Will it DRIVE after being ABANDONED in a SALVAGE YARD?! 1977 Datsun 710!

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[Music] mount cardboard the dots and purists are crying [Music] warning we're just having fun if you take stuff too serious this channel may not be for you buddy [Music] guess what came in all right hold on let's get you caught up so if you're new to the channel or you ain't watched yet meet aunt dorothy we went we got this thing out of the salvage yard easiest rescue i've done yet thanks to that big ass loader she looks pretty rest free heck yeah that's one way to tell we did a will it run and kind of got her fire up there at the end just a little bit now some of you people oh you should have replaced the points from the start you should have did the condensers if you would put the plugs if you didn't coil hell if i would have rebuilt it it would have ran well no crap that's not the point of what we're trying to do we're trying to see if we can get it going without replacing everything and it ended up being the rotor okay it still ran off the old points i'm just saying i'm just saying uh we did a clean clean up on it got her shined up looking good maybe you see the new shoes on [Music] not bad not bad i don't know why people really seem to enjoy that video but all right here's what we got going on today my weber finally came in that's the incorrect one they sent get on out of here and right here's what we need to throw on so that's what we got going on today we're going to try to get this thing running uh i'm still going to have to order some parts but we do have electric fuel pump maybe we can get it to idle test the transmission i really want to see if the transmission is going to work at all before we go too far with this thing because we could just sell it as a project as is to someone else the transmission is good then we can worry about getting that thing on a gas tank start going through some breaks doing some stuff like that uh yeah so we're gonna see how how tuned up this baby can get in this video i think aunt dorothy's gonna be good too she's a pretty good gal uh so now there's a few people who's been calling me the datsun king like y'all heard of joe exotic the tiger king from oklahoma and because these dachshunds keep finding me and teleporting to my shop everyone thinks i'm the dachshund king could you imagine me going up to the salvage yards looking like this and asking if they had any dirty dachshunds i could buy that's why this damned old car won't run because of that carol baskin two things one you got to be careful when the wranglers be rocking a side pipe on accident and two not a bad look on me i'm just saying i just feel like if i really looked like this i'd be able to karaoke the out of some cotton i joe or something i might have to rock these wranglers for the rest of the video though i'm just saying they feel good imagine buying this car and you find all this in the back have to pick all that up with the channel locks and take it to the burn barrel all right that's enough horseplay so we're going to pull off this well i don't know what you want to call this i call it mount cardmore uh we whipped it up during the first will it run just to be able to adapt this webber that's missing pieces because yeah that's super helpful well i'll tell you what if you're going to mess with a factory carburetor on one of these l20 bees the high tachies or whatever the hell they call them i don't know get you a 12 bend her up about like so take her to the old belt sander or grinder knock some edges off of her all right there i'll become your best friend mount cardboard just as terrible looking as the last time i think it i was talking about giving this thing away if someone would cut a hole in their hood and run it but if i'm being honest uh eventually on down the road i think it'd be cool to rent a place and do like a car show or something maybe hosted by me that'd make one hell of a trophy just saying we may have to hang on to it because of that that's like best of show right there quite a few people who told me to keep the factory carb well i didn't throw it out obviously she's right here and i will put it back in this box and i'll put it in the trunk of this thing and whoever ends up with it if y'all want to deal with it you're welcome to it not my first dating not my first rodeo either and uh i've had better luck with webbers than the factory ones now that ain't saying nothing it don't mean i ain't doing something wrong i'm just telling you i've got them around with weber so that's what i'm putting on there so for all you hitachi hibachi sriracha lovers here you go i'll be in the trunk or hatch look i even i'll pack it nice i like how they didn't send this in an actual red line carburetor box but they cut the top off of it and put it in there seems shady it's off ebay surely has to be legit says weber on it good enough for me now i know you guys are ready to throw this on but uh in the last video we had three starter switches sent to us so we're good on those but guess what we had more mail show up yesterday so i'm gonna open that real quick i'd be lying if i didn't say i loathe me some mail time got a sticker the other day my legacy garage this one's from gabo nan again damn gabe i see my old fluke was worn out so he sent me a new meter oh man all right i guess he's he's tired of seeing me use vice grips and stuff like that fair enough gabe but hey that's nice don't stick your finger in that a wire brush and a test light i have one of these i actually cut the uh alligator clip off some time ago dang good you're going all out man you're gonna take the struggle out of my videos everyone's gonna be like you better get that son of a running you know how much stuff gabe sent you this is go to photography pudding hope this tripod works for you if not sell it and buy car parts love the vids stay classy from cornbread in kentucky i like the main corn bread 14 boxes and seven bags later i may finally get to see it you damn right i built a bicep with that baby oh it's like a mama giraffe and then her little baby giraffe with a broken leg i mean i'd say that one's probably a little better hell hey y'all let chuck norris know i'm in town i forgot i talked with this guy from arkansas boy he just sent me all kinds of doodaddies we got kill pump fuel pump gasket from hell is that baby polished you damn right block off plates but we've got all kinds of cool stuff here this one's going on the pickup truck all right we got some port and polishing going on or what are you trying to get your truck to make 47 horsepower instead of three huge thank you to everyone who sends me stuff uh if you want to send stuff po boxes in the description of this video guys i really do appreciate it thank you it's always good even when you think about using the instructions and the instructions show you how to use the two piece adapter plate like i used to have but they send you the one piece guess we're gonna have to whip out our common sense for this one common sense is gonna tell us we match the small to the small and the big to the big and well that kind of being like that tells us it needs to go that away and that does sit down on there but then common sense tells us because that's got a recess on it there's probably some bolts that are meant to go there and well right there we got some that could go down in there so looks like we need to pull these two studs out currently there's five studs touching this adapter plate one two three four five don't vice grip those damn things you may need to reuse them you never know this is a two nut kind of job little torque go to your bottom nut and you spin off the top nut torque it again ow the bed we're going to the nancy cabinet on a plus side she's free oh better than factory this one didn't want to fight near as bad which is good because i can't lose that pinky take your nuts back off then you got your two studs which is good because whoever buys this may want to throw the factory carburetor back on it uh and if that is the case if you're that hardcore about keeping it how it is i'll give you 100 bucks for this weber that ought to be enough for you to rebuild that piece of junk get back here trash going everywhere speaking of trash people who like those carburetors are going to hate me so looks like we need to pull out the other two to put these in all right we are going to use some loctite had to pick this up at the local hardware store i need to order some because that crap was higher than the sr-71 but we gotta have it so just gonna do a little drop on each one and yeah we'll get them studs in oh little drop hill that stuff might be priced to the moon but at least that bottle's full i i thought about pushing it and it came out hill i got some of that extra off there of course these are a little smaller i get 11 mil here and i'm gonna install them the same way little extra all right we ain't gonna push our damn lip for whatever reason she comes loose i'd rather have to get in there and tighten it up again then break some stuff off i thought we just dropped the nut down the intake we did it this baby called for some kind of lubricant on these gaskets uh i'll be honest you're just getting a gasket let's see now we're gonna hit our in our little shield plate here i notice looks like we're gonna do a little bit of clearancing one bolt to pull this puppy all right there ends up being the deal breaker someone's like i was gonna buy that car until you ground that off that little heat shield whatever hey i tried to make her look slick all right i didn't just hack it and just right here on this edge just a hair boy it's like i know what i'm doing i just got lucky just the thickness of that old belt nice little round on the corner just enough to clear that puppy slap our bolt back in the heat shield slap in these old flush mounts with a little red loctite torque her down with old allen wrench throw our extra studs in a little loctite on them babies too now this is where this one's gonna get a little tricky because i don't believe it actually bottoms out in that adapter plate does it it's just gonna go through yeah so if you torque on that too much you're just gonna start putting stress on that plate so i guess we get those snug a lug and then let the loctite do their job and hope the hell the loctite holds it next we're going to throw on this sweet mama capable of 7 000 horsepower for years known as the screaming demon we've got the webber 3236 most folks don't know it but that meant this thing added 32 horsepower 36 of the time ah that's gotta come off i'll be honest i was really trying to not take anything off of this damn thing because just in case someone wants to put it back factory but they don't look like it's going to be the case by the way i do know a few people told me throw the factory car back on the factory carburetor wasn't letting fuel through i did it with the electric fuel pump when it started letting fuel through it was straight like just dumping fuel so i'm not messing with that thing if i kept this car i'd pull all this smog crap off of it anyways myself i know that ain't keeping it factory but i don't i don't care about smog crap yep that's that and that just looks terrible just looks like a bad idea to even have this crap on there but we're gonna save all this crap and if you're so hardcore duds then you gotta have it back on there i would say i'd help you throw it back on but the chances are you're gonna know more about them than me if you want to keep the dots in that original so we need to rotate this hose clamp let me get a block off plate on that turd boy what in the gasket and sealant we got going on here well at least all this crap's coming off easy boy i guarantee y'all whenever we throw a motor together for the truck go pick them up outside i guarantee y'all we are eliminating as much of this crap as possible she'll probably get that polished unit that i just got in the mail that already has a block off plate right there we'll be done with all this torque it like you love it but don't smoke that baby to alabama good let's see here oh yeah you better rotate hi these cheapos from harbor freight they do pretty damn good i ain't gonna lie now let's see if this baby fits or what are we gonna hit next it fits looks like this is gonna be in our way and it looks like with two bolts we can take that off so i'm just gonna take it off the dots and purists are cringing boop don't worry i put it over there in the box of goodies i guess there's a little more room to play with throttle yeah we got a port right there so before i set that down on there for good i wanted to kind of come look and see what that is uh where are we at here right chair vacuum advance port so that means we need to take that baby to right here so this other one i got to looking at it and it just goes down to this i don't think we need to worry about hooking it up uh yeah i need some vacuum hose last i know of having i used all up so sitting right here on this 305 that i was supposed to sell by now when i have it uh maybe we got a junk piece that'll work don't clip the end and at least make her look nice i think that'll work now as much as i'm a fan of these little whoopee dude washers uh i think i'm just throwing the factory lock washers back on myself so you started with a magnet baby let me take a little bit off this side this is a cheapo ranch took a little off both sides when i was there in the last video we just tried that off the whole starter switch and it wouldn't move fuel but i don't know it's necessarily building pressure but also you're going just off of uh you know your cranking speed of your starter i don't know if this baby started running that that thing wouldn't build some pressure so we're just gonna try leaving it on there so i'm gonna leave the return so we just basically need to take our supply from right here to right here for our first attempt i reckon now some of this vacuum-ness like i said i don't think we have to worry about this this goes down to our canister i don't really know exactly how it works in here but we got some vacuum setting open right here i honestly just want to take this stuff off and i'm going to cap it and we'll just hold on to this stuff for now so we'll pull that one off real easy to put on don't freak out pull that baby and then way down there is a hose clamp great let's just pull it off of that side for now y'all know that song like that everybody was kung fu fighting when i was pulling all that stuff off all i could hear is the dots and purists start crying i got a lot but i got a couple still they don't have to be stretched to fit pure authentic pudding spit oh too big all right i don't even want to hear it okay i'll get some real ones next time i head to the park store but i ain't driving 20 day minutes to get one vacuum plug and i got some duct tape and vacuum hose right here we'll just fold that baby over on itself custom ow plugs plugged i think i meant plugged his plug no plug is plugged damn it get on there throws those little fuel hose on here i lost my damn quarter inch ratchet probably somewhere in one of these salvage yards or something ow damn it watch the safety latch on these hoods they are sharp just for now we're going to slap the return and the pickup just into a gas can to see if we can get it running see if we have to swap this baby out i don't know what we're getting into let me throw the little plug wires back on this baby and then uh i'm just gonna hook up the factory wiring for the coil hopefully all that wiring is good really still haven't checked it and last but not least hole number two all right we're gonna run and we can clean some of that up a little better if we want for the whole electric choke i'll probably turn the key on and figure out which one of these is hot and just ran it to electric choke for now let's grab the battery for this baby would be nice if i had a way to clean those before i put those on oh wait you damn right gabe hey i can actually read the screen on this one unlike my old flute that's plum worn out 12.82 i'm gonna turn on the old key and we're gonna check some over here red one's got 12 volt key uh i believe that was to the fuel shutoff solenoid so i don't want to cut that and hook it to that i want to make it work and like plug onto that somehow so let me whip up some kind of wire we'll just go from the red to the choke now that's easy to change for anyone who wants to change it well got our choke hooked up fuel lines hooked up first fuel pumps ready to try kind of plugged off some vacuum stuff got our plug wires back on well last thing i can think of real quick is let's look at the throttle linkage set up on this bad boy and see what we're gonna have to do to get it operating so this thing kind of needs to go right in here and yeah you can kind of see how that works my pickup truck had a throttle cable so it's easy to make this work uh we may need to take this thing off because a little coupler like that right there that's almost factory one would probably do just fine yeah they don't require a lot of torque that's for certain just slip that baby right back on there now this just fits on there we'll be in good shape so i know i said i thought it was weird that uh this thing came all wrapped up and just with the top of the box but all this stuff was already installed on the throttle lever and there's actually instructions for it so i think they just install the throttle lever probably before they send it out probably because they don't want people breaking it because i'm sure they're over torquing it or something so hopefully we don't do that we're gonna be gentle with her got a little keeper here keep that nut from backing off even oh yeah that baby is barely tight at all guarantee people are smoking them and breaking it and then wanting to return it even though the instructions say do not over torque that right there which means we need this right here please slide on there damn it damn it different size oh just playing i'm an idiot went right on throw our lock tab back on we gonna run this nut down [Applause] that should do it right there folks just make sure it's even going to go in man was that just really that easy bend our locking tab back first video with all aunt dorothy here all this thing had in there was a spring no kind of cotter pin even there's all even though there's a hole uh obviously it's missing some stuff so let me show you the simplest way i just thought of retaining this and this is about a half inch of that quarter inch fuel hose i put a little drop of lube inside that hose because i know this about to be a tight fit on here now looky there i think we're all right right there i think that'll work everyone i tried to drill that little shaft i was planning on just adding a cotter pin on the end but that son of a is so hard a cat can't scratch it so yeah a little drill bit wasn't getting it done give her a little test push hell i reckon it's working and we need to throw a spring on here where is the easiest place to put a return spring if you said right up there 10 points this current spring is going down to absolutely nothing there's a bracket there but i don't understand what it's supposed to be doing there's no reason to have a spring on this now surely this was supposed to go over here from the factory makes sense to me anyhow now let's give her the old foot test there we go that feels better all right we got some throttle going on now choke i think we got her all going let me top her off with some more water first all right there you go sweet mama we need to throw the little gas tank on real quick uh i'm gonna leave the key on to hopefully make the coil hot but we are going to hook up a starter switch where we can control it from underneath here uh we'll bust her off on some uh on the bottle some get her done 91 and hopefully that'll get everything going if that fuel pump is working and it'll hold it idle itself and if it ain't working then we'll start messing with fuel fun starter should be live she's live i'll throw that rag down there to kind of cover up that 12-volt solenoid i may have set this thing on fire last time i know it wasn't bad don't worry there's a little residual gas and yeah man arked it off there and luckily i didn't explode we're gonna move the gas be sure to keep a fire extinguisher or charcoal that way you can either put the damn fire out or make sure she stays going well he's on so the coil should be hot hopefully coil's hot it helps if you hook up the wire to the distributor that's gonna send your ground to your coil you don't sound terrible we're gonna tune on it some but we've got her holding a decent idle right now looks like the only gauge we have is temp gauge so we'll see if it ends up moving up at all uh no oil pressure light those lights do work when you first turn them on so maybe that's a good sign my fuel pump's leaking which ain't good uh i'm gonna kill this thing take it off the starter switch let's see if she'll start off the key and then maybe let's see if the transmission works at all yeah fuel pump's working but it's also shooting fuel out of it and it's it's leaking she may have had a leak back in her day oh yeah there's some in there she might be a hair low but not much clean just top her off since i'm in here with some 80 90. she looks good from behind me and also since we're under here before we pull this baby into gear uh i'm gonna pull this drain plug on this old gas tank there you go for everyone who said the frame was gonna be swiss cheese i hope you like that swiss cheese that i'm pointing at with a certain finger for a reason is that all swiss cheese about all this is this all swiss cheese what about all this huh more swiss there you go experts and i ain't talking to all you i'm just a couple people who made a comment saying it was gonna be swiss cheese underneath there i just didn't look oh there you go there's the swiss cheese the whole car's gonna fall apart she's dry i'd like to see inside to see if what comes out any kind of nastiness i'd prefer to not drop this thing if i don't have to that thing's just sitting there dripping so apparently that's why it's so dirty just don't seal up good around here so let's pull that baby back off we give her a wrap of the old blue monster and she'll seal i bet see how that does well i just talked to sir morticus of morticus repair up in north dakota i think and uh he asked if i'd stuck something up in there just to make sure there wasn't a layer stuff and i said well no i was gonna take some brake clean and kind of spray her up in here and if it came out clean looking i wasn't gonna worry about it but guess what it won't go up in there damn it kill oh it looks like may after taco bell night smells terrible absolutely terrible burns like a son of a that pinky's on fire they don't feel like regular gas i think they're running aunt dorothy on race fuel got some of that old airplane fuel in that son of a boy it's a good thing i got these tko hand cleaning wipes by sweet patina their hand cleaner knocks out all the rest you want to get your hand cleaner you can get at sweetpatina.com be sure to use that promo code on the screen be sure to check out their full line of products she's still going i ain't scared to clean no damn tank that ain't going to uh rain on my parade right now i'm gonna pop this thing in neutral fire up and then pull that baby down into drive see if she goes in the gear and then put in neutral let it come to a stop and we'll check reverse two oh yeah this is just done but i bet we ran out of fuel after off with some fuel oh baby all right hopefully the transmission stays good just because it went forward and back a little bit on jack stands don't mean we're in the clear uh things are looking pretty good right now i guess we're gonna drop that nasty ass tank i was just talking to my buddy oh mortsky again uh i was telling him about how that coffee just came out of there he said we ought to try a new segment instead of will it run we ought to do some will it burn do not try this at home use my ladle and let's see will it burn kinda now not really she wasn't gonna run off that folgers yeah i think we need to drop the tank see uh if we still got some coffee grounds up in that baby and go from there how many hoses are on this damn thing come on what the vent is going on here well y'all just missed it because this baby fell out of here so that's what i assumed was our supply and return that's what i assumed was our vent then we got these two too like what the hell that looks good now we're gonna have to fix some of these but hell that's all right we'll get her did oh crap there's some more swiss cheese haters oh that baby looks cheery don't she that was smart she's rusty but what i can see on the inside i bet she'd still work uh i'm having a hard time finding parks i actually just left to get all the brake parts ordered brake parts that's just gonna be here on friday today's wednesday tuesday i gotta work the next two days i'll see if they happen to have one of those do you see that that looks awful yeah we gotta do something about that tank we are not sitting in good shape right there i don't know how much pressure washing does on one of those i reckon i could try it this is where we need to rig up a shaker no i didn't spill any of that when i was carrying it to my drain pans i pissed myself i think we need a tumbler and i know a job for the tow roller when i see it kitty litter [Applause] guess we'll just sit here drink beer and look pretty sounds like it's doing its job classic parking brake lever it's a baseball bat trick and you know set your tumble speed when your wives get rid of all those laundry detergent containers and stuff like that you want to hold on to those that way all your nasty fluids you can contain them let's see if we did any good on this whole tank maybe we did maybe we didn't she's a little dusty from the old kitty litter but i think with a good clean out a rant of some diesel she'll be good to go you know what i'm pooped uh we're gonna pick back up on friday hopefully clean this thing out slap her back in the car maybe we'll fix some breaks and finally go get that foot long chili cheese dog alright get this party started or what oh yeah i got me a new hog it's got all the power we left off a couple days ago right cleaning out the old tank probably should have done something about old crusty here but this morning i decided hey let's check the old girl with the meter real quick let's float her all the way to the top point three two take her all the way to the bottom point zero so this baby's working because it's changing and i'm not sure the actual ohm range of this vehicle but we can assume it's gonna work and cross our fingers and hope so we won't kind of clean her up and that's where coca-cola is going to come in i've heard as good at cleaning stuff but i've never tried it i figured she's about the right shake to dip that old girl down in so that wasn't smart i did not expect that baby to go off like a seventh grade volcano science experiment uh she damn sure did we'll just leave that thing right there in time out let her think about what she did now look at some of the stuff i just got out of the gas tank all right so i'll be honest i looked in it i don't think the kitty litter did that well uh i come out here tonight before last poured a few gallons of gasoline in her and i just pressure washed the hell out of it again now we're gonna try to dry her out a leaf blower just ran out of fuel and died uh so here's one of the fuel pumps he sent me and you know the red and everything's not really my thing i kind of sprayed it with some degreaser uh i wanted to just paint it black but i'm out of black so we've got some rattle can chrome kind of looks like aluminum when it drives uh i mean i don't know what you guys want me to say i'm gonna pull this valve cover guys just because i've actually never changed one of these fuel pumps even on my old truck when it went bad i went to electric and hell that arm's so damn long i'm guessing it goes up and rides off the front of the cam so this baby's a little bigger than the old one and it looks like it's going to hit this and well i guess i'm going to pull that off there that's the kind of crap i like pulling off engines anyways myself i like simplicity so all the extra doodads on this thing that are just in the damn way i don't mind getting rid of now if you're the lucky buyer of this wagon who's gonna give me five grand for it uh this piece will be in the box so if you want to put it back to original it'll be there waiting for you how many people just their pants because i said five grand y'all all like three no damn way you're getting five grand bet well ratcheting wrench is handy for that job all right slap the valve cover back on yeah real quick i'm gonna pull the plugs and check the gap on them because in the last video when i gapped them i told you i didn't have a spark plug gapper so i bought one because i lost my old one actually i didn't lose it i know exactly where it's sitting at it's on the core support of my grandpa's truck still from when we did the will it run on it i just keep forgetting to grab it there's a guy who really knows his stuff on this dobson forum so he says 32 to 35. someone commented and told me 25 on these i don't know but that sure seems awful small to me imma stick to 32 number four was uh too tight actually it was a little less than 30 2 and three they were both good one was 33 one was 35. i'm matching them all right to 32 though now let's see at number one was 32 and a half so since that old bolt we took out so where the ground goes i'm going to use my wire brush here and clean that up so we got a good ground hooked our fuel hose back up there now i don't have a factory filter but i wanted a clear one now this will fit in there so we need to go there to there and then you see those two puppies down there we're gonna put some air on them and blow them babies out to the back get enough air to blast off the undercoating i need to replace this but i'm at a quarter inch i don't have enough i don't think to do the tank in that that hose is really easy to replace so that's why i chose not to replace it underneath here should be all good to go i'm out of zip ties uh i'll get some though and we'll kind of clean up them wires not very good don't laugh at how i gotta do this it's the only way i can get the damn water out of it and the good thing is i think we got all of our chunks out anyhow most of kitty litter and stuff so if we get this baby dried out we're gonna go for it reverse this baby to blow instead of suck [Music] can y'all see how she's looking down in there now pretty good now i'm gonna throw this unit back up in here that's a pain because there's a hose here there's a hose here there's a hose here there's a hose here there's a hose here there's a filler neck there we need to slap this baby back in i mean damn what are we doing with all those hoses i can see some floaters so that's a good sign that side definitely looks better i don't even know if you can get these cinders i didn't even look them up that's a heck of a lot better than it was and we don't have to find one so cleaned up pretty good i'd actually say the coke trick did a pretty damn good job i'm gonna slap that cinder back in put the 17 000 hoses on it and get it mounted back in real quick we got a special delivery all the way from washington display washington street maybe this is uh justin he's the one who gave us the blue car sorry buddy you gotta be on camera it's all right man he's the one who gave us the uh b210 that we got most of our money out of where we could even get this damn wagon and uh he gets a good deal on used batteries somewhere he won't tell me where but he brought us one for the wagon also so big thanks to justin here a little wipe down oh who even cares if it's a good battery now it looks good damn that smells good that's that sticky icky tire renew from sweet patina hey this dude i'm telling you he makes sure every product smells like heaven so i'm just saying that's how he hooks me all right damn it smells good now when you drive around your battery will get nice and dusty because i put that detail spray on it we're gonna have to pay attention there we might be doing a little sparking and arcing if we try to close that still need to tune on the carburetor gas tank it is in what a damn nightmare with all those hoses we need to address the brakes next that's what i want to do move the little quick connect tire i found as many parts as i could from the auto zone these things are hard to find parts for now i know you can get them on rock auto but i didn't have the time to wait so i can get you know so i can get you all video on time basically uh i'm gonna go eat some lunch get me a little snacky snack some more energy in me and then we're going to attack the brakes on this thing one of these days i'll get smart and when i pressure wash stuff i'll quit using my uh foot to hold it and get my shoe soaked so none of these hoses are right the front ones may fit they'd be pulled entirely too tight to be safe now these old ones aren't broke they're not in the greatest shape but here's what i'm thinking i'm gonna have to order the stuff offline probably a rock auto so if i'm gonna have to order hoses let's do as least as possible on the brakes right now which pretty much means throw a set of rotors on it and the brake pads guys i've had to go to town three times now my patience is about worn is what i'm trying to tell you two bolts to pull the suckers are all there the good news is boyd called me earlier and boyd's the gentleman i bought this from from the salvage yard and they said hey i happen to go through my box of 47 000 titles do you happen to know if that datsun was a 77 i said it was and he said do you know the vin number i said i do and i gave it to him and i'll be damned if we ain't got a title for this old girl now if your goal was to change the world's smallest brake pads you'd be in business but since we're gonna slap us a new rotor on this puppy well we need to pop this dust cap i really wish we just had new rubber hoses for this thing i see there you don't want those babies smoked but damn you don't want them with no preload at all on those bearings so pull that nut there's our little washer and our outside bearing pull those puppies i'm gonna use my mandel to chop my wheel there she goes there goes the whole table now real quick i'm gonna clean this unit up a little wire brushing on this uh all the old grease off of it yeah basic stuff just clean the damn thing bower that says usa are you supposed to put usa made parts on a japanese car i don't know probably breaking the jdm brotherhood code right here using a usa part japanese only jdm bruh bucket oh lard we gonna pack em real nice oh yeah she's lubed up i don't know how much grease y'all give wheel bearings but i give it all of it if i can fit it i'll put it in there a dollop will do you oop didn't mean to drop that in there but we'll take it get her a little snug there we go could be doing that wrong too but y'all know what my ways ain't left me on the side of the road yet you never know so you may want to pop a little extra grease in that old cap all right there we go let's change the world's smallest brake pads and those babies are definitely due for a changing these are all c-clamp here and compress this piston here comes the nasty fluid [Music] there we go you damn right some new pads i think our calipers are gonna be fine elry's giving us a tune for free no charge this time sing it girl come on sing it there she goes there we go hey baby we just so happen to have a couple bolts that fit from uh some of the stuff we removed up front oh yeah just remove that baby one-handed drums don't look too bad we should be able to clean them up and be good everything in here gets a lubin i don't give a damn it's a box it's a tripod man this baby's heavy duty too that's a nice unit what do you think whoever says oh thank you very much that's my sauce what feels like a book yeah detail it yourself the car enthusiast guide to a fantastic looking card i'm not very good at reading get too distracted starter switch i think boom baby look that's it it's another starter switch okay this one i got it by myself we have four now i feel like these are not gonna stop showing up i feel like that's gonna be an ongoing joke where people are gonna keep sending them please and more i want my dad to laugh so hard let's just say i can't read this note i'm not going to read that but the first letter it starts with a p all right natural energy drinks the power of p energy even has your shop name on it love this channel if this offends you this may not be for you buddy stephen kelly hell at least they're only 98 calories um don't have to tell you stephen i haven't drank energy drinking about two and a half years and i don't plan on starting now even with that tempting name so uh i'll either give away my or i i do have some boom sticks and we can make them explode i don't know if you try to slide that in because i keep the channel pg and you throw me a curveball but nonetheless thank you i think i wonder if the tow roller could smash one [Music] i don't know what the hell else we're gonna do with five others but we'll figure it out thanks everyone for the gifts we're gonna get back on it in the morning i ain't got time to play around today no jokes no one-liners just work you want me serious you don't got me serious and pull that doohickey could y'all imagine me trying to be like full serious all the time [Applause] not happening pull that do hickey [Music] not what i was trying to do but we'll take it one pad down they actually don't even look that bad but i have them so i'm going to replace them pull that old rubber cover right there on this i think is interesting i've never seen it before never seen one held on with little slide-on clips kind of interesting there we go clean our hardware it's all hardware ain't in too bad of shape so uh which is good because i couldn't get a hardware kit anywhere local let's go throw this baby back together make sure that baby interlocks back there uh or you won't get the drum back on because it pushes the shoe out too far don't ask me how i know i may have done the other side already and right as you poke this baby through get your rubber cover on too don't ask me how i know i may have done the other side already slide on our first clip slide on our second clip and last but not least slide on the last one good old number three it's gonna look something like that then we gotta flip that rubber seal around and push her down on there we go go slap this pin back in for our parking brake and start our brake line nothing says classic fun like rebuilding drum brakes am i right all right throw this side on retaining clip there we go wham bam thank you ma'am could have done that when that was off loosen our little adjuster out and then tap those in these drums aren't terrible um feel pretty even no cracks or nothing tiny bit of surface rust probably where some water sat in there i think we're good folks our adjuster back here has kind of got like a cam lobe on it as you rotate it you can see it pushing in and out so we're just going to give her a little turn you'll feel it kind of over and then yeah she needs a little drag on her right there that's it you can feel it gotta clean up the old shop again i don't like it being a total mess uh when i'm thinking about it before we start bleeding these brakes i got this pb blast in my hand i need to spray down the damn door hinges i keep forgetting that's better oh nice little filter one there too let that soak down there [Music] just found one of my old paint brushes [Applause] looks like that did good on that master cylinder and then look what i did i zip tied a rag in there that way it wouldn't make a huge freaking mess and that worked too i think we're gonna be good on the old master cylinder hopefully and i think those little drop-in filters might kind of saved us uh that's where all the crap was so everything cleaned up pretty good get this nasty crap off my hands i did spray down those filters before i drop them back in they cleaned up look brand new too so wipe my hands down this is the same wipe from yesterday it's still wet it cleans just as good i'm just playing so this baby's gonna pull vacuum into our jar we're gonna hook this up to our bleeder where the fluid will start getting vacuumed into here it's gonna fall into the jar and start filling up and well we're gonna let this baby uh bleed itself and we're gonna sit here and relax couldn't get anything to the rear so we're gonna start up here at the master cylinder oh yeah come on baby you can do it i know a good vacuum pump and you can do that i've even used the vacuum off the engine on the truck to bleed its brakes but this one just ain't getting it done it's barely getting a drip so we're just gonna dip it down in the fluid and start pumping our foot by ourself maybe you can tell that jar filled up some um i just had to top that baby off again so i guess let me go around here and get these babies all bled i thought i was gonna be all creative and use the shop back but i guess instead i'm gonna have to use the old shop leg kept topping that baby off until i quit getting air bubbles you can see we got quite a bit of nasty stuff out of there we're gonna move to this side uh flush this baby out get her cleaned up i ran a whole bottle of new fluid through there so you can see all the nasty crap we got out and i've got a good brake pedal now so that's the way you can kind of do it by yourself if you want on that last push give her a good and prop that brake pedal down and then uh tighten off your bleeder that way you don't suck up any of that old crap and yeah it's a process but it works that was smart hit this mama with about five gallons worth i'm really bad about losing funnels damn i hope i got some in the gas pan y'all ready for another segment of will it burn just flying do not do that don't even spill that much gas in the first place like me we are going to try to get this baby warmed up i just turned the key on we are testing the fuel pump and we've got to get fuel all the way up to here so i got us a bottle and we're just going to go off the starter switch running off what's left in the car right now i would think we'd have fuel by now i can't blow any air or suck any air out of that one any guess what the problem was you already know it was a fuel pickup a layer of crap in the bottom use some used some filler rod and was able to knock it out of there luckily uh let's see if we can prime this baby got her primed up now you don't sound terrible but you ain't quite right i'm gonna let it sit here and warm up let's see if this bad girl pull out of here something funny is going on here see y'all later i just turned that thing around and as long as you let her idle she was fine if you try to give her any gas backfire wanna die i had it one four three two instead of one three four two she runs hell of a lot smoother oh we're going for it oh yeah aunt dorothy just felt the downshift which is good we're cruising this baby she feels like she could use an alignment believe it or not so if you hear kind of like a tongue two noise that is i can hear the speedometer clicking and uh i know part of the pvc bull crap whatever is actually sitting there bouncing and tapping on the engine too which makes a noise hey there's bill what do you think about that bill is that with your manifold on it huh is that with your manifold on it no uh i got a weber yeah that sounds good it runs good guess what it runs a lot better when you have the firing order right oh yeah ain't dorothy got any power nope now these things never had just a crazy amount of power but it's definitely more sluggish through the automatic than if you're driving a manual but no surprise there right i'm not even afraid to smack that dip i just met cause this thing's got those beefed up control arms you damn right there's a trash truck right there that's a real trash truck coming in hot oh yeah tomorrow the plan is i'm gonna get out here let her warm up again and we're gonna tune it on the right firing order and i bet she runs a hell of a lot better then i think we're finally gonna get that chili cheese dog and i promised el ray we could take the bikes for some hot laps so i gotta ride a bike getting brave this morning those damn things are so sun-baked i've been scared to touch them but i said what the heck we're going for it uh let's fire her up let her get up to temp and we're gonna tune on this baby some slap the breather on her damn right he's running pretty good right there can y'all hear the difference this makes in sound slap the old breather on these turned out pretty good i was scared to handle them but i'm glad they did kind of help clean her up some and of course just like the rest of the days it's got to be raining damn it [Music] [Applause] what sucks is we can't really work camera shots i haven't even tested the windshield wipers yeah those are overrated guys it's been raining for a damn week and they're showing it's going to rain for another week my damn grass is gonna be seven foot tall by time i can mow it you damn right why is this place so busy oh my lordy i swear if they sell out of those foot long chili cheese dogs i'm gonna walk up in there we're about to get rear-ended what in the hell oh yeah out of order i want a foot long chili cheese dog but i'm about to get the hell out of here y'all gonna taste test my patience today y'all damn sonic drinks ain't that serious oh out of order oh i'll better roll that window down because i'm getting hot let's fix and get spicy in here if this one next to me is out of order too i'm about to be the worker the manager and the supervisor one in that damn place i'm about to come up in there like i own it thank you thank you yeah can i please get a number seven that foot long chili cheese dog with some tater tots and a coca-cola with easy ice please [Music] thank you come on so i actually haven't even gone through all the controls in here obviously the windshield wipers don't work i did test the blinkers i did test the brake lights uh the headlights and running lights will come on but it's a little finicky in the switch you got a wiggler just right but i guess one of these days i need to go through everything see if we can't get some tunes on this radio or what i should have bought two of them foot longs and put one in the mail and send it to mortzky i said tater tots i should got some damn french fries more of a french fry kind of mood hello good how are you oh there it is i've worked for that hot dog for a long time there you go thank you i don't know if i'm driving a datsun or a sewing machine this baby's so smooth hey they may have been busier in hell when we got here and they may have been two stalls three stalls down but they still got me that footlong in like two minutes flat ain't messing around clear she is not a powerhouse she just ain't we ain't worried about no damn power though we were worried about power we wouldn't be running around in a datsun we're worried about looking cool hey i'll crack some jokes but i really think this wagon actually looks cool come in and hop move it bird i'll smash that ass we just made a rain not on the foot long come on man that'll be another day i mean i'd say it's working you damn right she's pretty good here we go baby [Music] how about bite number two just as good as bite number one can i be honest with you guys i don't even like these damn things i mean they're all right oh belts built my wiener but they're definitely not what i hyped them to be i just said it one day as a joke and it's been an underlying joke now i mean we had to finally earn one of these and i feel like we finally earned it girl your mouth scared the hell out of me that's a spider there's a spider but it's just daddy long leg it won't hurt you there you go give him another all right there you go hot rod well we got her running got her driving got a title got a foot long chili cheese dog i guess there's only one thing left to do [Music] now to put a sparkly market we're always putting money in our pocket putting junk in your driveway it don't matter if the rain's falling the deals ain't stolen let's take a look at what we have today it's been a while since i've seen your friends this week we got a 77 dawson wagon this baby here is this week's get the kids to school special she ain't fast she's sporty but her name's aunt dorothy and stuff about her just does it for me she shined up pretty damn good even with these beauty marks all over the hood the potato sauce gave her just enough pop she makes traffic stop and hearts drop fresh tires yeah very cleaner than stanley steemer now we're talking and she has a fresh engine hot damn let's take a look at this engine with some fresh carburetion most folks don't know but the l20b engine actually stands for how far you can drive one of these fan things like 20 billion miles this moment produces some premium compression about a buck 80 per cylinder after some testing she's got a full tune up in a fresh carburetor you can mash that gas like a potato this baby is perfect for anyone who wants to be perfect new brakes means she'll stop on and down then tires look sharper than a piss porcupine inside don't look too bad dag dammit she goes through the gears and she's automatic the interior cleaned up for a nice driver back seat lays down for activities inside the black looks classy sassy and says come on baby get at me this baby would make a great fishing wagon stabbing cabin dragon wagon shagging wagon napping wagon kid having grocery packing never slacking automobile i'm glad to have her but you know the deal it's time for aunt dorothy to give someone new some thrills she's got a whiskey thing here and there hell she ain't perfect but we're gonna find her a good home hell she deserves it i ain't priced it yet but i ain't gonna give it away hell you don't see a lot of these on the road these days so if you ain't a tire kicker and you got beat pockets shoot me an email and maybe you can rock it and don't forget folks if someone got a deal and it's getting chances are they dealt with pudding here at puddin's park hit and mark it all right here's the dealio folks i ain't priced the damn thing yet i've had about 100 people ask but the price is whatever top dollar is so i gotta do some research and figure out what exactly i think i can get for this i'm hoping at least five uh check out this cut lady from work when the operators made that for me rosemary yeah she also got sent with a couple of these signs from uh jared wefer i think you say it like that pretty neat and then check that old girl out from my birthday party uh thank you guys for that stuff from my buddy carlos and his family boy i got more gifts in this damn video than i know what to do with this baby's running good she's driving but here's the deal this is still a project uh this is a start driving it and you might have to fix some stuff on down the road those rubber hoses on the brakes i would definitely still replace if you know i didn't even test the alternator we need to test the alternator see if it's charging you know it still came out of the salvage yard everyone so expect a couple problems with it but i think we got a solid car here i hope you all enjoyed uh it was a lot of work to get to this point i don't know what we're gonna do next with it if anything or if i'm just gonna find it a new home so uh you're on instagram i'm on there pudding's fab shop and don't forget sitting on your ass won't finish your project but i don't want to get rid of this project i do but i don't you know what i mean but yeah can't keep them all can we she can make a great fishing wagon stabbing cabin dragon wagon she can make a great fishing wagon stabbing cabin dragon wagon she can make a great fishing wagon stabbing cabin dragon wagon she can make a great fishing wagon stabbing cabin dragon she can make a great fishing wagon dragon wagon stabbing cabin she can make a great fishing wagon stabbing cabin dragon wagon shag and havin she can make a great fishing cabin she can make a great fishing wagon this baby would make a great fishing cabin stabbing cabin dragon wagon shag in heaven this baby would make a great fishing cabin this baby would make a great fishing wagon stabbing cabin dragon wagon shag and wagon napping this baby would make a great fishing wagon stabbing cabin dragon wagon shagging wagon napping wagon kid having grocery packing never slacking automobile
Channel: Puddin's Fab Shop
Views: 244,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puddin’s Fab Shop, PFS, Mortske repair, Restored, Turnin rust, Revstoration, Junkyard Digs, Dylan Mccool, Vice grip garage, Cleetus McFarland, Whistlindiesel, Abandoned, Will it run, Will it drive, Will it start, Forgotten, Junkyard, Salvage yard, Rusty, Hot rod, Rat rod, Hoonigan, Import, Datsun, 710, Wagon, DIY, Comedy, Humor, Funny, Nissan, Toyota, Stance, JDM
Id: Wv6_WTjKxTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 8sec (4748 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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