A World Where Poland Is A SUPERPOWER - Victoria 2

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all right timmy get your little chimney sweep out we're going back to the industrial revolution oh is that timmy uh yeah you're in a bit of trouble with a cough there which cough it up but oh you start a cholera nice hello everybody and welcome back to the world of victoria too i hope you like the sound of factories upgrading yeah quite literally by the way because it's quite loud and today i have a special little mod for you because we're playing throne of lorraine because the law is pretty complicated i'm just gonna read out what they've written here in a dramatic sense scotland beat england and apparently got the industrial revolution wip law a castilian civil war broke up the kingdom after the reconquista the fourth crusade striked at egypt at the holy land so byzantium wasn't weakened as much as otl original timeline and the cops became a strong minority in egypt a korean tribe eventually unified china the boy empire i love bts the mediterranean merchant republics are still strong due to the oriental trade still being important france is the hegemon of europe and everybody hates her french spanish german scottish dutch and jesuit settlers colonized america it turned out weird the honda car company runs japan ethiopia is a massive trade empire yada yada russia sucks poland's cool and uh the two times and the knights are somewhere in the world i'll wait they're right there hello little timmy it's me poland i'm here for fun and by fun i start off at war with the hungarians in an attempt to kill them slash uh make them part of me alright so this is a little bit of a difficult war especially i guess if you are new to victoria too but i am not new to victoria to me understand war good right oh that's one hungarian army dealt with just got this other one over here and then whatever's happening down there it's gonna get my mobilized troops to uh immediately re-liberate the homeland though my name is poland and i'm in what you'd call a bit of a financial pickle does anybody know some sort of union of europe's that might give me bail out there you go we're done we're free we're amazing we're poland hungry now i think all we need to do is unite the hungarian lands and we can annex them fully into poland so we gotta get venice and serbia which was very cheeky and just stole some land off them in mind we could just go ahead click that button right there boom hungry poland i am a very hungry poland all right so now we have the chaos of nafta if we can kind of look what the situation in the world is so if we go look at our great powers right now scotland forever all right yeah the most a little wacky okay but we love wacky here yeah it's a little chaotic out there but uh i'm sure we can help clean it up a little bit right now we do have to focus on getting our calls back as i am a very hungry boy bavaria just went to war so i'm gonna be very cheeky and i also gotta warn them and try to snipe my core off them perfect nice epically wholesale it's the polish economic miracle who are making money come on think about it poland making money when you ever heard those two words together i'm kind of scared the serbia could actually take me right now but i'm going in anyway i did not have a problem with the serbian army but the serbians do refuse to give up yo now serbia has been squished quite literally they're looking very squishy okay we're also a great power now which is good right below venice just as i was finishing up with the teutonic order uh i got declared war on by bohemia i'm not even too sure why now they're trying to steal my hungarian polish schleicher i'm sorry but that's just too much of an important part of my very oblong shape nation here come the lithuanians too okay i gotta have to hit the button i just got um just should be an alliance get in here get in here well yeah they will get in here oh there we go who'd you call when the winged huzzahs need the winged hazards so we're taking the option just to ignore the lithuanians for now and i'm just gonna quickly peace out the bohemians keep the man reparations of the bohemians because the polish economic miracle didn't last too long it was a miracle we made money in the first place that didn't go too well for you at all did it and uh look at that we're even larger and i gotta bring back whatever the hell my army is and actually get things situated hopefully no one else declares war on me i mean i had no idea poland was this damn popular oh uh yep the hell goodbye lithuania and once again there goes all the yeah it's disgustingly beautiful that is beautiful that is absolutely beautiful so we get polish ashkenazi hungarian and roofenian as accepted pops and if we continue with the claim prussia route down here we can also get ourselves propheny which is all the guys over here uh safe to say concerns 1844 we are looking pretty good i also get more calls i can take especially on the russians down here in crimea but we really need to take a break i've been at non-stop war this whole time and that kicked us all the way up to second gp which is pretty cool i am coming for that ass scotland oh my god what you called the slavo magyar people now amazing bit of a problem russia has my cause russia as i like to venice venice also has my cause it's gonna be a two-front wall i am scared sure like the the guy in charge of the treasury my government suddenly just had a heart attack after after the king and elsie's gonna walk both russia and venice at the same time crazy all right we're beautiful and we're crazy an unlikely alliance in the ottomans and especially as they own a lot of my stuff over here in their puppet but for now i'm gonna need a friend and i really don't have any friends bulgaria just uh squish serbia even further down i'm gonna have to put the invasion on hold there's been a revolution so i get the feeling people may potentially want to vote so just give them a little bit of voting not a lot just a little bit i was kind of hoping the russians of the venetians might go to war but they're not going to and venice is just going to get more powerful so we need to um we we need to strike right now poland is very hungry um poland hungary you could say all right cool my friends into get the ottomans in there hopefully they cause a distraction but uh yeah we need to very quickly deal with both sides here oh of course of course i turn away for a second the danish all right the invasions are going good uh cloud both the russian and uh well i haven't even seen the venetian army but yeah it's going well i'm sure my finance minister though has already shot himself go peace out the venetians and that's good i think i even gave the author something i don't know what they asked for but they they got it all right now that's a big poland all right i think we're gonna i think we're gonna chill with the wall for a bit to actually make a functioning comp a trick and a car to be he received a curiosity for the knights motor who wished to purchase our caribbean i i have a caribbean island uh yeah i i don't own any island um so i'm just gonna say yes unless this island is this um exiled tunisian division um there he is jesus how you uh are you just standing on the water like that huh i mean you look pretty cool just got a few questions the uh the knights are gonna be very confused later on uh when they turn up to an island that doesn't exist oh they they bought the swedish island that's not mine did did i just make that deal for them all right that's pretty interesting i guess they are in my sphere but i just kind of barged in the room i was like i will sell that island sure i guess i mean i just uh shang hide an island for you so we're partners in crime here i mean i am uh number one now so uh scotland uh you can go ahead and burn in hell it'll their army is uh it's not as good as mine their industry is definitely their uh their big power here which i i'm working on it okay just been a bit busy just soloing the world [Laughter] now you want to be my friend huh and realize i accepted an alliance from france who is currently in a civil war against picardy so uh yeah i'm gonna stick with scotland for now france oh uh macedonia just erupted from the ottoman empire what's going on here i was like i'm not gonna do any more war um uh you're just gonna change that very quickly that's pretty good we uh gave bulgaria our trusted ally that i will 100 never backstab i've never backstabbed any of my allies trust me believe me it is not fake news uh and we have uh these guys freed now so we can go liberate our cause off crimea i don't mind we just got them through an event and now they're our puppet okay not the best but uh i'll have to take it we got these guys here which uh yeah that's great amazing hundred one two yeah like okay there is a new threat on the continent i think i trolled a bit too hard with the ottomans just had the uh the greek revolt blast out of them oh yeah russia ain't feeling too good right now the uh chinese korean uh horde is currently blasting through them too yeah a lot of the blasting that's happening right now seems to be uh down probably to my interference it's probably not the best idea but ever since i stole that swedish island and sold it to the ninth i kind of want to get a colony russia i mean i can't say no to that right i gotta help my allies i am known for being the guy who helps his allies i've also set up my polish colony down here the first of potentially many uh but yeah in the meantime i had no intention of fighting russia but uh their ally the hanseatic league over here does have some stuff that i may potentially won alright we pieced him out and we got ourselves a little silesia over here which very good province and it even has a few polish people living there already as you can see the polish colonial missions going quite well we're introducing so much to them like jesus and polish food like slop i also sphered everything over here now i can create hispania which is just a united iberia which will be our puppet amazing probably not going to keep them too long uh like if they get great power if they uh they revolt or anything i'm i'm not coming over here to deal with that they're just going to be free i've just created spain oh the italians declared war on me what do they know that i don't england just declared what the for what oh i went over my infamy how did i even go over my infamy what i probably got it from hispania that probably makes sense it probably gave me those if who cares anyway i'm just gonna find them all good why peace with the italians because i have no infamy to punish them but i will be back later and the english i'm just gonna pretend i'm not home oh the english eventually why peace and as you can see the all economy okay realistically we do just need to stop going to war for a while all right we might be doing a little bit of war but look war is good for the economy we're making money now oh god oh oh that's that's horrendous you know what we're just not the best colonizers all right uh yeah things are looking too good for bengal right now oh no the italians invading bank they wouldn't they wouldn't do it yeah you know so i think what we need to do here is uh react calmly and don't just blow things out of proportion i'm gonna need some machine guns all right the finance minister ever recovered from that heart attack he had last time he's definitely about to have another one because i just ordered the construction of 37 iron clads have fun economy uh before we kill oatley though i need to come steal cuba there we go okay so with our delicious cash crops we are now making a insane amount of money uh sugar is worth quite a lot now it's time to get our revenge uh not with this so uh i just went over the infamy limit so i'm trying to find a bit of information rise and shine italy you stole bengal i'm going to steal your entire capital they they want to peace out already uh no actually hold on uh no i can add more stuff oh i accidentally hit enter never mind we are at peace oh there it is polish rome just as god intended that's right you'll be speaking polish hungarian ukrainian you'll be speaking everything but italian is what i'm saying oh essentially after bankrupting myself taking rome i'm gonna leave it off there that's been a pretty fun game uh we could keep going but uh i wanna give this mod another go at some point and uh see what else we can make of it but uh because this is i don't wanna say it's incredibly easy yeah i wanna come back and maybe you know give the tibeto burman union a go yeah and that was throne of lorraine pretty fun mod uh commonwealth extremely overpowered and extremely fun but i don't really see what else we really need to do here i'm already number one in everything that's right scotland shock me notch hey but i hope you enjoyed the vicky too and if you want more vicky new on the channel feel free to leave a like and subscribe button down below for more and uh i'll come back but i definitely want to come back to frontal rain i'll leave the model link down below too if you want to check it out and uh yeah oh what's going on here [Music] [Music] you
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 217,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: victoria 2, victoria 2 funny, victoria 2 memes, victoria 2 multiplayer, victoria 2 mod, victoria 2 modding, victoria 2 funny moments, victoria 2 funny montage, victoria 2 throne of lorraine, victoria 2 gameplay, victoria 3, gameplay
Id: BvEn3zOD4vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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