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[Music] do [Music] welcome back to the channel today me and lisa come to this absolute picturesque gorgeous part of the country we're back in wales and we're very excited for this one apparently this place is not been touched for about 60 years the last owners no one knows what happened to him vanished overnight so we're pretty excited about getting into this one proper in the middle of nowhere we've got this absolutely stunning lake over here and yeah let's get inside and let's explore this you ready [Music] [Music] ready [Music] [Music] so i just want to take in this view first you can hear the water trickling down here there's a waterfall just at the top there behind the house and then it all goes down into this lake we've got all the barns outside here steady all the barns here got some sheep in the field it's quite muddy here though proper little track here right up to the house there i know it's a bit of a mesh i just want to show this look at this old stone and slate walls the little paddocks for the sheep outside here it's absolutely amazing that somebody's built this obviously by hand the sheeper the black sheep there that's me the black sheep yeah all right so we've got a head up gonna be out of breath by the time we get here look at this stonework it's been sat here for years still absolutely perfect done a good job of this haven't i and then up to these steps old slate how thick it is imagine that now a cost of fortune and then here's the house wow it's amazing that isn't it amazing view all right that window's out at the top there so it's a bit high up that the checklist waterfalls down the side here be absolutely amazing to live here another broken window all right see if there's a way in what's that just a bit of an outhouse there this looks like it'll be the way in [Music] do [Music] do all right guys we're in this place looks like an absolute time capsule we're starting the living room we're starting here wow this place is unreal guys check this out these old chairs very retro them 60s i'd say what your color like wow the old gas fireplace this is crazy this old lantern here that's nice that's a nice find more chairs here yeah the people sunday july 31st 1960 let me see what happened jack okay for the west that's football results there well no chest a few bits in there isn't there yeah what's that date 1968 bits of food and old cutlery a photo and it looks like the house when they started building yeah doesn't it yeah yeah they're there walls wow that's like the original house yeah you have a little look round another big chest here look at the size of this oh it's not even open but look at the size of that are i wonder what that means is it open should be open guys ah should be open oh there we go oh wow all all clothes in there been eaten away by rats though wasn't it yeah jackets and stuff that that's a bit like a are probably wrong but like a military chest well you know where they'd go away on the ships i thought that was a picture there but it's just off the cupboard this cupboard door a few bits of glass and not in there an only little head cut because they're decay though the black mold the walls look like they're bleeding there look at the different layers of wallpaper though that's the first layer and then this one over the top and then just paint it over the top here a knit cutter you got knits song sheets mini pasta quattro wow this is unreal because the curtains all decay and where the mice have been eating it away at it yeah just stand back look at this room it's just pure decay this as well it's not really trashed oh this is just over the top look at the old fabric underneath you see the old floors original floor in there imagine how cold this would be in the winter though we're flooring like that be absolutely freezing heading into this big i don't know if you can tell the size of this this is a big area this and we'll go and have a look in here what it looks like i'll have a look in a sec it's like a bit like a pantry oh oh hang on hang on let's put that box there check that out oh my god i love finding old stuff like that proper vintage that is unreal what else do we have in here it's definitely a pantry isn't it all the clothes what's the date on the salmon oh look they're weighing it in ounces still product of usa oh it dripped on my finger the date would be on the lid wouldn't it loads not on yeah this will have a date oh my god look at the color of that it will be unknown i know you can't tell yeah about this box ounces again american effing seems to be american here very strange i can't see a date there 12 ounces though they don't use the metric system do they just a few glasses and stuff like that under there yeah that's like i think they still sell though no wally oh what is this oh my days what is that that's some sort of potion oh dear that looks disgusting marmalade dental cream toothpaste wow the rats have been at that this is insane isn't it all the old bottles there a few bits old crates so the latest date we've seen is 1968 so go on quick maths 1968 52 52 years geez proper time capture all this isn't it yeah that's crazy yeah giant logs it's a giant's house you have to jump to put your coat up there and here as well these jackets that waste coast oh yeah wow it's like your sunday best isn't it it's like a binoculars back there isn't it he's definitely military you know definitely should head into this next room yeah oh it's dark in here right this is the kitchen oh wow the stairs are we'll check them out in a minute we'll go we'll do upstairs last this is a good sized kitchen guys hey ham am i still in the tin wow all right what else do we have the old cookers ovens jesus what's that bit there just under the stairs is that yeah it's just where they're throwing all their bits and bobs christmas cards this old oven that's a aga agar agar it's called i keep saying here gets old off for it in the comments what do we have guinness see again ounces i wonder if britain used to be on ounces i don't know they don't teach us that in public school kettles there it's absolutely unreal this is exactly where they left their stuff right nothing seems to be set up for pictures or anything here let's check these cupboards out a few bits in there oral husk vaccine that'd be for animals won't it there's a farm like animals yeah yeah all the dishes ready to be washed still where they left what's that i don't know it doesn't look too healthy though does it let's check these cupboards more in here coffee yeah like a medicine cupboard there a few bits in there not too much so but look at this old gas lantern again that is amazing i love finding these i think i should own one should we get a gas lantern um i don't know it would just be cool to have i'll put it in my room my little office sort of a dresser there i've got a few mattresses over there so that's a bit strange yeah i didn't want to look at the letters there in case there's an address what's that that's a strange isn't it it's like an old dryer it's got a plug old switch on it no yeah it's an old tumble dryer can we open it up just put that somewhere safe i've never seen inside one of these oh you can move the sauce old sweaty socks oh there you go yeah there's an old is it washing machine or dryer tons to pull it out with wooden let's wow that back on safe that is insane isn't it what do we have here with shoes that's a woman's shoe isn't it that can't be a woman shoe it's like size 10. maybe she was a giant she might have been a giant woman mm-hmm wow oh no there's a woman's shoe all right okay there's a bit of a difference there because i'm older i know it's nuts isn't it you see where it's decaying now and the falls of earth ceilings are starting to come down i said then i was close yeah maybe he was like tall that's why i'm size 12. okay yeah this room is a bit a bit more trashed i'll check that out to work oh go ahead look at that though that's a lot of music sheets are coming from yeah wow crane and sons wrexham and liverpool they're all they all say that is an old padlock what a shame that doesn't work what do we have here elfish presley mug oh it's broken 1962 calendar 62. yeah hmm look at that bag wow old matches here oh my god it's got a built-in piece how clever is that nice well clever this whole matchbook oh they're all dead oh cassell's union jack series homesick wow this old varsity but it's broken we've got some pickles pickled onions um i can't see nothing no but 10 ounces again i get so excited when we see food get home [Music] yeah it's not that they're still like pickle shaped onion shape isn't it what else do we have in here santa togan tonic wine cellulose filler for plaster that's all that little mugs glasses teapot the fire there the tiles in this fire that is crazy amazing detail in these old places i love them what else do we have got the chair kick back there and chill out much down there that's like an old jewelry box isn't it yeah all the plates but they're thrown everywhere yeah what a shame this is they're cool aren't they wow yeah they're cool i like them i've got a hairbrush that's a hair brush isn't it with an initial on it hey yeah it's mine small plates here i'm excited to get upstairs yeah wow look at this guys loving this piano it's absolutely amazing but check this floor before we go anywhere look at this wooden floor that's amazing and it's not bad condition really not too bad it's just the stuff on top of it absolutely trashed over here ministry of food is it 1951-52 williams jay williams oh my god i'm going to say john until we get any more details 1951 1952 that is amazing that yeah i'll just pop that on there because the curtains still up a lot of it's bricked up there guys that actually leads into an outbuilding around the back not much worth seeing in the out building to be fair wow shall we head up yeah yeah all right come on let's have a look oh my days there you go right let's head upstairs so [Music] all right walking up these big old wooden stairs oh my god there's a drop we should have really looked at that before we started walking up it drops down all right hang on that's not too bad um where do we start can't really get in the bathroom here no no way look at that all right let's try this right we're just gonna have to look from here guys the bathroom pretty bog standard bathroom to be honest does have an old iron bath there though tipped upside down that's pretty cool right just be careful cause i can hear it creaking no no i don't like it yeah you're all right if you just come up this bit here dangerous in it yeah don't stand on that one [Music] wow 51. 28th of july 1951 who he's paid the money too how much uh five pounds wages wow five pounds wages that's impressive isn't it that's cool right let's have us let's start having a look around right you're gonna have to be so careful walking around these floors i think i want to see you no you'll be all right once you get up there promise you okay all right let's have a look in here oh wow i'm gonna tread so carefully oh there's two beds in here wow oh wooden frame there the bag hanging off it you okay hon got some chairs in here look at the detail in the backs of these chairs it's all right until i go through it or wardrobe nothing in it though an egg look at this check this bed out that is nice isn't it the second one over there oh laughing plaster coming through falling down a nice picture on the wall there as well this is definitely uh female vibes in here you think yeah maybe it's lisa's room look at this fireplace all painted with the sunflowers wow it's nice isn't it yeah i didn't even think you can look out onto the lake that's over there guys the little barns are not there i'd love to live here imagine how much this would cost though to do up be insane wouldn't it all right just be careful when you're walking we'll head through do you want to go fast in case you fall through oh yeah that's fair little wooden banister but what oh it does feel a bit unsafe like the wardrobes all right let's head into this bedroom here these rooms are absolutely massive as well guys i'll check that out that is cool i wonder what this is a big crate here big old wooden crate very old-fashioned look at this dresser walking sticker yeah what's this the mixture shake the bottle one tablespoon to be taken three times a day so we've got some medicine there in an old bottle as well it's still corked oh we have the family there looks like a bit of a wedding there all wearing celts magnesium injection some dettol there and a tin of salmon what every bedroom needs this old buck though wow the countryside companion i think that this is just decay isn't it over the years it's not trashed what's the date on this paper ah there is 1965. we just stepped back and look at this bed old metal i have brass no what what was that middle and bank again yeah brass frame wow yeah you can knock yourself out now i'm just going to have a look around some postcards in there which i'm not going to touch because you've got an address isn't that little bed pan i tell you what is strange how they've got toilets inside because that's usually a more modern thing isn't it there is toilets outside so maybe that's been added in afterwards what yeah because it just says the mixture yeah shake the bottle what what is in there drink it all right okay let's carry on looking the investigation continues cattle buckler all different types of cattle look how old that is that looks like alcohol oh as if luka's aid look at that lucas aid bottle have you ever ever seen that guys wow that has got to be the oldest luke today that i've ever seen look at that vaseline sort of i'd well prefer if they carried on making it like that it's got a stopper in it as well not a cap that is crazy britain is still a miracle nation well okay right let's head through see what else we've got here there's so many rooms up here it's actually uh it's pretty cool oh another bedroom this will seem better days though look at all the mold coming through not in bad condition all the dead flies along the top of there oh my god just gonna have to be so careful i just want to stand back and get a pan there's not much to see in this room the bed the bed frame mattress still on looks like an old milk crate kind of thing though the bed's obviously been moved somehow no one's here oh look at this old mirror it's absolutely decayed to death though i've got a few bottles on there what's that highland prince johnny walker a bit of a scotch drinker there wow all right let's head through let's have a look at these other bits i'm gonna go in this one here ah i see this is the top of the stairs here from the other bit so this is kind of just like a storage upstairs i know it's disgusting everywhere let's have a look what we've got just a bed frame hague a bit of a puzzle there's not much in there is there it's quite decayed look at your wooden frames on the walls that's crazy isn't it and there's a head of a bed there but that goes down into the kitchen where we were before wow this wallpaper you okay is that that bedroom going all the way across let's go and have a look all right i think it's quite steady after i say that yeah it's trash this room isn't it yeah i think this is just like a storage more than anything got the filing cabinet there stuff like that it's insane though isn't it you can't really get in there and have a look all wrap you there but it's just detail on this bed here though you can just see it behind the cobwebs it's probably the best best bed like it's just been thrown in here so god knows this is a chariot old yellow pages wow i should have a year on it now 1959 whoa jesus so what do you think so far guys early 60s late 50s oh just being careful there this little wallpaper it's absolutely amazing i think it's time to get some shots now and some uh little bits for the video get some nice photos for instagram and then we're gonna head down and have a look around outside you like it it's nice isn't it it's a nice one all right guys that's all the pictures and little cinematic shots done from inside the house i'm just gonna have a little wonder around the outside now mask just see what this little barn is we've got here oh wow did not expect that look at that ceiling guys it's like an old chapel whoa probably didn't expect that the big old fireplace here that is so cool it's like a conversion like an old barn conversion whoa but that's nice but just check this view on the outside guys it's unreal it's absolutely beautiful part of the country lisa's just down the bottom checking out the waterfall now powerful she fell in then all right guys so we're gonna head down and we're just gonna have a little look at the barns out the front try and get a picture for a thumbnail and be with you now she's actually taking selfies smiling at herself down there what an absolute wally so we'll head down right so let's just check this out guys this is unreal this is still part of the land for the abandoned house and check this out the place has got its own private waterfall how beautiful is that right explorers so we're back around the front of the house we're heading down these steps the slate steps and then we're gonna go check out those barns just see if there's anything inside and uh enjoy this view wow so we just had a little look inside the barns and to be honest guys there's nothing there worth seeing plus we have to trade through all this marshland and we've only got our trainers on today so uh we don't fancy getting their socks wet do we no it's not a socks wet kind of day but we'll have a jump over this fence now you're all right yes and uh we'll just peek through the windows see what we can see so we just have these little turrets and you can just see through there but it's just full of absolute rubbish guys it's just where the farm's obviously just been throwing all of his stuff but it's crazy these turrets look at these a little swallow flying overhead and then if you try this door it's locked and i ain't breaking in guys so um i think we're gonna leave it there for today we're on to the next explore and uh hope you've enjoyed the video remember to like comment subscribe hit notification bell and uh we'll see you on the next one guys i said guys cheers
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 635,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses 2020, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk
Id: yHwCNAnvuks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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