A Warhammer 40K army in Warhammer Fantasy

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let's jump to the wall here and today we've got a rating your doomstack video which is also kind of a disaster battle a little bit of both uh playing as drazzo at the Ashen we've got an infernal guard fire glaive doomstack we've got 50 14 of these units and we've got two infernal castle and we've got Gordo's backstabber which I don't understand why he's in here we've got two demon Smith Sorcerers and drazzaway I'm gonna press start on this battle before this one annoys the hell out of us so we're going up against four full Stacks here and this is going to be a tricky one to um to rate because uh uh we're going up against a lot right and we're gonna have a lot of abilities but if we use these abilities then it's not really an infernal guard fire glaive Doom stack so they have to be doing the majority of the work in this battle so things like spamming the Flames of asgore we can't be doing that in this battle if it was a disaster battle then sure no problem but it's not really it kind of is but it isn't it's only a disaster battle because we're just going up against so much like four full stacks these guys here it might be a bit much for them because I think the guy was expecting me to use everything at my disposal but there's there's a problem then if you if you use everything at your disposal then it's not really a an infernal guard fire glaive doomstack they're just units that are tagged along because it becomes a drazoweth doomstack he's the one that gets a thousand kills right so we can't let that happen so yeah it can be a difficult line to tow and you're never going to get 100 consensus with people but I think the main point of what we've got to do here is try to win the battle but actually make it so that the infernal guard fire glaves are the one doing the work they're the ones getting the kills and we're just here to support him so whenever making any decision it has to be are we supporting these units here or are we trying to glorify a different unit so we've got Gordo's backstabber here as well I don't understand why he is attached to the Army I'm sure he serves the purpose right and that would be to pop down and get to get slow them down a little bit right that's great but you're boosting this Army by a tiny tiny little bit and you're not making use of his main strength which is hobgoblins he really should be attached to a hobgoblin Army not one of these armies here uh so you're losing points for this he shouldn't be there you should just get an either another infernal castellan another infernal guard or another demon Smith or even a um a torok it would have been found a bull Center but Gordo's backstabber should not be in this Dooms attack so you're losing points for that straight away um these two here you got a fire Wizard and a hash it wizard yep that sounds good I understand the point behind that you want to be using both of those spells for the passives uh for the passive for this one uh for the Lord fire but also for the ash storm for there because these guys here do flaming attack all right and then we I think it makes sense to put them on foot because they will be way more tanky in that scenario there okay I honestly think you should have had drazza worth um I don't think drazowath should be commanding this Army he's got a he should really have a kadai doom stack I think all right infernal guard dim stack I don't think he boosts the fire glaves by that much but I think it's a waste of his skills I'll still test it out but I think that uh either and over no an overseer is what I would prefer for this so what I'm doing over here is just going to use this because I don't want them casting magic now as for Army abilities right every single one of your armies is gonna have all this stuff none of this stuff here is unique to to um drazoweth right but four uses of dread Quake battery you're clearly in a close to a province that has got that upgraded so that's not going to be the case all the time so am I going to use four dread Quake batteries no I might use one maybe I'm not gonna use it four times um I'll use the blood and fireborn only to get rid of artillery pieces like this one oh I'm fine with using armor of contempt No problem with that yeah that is something I think um oh he's flaming breath that's not that powerful Doom of her should maybe I'll use it once maybe if things start to go Belly Up but I'm not going to use flames of asgore I will use anything that is there to support the infernal guard that's the important part here I think yeah so we're going to be a single field it's a good ability but it's nothing that you should really focus on with the Flaming breath all right I think I'll move back just a little bit because what you want is for these guys to be at the maximum range of the fire glaves there we also want to hug the edge of the map here so we can't be flanked too heavily because our front line is not super good yeah the AI always wait for their reinforcements so with one stack of owls and two stack of theirs it's considered evenly matched we've got to consider as well there are two more Stacks still to come in all right I'm gonna try to get some of these guys to come in early or else we're gonna be having a problem and do it hang on if I could get gordos around the back of the arm if I could squeeze through here I could pop down to get the gets down on on that I can't get through oh hang on can we get through here no nice get them to shoot their own units through it can I squeeze through it Rock game nope nope I'm at a boo boo unfortunately godos is not good at getting out of these sort of scenarios here when he gets surrounded but I thought it'd be worth a shot all right if I do this I might be able to get out all right this is a good place any to pop this down to safeguorders it's not going to do that much damage it's mostly just to save the hero you see I was trying to get rid of that artillery it didn't work okay I'll use this then foreign get out go go go all right let's not do that again cleared off a couple of hundred units and I don't think I'll use those abilities again for the rest of the battle I was just really trying to use gordos to get around the back of them because you put him in the Army I'll try and use it but I just couldn't get through it it's too thick let's go around this way so these guys here using flashbang would be good as they're coming in actually you know what with um grazlath let's put you on the ground I still got a minute before I can use this again because gordos is not great at like holding the line his melee defense is okay but he's a little bit on the squishy side what's going on there drazsworth told you to land okay here they come all right and these guys here yeah the fire Glades are so good against single entities it's not very high about difficulty right yeah it is I'm just surprised that they're shooting at this guy here okay he finally lands okay I'll use this to get rid of the artillery Gore does needs to uh try to get back okay so far so good we're taking a little bit of damage but it's nothing too severe just keep using it this oh wow this one's taking a lot of damage really quickly because a hero is attacking him yeah I want that too dead and cast spells to get Kindle Flame good that guy won't hold much longer okay we got dudes really trying to push through here [Applause] foreign took out the artillery that's good because that'll do a lot of damage otherwise slow them down there shooting in this over here so stop them I'll put them on guard mode right yeah car this guy's finding a bloody giant we need to take that giant out now so far the battle seems to be going pretty well I'm pretty happy with how it's performing I still don't think Gordo should be in here pretty much agree with all the other decisions apart from drazawat as well I don't think he should be fighting the Army okay you use that so we get Kindle flame and you use this so we dish out some more damage to those units this guy here is struggling let's get him out of here Christmas okay this guy here's got a vial of her shirt so let's pop that down on this one and kill it while we've got the chance 60 percent flame weakness Plus oh God I just deleted him all right our heroes have held the line pretty well so far but they're getting a bit worn out that two full Stacks have been dealt with now this one here can't handle much more and our fire Glades have barely taken any damage how's good I was doing I'm actually doing pretty well oh I see he's got a um life Bean blade so he's actually regenerating yeah you can give that to anyone this doesn't have his unique items on yeah he really should be in a hobgoblin Army all right we've got another one coming in here do I have another vial of her shoots no take out another Ragnarok spot it yep you just hold them back see regenerating look like it yep that thing just died super quick good now if they just keep coming at us at waves like this should be just GG just let's go with these guys here off the battlefield um that's good there's still a handful of units to come in bounce power is even but we've taken out about three four nearly four thousand of their trip so far this guy's also got another life Bean blade good oh mercy down the approach that oh this guy here can't hold much longer I'm gonna have to pull him back oh is he gonna survive come on shooter I'm just gonna save that for a little bit later but oh it'll regenerate yeah these are pretty good at home design for a few seconds all right that guy held about as long as he could he might still rally though we've also got this ability here more Grim's eye but they don't need extractors in the armor piercing missile damage while that is good I need it it's more important that the uh the guy's uh remaining mellow uh remain out of metal I mean okay he came back just give him in the back here now and why they're shooting at him that's stupid it is on very hard battle difficulty yeah it definitely is just that's unusual they usually don't shoot at small single entities like that no abilities apart from the ones that are just there to um support the uh the fire Glades everyone's shooting okay let's get some restore ammunition going okay there's more artillery over there okay I'm willing to use a dread Quake battery on that we'll see about this I should be using where guys go too far out this way bring it back all right a single dread Quake battery doesn't get rid of them but I'm fairly sure that the Army losses is going to trigger any moment now because we've killed off three quarters of their army and while that artillery is doing some damage to us I don't think there's enough of them left although there's a lot of dangerous single entities coming have I got dress off I need you over here you cast a spell slow them down on the approach and I need you to of course there it is cool there we go we got through it without a single cast of the Flames of asgore without a single unit getting wiped oh did that guy leave the battlefield yeah it must have left we didn't get killed yeah these guys got loads of kills and I only use one use of um the restock about two now heroic Victory nice well I don't think anyone's really going to deny that chaos dwarves have very powerful units it really comes down to the fact that they just can't spam them straight away but let's have a look to see how expensive in terms of the armaments it was to recruit this I still don't think that Gordo should be in the Army he did a good job in here but then that's not the point he should be attached into a um hobgoblin Army you're just not making use of his strengths there yeah unless this is the only Army that you've got which I doubt it pretty much straight away from the get-go there's no reason to just have one Army when playing as the chaos when you know surrounded by enemies good economy and loads of cheap units okay let's grab that and let's have a look campaigns obviously going fine so the armies are probably just moving out of the way but the camera is in the wrong spot this happens a fair bit oh are you kidding I can't test this if we have to fight another freaking battle not test to check things out yeah he went and sat near an in-game crisis no go away I think they're gonna go for it anyway I'm only contracted to do one battle I don't want to do another I'm sure we could handle it but all right it probably won't be so bad if I stand it easy yeah just one let's look at that Heroes more and we don't need to send it so far back but I just wanted to to see how the Army is overall no go away go away no no no no stop it leave me alone come on come on go wait whatever we don't need that other unit that's fine really gives you an idea of how powerful easy battle difficulty Auto resolve is compared to very hard yeah that's it go away I just need to get through this turn here's a little tidbit to you guys um most disaster battles that are sent in cannot be won by me switching the difficulty to easy battle difficulty I usually test that stuff so the battles of Ascension are the ones that people can't just cheat their way out of by changing the difficulty which I don't really consider it cheating but just whatever oh my God [ __ ] off I'm glad I don't need to send this so far back so let's turn 167 very late campaign all right let's have a look the upkeep cost has obviously been reduced by the loss of two Heroes so just add on an extra 413 sorry 426. because there's two of them okay so looking at them they're costing 157. let's have a look at his skills so I know he's got we are a legion so that is reducing the reduced upkeep cost for infernal guard and infernal iron sworn units so that also includes the um the infernal guard fire glaze you can see that unit there so it's really good they actually added that there so and we're getting bonus versus inventory which doesn't really matter for this unit that much because they're shooting most of the time like only a handful of them went into melee at any point in that battles of four full stacks so is there anything else in here that is specifically boosting see you're getting 15 physical resistance for kadai units and reduce upkeep costs for the kadai units that's why I think that he should if you're going to make use of his effects it benefits most with kadai stuff and we've seen how powerful that can be as well okay so looking at the hellforge all right well he's actually gone up to 34 fire Glades so far but at 34 because he's that would be like two full stacks of them um that's 2003 so it's not not that expensive really he's probably got all of the global reductions to um reduce the uh armaments cost at this specially this point in this campaign so yeah that's it's not not inexpensive sorry it is it isn't too expensive I suppose to to get a full stack or two of fire glaze but yeah all right another thing I want to check I'm going to kick out drazelwath and put in a uh overseer I'm just gonna have a look because the main benefit that drazelwath had was that he was reducing the upkeep cost right and just giving the bonus first symmetry which again they don't need but if we were instead to get adjutant we reduced the entire Army by five percent so so and then we get extra ammunition with this as well which is probably more useful than bonus versus infantry so it'll be a little bit more expensive than if you don't have it with strauser worth of course you're missing out only spell casting but if you're using it for ash storm then the uh the demon Smith sorcerer is maybe even better than it because you could go with um uh careful casting I think you can reduce the Winds of magic further then for that specific spell then what drowzoweth could so yeah the upkeep cost did go up a fair bit with this guy but then again you also need to get the unbridled cruelty for reduced up Cube cost so yeah it's cheapest with drazzo Earth but I think you could easily just do it with an overseer and give them a little bit of extra ammo which is definitely good you know like ammo I like it a lot looking at the infernal castlelands yeah nothing here that's necessarily boosting The Infernal Galaxy for these ones over here so we don't need loads of them but it was mainly for the flash bomb the fact that these guys here can hold the line fairly well the unethical trait is bugged and also it is not supposed to affect infernal guard fire glaze actually let me just check that oh no it does actually well it's supposed to so in theory it's reducing the upkeep cost by 10 but it's it's bugged at the moment now watch when I take it out of the army it's not going to reduce the upkeep cost from 219 down any further because yeah it's bugged but yeah hopefully they'll fix that trait soon along with the 50 000 other characters in the game that has the wrong trait tags and uh that's that's a good way to reduce the upkeep because you could theoretically if they fix that reduce it down to zero with I know like six seven of these units um but overall I think it's a good Doom stack I think it's relatively cost effective you can get them reasonably early um any Lord really can do well with them doesn't require a huge amount of Heroes it's very strong very terrain dependent as well like going into loads of trees and Hills is not good they are very strong in melee so they're fairly easy to use so overall I think this is a really good Doom stack just I just wouldn't put Goldust backstabber in here and I wouldn't put it in um drazzle at the ashens Army specifically he's not really boosting it by much so in summary it's pretty easy to use and basically just sit there and let them shoot it's very strong and it's it's not expensive it's certainly not the most expensive of the Doom Stacks we've seen so overall a very good Doom stack and if we have a look over here of course we've got the hill Fortune upgrades which optional if you want to put them in enables magical attacks suppressify possibility extra reload extra powder reload time reduction if we actually just have a quick look and I'll just assess if he actually chose the right things there you know based on what I think all right so let's have a look stalk could be useful in some situations yeah that's all fine I don't think spell resistance is important Vanguard deployment might actually be good yeah instead of maybe no no I'm pretty happy with the choices he made there yeah the only things I disagree with is gordos and drazelwath okay overall great Doom stack anyway that's the end of this one here guys hope you learned something hope you enjoyed it appreciate you guys and we'll see you next time later
Channel: LegendofTotalWar
Views: 261,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: total war, warhammer 2, warhammer 3, immortal empires
Id: axj9EWX7W2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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