhawk aircraft build, bearhawk vs kitfox, bearhawk on floats, bearhawk airplane, bearhawk 4 palce, bearhawk 4 palace, bearhawk patrol aicraft, bearhawk aicraft build, Sling Aircraft, Sling TSi, Experimental Aircraft, Flying, Bald Pilot, Rob Caldwell
Id: IngyZR_KHj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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