ABANDONED 16th century Tudor Cottage - We had to Run!!

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yo all right guys what a day today just out with pompei just um come across quite an old looking farm building in it it's quite chew to look in it this is the cleanest farm i've ever seen well you're spotless you're in this is this a stables just a pen it's everything so clean and everything i think it's empty completely right so let's just show you guys what we're on about but this is the farm all abandoned got some white doves middling about up there but check this out guys ready there it is very tudor looking um so yeah we're gonna um there's windows open there's windows smashed so we'll have a little look about whatever it is yeah i wonder what dragon these must be secure no no what even this that one ain't that one that one ain't building it's abandoned it's locked but there's a cat flap you can have a little look in there guys oh it's open and all oh how old is this one oh why oh that isn't it bloody hell now look at the old door at the top for loading on the wall on there there's a lot of state right i haven't had any shiny walks in here i wonder if he had trigger in here ed there you go we're gonna find trigger one day yeah one of these days look at the old tree stumps and then that's my that's lovely wow this is gonna be really old under the roof up there oh you haven't done the same like that's weird so it's a wooden board with loads of logs your favorite alex i'm not climbing up there mate there's a ladder there right now let's just shut the doors back up guys this is smile clean it's definitely empty [Music] hang on this might be a uh it's off do you want to turn it on no that's the bank that'd be a power up there so keys in there at all go on no i'm not yes yeah window open windows smashed wow make sure we've got to watch the neighbors over there how beautiful is that guys it's got to be got to be accessible but like we've got these um smashed windows no way there's even curtains it's all the fixtures and stuff in there wow right now just uh daddy say well so i'll just check what's in this barn that is white doves of peace we come in peace well lads oh wow look at that old coat hanger oh look that's the way to get in there [Music] [Music] how would you even get up there mate well you'd have to go from the other side wouldn't you right let's sneak around mate shut the gate get out the way of his view oh shut up i'm just getting out of the way mate so we'll have a little look around the property how beautiful is that building stunning there's the kitchen it's all well secure at the minute guys but cut the potentials oh eddie's already in there you go guys that guy sees me oh they fell through really this is old this is tudor in it yeah the pieces shut this up quick look at this man this is awesome check the fireplace out how cool is that how would you open these they don't seem to open this is boy ed i reckon this is haunted mate look at that i love that in these houses the crooked nature of it all wow kitchen is clean as is wow look at the things yeah literally just here above our heads it's quite a small ceiling quite a low ceiling oh i put my food in there is that larder yeah oh christ no way wait does this work ah we've got power no that's not good it's not good well no one lifts it like quite clearly this is the conservatory is wonder if it still flushes how is this abandoned mate i think they've gone bankrupt yeah but yeah obviously this is the kitchen guys um very good nick very good that would have been the view and you're washing up out to the countryside nobody around i wonder if there's anything in the carpets actually i can check that no they're all empty empty big old cooker and all really nice uh sort of family house and kitchen at one point really really old the old curtains still on yeah wow there's a door there presume that leads upstairs but let's go through to the old living room oh it does as well i bet there's a ten ton of spiders in there wow what's with it that's matches it does feel cold mate yeah it's all beautiful in it that's what i've got i mean just look at the size of that fireplace like that is huge like putting you know you just put your picture frames and stuff oh shotgun eddie that's how cold it is they put all these in front of any sovereigns oh yeah i remember you and your sovereignty feel that feel that tell me what that is feel that bloody suffering in it no what is that weight but like i said the old days they would put sovereigns in it to hide the money away but that's not what they should do line them yeah there's no one in there don't feel it yeah but you don't know if it's suffering to all their place feels round to me bend it it's lead it's blended so it could be a coin it could be an old coin oh what's that um all right let's go and see the ghosties oh wow let's get off my look at that chandelier is that the um look at that chandelier red proper carpet up here man look at that slope that brickwork what they call them we found the save we always find the safe oh still locked guys look how old that is that looks good that sounds good you're good at safe cracking mate well let's just just um see if it opens first guys all right now it's locked bloody locked and you need a key yeah now we're on the hunt for the key mate because there is going to be some stuff in there we're going to look for a king now are we going to go hanging up in the cupboard anywhere this is a tiny little room some get the wide angle it's a lot of weight to have a safe up here on this floor yeah yeah yeah you see right outside come back here that's how thin the walls are though oh yeah yeah literally daylight through there that's fine it is is it good i got flat food that's not is it trousers it's having a good one a day oh yeah there's a ladder here for some reason so these oh ed someone turned up did you get one girl it's [Music] [Music] open you see him no i think there i don't know what they're doing well guys i think we're gonna have to walk off for a bit and possibly come back when that car's gone yeah we're gonna keep distance and see what goes on right guys we are walking away now we have bumped into the three people they were all right to be fair but they've asked us to leave so that's what we do once we're asked to leave we go but yeah luckily it didn't end up um too bad so i hope you enjoyed that really little explore but we live to tell another story so cheers eddie you win some you lose some guys so uh hope you enjoyed that one and we'll see you in the next one guys see you later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 34,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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