ABANDONED BARN FIND First Wash In Years Mustang! American Muscle Car Detailing Restoration

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wd detailing, foreign hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is  brent and today we have a really awesome barn find   video for you this mustang's been sitting for  the last few years and it accumulated a ton of   dust on the outside and our friend mike who you  may have seen in previous videos on our channel   actually ended up buying it now with that being  said this car is for sale so for serious buyers   only i'm gonna leave the email in the description  below and that way you can contact mike we were   also able to include something new in the videos  for once which was some paint work that you'll see   a little bit later because the shade of green on  the hood didn't match the rest of the car but if   you're new to the channel and you like this kind  of stuff take a second and subscribe because we   tend to find a lot of sweet barn finds and lastly  i want to hop into the question of the video so   leave your answers in the comments below what year  do you think this mustang is now we ended up doing   this detail over the course of multiple days  because like i mentioned we had paint work done   so on day one the only thing we focused on was  getting it washed off that way we could put it on   the trailer and take it over to our friend's shop  where he would do the paint work and then on day   two we would go ahead and wash it again to get it  clean and do the polishing and then the interior so so so so and now a word from our sponsors all right  guys so if you follow this channel for a while   you know that me and brent get to work with  a lot of very very cool cars and we wanted   to partner with omaze in order to give  you guys the opportunity to win your own   super cool car which omaze will be giving away  a super performance cobra all while supporting   a great cause the peterson automotive museum the  peterson is a progressive center for the research   and collecting of automobiles from all over  the world and all throughout time and bringing   all that information to anyone who's interested  including underserved communities your donations   will help the museum extend its education programs  as well as create new exhibits new events and the   preservation of some of these cool classic cars if  i won the super performance cobra i would take all   650 horsepowers pin the throttle down they're on  some cool shades they're on some 70s rock and roll   and cruise off in the sunset honestly i have yet  to actually go to the peterson it's been a dream   of mine uh so many people that we've come into  contact with as we make those videos actually have   cars that are shown at the peterson some people  from another museum that we work with in cleveland   send their cars to the petersen so it is really  cool that omaze is working with the peterson   and they chose us to to represent this opportunity  to you guys we love cars if you're watching these   videos you guys probably like cars if you guys  would like that opportunity go to www.omaze.com wd detailing and have a opportunity to win that  super performance cobra now back to the video and after washing the car and drying it off  now you guys can really see where the hood   just does not match the paint on the rest of  the car and when we saw that we were like yeah   we want to take it and get that fixed because if  we decide to keep the car or resell it either or   you want it to look perfect or as close to  perfect as possible and mike is deciding   to resell it so having that paint redone  and looking really good is the best option so so so two days   and after getting the car back  from the paint booth the first   thing that we did was wash it that way  we could start the polishing process   so foreign so do and moving on to the chrome both the bumpers and  some of the chrome on the inside of the car later   in the video we use quad zero steel wool and  some metal polish and it cleans it up so well   and lastly once the entire polishing process was  done we covered the entire car with colonize 845   just to give the paint some  protection and leave it shining oh do and i figure because we never actually  film us cleaning the foot pedals that we   would film it on this car so you guys  could see the procedures that we take   and there were some rocks stuck in the  little crevices so we have this little   tool that pulls them all out and  then we'll go ahead and clean them for the leather we first cleaned it with an  all-purpose cleaner and then we followed it   up after it was completely dry with a leather  conditioner that way it would leave it soft supple   and with a nice little shine   so and for the last thing that we did in this  car we cleaned the floor mats and you're gonna   notice that the nb roll music is different than  we normally use and that's because the previous   owner of the mustang has a band and this  is his song so if you guys enjoy this song   go ahead and check it out in  the link in the description   is   i just wanna oh charger is gonna set us free you
Channel: WD Detailing
Views: 338,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wd detailing, car detailing business, car detailing, the detail geek 2, the detail geek, stauffer garage, asmr, deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, detailing, corvette, satisfying video, satisfying, extractions, barn find, abandoned barn find, ammo nyc, car interior cleaning, barn find restoration project, interior car detailing, ford mustang, mustang barn find, mustang detail, mustang detailing, muscle car, abandoned ford mustang, ford mustang barn find, 289 ford mustang, mustang
Id: CpF6x9ZeJxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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