Beach Metal Detecting Treasure Island Beach!

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[Music] we're going to be using the manacor with my modified coil my extreme scoop we're down here at lagona [Music] beach cool they got a little rinse off all right well that's where we're at let's get it going cover this whole area looks like this place is pretty packed this weekend this is Tuesday after the after the uh Memorial Day weekend so I'm bringing you guys back on some targets hopefully all right 1920 round loud one I went over then it kind of sounded like not so good like now it does let's just see what it is yeah Lobby fan it's not a really cool piece of beach glass think yeah that's cool all right junky signal so far not a lot at this first spot but and this is going to be Iron we uh it's probably bottle cap um we'll go down further to the south of here I'm going to run up the beach a little bit and then uh it's over here there it is all right whatever that is all right another little junky signal some kind of a I don't know find out H getting louder now no there it is tent stick all right get that off the beach it is beautiful down here this morning got the place to myself guess everybody's at work it's a 47 we'll check it out probably bottle cap 47 there it is not a bottle cap part of a keychain all right all right looks like we're going to do a little bit of hiking try that again keep going forward all right so that's Treasure Island Beach I can bring you guys back on a Target or if I don't get anything maybe we'll just look at the nice Beach all right 54 55 horrible signal I think it's going to be a can no it's not I don't know what it is oh it's whatever this is I think yep I think that's part of a vape I'm guessing yeah it smells like Vape 43 44 46 47 where they go there it is all right got a penny H 38 to 50s I don't know if I I must have spun it in the hole wow [Music] it's over here on this side I think down the middle still must to spun it somehow something all right it's in there I think it's going to be a crusty Penny now whatever this is says dollhouse some kind of a a branding for some clothes or something I think dollhouse we got it I think it's going to be a dime I guess yeah all right got 10 cents that one looks like it's been down here it's pretty worn so I turned around while I was just at and I got 86 I'm thinking it's going to be a quarter all right I think it's in there but I also think I have another signal but it's a it's a four it does not sound good all right there's my quarter all right 1920 got it or we had it I don't see anything in the scoop what the heck oh is that a piece of wire no let's see something oh I see it fell out it's right here and it is a [Music] ring oh yeah uhhuh yeah I think we got gold I'm pretty positive 33 34 bottle cop maybe who knows let's find out yep Pacifico Three Birds Down 57 to 61 6368 it's awesome having the whole Beach to myself there it is all right crust the uh Penny all right we got a 26 right here 26 28 a lot of bars down we don't know if we'll get it because it's uh let's try this kind of deep and it keeps back filling so we me not get this one still on thereo I think it's gone it is I think it got sucked away oh oh over here it's over there thatan got it come on still in there might have to put my side handle back on did I get it yes we did do this it's in the scoop get some water yep all right well anyways 24 25 kind of deep we got it let's go up here I don't want to fight the water 2425 says it's something little and round all right those can be anywhere on the charoo that water's cold boys and girls yeah we aen going to do this very long up on the beach we go nope it's not summer yet not in California anyway keep going all right got another signal here got 28 ran into something already it's in there some kind of mess of weeds I think what's that all right got a nickel 60s to 7s sounds like a penny zinc numbers too yep all right zinc Penny all right I covered this B now we're going to get down to the other side let's go over here I'll bring you back just as soon as I shut the shut it off I get another signal I think it's going to be a dime it's a 79 yeah got it all right got another 10 cents keep going got my watch talking to me [Music] oh yeah I can't wait for summer this is going to be real nice in the summer great spot all right let's go over to the other beach [Applause] now 59 68 probably a penny it's in the scoop here comes the water come on get up here there we go come on come on all right well let's use what we got in here yeah all right got a penny Okay this is ringing up like a penny I can practically see it 6264 I don't know what this is going to be okay look good no idea what that is it's got some numbers in the back of it I don't think it's anything special though all the 31 they can pull tab miss it it's down here it's already out get it with the pinp pointer all right it's a quarter it's weird numbers for a quarter but yep Wait no that's a foreign coin it's got like a a lamp or something on the front of it that's not a quarter some kind of foreign coin all right I'll look into that I see Emirates something Emirates all right sounds junky 28 still going to dig it solid 27 here it is some a nice one too trimmed out in Gold 7778 I see the dime there's some more something else there it's a 29 oh yeah I see it think I got it all right we got a quarter two quarters a nickel come here a dime put that in the bag before I drop it I think there's another nickel in here too missed it is it deeper it is still there or it's more than one there's a few coins left in this stuff all right there's the other dime still says it's right down there in the middle 2728 probably the nickel yep all right got a modern nickel let's check the hole get it buried get on with our [Laughter] [Music] lives got a five here still oh my goodness I think it's just going to be a gum wrapper yep all right all right 15 16 not very far down you got it in the scoop somewhere is that what this is nothing thing no oh all right crusty crusty Penny all right getting ready to go over that little walk track I got another 134 so let's see what we got my guess this is going to be some kind of a pull tab part nope what is that don't know huh I no idea what that is I think we can probably go ahead and just start recording this little journey over the Rocks sure is pretty here I'm going to readjust this a little bit let's go like that if I remember right I came up back over here it's kind of nice there all right let's keep walking we got a little journey to go not bad just a little one going to do some hot SCU in here on some rocks hopefully I that'll go down that would be embarrassing start here go here here here through here maybe not through here I think I went the wrong way I'm going to shut this off and we're going to put the headphones down here I think we're going to climb up here right through here yeah yeah that's better all right go here come up here all right make our way back out to the other Beach Jan wow I'm sure is pretty out here see lots of people in the water but yeah it looks like people are getting in the water over here I know what that means that's good for us let's keep going over here I thought that was going to be the end of the video but I think I'm going to walk down this beach a little bit I'll bring you back on a Target it's kind of pretty that waves breaking over that rock I don't know if we got a penny 62 64 it's in there all right Penny Penny let's keep going look at this home look at that thing that's just amazing all right we got another 15 16 oh what is that somebody was being artistic on the beach let's see is that it that was it all right been kind of quiet got a junkies 34 I see a shotgun wad I see this part of a bracelet H okay Pandora it's not even part of one it's the whole thing actually all right that's kind of cool I might have got it with the sh a little bit but I know a certain young lady that would love to have that we'll get that working correctly too before I hand it off to her cool got a little and I guarantee it's 925 that part of it anyways cool awesome all right we got another signal here 146 so 14 15 and it's over here now this all right zipper pull all right let's see what this is 40 whoa river is hard all right add another couple pounds to the bucket I don't know what it is or what it was but it doesn't belong on the beach [Music] all right still got a 26 in here doesn't sound bad don't see anything hopefully I don't get clobbered by the waves here it is who's that huh I don't know what it is sounded good though [Music] sorry it's probably going to be a quarter no I've SE a gold ring that that come up like that yeah it's just a quarter yeah fun hobby gets me out of the house yeah yeah I was like going down to the water line the whole time all the I went that way and that way and I was like I'm going to go up a little higher the fresh drops all the stuff in the water's gone sand has moved a lot huh the sand shifted a lot with oh yeah I can see it's got scallops all the way down oh yeah technically swimming all right guys thanks for watching Gary's metal detecting I'll see you on the next one been kind of fun definitely going to have to come to this spot again look [Music] he
Channel: Gary's Metal Detecting
Views: 740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beach Metal Detecting Treasure Island Beach!, metal detecting, metal detecting california beaches, metal detecting in southern california, metal detector gold, metal detecting in the ocean, metal detector beach, beach metal detecting finds, beach metal detecting 2024, metal detecting videos, metal detecting finds, treasure hunting, metal detecting beach, treasure island beach, beach metal detecting, treasure hunting on the beach, treasure island, underwater metal detecting
Id: kEdajuQaDdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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