Chaos Dwarf Army Roster Tier List

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let's jump Total War here and today we're doing another tier list using tier maker this time covering the chaos dwarf unit roster but before we get into the roster itself I do need to let you guys know that this video here is sponsored by manscaped you guys know I've been partnered with manscape for ages absolutely love the product love the company I've been using the lawnmower 4.0 for pretty much everything I even gave myself a buzz cut with it and this month is testicular cancer awareness month and manscapes has partnered up with the testicular cancer society to raise awareness so they gave me a package with a cool shirt which I'll wear on the next live stream that we do and also some ball wipes to keep myself nice and fresh down there so if you want to support what manscape is doing and get yourself some really nice men's care products then click on the link in the description and get yourself 20 off plus free international shipping and help support a great company big thanks to manscaped for sponsoring this video on to the actual tears itself I think that the chaos 12 roster is definitely the most complex to assess out of any of the rosters that we've done so far because they've essentially got two different rosters in their in their faction you've got the green skin units which is a smaller roster that doesn't take up unit caps and these basically just fill up your armies when you you can't recruit any of your really good units and then when it comes down to the unit caps with your units you have to be very careful with it because you're just not going to have an unlimited supply of armaments at least until way later on the campaign and each time you increase your unit cap it's going to become more expensive to do it again and so sometimes creating a spread of different units is better than just spamming one unit actually that's definitely going to be the case but also there are some units here that's not worth increasing their unit caps at all if we have a look at how it's how it's set up some units are grouped together like for example these male infantry with the regular cast wolves in the infernal guard increasing a unit cap on one of them doesn't give you one of each it just gives you one of both of them total so you could just recruit for in this case here 29 of the regular Castle Warriors and completely forego the great weapons it's entirely up to you whereas you know you've got the infernal iron sworn here which has its own specific unit cap and by by having a mix of these units you're of course keeping the overall cost of every time you're going to increase it quite uh relatively low whereas if you spam one particular unit the cost sort of blows out of control you've also got situations where you've got like with the war machines here the hell cannons have got their own unit cap so you don't have to worry about that one bloating out your cost too much whereas the other war machines every other war machine that you've got all takes the same unicap so if one of these units is significantly better than the others or significantly worse there may be only reason to recruit one of them or no reason reason to recruit the other and then of course you've got the bull centaurs over here which all use up the same unicap so a lot of this stuff here needs to be taken into consideration then you've also got the manufacturer now the thing is across the board here you can get some really good bonuses for your units but I'm not going to be taking them into consideration for this roster or else it just gets way too complex because essentially you can take a trash unit and give it a manufacturer upgrade and make it op so it can just completely skew things out of control with that every unit of of the chaos dwarf is strong every single one of these units is strong in the right situation with the right upgrades but it really comes down to this as well what's cost effective and what you're going to get the most value out of compared to other units because it all uses up the same resources and armaments is just not going to grow on trees and so using spending your armaments wisely is really what the tier list is all about and that's what I'm gonna get into okay first up we'll go into the green skin roster so we've got this in essentially two different categories two different tier lists essentially good green skins bad green skins right and then you've got the three different uh chaos dwarf stuff out now what this one really should represent is whether or not you should be increasing the unit cap of these particular units so obviously anything that's in here definitely increase the unit caps of those and anything that's in here it's not necessarily don't either don't increase the unit cap of this unit or if it's sharing a unit cap don't waste your unit caps with this unit so anyway let's get into it so in terms of trash green skin I can't think of anything more trashy than their laborer units this is the unit that you recruit when there is simply nothing else available they're cheap they're unreliable they're okay in order resolve if you spam enough of them but when it comes down to it uh the the goblin unit is by far their worst unit in the roster so I would never recruit the goblin units I only ever recruit the orc laborers because while they are about twice as expensive they're the only one out of the two that's able to actually dish out some damage so it's got armor piercing but their leadership in both cases is so bad especially on very high battle difficulty that even when you've got units with contempt near them to try to boost their leadership they're still unreliable these are units that are going to your route at like three quarters health so very unreliable units only recruit them when you just have nothing else to get then we've got the Hobgoblin units which actually require a Barracks but the great thing about hobgoblin units is that you can globally recruit them in one turn as soon as you get um gorda's backstabber and then all you need is just one Barracks to sort out all your needs because the global recruitment of the um of the Hobgoblin unit is really not that expensive obviously it's a lot cheaper if you can locally recruit so let's firstly go into the Hobgoblin Cutthroats I think this is a good green skin unit uh obviously even the best of the green skin units is going to be nowhere near as good as the actual chaos dwarf roster but what makes the unit here good is like the value with providing you're not going to be able to just on turn one recruit 20 blunder bosses you just you can't do that so you're going to have to fill up your roster with some trash green skin and even later on the campaign as you progress and get bigger and bigger and have more armies you're going to have to fill some of these uh these armies with some green skins or else your campaign progress will seriously uh be stifled if you're only recruiting chaos wolf units it's not good for your campaign if you if you've only got one Army but like 100 settlements just because you're obsessed with only recruiting the best units right so the uh the Cutthroats these are okay Miller units they're obviously not going to be as good as as the castle wolf units here but they're way better than the trash screen skins here they're they've got a shield so they've got some missile block they've got higher leadership this is just a standard melee infantry essentially a tier one unit actually there's a tier one unit relatively good value cost about 100 and upkeeper you can reduce their upkeep cost fairly significantly one of the great things about hobgoblin units as well is that as you get more wine resources throughout the uh the campaign you will globally reduce the upkeep cost of hobgoblin so they can become very cheap later on the campaign so I think that you shouldn't snub your nose at hobgoblins they're actually quite useful then we've got the Archer unit here which I think it's a robust Archer unit obviously this is not going to be able to compete with a high off Archer or compete with the Corolla but the trick with hobgoblins is just for every one unit that you're going up against have two units of hobgoblins because you're not limited on caps you're just limited in terms of money and the chaos dwarves are pretty rich if you're managing your campaign all right you shouldn't have any problems with recruiting huge armies full of hobgoblins and so you know it's a solid missile infantry if it gets wiped out no big deal just replace it it's just a you just don't care too much about them but they can provide you value can manage to win you a battle here and there then we've got sneaky kids now this is probably my favorite unit of the hobgoblins because it's very similar in utility to a nasty skulker which is one of my favorite units in the green skin roster so this one here is not just about good stats it actually doesn't have good stats but it's uh it's got a lot of utility because it's a missile infantry and it's only got like two ammo but that ammo is pretty good at like taking out big monsters like Giants and dragons and that kind of stuff really bad at shooting at like small single entities like dwarf Lords but you'd be surprised how much value you can get out of these ones here especially considering they stalk by default and they're really good at getting around the back of the enemy forces and like getting at their Archer units and their anti-infantry and they've got reasonable leadership they're not quite as good in melee as the Cutthroats but because they can stalk they're less vulnerable to getting shot on the approach even though these guys here have shields I mean they can't shoot at something they can't see so I actually really like the snake he gets but they are significantly more expensive than these two then you've got the Hobgoblin Cavalry units you've got the the Wolf Riders here which I kind of want to put in trash green skin but they're really not the same tier with these two guys here I think they're they're decent units but they don't have as much utility as the the hot the Wolf Riders with um bow and arrow I just think that this one here is better and also I don't want to have like 10 different um layers of the tier list here so when it comes down to the good green skins really it just comes down to your personal preferences with the hobgoblins you can get good value out of any of these five units this one's here they're okay in melee but obviously they're not going to be able to take on like all four boy Biggins this is never going to happen unless you send like six of these like against one but the thing is with them is that in terms of affordability you can do that these ones here are very quick so as a horse horse wolf Archer unit you know fairly low range you've got the same amount of range as a regular Archer which normally the uh the the mounted version has a lower range but 130 range flaming attacks good amount of ammunition and they can go into melee after they've used up all their ammo you can get a lot of value out of these these ones here my favorite out of the hobgoblins is the sorry the wolf Archer and the sneaky gets all right now on to the actual chaos dwarf stuff here so the chaos 204 is we'll start with them uh the shielded variant I'm going to put that as a good cast off unit and the great weapon also as a good chaos wolf unit so these use up the same unit cap I think you can't go wrong with either one of them it really comes down to this if you're going up against missile heavy enemies that don't have a lot of armor then this is a better choice but if you're going up against somebody that that doesn't have a lot of missile units let's say you're going up against Warriors of chaos then you'd be better off bringing the uh the great weapon variant because you're not going to be getting shot so much and these guys here will dish out significantly more damage so overall I think this is a good unit to spend your um your armaments on it's not overly expensive to increase the caps and just a good solid chaos dwarf melee infantry you know nothing too spectacular they're utility they're metal infantry you're not going to get them to get a thousand kills in a battle they're there to hold the line which you kind of do need with a lot of the units that you have in your office so I wouldn't spam them in an army but you can get a lot of value out of them then we've got the iron Swan units so I think that the sorry uh The Infernal guard this is the irons one um The Infernal guard I'm going to put these as get me more of these now basically top tier unit there's a lot that you can do with infernal guard troops see not only are they just a better quality than the good chaos dwarf at the the the chaos dwarf Warriors I mean uh these ones here they take two turns to recruit locally but by the time you're starting to recruit these guys here you can actually globally recruit them in one turn because of the various structures in global recruitment um duration reductions and you can reduce their recruitment costs quite significantly another thing that makes these guys great is that if you pair them up with an infernal uh castle and that's got the unethical trade he reduces their upkeep cost by 10 also there is a couple of landmarks and things around the place that will reduce the upkeep cost of infernal guard so you can actually it is possible to have infernal guard be a lower upkeep cost than just the regular chaos dwarf Warriors and of course they're just straight up upgrades of the uh of the cast all fours they serve the same role Shield non-armor piercing infantry non-shielded um uh I'm a piercing infantry they're just better quality but yeah if you're going to spend some armaments I would prefer the infernal guard over the regular chaos wolves any day then we've got the infernal guard iron sworn these guys here are actually confirm that's the actual name yeah iron swan uh these guys here are essentially the the chaos dwarf version of iron Breakers and I really like iron Breakers because they've got a lot of utility they've got flaming attacks which I actually don't like flaming attacks because there's so many enemies in the game that have fire resistance and by comparison there's very few units that have fire weakness and usually the units that have fire resistance are like 60 fire resistant or something so sometimes having fire attacks can be really bad I know that they can slow down regen but it's not really that impactful but having magical attacks here makes this as the go-to Infantry unit if you're going to go up against demon armies in addition to that you've got the canister shots here that's really powerful I think that's actually more powerful than the iron breaker version and these guys here just hold the line really well uh kind of expensive and these guys here aren't increased sorry decreased in upkeep cost from the unethical infernal castellan but still when you've got the money for them just a really solid unit so I like getting a lot of those okay then the missile infantry we've got the chaos dwarf Blunderbuss these are obviously going to be get more of these now this is just a really solid uh missile infantry unit because it's it's a little bit finicky you can do a lot of friendly fire on your own troops but I've seen these strips if positioned correctly so it's really just a skill issue I suppose can easily get three four hundred kills I've seen it get 50 000 damage in a single battle these guys here can just inflict so much damage they're good at taking out single entities there's really nothing that they're not good at shooting unless it has like 90 missile resistance so they're good against everything just gotta watch out with their relatively low range and their low accuracy just be very careful about the position that you use them in but other than that these guys here will win so many battles for you that would otherwise have seemed unwinnable so they're really the best unit to recruit in the early stages of the campaign and they're especially good for defending uh like minor settlements and sieges because of their ability to just work your way around choke points and just cause absolute Carnage into enemy forces as long as annoying to melee that being said they're not bad in melee and they've got missile block chance as well so they're really really good then you've got the infernal guard fire glaves now I like these units for sure but I don't think that they're as good as the blunder bosses their range is comparable to thunderers so just like regular gun units they've got flaming attacks if I um just go over to here have a look at them um they've got flaming attacks which I'm not the biggest fan of as I've said before they are armor-piercing and in melee they have anti-lage which is definitely good uh but they are they're also quite expensive it's entirely up to you really when it comes to the good unit I just think that when it comes down to missile infantry the Blunderbuss just has a lot more value it's like cheaper in upkeep cost you it's a lot cheaper to increase the unit caps and you could just get a lot more out of them it just really comes down to the range and it's not like the 145 range is super long range anyway they also don't have shields and there's not really a whole lot you can do to boost that range there is a few things here and there with items uh but not that much okay then we've got the bull Centaur units these are amazing units all three of them go into get more of these now they also all use up the same unit cap and they're all more or less the same value it really comes down to the rock paper scissors typical sort of monstrous Cavalry Choice similar to what the minotaurs have with the basement you've got the shield version you got the anti-infantry version the anti-large version I usually go with the anti-large version uh but because there's a lot of um anti-infantry already in the rest of the roster so you want to cover your bases with anti-lodge but really you can't go wrong with these units especially if you're playing Astro growth iron hand putting these into his army is basically a must because he boosts them by such a ridiculous degree that they they kind of become op even before you start adding in the uh the the various upgrades from the manufacturer as well so that's probably one of their best units in their entire roster so it's definitely worth getting these units even if you're not going to put them in astrogoth or if you're going to put them in somebody else's Army aside from astrogoth uh these are really good units the only real weakness I think to Bull Center or renders is that they're relatively low speed for like a monstrous Cavalry unit at 62 speed that's not particularly High which means that they can get caught by other types of Cavalry like Knights of the realm that are of anti-large and could potentially take them out but they're so good in melee that even though you're not going to be able to run away from something that's particularly fast you can probably attack it head-on and do reasonably well so their ability to pick and choose their engagement is a little bit low but they'll win most engagements anyway so they're really strong units okay then we've got the flying stuff over here all right so the great Taurus I'm going to put this under a good chaos dwarf unit it's kind of big can get shot a bit it's flaming attacks it's a it's it's basically a manticore that's flying I've actually mentals do fly it says flaming I mean uh there are some interesting effects when it comes to um great Taurus they've got the blazing body ability so the longer they've been in melee they get uh melee damage reflection and physical resistance uh which can be very helpful but it's only active while they're in melee uh but that's still very good they've got a lot of fire resistance which is good but yeah flaming attacks can be a bit of a problem sometimes I do worry about how much of the chaos wall froster has flaming attacks that's not always what I want but overall they've got solid stats but there's nothing too special about them really they're just a solid flying monster unit definitely doesn't belong and they get more of these now then you've got the lamasu a good thing about these as well is that they all have separate unicaps so if you like one over the other they're not going to break the bank and also getting a variety of them will keep your overall cost fairly low so it's good the way they've set this out there they're quite high value in that regard uh then the lamasu I'm also going to put this under good chaos dwarf unit um this one here has higher melee defense than the great Taurus but it has lower overall health it also has less armor-piercing damage same overall weapon strength but this one here is a spellcaster so they've got um feebling Foe and the withering I believe let me just confirm that here so yeah in feebling Foe and the withering which you get one cast of it which you can upgrade it to two casts I think in the um in it's either Tech Tree or the yeah I think it's in the tech tree and that's that's pretty good let me just actually confirm that pretty sure it's in the tech tree here yeah there it is number of uses surbound abilities that's right just wasn't sure if it was in that or the um Tower of Zar there's just so many mechanics in the chaos Watsons struggling to memorize it all at the stage so good unit um but not amazing in melee so it's got some good abilities the main ability that I think is really useful with the lamasu is the ability to strip away magical attacks so if you're going up against demon armies and you're using your kadai units which have a lot of physical resistance and all the stuff are just bypassing it with magical attacks having a lamasu flying above and just stripping enemy units of their Mis of their magical attack that is probably one of the most interesting abilities in the entire game uh but yeah they don't dominate the skies they're not the strongest you know they don't have the blazing body ability so they're not as good in melee but their ability to sort of compensate them a little bit I definitely wouldn't spam them in an army but having one in your army can be very valuable one or two then you've got the the uh the Bale Taurus here this is another really good unit I'd I'd even go so far as to say get more of these now it's basically just a um Regular Taurus that's on steroids this this unit here is ridiculously strong and it's also got a breath attack right so you've got the Flaming breath attack is pretty good because it shoots it very quickly it doesn't sit there charging it up like dragons do so you're not super vulnerable to missiles while it's going on you've still got the Blazing blazing body ability they got more Health they got more stats they're just a stronger version of the great Taurus so just a really bloody strong unit the um Taurus so that's why I put it under there and of course they're not using the same unit caps there as well okay now for the kadai units all right the kadai fireborn um I like these units I'm gonna put it under good chaos 12 unit but you do need to be wary when using these trips they can be a little bit squishy this is essentially your demon units in your roster where once their health dropped below 50 I usually try to pull them out of combat because uh shortly after then if their leadership drops too high uh too low I mean they will um start to Decay and banish really quickly so that can really suck to lose one of these units so they with a lot of units in this game you can just keep them in combat and then just when it routes just let it run off the battlefield like for example the bull centaurs you know one or two of them will leave the battlefield and then that way it won't get wiped out but these ones here you have to babysit them and you really have to make sure that they're not going up against like large these are anti-infantra units if they're going up against Cavalry not ideal even against units that have uh flame weakness because these guys do flaming attacks you should be careful about if they're large they're very much anti-infantry be very careful as well with missile infantry as well they will shoot the crap out of them quite quickly because they they're very vulnerable to it then we've got the kadai Destroyer now this is typically a unit that you would expect to end up in like the top tier it's like their their biggest baddest monster sort of thing however in terms of the value and also you've got to take into consideration Armament cost I'm gonna put it under good chaos dwarf unit because they're they're not super boosted in their roster but when we when we look at everything that they provide it's got a lot of stuff in their skill here but a lot of them don't do that much like it's unbreakable unless it's hit points go below 50 you know it's got hellish frenzy when the hit points are higher than 75 which provides you know it's basically yeah it's just Frenzy rather than leadership that one's focused on hit points they've got a bit of physical resistance which you can boost further in the uh in this in the um Tech Tree uh but they are demons and the thing I I don't really find super great about kadai destroyers is that they're not great at smashing huge groups of infantry they're they're good for dealing with single entities for sure and like monstrous troops but I think that this unit here doesn't really have a specific unit that it absolutely smash smashes and it can be taken out relatively easily by low tier crappy units especially if you're outnumbered by a lot so for example if you're in a situation where you're outnumbered which will happen a fair bit and the enemy have just loads of trash infantry and trash archers those trash archers if spread out will take down your Destroyer very cost effectively and so a really good unit like this lost easily can actually be detrimental to your army now if you're going up against a super Elite Army and you've got loads of these guys I think that'll be fine but you also got to consider that that's very expensive especially in terms of the Armament cost and getting those unit capacities up um drazowat the Ashen does make a pretty good kedai Destroyer Doom stack for sure but I just don't consider it to be a like an S tier unit okay now we've got the the um the artillery actually we'll do the healthcare Cannon first this is a great unit because it only has itself in the unit capacity there just we've seen Hill counters before they're just good troops they complement the chaos 12 roster really well these guys here will hold the line while these ones here blow the enemy apart they're good for sieges they're not great at shooting against single entities but typically speaking single NCS aren't just typically very difficult to deal with but you have other units to deal with single entities anyway you know spamming them in your army probably not a good idea but having like two three four of them I think that can provide a lot of value so yeah getting them into all of your armies can be very handy okay now the the other ones here all of these use up the same roster right now you might be sitting here wondering why is there three of The Dread Quake mortars in here that's because they they all use the same unit icon right if I go over here go over here all three of them use the same you know icon so for dread Creek motors for iron demon dreadcrate mortar and for skullcracker dread Quake mortar so that's a little bit confusing but I will make distinctions between the three there okay we'll get to those ones last firstly the uh the skull cracker I think it's trash I think it's complete and out of trash the first and maybe the only unit that ends up in the trash uh the skull cracker the biggest problem with this one is that it's a tier 2 unit that comes in at the same time as as the iron demon and the magma Cannon you know and it's actually more expensive than the other two as well it is melee only it's only anti-infantry and it's not even particularly good at anti-infantrying so this one here is you kind of need to consider it like a chariot it does a lot of damage on the charge for sure but their speed isn't particularly quick so getting them out of that combat can be a bit of a pain they've got enough Mass to push things out of the way but if if things pursue you it's hard to get out of combat so they could be a very finicky unit and when it comes down to it as well it's all using it's all using the same unit capacity and I just think that it is the worst one out of all of these in here so my recommendation isn't to not get war machines definitely get war machines but just don't waste your unit capacity with skull crackers they're if I feel like they would be fine if it had its own unit capacity it just shouldn't belong when there's in this big group here because it is by far the weakest of the it says five but there's actually more than that really if you consider that this one here is essentially three three different units so yeah I I definitely don't recruit any skull crackers it's not that they're a bad unit it's just that the other units are better iron demons iron demons are good I like I like iron demons so these guys here they're anti-infantry as well so if we have a look at them the iron demons so they're anti-inventory in melee they're the same speed as the skull cracker they're cheaper in upkeep and they have a missile strength that's actually pretty good it's like a canister shot from like Empire Total War uh I think it's a it's like a better unit I'm really not sure why right they've got the same combat stats why the hell is the skull cracker um higher and upkeep cost it doesn't make any sense I must be just be missing something here same armor same leadership same speed same melee attack same melee defense same weapon strength same charge bonus why is this one here cheaper than the skullcracker it just doesn't make any sense at all I just maybe it's because it's got wall breaker I just don't think that's that important maybe that's what it is that's making it cost more I just don't think that's worth it and they've both got the ability here more power so I just don't get it with skullcracker okay then we got the magma Cannon this is a good good uh artillery piece there I'm gonna put it onto a good cast wolf unit here um good against pretty much everything it is Flaming attack so it's your longest range artillery piece um it's overall damage output isn't great so you really need to keep the enemy at Bay for a long period of time in order for this one to inflict a lot of damage so the dread Quake mortars and the um the hill cannons will dish out damage a lot faster but this one here is better maybe the best out of all of their artillery against large units a lot of the chaos dwarf artillery is really just anti-infantry where this one here is the only one that I suppose is anti-large this um it's reasonably accurate does a fair bit of damage there's nothing spectacular definitely doesn't belong in get more of these right now okay then you've got the what's it called Death Streaker is that what it's called yeah the death Streaker rocket launcher here which has two different types of shots we've got the death streak basically the anti-infantry one which is like a um reminds me of the Avalanche mortars where they explode and then drop down a whole bunch of mortifier on the uh on the unsuspecting enemies below and then you've got the demolition rocket which is good against structures and while this one here is anti-large it's really inaccurate so trying to hit a target from a long distance is really unlikely so basically when it comes to sieges and I need to destroy walls I'll use this one otherwise I'll use the death streak rocket even against Cavalry and I won't use this one against like small single entities or just single entities in general I just think this is sort of like the eagle claw bolt thrower and while it has two different types of shots one is clearly more effective than the other I'm gonna put the death Streaker rocket as a as a good chaos dwarf unit then we've got the dread Quake mortars this is the cream of the crop here that so there's three different times there's the regular uh dread Quake there's the iron demon and then there's the skull cracker um variant so first up Hannah's got the same bloody unit card first up the regular dread Quake mortar so having a look at that one here we'll have to actually have a look this way the regular dread Quake mortar right so upkeep cost 550 it says its speed is 60 but I think that this is one of those cases where the game is lying to you this unit does not have a speed of 60. this it has a speed of 20. it is ridiculously slow so I think that's being a little bit deceptive there the the like ammunition the damage that these things do is absolutely absurd but I actually don't think that it should be a tier five you know I actually think this one here would belong better at tier 4 or even tier 3 because of the other two variants even though they're more more expensive money is just not really that much of an issue for castles in my opinion so I think with the regular dread Quake mortar I would put it under good chaos dwarf unit borderlining trash merely because the other ones here both of them are get more of these now these are the ones you want to be getting right the Scott the skull cracker version as well because the skull cracker on its own isn't that good but when it's got a dread Quake mortar on it yeah it's really good look I'd even go so far as I say that the best one is is definitely the iron demon right because it's got the same speed the the same upkeep cost right if you have a look at them they have 800 upkeep cost but at least the um the iron demon not only has the dread Craig shot but it's also got its uh it's canister shot as well and it's good in melee this unit here I'd say is like the quintessential artillery piece for the chaos dwarf the iron demon dread Quake mortar this one here is absolutely insane it's quick enough that it can kite most enemies around it's got enough ammunition that it can blow the crap out of an infantry based Army it is not going to do well against large single entities or just large units in general so keep them away from them uh so I wouldn't spam them in an army unless you were just going up against dwarfs that way you could just avoid the the dwarf Warlords um and you couldn't do much against um uh gyrocopters but that shouldn't be the entire Army this one is an amazing unit so that's where I'm gonna put it as I said but the thing is with the skull cracker it's good as well because you're mainly using it for the um for the dread Quake mortar it's just that these two here and speed where this one here it I mean it lies to you in the bloody Unicode it says that speed is 60 but it's just that is not true it's speed has got to be around 20. it's super slow it's outrun by nurgle infantry I know I tested it so that's that's just wrong its speed is like 20 but these ones here yeah it seems about right that their speed is about 60. and um of course you can boost them with more power so they can move even faster really good units that can be boosted quite significantly uh significantly in the tech tree as well anyway that's the tier list there as you can see I think that the majority of the chaos 12 roster is actually really good and the only reason I put this here is because it just shares too many other um uh unit caps with better units that's all um I really like the system with the hobgoblins I think the hobgoblins are great I have full armies full of them and I quite enjoy using them I don't rely on them too much but they're easy to replace and these ones here they I think they should be trash that's what you would use them for if you just can't get any of the other ones but I think that creators that we've actually done an excellent job with the chaos dwarf roster it's so rare for me to have so few units under the trash here and basically just the entire roster as good and amazing so yeah I think they did a good job with that anyway that's the end of this one here guys uh don't forget to check out manscape with the link in the description and the pinned comment appreciate you guys don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you next time later guys
Channel: LegendofTotalWar
Views: 217,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: total war, warhammer 2, warhammer 3, immortal empires
Id: IkE0YQvkBr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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