Abandoned Mansion with everything inside - Hidden in The Woods

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so what's happening in explorers we finally arrived got through the jungle of this place and now we're about to explore this Mansion here that was once owned by the darling family now the guy that actually grew up here as a child uh joined the Royal obviously Navy become um like a general or something uh really high up rank um and then obviously yeah he took over his family home and we think later on he may have turned this into like a hotel or something but this place here is incredible it's been Stood Still for almost 20 OD 21 years we think so yeah so let's get inside and explore this place don't forget to check us out on Facebook for all the pictures and other short clips of my explorers and unseen footage uh love you loads guys let's get on with the video so ladies and gents through the front door of this mansion and what a beautiful place I'm going to give you a little tease of the staircase that we're about to explore this is one incredible [Music] mansion [Music] so I'm going to be talking really low at the moment as this is the first time I've even ever gone near this place we've the owner or the person this place is getting left to or whatever's happening isn't not a not a friendly guy so we're just literally just going to scope the area out and then go in look at this so the gate you just see at the start would have been the original front gate to this front garden so there like a perimeter bit here look at me I dragged old DMO over how's it feel bro this is easy bit this is easy bit but what we're going to do as well what we are discussing at the moment so if you SE the Island Adventures go and check out will keep an eye on this video in the links in the next few weeks so come back check it out there's going to be a link to a new channel which we're going to be doing some uh paranormal stuff feel so cold about the beer there as well damn dude I think you should do it shave it shave it no can't do that so for who don't know this man is my is's my man boo we go back about 20 years yeah it's probably about 23 years actually uh yeah 20 22 oh 22 years yeah 22 years I know this man it's a little bit of history about me and Dame really quickly I started an apprenticeship back in 2001 and uh yeah we was all training in the same place right this place I didn't realize it be this overgrown to get to it so yeah if you find this video we've gone missing something happens let's check this place out so this is nam the darling house that is totally a bit of me this place this is like Ed G this is chainsaw Mas this is literally like the movie chainsaw Mas how' you feel about being here kind of second explore ni it's exciting isn't it good it's nerve-wracking I don't really want to go missing so before we try and get in this place no way around here so um yeah as I said this was a daring house basically a captain lieutenant in the British army um serving during World War II so real some would say war hero some would say something different but it's this guy lived here actually when he passed away his house forun be came there time catch so we've been told it's like over 20 years or so but hopefully when we get inside we might be able to work out a little bit more history on ladies and gents this is literally like chainsaw masacre I don't know why I just feel that I've got that complete Vibe look how overgrown this place is we need to get inside we don't even know how we're going to get in this place even if it's doable but it's literally there so I want to try and do is stay low I don't want to try and go too open be try and get around the front or the back what is that though let quickly go to that that is the old servant's house oh I don't know is it a servant's house or would they have stored stuff here bro what is all that is this a mine bro this is a mle is it oh man have a little look quick it's completely open as well look no they s was here I actually thought this was like some family Vault just the way the front is completely tell me you got the same feeling or I just being absolute stupid so this probably may have been like the servant house maybe why would they have locked him in there's an old bath TP there right let's get around to the main house you ready you ready for the big one D ladies and gents you can see the collapse just behind me here the whole ceiling is freaking falling down but I just want to add look at those windows I'm looking at part of the ceiling there just above me you can see Furniture literally buried under there this is a remembrance of an old kitchen see the old kitchen again as I'm walking around the floor it's literally going underneath me oh see so you think this guy has lived here his entire life served in the British army now look at his place it's just falling down no this is the worst side of the place just see bits of the hallway lights hanging up and the staircase complete Bottom's G oh guys not even joking that felt terrible looking back down the old staircase bro who would have fault was your fault you've been exploring abandoned building today careful Jo I won step over there see the old wallpaper bro proper like 70s flock I'll tell you what the views this place would had it's look like an old Georgian so yeah guys there was a ceiling just out there which you see the radiator on the outside and he's moaning about his gas bill heating the outside up watch that floor here it's literally all soft there the main house hey that's the main house through this yeah guys this is what we got to do to get to the house dude see this floor's gone oh at least you go down the mattress I I'm not doing that you can see the whole floor is is going down this whole place is collapsing there has to be another way we can go in you see that room in [Applause] there you got across okay yeah it's DOD if you go across you stay on the side it's solid near The Window Guys what we do just to get to another section his house get your let's see there what we do he I'm going to stop recording this newspaper is 1963 cool what these codes were put in the link let me know 3930 Australia Post is it really austral on the box oh my God ladies and gents look at the old bed I know so he wants to put a date on that guys dude his bathroom look at this oh look at the wallpaper the way it's com for ceilings D this place is incredible so true Time Capsule right in front of us door is C these doors oh that there Maps everywhere the whole wall is literally made of a map this gu just stain glass window around the edge you can see the furniture still down the bottom which we're going to head down in a minute who would have thought that first part of this place we went in would lead us into this beautiful building like too much but that have been the front part of this building that's s the back loving the marble fireplace these rugs as well so this could have been the last room he spent in so what we're learning is obviously she passed away a lot way longer than he did before he did cute that the bear still in the bed this dresser absolutely beautiful you can imagine the curtains open there can't you and him and her at some point sat there with a morning tea obviously this probably would have been an on Suite Maybe synr can see I don't know if a lot of these pictures are going to auction or he's bought from Oran and kept all the stickers on them oh wow another little bathroom I have a feeling this place was maybe used at some point as a hotel look look at this hello Mommy I say the whole family at some point have had just as we did at home of all the age markings and stuff 2002 there it's not green now there's a secret room which makes me wonder if it's a silent alarm guys and girls honestly I know I say it every time but again this is one incredible place I'm getting to explore and again you can see over there the the flooring's about to dip the mold in this place go look at this chair guys you can see how long everything's been here as well the dust you can imagine how much heat this would have chopped off this is literally incredible another beautiful place I don't want to go out there oh someone walked out already oh wow look at this there's a lot another one look Captain there's a load of War memorabilia guys check this flooring out what an entrance hole to a place again just shows you how cold it is right near the entrance there a so I don't know if this as I said used was like a hotel at some point it's a lot of like fire extinguishers and things around that says that it kind of gives me that impression it was an old hotel that a family run it's probably that solid Crystal I mean look at the size of that lamp the size the seating there so the mold is so bad in this bit you can smell it as stinks sex necessary don't know put in the comments below let me know stereo and all the books and stuff and even the table here look has gone through the floor of this place look at the furniture rotten away this is sad is it bro when you see this it is what' you think of it it's a nice place where' you live here yeah bit we get as a project right yeah top might need yeah at the other point I love these book ends espe old dog I us feel like the Yellow Pages the golden Pages imagine World radio playing along here god dude if you didn't see this what is this check you see history so someone commented someone commented in my video guys that I was with the Irish potatoes and I feel like that's absolutely well out of order them so guys and girls please respect who I explore with oh my God just don't know why some people have to be really rude look at this oh wow so the untouched parts are just completely Stood Still even his jacket that's still hanging up all the luggage still in here oh wow this kitchen this is a this is literally a proper time capsule so again that's what I said it was the dialing family and this blo as I said served and I'm guessing as I said he turned his family home into what I would say maybe a hotel or some kind of mold in here ABS SL we can't even get to that door over there it's buried oh jul this is so cool even the table still stuff still on there where the ceilings falling look at the fish plate there still cans of Guinness there all the Serv the servants Bells clothes dryer racks above my head mold is bad in this room dude this is a proper time room Daman oh look at the old copper boiler it just hit you not maybe an old arer look at the old Sal the old kettle still on there there a water tank under there was 5 years life that's a bit expired there's even wine still in the cup but look at this charday oh look at it all even one's in little bag still oh olive oil so just looking around the other side of the kitchen the ceiling above this is probably got any point going to just fall down noticed here as well look at the pencil shener completely seized up part want to go in the basement guys anyone in the basement this whole place is literally collapsing so yeah this would have been like obviously the old paint tree and stuff store the Co St Co store loving little staircase and the cell do is just falling in it's such an amazing little place who's behind the stairs look we found this look all graved oh wow all what is this they there I don't know what they are how cool is that I know they're all in great come here check this look oh look at the little staircase I know it's like little Harry Potter's room keep oh wow guys check this out and that's the actual name isn't it darling look at it's in the naval looks like a naval out to me it would be cuz the shipping containers upstairs Dam I see oh you see it it's absolutely beautiful loving it there's an old gun is that old gun case no that's engraved as well yes what's that don't even know I don't want to you there's another case here I don't want to tou anything what the hell is that is I actually love this place just looking here what is this behind you dilute one point with 20 pints is that not pint is it Point look at the old medicine Bowl yeah a really old fashioned tennis racket there look at the GOL gloves this is probably one of my favorite places again though this is incredible so we can hear sirens coming so how you feel that you got get out but where's the secret room just down here really quick there's key you need to handle oh look at that we're missing a big bedroom there's a big bedroom like post I don't to get this place is incredible every room I go into oh wow holy I just want to swear I get in trouble guys look at this freaking room there a whole I think it's like a whole animal or something was literally like nesting in here bro this room is absolutely insane fre like a random bottle of water that just ruins it this four poster bed do you want I'm staying there tonight okay Dam you paint me one like one of the French girls so if you want to spend the night here guys hit me up in the links below 30 quid a night or two nights I'm doing for 50 Quid Christmas deal i' even Chu doo in is that right let just can't speak load of value so guys that's part of the reason why I love exploring is the fact that you can step back and take the footsteps of other people that once Walk The Halls of these huge beautiful stately homes and it is and then you come to Parts like this they're just literally collapsing the beds falling through the floor the mold the floors below us are literally falling so just heading back outside look at the old I said the old road banister look how we have to get out of this place the whole place as I said is crashing down it's just all falling down guys I'm sorry that probably seemed a little bit of a rush um sometimes the issue is when we were exploring these places like it's so dangerous in there honestly the flooring everywhere is going and there's only so much you can do or stand around and we heard the guy who's taking this over or something is not a pleasant fella so yeah say bye to the we're going to say bye to the darling family house keep get slapped of a stick guys don't forget to check us out on all social medias Facebook Instagram Snapchat belot love you loads check out my friend GE I'll stick their Instagram on the post and check out my man Domo what L boys and just want to add here as well there is a second channel so keep check in on the description of these videos that you're see in now for the links to the new channel so it's that from me it's that from Doo by house love you Lo stay safe
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 61,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned houses, abandoned mansions, abandon, abondance places, abandoned house with everything left behind, abandoned house, abandoned homes, old abandoned houses, deserted places, exploring abandoned, exploring places, abandoned houses uk
Id: -I2zTnAzhsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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