Wayne Lineker Opens up on Making Millions, Going Broke & Prison Life

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the business went under I plowed Millions into it and lost it all what happened and I had a partner who stitched me up the legend Mr Wayne lineker club owner bar owner entrepreneur a man who's known as the face of IB person the man himself Wayne lineker I understand you went to prison back in the day it was uh for a tax offense they gave me two and a half years so these two guys came into my cell once he put his under his pocket I thought he was going to pull a knife out because I don't I don't hang around people my age I'm never with the Audi 60. and all the girls in the club and all that they're all 25 30 whatever I can't find someone that my age really you still like a good night out there I love good night yeah are you close to Gary your brother nope we don't speak anymore it is what it is yeah but before we dive into this make sure you like the video subscribe to the channel and turn the notification Bell on [Music] Wayne are you the king of Ibiza um I don't like to say I'm the king of Ibiza to be honest I found it but embarrassing really people say that but um obviously we're very quite dominant now in both our group as a group and uh yeah so we we've we've found our feet in the bathroom and uh yeah we're just looking to expand businesses all the time and uh yeah why do you think people call you the king of Ibiza I don't know I guess because my picture's everywhere in it because people are taking the pictures every day with me and yeah ocean and like you know like 300 a day sometimes wow that's all over the Internet what you do 300 of all episodes a day with people around that yeah you should charge for them yeah I'll be very wealthy guy for charge of fiber each but no I mean I I don't uh I could never do that and I can never say no either no um I mean it's great in the daytime when everyone's reasonably sober and but when it comes after 8 p.m at night there's a big switch and it was drunk in the arms of me and that's too much so yeah so it was what 1986 87 when you first went out to Ibiza no um it was 1987. I opened my first bar in Tenerife which was employed in Los Marcus yeah and uh I've been going ever since then really I've I've ten years in living in Tenerife for the 10 years living in Mobile when we're up in there and then I didn't actually go to with either sort of to live until the 2008 when we opened Lenny because Ibiza yeah and can you take us through the Journey of building your Club Empire yeah um like I say I used to work from Veg markets in Leicester and um it was quite a thriving business I left school at 14 didn't say any exams uh because you can get away with stuff like that back in the day and um yeah by the time I was 16 I remember my dad let me go on my own on the markets took some of the stores that he had and um yeah built from there really and by the time I was 16 I had 30 people working for me wow I was looking back is you know quite shocked that actually happened but at the time it just felt natural um so yeah and then and then I was on the markets until I was 26 and then the supermarket started opening um all the big ones you know you Tesco's and your Sainsbury's and asdas and because they never used to exist everything was all the all your fruit and veg was bought from the city center used to go to the markets to buy it and now they started stuck in it in the big One-Stop shops and uh we called them then and it just declined the Market's just really really fell apart um you know because people like say went to city center to buy The Proven veg and uh that just didn't happen anymore so just it just I saw it spiraling down down down and like well I need to get out of this and at the time my brother was super famous obviously um 19 1986 he was just you know Barcelona and just captain of England yeah blah blah blah and I thought what can I do so I thought oh no I'll open a bar and I'll call it lineages and um so what leverage his name a bit well I know yeah yeah I mean obviously I use it to my advantage but why not yeah you know it was the it was a perfect scenario really because my ex at the time they lived in her parents lived in Tenerife and we used to go a lot I used to love the island so that was oh it all started really and how many clubs bars do you have now in the group I have no idea a lot I don't know probably around 20 I would think right yeah and so you talked earlier about expanding so what are the expansion plans yeah obviously we're going to take the ocean oh Beach brand further afield we've been trying to open in Dubai for the last few years and we had covered came and we lost the venue that we we had originally and now we're looking at other venues and we're pretty close to securing one but um yeah it's it's been a journey to get open in Dubai but I think by the end of this year early next year we should finally get open and why do you have the desire to expand still when maybe you don't necessarily need to um I think it's just something that we enjoy doing um uh I've got I've got four Partners um Tony Truman Tony wheelchair Maxi and my son Dwayne um and they do sort of all the behind the scenes stuff and basically I'll take all the credit but um but now we're a good team everyone plays their own little part you know mine's more social media wise now yeah my son and Maxie do the researching and looking for places and obviously we all we have meetings about what and discuss what what's right for us and what's not right for us and uh yeah it's a good partnership and it works well is it competitive maybe even ruthless running clubs not really I mean yeah it's just it's I don't know that's explained it but we don't really get any in internal arguments with other bar owners and everyone seems to go on obviously the town hall is a big issue we have to keep our music levels a good a good level and um yeah it's uh it's not it's not really hard really I mean originally it was you know to but now we've sort of we've got a great formula and it tends to work and we've got a lot of respects especially on the island and so yeah I mean the place is very good brothers and because we always abide by the rules you know whenever we work very tightly with the town all around the place to make sure that you know we respect we respect the laws and and the um decibels of Music Etc and what do you think has made your model successful for over three decades why because many bars and clubs my dad used to be in that business it's hard yeah it's hard um I'll just think I came into it at the right time in 1906 on 1987 we opened the first one and at that time it was a nobody was really doing it right but I actually did everything at linnica's the original ones I did the banking I did the tools I did the rotors I did everything I was a DJ I was serving but I absolutely enjoyed it you know every hour of my day 16 hours a day I used to work and um yeah I enjoyed it and I spotted a lot of things that were weren't quite right in the industry like at that time security for example they were very aggressive people used to so I had this formula really I'll let I let everyone do what they want in the bar if they want to dance to the tables they've done some tables and at that time you know people were getting thrown out of premises for dancing on seats and stuff like that you know and then throwing them out aggressively and I thought this is not right you know you can't take all their money and get them drunk and then when start having a good time you throw them out so I just spin that around all right and people were dancing on the bar tops on the tables and they were like oh this is amazing yeah linicus was just absolutely packed every night for for years and years and years um and then the daytime venue started I mean like ocean um blue marlin Etc and and other daytime venues especially Marbella and and it sort of hit the bar trade quite a bit um because people used to just go out and meet at the bars but now they're already drunk so we look we like to call it the drunk money to get this to get the sober money sorry yeah when you get the cyber money that's that's good but they're already drunk so people are not spending what they're used to and and they were going home to sleep and then going to the clubs after so the bars took a bit of a hit but yeah and how have you evolved and stayed relevant over such a long amount of time we're just obviously reimbursed a beer into into back into the venue you know make sure it's it's we're up with all the trends and um the production's a big thing for us we spend a lot of money on our production what do you mean by that like you know the crane that comes in and all the shows and yeah um and the dancers and yes it's a good formula and it works I mean the thing is with ocean it's it's very um sociable when we designed it it was uh that's what we had in mind I mean you could come ocean with 10 friends and and then leave with 50. you know because everyone's talking to each other I'm gonna laugh and um yeah it's a very sociable place do you own any of the property do you like to invest um we own some properties and we I believe it's in others um yeah A variation really and do you like owning them or do you prefer leasing them I mean it's always good to own them isn't it I mean that's the sometimes the extortionate prices you can't keep buying places but and uh but yeah I mean we do we've got um mainly probably leases but the good lease is long leases you know so what would you say are the top lessons you've got from your dad I mean my dad taught me everything but without even being known at the time yeah I know I said it's a shame I wish I could have thanked him before he passed away so how long are you going to be doing this for before you retire um I'll probably retire when I'm about 120. um no I mean it's something I it's incredible life I've got so I very much enjoy it and I've always liked interacting with the crowd and I think that's what the markets taught me back out to know what the public want um to give them what they want really if you can and have that confidence to be able to do it so I think that's the original reason it it took off as it did back in the day so with your 10 years it sounded like market experience yeah would you call yourself a Salesman I guess so yeah I did all the two pounder bananas today come on get your gums around the plums all that stuff yeah I used to have a laugh on the market yeah yeah do you think that helped you yeah I think it's the best education I could ever have for what I'm doing now yeah for what we're doing um yeah it's a it's it was a great learning curve place you know it taught me a lot I mean my dad taught me everything but without even me knowing at the time yeah um yeah I know I said it's a shame I wish I could have thanked him before he passed away and it's only till you know a few years after he passed away that I realized what he did do for me yeah and uh but yeah and so what would you say are the top lessons you've got from your dad like I say just just being confident with people you know being able to to understand what they want um as clients you know yeah my lover's a good guy I used to work really hard maybe a scalp at like three in the morning four in the morning in order to know the bands down the whole so down the market and then go to the wholesale market for six o'clock getting the kids get try and get the best deals um yeah it was a good time would you call yourself a workaholic not now no I mean like I say I don't really do that much physical work myself yeah um I just get involved in some of the meetings and um and I just really I'm just sociable really I'm just going and say loads of people and yeah you know people want to see me there I guess and yeah yeah I enjoy it yeah and it could you argue is that like your social life and your work life kind of merged together yeah yeah so you still I guess yeah the main promoter for your businesses yeah yeah I mean I'm a continually on my phone and you know my whatsapp's just ridiculous you know people people want in beds and always send them to my my PA don't you yeah and maybe this is books everyone in and it's constant really I mean and social media as well you know Instagram and Tick Tock now and you do all that yourself yeah yeah I've got I've got a social media manager it does who runs my social media site with me and she's really good yeah yeah it's a lot of work you know it's uh you know you you try and respond to as many DMS as you can and the comments and this and that and yeah it's a full-time job really and it's an enjoyable job and I've got my phone with me all the time and it's just constant yeah and has social media changed how you promote your clubs yeah I mean we've social media's just absolutely been the best thing ever for us right you know I mean Ocean's the most Instagram club in the world wow easily you know it's all over Instagram in the summer and at Facebook and everywhere so yeah I mean we've got a lot to be grateful for yeah because you know it just used to be Word of Mouth years ago you know you might get another write a bit of paper but that's about it whereas your presence in on social media now is just so strong you know especially my personal account and all my businesses all have their own social media pages and so yeah it's um it's an amazing thing do you find that sometimes you get addicted to your phone you can't put it down for more than 10 seconds yeah I do that's why I never use my phone I've never lose my phone it's always I'm always on it so because I'm I'm somebody that loses things all the time like keys and it's certainly but I never lose my phone because it's never far away from me you know so I'm constantly on it yeah which which drives my family mud sometimes but yeah you know and how old yet how many kids you got I got four uh three boys and a daughter and your youngest is is Freddy's 18 no right he's my youngest yeah but I've got three grandchildren wow yeah Milo's seven in August nearly three and a little Alba it's just one and a half now wow and how have you found your kids growing up with social media do you think it's been good or bad for them yeah um I mean that my kids are divided my my oldest son Dwayne my partner and actually he's very much not against social media but he doesn't like to expose his private life yeah he's very it's very um protective over that um so he's and then I've got Sean who's who used it quite a bit and then I've Got Tea Room makes a living from it you know she's got half a million followers and wow she's a fashion a little fashion eye conscious yeah and everybody she's built up social media up very very well um she's always been just about fashion yeah and uh yeah and she's a beautiful girl yeah so you left school at 14. yeah um I've interviewed quite a few entrepreneurs who left school young um Carl Hartley who has son of Tom Hartley the car dealership he left school in his 11 and he was driving cars and he was 11. yeah you couldn't do that anymore but do you think leaving school young was better for you to become a businessman and an entrepreneur I guess what what your path in life is you know I mean mine was I didn't I wouldn't need any of the education that I've got at school no um but that's just me you know obviously people take different career paths and and education is good I mean I would never tell people they shouldn't go to school no because it's something you must do and yeah and it's very good in general but for me personally but you couldn't learn what you learned on the market still wasn't no it was the perfect education for me which I couldn't have learned that at school and do you think that's a bit of that should be in the school system like how to sell and how to hustle I think it should yeah I really do um certainly I believe in that they should you know get a little bit um what's the word just help try and help people become confident you know and be able to sell and and you know because it's it's either for you or isn't yeah you know you either got the gift of the girl or you've not I mean some kids at school are just fantastic you know like little Lads from [ __ ] London or they're just you know so funny and Liverpool the scousers that are just incredible they all they want to do is earn money yeah you know I remember going to watch a game of um Everton when Gary played at Everton there's all kids out like eight-year-old kids trying to sell tickets out of the ground like but you know they're such confident people yeah um I guess so as a 16 year old not a school on the markets selling uh with 30 staff yeah give us some tips on how to sell how do you sell anything to anyone you just got you just got a cheeky a little bit of cheekyness about you I'm gonna laugh um I think if you interact with your clients and get to know them as well as you can in the minute you go um yeah it's just just really bonding with your clients and making them feel as special as they can really and that whatever amount of time you have and then they keep coming back you know and then you go on friendly I used to have a system in my bar in um in the Tenerife um because the bar always gets filled up by the same people because they come early they won't get the sea at the front of the bar and um I used to I used to ask them names and I used to have a sticker on along the bar where they're all with six they always come back and sit in the same place so I was on first name terms with every single person in there yeah and uh I went oh hi Greg oh you know and they're like oh God it remembers my name yeah you know I think Personal Touch like that is very important I mean obviously now I can't physically remember all the people that come to Ocean because the thousands but um at that time it that sort of built the atmosphere up a little bit before we got busy and everyone sort of knew each other and all my stuff were talking to the people around the bar and when they went to the tables and stuff yeah so my kids are 9 and 12. and they don't even like asking a way to where the toilets are because I can see they're worried yeah and I'm trying to get them out of that company do you think a lot of people maybe would be better at selling or socially if they worried less about rejection and what other people thought about them yeah absolutely um it's a difficult error isn't it uh um but yeah I mean I had a son Sean he's he would never go into McDonald's and Order McDonald's he was like 14 or 15 because it was he was too scared of to to timid at that time to or have the confidence to go and do that I mean which I found quite bizarre really but see you've never had that I've never read it never been bothered but some people obviously you know you've got mental health and this down the other going on in their lives and yeah so everybody's different but you've got to try and respect that you know because you said try and help them for it yeah obviously I was more high profile person in the prison I mean had a few incidents can you talk about any of that so these two guys came into my cell ones I want to send my girlfriend a picture of you I'm like well I don't really like sending a picture of me and prison mate sorry he put his hand in his pocket I thought he was going to pull a knife out just a quick one I have a digital Financial toolkit for you that you can instantly download to make manage and multiply money build multiple streams of recurring income and increase your earnings now the link is in the description is completely free it's my gift to you so go and click the link in the description right now because you said like a good way to sell is to you know be cheeky and be good with people and if people just worry about being socially rejected um what would you say to those people to build up more confidence that's got to believe it's very easy for for me to say just believe in yourself you know just you know be confident in yourself and but it's it's easy like I said it's easy for me to say that but um everyone's different aren't they they've all got their own reasons for the way they behave or whether it be shy or or overconfident or yeah she can be overconfident so when you're getting on people's nerves so yeah you have to there's a fine line but if you can find that fine line then um that's what I'd advise people to do and with you raising your children if you noticed some are more confident than others and if you raise them in different ways no they've all been raised the same um and they're all they're all pretty confident kids to be honest um yeah I think just very humble I've always told them to be I don't think they really need to teach them to be humble I think because I'm a humble person I guess they saw that and you know it's always nice people I like to be treated you know as I I like I treat people as I want to be treated myself um so yeah I'm I'm always always like humble so in 2008 you went to Ibiza yeah and it sounds like you live kind of half their half in the UK now is that right yeah I mean I'm actually moving full time to beat for now because all my family are the grandkids all live there yeah um so now I've decided that I'm going to stand I bet for now for the whole year and for forever now right yeah and did something pull you to Ibiza or was something pushing you away from the UK um yeah like I said my family room my oldest All My Children apart from Freddie who's stood in at Uni but he won't be long because he's DJ now and right is going to be an up-and-coming DJ yeah but yeah um I bet that was my heart you know yeah it's such a great Island you know everyone's friendly and you know it's just a beautiful place the beaches the beach restaurants and yeah the standard of living there is incredible um what do you think of the state of the UK now sorry what do you think of the state of the UK now you know it's changed a lot since if it doesn't it and it's Jones a lot I mean yeah I mean we're a customer Society now I mean it's that that's the big thing I've noticed you know there's no cash anymore you know I feel sorry for the people on the streets and you know that can't feed themselves that you know they ask people for God I always give people viber's Alternatives or what quit or whatever that's the one thing that I've really noticed that that it is done regarding yeah regarding um trying to just having cash you just can't you know cash is useless yeah you know everything's on card and you know but it saves me a lot because I always used to lose money this is good for you so it's good but no it's got It's as it's advantages and its disadvantages I guess but but that's where it's gone now it's crazy yeah and do you think we have true freedom of speech now um I think people should have freedom of speech um obviously that big thing would go into the week you know that went crazy yeah tell us about that what do you think about that well I fully supported Gareth to be honest for that for what it did um you know how we because he didn't do anything wrong in my opinion you know just it just spoke about something um and it just went mad yeah absolutely crazy yeah it's all it's all always every News Channel it was continually talking about it but yeah um I don't really use Twitter myself now so I don't I don't try not to get involved in politics or anything because I don't know what I'm talking about right so there's no point I mean I hardly ever watch the news now I just I just don't have time or I don't really enjoyable sitting down watching the news anymore nice I used to but so I'm a bit ignorant of stuff like that I don't really know what's going on um but I'm happy being me so yeah yeah well I mean in the end Gary got a hell of a lot of support didn't he yeah a lot incredible absolutely incredible yeah yeah everyone was behind him so yeah um but he stuck it out he didn't you know he stuck in his beliefs and um it's obviously people supported him in the end so do you think he'd have walked if he was forced like I mean Piers Morgan did didn't they he walked yeah um yeah like I say stood his ground and I don't think he was shift inside and he and he made the right decision yeah so um take us through the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur and maybe give us your highest point and maybe give us your lowest point um yeah I mean our highest point obviously is uh the success of motion um you know the first two years we opened then it started going being all over social media and this that the other end we're getting busier and busier and busy and I thought you know this this is that's the hard point of mine because it was just an absolute machine now yeah you know it's like you know it's all people talk about on the plane on the way there to go in Ocean yeah the girls plan their outfits from Once in advance that's amazing achievement really um but the lows I've yeah I've um I've failed businesses uh one big one in particular which was a social media site that I built years ago um well I didn't I didn't know that the program is dead and I had a partner who who stitched me up um what happened no it was just it was just um a compulsive liar right you know and the business went under but it I had investors as well I had 100 investors in it and uh and they all lost their money which that was the low point because you know they they invested in the belief um and obviously Investments to gamble anyway but um but yeah that's the one regret I've got in business and it really really hit me hard you know I think about this a lot because um I I've never gone bust and sometimes sometimes I think 17 years as an entrepreneur never gone past that's good and sometimes I think well if you've gone past and picked yourself back up you may be a bit more durable yeah it's an experience yeah and then also I worry about raising money from other people because if you go down on your own sword it's you but if you go exactly yeah so I I learned a lot from that you know that experience because it was a real tough time for me um so yeah I don't you know I learned a lot I made a lot of mistakes and um can you share some of the mistakes and some of the lessons not really because it's we're talking about other people's Investments and I don't really want to you know I mean it's only it wasn't a large amount yeah but it the overall project you know I plowed Millions into it and lost it all so um although it's really really something about yeah incredible as well Mr satisback yeah all the um you know we've got 20 odd businesses all all in um us Hospital yeah so it was just incredible bad time for us you know did you think at times you were going to lose some other yeah yeah we were close you know to I mean fortunate we're quite strong financially as a group so we got through it but there's a lot of businesses you know smaller businesses that just unfolded because of yeah what can you do yeah yeah so when you say strong financially I mean you had enough Capital reserves to burn through the time yeah and if we didn't would have been in trouble but yeah fortunately we were quite financially strong yeah at that time you know if that would have happened on 10 years before it might have all gone up you know yeah but um but we've made through it yeah and uh we're we're on fire now so the islands ibeth is just so busy now and everybody wants to go there you know because last year I mean last year was unbelievably busy for us it was incredible that everyone had such a great time people posting constant on social media not just about my businesses about Ibiza and you know so all the people that went through beta last year because obviously there's sort of a recession going through at the moment and and um my partners a lot I might struggle this year I'll say no I said because the recessions don't open my experience over the years recessions don't hit the holiday industry like people lean on those they just want to go away yeah they want to forget everything and go away and that's what they do well alcohol thrived didn't yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah and and this year um I said that this guy we're going to be busy and they're not I can't because the recession and this and that it can't get into busy I said I said all the people that went to a meeting last year are going to go back and all the people that didn't go and saw it over social media want to go so now we're we're rocketed up on on Russia's sales so far so should be a good year so how do you bounce back from failure then you know certain things come your way and if you look hard enough for them and you want them enough then you can get it but uh obviously a certain amount of luck involved and certain things go right certain things go wrong but um I guess experience over the years with all our partners we're not we're would very rarely make a wrong decision now and did you ever lose belief in yourself or was that always there no I love a blue no I never lost blue for myself you know it was just situations that that caused the the downfalls that I've had but um and the biggest thing is trust is somewhat putting too much trust in someone um that you don't really know you know that's not a family member or a strong part of over years you know they're the people you can trust it's taken in new partners you know giving them too much too much leeway and access to money and stuff like that they can it can that's what I've learned not to trust people that I don't really know and how do you read someone and to figure out if they're gonna screw you or not well obviously I wasn't very good at ecosystem improv has screwed me over but um but I've learned from that experience and I I tend to be a better judge of character than uh now than I was when I was younger for sure and what does that mean does that mean taking a bit more time keeping them additionally a little bit more distance and yeah doing doing due diligence some people and which is I think very important which I didn't do um you know due to due diligence is very important now yeah especially if you bring in new Partnerships in yeah you've got to you do diligence some people um so um I understand you went to prison back in the day but did you yeah so I understand also you have no regrets and you think you know you learn from that experience can you talk us through that yeah I mean it was uh it was uh for a tax offense um I think it ended up 80 000 pound Undeclared taxes which is normally a slap on the wrist but at that time again my second name was um very famous right on garage side not mine and um I think they're just set an example of me and they go they gave me two and a half years which is ridiculous yeah um but I took it to the court of appeal and we won and then they released me but I was in the whole process seven and a half months so I was in the I was in the seven Northlands about four different prisons wow but um excuse me um my 44th birthday I got sentence yeah so it was a there was a strange time yeah I mean just walking out of that courtroom into this security core van and your handcuffed to the you know the little have you ever seen them big white bands with the windows on the side you're in a little cubicle in there and you hunk up to it and like oh my God this is this is and then you go to I went to Brixton straight to Brixton prison I'm like you know which is one of the toughest prisons in the UK I've got in there I'm like I couldn't believe it um but my PA blessing Dave he got sentenced as well I don't know so we went in the we went in um it went together fortunately we got we got shared the same room um room cell and all this in those two bunk beds and and um under kettle and a [ __ ] that's it um because you're you're in yourself for 23 hours a day so it was it was horrific time but it was funny uh the first night we were there we were like oh my God what we're gonna do a day went should we play hide and seek very well there's nothing in there so that wrote the ice a bit and um but you're in I was in Brixton prison for like three weeks four weeks before I got transferred to dcat which is an open prison so the first three four weeks was very very tough but you just got going with it and but I like I said I wouldn't change that experience because it taught me a lot you know you meet all sorts of characters in there um but they were generally nice to me you know they were like obviously I was more high profile person in the prison system than most people but I got a little tough to I mean had a few incidents and can you talk about any of that yeah I'll tell you about one it's um so these two guys came into my servants went oh because at that time you weren't allowed mobile phones they're only the little flip ones and all that you know like they'll knock his and that whatever they were then and um Facebook had just just at his early stages really and um two guys came in myself and uh they said oh I want to send my girlfriend a picture of you I'm not no I don't really want to send in a picture of me and prison mate sorry he went no no he said come with me so I went with him they took me in this cell he went no well how are we gonna do this I said well we're not We're not gonna do it I said how can I have a picture and she's going to put it on Facebook and me in prison it's not it's not a one they went you know you you won't get off your pitched up whether you like it or not I'm not okay well I said so just put me against the blank wall so you know you can't tell it's prison Center and I'll do it and um but before he did that he said you when he said you are gonna have your pictures taken he put his hand in his pocket I thought he's gonna pull a knife out um and he but he pulled his phone out for that um but yeah I literally thought that um but so that wasn't a very nice experience but generally it was okay and how the food wasn't great was it really bad no it was all I mean you just got to tell you what you can just slob food yeah but yeah that's not what I'm used to and and how'd you like get yourself about there and stay out of trouble and Matt did maybe what you learned on the market still help you in that situation yeah yeah because I'm always I'm always I mean whatever situation it is so I made some friends in there but I didn't bring them close to me you know just you know um obviously Dave with me which was a good thing um yeah it was difficult I mean Dave got transferred to a d cup prison before me um a couple of days before me so there's an empty space in myself so this the screw called him came to see me when uh lunica you've got a new cell makes joining you tonight he said just to warn you as a recovering collect um I'm like oh my God this is that was terrible because you know I never this 23 Stone guy walks in like he's like um I may I may breathe a lot at night I may snore a lot I may shake a lot okay so the guy's gone time I'm trying to sleep I can't sleep and the guys just making this it sounded like a it was like a hurricane in the farm the beds were shaking I'm like what am I doing here um that was terrible idea I was with him for three nights yeah I said to him look do me one favor because you're allowed at yourself twice a day to go to a little while bro yeah if you don't wanna I'll have a shower or something else I just placed out [ __ ] in front of me don't [ __ ] in front of me I can't deal with that I said let's make a deal um so that was the [ __ ] deal yeah but yeah that was uh that was a moment yeah do you feel resentment that you got what you feel is a harsh treatment for that yeah I mean it was always the most ridiculous thing to give me a prison sentence over that it's never never been heard of for even if it's like a million quid it's normally you can get a deal and get out of business but they just they just didn't lie my lifestyle right um and it just they've got so much power these judges sometimes um because it was ridiculous I mean we proved it was ridiculous because we went to the court of appeal as I said we won and I got released but yeah which was a great day yeah and tell me how that felt for Freedom Day unbelievable yeah like unbelievable like such an amazing feeling you know you start I don't understand you've you know respecting things more you know even a walking walk down the shop I'm like oh my God this is nice yeah no literally more grateful for everything grateful yeah um could you take things for going today I mean I still do now at that time I thought oh my God this is amazing yeah um yeah do you ever take your mind back to being in prison if you take things for granted are you able to do that no I don't really tend I don't dwell on the bus really um but like I said I wouldn't I wouldn't change that experience um it really really did teach me a lot and and also about what goes on in prisons and you know because I went to four prisons so I got transferred from what goes on just just how life is in prison you know or you've just gotta crack on and get on with it I mean I I learned Spanish in prison I thought I want to take something out of this yeah so I've got loads of Spanish books sent in and um I just got so so fixed on on this mission to speak Spanish and to take something away from me and I managed to learn pretty good so I speak spoke I mean I speak good Spanish now but yeah when I left there I spoke the reason to be good Spanish and I was and do you like study for quite a few hours a day then that's all I did yeah just got me head into the book and then yeah it really helped me because um you've got a you can't just sit back and and feel sorry for yourself you just gotta you've just gotta crack on and try and do whatever that get will keep you motivated on something or so I got I've got a very addictive personality so I just got addicted to it yeah and um yeah and how did you bounce back and you know clean up your image and go back to being a hero yeah I mean it's uh yeah it was um interesting time but it was before social media really Facebook had just come in so nobody really know about it um so externally my image wasn't dented because it was it was in a few papers this time the other but it wasn't like now you know if I went to prison now it'd be everywhere yeah yeah you know it's just like and that would have damaged me more I think social media would damage you more for that um as it's good points it's bad points doesn't it but yeah yeah so my image wasn't really dented to be honest um got away with it if I'm 10 years later it'd have been a different story but yeah and how did you rebuild everything after that well I have my son my oldest son at the time he had to step his game up um he'd been working for a few years and he basically took over control of everything um which is a blessing to have a family member to be able to do that because obviously you can trust them but he literally you know he's now my partner in Ocean and you know he had to you know go through a lot because he had to go he was only like what would it be me it'd be like 20 and obviously at that age you don't command there's not as much respect as you would when you're a bit older yeah and he went straight into to completely take home and run the business for me yeah so he had tough times trying to um make people realize that he was the boss now yeah and it's not easy for him not at 20 years old but he did well he uh I think he he grown up about 10 years in that in the seven months I was there yeah but yeah they did a great job so both you and your son have managed a lot of people at a very young age yeah which a lot of people don't do yeah you've got any couple of tips on managing people especially when you're younger um just make feel good really you know don't you know just try and build that build their confidence up and make them believe in themselves and just respect and again be humble there's one thing that I absolutely um make sure that is I'm always humble and I think if you can go through a business like that and you know understand that things do go wrong you should still be humble about it because you don't know you're going to another business meeting or another another meeting with these same people a few years down the line and you know there's no malice and you'll just remain friends with as many people as you can so it seems like we're in a weird time in the world to be a man well if you think about it there seems to have been quite our focus on masculinity there's obviously all these genders now um so what do you think it is to be a modern man oh God I don't know um I mean my son is 12 and I think about this a lot you've got Andrew Tate who's you know right up there love him hate him as a man you've got Jordan Peterson love him hate him as a man you've got all these different genders you've got Sam Smith In the yeah I mean I just whoa it's just the way down just going to to comment on things like that now you know I mean I'd I'd just let everyone be what they want to be yeah I mean I have a gay son and you know I love him for it yeah he's a yeah yeah that was um you know very tough for him to tell me yeah um but what he did I just put my mom's around him and said yeah this is cool I always wanted to go soon they didn't start crying and like yeah yeah did you already know I had I had an idea because I asked him I said look you've got something to tell me yeah because obviously I'm his dad I'm spending all my life with them yeah so you know something I mean there's other he's on the phone to his to a girlfriend a friend of his she was a girl Carly her name was two hours a night every night I mean Bloodstone [Laughter] yeah and he's got a boyfriend now and he's really happy yeah and do you know much about Andrew Tate and what's going on in there because he's just got sort of semi-released doesn't he yeah I mean it is he is who he isn't it I do find it fascinating yeah um it's so intelligent yeah like the way he can deliver just talking about stuff so it's such a fast rate so yeah yeah so I always find him interesting to listen to yeah and do you think he's been good for masculinity you know to what a proper man is I mean I don't know I don't like I said I don't like to get involved in stuff like that I mean I'll just take everyone as they're coming yeah you know I'm just I understand that everyone is different and why don't more people take that attitude maybe the world would be a better place if we all just accepted each other more yeah I believe that yeah you know it doesn't matter what what you want to do with your life it's your life you know yeah let it be you know and let people be yeah you know not you know why'd you go dig someone out folks and they're a bit more feminine than someone else or whatever why do you think we're doing that there seems to be this real divide doesn't there between what people call the left and the right and yeah why are we at each other so much it's crazy maybe these people need to get on the market store yeah but yeah I don't I don't agree with people up and goes that people's masculinity or whatever no just doesn't doesn't Vibe with me but no but I guess it's just their own yeah yeah so we like to do a quick fire around on this show I mean you take as long as you like um so there's something we found really cool which was you went viral for sharing a list of criteria for your future girlfriend can you share some of that list yeah I mean I think I was I was in the restaurant with them Ferris my videographer and um because at the time I put my my kids don't get a bit loose she's going out too much this time because I've just split up from a couple of years previous with my ex Danielle and um and yeah I got a bit loose for a couple of years and uh they're like we need to find a girlfriend you need to have a girlfriend I can't find one you know because they because obviously their whole age thing as well you know because I don't I don't hang around people my age no I'm level with them Audi 60. right so and all the girls in the club and all that they're all 25 30 whatever so that's you know part of the reason that I don't find I can't find someone that my age really that I'd ever come across really you know I don't hang around in them sort of places yeah um so this list yeah the list well yeah it just said um it's just stuff like you have to be prepared to um you have to have a driver license to be able to to drive the Lamborghini and the Bentley and stuff like that you have to understand that you go into nightclubs and not after queue and you have to accept the fact that you'll be given free drinks so just to take really and it went mad it went absolutely crazy I mean it was on it was in every single newspaper it just went completely well across the world he was mad like there was people blogging about it and vlogging about it in in Australia and Canada and yeah you know I was on loose women the next day yeah they got the whole list of um of my criteria so I think it was listed about 20 things but um it was a it was a mad moment and that that actually led me to get on celebs go dating right because because it was about a relationship yeah so they then approached me and asked me to go on the show and which changed my life really because at that time I was getting a lot of hate I was getting a lot a lot of hate what for just because I was a little bit controversial right in the things I posted and stuff like that just um because that's how you go viral if you if you can cause a debate on your post people able to go at you or agreeing with you or disagreeing with you or this and the hashtag it will just take you so I was trying to do the number one on Twitter for two days for that one that are trending on Twitter last year as well for the um for the Queen's tribute we did the ocean so we've got we do it we do a London um show every every Friday we've got the bus come down and Mary Poppins and we've got a queen an impersonator and yeah yeah the London taxi comes through and so we just so the queen passed away then we decided to a tribute for her I think it was the fact that when because we've got bee feature outfits for the girls and the dancers but they've got thongs on so we did because that happened we did a really good tribute to the queen um it got so much stick because the girls had thongs on I think it was which is understandable we didn't really think it too um but it was it was a nice moment we did a speech and there's something there um but somebody picked up on it and about the the dances and it just went viral because it was a debate again yeah and the queen was I was trying to number one on Twitter and the queen was turned into it's mad it was literally everyone was talking about it yeah um so yeah and you said that the the celebrity dating was good because it cleaned you up yeah I mean people people on this never really seen me um apart from social media or at the club or there's something that's so you know to see me in that light with with what boy my friends really you know it was it was I think 12 of us living in the house yeah but the Mansion it was and I was just being myself and I think a lot of people realize that he's actually all right you know he's not he's not a [ __ ] um I made it up sometimes not really a lot but I think in general people saw that I was I was this normal guy Family Man and you know happy-go-lucky crazy do I do stupid things on there yeah but just having a laugh really yeah and that work went really well for me right so yeah that cleaned my image up a lot and it was probably the best thing I've I've done because I was I was hesitant to do it or not should I or should I not and I thought I need to show people that I'm actually all right so I did it and it was a good decision did you ever meet a girlfriend that ticked all those things on your list no I got I didn't even get many applicants to be honest there's a bit too much [ __ ] yeah um would you rather have one million extra engaged followers on social media or 1 million cash and why billion cash because I've already got a million followers so yeah I'll definitely I'll take that I'll take the cash thank you very much yeah yeah you think you could do more with that than you could the million followers yeah I think so um it's a lot of money I mean about what would you do with a million pound don't know let's be honest let's stick it with the rest I don't know off the spot I'd definitely what I've actually ordered a new auras right so yeah that's otherwise I'd have spent some of it on that yeah but yeah I'll probably invest it into some property yeah yeah yeah you like cars dude I love because yeah um I want some at one end of the scale to the other I'm just I'm fortunate to be able to afford a nice car and I do love I do love a nice car yeah um but the Bentley for four years now so I've ordered a Lamborghini Urus yeah no because I need a big [ __ ] someone because my grandkids right Ibiza as well taking them out it's difficult right it's got a little too tiny little seats at the back that don't really work because I got one of the early ones but there's been a delay it's not getting anything is it yeah so I don't think I can get it to the end of the summer now which I'm quoted about but what can you do yeah yeah um what's your biggest ever pay day what's the biggest lump of money you remember making in one go well I'll tell you a funny story yeah um back in the day when I used to work on the markets the market used to close on a Thursday uh Thursday afternoon it was a heart called half day but some people stayed open and it was a really hot summer's day and me and my dad went down to the wholesale Market to buy the stuff for Friday or some of the stuff for Friday and um and there's there's a Salesman there called Francis Nichols called Pete Kirk and he we always got he always gave my dad me the first opportunity for everything so we went there and he went they just arrived these strawberries like you've never seen in your life they were unbelievable I'm like but it was a boiling hot day and uh and we did a deal on these we got them for next to nothing and we didn't want to wait till the next day because it was so hot they wouldn't have been in the same condition so I said something actually we opened the market so we opened the store this afternoon it went shell way and we earned about I think we earned about a thousand quid in one afternoon on strawberries it was just queuing and curing and curing for them and that's how the liquid is a lot of money that's like 10 grand now yeah yeah it was the best time we ever done we're just loving and laughing it's crowds of crowds of people around there but that was uh that was a that was a great day but that was a lot of money then yeah for some markets you know I think we are yeah like seven eight hundred quid I think we had profit we had wow which is a little yeah what would be like what's like the biggest night's take on a club oh yeah fair enough and but I guess I mean sometimes you get big DJs out there so yeah we don't really tend to use the big DJs because we have our own style and our own residence I think if you use somebody some of them are 150 Grand at the time even for an hour that's ridiculous yeah um but if you go down that route then you have to charge a high eventually yeah but which you don't like to do yeah so we like to keep the entropy down give them good music give them a variety of DJs they're all fantastic DJs yeah you know we've got residents that worked for us since since the day we opened yeah you know Grant Collins and Tom Crane and these are top top DJs but yeah they've been loyal to us um so yeah yeah what's your biggest regret uh biggest regret um biggest regret is well again involved in that business and with with a guy that stitched me up for the for the social media thing but I've not really got any personal regrets that stand out in my mind to be honest um I've been very lucky really things have gone really well for me um yeah so I don't really have any regrets that I can think of is there one thing in the world that bothers you that you'd love to change um again I'm struggling uh I think I'm just such a happy girl looking oh I just I'll just say the positives and everything I'm just such a positive man you know I don't you know and I don't get involved in politics I don't get involved in opinions about people and so as far as I'm concerned there's nothing that I'd really stands out for me to change I mean I'd like to be in cash back because I I find it you know strange just to not have any cash anymore yeah it's a word but I mean it's no problem I mean all that money is declared anyway you know we don't but I'm doing I don't miss having a bit of cashing yeah do you think the world will be a better or worse place with no cash um a bit more control place for sure I mean you know absolutely everything that goes on there you know you've got yeah it's very clever the way they've done it very clever but um whether it's a better place I don't believe so because like I say people that are really really struggling you can't donate to them in the street anymore or you can't go up in the 20 quid or you know because you don't have it and I feel so that that really it upsets me a little bit that you know these people the the poor people are now been taking that one chance that they've had to be able to get someone I know it's if you call it back in whatever but even the buskers down in London you know they were they were hard you know and honestly they've got a tap they've got yeah two pound donation to me yeah but I'm sure people just slinging money in the thing is a lot easier and they must suffer and I feel that sad because they do some of them are very talented people and you know that sort of thing of life's gone now um what are you most excited about for the future um just expanding really spending the brand ocean really we're getting into Dubai and business was anyway um I know it's starting to look more into hotels and stuff like that um bigger stuff you know that quite excites me I'm more excited for my son really my two children they're because they're you know they're an age now they're really cracking on in life they're doing really well and they really enjoy what they're doing um so I'm more excited for them really um I'm happy as I am I'll just go ocean every year and other time of my life yeah I'm just happy doing that so this show is called disruptors what does the word disruptive mean to you disruptive me on a big night out and everything that's disruptive but yeah do you still like a good night out there I love good night yeah I've always I've always will um I'm in more control of it now than I used to be yeah I used to go a bit too loose but um but yeah I'm I'm definitely more more sensible now yeah what makes the perfect night out I I don't like to plan nights out I think the best nights are the unplanned nights you know where they just happen um yeah I don't I'm very rarely go and book a table in a club or anything like that I'll just see how the day goes the ocean and then if I want to go out I'll go out um they're the best nights you know it depends what crowd of people you're with and yeah um yeah I've got a solid I've got some really good friends that I like to party with when when they're there and yeah it's all it's not it's never planned yeah and are you um are you close to Gary your brother no we don't speak anymore I don't know I didn't know that we don't speak is there a reason for that yeah I won't go into that though no I've learned not to talk about that yeah well I'm sorry to hear that that's okay it is what it is yeah I've really enjoyed this Wayne thanks for inviting us thank you and giving us the time I've enjoyed it really appreciate it very nice thank you thank you yes cheers guys wow so let me know what you think about the show in the comments but before you go make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn the notification Bell [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Rob Moore
Views: 71,922
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Keywords: rob moore, wayne lineker and gary lineker, wayne lineker interview, wayne lineker ibiza, wayne lineker podcast, gary lineker, gary lineker tweet, gary and wayne lineker, gary and wayne lineker fall out, gary and wayne lineker relationship, gary and wayne lineker feud, why gary lineker got sacked, why gary lineker has been suspended, why gary lineker got suspended, why gary lineker been sacked, wayne lineker prison, wayne lineker tax fraud, who is wayne lineker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 12sec (3852 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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