Abandoned!!! Found a bag of Money!! Buena Tierra Campground!!! Amazing!!

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[Music] well well well here we are again we are in Casa Grande Arizona at the abandoned completely abandon his property at thee da guei no Tierra campground huge campground completely closed huge fence but I found a way around it took me a long time it's right for miles to get around it but I got in look at this little bridge and look at this little infested snake area so here's the campground all out there I think it's like 307 acres I could be completely wrong but it's a lot it's probably a couple hundred acres at least it goes all the way to the 8 way over there but what's really cool there's the gate way way down there completely locked up huge gates so you have to go around all the way over there dan da da da da da da here we go I did not think that this place was going to be open because it closed so so recently but looks like the kids that came out here and they destroyed it already so here's the outside huge wraparound porch huge looks like a lot of stuff from the outside is come out cut from the inside has come outside here you go and what I've seen is going walking around a lot of frickin golf balls everywhere look at this golf ball golf ball golf ball golf ball golf ball they're just ever look like golf balls everywhere call that bird poop looks like that was going to be an old entryway or a PI storage area destroyed it look at all those blueprints in there huh that's gonna be cool is the old electric panel I thought would have been a huge that's just for the office here here you have the old fire ring area had a campfire think you'd look at you could even grill here a little side for grilling even had your little firewood rack there pull your firewood yeah this place didn't closed too long ago if this is all a lot of stuff still here no clue that is all right so we're in the office and a bird just scared the crap out of me here's the office oh I see why she's got a little nest in here and look at all this pit work Arizona Arizona see chamber comrades campground bueno Tierra member since 2001 looks like all the way to 2009 so here's the back of the office a lot of paperwork whoa birdie-bird I'm still in here buddy I'm not going to mess with your eggs notice it employees look at all this stuff here we go approved campground inspected and approved that's 2010 so that's pretty recent oh here this is how we'll know this is the these are the OSHA in the work string workers comp looks like 2012 since PI 2013 I'm guessing when they closed it's a pretty recent just a few years ago I can't believe all this stuff is here got back here and look at all this like all the rat poop look at all those blueprints that is so crazy blueprints everywhere and rapid they were pretty awesome let's go check out what's this I'll come back I gotta go up that way alright what's this room looks like this was the rec room so good frame no pictures in it pretty awesome the stephanie was the rec room whatever we would gather they'd be camping way out there and they'd come out here and hang out back room let's like probably laundry yep washer and dryers people come in and wash her clothes do not sit on the pool table or face items on it so they had a pool table in here some chonies let's say we had some bathrooms here yep two bathrooms means a woman's this does not look bad this looks pretty good nobody's come out and mess with excites but will desk here great shape no graffiti look at this I know they watch it very close I just happen to come in the back way nothing no rats rat to that tat-tat-tat pretty cool rec room ceiling it's coming down all skylights pretty crazy so you got a storage room back here look at more blueprints gosh everywhere check it out alright let's go back out what's that hold on let's take a little gourd oh let's go check out the campground well let's go back out the front I want to check out that all those blueprints over there right so we'll go check out the rest campground I want you go these until these are crazy blueprints looks like it's just the actual campground itself yeah that's what it is the actual Lots campground spots Gaga the rat poop velcro these are cool effects a little porcelain light from back in the days in the 40s we got a file cabinet please no rats so old bone what that is [Music] heavy little rocks rocks big ol sack of rocks has a rubber band on them huh nothing bite me whoa no frickin way hold on hold on no hold on okay this is a first for me here it is get an old nasty sack falling apart get a nasty old bag look what's frickin in it just like a bunch of rolled coins oh that's nasty sack that's been there for a while no way oh yeah yes sir no freakin way there's no way this was left here they had to have known I wanted something stash this oh my frickin gosh okay I get a get out of here I'm going to count this and I do not want to run anybody if this is theirs look at this this is frickin crazy I got a guy here because this might be somebody's and they're coming back for it okay I'm gonna do a quick dry fuchs I want to get the heck out of here I cannot frickin believe that I just found that that there's no way that that was there that somebody had to have stashed it holy crap I'm gonna do a drive around the campground real quick all right so here all the whole my frickin heart is beating I'm shaking like a mother this is awesome so here all the campground spots out here these are all you could drive around pick a camera spot they give you from the office and then ya stay as long as you want and then hang out pay up I like 20 bucks a night or whatever it is you could dump you get fuel a little big Jackrabbit why can't you think about anything else this is crazy this is another building over there in the end okay so here's the outbuilding I just drove around the camping area there take another fire ring I'm gonna do this quick I want to get out here just like some bathrooms women's storage area oh and there's somebody in there out here all right let's get out of here okay so obviously as you could tell there was somebody in the men's bathroom they had those doors all propped up propped open with rocks which is weird I know that's just freaky and ah crap I gotta turn around anyways uh I this I thought was going to be easy Explorer easy abandoned place but this is a little freaked out yeah I got people sleeping in the bathrooms or something somebody was in there I don't know maybe an animal I don't know I'm not gonna stick around to see what it was nice office and place up there but there's a freaking stash of cash in roll coin I don't know how much it is yet I haven't stopped I want to get out of here first and I'm gonna count it see how much it is looks like a lot but I'm gonna do the rest of this video on the road here as I'm driving so that's it guys it's the abandoned way natira campground just outside of Casa Grande Arizona that's it pretty cool place I'm gonna leave it at that and I hoped you guys liked it if you're new please subscribe the channel if you like this video give the like button a big old thumbs up and I'm still shaking ah anyways that's it I'm gonna guess at one point this place was freaking thriving but now literally dust in the wind and it freaked me out place alright guys that's it until next time take care okay real quick I got out of there safe spot pulled over to safe spot this is what it is I did count it it's a lot of money I'm not gonna say exactly how much it is because everybody and their mother is going to come out of the woodwork and say it's theirs that's it guys until next time this is unbelievable take care
Channel: AdventuresInAZ
Views: 181,078
Rating: 4.5299683 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, camp, cash, squatter, casa grande, explore, urbex, homeless, az, camp ground, treasure, treasure chest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2017
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