A WHOLE HOUR of Daily Dose Of Internet (No Intros!)

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hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this person bought a meal from mcdonald's and then left it in her closet for 24 years after 24 years the food never broke down or decomposed french fries pretty much look like fries that just you know like fell on the floor your car and you didn't find them for a month the bread has never molded as a matter of fact it's not even cracked it's pretty dry and brittle but there's no mold on it no mold and it never rotted at all that's crazy this man suffers from parkinson's disease but thanks to deep brain stimulation he is able to control his body at the push of a button [Music] turn it back on wow in case you didn't know you have two large bones in your forearm when your palms are facing up they are perpendicular and don't touch but when your palms are facing down the bones cross each other this company made a window that can transform into a balcony [Music] [Music] there's something called a talkbox that lets you make some pretty interesting sounds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one two three four plus seven eight nine so here's how effective different face coverings are at stopping your breath so that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later [Applause] this random tire was traveling at about 40 miles per hour when it crashed into the front door of this home okay in case you didn't know snakes are capable of making this sound with their oh bodies god this guy got kidnapped by his roommates in the middle of his college class as isaac was talking about oh my gosh benjamin has just been removed by his roommate a whale shark was found with a large rope wrapped around it so these divers swam down and cut it loose [Music] do this guy did a prank that made people believe that they were sitting in wet paint when it was actually dry [Music] there's no rule stating that your ticket for an airplane has to be a certain size so these guys printed out an absolutely massive boarding pass [Music] this artist likes to draw random people on the train buddy buddy that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later if you take a piece of tape and put it on your face and then look at it under a microscope you'll see something pretty interesting these are face mites and they are living on your face right now they spend their lives living in the pores of your skin try not to freak out as there's basically nothing you can do to get rid of them and have a happy and safe journey home for our guests who worked in our chippendale for elon this person's car broke down on a busy dangerous highway so this guy stopped to help out let's go go to the right to the right let's go crank your lips crank your lips there it is crank it look crank your lip go here you're good you're good yeah this person went on a plane and refused to wear a mask so everyone had to get off good morning ladies and gentlemen we do apologize for the inconvenience uh we're gonna have to de-plane the entire aircraft dude this person took a pregnancy testing device and then reprogrammed it to show different means [Music] this gopher found a curious dog watching it this person isn't very good at playing baseball so he created a bat that can do the work for him i made this whole mechanism floating inside the bat so as those springs compress the whole mechanism can come out [Music] [Music] that's the end of this video hopefully i made your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon later in case you ever wanted to know this is how astronauts use the bathroom in space what that does is it turns on a fan which creates a suction effect in this hose so that you can use this yellow element for your number one now you can lift the lid there is this seat that sort of looks comfortable but you don't really see it in it sit in weightlessness so most of us actually prefer to lift this one as well and use directly the opening that goes into the bag this person likes to look for expensive cars and then ask the owners what they do for a living what do you do for a living what do you think real estate what is it this your car yeah what do you do i'm a rapper this car what do you do tax and finance interesting how did you do it i fell into it 33 years ago this is how a food commercial is made [Music] these people sang the happy birthday song but only said the birthday parts birthday birthday [Music] about 26 years ago a large comet slammed into jupiter the impact had the same force as over 5 billion atomic bombs this church was built in 1890 but after over a hundred years it went up for sale and now this family lives here and turned it into a home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my god that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this guy set his own parachute on fire and then deployed another parachute a few seconds later so this person designed a super realistic iron man mask open the mask [Music] close the mask start system this bridge in china had to be shut down after it started waving up and down due to windy conditions here's a cat that likes to eat leafy greens he doesn't want the hot dog she doesn't want the cheese she wants the spinach see this is what baby jellyfish look like under a microscope [Music] here's a transparent cube with different colors on each side that allows you to mix the colors when you place the cube at a certain angle so nothing spectacular but if you start looking at this cube from different angles the light that goes through the cube start to mix based on the foil color and you get colors like green and orange [Music] that's the end of this video hopefully i was able to make your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon later here's what it looks like when sweat develops on a human finger [Music] i wonder if this is the one that's look at his mouth he's like doing stuff whitney you are not helping the situation okay um what was that he just spit on her this guy has a pet spider and taught it how to give a high five just that one remember right there just down right there that's my good girl oh you will give me five just give me five right here just give me five just that paw right there cake just that one it's all right come on there you go there's my good girl you bet yeah that's what i'm looking for you to do right there that's it did hers get her cast off look she go if you ever lock yourself out of your car there's a way you can unlock it using a shoelace and put the loop towards the top right corner can and basically just pull it down like so pull it really tight this dog found a fun way to spit the ball back to its owner i found this website that can show what the air quality is like where you live the higher the number the more healthy the air quality is europe is mostly clean air asia has some nasty spots due to pollution [Music] the eastern half of the united states is very clean but the western half is a different story because of the wildfires on the west coast the united states is currently home to the worst air quality in the world you want to see a little dog burp this cat fell asleep in a stop sign a scuba diver found this really cool jellyfish that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this person tried feeding this wild squirrel when a suddenly frozen time [Music] did these people put a random umbrella on the ground at an art show and this person thought it was part of the exhibit this bird thinks this guy is pretty funny [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] this cat might have a disability but that won't stop him from trying to chase squirrels so [Music] this guy started dancing in front of random people at the grocery store to see their reaction [Music] for privacy reasons this train has windows that automatically block the view whenever it goes past residential buildings you [Applause] this deer ran full speed right into this car but got right back up [Music] that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later these two explorers were climbing an iceberg when it started flipping over luckily both of them managed to escape and didn't get hurt you're comfortable get your mo oh my god i thought he was dead a pilot let this person go on a flight with them to see if they could handle the force of flying in a fighter jet at around six g's of force he passed out [Applause] the pilot taught the person how to breathe properly and managed to make it through nine g's of force without passing out like that 525 joshua [Music] have you ever seen closed captions appear in the bottom of a tv or live stream this is the person responsible for typing those words out this is what it looks like to be a stenographer the keyboard of a stenographer is way different compared to a traditional keyboard [Music] this is what a marriage market looks like in china you can walk right in and look for someone that might be your potential husband or wife these men approach these two women and are trying to convince them that they are the perfect match [Laughter] these students made a video game where you need two people to control a unicorn here's a really cool feeding frenzy with sharks and dolphins [Music] this diver found a clam that kind of looks like a human eye that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later japan has finally done it they built a giant 60 foot tall robot just for fun [Music] [Music] so [Music] what okay what just happened uh are you alright a man was taken to court for a sentencing of his crimes when he suddenly sprinted and made an escape [Music] the good news is that after three days the man was found and arrested again this youtuber took this toy car gave it a gas motor and made it remote controllable [Music] [Music] this is probably the most mysterious building in new york city it's a 550 foot tall skyscraper that has no windows it's made of solid concrete and is strong enough to survive an atomic bomb the building is currently owned by at t and stores communication data which makes it the center of many different conspiracy theories what's going on huh here's a cool video showing how mushrooms release their spores at night [Music] we are i took this video of a cool rainbow that i found that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon whatever this guy made a burger and a to be an accident i cooked the hamburger and i was eating it and i almost finished my first one and i felt like pain on my tongue and so i went to the bathroom when i opened my mouth and there's a seal on it it strung my my tongue and i don't know how to get the swelling down so somebody please help me he later got some treatment and the swelling got smaller this guy went to a bar and ordered glasses of water for women that he liked [Music] did a gentleman over there got this for you a watermelon [Music] what is this water cheers [Music] all these fans lined up along the tracks to wait for the harry potter train to pass by unfortunately a regular commuter train was coming by at the same time and blocked their view [Laughter] oh my god when we're going to see if we can see up here this guy can jump really really high [Music] [Music] this family was afraid of being buried alive when they died so they made a grave with handles on the inside that opened to the outside when they died they were also buried with some food and water they also made an air vent at the top that would give them air to breathe if they ever woke up here's an incredible drone shot of italy's country sign [Music] this person found out that a goldfish cracker fits perfectly in her ear that's the end of this video hopefully i made your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon later every time someone goes on the sidewalk this aggressive magpie chases after them hey he got me this child is only ten years old and is already six foot two at that kind of size playing sports can be pretty easy [Music] [Music] this person likes to use colored rice to make some amazing works of art [Music] this mom lost her child somewhere in a forest in canada um my son who has special needs who's six years old is missing he's been missing for about 45 minutes he's been looking for him it was night time and it was hard to see anything but the helicopter pilot used an infrared camera to spot the child what i'm doing is firing a laser right now just wonder if somebody could use their goggles and see if you can see that laser we're uh bringing him out he appears to be in good condition but i want to get him checked thank you helicopter [Music] this guy was playing around when he lost his basketball on accident this guy was trying to here's a little tiny wrinkly dog [Music] that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later there's a place in mexico that has a beach inside of an island scientists recorded this video of a supernova located 70 million light years away that means that this star exploded when dinosaurs were still roaming the earth and we are just seeing it now if you eat an onion in the winter there's a very good chance that onion is several months old the best onions can only be grown in the northern hemisphere during the summer as a result farmers need to save a large amount of onions so that consumers can eat them during the winter [Music] this dog knocked a bag off a table and was really dramatic about it [Music] [Music] this guy left to pick up some food and the entire time he was gone his cats waited by the door for him to return this is what it looks like behind the scenes of a stop-motion animation movie [Music] hi hello hi baby i just can't get all this work done so many emails i went outside and this praying mantis landed on me my arm you're crawling on my arm hey little guy [Music] hey buddy that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this is the decellularization process of a spinach leaf scientists are removing the cells from the sleeve so that all that remains is the scaffold [Music] this isn't blood it's just red dye to simulate what blood would look like going through the veins of this leaf the next step would be to fill the leaf with cells of a different organism scientists believe it will soon be possible to grow anything from animal meat to a human heart using this method man look at him let's go come on oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this lizard thought this person was a predator so purposely detached its tail from its body it's a defense mechanism the lizard uses that's completely harmless and the tail will grow back in a few months toby jayden has one dollar bill one quarter and two pennies how how much money how much money does he have j broke this person was caught fixing the wing of this commercial airplane using duct tape and a credit card to smooth it out the good news is that the plane did take off without any issues [Music] [Music] there's a company that can build a pool that can appear and disappear at the push of a button this youtuber wanted to see if he could play video games on his calculator while having to be powered entirely by potatoes no batteries only wires the wires plug into these right back into the action okay i can't believe it this is doom running on potatoes this mama bear was hunting for fish in this river when she saw both of her cubs go right over the falls she swam after them and helped get them to safety [Music] that's the end of this video hopefully this pleasant cat put a smile on your face and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this guy found a baby cougar and quickly found out that the mom was close by no go away go away please go away no go away go away no no after standing his ground for six minutes the cougar eventually ran away yeah so that just happened wow you see see that oh some will come actually holy cow this youtuber super glued a jar of pickles and then asked some strong people to try and open it dude i hate that hasbro would you help me open this freaking jar i can't get it [Music] you gotta get it dude there's no way you can't get this dude huh well you know like sometimes you have to hit it not your phone that's great come on [Music] this girl was freaking out when her sister got out of bed and started sleepwalking stop staring at me like that alexis mom mom she's just standing here staring at me screaming next hey am how do astronauts weigh themselves when there is no gravity in space they use a device that measures their mass based on their momentum three two one oh gosh oh god oh gosh oh my gosh this person with a parachute went for a ride and the edge of this plane this tortoise loves to climb near the top of this hill so it can slide down on his belly that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later he is a fat bear oh my god the gina bear so chunky there's a lot more over here on this left side oh there's one too they're everywhere this person helped remove makeup that this tv actress was wearing on her head [Music] these guys were drifting their cars and were unaware that they were right next to an undercover police car cake like it's a soccer ball hang on wait he can punch and he can walk this dog had something stuck in his paw and was able to use voice buttons to communicate what was [Music] wrong in your ear rare stranger in your paw this is the stranger in our paw she's got a map between her ow toes there's a website called thispersondoesnotexist.com [Music] every time you refresh the page it shows you a computer generated image of someone that doesn't actually exist this raccoon was on the back of his garbage truck when i decided to jump off and run away [Music] [Music] this guy found a fun way to slide around on the water [Music] you ate a bee this morning how do you feel thank you that's the end of this video hopefully i was able to make your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this person was getting gas when a tire came out of nowhere and smashed into their car here's a really cool magic trick with springs that seem to never stop getting longer no matter how much you pull on them [Music] in case you didn't know this is how deaf people wake up in the morning since they can't hear their alarm clock you can connect your phone and there's a motion button but i don't have that one set up so this it vibrates the whole bed for us to know okay time to wake up notice the light flashing too are you staring at bro oh now you want to look away these youtubers decided to drain their entire pool and turn it into a giant aquarium [Music] [Music] all right today i'll be attempting the guinness world record for the highest vertical jump without bending your knees this explorer found a really interesting rock here's a video of my sister and i petting a bumblebee when bees are pollinating they are simply too busy to care that they are being touched i wouldn't recommend doing this on a wasp or hornet that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later these guys found a package they wanted to steal however they saw that the neighbor had a security camera they thought that they would get away with it if they stood in front of the camera to block the view [Music] this is probably the most dramatic animal in the world this is what can happen to semi trucks when they are driving in high winds the trailer landed on the back of this pickup truck and luckily nobody got hurt this dog has eyes that are so big that they look like they're gonna pop right out this dog is actually very healthy it just looks a little funny [Music] hey how's it going this guy likes to give random high fives to people from really far away high five really halfway come on high five high five yes nice would you like to go snowboarding at a place like this so these men found a wild horse that was struggling to stand up they got closer and saw that the back leg was stuck in its mane after a few minutes they helped untangle the horse and it walked away [Music] i was recently on a plane and wanted to show you some videos of clouds that i recorded [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this guy wanted to see if it was possible to deep fry water he trapped the water in an edible membrane covered it in eggs and flour and then deep fried it in peanut oil [Music] i think you did it that's not bad first try um here we have it we just deep fried water this might be a world first um um that's cool this person needed surgery to have an artificial heart placed in his chest this is what the heartbeat of an artificial heart sounds like [Music] this is what it looks like when the us military does a flyover during sporting events [Music] here's a cool maneuver you could use if you ever need to pick someone up who is heavier than you here's something i discovered yesterday while eating a banana if you take your finger and push it through the middle like this you will see that bananas are actually made of three separate pieces [Music] this is what an airplane pilot sees when flying through a snowstorm this dog was stuck in a frozen lake and was helped to safety come on good boy good boy just just goodbye here's a rack that kind of looks fuzzy on the inside that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this runaway train in the netherlands broke through the barrier and was about to fall off the edge a whale statue was right next to the rail and saved the train from falling off this person found this sad looking crab that somehow lost all of its legs she has been feeding and taking care of it for the past couple days in a few weeks the crab will make a full recovery and its legs will grow back [Music] here are some cool optical illusions without using any computer editing this person made his own super creepy halloween costume [Applause] four three two one what do you think this turtle is trying to do oh yeah [Music] this cat was kind enough to give this dog a back massage [Music] this family made a machine that could dispense candy on hope halloween candy is on the way thank you and there's our candy i recorded this amazing sunset and i wanted to share it with all of you that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello this is carston also known as mr musk stash i just want you all to know that this is not the only content i have on my channel so i would really appreciate if you could check some of the other videos out if you think those look great subscribing helps me out a ton other than that thanks for watching only 32 percent of people watch these videos until the end so thank you in particular [Music] you
Channel: Kaarssteun
Views: 4,931,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaarssteun, kaarsteun, karssteun, kaarsten, kaarssten, daily dose of internet, best vines 2019, funny tik tok, funniest videos 2019, ddoi, funny videos, try not to laugh, funny, impossible try not to laugh, cowbelly, jacksepticeye funniest home videos, daily dose of internet 1 hour, 1 hour of daily dose of internet
Id: 4QPy6yQW688
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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