30 Minutes of Your Daily Dose of Internet #8

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scattered all over the highway so these people were kind enough to pull over and pick up the litter this is actually illegal and the term for this is called theft by finding oh [Music] this helicopter pilot has some incredible aim [Music] an artist took over 4 000 individual photographs cut them out by hand and made a stop-motion animation here's a really grumpy bug this is how astronauts stay in shape while floating in space [Music] here's what a sean enemy looks like when it goes for a swim in case you didn't know this is the current state of climbing mount everest so many people want to climb mount everest that there's now traffic jams [Music] [Music] that's in this video hopefully you learned something new and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this random tire was traveling at about 40 miles per hour when it crashed into the front door of this home [Music] in case you didn't know snakes are capable of making this sound with their bodies oh my god this guy got kidnapped by his roommates in the middle of his college class as isaac was talking about oh my gosh benjamin has just been removed by his roommate a whale shark was found with a large rope wrapped around it so these divers swam down and cut it loose [Music] this guy did a prank that made people believe that they were sitting in wet paint when it was actually dry [Music] there's no rule stating that your ticket for an airplane has to be a certain size so these guys printed out an absolutely massive boarding pass [Music] [Laughter] this artist likes to draw random people on the train [Music] cheese that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later crash test human dummies this organization uses fake dog dummies their purpose is to test out dog safety harnesses to see which ones work the best this person dressed up as a youtuber apology video oh i'm sorry for making a tick tick-tock grandmother's funeral sorry for filming a dead body please forgive me and make sure to subscribe and like for my gift card give her a chance to win my gift card giveaway the united states coast guard busted this submarine that was transporting illegal narcotics [Music] that's gonna be hard to get on auto [Music] a group of photographers stumbled upon a secret bear meeting hmm [Laughter] this is a nuclear-powered icebreaker as one of the strongest ships in the world its job is to escort cargo ships and rescue other ships that get stuck in the ice [Music] that's in this video hopefully i was able to make your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this boy was falling off the ski lift when his father caught him at the last second other people saw what happened and rushed over to help [Music] [Music] wow they're heroes they're our heroes here's what it looks like when you take a car from 1959 and crash into a car from 2009 you can really see how far we've come to make cars safer for drivers this diver found a friendly whale in the ocean and taught it how to spin i'm focusing on this photographer from nasa took thousands of individual photographs of earth to create this high quality time lapse video [Music] [Music] this is called a hellfire missile and they're one of the smartest missiles in the world each individual missile has an eye that uses laser guided precision to strike their target just one missile costs about a hundred seventeen thousand dollars to make [Music] these people wanted to teach their new puppy how to howl by playing youtube videos [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this photographer visited peru to record a time lapse video of the night sky that's in this video hopefully you learned something new and i'll see you guys again very very soon let me to test out the rocket engines every time they conduct a test an enormous amount of hydrogen and oxygen gets mixed together as a result these engines are basically pumping water vapor into the atmosphere after about an hour this water vapor will eventually fall back down as rain person pulled her car over because she heard a strange sound coming from her engine oh my gosh i'm so scared oh my god [Music] thank you over 250 amish men gather together to help move a barn sweden has begun creating electric roads for people to drive on these roads will charge your car while you drive on it the car will automatically sense the power unit and start recharging the internal battery once again leaving you to fully concentrate on driving there is no electrical outlet or cords the induction plate could even be built into your driveway [Music] do this guy made himself his own automatic m m launcher is getting smaller every day as more trees are cut down just a few months ago scientists discovered an enormous system of hills and tunnels that were created by termites without the cover of trees secrets are being discovered that remained hidden within the forest for over 4 000 years these termites created giant mounds on the floor of the rainforest these termites created a system that is roughly the same size of the united kingdom this is most likely the largest construction project ever created by an insect or animal [Music] this animal rescue organization went out to protect endangered sea creatures when they were suddenly attacked local poachers started attacking their boat because this organization stopped them from carrying out illegal hunting this person found the wild kitten that has never socialized with humans by putting some chicken on a spoon it was the first time this kitten bonded with a human after several weeks of training the kitten is now properly socialized and happy these people were ordering food from mcdonald's when they discovered a glitch that allowed them to get free food by ordering 10 burgers without any meat and then ordering one burger with meat the system gave them a discount the discount was so large that it simply gave them the food for free uh we'll take it away why not but uh when it gets to this screen we'll find that all the paddly patties burgers had a dollar ten taken off them so they're all negative ten cents and there's our regular burger which is just a buck leaving the total at zero dollars state parks in california are dealing with a problem where bikers are destroying signs many of the bikers want to go off the designated trails this is harmful because many areas are off limits as they're protecting endangered plants and animals yosemite national park and spotted these two baby cubs wrestling in the road the mama bear was close by keeping watch just kidding i want one that's like puppy size well they are so one of them is so small yeah we yeah i would give it a little bit but not one of the cubs was under there but they're both there is there another pair no it's just a three there's [Music] this trip is smart enough to know how phone works what's even up to hanging out with girls on the beach oh touching snakes that's always dangerous oh that's you that's when you guys this person has a unique way of revealing his artwork hey this is a defense mechanism used by owls to scare away predators [Applause] a photographer in hawaii found this massive stream of lava pouring into the ocean to show how big this lava stream really is you can see a drone flying close by [Music] scientists found a shy flapjack octopus trying to hide from the camera so they shouldn't be swallowing anything too big or they'll explode their brains in my eyes bright light right like this is what scientists do sorry when we're really excited this person knows how to make some incredible pieces of sand art in case you didn't know the tusk of an elephant never stopped growing this particular elephant was over 60 years old and her tusks were almost dragging on the ground that's in this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later no i'm the animal whisperer suit we might see in the lady ready i might as well know the bird oh my god this is what the world record of stone skipping looks like [Applause] this diver ran into this absolutely massive manta ray [Applause] this is a glider and it's an aircraft that has no engine or propeller and needs another plane to put it up in the air if the conditions are right a glider can fly for up to 10 hours without using any additional energy so this company has a product that can make your shoes really really springy so here's a behind the scenes look of how that shot was made that's ridiculous that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later this is what a bugatti sounds like going at speeds of over 250 miles per hour you can tell this dog has definitely had enough of this baby [Music] find yourself some friends that can hype you up like this mikey what are you doing nothing i don't think it's nothing i think you're trying to get into the cat drawer here's an octopus that for some reason really enjoys crawling out on land in case you didn't know touch screens in cars isn't exactly a new idea buick was the first car company to put touch screens in cars going all the way back to 1986 so right now we're in the climate mode and this is your single zone automatic climate control you can adjust the temperature it shows outside temperature display you have various panel distribution controls you have your fan speed for low high and auto you can also set favorite memory settings so he's scared of tie-dying we know what he's not scared of love screw by the foot do you want your foot by the foot this is called cloud seeding and it's something that pretty much every country carries out planes will fly through clouds and release sodium chloride which is just salt into the clouds in an attempt to make it rain according to the uae cloud seeding can increase rainfall from a cloud by up to 35 percent hydroscopic particles salt particles and so by that you can start forming ice crystals at minus five to minus 10 degrees celsius in the clouds they grow faster grow bigger and thus can start producing precipitation about 400 years ago this church was built on the side of this mountain in italy [Music] here's a safety device some skateboarders use to practice new tricks that's the end of this video hopefully i was able to make your day just a little better and i'll see you guys again very very soon your daily dose of internet on a bright sunny day in florida a random lightning strike hit this tree this occurrence is pretty rare but lightning can strike even at the closest storm is 25 miles away [Music] [Music] this guy has a fish that spits at him every time he stops by to say hello this is a sperm whale not only is it the loudest animal in the world but it creates one of the loudest sounds ever the clicks these whales make reach about 200 to 230 decibels which is louder than a rocket ship or a volcanic eruption these clicks are so powerful in the water that they can blow out your eardrums easily and they can actually vibrate a human body to death [Music] bros better not only know me oh dean that's crazy [Music] this goose came and scared away this gorilla [Laughter] have you ever been in such a hurry that your boat starts flying sanjay this photographer captured this amazing shot up in the north atlantic ocean here's a time lapse of a little pea growing [Music] that's the end of this video i really hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys again very very soon later
Channel: Drive Nation
Views: 117,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily dose of internet, weekly dose of aviation, 30 minutes of Your Daily Dose of Internet, 1 hour of your daily dose of internet, 30 minutes of Your Weekly Dose of Aviation, 1 hour of your weekly dose of aviation, the lemon, grape, sharty waffles, lucaas, pets, cute, funny, compilation, face reveal, best of, top 10, mummy, cats, bloopers, reaction, leafy, lava, tire, fast, daily, dose, internet, youtube, fail, talking animals, 10 hours, invisibility, face, intro song, blue angel, great grape
Id: dgP0O1Qn0-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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