WHAT'S IN THE BAG?? Is it Ricky??? | Aquachigger

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this is kind of a weird situation I found here I stopped along the edge of the road here by this bridge because I wanted to look at the river down here and when I got out of the truck there was a large trash bag that had something that was very dead and pretty good-sized I thought at first it might just be a dog and I was going to open it because it really stunk bad but I just found a homeless camp just below it and it can't looks like it's been abandoned quite possibly for about the same amount of time as the thing in the bag has been dead it doesn't look like it's been abandoned very long and the maggots aren't very far along on the bag now I normally would not come over here and go through a camp but I just want to take a peek around because there's definitely something wrong with this situation there's the river down here Ridgeland was coming just to look at that we're parked right next to a bridge this is probably state property I'd say it's probably abandoned wouldn't you there are some pieces of equipment here though get around on over there hunt you're a train oh I might still be here now probably not let's see there's leaves and stuff on the table and the things are rusty so I think that they've been gone for a very short period of time of course this top would not be down like that his fire hasn't been Litton while the spiderwebs on it of course these leaves would have been burned so it hasn't pregnant burning three or four nights at least which is unfortunately pretty much pretty much huh how old that thing in the back is for this grill please do not take this area one use it please just keep it clean Thanks you can call me Ricky well I guess you could say Ricky doesn't want you to lose that number you don't want you to call no one else hope that's not Ricky in the bag up there I'm not gonna open it cuz Ricky's head and face in there shall we open some fries look in there brookies heads following in there no I don't see any heads well that's not Ricky there I'm sure he's not in the barrel but he might be in the bag up here go look at this bag like I said I don't normally like to go through other people's stuff even when it is on public property because of this bag I thought we had to I think Ricky's a Huffer see Kansas cheap spray paint alright let's go up and look at this bag I'm gonna show it to you you guys tell me what you think unless Ricky as a small do is probably not him looks like we're was in their problem in weighs maybe 50 or 60 pounds but I don't know it's hard to say it's in a bag as my truck parked right there when I cut to this point I could smell it look that trash bag what do you think absolutely positively something dead in there you see the maggots they eggs are on it lots of flies and smell it you see the curvature of it spying whatever it is now I'm thinking I'm hoping it's just a dog cuz I can see if my might be his muzzle right there I'm not sure he's like a skull and maybe his muzzle really smells bad I don't think that's Ricky but how do you think you guys should call the police I know if I call the police every time I saw something weird they'd lock me up but I guess if that's all Ricky in that bag right there someone's probably would like to know about it I'm definitely getting out of here before I end up in the bag just like it on the other side of the camp
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 2,077,483
Rating: 4.4588351 out of 5
Keywords: highway murder, spooky, scary, adventure, nature, searching, river, homeless, experience, learn, teach, camp, horror, weird, murder, body, yell, jump scare, maggots, ghost, aquachigger, metal detecting, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger
Id: lGKtjoX0U48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
Reddit Comments

I watched this whole video to see what's in the f*cking bag and I'm left with that?!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GreenEyedHustler 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
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