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well what's up guys we were up quite early this morning and we were on a mission to get to an incredible time capsule we've got to travel about three hours each way and then even when we get there we've got about an hour and a half hike to this place each way again there's gonna be a long day we're up early and we're ready to go and we're ready to get nice outside no it does it looks like it's gonna rain so i'll just head to wherever as it comes we're gonna hit the road let's go right guys so we are how far away we about eight miles out eight miles 40 minutes to our destination where we're gonna park and we're gonna walk walk an hour i've literally just gone to the shop got some oasis drink got some chocolate sweet and some crisps because [Music] baby [Music] well what's up guys um we're about halfway at the track now it's quite a beaten track shall we say up the beaten track it's up hill and wherever it uncle knapford already and it's raining but other than that it's actually beautiful up there so i'm nick as well we're over the shots and inside full of too many breather and show you these beautiful views that we get [Music] so [Music] we we're here we made it uh that was a long old wall that was a long walk this place is looking amazing and i can't wait to show you the inside so follow us as we head in [Music] [Music] well guys welcome into the house and this place i just had a quick walk about it is absolutely amazing and i'm gonna head right first and really hope you enjoy this one this is a true time capsule this place just looks absolutely stunning it's amazing just a bit of wet there from where we were coming off or not i might just be in the camera look at this wow it is this place is beautiful i'm not showing you the granddad clock yet because i want to show you from this picture as well with that picture the sergeant i don't know who that is but that is a crazy picture look at that clock and there's an absolute all of that claw then if you look up on the roof here on the ceiling should i say you've got all these little jugs all these little jokes about and that they're all coming down the wall got their well obviously you've got all the bookshelves all the books on the bookshelf should say this is a this is crazy now this has been left this is a beautiful piece as well look at the colors on that bowl looks like it's got some potpourri in there a little watercraft book wow the singing lessons 1933 there et travis october the second 1933 and godwin wow some bits i signed in there from the 60s but other than that ah this old paraffin layer there that broken clock i can't imagine how long this has been sat here for me i know in your element aren't you this place is amazing this you know look at all these books look at them there is so many here i absolutely love this place just on a quick walk around i fell in love with it let alone getting into the nitty-gritty of it megan's trash in this room so it's coming look at this this was worth the walk it was worth the drive it was it was literally like five hours yeah to actively get to this place walking and driving it's taken so long to get here but every bit of it is worth it look look at them plates i'm trying to show you guys everything we possibly can but look at this oh must have been like a sort of like little [Music] that hasn't been removed because uh it's still dust on the outside but not on the inside oh now seasons greens must have been of granddaughter possibly there's quite a few like children things look at that that's it reminds me of cinderella that does spinning wheel is it's in there nice no white yeah snow white and she pricks her finger and then falls asleep forever wow that's crazy wow these are full as well okay these pieces of pieces are amazing aren't they and everything but must have been on farm wow that's actually cross-stitched is it what is that this picture here or knitted and you've got a little dining table here for that tie writer i was expecting it to be a bit older yeah a zephyr what we got here don't know made in finland though it's very nice look little wind-up frog looks like a little candle holder as well i'm going to have a look here you can see that these have not moved nothing in there but i had to say place them back exactly how they were i wonder if this was like a little reading chair there a magnifying glass a little light and you got dog balls just here as well there's a little few little chair bits here yeah and this hanging on the wall it's oriental merchant pun look at the curtains there's all stuff if you look actually in there there is still stuff in here oh my god the thing is it's like the weather hasn't not got in there has it but it has it hasn't yeah but you can tell some pictures i wonder if they're of the actual people who lived wow for some reason there is a bed it's quite feedback and it's made up in the middle of this room there is quite a few another little chair here but the radio look at that it's quite modern in it little phillips radio and then again that must have been the granddaughter chocolate ginger there can you help me try making this one glasses it's not a bit of dust you see that sort of a map somewhere betrays the map carlton is america i don't know i'll please a bit whatever thing this is silver because that is pressed look this is silver how do you know it's got this stamp um stamp on it i'll take a picture of that stuff [Applause] there's quite some unique stuff here it's at the hallmark that's it that what i'll show you a minute ago 2002 that gives an idea yeah it does too far into and then counters and then and if you can hear the children yes look how clean they are nice what i mean this was confusing in it but if it hasn't been opened nothing will get in there until it breaks again it looks like you've got a little powerful like huh wow these are all marked as well i think is that hallmark does that mean yeah i think they are how do you have no idea maybe they're silver as well oh god so knitting needles in the other one little housewife kitten wow look at this look at that see there's a woman hearing a picture and it makes me wonder if that's the daughter not the granddaughter [Music] look at that rusted all over the front of it four band 1790 that's binoculars oh wow look at that it's got a brand new panasonic radio in it oh god okay okay wow looking forward to getting to show you the kitchen which is coming up next that's jammed up and the pantry but oh my gosh we're gonna do go head out now into that area oh i just want to show you this little piece here that looks very nice little wind chime there and that is look at the rust on the bottom there and here we are we are in the kitchen this is words just don't describe this place words just can't describe it look at that i'm loving that that's on cloth the old man irish linen cotton that is cotton look at this piano you can just imagine like when they're all here as a family that mum would be cooking over this area and you know possibly dad would be sitting there playing the piano to like the kids and the grandkids and everything and seized up unfortunately but wow i'm just speechless oh cool the postcard there look cadbury's dairy milk chocolate wow some of these bugs you got a little picture there of a baby horse calf another radio look at these little bits they obviously definitely had a dog they've got a dog bowl and you've got all the cups the sauces and that looks like a little uh gas hob there poor well camping one it's got the gas canisters here come on to this table look at that just i don't know i have no idea what it is but it's a little turtle toy there and these horns that is absolutely crazy i wonder if no i'd assume they're real considering where we are coming to this cupboard here wow oatmeal golden bread crumbs wonderfully like i did a lot of bacon and 101 dalmatians cut there oh he's got your shoes that's where they store them all looks like lady shoes wow is that large buttons lead buttons normal buttons there's things everywhere look at the decay on them books this is this is proper decay there that all the mold you can't even read the spine of them well you can but only got just saucers plates cups oh my picture looks ruined there's some more pictures of people up here wow little club has been knocked there stunning and then we get into the kitchen area and look at that oh that is that is absolutely rusted free it looks like you got some medicines in that one on top of it one dressing a bit of wine box or wine is there as well calendar that's from 2008 look at this pot just want to show you that pot oh that rust on it as you come back you've got the washing line it's all makeshift washing line that's coming across the top here there's a lot of those plates about as well noticed spice rack wow oh i'm just i can't believe it and there's you've got gas light here got the feed coming down and then it looks like you've got this little gas stove piece here do not use okay we went looks like the old coal chucker there a bit of coal in the bucket obviously for the auger utensils wrong yeah still hanging up rusted like anything these little measuring jugs look at them a lot of other kitchen rolls still there and you've got the tin opener and this is one of those typical old farm sinks butler sings we want to see the debris in the decay on the wall leather wow look at the size of that another paraffin light wow i've got some like mixing bowls in there grater is that a nutmeg grater maybe we've got a lot of mixing bowls in that in there so she's got a lot of bacon oh kind of nice little cutlery set down here few more utensils then if you can see on it but it's all like a film of cobweb all on top i guess we'll come into the pantry and they were not sure of some pieces but that way they were not short it's a well used pantry this looks like a little rcd box there which is a lot newer and the rest of the house same with like the kettle and the toaster there but look at that it's quite quite like a modern hoover though down there because he's got some nice bags looks like handbag purse should put some tissues in that in oh wow that's got like a blood group identification card in that in there with the lady old radio isn't that something like paint paintbrushes are all rusted in that so it's a vodafone battery and charger i have no idea what those look all these pieces along here what's that ostrich and acid food okay i'm not gonna i'm gonna slowly go over this the best i can [Music] yeah we can stand here forever and just take photos i still got a trick i am yeah i'm not worried about some chocolate cream liqueur there looks like a lot of jars and then look up all of this all these bottles of booze all gin oh i love their gin tons of bottles jam jar tops so he obviously made a lot of jam uh lots of flasks and that soon from when they're working in the fields i bruising that with them it has been painted this easter egg when she was very small that says baby cups and spoons just found a little photo hiding in the school photo hey did you look all the pots and pans and that all lined up at the top there's some stuff in the middle here what's that potato potato crisps there which obviously looks like little cereal containers or something got this lovely hanging basket which i'd assume would be for like fruit or something like that and then you've got all these rusted tins oh nice shortbread what's that cabras collection biscuits roses look at some except that that's a full jar of coffee there cinnamon sticks look at the roses tub there as well then you've got cakes lots of cakes and i'd assume this is your bread [Music] still got bread in it wrappers anyway and these lovely little jars i know right i can go through to the living room now this is the last room downstairs look at it as you're walking through mad then you come into this living room oh i don't know you just i don't know how you explain it how how this place is wow what we got down here wow five pence piece they're the size of a ten pence please nah well obviously that hold some of that what's it saying on it um 1975 before my time i've never seen five fences like that but i wonder if they just sat there by the window looks like a makeshift seating area right next to the window sit there reading the books another bucket of coal down there and then um nice little housewives kit scissors and that in there games and more books dominoes double crossword puzzle flow's a bit dodgy look at this old cassette some more books show you this fireplace you've got all the sticks in that still there all the kindling shall we say some firestars as well fire lighters wow don't worry that's me standing on this on the part kindling just beautiful this whole fireplace i love these type of fireplaces little shells that you get by the seaside mexico olympics there look at that another one of these i don't know what them what they mean and again on the side you've got your gas light and it shows you how old this place is they didn't have electric light and well they did you come in afterwards but as you'll see look here there is a lab craft light there stripping it's true like but the house when it was built must have been all done all lit and heated by gas or coal and wood these aren't too bad these bugs not as in bad condition i have to make these these aren't that bad bad new it's like um narnia that i can't remember the guy's name wow i can have a little drawing here see as you get closer it looks all like scribbles and that but from far away it looks quite nice oh my god look at that lamp i'm loving that lamp wow hello obviously into the knitting that knitting needles all in here imagine you would be you've got a sofa i saw this sticking out look at this giles this one looks like an old one pound 35. sunday express daily express 1980. pop that from where it came from under the stairs here oh cool like some little toys and trinkety pieces there charge bubble bar that's that's quite new that well i assume so it looks like a little ball there that cat would play with and then down there we've got the little tub of crayons yeah all right guys so that is the downstairs absolutely smash for um just want to show you this quickly though last time here and that is that wall and look at that wall and it goes to show you what does happen to these buildings once the weather does start again but all right let's get upstairs and see what's up there mrs jones was born in 1919 when her father jack was 33 and her mother minnie was 35 she was an only child mrs jones married george in 1939 they had children together penny and natalie mrs jones and george divorce and he moved away and married a lady called judith who was 38 years younger than him george died in 1986 three years later his former wife followed despite this mrs jones still kept her marital name mrs jones spent the rest of her life living in her farm alone we spoke to a farmer who knew mrs jones they would regularly spend afternoons having tea together he described her as being a well-educated woman she would drive an old land rover up to the farm and would get called my fair lady he also mentioned that the farm had no water or electricity she used to use her old spinning wheel to spin wool to make fleeces sadly he said just a wilderness now she used to have it all nice she was mow the lawn used to have it looking really tidy inside is exactly how it was left before she had passed away the house was left to her daughter natalie who has never visited the farm since her mother mrs jones passed away in her sleep in the care home at the age of 89 in 2008. all right guys we're going to go upstairs show you this i'll see look at the carpet beautiful bedrooms are up here and just want to show you first of all there's always i don't like the flooring see we haven't been in there yet to look no i mean look at the pink look at the pictures all the way oh my god look at that yeah i know it's a picturesque house isn't it they like pictures yes see they've got pictures up the stairs that's what we need behind my concealer and i think we'll come in here wow that's proper this doesn't feel safe see what i mean i'm really not sure no this is not bowing down i mean no i don't want i'm like i don't want you to go in full stop okay it's got a kite on the bottom down there this is one of the leaves yeah i haven't got it it hasn't really and it's gonna this this whole floor is bowing in um and i don't well i'm not gonna i'm not gonna step further in i don't trust it and i don't want megan coming in here one bit um but don't worry there is more and you know here look at this there it is this is amazing i don't know what they're called but the the gollywood jobs yeah yeah downstairs there's a picture of a on the windowsill oh and that's it yeah how strange is that okay sorry i'd be excited i'm walking around the edge i've stepped i didn't walk around i walked this way and i protect it all this just does not feel safe up here no i feel like i'm wonky no same mirrors there's another one of these downstairs this channel there's quite a few oh look little perfume sets wow shame no no i thought you know what i wondered what that was there first it's actually on the window the picture this picture of a picture a picture of a picture oh no i don't think it is getting excited to show you that that little dog i love these sofas oh my god that is loving that fireplace shame it's all coming from the wall though if you see in the living room on the video makes the living room the uh the walls actually coming apart the windowsill why yes before you tread and catch carefully wow it's beautiful i love this and the little mouse witch look yeah basically look it's actually i don't see horse it's actually it's a skeleton a skeleton would you reckon it was actually a seahorse it's just might be i can adventure cross to this side please don't fall i love looks like that's just amazing wow little train sets look it's for the jumpers for the knitted bear and then this is the bed and uh if the rumors are to be true the head print of where the lady who lived here passed away in this bed how true that is honestly i don't know i love this wooden chest here we've been in some places and these are like metal designed to look like wood yeah but that's actually wood i prefer that wow look at that wow chocker and again i'm gonna uh make my way into the other room so this next room you do feel colder when you come out here it must say here's the hallway obviously well into their horse riding might have been the grandkids an actual picture of the house and the area and coming to this next room and this is a weird little combination you've got a bed as if you were in the bedroom and then we got a bathroom and this is what confuses me because it's like a makeshift ensuite but it definitely isn't maybe it's just a makeshift bedroom but look at this wow the toothbrushes and that are all still there i'm not surprised don't dare pull that open look at these little angels lovely and this is just nature's taking it back it's coming in now i can't imagine this is going to be here for much longer not the state of it and then this is just absolutely picturesque like that bed got that cane in the shoes the suitcase and that mirror just there wow and look at the detail on the game oh no it's not cane sorry it's a shoe horn the jacket really is such a stunning little piece in your bathroom so i say the bath oh look at them your little yellow duckies oh some reading material i'd imagine and then we come into this bedroom which i assume would be a kids room nice little piece up there wow just sort of had a look around when we were here didn't really take note of of it to be honest always have a little walk around and see what's about see what we're expecting but never fully delve into it look at that like a slipper or something oh i call them bugs again they're all gone mouldy it's very hard stepping around here because just don't want to it's so weathered like you can see that that's on the wardrobe and it's all starting to come off the side there wow look at these little pieces here that dresser a couple more of those lights little paraffin lights there looks like that was to something but the head's missing i love in that caterpillar oh he's just screams kids all over it don't know head isn't missing i'm sorry the head has popped off oh no i'm moving a bit there we go so mr fox books the dustin on there put some creams on that this bit is absolutely beautiful as well it's like set up for a little tea party with the teddy isn't that nuts these bugs make up along here we've got there jacket hanging up what i mean look at them it's absolutely beautiful [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well what's up guys we are back at the car um that was an amazing explore it took us about an hour to get back uh yeah luckily it was all downhill so yeah we're lucky on that we was well we did actually um meet a farmer so he was driving up the lane and i said to chris wave him down we'll ask him if he knows anything about the house so chris like weighed him down you know he stopped and turned his engine off when we asked if they knew anything about the house and he actually knew the lady that lived in there which was like wow tell us more so he told us quite a lot of information so i normally do the history which i'm going to do anyway i'm going to have a search for ancestry in that however he gave us a lot of information so it will be well this is our ending so you would have known the information already i'm just so excited i have to tell you now guys if you like this video smash that like button hit the subscribe hit the little bell notification um hope you enjoyed the style before we try something big yeah let us know what you thought let us know at the start of the video you know we didn't just jump straight into the explore we sort of tried to bring you along on our journey to the to the place and the whole explore itself and then you know on the way back so you know we hope you enjoyed it and i guess are you happy i'm happy oh you guys are happy and we will catch you on the next one make sure you keep watching out next stuff coming up will be our wales trip so enjoy
Channel: BackInTime _MC
Views: 8,759
Rating: 4.8631577 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places england, abandoned places england 2020, abandoned places uk, abandoned place uk 2020, lost places, lost places england 2020, gone but not forgotten, left behind 2020, abandoned and left behind, abandoned and left behind england, lost places england, abandoned places, abandoned places 2020, lost places 2020, lost places uk 2020, abandoned england, BackInTime_MC, exploring abandoned locations, urban exploring uk
Id: 1ASAk8jovmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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