Ohio Amish Country 4 Day Road Trip

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foreign series here on our beer TV in this series here we're going to drive across Ohio right through the heart of Amish Country sit back and enjoy the ride the journey starts right now all right TV welcome check it out this is the Ohio River we're right on the edge of the Ohio State Line and actually that is West Virginia I did not realize there's a panhandle of West Virginia when we crossed the bridge yesterday and did it rain all night long I've just been hunkered down here this weather has just been not cooperating all the way through Pennsylvania we had rain anyway so be it we're gonna take this uh Highway 7 South it's called the Ohio byway the Ohio River Scenic byway we're gonna take it for a few miles before we uh head on but I stayed spent a night here in this low town it's called Steubenville Ohio and there's Coal Mine in here the history of the river it's just one plush historic place there's that bridge look at the span on it Isn't that cool we crossed that yesterday in the rain there's the old railroad bridge right next to it anyway we're going to drop South for just a few miles then we're going to cut on into Ohio gonna actually visit some friends of mine that's the goal they're over in the north the north central part of Ohio so we'll check that out too we got a lot of miles to do get around this truck here all right right up here I think we can cut through downtown we'll do that check out Steubenville needle bridges too bad a train ain't coming across right now okay it's been cool all right I'm looking for I think it's Fourth Street up here I need to cut over a lane get around this truck here busy roads a lot of traffic on this don't know a lot about this area just what I read a little bit online we're right on Ohio River coal mining's big here the shipping along the river Pittsburgh's not too far away to the east historic North 4th Street cool wow here you go back to history these places over a hundred years old I bet got the tree lawn you mow the grass everybody knows everybody else probably work at the same places whoa there's a big old church look at that thing huh cool you see a lot of murals around paintings on the buildings pretty cool it's early morning I checked the weather I but the only time I'm going to get a break on this weather here once we go farther into Ohio it's supposed to turn nicer hopefully wow look at these old buildings there's a painted mural there another big old church oh wow those are apartments huh Fort Steuben apart those are all apartments wow there's downtown man if those walls could talk huh oh jeez yeah this old business is all over movie theater another mural right there they're all over the place on all the different buildings around that's an old one there all right made it through downtown gonna cut over I think a couple blocks and we got to pick up that Highway seven we're gonna drop South not very far 10 15 miles then that I found a well that's on Google Maps we'll see what it is back roads Ohio back roads we're gonna cut on over it's heading over towards like New Philadelphia area which is Akron Canton and all that [Music] very cool place to visit though Steubenville Ohio to bed the weather went a little bit better but boy those big old bridges you got the river old shops there's a Fort Steuben downtown it's uh like a park a lot of stuff for kids to do here RV and that uh Highway seven it's good for pulling Rigs and all that and you gotta check out old downtown Steubenville that's the panhandle of West Virginia never realized some of the areas are only four or five miles wide but it comes up a lot of miles between Pennsylvania and Ohio that's kind of cool never knew it learned something new every day all right this is Highway 7. we're gonna drop down through here I think along the river don't quote me there's like steel mills where they make steel and uh I read There was coal mining around that kind of stuff power plants foreign here we go dropping South in the trees everything's old here including me yeah looking forward to seeing my friends haven't seen them in 14 years so should be a good visit coming up in a few days but we'll take our time getting there could have taken uh Highway 22 straight across so I'd just kind of playing this when I looked at Google Maps it's a few miles longer but we get some back roads going to cut through a couple small little towns up here might even see an old building or two make it more scenic big old Power Plant there huh that's huge goodness that is right on the river can't really tell because of the trees but across the river you see a lot of Mills and factories and all kinds of docks for the shipping all right here's our exit we're going to take uh Highway 150 gonna cut West and takes us through a little town called dillonvale I thought that'd be kind of cool all right let's check it out so along Ohio River so long Pennsylvania and West Virginia been fun now we're going to cut into Ohio like right now here's the intersection Dylan Dale six miles here we go Highway 150. that route seven there was kind of cool but it's almost like a freeway it was four lanes boat or you know two in each Direction kind of fast paced couldn't really see much or stop and film there that Ohio River that'd be a good trip all on its own someday go way up top of the state follow it all the way down okay what do we got here this is Ray land we're leaving Rayland heading to dillonvale on Highway 150. back roads of Ohio right here check it out hey they got a Dairy Queen cool Green Grass and Big Trees there's a car wash man we are styling here yeah all we need now is some blue sky let's just keep our fingers crossed all right enjoy the ride okay we've got a sign here townships that you know everything goes by townships out East Pennsylvania is like that burrows and villages you know out west they don't care what side of the cactus you own they're called the houses are same style built the same there's a trailer there big old truck all raised up on the monster truck things look at that I see Blue Sky look I haven't seen that in days and weeks yay welcome to small town USA right here look at this kiddie pools out back flag on the porch is what the USA is all about right here different color houses look at all the different colors pretty cool welcome to dylanville I gotta stop here a second make sure I'm on the right Road cool looking Church huh got a bell out front downtown dillonvale Jefferson Landmark gas station all right we stay on 150 as it's making sure it's not that many miles through here it's only like six miles eight miles oh wow maybe we got more town here to see how cool is this more brick buildings Dollar Store everyone's got a dollar store there must be I wonder how many dollar stores there are in the country wow some new buildings good got closed down there it looks like porch steps look at your porch right on the street oh TV repair shop back there unreal look how they built their steps going straight up from the sidewalk real Old Town Old Town Ohio here everything's on the hill pretty cool dylanville Ohio I think up the road if I remember right on the maps go through another little town called Mount Pleasant it's supposed to be some couple historic buildings there everything's historic there cool all right I think we did it [Music] well that little tiny dot of blue sky went away I think it was just teasing me I would like to be a house painter here with the different colors you'd be busy every year you know they get snow this is huge cold Snow Country feet deep River probably freezes the Ohio River I bet that freezes over you know all the little lakes ponds around freeze over ice fishing oh wow check this out look at that those are big piles of salt to Salt the roads for the highway department that's why all the rust on the cars here you see some of them where there's no Fender Wells left they're just all eating up with rust you don't see that out west that's why the cars last forever out there okay we're still on Highway 50 150. see what else we can find I think this is Mount Pleasant Ohio there's supposed to be a couple historic buildings here Old-Timers we'll check them out okay we're gonna stay on 150 West towards that cat is c-a-d-i-z okay it is kindness Cadiz oh wow look at these here you go camera here look at those wow look at all the rooms in them them things are like mansions holy holy those have been restored look at those big old porch huh there's another one look at this we're working on this one right here it's all fenced off give that a black huh big old tree pretty cool okay so you got history historic small towns back roads in Ohio on 150. cool all right foreign [Music] Highway 150. that's a cool little stretch you know that's worth it miles wise it was maybe eight nine miles longer if I would have just cut straight from Steubenville over towards like New Philly this highway here is Highway U.S 250 West we're going to take this uh we're gonna go up to a little town called catas and then all the way into New Philadelphia then we're gonna go explore the north central part of Ohio yay and hopefully find some sunshine what a difference 15 miles makes look at this blue sky s are clearing this is the town of cadis Ohio we're gonna cruise on through we're still on U.S 250. I think this getting away from the river in Pennsylvania we're finally getting in some better weather patterns here another old town but this is a pretty good sized town here this must be their downtown area old brick buildings look at the porches Second Story you can just sit up there watch the traffic go by oh cool oh wow look at that thing goodness must be their Courthouse or something huh wow that is the old time building there look at that thing there's some architecture for you all right sun shining weather's warming up can actually keep the windows down we're doing good all right well right up here I 250 turns into almost like a freeway I'm going to bore you that we're going to keep on trucking and for all the latest on rver TV check out our website rvertv.tv we got all kinds of good things on there new merch puzzle books coloring books shirts hats you name it once again rvertv.tv we are here in New Philadelphia Ohio yay just getting off that U.S 250 gonna cut through town we are looking for a highway called 39 New Philadelphia it's a pretty good sized town don't know a whole bunch about it but we're not going to be stopping here we're going to keep on trucking we're going to head over to low town called Sugar Creek we're heading to Amish Country in the north central part of Ohio thought it'd be a fun area to explore and I've been here before been a lot of years also I'm going to look up a friend I haven't seen him and oh my goodness 14 15 years but I figured while we're heading this way we might as well explore it and this is definitely back roads and small towns USA okay this is actually Highway 39 here we're going to cut through uh town you can see old brick buildings in historic everything all Ohio the history just goes Way Way Back all right here we go and look at this we got blue sky yay gonna be partly cloudy but should be good enjoy the ride well I'm all stocked up on food got fuel here should be good to go 39 heads uh straight west and this is Interstate 77 we're crossing under right here that would take you clear up to Cleveland I think all right here's 39. gonna head it's only about 11 12 miles over to Sugar Creek for no town a lot of Dutch history Swiss very unique it was years ago I'm sure it still is now made it welcome to Sugar Creek Ohio this is uh part of the heart of uh Amish Country around Ohio this area Berlin Millersburg all the homes County here is Rich with history of the Dutch Swiss Amish all of it so let's check it out okay right up here remember there's a downtown district it's uh it's got really cool little shops and it's got a unique hey a car wash I need to wash the van man have I been through some awful weather heavy rains oh well look at this all blue sky nice and warm looks like a big school up there or something and downtown should be off the left right up here I gotta I'm cheating I got it on the phone what would we do without Google Maps and the phone anymore how do we get around before huh tell me oh my goodness talking phones turn left turn right guess what we're gonna be turning left right up here here we go we're real close to the Swiss District Old Town Sugar Creek Beck Road small towns everybody mows their grass here still being all of them years in Arizona I'm still not used to seeing grass anymore here we are yay all right well let's see I will find a place to park and we'll actually get out and walk around check this place out welcome to Sugar Creek all kinds of little shops you talk about ancient this is it pretty cool I parked over here by the railroad the old railroad station not too many people out yet of course it's early I always get out early beat the crowd Beat the Traffic hopefully beat the weather looks like a little cafe gift shop all kinds of goodies oh they got baked goods chocolates here clothing what else we got flowered tree look at that I think that's some kind of a dogwood tree flags are out cool and what we got here giant cuckoo clock the world's largest cuckoo clock why not what do you think dirty wow look at it that thing is huge and it works supposedly say 8 17. world largest clock well we got a little time to wait okay well we'll wait see this thing works let's wander around a little bit more [Music] Cuckoo's Nest gift shop if you're into antiquing look at all the old signs here you go boy there's flowers the birds are chirping what a nice little Park to sit here and wait for the clock to go off I bet this is on about a million Facebook pages yeah they got all the flowers planted Springtime in Ohio actually it's almost summer now as long as it don't rain those are good looking flowers well across the street I see uh some murals or something let's go check those out we got a little time to kill here it's kind of like a memorial wall or something Ohio's vast with the military history all different kinds something there Memorial say oh an old pilot huh he was a test pilot nice Okay so we've built this form from Sugar Creek I'll be darned pretty good eating look at the nice stone work there all engraved gives you the history of the land area looks like bricks people donated and all the different signs Town signs all the Amish communities boy that's really well done quite a few there's one to go yet and get a haircut shaving a haircut huh in Sugar Creek [Music] we still got about another 15 minutes for the old cuckoo goes cuckoo what we got here Sergeant wow huh another Memorial plaque more stone work Tom that's Miller very good huh history's endless cool building up there they're all old I'm pretty sure those are dogwood trees very wrong as usual but look how they flower into it's beautiful absolutely beautiful place is flush looks like a little Alpine Village cool well let's go cuckoo Big Tub of flowers could look at them all year long yeah this is actually on the Ohio historical marker I bet there has been a million people come to see this thing what a good marketing tool huh yeah world's giant cuckoo clock man the colors of this I could sit here all day all right should be getting close [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hahaha that is just too cool for school that's all I can say about that that's you gotta stop and see this thing if you're in this part of the world in Ohio around now Sugar Creek in the Amish Country you definitely got to come check this thing out it's just fun play no fun pretty easy access I mean we're close to Big Towns here uh Holmes County and all that is it's uh we just seen it we drove through uh it's from New Philly I-77 we're about 12 miles to the West [Music] but look at this turns instant Farms manicured pretty place a lot more to see and do here for sure for sure Sugar Creek Ohio [Music] well let's do this let's get back on Highway 39 I had to think here a second looking at the phone we're just keep trucking West for a while see what else we get into there's a little town called Winesburg with the art beat Park we might go check that out that's also in Holmes County here bicycles buggies all kinds of ways Amish get around all right we came in this way we'll head back out so long cuckoo clock that was neat everyone there just had a smile on their face watching it and that's what it's all about isn't it for more information about travels on rver TV be sure to check out our website rvtv.tv okay let's keep on trucking we're on Highway Scenic byway Ohio 39 we're heading up we're gonna go up the little town called wines we're going to spend the night at an RV park up there just leaving Sugar Creek wasn't that downtown beautiful big old world's biggest cuckoo clock plus this is the heart of Amish Country around Ohio Holmes County here I'm looking for a little side road up here we're going to take a little side trip go back and some back roads you talk about back roads and small towns you're it here cool all right well enjoy the ride think this is the road here yep okay we're gonna cut over this back road Cuts us over to Walnut Creek but there's a little actually pretty big wooden Covered Bridge right up here I thought we'd check it out this area I've been here before many many times I know this area pretty good actually I'm gonna visit a friend after 14 years gonna stop here probably in a couple days visit with them been too long you know it's funny how fast time passes big old church right there there it is here's the covered bridge check this thing out it's been here a long long time look at the weather Too Perfect Picture Perfect finally quit raining warming up actually it's humid look at this old timer huh imagine all the horse and Buggies that came through here let's park we'll check it out [Applause] everything's so fresh and green the air is clear it smells good here there it is look at that thing huh Peace Bridge been here a long long time you know Amish is Dutch and German and all that and our heritage goes way back look at the family gathering there let's walk across it that's been Crossing at Walnut Creek pretty heavy duty structure you can hear the water just running a good place to drop a fishing line now I don't know about gold here I don't think there's gold panning pretty cool though well he might as well walk across feels good stretch of legs anyway stay out of that van been doing a lot of miles boy we've had a quite the journey this spring so far covered a lot of territory bet a lot of birds nest up in here huh there goes the car a couple of them well real popular attraction here a lot of people drive through here Straight Ahead that's the town of Walnut Creek there's the Old Homestead building all right goat keep on trucking I'm gonna head up to Winesburg almost all these towns they make like uh cheeses and jerky and jellies and jams it's incredible you gained 10 pounds as driving the street a lot of retirement folks here communities here it is Downtown Walnut Creek little restaurants Inns bed and breakfasts all over the place the tourism here is just insane especially this time of year we're going to see a lot of people there's the dirt Dutchman good old-fashioned Amish cooking like I said you gain weight just driving up the street it's all fun if you ever get a chance come here all right this is uh Highway 515 that's going to run us up to Winesburg this is another Scenic byway if you ever wonder how I find these roads uh you can always whatever area you're in just search out Highway byways Scenic byways and near area and there's a list of them every state has them some of the roads are just short like a mile or so and some can be hundreds of miles like the Blue Ridge Parkway all right this is 5 15. we're gonna head up towards uh Winesburg some of these Farms here are just massive they produce a ton of food they raised cattle here they got livestock all just huge they go back Generations in family here okay well we got up here whoa there you go there's a buggy you'll see a ton of those here got to go a little slow the on some of these roads you pop over Hill and right there's one okay this little bird here Trail welcome to Trail Ohio too cool for school look at these old-time houses my goodness if you like antiquing that this is where you got to do it they save it and sell it oh look look is it open yay we gotta stop here check it out troyer's genuine Trail baloney and Trail Ohio we gotta stop old brick building look at that thing oh we gotta go inside let's check it out they got Meats Superior ice cream yes I bought a pound of trail bologna and some good cheese all right we're gonna keep on going on 5 15 just a few miles boy I just made me a sandwich out of that trail bologna that is some good stuff my goodness then it's uh what'd she call it a cream cheese made out of pure cream ah I told you you drive these roads and they gained 10 pounds goodness that is some good stuff I know what I'm eating the rest day yep here we go another buggy cool miles Wise from Sugar Creek we've only gone about 10 miles it's not very far just slow drive slow and enjoy the scenery this is oh there goes a bicycle this must be downtown Trail here there you go small town USA boy they're building a big building there huh Farms keep growing pretty ride though very RV friendly so nice to see all the greenery and sunshine no rain hey keep saying that but I've been rained out half the spring okay we're connecting up up here is Highway 62. Amish byway country 62. we'll make a right and this is the town of Winesburg there goes an RV right there quite a bit of traffic tomorrow we're gonna cruise down through this Highway 62 back the other direction and uh go check out some more of the Amish country but tonight we're going to stay in an RV park they don't take reservations they don't take credit cards huh it's something but anyway here you go here's weinsberg Ohio if you look Dollar General everyone's got a dollar store you'll see all the stores they got uh hitching posts for the buggies so you can pull up in your buggy and tie up the horse boy they got electric bikes now pretty good okay this is uh downtown Winesburg look at the old architecture old schools old everything quite a way way of life here gift shops what else we got in here white picket fence there's your house with a white picket fence big old church goodness and they got a pizza place cool all right that RV park should be right up the road here according to the phone never stayed at this one actually tomorrow night we're going to stay at a different one too I'm gonna spend a couple days around this area and really check it out okay I'm looking forward up here should be on the right hand side yeah this is a busy road but it's also called Amish Scenic Amish Country byway Highway 62. I think we're heading kind of like East tomorrow we're gonna take it down towards uh Berlin and Millersburg up oh I just missed it dang it all right let me turn around just drove past it oh oh good I'll turn around the road up here where these trucks are first mistake all day we'll blame the phone I was too busy looking around at everything else all right let's try this again we'll go back to that RV Park it's one thing on these highways there ain't much room to pull off this one's really busy okay let's go find it now there it is see all the trailers here it is Amish Country RV Park campground wow look at this look at the flowers my goodness there's all their sights they sell ice cool all right let me go get checked in here you go right out front of the RV park 29 bucks at night cash only it's run by uh Mennonite very very nice people very good people full hookup 30 amp they've got showers restrooms Vans all happy look at it all plugged in look at these flower gardens they are absolutely beautiful it takes a lot of work there's a shower house but look at these things all planted and weeded there's no weeds in there goodness little bench you can just sit up there watch a world go by enjoy the flowers [Music] foreign there's our sign Amish dowels we'll go inside the gift shop in a minute I'll show you that they live right there in that house and they got quite a few sites here [Music] [Music] there you go you got RV supplies and Amish dolls and jams and jellies and all kinds of goodies in here how cool huh [Music] I got me a nosy neighbor too look at that guy isn't he pretty foreign well here you are this is Winesburg Ohio we're in the heart of Holmes County Amish Country beautiful look at The Farms everything's manicured a little fishing ponds you know in the winter it gets brutal cold here all the leaves fall off and talk about fall colors this is a good place to see it look at that place right there that house is huge all of them just all over beautiful absolutely beautiful there's Highway 62 we're gonna do some exploring on that tomorrow if you ever get a chance get on out here if you're traveling through Ohio this is fairly close to like the Akron Canton area [Music] there you can see their sights in their Park [Music] well call it a night have some of that uh good old trail bologna and cheese [Applause] all right foreign let's hit the road we're going to run down to Berlin Ohio very peaceful once the evening set in the road noise of this really calmed down to this highway here so it wasn't bad at all it was actually very peaceful very enjoyable stay there I would definitely go back again we're going to cruise down 62 here get around this trash truck here in a second this is still weinsberg we're heading back we're gonna go down to a little town called Berlin it's kind of a touristy little place but got a lot of cool shops this is Holmes County Ohio there's a little store Pizza what a disto it's like going back in time being in one of these places boy those electric bikes really move they were going by that RV park back there I mean they had to be doing 25 30 miles an hour here's more of my speed double one horsepower model you know it's amazing how steady those horses are with all the road noise trucks and all that they just keep right on trucking or horsing all right this is a very pretty scenic drive down through here it's not very long going down towards Berlin but we should see some good stuff including a dollar store yay technology along with the old old ways huh pretty good all right sit back enjoy the ride here's where we came in yesterday this road to the left but we're going to go straight that was at 5 15. going down to Trail Ohio there's a preload drive and yes that trail baloney was good all right we're heading down towards Berlin Farm Country USA Back Road USA small town USA right here I found another RV park it's down by Berlin we're going to spend the night there they don't really take reservations they don't take credit cards at any of these places but uh they said they'd hold me a site but it shouldn't be a problem wow look at that wood mill look at all that wood goodness oh that's Hardwood you know what that's worth my goodness look at all them big chunks of hardwood that is some serious bucks now anymore a two by four cost what 20 bucks same all right keep on trucking another water tower they got two out here it shows the amount of homes that services we got here it's like a little commercial building there right on the main road there's our community center on the left [Music] there goes a guy in a bicycle look at the style of the homes they're kind of similar while the even the barns are fancy well we got here another lumber yard Kaufman's Lumber and Supply look at all that wood man there's no shortage here they got their own Sawmills everything here we should be getting close there's a community right before we get into Berlin called Bunker Hill it used to be a big old cheese factory there Cheese House see if we can't find that is right here let me circle around still pretty good time in the morning pretty early I see it right up here here it is look at this place high knees cheese shall hey yogurt factory tours Baby Swiss oh man and then right next to it check this out there's a bakery and there's no way I'm going to either one of them and buy any more food oh boy I'll gain 10 pounds in two videos all right here we go beautiful look at Holmes County this is Bunker Hill Ohio look at the low ponds fishing ponds big farms you can just see forever a little hazy it's a little humid but no rain in sight yay so we're good to go plush green Farms big old silos as far as you can see mile after mile [Music] definitely rural part of a Americana right here [Music] all right well let's keep on trucking [Music] here we go Bunker Hills almost connected anymore it's been years since I've been up through here it's kind of changed a lot more uh a lot more buildings all right here's the village of Berlin where all the shops are should be right up here we will end up right back up at uh Highway 39. I think 62 joins up with it there's another cheese place this place has really built up since I've been here busy little community but it's kind of the fun part of it you know if you're going to come to these places shop till you drop look at that they're selling their baskets on the corner we'll make it right here this is the shop where all the shops are a little business district yeah 39 West and 62 West they join here couldn't quite remember well let's do this I'm gonna find a place to park actually get out we'll walk around a little bit how's that I'll be back all right I parked down the road low ways the van doesn't fit in every parking place I found a big parking lot here it is Millersburg they'll be next stop tomorrow we're heading to Millersburg tomorrow 39 and 62. very busy highway going through here it's actually the main road cut to Holmes County look at that modern Farmhouse decor yeah this place is really built up used to be the oldest house in Holmes County something up here we'll find it hopefully it's still here we both top Pizza cotton candy sodas old-fashioned kind just like Tyson Wells game store all the old soda pops look at all the goodies yeah this is really kind of changed since I was through here last time both sides of the street Pam's place over there for looks like a restaurant quite a few bed and breakfasts you see quite a few of them Bargain Bin and I'm buying nothing the van's full got too much stuff in there now I'm staying out of these uh restaurants too now this place has been here a long time this is uh one of the old time places right there here it is here's the old house oldest building in Berlin Ohio 1817 this thing was built oldest building look at this still standing now it's all full of shops boy you think that thing's haunted huh foreign walls could really talk now it's like a big gift shop we're getting near the end of it please get your cabinets boy they got wood boy all that hardwood that we passed look at that Route 66 sign in Berlin Ohio that's funny all right let's head back towards the van there you go here's the parking lot look they're in the shade them horses tied up in the shade you can actually take a buggy ride here Mel's buggy rides right there how cool is that all right let's go find my buggy [Music] well here it is Berlin Ohio busy busy Place anymore it's kind of changed still got some of the old culture though the Amish culture a lot of gifts knickknacks big water tower there look at the homes another big hotel but look out farther it's all Farmland still that'll stay like that which is good [Music] looking out this direction that's out where that RV park is we're gonna head to here shortly look how high that cell tower is way out cool stop gotta check it out Berlin Ohio [Music] let's go find that RV Park you've got a coffee house here now amazing pulling Starbucks with your horse and buggy huh all right well let's go find that RV place should be just a couple miles uh east of town here on 39 millersburg's uh County Seat capital of Holmes County should be right out here by a big school we got to make a right boy this is big this is really growing up since I've been here last look at the size of that school my goodness of course they bust them in probably from all over the county all right right up here to the right it's the Berlin RV park Scenic Park something like that I'm gonna spend the night here that field is plush at soccer field there big old track all the future schooly buses there I'll be an RV one day Scenic Hills that's what it is Scenic Hills RV Park right here in Berlin I was close I did call ahead once again they really don't take reservations or credit cards but they said they'd hold a site for me wow there's some big rigs in here cool there's the office let me go get checked in all right we're all checked in got me a site site 12. it's up in the back had a real good conversation with the gentleman inside he was Meta Knight it was really insightful about all the Amish Heritage all the things to do around here they give you a bunch of brochures and all kinds of info when you check in here the nightly rate here is 36. a night full hookup okay we're gonna go to the right we're looking for number 12. you can get firewood they got a free firewood so you can have a little campfire each side has low Camp ring he said there's no showers here though there's no shower house okay I'm looking for number 12. wow look at all the rigs here it is yay all right let me get parked then we'll go out take a little walk check this place out this is one big Park there's the firewood just a bunch of wood scraps help yourself he said so you can have a little fire at night that's kind of cool sure is pretty here though nice and green [Music] we're just looking back down at Highway 39. back out in the farmland look at that Red Roof there's been some serious money invested here and all this uh tourism big hotels and everything this RV park my goodness he he was telling me they just expanded it and they expanded it big time they're only open here from April through October though because of the winter everything shuts down what's green and pretty now is icy and snow and cold Ohio gets some brutal winners what a pretty place though isn't it now you can see how big the park is check this out [Music] foreign [Music] look at all them school buses once again future schoolies one of these times I might do a build on the schooly I wouldn't mind doing it wow look at that soccer field yes perfect nice breeze going it's cooled off perfect weather thank you we're leaving Scenic Hills RV park here in Berlin Ohio what a pretty place this park is huge it is really spread out they got sections to this with RVs everywhere everyone had a campfire going last night too wasn't bad barking dogs half the night you could hear them finally it quieted down later and with the campfires people sitting out and enjoying themselves low and noisy between the two parks I stayed the one in Winesburg and then this one I definitely stay at the other one up here in wine Winesburg much quieter and peaceful all right let's get on the road here we're gonna make a left up here that's Highway 39 and then actually we're going to run all the way into Millersburg which is also on 62. and it's a Sunday morning so it should be a lot more peaceful than yesterday with all the people running around through here this is 39 West once we get up to Berlin and we'll pick up Highway 62 as well this is all Amish country by way highway byways scenic highways and here's Berlin sure looks different look no people Holmes County this area this is Sunday morning going to church time the streets are empty the shops are closed probably later on today this place will pick up but Saturday is probably the busiest day here because people from Ohio come from here from all over Cleveland all over the place Columbus perfect weather humidity's up but I mean I'm just not used to it still no rain might be a chance tomorrow worry about that then now you can get a better look at the shop suit here without all the cars and people pretty busy place Old Brick school on the left small town USA right here we just have about five miles to get in to Millersburg Millersburg is the capital of Holmes counties County county seat I see the signs here's the town limits welcome to Millersburg Ohio no clue anymore in the population this place is really grown I was surprised in Berlin and all the other areas how busy and a lot more people around being a Sunday it shouldn't be bad shouldn't be anyone down here should be able to park we'll do a little walk around town check it out look at the size of that tree goodness and they are everywhere absolutely fall colors here are fantastic absolutely beautiful look at that big old building right there oh no look at the top of the courthouse their Dome they took it off oh they must be working on it well fudge all right well let's cruise town this place is ancient I've been here before there's a old hotel that's haunted up here Millersburg Hotel very haunted right there on the left look at this no one's in the street cool well let's do this I'll flip around find a place to park and we'll do a little walk around but this is it historic downtown Millersburg Ohio a lot of wineries around here too you can buy some pretty good wines cheeses Foods everything all right here we are back downtown not very big it's not a very big town at all let's see we'll park up by the courthouse Millersburg Brewing Company they got a Brewing Company here now off to the rights of Millersburg Hotel there's more County Offices here aha look at that bank parking lot big old lot be perfect make a left deer cool that's too bad that uh domes being worked on that thing is really cool looking oh well all right let's go for a walk old historic church probably be full in an hour or so you hear 83 39 and 62 they all run through here Ohio uh highways still got bricks in the street red brick road but look at the structures of these buildings their architecture on them now they've been restored you know through the years they've still kept the same integrity there's the Old Courthouse the missing Dome hahaha that's a historical jailhouse that was original jail of Holmes County there you can still see the bars on the window look at these flowers wow that's powerful huh beautiful colors big old statue sit out here have a lunch watch a traffic go by yeah it's been a lot of years since I've been back here gonna go visit a friend here too shortly looking forward to that Washington soldiers of the Revolutionary War Ohio dates way back colonial days Civil War all of them really vast with history check out the old jail look at this thing got that bars on the window goodness now it's an office building absolutely beautiful architecture look at this stonework still going in this whole Courthouse with the missing Dome if them walls could talk huh but there's a few ghosts running around in there think of the history as happened in that place it says entrance around the other it's closed it's Sunday morning nothing's open it's okay one plan on going to court this morning anyway boy let's get out front we'll get another shot of this pitcher yeah I was really hoping to catch that Dome when I if I remember it was copper I think they must be uh putting a new one up or restoring the old one look at that 1885 this building was built goodness it's a lot of years there's a Memorial plaque there I see the Cornerstone too beautiful love looking at this old kind of architecture and it's dedicated to the men and women who served their country all the different Wars throughout Ohio here it is here's a Cornerstone September 18 1884. wow then they built the rest of it goodness well let's walk the streets by ourselves cope out town here pretty place small towns like this everyone knows everyone else just amazing how many different Generations have gone through here it's all different look at that there's a camera in that light pole kind of blend it in you don't even know you're on camera not an ounce of wind look at that isn't that great more flower baskets well what do you say let's walk over to the hotel before we get out of here [Music] there it is famous hotel Millersburg it's like 160 years old still going they still rent rooms restaurants oh what we got I hear them there he is very heading to church look at the glass windows remember all those when you're put up displays like all the sewing machines in there huh must be part of the hotel quilt Retreat Center okay Hotel Millersburg 1847. before the courthouse this thing was built cool there's another one going to church one horsepower all right well I don't say any ghosts nothing in the window all right well let's wander on back towards the van look how they got flower pots out everywhere cool team bookstore good to see this place once again all right well let's find that van ever guess what I found it goes right up top there there's the Dome look at this look at that thing shine can you imagine the effort it took to polish that thing you know copper turns green after a while my goodness look at that that is a brilliant color look at that huh here's our mural Holmes County 1824 [Music] so the hotel is 1847 and the courthouse 1885. wow from here we're gonna head uh South kind of Southwest I guess grandstand 62. I'm gonna head down to another low town I'm gonna go visit an old friend this whole area if you get a chance check it out great for rvn they got RV parks campgrounds everywhere very RV friendly the roads are decent and scenic place you can eat all the good Amish cooking you want gifts and cheese oh my good jellies God endless endless endless all right well we got about six seven miles to do here remember find some fuel first too though should be a couple gas stations up here for more information about RV or TV check out our website rvertv.tv sign up for a newsletter we have free download the sunset screen savers new merch Coloring Books Puzzle books and so much more once again that's rverdv.tv we're heading south of Millersburg Ohio we're heading down to a little town called uh killbuck killbuck Ohio there's a really cool Museum there and we're going to check it out that's also the town where my friend lives I'm going to visit can't wait this is uh actually Highway 62. this is still part of the Amish Country byway that runs through Holmes County and farther not that many miles you just see a bunch of old buildings gonna make a right here 62 goes off to the right then 83 heads on South let me go right here we're getting out here and uh this is Back Road definitely back road and small town goodness mushroom hunting deer hunting I mean you talk about everything rural this is the place you want to be if you enjoy that kind of Lifestyle really looking forward to checking out this Museum supposed to be one of the best in Holmes County hope you enjoy the ride all these Woods down through here they're thick they even look for ginseng they have Sportsman's clubs all kinds of activities they just turned all railroad tracks to Rails to Trails where they can hike and bike it goes quite a few miles and they keep expanding it through Holmes County and farther kind of cool some of these old buildings and Old Farms they have been here forever absolutely forever it floods through here too kind of low-lying area these are one of these roads you just want to take your time and really soak in enjoy the scenery there's also campgrounds around here all right here's our road gonna take it to the right Kill Buck one mile been a long time since I've been back in here that rails the trails it runs right off in these right off to the right here is where the old tracks were a lot of bicyclists hikers mountain bikes pretty cool there's a Furniture Factory here it used to be uh some rubber processing plants I don't know if they still operate they might I'm not really sure okay here's the town limits it's a village of Copa and check out the old style houses all these were built oh my goodness way back in the early 1900s Way Way Back still going this is a little piece of Americana here's one of those uh rubber processing plants Sperry rice I bet they're still going I don't know okay let's check out town weather is perfect absolutely perfect little humid a little warm but I'm not complaining okay you got your tractor parked in front of the garage here a couple of them Old Brown House on the Left brick everywhere look at the styles of them I mean they've been like that they're all you can tell when they were built you know in the same era different styles they get thunders you get all four seasons here you get fall colors you get winter spring Falls and they get the heat in the summer too they can get brutal cold for sure kind of like a main street and a movie here isn't it and this is actually called Main Street too cool Flags out flying up here is a fire department on the left we're almost down to downtown kilbuck look at the size of that house there big old front porches you can sit on the porch watch the traffic go by okay they got a little grocery store called PNG so IGA Mark the old movie theater I think they use it for Community stuff an old hardware store that closed like 30 years ago pizza parlor there's a museum right there Surplus Store the VFW everyone goes to BFW for dinner Kill Buck Country Market in the gas station and let me do this I'm going to get turned around we'll go back get parked and wander around park in front of the bank here no parking meters let's check out town the old Duncan theater they used to show movies in there there's your pizza parlor Church going up the hill the old hardware store was still stuff in it from when it closed and there's looking down at the business district Creekside Cafe not open too many hours a day and then the famous VFW in the local little mini mart pretty cool mural on the building all right well let's go in outside that museum check it out well this is uh look at the bear this is Holmes County History right here Kill Buck Ohio look at the square guitar the old bridges used to be a lot of businesses uh here in Holmes County and then Kill Buck look at the old school pictures stores pretty cool I didn't realize all the artifacts that they found not only in Holmes County but the surrounding areas old bones and tusks from the old it shows pictures of when they found them dated what part of the county they were found in absolutely amazing Ohio geology plus all the Indians lived here the tribes native Americans there's arrowheads all over the region pottery extremely historic here this whole area check it out Ice Age in Ohio goodness they said this is an extremely well done Museum and they're right really dates it more fossils lighting's low Effie in here so if the camera flutters I'm sorry look at the different colors of the Rocks this is all found right around here all of it look at this history the town itself the old bridges there's the hardware store when it was real and open different buildings football teams foreign USA right here there's Mr moose [Music] whether that a famous musician recorded an album here newspaper clippings pictures of the town the railroads there's a lot of business back in Holmes County in them days the old railroad stations wow history absolute history old newspaper articles wow look at those Wheels quilts look at them things those are huge oh very well done it's not super big it's free to come in you can put something in the donation box but if you're in this area be sure to check out this killbuck Museum and see Holmes County History right here very well done [Music] [Music] well if you ever wondered what rural small town USA looks like this is it Main Street Front streets water streets you know they're all just typical typical small town USA right here look way out look at all the trees the farmlands and nestled right in the middle of its tiny little towns like this one that's the direction we're heading out we're heading out U.S 60 tomorrow foreign [Music] there's one of those Furniture factories out there there's a school Cemetery old barns right in town you gotta love it [Music] well what a great look for day trip from the Ohio River Into the Heart of Holmes County and Amish Country tiny low towns like here in killbuck Berlin Winesburg the RV parks all of it be sure to check out rveretv.tv the website get the latest on all the new information all the new videos out on our Veer TV plus all the merch we have Coloring Books Puzzle books all kinds of cool stuff coming out thanks for watching the once in a lifetime series Journey continues talk soon [Music]
Channel: RVerTV
Views: 502,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ohio Amish 4 Day Road Trip, Ohio Amish Country, amish country, berlin ohio, ohio amish, ohio amish country, holmes county ohio, berlin ohio amish country, amish country ohio, holmes county ohio amish, holmes county, world's Largest Cuckoo Clock In Sugarcreek, Millersburg Ohio
Id: 9jYUMDlwmRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 30sec (6810 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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