The Thrones of Decay Looms Ahead! Thoughts and Predictions on Nurgle, Dwarfs, and the Empire!

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hello everyone loremaster sotek here back with another prediction video but this time we're going from patch 4.0 to patch 5.0 so we are jumping from the shadows of change and all of the xinjiang goodness to the Thrones of Decay which is the nurgle themed DLC that also features the Empire and the dwarfs so this video should not be as long as the last one because I feel like for the last one I spent a lot of time kind of like laying the groundwork so uh make sure you watch that video before you watch this one uh because I'm not gonna focus on a lot of the things I already touched on there so we're just gonna jump straight into what is basically you showed on the steam page for 5.0 and see if we can maybe suss out some details because there are some very slight hints so first we're going to start with what is coming in patch 5.0 uh we do know that they're going to be race updates uh Legacy and otherwise for nurgle the Empire and dwarfs this is very exciting information uh the three of them I think definitely need some love and care uh nurgle in particular especially monogodner goal um like I think Festus is probably fine but uh kugoth is yeah uh the the nurgle tech tree was designed very bizarrely um and that I I understand why they did what they did where they kind of they pigeonholed it too hard where kugat's Tech Tree was very heavily designed explicitly around his start position in the realm of chaos Campaign which was not a great decision in retrospect um obviously you want to have um much more Broad tech trees because if anything changes such as your start position all sudden your Tech Tree sucks and that is the case for kugoth is that his Tech Tree does not make any sense in Immortal Empires a significant amount of it is dedicated to specific terrain types that he is nowhere near granted it's not as bad now as it was because at least now in Immortal Empires you can sail up to the river ruin and take the sea Lane that takes you all the way up uh into the uh I think it's the Sea of claws um and with that you're able to um set up in you know a proper situation but um when it comes to so I really hope they're going to fix that make the miracle tree uh a lot better um and just a lot more broad uh you you really need to get rid of the text or very heavily revamped attacks that are designed around specific terrain types uh that should not be a feature uh because it it's too restrictive uh it causes too many problems so with that in mind um that's kind of the big thing I'm expecting with nurgle I also would really like to see them introduce a way for nurgle to reliably get walls uh I still feel very strongly that nurgle should have the britonia treatment where if a minor settlement reaches level three it basically turns into like a nice like it gets solid garrisoned um as opposed to being like all the other races that actually require Garrison buildings granted I feel like I could do a video just talking about garrisons because the garrisons are obviously trash right now in total Warhammer 3 they are so super terrible and need some pretty serious revamps but that's neither here nor there um as far as like the rest of Miracle stuff goes I think nurgles honestly like fine it still has a lot of really cool things they just need to um you know make various edits where they need to uh to just keep things moving nicely but I am very very excited uh for the future of nurgle as far as the the Empire goes when looking at reworks uh I still feel that the Empire could have its Tech Tree further expanded they have a grossly simplified Tech Tree uh it is probably one of the simplest in the game it's not a bad Tech Tree it's just very very small uh which is weird for a culture that's as like developed as the Empire so I would love to see them uh flesh it out significantly more than it currently is I think you could add like at least 10 or 20 texts uh and uh that would help a lot uh to just kind of further allow for longer term play um especially when looking at Immortal Empires but the big thing for me is Balthazar gelt um the longer we've kind of Gone With The Empire initially when they released the electric count system it was great uh were you like you know you pick your own little lecture accounts and do all this stuff but it it kind of feels weird now where the only two characters that still play with the electric count system are Carl Franz and Balthazar gelt and gout really doesn't feel like he should be involved with it uh I personally feel that gelt would make a lot more sense if he had his own unique colleges of magic system that is similar to the electric count system but is about him trying to gather the colleges together and unify them under himself as the grand uh or the Supreme patriarch uh like let Carl Franz have the electric count system I think that suits him very very nicely um I still think it would be I still think uh it should also be kind of vaguely opened up to Vlad Von karstine uh that way there's one other character that participates in it and you kind of have a versus system of Vlad you know the the vampire Emperor versus Carl Franz the true Emperor uh and that allows for some really interesting play also if they one day please hopefully give us a playable Boris Todd bringer I think Boris topbringer should also be able to use that system as well uh that would just make sense so that would be like a really nice little selection of characters um however uh for Balthazar gelp I really think it should be the colleges of magic um granted I think that is very reliant on what comes in this DLC uh we need wizard Lords we need wizard Lords but we'll get to that when we get to the proper prediction uh portion as far as uh like new units and stuff but I really think that's all the Empire really needs as far as like rework stuff goes and then uh last but certainly not least the dwarfs uh the dwarfs are doing pretty well uh I think continuing to expand on the runic system is good like the dwarves honestly feel in a pretty good place for me right now I really like being able to forge items be able to forge runes uh break items down I think for dwarfs I would really like to see more effort done on sieges uh making Siege Warfare for dwarfs feel uh maybe a bit more unique um and a bit more like dwarfs are kind of the true masters of Defending themselves I also think there could be some fun stuff done as far as maybe focusing on the underway um the uh the roads that go underneath the ground and connect the various holds maybe playing into that somehow by like allowing you if you establish like um defensive or military alliance with other dwarf holds or you own those other dwarf holds maybe being able to like have a campaign feature that revolves around like you know clearing the underway between them so like that maybe if they had like a much more selective not Caravan system but something kind of similar where you could be like sending out like groups that clear those paths and if you eventually get them all the way opened up uh maybe that allows you to get like significant uh Buffs uh like permanent Buffs as when you establish those routes open you become uh better defended against sieges more materials are flowing between them so like hey if you establish that opening with karakazul uh you have permanent Buffs to all of your melee infantry units because they have access to karakazulu iron iron smitting and iron working uh and runic weapons but if you get like that trade route open or an underground underway route open with zuff bar you get significant Buffs to your black powder units uh and your War Machine stuff like that though I will say I think for me the biggest thing I want with the dwarves is more Landmark buildings of all the races in the game with landmarks the dwarfs to me feel like the most lacking every major hold should have a landmark building and the fact they haven't done that is pretty pretty disappointing frankly and something that I think needs to be addressed and should not be hard to address um zuff bar Barak VAR Uhn um and I I think the rest of them uh I I want to say caricazul has one but I'm not 100 sure but like every major hold should absolutely have a dwarf landmark building the dwarfs should revolve around the concept of reclaiming all of the major holds and re-establishing the karazhan core I would probably even go so far as to say that um um red eye Mountain should have one as well as um oh gosh brain fart uh uh uh blackcrag um maybe Akron as well uh yeah definitely Akron as well but like dwarves you should be very heavily rewarded for Conquering the karazhan core um but I think the tech tree is great I don't like I don't really think it needs to be expanded uh it's plenty big like just continue like making sure all the texts are worth it uh but other than that I think they're in a really good place um you know maybe add some more runic items uh okay so uh we also have the Nemesis Crown uh I'm not gonna talk about it really uh I have a video you can go watch that I'll link to down below where I go all out on the Nemesis crown and talk about it for like 20 or 30 minutes uh about how like maybe it could be implemented the history behind it and all this stuff uh I will say that I'm extremely excited for the Nemesis Crown that's probably the most exciting announcement um for me personally because it's just another sort of cane type item but this one will be located in the old world uh I will say this kind of makes me really hope we will get an Eastern super item as well so either a super item somewhere around like end crash Cathay Nippon type area um I don't know what it could be there is a insane amount of like god tier relics uh contained within the histories and mythologies of like southeast Asia China and Japan and Korea and stuff so like there's plenty to work with um you just pick one of those items and adapt it into warmer fantasy and it would be quite easy to do I think it's just a matter of picking one that's the hard part um so let's get to the uh actual predictions we'll start with the free LC so the the free LC hero says uh another legendary hero joins the toolbox which is the hint uh this is a dwarf it's it I I say without even the sleigh lightest of hesitation it is a dwarf when looking at nurgle the Empire and dwarfs toolbox engineer someone that works with tools there is nobody besides the dwarfs that really has earned that the Umpire does have engineer Heroes but they don't have any really famous ones there's no engineered special character um and there's no living Engineers who are like particularly famous like there are a couple of notable guys but no one that's ever been even close to playable whereas the dwarfs um when thinking about toolbox we have Grim berlickson uh Grim berlickson is the uh he's functionally the master uh engineer special character he is the son of um um oh my gosh I'm blinking on Damon berlickson I can't remember his first name but uh uh um or berlick damenson something like that I can't remember his name to the top of my head uh but he's actually a character mentioned in the older dwarf books um uh so Grim berlickson is a badass he is a younger dwarf uh some would say a beerling who has joined the engineers Guild in zuff bar and he is not he is not a dwarf held back by convention he is a dwarf that is pushing the envelope coming up with wild new inventions and really kind of like doing everything in his power to take engineering to the next level to the point that he has designed a new gun being The Grudge raker uh which has been interpreted in several different ways um it's true like tabletop form The Grudge raker is basically a double-barreled rifle um that is very very accurate so it it's just but it's basically like a thunderer's rifle gun that uh can shoot extremely high piercing rounds um that and it carries two it fires twice um in a volley essentially uh vermintide reinterpreted it into a shotgun which is not what it really is but uh like whatever you could also argue that like the same could be said for iron Drakes uh in tabletop iron Drake's very explicitly fired out like like bolts of alchemical flame they were not flamethrowers uh but in Total War and vermintide the iron Drakes were reinterpreted to be flamethrowers whereas Drake fire pistols shoot the classic alchemical bolt mixture uh so it could be that they remake it into a shotgun um there's really no it's not a huge deal honestly as long as it performs well who cares right um but the other stuff that Grim burlickson have has uh he also has a um a steam powered uh like mechanical Gauntlet that wraps around uh his arm and it gives him a significant amount of bonus strength uh it makes him quite nasty in melee and he wields a cog ax uh so he has he has a steam the the steam also goes into his ax uh that allows him to wield it with a profound amount of strength and it's designed with kind of a peculiar almost gear-like shape that allows him to catch people's weapons in it and then using the steam power he like jerks his weapon and it snaps people's weapons in half and stuff like that so he breaks their weapons but he's a very very badass character should provide a lot of Buffs to various shooting units or war machines that are nearby I think he'll make a fantastic legendary hero I would be shocked if it's not Grim berlickson um to me that feels like such an obvious pick uh the only other character it could be in my opinion is Malachi moccasin who I talked about um yesterday a little bit as far as like the free hero we're gonna be getting at the end of this month being May um uh Malachi mackinson is also a famous engineer dwarf um though he is also a Slayer uh so he's like the big Slayer dwarf um Malachi moccasin is a bit of a weird character um like I I think he do find his legendary hero he's very on par with like go track Felix and ulrika so as as far as like just a free Elsie bonus he would make a lot of sense to be honest um so it could be it's either Grim or Malachi but it's it's one of the two I I think that's beyond question um so getting into the actual DLC itself since I'm already talking about dwarfs let's start with the dwarfs so for the dwarfs uh I feel very strongly the dwarves have two solid DLCs worth of content missing uh so there's a lot of things that could be in this DLC um because I honestly think the dwarves need this and one more so assuming because we're getting an engineering character that it is an engineer themed DLC um I would sell my soul for an engineer character Lord and for that I would like to get like a guild an engineer Engineers Guild Master or Guild Master engineer however you want to phrase it uh but the engineers Guild has like these really big badass Engineers who are like the proper like masters of The Craft and I think they would make excellent lore choices uh giving the dwarfs like a lord who maybe wields some kind of gun like maybe they have a pistol in one hand and like some kind of ax or hammer in the other hand or they wield uh maybe like a drake fire pistol should they shoot like a bolt of fire or something but I I really think we need more melee shooting hybrid Lords because they're just they're such a unique Dynamic um that we don't get to see as much um I also think this would be a great opportunity to finally uh get Dwarfs with big scary mounts in that if we have the guiltsmith engineer uh we would allow him and the regular engineer to take a gyrocopter Mount uh so they could ride a copter and either have the steam gun or the brimstone gun uh maybe like at like like at the lowest level they get a steam gun and then if they upgrade it they can go to a brimstone gun uh and then if they get to a high enough level they can go all the way up to a gyro bomber um and for the master engineer hero I would stop at the gyro bomber like that's as high as he could go um but for the um the Guild Master engineer I would say that he could go all the way up to a thunder barge um and the Thunder barge would also be a new unit that I would introduce so the Thunder barge would be a um you know a giant zeppelin-sized uh warship that really brings the hurt like cathayans have their cute little you know their their cute little air balloons uh hot air balloons with uh with some uh like guns and stuff and like a front mounted um missiles but they're not very good at defending themselves in the air whereas a dwarf Thunder barge these things were made to take on dragons like they are serious serious war machines flying up in the air um the the uh the one that we saw in 8th Edition Warhammer fantasy had organ guns on it so like it had organ gun batteries and it could drop bombs uh like big bombs so I would love for them to have like a really really powerful draw bomb that they could drop like one to three times depending on how strong it is uh have organ gun batteries so that they're able to like do kind of like strafing runs where they're firing down at uh infantry on the ground owned or or like shooting at enemy flyers I also think they should have like some kind of built-in effect or ability where where enemy Flyers are attacking them they like maybe they have uh like they throw out like little bombs into the air like little scatter shot bombs that uh deal damage to enemy units um that are in though it only works on Flyers so like it's kind of like a direct damage ability as they're like throwing out these explosives that slows enemy flyers and Deals damage or lowers their melee attack allowing the Thunder barge time to like retreat to a better position um but they they should be dangerous to enemy Flyers like a Thunderbird should have like a pretty serious threat range and granted if you can get like big monsters on it yeah they should be able to beat it reliably um but like a unit of Harpy should not be able to take down a thunder barge even if Harpy should get absolutely annihilated and maybe another way to help with that would be like the little dwarfs on board um have thunderers or pistol the wielders who are constantly uh like they have infinite ammo and they just shoot a little bit kind of like how um I think the uh I want to say it's the bestiladons I think the javelin throwers have infinite ammo um I don't know if they have infinite ammo but they have a ton that's separate from the regular um ammo uh of the artillery piece and I would do the same thing for the Thunder barge where you have little dwarfs on it who could shoot at nearby units with guns but the organ guns are the uh or whatever guns that the war machine guns they have on them are like that's where the actual ammo is but they should be serious threats um and provide all sorts of like fun Buffs and stuff but that should be that has to be The Big Unit the dwarfs get the Thunder barge I think has been like the most requested big bad unit that we have yet to see in the game um as far as what's beyond that if it's going to be engineering themed um if we're gonna get a new hero I would really like to see the Rune Priestess of valea um I think the Rune Priestess would be an amazing opportunity we would finally get a lady dwarf in the game she could provide healing uh she could provide all sorts of like fun little Buffs um as she because the Rune priest is uh Rune priests slash Rune priestesses use very different Rune Magic from a rune Smith runesmiths are um you know they are Smiths that take the Winds of magic and Forge them into runes and then if they go into the battlefields they're able to take runes that have magic uh built into them and unleash and like they take the Winds of magic that are swirling around the battlefield put it into the Rune and then strike it and it unleashes the Magic in a particular form which is what like the actual Rune spells you're saying are Rune priests uh tend to carry staves or staffs that have room runes already pre-carved into them and are constantly gathering in The Winds of magic and they unleash these uh by you know calling on certain words or slamming into the ground or whatever and they unleash very different kinds of runes um we actually see a roon priest in the scar snake novel uh who uses healing powers uh he is able to channel magic through his Rune staff and he uses it to literally heal dwarfs that are dying uh and restore them to Good Health uh he's able to use it to like blow apart a wall and some other stuff so having a rune Priestess who's more of a support character um but she's more about like warding and healing as opposed to like combat Buffs with we see with the regular Rin Smith I think would be excellent and it would provide Dwarfs with like a regular healer without having to always call upon Felix though I think this a rune princess should be more designed around like unit healing uh not as much character healing but however they interpret it would be fine um I don't think it'd be that overpowered as long as the price for her is decent but I think she could have some very very cool Powers uh and it would just be cool to see a lady dwarf on the battlefield um back to uh units or talked about the thunder barge um with engineering I also think miners with steam drills would be really cool uh steam drills are said to be these like really powerful uh tuna weapons that are used to cleave through like just the hardest of rock uh I kind of envisage them as something sort of similar to The skaven Wharf Grinders um where like they except for uh instead of it being too skaven carrying around uh a drill together as a weapon team you have individual dwarves carrying these large drills uh probably kind of like um I'm not sure exactly what they would look like I don't I don't even remember if we ever had a tabletop model for them uh hopefully maybe maybe the editor or a skeleton can edit an image up if he finds an image of one but uh they were significantly powerful they counted as great weapons and were a little stronger still um also steam drills allowed miners to have some really fun deployment rules so I think it'd be nice for the steam drill to Grant Vanguard to the unit that has it but maybe also they have like stock at the beginning of the battle but it only lasts for like 30 seconds or until the enemy sees them for the first time and then it goes away forever so like they have a unique form of stock that represents them burrowing beneath the ground and Beneath The Rock and they come up somewhere on the battlefield and the enemy doesn't know they're there yet until they're revealed because that could actually allow dwarfs to have a melee uh stealth Vanguard unit which would be very unique for them because the dwarves don't have anything like that right now uh I I don't think that would be too bad at all you know they still be infantry so it's not like they'd be super fast but it could allow for some really interesting Shenanigans for dwarf players that they normally don't have access to uh the next thing for engineering is the goblin humor so the goblin humor is a new war machine uh it is the best way I could describe it is Imagine an escalator you know like those little stairs that you go up um but moving really really fast like a treadmill a treadmill is a better turn actually a treadmill that's moving really fast and it has all these little like arm attachments that have dwarf throwing axes so like it moves so fast that it's hurling just tons of these Dwarven throwing axes at enemies in front of it and it's called The Goblin humor because it shot so many Munitions at such a deadly speed that it would just obliterate ranks of goblins I have actually been on the receiving end of a goblin humor in tabletop and uh I will tell you it was it was brutal uh my giant unit of Temple guard got eviscerated by that piece of garbage because the bigger the unit was the more damage it did and I had a huge unit of Temple guard um and it was very painful but uh should be like it should probably be the shortest range weapon uh maybe like kind of on par or a little shorter than the flame Cannon and these should be very heavy armor-piercing missiles so like intense armor-piercing very fast rate of fire um probably not the best like um uh aim radius like probably a bit more narrow than most war machines uh and a lesser range but they should probably have kind of like an arcing fire and if you get hit by it it should like rip you to pieces um I I think it would be very very hilarious to see especially because since it's a Malachi moccasin weapon it traditionally has a Slayer crew not a regular crew uh which could make it a bit interesting uh if it stayed that way uh because if it has a Slayer crew that means they'd be unbreakable and they'd also would have um surprisingly better melee stats so they would be they would be a bit more durable when it came to fending off um units that traditionally take out war machines like harpies or um War hounds and stuff like that I still don't think they would be able to survive against the full unit by any means the imagination but they would be able to hold out a little longer um than other units that would break and run or just get absolutely massacred so that could be a lot of fun uh so that would be that would be my three uh and then Lord and hero for the legendary Lord I feel like it's gonna be Joseph Buckman um if Grim berlickson ends up becoming a legendary hero then Joseph Bookman has to be the legendary Lord uh Bookman uh brings a lot of really awesome uh awesome themes to the dwarves he's a ranger uh so he's not he's as far away from kind of a traditional dwarf King as you can get uh where he's got his axle uh old trustworthy I think it's called and like his his keg of bugman's as he just goes goes to town on people uh he fights with and he's got a crossbow as well so he would be unless you're Lord with shooting attacks uh and then when he gets into melee he puts out his pulls out his big axes just starts hewing through people he would have a lot of stealth elements being a ranger character he would be very very different from all of the other dwarf legendary Lords we have so far um I think bugman would provide provide a very nice mix of as much as I would love to have Grim berlickson is just a engineer legendary Lord um the engineers Guild has never really had a traditional Lord Choice um and uh bugman uh is known for kind of leading his own little armies around so it would make sense to see him to be honest uh but I I think that would be a ton of fun um but like you know if they came out and did Grim berlickson as the lore legendary Lord and the Malachi moccasin as legendary hero I'd be thrilled if they did Bookman is the Lord and Grim berlickson is the hero still thrilled if they did bugman as legendary Lord and Malachi I'm excited the legendario still thrilled my only thing is Malachi Maxson cannot be a legendary Lord as far as I'm concerned I hate the idea of him being a legendary Lord he does not lead armies no dwarf in their right mind would ever ever follow Malachi moccasin into battle um he is a he is an outcast engineer Slayer he is as he is as disgraced in Dwarven culture as you possibly can be the only reason ungrim is able to lead armies is because he is a king he is not a TR he's not like a true traditional Slayer you know ungrim has inherited his shame from others um there is no [ __ ] way in a million years any dwarf would ever follow Malachi moccasin as a general into battle um he should not be anywhere close to a lord or legendary Lord slot that that is it's too far that's like beyond the pale as far as I'm concerned um that it would be it would just be ridiculous um like it's just not dwarfs like you if you're gonna do that you might as well come out with dwarf Cavalry models at that point because you're just like you're just taking such a big crap on what dwarf lore is uh you you cannot you just cannot have um Malachi moccasin as a legendary Lord I understand he's a cool character but he doesn't fit the role and no dwarf would ever follow him Slayers wouldn't follow him um because he's like he's so unconventional and he just doesn't take his slayero seriously at all um he's just off doing his own stuff um I think he can work absolutely as a legendary hero I think he could even work as a regiment of renown um where you just have the spirit of grugney his Thunder barge um or his little his uh Zeppelin thing and it's just the Regiment of renowned version of the Thunder of arch and it's just that it's Malachi makachin's ship and he's in it but like that's the representation he gets I would still be fine with that um but he should not be a lord under any circumstances I I think that would be a travesty um and just a huge not cool thing to do from a like like I realize a lot of people are like lore but like there's there's a couple lines you shouldn't cross and I think that's a line you shouldn't cross um uh as far so beyond the dwarfs uh we also have the empire so Thrones of decay uh maybe nurgle being next would make more sense uh Thrones of Decay uh tells us a lot um in my opinion it could mean two different things really Thrones of Decay to me feels like it is referencing the Throne of chaos which the Throne of chaos is the main Catalyst that the tarmacon event revolves around uh the tarmacon storyline from Forge world revolves around this prophecy that there are four brothers who were the sons of the Great kurgan and the great kurgan was said to be one of the greatest Warlords that ever lived of chaos and he went on to dominate a large swath of uh parts of the world um but in order to do so he made a bargain with the dark gods and the dark Gods told him that in in exchange for their their power and their service he would eventually have to give up uh his um his children so he ended up having four children four Sons um that were quadruplets and um the uh the dark Gods the their due uh that the time came to pay his due and a great wind came in and stole his four children and Scattered them to the uh the the four gods and the great kurgan uh fell into Despair and was never heard from again after he lost his children um and he fell um so one of those children is tarmacon we never learned about the other three um Forge World was supposed to publish three more books and they didn't because the series got canceled um but tarmacon is the nurgle child and the only one we really know anything about um tarmacon um the thing about the prophecy was it was said that the four brothers would wage their own conquests in search of something known as The Throne of chaos and that uh one of them uh potentially would claim this throne and it would allow them to ascend to the highest of forms of power um so tarmacon uh heard a version of the prophecy that told that he would go to the city of gnome and if he successfully destroyed the city of Nolan and um offered it up to nurgle as a sacrifice murder all of its people drown the city in filth and uh claimed it as his own Throne that he would uh complete the prophecy and Ascend so tarmacon goes on to wage this giant War uh inevitably he fails and is killed uh but a lot of people love the tarmacon story because frankly it's a fantastic book it was not balanced at all it was horribly balanced but the lore was really cool and the models were really cool and that's really all that matters so uh because it's called Thrones of Decay frankly I think it's tarmacon uh I I would be shocked if it's not tarmacon the only other character who I think it could reasonably be is uh epidemius um the the taliman of nurgle um the master taliman so uh tarmacon though big he's a big boy uh tarmacon is a very very powerful Warrior he might be he he's gonna be a little weird to implement because there are two different versions of him there's one tarmacon himself is actually a maggot um like he he has been so heavily mutated by nurgle's gifts that he has turned into this disgusting man-sized maggot thing which is why he's called the maggot Lord um and what he does is he basically puppets the bodies of others from inside of them so whenever someone destroys the body that he is currently inhabiting um by like they think they killed him but they didn't they just destroyed the body uh the maggot form which is his true form comes erupting out of it and will attack the person that killed him uh destroyed his main body and he'll eat his way inside of them through their neck uh and if he succeeds he takes over their body and uses them as a new puppet and he acquires all of their strengths so over the course of tarmacon's story we see him go from being inside the body of a chaos Champion who's just a man um eventually that body is destroyed by an ogre Tyrant but tarmacon successfully um kills the ogre Tyrant by leaping out of his old body he eats his way into the ogre Tyrant body and takes that body over and he ends up becoming significantly more powerful uh though eventually that Dooms him because he becomes so fond of the ogre body strength that he doesn't abandon it when he should have so the body starts to degrade and that ends up leading to his death uh because he didn't have as strong as the body as he may have had if he had continued switching um that being said I suspect he will show up in both forms somehow uh maybe there will be some kind of toggle you're able to select on the campaign map where you can decide whether he's in a human body or an ogre body and depending on which body you go in he gets different Buffs and debuffs so like if he's in the human-sized body he counts as small maybe he's faster or maybe he has like better uh melee stats as far as like Melee defense and like avoiding damage is concerned he's also obviously not going to be vulnerable to anti-large stuff he's less of a target for shooting um but if you put him in the ogre body like he's a bigger Target he hits harder maybe his like but a lot of his like uh like Melee defense and melee attack might not be as high uh but he has like significantly higher weapon strength he has higher movement um so you know have trade-offs he also has a mount uh which is the dragon of the toad Dragon bubelos uh the toad dragon bibelos is one of the largest [ __ ] in Warhammer fantasy um he's kind of on par with the dread saurian uh I imagine he would be a big boy um but uh bubel's the tour dragon is the largest of his kind and is a nightmare creature um so he would make for a very very fun legendary Lord um and uh the other option is epidemius uh epidemius rides on a literal Throne uh he's carried on a palan king of nurgle and epidemius is the uh he is the herald legendary character for nurgle so just like you have uh you know we talked about yesterday the blue scribes being kind of like the super um Herald version of of a Herald of zinch um epidemius is the super version of a Herald of nurgle and he is a very fat and obese and nasty uh one-headed plague Bearer uh Herald of nurgle who rides on a palanchane and he is the tally master so his job is that he literally rides around on his throne keeping track of all the different diseases that are taking place around the world uh most notably on battlefields so when he attends a battle he is constantly taking notes about all of the diseases that are present on the battlefield and the effects they're having on people and he's constantly counting and making notes and his what's notable about him is that he is the most Surly of nurgle's demons um in fantasy he is not a funny guy um where a lot of the other nergo characters are jolly and like giggling and laughing and having a great time um he is not he is all business uh tallying nurgles diseases is a full-time job it is very very difficult and time consuming and he doesn't [ __ ] around uh his nurglings are even said to be extremely quiet because if they make too much noise he kills them he just squashes them so his nurgle his nurglings are said to almost be like depressed and very like fearful and quiet because they fear epidemius is wrath and he is uh he is a scowling uh Angry demon uh which is kind of unusual uh for nurgle's lot but uh I think a lot of fun could be had with him he's a pretty powerful Caster uh in his own right um and uh his big thing is he Buffs the living [ __ ] out of plague Bears he was if you could get him going in tabletop he was terrifying because basically the more the more kills that um the the Demons of nurgle were able to unleash the more diseases that he tallied the more he like generates a power of plague and draws the Winds of magic to himself and earns grandfather's uh love and appreciation which leads to um just incredible amounts of power and it makes the plague bearers stronger and stronger and stronger until they just become Unstoppable uh so honestly having him on the battlefield is a character who is able to just um I would probably have him uh have that uh like kind of the mortise engine rule um or actually more accurately a um chaos warshrine where he has a or area of effect and anytime someone uh dies within an area fact he builds up a tally and as he builds up more tallies he gives map wide Buffs to all uh it could just be plague bearers uh it might also just be allies um but if he got going he should be a nightmare character uh because what I would do to really make him separate from the war Shrine is not only are his Buffs significantly better than the war Shrine Buffs but he applies the map wide instead of only like in a 35 or 55 meter radius which could make him truly terrifying so those I think are your only really two realistic options for Thrones of Decay is either tomricon or epidemius there are a ridiculous amount of other nergo characters but those are the two that I'm expecting uh as for uh legendary hero uh if it ends up being a nergo character if if we get tarmacon it's gonna be kazark the befouled it has to be kazark the befouled uh kazric is uh tarmicon's Lieutenant um one of his generals and he was a he's the leader of the rot Knights so he is a really big scary powerful um nurgle uh Warrior of chaos that rides on this horrible disease uh lizard-like creature called a rot Beast which is a unique Mount to nurgle and is very super scary and awful uh which we'll talk a little bit more in a minute uh if it's not tarmacon which I think it is to be honest um if it's epidemius I feel like I feel like I don't know like I I still would go for kasrick um I'm not really sure who else I would really Peg for a legendary hero slot to be honest for nurgle um so I don't think I'm going to bother uh as for the new units uh because I'm feeling pretty confident charmicon uh I think we're gonna get Rob Beast Knights to me that feels like an easy easy ad uh you got Skull Crushers being the ultimate cornet Calvary you've got the uh the Doom nights being the ultimate zinc Cavalry on discs so I think that the rot Beast Knights are going to be the ultimate nurgle Cavalry uh available to both monogodner goal and Warriors of chaos and they will be probably super badass poison attacks very very tanky Mark of nurgle some other nasty disease effect and just super bitching as one might say um pesticores I think pesticores would be a great second unit uh kind of continuing the thread we talked about yesterday with zongores available to both the beastman and monogod nergle um an elite unit that brings a lot of tankiness to the board maybe they wield um you know big great weapons uh or and have like weird disease effects like I could see like a really cool effect where they're they have like a constant rust effect on the people around them so they cause maybe like melee attack and armor to be reduced as people's weapons and armor rust if they get too close uh that could be kind of a cool effect but you know poison attacks all that stuff uh for the final unit hmm kind of a tricky one hmm there was actually a nurgle chariot back in the storm of Chaos The nurgle Chariot uh hold on I've actually grabbed my storm of chaos book over here if I can find it there it is um I I believe it's in this book uh I I think that could make for a really fun new unit um because they they had all the different uh uh yes the the Chariots of nurgle uh because there there were things well I mean they could do plague writers which plague writers were uh wrote around on um plague Bears mounted on demon beasts of nergo but I feel like plague uh the The Rock Beast Knights kind of already covered that and we also have pox writers of durgles so I feel like that's already covered so I would do a chariot of nurgle which chairs of nurgle are said to be um two plague bearers that are pulled by demon beasts of nurgle so perhaps it could be two plague bearers pulled on a pulled on a chariot pulled by uh plague toads or a rot Beast um but that'd be something different to give it could give like a a demon Chariot uh to Mono god nurkal um which could be pretty fun and be you know have a lot of like uh different uh weird effects I'm I'm trying to see did what I'm trying to see if it came with any unique abilities uh compared to the uh compared to the um other stuff uh let's see uh just poison attacks cloud of flies oh oh it was a large Target so it was actually big so it was a it was a big fat Chariot um cool so that could be really fun more of kind of a monstrous Chariot um but uh so maybe like nurgle's answer to the Gorby's Chariot could be a way to think of it but anyway uh so I think that's it for nurgle uh moving on to the Empire uh for the Empire I am please let Boris Todd bringer just be made playable like I don't I don't even need it to be midheim themed um I will say if it's tarmacon then it's probably L Smith Von draken um L Smith Von draken just feels like the obvious choice uh she was the big and she was the if tarmacon was the protagonist then El Smith Von Dragon was the antagonist uh she was the really big bad um Empire character she is an extremely powerful uh wizard Lord that rides a carmine Dragon which is a Death dragon that literally shoots purple Sun lasers out of its mouth because Forge World had no [ __ ] idea how to write balance rules like I said great lore great minis Forge World had some of the most ass rules design you'll ever see in your life like the rules were garbage they were so terrible um so definitely do not uh hopefully that would need to be uh really really really really really really really really really toned down um but uh beyond that uh I I think she would make for a great legendary Lord a lot of people like her um it also could probably give Balthazar gelt an excuse to move uh somewhere else because she's from gnome so I almost feel like she would be slightly better off I mean granted they could send L Smith Von draken away as well um you know if tarmacon starts in one part of the world they could say that Al Smith like has heard the prophecy of the of the uh the The Throne of chaos and she has gone out to stop him so she's left known behind and has led uh you know she's she's been told by the elector Countess uh Emmanuel Von liebwitz to um March out and stop tarmacon before his invasion begins so she goes out and fights him and Balthazar outstands States in Sunland um but uh so that would work fine but as far as what would come with her um I with a wizard Lords uh I think I think wizard Lords would be the obvious new Lord Choice um the only hero we're missing for the Empire are the master Engineers uh or just just Imperial engineer I guess um so engineer Heroes please give us engineer Heroes uh give them the unique don't give them a horse give them the Clockwork horse from tabletop the Clockwork horse is such a badass design uh it would be really really cool to see where it's just like constantly clicking and clanking it's got like steam coming out of it and stuff uh would be super badass uh but you know give them a gun maybe he gets like a hockland long rifle um so he's like a very long range sniper character could be a lot of really fun he Buffs all of your different ranged units um but I think he would be a very very awesome hero to have added um as far as a potential legendary hero Ludwig swartzell if you're going to do the empire for the love of God if you're gonna do an Empire hero Ludwig shorts Helm the big banner the Glorious beard the badass uh weapons and armor he is he is he is one of my favorite Empire characters please give us a little big short sound uh if if the Empire gets the character uh so beyond that we have uh for units um for units uh the the only obvious one is the celestial huracanum uh the celestial huracanum is the lore of Heaven's version of the luminarc of hish but instead of being a giant laser beam it it's like a it's like the the planetary orery so it's got like all the little planets revolving around each other and stuff and it unleashes the powers of the heavens so it can call down comets lightning bolts rain um you know blasts of wind and stuff so I would give it a series of Bounce spells I would probably give it like a one cast use of comet uh and like two or three uses of Yuri and Thunderbolt very similar to the it's very very similar to be honest to the whooshing war Compass of Grand Cafe uh however where the luminarc of hish provides defensive Buffs being that it provides like a small Ward safe to nearby units um the the the uh Celestial hair kind of does the opposite it provides um offensive Buffs to like Melee units so it should buff like melee attack in May units more accurate as like the heavens guides their strikes you know with that little bit of uh it basically provides just a little hint of precognition to people that are standing close enough to it uh so it allows them to aim more carefully or like know what their opponents are going to do just a little bit enough that they can react to it um so I think that would be super duper fun um so beyond that um really from that point forward a new nightly order I think would be very well received so maybe the knights Panther or Knights of the white wolf uh I would probably I think Knights of the white wolf would do better with a middenheim themed DLC or a Midland themed DLC which I do think we will get one day um though I don't think this is the DLC we're gonna get it I think this is gonna be um elsepeth not middenheim um though it could be midheim you know it could be that the legendary Lord is our Ulrich um uh Emir valgir and he's shown up with a bunch of midheim units and that the Throne of Decay is the city of Mannheim itself uh maybe being attacked by epidemius totally possible um so I think the celestial hurricane and we're getting regardless I think the engineer hero is the best option regardless um if it's a midheim themed DLC I would probably like to see warrior Priests of Ulrich um and or grand Masters uh so like a grand master Lord a grand Masters are the heads of the nightly orders uh so seeing like so like where the Empire General is more about support Buffs and has like kind of an melee profile but can like write a Griffin and provide a lot of different roles on the battlefield uh uh Grand Master their highest like they would their highest tier amount would either be a demi Griff or a griffin but they should be able to write a demi Griff and they should be very heavily armored super badass combat stats you know none of that none of that middling combat stats no we're talking playing you know full plate um and just a badass and melee but not don't provide nearly as good of like General support uh are also significantly more expensive to field um and are really only able to buff like other night units they're they aren't really able to do much for um your like State troops um so beyond that I would say uh if okay so Elizabeth von draken wizard Lords Master engineer hero and um Celestial hurricane em uh Knights Panther I think would make the most sense so Knights Panther nightly order uh because if anybody would ride out to go face the forces of tarmacon um Journey out to face the forces of chaos uh regardless of how far afield it's the knights Panther they live for that [ __ ] and then the last unit um really could be anything uh I think hawkland long rifles would be really badass um like a unit of sniper range so kind of not like giselle's but kind of like giselles you know like cute I I don't know if you've ever seen a Hawking along rifle but they're big guns uh so seeing like these humans with like really really really big guns from far away just being like um I also could go for foot nights um like the uh foot foot reich's guard could be really really cool so some kind of elite foot soldier that are not great swords um but maybe have a more defensive leaning could be fun um really uh if if they're not eventually gonna do uh Mannheim which would make me super sad because I really feel like they could have their own DLC um then white wolves of Ulrich the the the the the the nightly order would be really nice so they're they're Knights that don't wear helmets they're they all they just don't wear helmets it's against their uh their strictures so they don't wear helmets they have wolf pelts and they carry Cavalry hammers so they have big two-handed hammers they're going around going and smashing people so like super heavy armor piercing uh whereas Knights Panther uh where very elaborate helmets um and have like lances and Shields and they're more like elite elite Calvary uh with probably much more of an anti-large Focus like they're very big on taking on monsters and Chaos creatures and they love hunting down big baddies uh so I I think knights with uh more of an anti-large leaning could be fun um that still have like really really solid High melee Tech melee defense armor um reasonable speed lead uh but have like enough numbers where they're significantly different from demographs with Howard's uh especially because they still have shields so they're better against missile weapons um so yeah uh if it ends up being minheim then probably our Ulrich legendary Lord uh bring out and he brings out like you know the the instead of a warrior priest of Sigmar we get Warrior Priests of Ulrich where he has like uh ulrichen prayers um for a hero either the warrior priest of Ulrich or the uh the engineer and for the Lord for that DLC maybe Grand Masters legendary hero for the Empire regardless of who they end up going with uh give me give me um Ludwig shorts album Boris Todd Todd bringer finally made playable would be great please and uh then Celestial hurricane em Knights Panther uh and or white wolves of Ulrich and then maybe like hockland long rifle uh Hawk along huckland long rifle Infantry so yeah that's gonna be it for my predictions uh on the Thrones of Decay please let me know what you think down below is there anything that I miss that you're like oh so Jake how could you not have talked about this or is there anything that you think was uh a terrible call like you think I'm completely off base do you agree with everything I said let me know uh thank you all so much for watching and I will be back tomorrow where we talk about uh patch 6.0 where we know virtually nothing other than slaanesh so I'll see you guys then uh for that one which is gonna be a real tinfoil hat Hattie and uh yeah take care foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Loremaster of Sotek
Views: 51,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War, Total War Warhammer, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 3, Total War Warhammer 3, Chaos Dwarfs, Chaos Dwarf Reaction, Loremaster, Loremaster of Sotek, Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs, Creative Assembly, Games Workshop, Loremaster Reaction, Nemesis Crown, Total War DLC, Total War Warhammer DLC, TWW DLC, Total War Roadmap, Total War Warhammer Roadmap, Shadows of Change, Thrones of Decay, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Kislev, Cathay, Empire, The Empire, Grand Cathay, Dwarfs
Id: 1vc7coyGXAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 33sec (3393 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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