Beautiful Packed Abandoned Southern Mansion Built in 1852

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all right here we are today checking out this beautiful southern farmhouse built in the late 1800s incredible details inside let's check it out i love the staircase on the front porch that's beautiful here's the back porch wow it's in very rough shape inside oh wow man wow it's beautiful this is the kitchen beautiful look at this place let me turn on my flashlight so you can see a little bit better this beautiful classic southern farmhouse all right my flashlight is on now you can see a little bit better wow beautiful double doors right there they aren't pocket doors but they're still pretty look the fireplace here that's pretty nice design old stove right here we are in south carolina today not georgia has a nice little porch along the side rosettes above the doorways very pretty oh these are kind of unique doors as well look at that that's really cool oh this one's even still got the old door knob look at that but the floor over there is pretty uh pretty gone once again luckily there's only a five or six foot drop the main living room of the house wow pretty fireplace brick design floor-to-ceiling windows in the very front of the house it's a cool piece of furniture it's probably older too yeah look at the design along it that's cool this is the actually the whole front porch is uh collapsed oh there would have been a old-fashioned doorbell right there here's the main hallway that was the at the very start of the video that was where i was looking in right there staircase it's interesting how some parts of the house haven't collapsed and others have totally collapsed pretty fireplace very pretty every fireplace has been a different design kind of unique nice big windows transoms add in extra light man what a shame look at the cool knoll post that's very pretty i'm glad no one's broken that yet wow look at this look at this staircase look at the curve to that they do not build them like this anymore look at this unique staircase almost a spiral staircase actually wow this is too cool wow look at the rosettes above that door that's beautiful very custom looking wow don't think i'm getting over to those rooms unfortunately i don't think i'm going to give that a try see straight into the basement huh okay i was gonna say it seems like there should be a doorway right here old house it's an old piano it's a cool piano wow 1925. that's pretty way out to the second story porch i really like the wooden walls need wayne's coating i'll show you this room to the right first oh look at the old uh furniture little bed not an old bed i should say that's an older piece of furniture though pretty fireplace not as uh ornate as the ones downstairs still neat i wonder if someone was uh squatting here for a little bit nice big old doors okay beautiful look at the old dresser too cool look at that fireplace i didn't even notice that hmm does anyone know what this is definitely looks older like turn of the century early 1900s something like that a solid piece of metal i'm sure someone will tell me in the comments cool doorknob all right let's keep on keeping on i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to get to that room upstairs bathroom definitely an addition wow that's a huge dresser for armoire not sure if i'm saying that right probably not another massive fireplace upstairs beautiful piece of furniture it's a shame it is a shame hmm know i don't think so i don't think i want to give that a try maybe all right i was standing over there managed to shimmy along the wall there there's a second story porch on the back side of the house i'm not going out onto it okay another fireplace beautiful look at the metal work for the wrought iron it's very pretty i love the wooden walls they never even put a drywall up too pretty this should be the last room in the house though yeah yep the old fridge what's an old frigidaire not sure too cool what a beautiful house really glad i was able to film this one man i didn't even notice this look at this piece of furniture wow that is ornate cool house i think that's all i can really show you would have been nice to get out on the porch but that floor is a little too dangerous for me i'll just show this because it's funny it's how cool this staircase is it's beautiful yep only room i couldn't show was that one over there to the right but everything else the kitchen on the first floor i forgot to show you this room just a little storage room sinking into the ground cool house really love this house i can at least show you the side porch of the house look at the brickwork on the chimney really cool had a front porch a side porch foreign
Channel: Urban Exploring With Kappy
Views: 182,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nHIPL9bClhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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