A Victorious Mind by Keith Malcomson

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on a very important series we've made this second volume very specific to the crisis that we are passing through in these days i believe if ever we needed a mind that is prepared it is actually this hour i want you to turn with me to joshua chapter one joshua chapter one we have the five books of moses then we have the book of joshua and i want you to turn there and as you do turn to joshua chapter one just to say again we're starting a three-week bible school of school of christ in 10 days time we're going to start on the evening of the 4th of july and we're going to continue for three weeks every evening every morning every day we're going to be um just running this bible school online so make sure you're booked in if you're not already please do that very promptly if you have any thoughts of joining us but here tonight in our bible study part three of our series the battle for the mind we are living in an hour where we have passed through an entire year where there's a remarkable battle for the minds of every individual in the earth but also for the church every single christian my message tonight a victorious mind next wednesday night we're going to deal with a sanctified mind but here tonight a victorious mind because i believe we're in a fight we're in a battle when we talk about victory we're talking about warfare a battle for the mind someone is going to win the battle for your mind someone is gonna triumph over your mind someone is gonna use your mind either god or the devil so as we read joshua chapter one our message a victorious mind joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 1 through to verse 11. now after the death of moses the servant of the lord it came to pass that the lord spake unto joshua the son of nun moses minister saying moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this jordan thou and all of this people unto the land which i do give to them even to the children of israel every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon that have i given unto you as i said unto moses from the wilderness and this lebanon even unto the great river the river euphrates all the land of the headites and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your coast there shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life as i was with moses so i will be with thee i will not fail thee nor forsake thee be strong and of a good courage for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance a land which i swear unto their fathers to give them only be thou strong and very courageous that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law which moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand nor to the left that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night but thou must observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success have not i commanded thee be strong and of good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the lord thy god is with thee whether so ever thou goest then joshua commanded the officers of the people saying pass through the host and command the people saying prepare you victims for within three days you shall pass over this jordan to go in to possess the land which the lord your god giveth you to possess it let's pray here tonight father i do thank you for the word of god i thank you god that it is to be meditated upon it is to be obeyed and followed lord god thank you for the word of god it is the secret to victory and to enter into everything that you have promised us in the lord jesus christ help us to gain the victory over every thought imagination enemy spiritual unnatural by the word of god lord god make it a sword in our mouth even tonight do not let your word depart out of our minds but let it be mighty to destroy every enemy to make us prosperous to dissolve every fear to bring to not discouragement nor god to make us courageous to make us strong in the battle and to go forward in the mighty name of jesus we bless your wonderful name amen amen my message here tonight a victorious mind we are living in momentous days and i believe if we as a church preachers christians evangelists leaders are going to win the battle of this hour we must have a victorious mind if your mind is being affected by this world its political agenda its social system you will not triumph in the land you may be a christian you may be a believer you may make it to heaven but i promise you unless you have a victorious mind you will not go in and possess the land the inheritance the lifestyle all the blessings and provisions that god has ordained for you in your christian life this side of eternity it says in verse 8 here this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night i believe to have a victorious mind you need the sword of the spirit in your mouth in other words the word of god under the influence of the spirit of god the bible the scriptures must be your meditation you must observe them they must mold your thinking your words your action the word of god that i hold in my hand tonight it is a mighty thing it is a powerful thing and if you're going to have a victorious mind to defeat the enemy i promise you it is connected to this book it is integral to victory in the mind if you neglect the bible you're going gonna be defeated in your mind before you face any wall cities any great chance any armies any chariots in valleys before you face any of these you're either gonna win or lose the battle in your mind it's not on the battlefield that you lose the battle it's in your mind before the battle if you could understand this tonight that there is a battle right now for each one of your minds and depending on how you use the word of god will dictate whether you win this battle or not it's not cancer that will defeat you it's not sin that'll defeat you it's not adultery that will defeat you it's not compromise our false doctrine our heresy that will defeat you do you know what it is that's gonna defeat you not the chance not jericho not i not the gibeonites it's this issue of the word of god and this is what we're gonna deal with here very simply in this message tonight what a wonderful chapter we've read from joshua chapter one i've got three points for you and i'm gonna concentrate on my third point point one here tonight god's chosen vessel for the battle i want you to see that joshua and that new generation were chosen for the battle god had let the previous generation die in the wilderness once that generation had come to an end he was moving a new generation in who were going to go in and inherit the blessings of god you see the promised land does not represent heaven canaan is not heaven because in canaan there are giants there are enemies there are fights there are battles there are strongholds none of that is in heaven you see if we're gonna go in and possess the land you're only gonna do it in your lifetime it's not when you die it's not when you go to heaven now is the time either you're going to be a wilderness christian walking 40 years in the wilderness you may see miracles you may have mana fall you may testify that your shoes grew with your foot that none of your clothes have worn out you can testify to all of this and yet you're living in breach of promise you'll never fulfill god's will for your life i believe that can happen in the history of the church god blesses it at certain time extraordinary blessings but the church never goes in and fights the enemy it never wins the battle it's walking in circles in the wilderness enjoying the miraculous but 40 years in the wilderness they never faced any enemies all they saw was sand all they did was walk in circles they're god's people they're blessed of god but they'll never fight the giants but i want to tell you my first point god's chosen vessel for the battle there was a new generation that had grown up in that wilderness they've seen the condition of unbelief they saw that unbelief will put you in a wilderness you walk in circles have miracles talk about testimony so what god has done but you'll be there in unbelief not believing that you can go in and possess the land god had chosen joshua to be his chosen vessel for the battle do you realize us here in this meeting tonight us in this church this generation of the church those that have been getting saved the past year two years three years are maybe your 45 years saved and now god has brought you to this heart do you realize we were born for this hour that god had a plan for us you see moses was raised up to lead them to the land joshua will take them into the land here he is 80 years old and all of god's dealings with them is to bring him to a place to be a vessel prepared in the hand of god who is going to cause god's people to inherit the land oh give us joshua preachers and this are where are the preachers like joshua who know where we are you see moses died that's how joshua chapter 1 starts moses died he would never enter into the land he brought them right to them he preached to them he encouraged them he challenged them he told them how to inherit the lamb he laid his hands on joshua and he appointed joshua to lead them in to possess the land but since i assure you it's joshua that's going to do it this is his hour this is his time moses is gone moses has died a generation has passed away do you realize this is a unique hour in church history we are facing a technological age that no previous generation has had we are standing on the edge of tyranny on the edge of the most prophetic hour in church history you have been chosen for that if this doesn't inspire you i don't know what will just like joshua stood three days away from entering into the land they'd walked in circles for a generation but now was the time to go in who was this man joshua joshua was born in egypt he was born in slavery his family were in slavery the people of god were in slavery he grew up as a little boy all he seen was abuse tyranny that's where he was first born he was but when he was born as a baby his mummy and daddy called him hussia meaning salvation that was to be the great mark of his life from a young boy salvation his parents believed in salvation that young boy that's gonna live to see one of the most momentous hours in israel's history those parents must have prayed for him dedicated him to the lord they must have laid hands on him taught him the word of god i believe that they made a meditate from a young boy in the word of god they taught him to memorize scriptures they taught him biblical songs they taught him the stories of the bible of creation and of god's plan for his people i believe this little boy grew up hearing about salvation oh that we would teach our children again about salvation many years later we hear that moses changed joshua's name and called him joshua meaning jehovah is salvation or the lord god is salvation not just salvation but you know what god is your salvation that's going to be at the center of this now we're told that joshua was the first born son of his father who was called none now i'm sure you may have read that and thought nothing about that term the firstborn son of none do you know what that meant at the passover in egypt as the death angel passed over joshua should have died in that home if it wasn't for the blood if it wasn't for the passover lamb if it wasn't for a lamb dan for a household that night that young boy would have died in infancy he would have died i don't know what age he was at passover a young boy but you know what he grew up knowing it's by the blood of the lamb that i'm here tonight oh that we in this church oh that we in this generation a generation that are in momentous times that we had understand salvation is by the blood of the lamb salvation is of the lord it's a supernatural thing it's a life-changing thing it changes your character it changes your heart it changes who you are that's literally what joshua grew up with born in bondage but by the blood of the lamb delivered not only salvation but salvation in the lord salvation in the lord we have some interesting mentions of joshua here a remarkable young man that grew up amongst the people of god but experienced the power of the blood of the lamb what an amazing thing when we actually see him for the very first time in the bible he is a soldier he is a soldier of the lord do you know what we need if we're going to win the battle of this our christians need to return to be soldiers again we're not here to be entertained i've told you before if you think it's going to be churches normal 30 years you're tragically mistaken we need an awakening in the church to realize this is the end we're the last generation we are at a remarkable hour in church history the first time we see joshua he is a soldier it was just two months after they left egypt and come out in victory and triumph two months later that the amalekites attacked israel the very first time they attacked the sick the weak the ones at the back of the queue the enemy came in behind do you know who led the soldiers in that that hour it was joshua he was a captain in the house of god he was a general do you realize this man of god birthed in salvation through the blood of the lamb he was a born soldier god had called them to be a soldier and he was going to be ready for that hour of conflict the greatest battle maybe in israel's history the second time we read about him is in exodus 24 when moses ascends the hell of the lord to meet the lord in the midst of manifest glory do you know who went with moses joshua ascended that hill as well you've got a young soldier here who desires to be with the man of god he desires to be in the presence of god not at the bottom of that mountain with entertainment with all the dangers of idolatry he wants to be on that mountaintop or at least get as close as he can be if he isn't having those spiritual experiences he at least wants to be close to those that walk with god speak to god face to face who see the glory of god do you see this man i'm talking about god's chosen vessel for the battle it takes years for god to prepare people it takes years for god to prepare a church or a movement god can do a work very quickly when he acts but he always spends many years preparing certain vessels to lead the way if joshua is going to lead the way into the land god is going to spend many decades 40 years walking through that wilderness preparing him making him ready to be the man he needs to be that was the second time the third time is when the spirit of god falls on the people of god and there's those outside the camp they begin to prophesy no joshua got upset about this he believed an order in the house of god he believed that there's a way of operating in the house of god he what he went to moses and he wanted to silence all all these normal believers that began to prophesy now moses had to correct him you see he's a man being prepared a chosen vessel he cares about order he cares about the church of god or the people of god operating correctly but he's still learning moses educated him oh i wish that every child of god would rise up and prophesy church do you realize i wish all of you would prophesy on a sunday morning i wish the gifts of the spirit of god would operate i believe in order i want to order i'm a soldier but let's not neglect the gifts of god this young man in preparation was gonna have to learn this it's one thing to be a soldier it's one thing to seek the face of god but let's not restrict that manifestation of the spirit of god the fourth time we read about joshua is two years after coming out of egypt and he is one of the twelve spies chosen to go into the land do you remember how he was him and caleb were the only two that brought back a good report i assure you here is a young man who has a victorious mind he didn't wait until going into the land of promise at 80 years old here he is a young man and he's got a victorious mind when he went in to spy the land 40 years previously he was a man who could look at chance look at walls look at cities look at the fruit of the land and he came back saying we're well able to go in and possess a land i know that god is able to give us the lamb do you know who that was that was a young man that had been meditating on the word of god why did he know they could go in because it's the covenant of god god made a covenant with abraham isaac and jacob and you know what this young boy was taught at his mother's knee there is a covenant with the people of god that god has a land that he's going to give them do you know what that land represents it represents a victorious life it represents being in the battle on the front line it represents fulfilling god's will for your life or for this church joshua was such a young man when he came back with that report he said let's go in the ten spies said we cannot do you know what there was a plague and those ten spies died they died but joshua and caleb didn't they were of a different spirit for the next 40 years you never see joshua once you don't hear him speaking you realize he watched an entire generation of god's people die do you realize god was preparing his mind to fight enemies but when he was in that wilderness no grumbling no complaining he never got caught up in one rebellion you don't see him him and caleb are just walking through that wilderness i know there's a revival coming hear me and in this meeting tonight i'm taught about a victory i've seen a lot of things go on in the church preachers who were bigger liars than any drug addict on the high street i've seen the games of religion and the best churches within our nations i've seen all the maneuvering for positions in ministry oh i believe for 40 years joshua had to watch that you know what god was doing god was preparing him with a certain heart do you know what his spirit was different than the rest of them but you know what he watched a new generation come up through i'm watching it at the minute i'm getting emails all the time those who sinners who want to be saved new converts only save one year two years three years there's a new generation i believe that god is bringing it in do you know what god's chosen vessel for the battle church we're going somewhere that's my first point second point preparation for the battle preparation for the battle it says in verse 10 here in chapter one then joshua commanded the officers of the people saying pass through the host and command the people saying prepare you victims for within three days you shall pass over this jordan this isn't the preparation of an entire life this is preparation for a battle to embark on a task to enter into a new phase of god's will for your life to embark in something utterly unique that no one has seen for a generation you know what joshua done he spoke to all of those leaders the preachers those with responsibility and he says i command you leaders to go to the people and to command them what was the command prepare you victims for within three days ye shall go over this jordan we need preachers again in the church who knew they are we're living in know what has to happen who can give a clear command i'm sick to death of the preaching of this hour self-help is not going to help us in this hour we the church are facing the most unbelievable demonic enemies just in front of us i mean there is rising up to stop us going in and doing the will of god possessing our inheritance in christ claiming all of the provision of christ unless you face these enemies you will not be a people conformed to the image of christ but here's a preacher a man of god prepared over many years you know what he says it's time to prepare you know what church you've got three days and then we're gonna cross the jordan i can imagine there must have been some panic there's some people never took this series they never thought they were gonna have to embark in this battle there's leaders all over our nations at the minute they never thought they would have to face i've heard it for years and and i've tried to speak to them they almost um cut me down wouldn't listen to it i talked about his face in very hard days for decades now do you know what it's only in the past year people begin to listen i've been trying to say this for many years of what we're going to face what we're going to see there have been those who lived their christianity over previous decades they never thought they'd see the technology come never thought they would have to fight these battles never thought they'd be given three days to go across jordan they've been lazy what a scramble now to get prepared you know what this church has been prepared for seven years it's only existed for seven years but straight from day one we were preparing for this hour there was a preparation by the word of god get ready church get ready we are the last generation we are the last church we are going to write the last chapter of church history and if you think it's going to be boring you've got another thing coming how do you prepare for the greatest battle you see just ahead of them is an entire nation the land of canaan when you're walking in the wilderness saying god's covenant had made a promise to give us the land of canaan oh one day we're gonna go in that's very different when it's a generation who die in the wilderness to that generation standing at the jordan saying in three days we're going in i'm in three days there's been a whole generation of the church has walked in circles for decades for 40 years they've talked about these things preached about these things but i'm not sure they believed anything they think the past year is a health crisis they're getting their vaccination they used to talk adamantly about the mark of the base now they cannot see the hour that they're living in that all of this is preparation for the very last days what an hour that we are living in how are we going to be prepared well joshua was already prepared but look at verse 8 this book of the law since i'm telling you how to be victorious in your mind how to win this battle and how we're going to face every giant conquer cities go into valleys clear mountain tops you know many years ago as a soldier i was trained to go into booby trap houses you had to go into that house it's booby trap there could be a little wire under a toilet seat under a board as soon as you turn a handle on the door an entire house you didn't know where anything was you've got to be prepared you've got to do you've got to know what you're literally doing i believe so many in the church they've been asleep and they're not prepared i want to tell you this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth god's message to joshua if you're going to win this battle to go in and face the greatest enemies that israel has ever faced 40 years they fought no enemy when when they uh defeated those amalekites they walked for 40 years now 40 years new enemies and they're back they're about to begin fighting you better be a soldier there's a lot of lazy people in the church they thought this was an entertainment they thought it was about worship music they thought it was about a feel-good psychology a feel better entertainment all of this has flooded the church those churches are bankrupt now but the soldiers are going to come to the fore if you're a young preacher and you've been a soldier preparing now is your hour it's time to stand up and preach this is an hour for soldiers in the house of god men women young old it's time to fight this is our hour to fight i want to assure you the battle has come to our door you've got no choice but are you prepared for the battle how are you going to be prepared to win the battle in your mind what what was the word to joshua thou shalt meditate therein day and night when it says the law of god shall not depart out of thy mouth in other words you're not going to lose it it's going to be something you speak and sing and talk about and pray about and consider and share with others how do you stop the word of god departing out of your mind by meditating there in day and night you see if you're a meditator on the word of god i promise you the word of god's on your lips i'm not talking about positive confession or just quoting things and taught about a real christian that brings the word of god into every area of their life with their friends their workplace their family with other christians they've got a fresh message what a disaster that so many pastors have no message no message for this hour nothing to say to the people of god you know what they did not meditate on the word of god they spent no time considering the word of god you see if you meditate in the word of god and i'm showing you how to have a victorious mind this is an unbelievable hour you see your mind's under attack in every area of society are you gonna face what's happening in our schools and our colleges and with our governments and with the un and the world economic forum how are you gonna manage when uh food supplies get cut off how are you going to manage when there's an economic crash how are you going to manage when they start putting pressure on you in your workplace you better have a victorious mind since i'm giving you the secret if you meditate on the word of god day and night if you consider it think on it maybe a scripture maybe a few verses maybe an entire chapter or an entire book of the bible but you're meditating upon it you know what you're not only going to speak it but that i must observe to do according to it some of yous are not obeying the word of god because you don't meditate in the word of god if you meditated in it you would observe it in other words it would become your lifestyle your mind would be renewed this is the secret to renewing your mind you think biblically how do you think biblically how do you get a mind that's molded by the word of god you've got to meditate in it this word meditate is so important and it's very important in this message tonight you see god didn't put a physical metal or iron sword in joshua's hand god's word wasn't to him here's a spear here's a shield here's a sword he's a soldier that's going into physical real battles what does god give him meditate on the word of god do you hear me tonight if you forget everything else hear this for a moment when you're gonna face when joshua's gonna face great armies seven great nations within the land and he's gonna have terrible battles for the rest of his life year and year out many impossibilities great chance great cities how is he going to do it this is the secret saint i'm giving you the secret to defeat every charm to bring down the walls of every city to clear out every valley to reach every mountaintop to defeat every enemy this is the secret it is to meditate on the word of god day and night do you remember what the word meditate actually means this word is used 20 times in our bible 15 times in the psalms and seven times just in psalm 119 the word meditator meditation this is what it means it means to ponder to go over not just once in other words you get a verse or you get a chapter like romans chapter 6 and you go over it and over it and over it and over it or you have a verse it's the answer to your battle to your mind battle to your discouragement and you know what you go over and over and over the word meditate here means to think upon to utter it to speak to yourself in your heart to hold a conversation with yourself it means the practice of remembering pondering considering reflecting upon the the word of god it's something you do inwardly it's the inward chewing of the word of god it's chewing the cud you hear preaching sunday most christians by sunday night can't tell you what was preached sunday morning but i assure you those victorious christians they take the word of god they eat it they meditate upon it they're digesting it you see it's one thing to eat but when you regurgitate and chew the cud you bring it back you chew it you swallow it you bring it back you chew it you swallowed the same verses the same messages it's the digesting it's how you feed in christ it's how you become the truth of god do you merely want to hear the word of god maybe quote the word of god share a verse here and there but it's not you meditating on the word of god makes you an observer of the word of god you remember what the latin meaning of the word meditate means it's medicine medicalis medicine the same word medicine comes from meditate and i can assure you when you get medicine you'll take it three times a day when you're a little boy or girl your mommy would come with that bottle it tasted horrible they make it a nice flavor nowadays but here's the answer to your sickness the medicine three times a day why not meditate on the word of god think about it as you drive in the car play it actually as you shave play it as sure out in the garden whatever you're doing snatch little bits of time think upon the word of god meditate therein day and night i'm telling you about how to be victorious what does it say as a victorious thinker meditating on the word of god every place the soul of your food shall tread that have i given you as i said unto moses he goes further and he says be strong and have a good courage three days time you're gonna face the enemy you're gonna embark on a battle that's going to last the rest of your life some people draw back they dread it but i want to tell you this is god's will for us i've waited for this hour in church history i've waited for this last hour and prepared all my days i've studied that daniel series i studied 25 years studied daniel 25 years never preached on daniel but i did this year you see this is an hour this is what all the preparation has been for this is it saints this is the time you've got three days to get ready because we're going over and we're gonna face some of the greatest enemies any generation i have faced and you know what if you're a meditator on the word of god if you've got your thinking if you become a biblical thinker this entire series is about the mind the renewing of the mind the mind of christ we're going to look at having a sanctified mind next week but it's the victorious mind in our words you've won battles if you're if you allow this word of god to renew your mind to wash your mind to change your mind how you think can be changed but if you don't activate the word of god if you don't feed on the word of god if you don't meditate on the word of god your thinking is not going to change therefore your speaking will not change therefore your action will not change therefore you're going to be terrified of these enemies i can't wait saints i can't wait this is our hour i don't know what's going to happen it is a fearful hour but i want to tell you i i there's an excitement in my heart it's very serious people will lose their lives in the hour ahead but it's a very exciting time be strong do you know all the days of your life no man will stand before you i'll never forsake you god says i'll never forsake you i'll never fail you be strong and have good courage how are you going to be strong in this hour how are you going to be of good courage by meditating on the word of god let me go to my third and final point here the enemies in the battle the enemies in the battle turn in your bible to joshua chapter 3 and verse 10. do you realize the enemies i'm about to mention you they go all the way back to genesis chapter 10. they've been there before abraham was there's no new enemies i want to tell you other generations have fought them but now it's our hour as soon as we cross the river jordan there's going to be seven different nations in the land of canaan they are where we need to be since if you don't meditate on the word of god you'll never face these enemies you won't have the courage to you won't have the strength to fight them or to engage them in battle you know what you're gonna stay out of the land you'll be scared of defeat as we read joshua three verse ten there's seven nations mentioned here and joshua said hereby ye shall know that the living god is among you and that he will with out fail drive out from before you let mark them the canaanites the headites the headlights the parasites the gurgaons and the amorites and the jebusites there are seven nations do you realize many times moses had said to the people of israel he mentioned these peoples and others by name and he says you're gonna go in and possess a lamb but you'll never do it unless you win the battle against these seven enemies here tonight i believe that meditating with your mind having your mind renewed to think like christ will give you the victory over these seven enemies these are the seven enemies we as the church are going to face now in church history it is our time a generation has died it's a new era it's a new hour of battle it's a new fulfillment of the will of god it's our time to fight these seven enemies i'm gonna cover this briefly but there's so much here i need to preach seven messages on these to be honest because there's seven enemies for this hour listen carefully if i can summarize and simplify that and explain who these enemies are to us and this are and you know what you're you're not going to conquer them by wisdom or riches or technology or numbers you're not going to do it it's only by meditating on the word of god this is your answer to conquer these seven enemies number one the canaanites we're dealing with these seven enemies in the land the canaanites now the canaanites is a term that covers all seven and you're going to see why but yet there was a specific people called the canaanites the land is called the land of canaan all seven of these people are canaanites but one of them is specifically called the canaanites who are the canaanites if you go back to the book of genesis chapter 9 and chapter 10 you read about these various peoples these enemies who was canaan he was ham's fourth son that uh canaan actually had 11 sons but here's ham he had four sons and canaan was his fourth son then listen canaan went on and had 11 different sons and out of those 11 sons came these other nations they all came forth out of this people so that some some of those are most those who are going to deal with all descended from canaan he is one of those tribes but all of the rest come out of him and it goes back to ham do you remember in genesis chapter 9 we read about the how ham went in and saw the nakedness of noah he became drunk and as he was drunk he was uncovered and ham went into the tent and he come out and shared with his two brothers shem and japheth shared laughed about this and you know what those two other honorable brothers went in backwards uncovered the nakedness of their father when he come to and realize what had happened he didn't curse his son ham he actually cursed his grandson canaan the curse fell on canaan i believe this was a prophecy i actually believe that kanan had an influence on his father it's a terrible thing when children can inf affect and infect their parents instead of the other way around a godly parent ought to affect the children those children shouldn't rule the home they shouldn't be rebels and yet here is canaan has such an influence on his father that that father despises the nakedness of his own father of noah comes out gossiping talking be very careful what you build in that home your children may rise up to be a curse unto you and bring forth a curse to god's people i don't want children that are half-baked hat breeds that are a curse cursed children i don't want that i don't want us to raise up new converts in this church that are false converts i don't want that and you know what it's going to depend on god's dealing with your hearts in a very real way well the name canaan means humiliated or disgraced it actually means more than that it means to be a trader or a merchant so when you take the name canaan it is one that is who has acted in a way that's humiliating and disgraceful very bad there's some canaan i believe noah could see in him there's there's bad fruit and that grandson there's going to be no good in it i read once or heard about one of the roman emperors i i i believe it was augustus that his son he knew augustus caesar knew he was gonna die and before he died he knew i've gotta i've got two sons one of them is gonna reign after me but he can discern one of those sons is bad and once he died that sun would cause trouble for the other son you know what he done before he died he was on his deathbed but he made one last journey to see his son he thought maybe there's hope and he went in there to study that son but it was hopeless he saw he's a reprobate and he had him killed and then augustus went back to his deathbed and died going the kingdom is going to be in peace you know what you better raise up godly children you better raise up converts that know the lord jesus christ or we're going to have problems in the day ahead now who is this canaan what does he represent us joshua going in meditating on the word of god what do the canaanites in the land of canaan represent they're one of the seven enemies do you know what they represent i'm i mean we're facing it now in our generation in the church and out of the church what is this enemy that you and i are going to have to face it is disrespect no fear of god it's a type of person a type of society it's the 21st generation we're living in it utter disrespect no fear of god no honor for parents a young generation rejecting authority rebels non-conformist through thrown out anything of biblical authority do you know who these canaanites are they're the immoral the idolatrous they are barbarous the experts and culture tell us that the canaanites in the land of canaan were the most immoral immoral despicable people that you had ever made i mean all of these seven peoples but specifically the canaanites when the bible talks about the high places you know what they found the little bones of babies up there they sacrificed on the high places of the mountains of canaan the little bodies of babies the new zealand prime minister just recently pushed through the law that even when a baby survives an abortion it's to be left it happened the past week a baby was left in a hospital in new zealand to die for uh for an hour it survived an abortion but the prime minister of new zealand is so wicked and evil she is a new young political generation all over the world abortion is coming in you know what it is it's canaanite ism that's what it is the idolatrous the barbar barbarity of it they disrespect new fear they mock god do you know where these canaanites dwelt in the lowlands in the plains of israel they also dwelt near the sea near the jordan they couldn't be bothered climbing hills they like to relax but beside the mediterranean sea that's the sort of generation they are and it says that joshua went in and drave them out of a place called gizar it was one of the 10 cities then given to the levites do you realize the strongholds where this is if joshua goes in and gains the victory we will take back these disrespectful not not authority no fear of god we will begin to raise up levites in their place i mean as the inheritance of god the places that were strongholds for the canaanites if we meditate there's the secret saints we will do this and we meditate on the word of god you know the only reason this church is touching people in other nations we preach the word of god entertainment wouldn't have done that nice worship wouldn't have done that a nice program wouldn't have done that i assure you we preach the word and that's what's affected people it's come out of this and now we're fighting battles to the end of the world we we're gonna take back some canaanite strongholds we are gonna fight saints we are gonna fight but you know what's sad to say that as the people of israel went in it says in chapter 17 of joshua yet the children of manasseh could not drive out the inhabitants of those cities but the canaanites would dwell in that land yet it came to pass when the children of israel were waxed strong that they put the canaanites to tribute but they did not utterly drive them out we've got to drive these canaanites out this attitude of rebellion against biblical authority god's authority since we need to stand against it we're dealing with canaanitism it is evil it is wicked it is utterly reprobate we need to fight this we only get one chance do you know who came out of this canaanite religion rahab she was the only one that was saved with her family out of that city you see if we fight this battle go get the canaanites bring them into the kingdom of god we want to evangelize them they don't fear god they mock god let's go preach to them let's pray for them do you know in that first canaanite city god's people triumphed and they got a rehab out of that city she was a prostitute an immoral woman an idolatrous woman but you know what she heard about the people of god she heard the report no one can stand before them there's many out in this world they grew up in a canaanite environment but they need god she got saved by that scarlet thread in her window and you know what's beautiful she actually her son was boaz who married ruth in the book of ruth of the line of david david came out of her family jesus came out of our family isn't it amazing this is the battle from meditating joshua meditating on the word of god brought out a rahab who was in the lineage in the new testament of the lord jesus christ the messiah who died for you and i don't tell me that meditating on the word of god can accomplish things i promise you if each of you become a meditator on the word of god you're going to have a victorious mind the second enemy the headites the headites canaans are uh kanan's second son was called heth and out of heth came the headites that's the second one they were canaanites in all these headites this people spread and grew very strong in the nation of turkey they become one of the three super powers of many generations they spread their power they were a military power an economic power they owned much land and spread themselves over many other nations do you remember that when abraham first come to the land and sarah died in the land of canaan he bought a cave at hebron the only bit of land he ever owned he bought that cave off a headache it was a headache who owned the land at mount hebron and do you remember how esau abraham's grandson esau married two head-out women he was a carnal man a worldly man esau was a very hard worker and you know what he married two headed wives you see he was looking for success what do the hedits represent they represent this 21st generation the financial system the political system the system of success the fourth industrial revolution the new political system that's coming out the new financial system how you operate in the workplace how you become successful influential how you gain a future through marrying the right person or being in the right place do you remember that headache wanted to give the ground to abraham he said no way i'm going to pay for the ground i know you'd give it to me you respect me but i'm going to pay for that you say i believe we we're going to face this enemy not only the immoral abortion society that's the canaanites who are the headites it is this whole new political economic system that are coming in and you know what joshua through meditating on the word of god triumphed over these headites many battles engage them in battle and you know what he made them wood gatherers and water carriers for the temple he raised up servants real servants can you imagine that the greatest political leaders the billionaires of this generation could you imagine them getting converted could you imagine one of these great leaders owners of amazon or google or who knows who else maybe there's one of these great men that's gonna get converted or maybe one of our new political leaders who is promoting the fourth industrial revolution maybe through meditating on the word of god we can reach one of them and you know what they'll become a servant they'll become a humble gatherer of wood and water for the house of god to make sure the church functions that the church never lacks anything could you imagine that let me mention just one of these heads to you who became a great soldier uriah the head act you remember david stole his wife and had him killed but i believe in the bible one of the greatest soldiers apart from joshua is uriah the head out you know what he got regenerate he got religion he came into israel he become a leader a soldier a remarkable disciplined man i i so long to preach and uriah the head out one of these days an amazing man why don't we go looking for converts out of this new economic financial successful young businessmen why shouldn't they get born again the third one the hevites the heavites the heavites have i was the sixth son of canaan and the hivites took over the central area of canaan they were the heart of the nation they went and stood on the middle ground now who are these heavies you say i don't know who they are oh you will in a minute in joshua chapter 9 it talks about the gibeonites they were heaviest that's who you're dealing with the gibeonites now i don't have much time to go i'm gonna cut across the field but i just want to give you the core of each one of these what do the heavites represent they represent deception deception do you know who these gibeonites were and they lived in a particular city but the inhabitants there were headlights they don't want to fight they hear about the battle they're peace loving they're easy going they believe in living that live i don't have end against you christians against the church i i just go with every wind of doctrine whatever is happening i just go with the flu who are these gibeonites they realize who the church is they really realize if if atheism is triumphant they'll be in that camp if the church is triumphant they want to come in and be a part of it let a revival break out and you're going to get the heavyweights we're going to have to face the heavyweights do you know what they do and if you know the story of the gibeonites they prepared some men put old clothes on them old musty bread put old shoes on their feet and they sent them to meet joshua you see they were scared of the fight they knew they can't defeat real spiritual people so they said let's deceive the people of god let's say we want to enter covenant with them we want to join with them be in unity with them we believe what you believe we and they wanted to look like they've been on a long journey they've been on a hard way and we want to enter covenant with you we do want to be in relationship with you do you know what it was it was deception and because joshua didn't pray and didn't test them by the word of god he went with his eyes he went with his ears he was deceived this is an our deception people may want to join in covenant with us and they say oh look at our old clothes we've walked with god many years look at our old moldy bread we've been on a long journey you're a deceiver do you know some years ago i told you about it many times a man came to deceive the school of christ a man gave a million dollars gift and he was using that saying i've been on a long journey i'm like brother clinton and i've been on this journey i'm a man of god he came as a deceiver to take over the whole thing well god warned me god spoke to me and he said i'm gonna show you the first morning of school of christ i got up was reading joshua nine and god spoke to me and said i'm gonna show you the next battle you're gonna face we were only three days out of the battle i didn't want to hear that it's the first day the first morning school of christ i didn't want to hear that but god spoke to me and said it's going to come and he said if you don't pray and you don't watch you're going to be deceived since i'm telling you about who the head whites are they're embodied in the gibeonites they've come to deceive this is an hour of deception be careful who you unify with fourth of all the parasites who are who are they are they back in genesis are they one of the children of canaan we do not read of their genealogy no genealogy we can't trace them back and yet we read about them from the days of abraham all the way through to ezra and nehemiah in ezra's day they began to intermarry with the people of god and begin to birth children that destroyed the language of god in the church of their generation their name perizzites means village dwellers and they're noted for living in the open countryside in abraham's day we're told about when abraham and lot their herdsmen were disputing and we're gonna have to separate that living in that area in that very area where the parasites living watching this dispute between abraham and love the parasites were watching on and abraham knew that he said we're brothers lot we are brothers we need to go different ways not fight because the parasites and the canaanites will see it do you remember then in jacob's day that his sons rose up on that awful crime of shechem killed the men of shechem well jacob reproved his sons and you know what he said he said because he was scared or afraid of the parasites and the canaanites who do the parasites represent on our generation the skeptics the atheists the scorners the mockers it's actually those who are looking on the people of god we have disputes church splits we bicker amongst ourself we are arguing over land over ministry over preaching positions and you know what the parasites are there if you're a godly person like joshua or abraham or jacob you're aware of the parasites the perizzites are watching who are they and are they they're the atheists the evolutionists they are those that believe in evolution and teach it they're looking towards transhumanism and making the next step of evolution they threw god out and a long time ago they are scorners and mockers they delight to see division in the body of christ and you know what they actually live on hills they live in hills they want high places they've got a good view of things they dwell in judah and ephraim i'm telling you we're going to have to get victory how do we get the victory by meditating on the word of god fifth of all is the girgas the girgashites who are they the fifth son of canaan now we're not in all of the book of joshua's joshua goes in to rock these seven peoples to put them out of the land we don't read of this people again we read that joshua's going to put them out but we don't read that they live in any specific place there's no specific battle with them there is no city that they live in they have no specific physical area do you know what gershouts actually means it means clay soil in other words man man these people are embodied by what is flesh what is carnal what is natural of the natural man now the old jews said that these gergeshikes you can't find them because they fled out of the land as soon as they heard of israel coming they fled out of that land to north africa without a fight in other words they fled without fighting they have no physical dwelling place in the land and yet there are real people now other scholars actually say that they're connected to um the gadarian the area of galilee or genzis that's where this name so some of them believe that these people settled in around the sea of galilee that this area of galilee was named after this people that they dwelt there do you know what we find at the sea of galilee when jesus and the disciples get off the boat you find two demonized men men of the clay men of the flesh men of this world who have been demon possessed we read it in one of the gospels of just one of these men he had a legion of demons i believe these gurgashites represent the ta the warfare the unseen warfare against powers and principalities demonic strongholds it is men and women who become demonized isn't this a demonized generation people are involved in drugs they're going back to the occult the new age this is a demonized hour and i believe the gurgaosites represent men and women who have been demonized it is the demonic power of hell embodied in individual men and women cutting themselves destroying themselves making ravage of their own life i believe that's what they represent we need to face a suicidal generation we need to face a generation that has experienced the demonic realm they are experiencing the supernatural if we meditate on the word of god we'll be able to deliver them remember that woman um who paul cast um python out of her she was prophesying by supernatural power that's the generation we're in it's not a natural generation it's a supernatural spiritual generation sixth of all is the amorites this was canaan's fourth son now we read who the amorites were we read in the days of moses just before moses died about the two kings of the amorites they were cyan and og and they were defeated by israel while moses was still alive but in joshua chapter 10 we read about the five amorite kings that the people of israel defeated who are these amorites the name means uh mountaineer or to speak against others to batter others down or to batter the people of god down by speaking words who were these amorites well we read about king ogg of bishan who remained of the remnant of the chance among these amorites we get chants the nephilim these are men of great stature this king ogg who was an amorite the bible says that his bed was nine cubits by four cubits in other words it was 13 and a half feet long and six feet wide and he slept on that bed who who do the um amorites represent in this hour i believe the amorites represent what is utterly impossible in this generation it is the spirit of intimidation of power strength of great armies giant armies of something that is being bred brought to bear in our generation birthed by the influence of fallen angels that's what i believe these amorites are they're they are they've raised up chants and the giants were always placed in places to stop the people of god coming they were placed there to represent the enemy as a great stronghold it's very intimidating you know cancer can terrify people when they hear it facing this generation some of you are scared about your children it's a jam there's an amorite the amorites are taken over the education system they're taking over the workplace they're taking over youtube they want to take over the internet do you know how to overcome that do you know you can overcome that like joshua the first time oh yes there's chance in the land but we are well able to go in and possess the land joshua had done that 40 years ago now here he is again let's go in and defeat the kings of the amorites they're tall they're intimidating they're powerful how did joshua stir up the people of god to say let's go defeat them you know how by meditating on the word of god that's how we're going to do it these amorites had a connection always to mesopotamian babylon it's a babylonia system we need to go invaded seventh and lastly as i close here were the jebusites this the jebusites came from canaan's third son at the time when joshua's invasion took place when joshua began to go into the land the jebusites had jerusalem it was their capital they called it jebus and you know what they had a king called a donai zedek now this city had once been ruled by uh mel kelseydak in the days of abraham remember mel kelseydak was the king of jerusalem of uh of jebus that was his headquarters which he called salem but here is another people come in and replace the line of mel kelseydak they've taken over jerusalem they actually organize a confederacy with other armies and peoples against joshua they're going to stand they want jerusalem they know god's plan for jerusalem they know that god has a plan to reign to rule to take dominion to establish his kingdom that righteousness peace and joy will come you know jerusalem is god's city god chose it there's many prophecies over it god has plans who are these chebysites they are those that are trying to stop the prophetic purpose of god coming about they know god's plan they know what the headquarters are and they take over jerusalem they want to make it their own city they know about the blessings of god but they take over this religious city and make it their own when king david came to the city they challenged david they were against david getting into the city of jebus they'd done everything in their power they mocked them ridiculed them and they were gonna try and hold it because they knew what was coming if david gets into the city he's going to clear the land of them well as soon as david got in and took over jabez and renamed her jerusalem and renamed it the city of david you know what he done he drove out all the jebusites from the surrounding mountains who do the jebusites represent they know bible prophecy they know what the bible says do you know there's people in this world know what the church is they want to destroy the church they want to stop the church evangelizing they don't want prophecies to come to pass they don't want it to regain its position isn't that all around us church i'm closing here this message and one of these days we'll preach more thoroughly on these seven enemies but my message tonight is a victorious mind how did joshua in israel you know what god said you're going into land and the enemy is far stronger than you they're greater than you they're bigger than you they're better than you their arms are better you cannot match them how are you going to get the victory through this if i win the battle of my mind i can within a victory in each of these seven enemies church i'm telling you how to go through the 2020s of the 21st century we are the church we have been chosen we are chosen people like joshua we've been chosen for this art you every one of you if you're born again you've been chosen and prepared for this hour this is our hour and you know what it's time for you to get prepared three days and we're gonna cross the river three days time to get ready saints it is time for you to realize i better be in the right place i better have my bible dusted down i better seek the lord while there is time because we're going to face these seven enemies i served notice on each of you that these seven enemies we're gonna face them in three days time they're all over our world they're joining together and they're bracing themselves because they know this is the last church age this hour is going to decide whether canaan is ours or not whether we're gonna enter into conformity to christ fulfill the will of god for this generation or be defeated by the enemy in this hour will you pray for me or will you pray with me as we close here tonight father i pray for my friends lord god in this church wherever we are whatever nation whatever country whatever place will you prepare us to meditate to take the sword of the spirit the word of god would you renew our mind would you make us christians that think biblically that are gonna speak according to the word of god and walk according to the word of god and act according to the word of god we want a victory in these minds a victorious mind we want to defeat these seven enemies that are trying to brainwash us that are planting their own agenda in this hour they are coming to brainwash the church but i'm asking you that we defeat every one of them as we the church encounter these seven enemies that come for our mind to steal our minds to brainwash us to steal our children that we're gonna rise up because we meditate on the word of god and gain a victory father i pray bless my friends sanctify their minds give them victories in their mind that we might reign and rule and see the prophetic purpose for zion fulfilled in this hour and in this generation in jesus mighty name
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 2,758
Rating: 4.9142857 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: msysemmvcpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 10sec (4510 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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