ABANDONED BARN FIND BMW E30! | Best Owner Reaction EVER | Satisfying Car Detailing Restoration

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wd detailing, oh my god she looks just like  she did when we bought her oh my gosh it's like   brand new it's like brand new these keys don't  belong to me they don't belong to me these keys what's going on guys welcome back to another  wd detailing video i'm rj brent's behind the   camera and today we're working on a 1991 bmw e30  325i convertible that was left at a lake house   where it sat in a dusty garage clearly and then it  was also when they needed to use the garage space   put into a trailer that sat on the driveway  unfortunately it collected a lot of moisture   inside it grew mold and mildew on the inside and  obviously the exterior has collected a ton of dust   and dirt and debris the door jambs are covered  and and crap from trees and organic material   and today we're going to detail it and uh i'm  super excited because the woman that owns this car   was like over the moon that we were gonna  treat her baby right and bring it back to   you know as like new condition as we could uh  and i think i have a pretty good feeling the   emotions that she had when i was trailing in the  car back to our shop i have a pretty good feeling   that she's gonna end up crying when she sees the  end result so stick around wait till the end of   the video to see if i'm right that's my prediction  and uh maybe i'll bet brent chipotle that she does   what do you think brent okay all right without  further ado let's get into the video so taking   a look over this car i want to remind you guys  if you're not subscribed to the channel make   sure you take a second and subscribe we're making  the push to 400 000 subscribers and i also want to   set a light goal of 5 000 likes on this video  i know you guys can absolutely destroy that   but i want to ask the question of the video  so leave your answers in the comments below   when it comes to bmws i'm curious what is your  absolute favorite year and model of the bmw rj   just got a bmw m2 competition and personally  i like pretty much any version of the m3 i   think they're all beautiful so just curious  what you guys like leave your answers down   below now hopping into the detail we started  with the exterior and began with the wheels   and if you know anything about bmws i want you to  comment down below why these rims are so special   and the product that we use on the wheels is pns  brake buster we have all the products that we   use in our videos linked in the description  below if you guys want to check those out all right yeah yeah watch how satisfying it is with  all this dust getting rinsed away i won't lie and if there's any other  detailers leave your comments below   on what you think but anytime we get rid  of spider webs or anything that an animal   or living thing created i kind of feel bad a  little bit even though you know it has to go so now to clean the convertible top because it  was covered in both mold and dust we went   ahead and started by pressure washing it  and gave it a good rinsing first and then   we covered it with all-purpose cleaner and  used a soft horsehair brush to really work   that into the fibers and then we pressure  washed all that out again and got it clean now moving on to the engine bay the main focus  here was to just get it cleaned up so when they   want to get this thing back on the road sometime  soon it's easier to work on and they don't have   to worry about grease and dirt everywhere  but this leads me to a question now that   you guys can see that this car is basically  stock what would you guys do to this car if   you owned it would you leave it stocked the  way it is because i know that makes it a lot   more sought after by collectors it probably  makes it worth a lot more money or would you   do your own modifications and if you did what  would they be leave it in the comments below okay oh oh foreign now to prepare the paint for the polishing  step we're going to go ahead and spray iron   fallout remover on it to remove any rusted  iron in the clear coat out of it and we're   gonna use our clay mitt to agitate that  just to make sure the paint is absolutely   perfectly clean before we go ahead and use  our polisher so the polisher is not picking   all that stuff up and dragging it along  the paint and adding more micro scratches now as you can see beforehand this  paint was pretty messed up and we   weren't exactly sure how it got to be like this   but after a good two-step polish we were  able to get it to look absolutely perfect i and after getting the whole car polished we'll go  ahead and put colonize 845 which is a wax on it   to make sure it's protected  and it keeps that oxidation off okay with this floor mat we knew that it was  pretty much a lost cause but we wanted to see   if we could get these stains out of it and if  you guys have any idea how this could happen   to a floor mat after sitting in a trunk for a  long time leave a comment down below i'm curious so now going through the glove box there was  a ton of stuff in here all from about 2005   and a little bit before and we even found  these crackers that expired in july of 05   that were super moldy absolutely  gross we took everything out and   then we gave it a good cleaning and  tried to get it as clean as possible and now we're going to go ahead and vacuum the  carpets and spray some pre-treat into it and what   that's going to do is kill odors and start working  on breaking down those stains in the carpet   so when we come back later with the extractor  it's going to make getting them out of breeze now check out the center console i think that  this phone is so cool uh the owner told us that   this is functional and it was when they last  used the car i think it's just so retro and cool now moving on to the extracting we don't put  any soap in the extractor we only use hot water   but we'll use soap in the carpet and we'll  get it a little bit wet with the extractor   we'll use our drill brush and then we'll extract  it all away and if you guys are having trouble   with some stains when you're extracting i would  recommend giving it a couple passes and seeing   if you're able to get it out and sometimes as a  detailer you have to know when to leave it and   move on to the next part because you can't spend  all day on one stain if it's not going to come out so and now with the carpets all cleaned  we'll go ahead and put the seats back in   we'll condition them to make them soft  again and we'll clean the windows and   i want to remind you guys that we have the  best reaction a customer has ever given us   and a huge surprise that even she  surprised us with at the end of the video   so make sure you keep watching until you see  all of that because you don't want to miss it so all right guys so we're here with the owner of the  car it's actually deb it's her car um and louie is   her son and uh he was the one that contacted us  and told us about the opportunity and said it's   been sitting for a while um and then this is uh  the gentleman that brought that to the dealership   to uh uh purchase the car in the first  place so they've all had a part in the   history of this car but um how long has the  car actually been sitting at least five years   yeah um our dog passed away  and we never drove it again   and um when my husband john by the way is right  and he brought on me there to the dealership   i asked the guy what does bmw stand for remember  we talked about that and my husband said be my   wife he was not my husband oh wait so that's  where he yeah that was where you're pro oh   you know you they had said the joke he didn't  propose here no okay but he was getting yeah okay okay well uh no it seems as if uh there's so many  memories that have been made with this car uh   especially you know with with augie no  longer being here and him as a child   yeah well i can't express how much fun we had  doing it uh there's a lot of cars that we do   that are easier than others and this definitely  was one of those uh the car's all ready for you   we're gonna have brent go inside okay we'll  throw up the door and surprise you guys oh my goodness a little black  berries just in two days oh my gosh oh my god she looks just like we did when  we bought it hi honey you look beautiful i kissed her goodbye you did i'm kissing  her hello oh my god i can't believe it   well there's more to see check out the  inside you guys did an incredible shot   oh my gosh here we'll try and get one  of the lights oh my gosh look at this if to tell you honestly i can still see lily  sitting in the front seat there is a little child   oh and and and my dog in the back seat and  it looked like his gun we put it away and it   hasn't looked like this ever since oh that  is i mean the emotion that you know you're   experiencing right now is i mean that's why we  do it you know we're car enthusiasts people that   watch these videos are car enthusiasts for the  most part and um to see you have a connection   with this car and your whole family have a  connection with this car i mean that's that's   why we do it you know that's the that's the whole  point of making these videos in the first place   yeah that you guys have doing this for people  speaks volumes of who you are and who this company   is we have great parents so we definitely owe it  to them first and foremost but you always do this   to me last time i saw him he was going to visit  his grandmother yeah his nana which got my heart   but i mean she you know aside from a quick little  tune-up i think she's a runner and a driver   oh my gosh she's beautiful that's just incredible  it's beautiful let me see that oh my god oh my gosh it's like brand new it's like  brand new yeah we uh like i said uh yesterday   we spent all day polishing today was all for the  interior so this is just i've never seen anything   you know what i don't want to sound selfish but  none of the cars that i've ever seen on your show   have come out this good time maybe  it's because we're not here in person   with the other ones but this car looks brand new i   can't believe it it's in great great shape it  was an absolute deal that's always our hope that's always our hope is to make it look you  know as like new as possible and and look better   than the day that it was bought um but it was  an absolute honor thank you so much for giving   us the opportunity and thanks to my son thank you  yeah of course of course were we found of course   i think anybody that you guys show  this to should know about your   company well thank you so  much you guys do is incredible um you guys rj and brent have been lifesavers  you're unbelievable you're the two of the finest   astute competent young men i've ever met in  my life honestly and this car looks brand new   it looks brand new and and me saying that  the car looks brand new brings back memories   and the memories of my son louie  sitting in that seat in a car seat   okay from the car seat me driving him to school  until the point that he drove himself to school in and when he drove this car to school you know it  was just like it's i don't know i don't know how   he was taking a piece of you the the yeah this  was like i always thought my first baby you know   and then nothing could ever i mean the joy that i  felt for this car and owning it could never ever   replace the joy in my life of having my son  he's my heart and he's everything to me so   when you gave me these keys right now these keys  don't belong to me they don't belong to me these   keys belong to him here you go honey my son louie  i love you with all my heart you are my heart   and these keys belong to you wait there's  more it's not just the keys to vlog i want it to be your car and i know that there's  no one in this world that will take better care of   it than you and how your passion is and everything  that you care about in life i grew up with this   guy i know your mom had called me last night she  goes i don't want louis to hear this so i'm going   to step out and she yeah she wanted to plan this  whole thing she goes i want to give the car to him   i want your viewers to see the emotion obviously  with the car and how much he loves you so um so   we're all in cahoots and kind of behind your back  trying to figure out the best way to surprise you   but we thought it was just such  a perfect ending a great story   and then a new beginning as  well it truly is it's the best   between you guys and the car and this it's  like i said to you on the phone it's like a   1-2 ko punch this is this is the epitome  of everything a synergy you know this is it thank you you're wonderful you guys are wondering  family louie i'll give you the knuckles because   the government tell you guys you guys are  the best what you did to this car is just   thank you god oh incredible it's a passion it's  beautiful if you guys enjoyed the video hit the   you
Channel: WD Detailing
Views: 838,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wd detailing youtube, youtube wd detailing, wd detailing, car detailing business, car detailing, the detail geek 2, the detail geek, stauffer garage, asmr, deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, detailing, satisfying video, satisfying, extractions, barn find, abandoned barn find, car interior cleaning, barn find restoration project, interior car detailing, body shop find, bmw, bmw m3, bmw e30, bmw e30 m3, e30 detail, m3 detail, bmw m3 detail, bmw e30 barn find, abandoned e30, e30
Id: Ole-jKQdbcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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