1 Hour of Daily Dose of Internet

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hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this company developed a speed bump filled with non-newtonian fluid if a car is moving at the appropriate speed limit the car will travel right over it without very much disturbance if a car is traveling too fast the liquid hardens and becomes an obstacle unfortunately it doesn't look like this was a very good idea because the company is now out of business change for a soft to a solid state according to the vehicle speed leave it this is what it looks like when you place liquid nitrogen into gasoline the nitrogen moves around kind of like a screensaver this is a gulper eel and they can make themselves look like really big balloons to scare away predators wow yep he's doing the shake [Music] is that a goal for eel then wow so yeah that is crazy that was awesome [Music] these are juvenile african pompano fish and they have really long fin filaments as they get older these long threads get smaller and smaller this is what it looks like to paint using virtual reality it allows you to paint in a three-dimensional space [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] fancy in this video hopefully you learned something new and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this is called a gastric balloon and is used to help people lose weight the patient swallows a pill and when the pill goes to their stomach the doctor inflates the balloon the balloon takes up space in their stomach to make the patient feel less hungry the balloons are only temporary and they're removed after six months [Music] [Music] a few years ago this person lost their daughter in a drowning incident since she was an organ donor doctors were able to use her organs to save other people's lives here's a father listening to his daughter's heartbeat in another person's [Applause] body there's a field in russia that is placed right in the middle of a forest [Music] these sea lions were rescued and then released back into the wild but this guy didn't want to go without his buddy this is called the weisenberg effect when a spinning rod is placed in a thick solution such as honey or blood the liquid will actually travel up the rod that's in this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet a scientist in california help create a camera capable of moving faster than the speed of light at 10 trillion frames per second we have finally captured a beam of light and motion in this video you can see a beam of light getting split in half this person lost her arm in a car crash over 15 years ago after the accident she decided to develop her own customized prosthetic arm and learn how to play violin [Music] bye there's these halloween costumes that can make your whole family look like sick people zoey hurry come to daddy hurry hurry run [Music] here's a demonstration showing how the wavelength of earthquakes impacts different buildings earthquakes with long wavelengths weaken taller buildings earthquakes that have quick wavelengths weaken shorter buildings [Music] there's a bath bomb that's shaped like a cloud and when it's placed in a tub it spits out a rainbow [Music] [Music] you can make an incredibly simple electric train by using a battery magnets and a copper coil [Applause] that's in this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet [Music] this company has an airbag that goes around your head if you fall off your bike uh these guys decided to see what would happen if you mount a gun to a toyota prius power on paper they actually ended up shattering the entire windshield [Music] this guy made a flying bathtub using drones and went to go get some food [Applause] if you take some steel wool and light it on fire you can make a pretty cool light show [Music] so police horses are probably one of the bravest animals in the world these horses go through intense training to the point where they're not afraid of anything police horses are trained to remain calm in the event of fire fireworks or gunshots draw my firearm and i'm gonna fire and i'm gonna let these force know hey you did a great great job you did a really good job dancing in this video hopefully i made your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet these firefighters in canada had their hose sucked in by a fire tornado there's a special type of plant that you can blow bubbles from [Music] [Applause] in case you didn't know there's an enormous patch of plastic floating in the pacific ocean this patch is difficult to photograph because many of the plastic pieces are really really small however if you use a net and drag it through this patch of water you will pick up a lot of plastic the great pacific garbage patch measures 1.6 million square kilometers that is three times the size of france cars are beginning to have door protectors to protect other cars from getting scratches there's a train bridge in burma that travels over an enormous valley the bridge is 118 years old and the highest point is 820 feet from the [Music] bottom in 1995 these designs were first discovered in the sand but nobody knew where they came from this is a japanese puffer fish and they like to draw intricate designs in the sand to attract a mate these fish are pretty much showing off their artistic abilities to attract the ladies in 2017 over 1 000 rhinos were killed so their horns could be harvested and sold on the black market many wildlife conservations are de-horning rhinos to save them from being killed once a rhino has been spotted the team uses a tranquilizer to calm the rhino down their eyes are covered and earplugs are placed for protection from noise and dust a chainsaw is then used to remove the horn removing a horn is similar to trimming your fingernails the rhino does not feel any pain fancy in this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this is called see-through which is a special device that allows firefighters to see straight through smoke this device uses augmented reality to create an outline of structures inside of a burning building the hope is that firefighters will be able to move through buildings faster and easier which will save more lives the see-through technologies it's pretty amazing just how it gives you depth in a room shows all the edges the see-through technology is amazing it absolutely is it's cutting edge separates thermal imaging from anything out there in the market back in 1993 a company tried selling the first hands-free phone headset it's that easy hands-free pain-free you'll wonder how you ever lived without it it's perfect for remotes now talk hands-free anywhere anytime office work is a pain for mr phone on the neck but you won't miss a beat with hands-free freedom sometimes baby goats misbehave and can't stop running into other goats as a result farmers sometimes have to cut off their horns to protect other animals many go farmers have learned that the quickest and easiest way to protect others is by using pool noodles these foam noodles are cut and placed right on top which is a great alternative to removing their horns i'm not sure why but there's a bunch of viral videos from china showing a praying mantis lifting heavy [Music] objects [Music] this is the white temple located in thailand it's a buddhist temple that was constructed by a local artist in 1997 he used his own money to fund the project and believes building the temple will give him immortal life [Music] that's in this video hopefully you learned something new and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this company developed glasses that blocks out computer and tv screens some people find electronic screens to be distracting so this makes it easier to focus i discovered that when you actually flatten and when you rotate a regular polarized lens you can block out lcd and led screens and those make up most of the displays for tvs and computers so we had our screen blocking glasses and so we spent the past year researching manufacturers materials we've done lots of prototyping this is the tallest outdoor elevator in the world located in china the elevator takes passengers to a height of over 1 000 feet in 60 seconds [Applause] [Music] this company made some halloween decorations that make it look like there's an actual ghost in your house a special projector is used to make the hologram illusion come to life it's possible to create a bridge made of water by using electricity scientists are still not entirely sure why water behaves this way straight across that guy so i'm going to bring it up voltage up and i'll bring the voltage back down a few days ago spacex launched another racket into space and it was beautiful here's a great graph showing how much the sea level has risen since 1880 there's a japanese artist that uses shadows from everyday objects to create giant imaginary worlds this person set up a machine that makes you a free scarf while you wait for your train all you need to do is power the machine with your legs for about five minutes that's in this video hope you learned something new and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet there's a barber that helps people with thin hair look young again the top of the client's head is shaved off and fake hair is glued right on top the glue can last for about a month before needing to be reapplied again [Music] [Music] this is julian carr he's a professional skier that likes to jump off cliffs into giant piles of fluffy snow this jump was over 200 feet high and he walked away completely unharmed oh [Music] this is called the octopus jig it's where you have three people play the same three instruments at the same time so this is what a ct scan looks like without the cover on that just speaks up it's taking images yeah right right yeah taking more images yeah and that improves the quality see [Music] that's in this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this person was caught on camera pouring maple syrup all over this police car the suspect still hasn't been caught or identified yet this is called reverse bungee jumping a person will typically feel about five g's of force while flying straight up [Music] wow a company in france invented a bike that changes direction by bending its frame and back wheel [Music] a professional biker rode on top of this dam that was over 200 meters high he actually did have a parachute on and casey fell off this is possibly the oldest method of getting a tattoo the hand tapping method has been used in many different cultures for thousands of years [Applause] this is a heavy lift ship it's an incredibly strong vessel that is designed to go underwater this method is typically used when trying to transport smaller ships or cargo that can float the deck becomes submerged allowing cargo to be moved into position for loading afterwards the tanks are emptied and the deck surfaces with the load in place after installing the sea fastenings the vessel and its cargo can safely start their journey this is rocky and he has a special ability to balance pretty much anything [Music] that's in this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this person was taking pictures of whales when he noticed that one whale was barely moving at all we floated next to the whale for several minutes but we saw no signs of life he went to investigate and saw that the whale was tangled in a massive fishing net the tail was entangled in so much gear it was weighted down a full 15 feet below the surface eventually all the netting was removed and the whale was so happy that it started jumping out of the water we were all proud and thrilled that we saved this fantastic young life it was an incredible experience that none of us will ever forget [Music] here this is a katana which is a traditional japanese sword with a distinctive curved blade a katana creates a natural curved appearance when the burning hot sword is quenched in cold [Applause] [Music] water foreign oh my god oh my god oh my god they actually all got away these are called diffraction glasses which are glasses that can distort light into different shapes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] this mother's baby stopped breathing so she ran to the fire station across the street firefighters quickly performed life-saving actions and the child was able to breathe again a few seconds [Music] later [Music] dancing this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet you're a cute pumpkin and sophie's a good grandma all right i hope he knows how to turn around oh my god about a week ago there was an air show in australia where planes flew really close to buildings boston dynamics made a robot that's capable of doing parkour there's a pen that uses a scanner to match the color of pretty much anything once something is scanned the ink and the pen mix it together to produce the desired color it works by using a special color sensor to read the colors you scan and a smart pump mixes and dispenses the colored ink scanning is simple and fast so you can capture those colors in an instant boy who's a good boy these are probably the strongest gloves in the world these gloves are strong enough to protect you from sharp objects blunt force and extreme heat these two little bear cubs were rescued from the cold weather [Music] thought this tortoise was a rock and decided to go for a ride this is salto the one-legged jumping robot fancy in this video hopefully you learned something new and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this company created a virtual menu that allows customers to see what their food looks like before they order it [Music] for the past two years these cats have been trying to go inside this art museum and every single day security is there to keep them out [Music] yes [Music] this might look like a regular albino turtle but there's something very special about it this turtle was born with a hole in its chest what you see right now is the turtle's heart beating outside of its body there's actually a very thin membrane separating the heart from the open air so it's pretty much just a window to a beating heart the turtle is expected to survive and live a happy life this person created an airplane that's powered entirely by a rubber band and can fly for over 30 minutes straight he's using a special mechanism that releases the tension of the rubber band at a very slow rate [Music] oh josh blanchard we'll get the winner here most likely oscar palermo and uh oh how does that not fall how does that not fall this person got a perfect strike except one of the pins somehow jumped right back up in case you didn't know if you chop onions around a cat their eyes will get watery just like a human [Music] there's a tea shop in japan that serves drinks that look like this dancing this video hopefully i made your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet underwater this rhino ran right up to this photographer and demanded belly rubs oh this is called the double wrench method which is a super simple way to break open a lock and then the second one at a 90 degree angle so let's see what happens when we try this okay looks like we broke something but it's not completely open let's try that one more time there we go [Music] sometime in the first century a nomadic tribe in saudi arabia carved this tomb from a giant rock there's over 100 other similar tombs scattered throughout the desert these tombs were built for the wealthiest and most important members of their society [Music] so [Music] this is how a sea cucumber eats they walk on the floor and throw sand in their mouth and digest whatever organic matter they can find and what we see the the holothurian doing here again is consuming sediment they are able to eviscerate their guts for example and that will then stick to the predator and confuse them happy making everyone here we have some priost which goes into a bun divider push this down divide it and now we're going to round it for a few seconds and voila you have equal 36 pieces this company made a device that allows you to create and animate your own holograms is and you look at it and you interact with it there's no clunky headgear there's no extended setup that's in this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this is a golden-tailed gecko what you're looking at is extremely rare footage of their defense mechanism used to scare away predators when the geckos feel threatened they shoot a sticky substance out of their tail this web is also extremely foul smelling and will make this gecko smell really really bad unfortunately this type of gecko is currently suffering from habitat loss in australia this truck was being repossessed when the owner jumped in and tried to drive away [Applause] this artist created a 3d printer using the power and heat from the sun to make objects from sand this is a marine iguana only found in the galapagos islands they're the only type of iguana in the world that can swim and die for food many of these iguanas can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes long when racehorses are about two years old they begin hard training to become the best since the horses are so young their body is not ready to handle this type of training this is a monorail that runs with the horses and protects them if they trip or [Music] fall is the ames window which is an optical illusion that was created in 1951. it's a two-dimensional object that appears to be transparent when you place objects on this window it appears that the objects are passing straight through the window appears to pause and go backwards but the match box keeps coming and floats out past this engine edge of the window you can see that you can even see the pin but watch what happens here the rule is coming window pauses window goes backwards and somehow other they go through each other even though you know they can't do it that's in this video hopefully you learned something new and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet there's an artist that likes to carve pillows out of marble [Music] now this is a polarizing filter which is used by photographers to remove reflections from surfaces such as glass and water filters can get rid of reflections from many surfaces such as water or glass or even the book spines [Music] there's a cat that likes to go skateboarding the owner pushes or pulls on the board while the cat goes for a ride [Music] this is the largest and most expensive sailboat in the world if you want to rent this yacht it'll cost you at least three hundred thousand dollars a week these ducks were rescued after they spent their entire lives trapped inside a house they have never seen a large body of water until now the ducks actually refused to go in the water until volunteers started throwing them in a few days ago there was an earthquake in indonesia followed up by a tsunami that flooded the shoreline [Music] very nice little ufo [Music] fancy in this video but i do have some bad news i will be gone and away from youtube for about the next 10 or 11 days and i'll be spending some time with some family members that i almost never get to see so thanks so much for understanding and i'll be back again making videos very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet there's a keyboard you can buy that spits out letters and numbers [Music] this is called a multiple launch rocket system and this is what it looks like in action i found someone who cooks little tiny dishes of food [Music] there's a skate park that has its own wave machine [Music] los angeles sometimes goes months without any rain at all but when it does rain a ridiculous amount of garbage goes straight into the ocean the la river has a severely outdated drainage system that funnels garbage from the city right out to the ocean this is the taj mahal many people have seen this but they still don't know why it was built there was an emperor in india who was so distraught over the death of his wife that he preserved her body for 22 years during that time he created the taj mahal as her final resting place there was a fashion show in turkey and a cat showed up on the catwalk [Music] that's in this video hopefully i made your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this is just a regular boring paper clip you can bend it in any shape you want and it won't go back to the way it was before what makes this other paper clip so smart is that you can bend it in any way you want but it'll still remember what it originally looked like this paper clip is made of a type of metal called nitinol nitinol is an alloy consisting of titanium and nickel that has the ability to remember its original shape when placed in hot conditions well let's throw it in isn't that amazing it's a paperclip again let's put it in there let's try a spring we deform it look at that this person was filming this wild bear when an eagle swooped down and attacked it [Music] in case you didn't know plants actually move around a lot they just do it really really slowly so this is a pretty neat concept on how people might go shopping in the future [Music] coca-cola has these special bottles that can turn their wrapper into a ribbon [Music] hey that's in this video hopefully you learned something new and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this beverage company designed a vending machine that gets stuck on purpose the vending machine is designed this way because the drink tastes better after it is shaken [Music] oh he's coming this person was arrested and placed in the front seat of a police car when the officers were busy talking she took off with the car what is she doing stop david 136 suspect just stole my vehicle [Music] after a few minutes she was tracked down and captured this will be tougher to steal this is one of our updated hard to steal models this person was cleaning their car when another car came out of nowhere the victim didn't experience any major injuries as the driver of the vehicle claimed to press the gas instead of the brake pedal a company in australia is trying to design a wave machine on a lake so people can go surfing many countries such as south korea have a big problem with hidden cameras being used in public bathrooms in order to make sure that their privacy is safe many people are using cameras that find hidden cameras these special red lights are specifically engineered to bounce off of the reflective surface which all camera lenses have no matter how big or small they may be let's put it down i need to put the ball down nice and gently these art students made halloween costumes of famous and iconic paintings that's in this video hopefully i made your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon later hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet i know a few months ago i made a video about the tallest statue in the world but it looks like india just built one that's even taller the statue of unity is now the tallest statue in the world the previous record was 420 meters but the statue of unity stands at 597 meters tall the statue was created to pay respects to what many people believe is the founding father of modern day india [Music] [Music] this person discovered that you can pick locks by using a pumpkin carver let's get a tension wrench in there and that was pretty quick let's close this out with this brinks cable lock and that one was pretty fast as well this isn't a computer animation this is a fair fluid clock that uses magnets to move fluid around and tell [Music] time [Music] this is megaloo which is probably the most famous whale in the world he's an albino white whale and he's usually seen on the coast of australia there's only three other known albino humpback whales currently in existence this person makes flying holiday decorations by using drones [Music] it only rains about once a year in southern madagascar so when it does rain all the tortoises come running out to grab a drink of water that's in this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later
Channel: Jack Foote
Views: 5,817,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #dailydoseofinternet, #doseofinternet, daily dose of internet, daily dose of internet 1 hour, 1 hour of daily dose of internet, funny videos, funny vines, daily dose of internet face reveal, daily dose of internet reaction, daily dose of internet 1 hour intro, 1 Hour of Daily Dose of Internet, daily dose, 1 hour of daily dose, 1 hour edition of daily dose of internet, funny tik tok, funniest videos 2020
Id: yr3HDrsM3Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 25sec (3745 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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