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you're off your iPhone won't connect to your desktop then you should just take it and throw it out the window here is the point of no return you see all these files on here delete Sam why don't you ask your technical support friend where his files are at what he did with the computer - what's going on guys this is Poirot you a scammer payback got an epic video for you here today I connect to an Apple support scammer connect to his computer and actually delete his files and then this scammer rage quits and leaves the call center and doesn't come back so pretty funny hope you enjoy let's go check it out thank you for calling up yes so I've got a problem connecting my computer to my iPhone so I'm going to need you guys to help me with that please yeah it's Roy Miller yeah Roy Miller Randy Savage correct yes I need to check everything in this case you're gonna have your Apple ID sir my Apple ID yeah that will be or email address what can you give me that yeah it's our Miller at Juno calm so I forgot about this so these guys are probably gonna steal my Apple account laptop what I'm dexterous and I remember a MacBook no I'm on a desktop okay I know iPhone which you have it's an iPhone 6 7 or 8 I'm uh I found X so I was I was working with Steven's not in today though is he because I was working with him on this earlier okay good because I do not like working with him so we were we were getting connected do you owe me tell you the truth can I tell you the truth of what happened yeah okay so we're on any desk right you know any desk we were on there and he starts yelling at me because I messed up the number like I messed up the connection number mm-hmm he's just difficult to work with I don't know I I don't want to get him in trouble but he just I don't want to get him in trouble right but I mean he just he's got a short temper and he said well you know what you this is what he told me let me tell you this he said your app your iPhone won't connect to your desktop then you should just take it and throw it out the window and I said are you kidding me I said what who's your supervisor and then he hung up on me so hopefully I can raise a complaint for Steven Choi yeah what was your name Jeremiah or what was it my name my name is Sam oh hey Sam well it starts starts with an S so hopefully you're not like Steven can you please go in front of your computer and open Safari please do whenever I do whenever I do whenever I say Steven it always disarms them like oh it's talking to Steven before because they don't know who's I'm on dekstop so I've got Internet Explorer no I got an iPhone but I got a Windows computer okay III think it's an Apple computer sorry for that the internet explorer is fine sir now go to google.com search Google in the Internet Explorer Google geo dleague.com okay Mac support I don't use Mac but just I should not have had that jambalaya last night [Music] okay what I put after fast where are you located out of Sam a New Jersey oh very cool it really is a beautiful it's a beautiful place hey they're not out of New Jersey by the way I'm sure you guys know that but what do you want you want me to give you my code yeah give me your code now here is here's the point of no return we'll see if I can get it we'll see if I can get it go okay yeah what is this you need to call so I can able to connect your computer so able to trust it is that you a PC yes software name okay okay okay okay do me a favor go to go to a go to that fast about.com again yes go to there again can you please go there okay on on fast support yes I go to fat support okay you see all these files on here did you click on that delete yeah there it is okay mm-hmm now type in your name and now we'll give you the new support key okay okay and any kind of problem again I can transfer this code to my senior technician from our technical department they can fix that for you okay you see this guy's bye bye bye bye files ok I'm on here so what I need to tap in after this your name sir first and I will give it support key so can you please type in your name okay okay so ready for the support key yep 4 1 4 6 1 sorry I didn't get you sir let me check what kind of problem we are getting ok ok delete delete delete delete delete oh this one didn't delete but I got I need to get into this one oh that's gone Desktop his not he has nothing on his desktop anymore he has nothing in his documents anymore okay yeah I can hear you I'm just trying to click on Start sir yeah okay and then what else did you click on start yeah what else no click on your now okay just a moment don't you aren't you on my thing anyway you see it's it's deleting deleting all his there's twelve hundred twenty thousand files that are being deleted right now you get me nervous here you tell me to click on all this stuff anymore Texas I will let you know click on run that okay open Oh click on run we're done all right I'm on run no now type a PP is an apple no click on that hit enter okay okay who is that in the background talking technician oh that's the guy that's on a PC okay that delete files were is a it's still deleting still going what is all this my technician checking everything okay okay and meanwhile I am deleting your files poor scammer I'm deleting your file is that Steven in the background not no Steven in the background that's a technician from the different Department oh and E like from Toy Story [Music] 67% who's on who's on this computer that's who's on this computer that I'm connecting okay Sam decide so just wait for the next two minutes I will be right back after checking everything okay okay okay so pretty much did everything except for like it didn't 99.7% the thing is that when I just try to pull you out your information on my apples yeah showing me like there are some kind of suspicious bad eye divot is going around with your account and your account and your device it seems to me account is infected with some sort of intersection what are you kidding around yes sir and we just detected your accounts activate and establish in two different location sir are you kidding me the location no sir I'm just checking everything on my Apple server who told ya I'm kidding on you how in the world does that happen let me shake this to tell you that you're in Texas right now somewhere in Austin correct how do you know I'm in Austin so they had to go and look on their Apple wait Russia Moscow and wait my wife is from Russia your wife is from Russia wait so you're telling me maybe she did she did this she's trying to get me about that are you kidding me saying about that I don't know about that are you no Sam tell me the truth right now where did it come from where did it come from for established with the same name in Russia and they are putting such kind of infections or viruses on your account and on your server that's the reason you're facing these kinds of problems seems to recent hacking issue someone from overseas trying to hack in your account and trying to gain access of your information oh my you've got to be kidding me oh boy here we go oh boy Sam oh my goodness what are we gonna do so they just they just cancelled me out of any desk oh my gosh oh my gosh Sam Sam are you there Sam yeah I'm here what's so funny right now the Russians are in my bank account is that why my trash hasn't been coming on Wednesdays hey where where are ya'lls files at will you go check check your computer and see if you got see if your files are still there and you tell me where your files are at because they're all deleted Sam why don't you ask your technical support friend where his files are at does he know you guys need to stop scamming people stop trying to take money you literally just told me that my Apple computer which it's not an Apple computer is connected to the Russians and I know you can still hear me I know your tech support Frank can still hear me but obviously you're not you're not gonna join you're not gonna join back you're still on the phone be a good person be a good person thank you for calling to poach how may I help you yes this is Sam there I was just on the phone with him okay he's not here anymore because I was connected with you yeah he's not any he's here but not now he he doesn't want to talk to him anymore like that did Sam see what happened on his computer is that why he like rage quit because he doesn't have any files on this computer anymore what computer he doesn't have any files on his computer anymore yeah he don't have but who are you who are you he connected to my computer okay so how did he remove the files get it let me know no can't you let me know how you did this dude teach me why did why man that was good that was good see yes I told y'all that was pretty epic deleting the files reveal the response the guy leaving the call center not wanting to talk to me and I threw in there be a good person I want to try to incorporate this in all my scam baiting when I talk to the scammers after so let me know what you think about that and also click some of these other videos if you want to keep this thing going thanks so much
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 1,665,385
Rating: 4.9255371 out of 5
Keywords: scammer, scambait, prank, refund scam, microsoft scam, phone scam, scam, tech support scam, trolling, scammer prank, fake customer support, hacker, scammer trolling, computer hack, gift card scam, google play scam, scamming, illegal scammers, irs, 2019 scams, prank call, scammer files deleted, deleted, files deleted, apple
Id: A0y_kjgVKNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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